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Alternative News & History

  • Wednesday, 08 May 2024 12:41
  • Written by  Susan Hayward

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 The Coveners League news site without the spin of the controlled media.


 "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

ACTION PLAN FOR IMMEDIATE CHANGE to counter the corruption , censorship and surveillance by media/tech/finance giants and politicians:
1)Cancel Cable TV (All channels should be made available individually)
2)Bank with small local banks & invest with small brokerages & insist your employer/pension fund do the same.
3)Do Not donate money to politicians & consider boycotting companies that give them money or pay them for speeches. Some might decide to boycott Facebook,Twitter,Apple,Amazon,Microsoft and Google for censorship or corruption issues alone.
4)Support a pardon for Julian Assange & Edward Snowden and other whistleblowers/truthtellers
5)Join Pro freedom social network MINDS ,where freedom of speech and truth are respected and users earn crypto tokens for their contributions to the site.
6)Use web browsers like Dissenter,Tor or Brave rather than Chrome or Safari when you surf the web.
Use search engines like Quant or DuckDuckGo rather than Google or Bing for web searches.
Use an email service like ProtonMail rather than Gmail.
Post videos to Bitchute and MINDS rather than Youtube.
Shop online at Overstock rather than Amazon/Wayfair
7)Use Linux operating systems like Linux Mint, Lubuntu, Debian or others on your computer rather than Windows, Mac or Chrome OS.Keep your eyes open for alternatives to apple/android smartphones in the near future.
8) Do NOT support the "War on Drugs" which causes more crime, death, murder, gang violence, incarcerations, enriching criminals while millions of people still use illegal drugs anyway.
9) Support a new foreign policy where We The People worldwide unite behind and promote the principles of truth/freedom/goodwill/integrity/humility/Non-Aggression Principle/Golden Rule and focus on winning hearts and minds.
Please share this plan of action with others via text,email & social media if you agree.Here is link to share this message.Thank You

 The following quote taken from article below

/ ALERT: Antifa Puppetmasters to Engineer “Patriot” Slaughter of Leftists To Spark Violent Uprising Against Conservatives

"Where to find the truth when it all comes down

Now, more than ever, you need to know the websites where you’ll find independent, accurate news analysis, videos and free speech. Some of those sites are:

VIDEO SITES: and are both independently-run video platforms where the truth about false flag operations is routinely exposed. You can post your own videos on right now. Lisa Haven’s channel is especially popular there.

NEWS aggregation sites: Read, or for news aggregation. ( now spiders, AllNewsPipeline, InfoWars, PJ Media, The Epoch Times and dozens of other sites.)

INDY MEDIA news sites that must be checked daily include,,,, and many more. (Apologies to all, since this is not a comprehensive list.)

Stay informed, and understand these simple, powerful truths:

– The mainstream media is dead. There is no “journalism” at CNN, the NYT or The Washington Post. They are all, without exception, propaganda rags working for the CIA.

– The tech giants are openly engaged in treason to overthrow America and rig the 2020 election. It’s time for Trump to arrest the CEOs of the biggest tech giants, seize their domain names and shut them down until they agree to stop censoring conservatives." END

This page is to ensure our readers have access to good quality alternative news sites, blogs and diaries.  This helps individuals stay educated and also exposes the Globalist mainstream media for the outrageous one-sided bias that it commonly represents.  It is important to find news sources that represent "We the People", citizens of the world.


The Coveners League- This site is not linked to the any Party in any shape or form but we support the common sense policies because they represent the wishes of the majority.


For other links that you might find interesting, ranging from opinion pieces, blogs, causes, and culture click here.

For legal information click here.

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ChannelRed Ice TV

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British Freedom Party

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The Stew Peters Show

The Stew Peters Show

The Stew Peters Show!

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  Resist Much, Obey Little | by Eva Vlaardingerbroek

Eva Vlaardingerbroek

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eva Vlaardingerbroek
Vlaardingerbroek at CPAC Hungary, 2023
Eva Lotte Louise Vlaardingerbroek

3 September 1996 (age 27)
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Alma mater Utrecht University (LL.B.)
Leiden University (LL.M.)
Occupation(s) Pundit, activist
Political party FvD (2016–2020)

Eva Lotte Louise Joan Vlaardingerbroek (born 3 September 1996) is a Dutch far-right activist,[1] known for propagating conspiracy theories[2][3][4] and expressing antifeminist sentiments in the past. She has studied philosophy of law,[5][6] and has been particularly vocal about issues surrounding farmers in the Dutch farmers' protests. She is noted for her criticism of the Dutch government under prime minister Mark Rutte.

She has made numerous appearances with American conservative pundit Tucker Carlson on his current affairs program Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News and with Mark Steyn on his eponymous British talk show on the GB News. During Carlson's show, she falsely claimed that the Dutch farming crisis is not a result of the nitrogen crisis,[7] instead promoting the Great Replacement Theory, a recurrent theme in her speeches and discussions.

Early life

Vlaardingerbroek was born in Amsterdam on 3 September 1996 to a Catholic mother and a Protestant father who both work in the classical music industry. Her father, Kees Vlaardingerbroek [nl], is a musicologist and former concert director. She is the granddaughter of Continental Reformed Protestant theologian Johannes Vlaardingerbroek. She has a younger brother.[citation needed]

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ThePalestinePodScreenshot 1pal pod


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The Electronic Intifada

  Nora Barrows-Friedman, Asa Winstanley and Jon Elmer of The Electronic Intifada were joined by journalist veteran journalist and analyst Helena Cobban on the day 306 livestream.

You can watch the entire broadcast here:

Screenshot 12 are the same faces

Veteran Journalist Marwa Osman, PhD., shared what it has been like to live in Beirut over the last two weeks—from experiencing the Israeli attacks on her city through the eyes of her young children and fighting to keep them safe, to learning about the assassination of her mentor, the beloved leader of the Resistance, Hezbollah Sectary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. Follow Marwa Osman on X: and Telegram:

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Douglas Macgregor TV2Douglas Macgregor TV2Douglas Macgregor TV2

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  TENET Media

l southern media


Lauren Southern( Jewish white nationalist) is a Canadian journalist, author, and documentary filmmaker. She is well known for her films Farmlands, Borderless and most recently Crossfire. Whether it be the murder of South African farmers or the cover-up of crime statistics in America, she does not shy away from controversial political crises.

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History Hit


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2.05M subscribers

 Video on Demand:

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Twitter: Facebook:

 White Nationalist

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Lauren Southern

Lauren Southern is a Canadian journalist, author, and documentary filmmaker. She is well known for her films Farmlands, Borderless and most recently Crossfire. Whether it be the murder of South African farmers or the cover-up of crime statistics in America, she does not shy away from controversial political crises.

Southern also has a robust writing and commentary career, covering issues of feminism, free speech, immigration and geopolitical power struggles. Her commentary has been featured in IB Times, The Spectator, Spiked, Sky News, Human Events and more.

In a world where media are bought and paid for by interest groups, and pressured by the powers that be, independent journalists are needed more than ever. Southern is dedicated to her peaceful advocacy of exposing corruption and speaking up for the silent majority who deserve a voice.

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  Lauren Southern

 White Nationalist

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Support Nick by following him on rumble at or by following him on X @NickJFuentes

  Breaking: Nick Fuentes And Alex Jones Debate The Future Of The World In Powerful Interview

Nick is the best natural politician in the US today. Unlike Vivek, whom is his closest comparison, Nick can let his hair down in a relaxed atmosphere which he does if he goes on "Fresh and Fit" or "The Roaming Millenial" or last week in a three way discussion with "Sneako" and that young Irish Conservative. Contrarily, Vivek, is always on Propaganda mode. Propaganda mode is not necessarily evil if you don't have nefarious reasons for doing it. This makes Vivek less human, if you will and endears people to Nick. Of course, Nick is fighting, much more, against scurrilous hate speech claims, for his Jew-truth tendencies but as an out and out skillful politician, there is no one better. Unfortunately, he's not eligible to run for president for another 9 years

  Nicholas J. Fuentes




America Frst ??


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Why Are FOX And BREITBART Writing Hitpieces On American Patriots Paul Gosar and Nick Fuentes?


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Mark Alan King

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The America First Marketing Department Libtard Branch: Keep Up The Good Work Lefties


Watch America First with Nicholas J. Fuentes live Mon - Fri @9pm EST only on

Follow us on Gab:


Three Spoons


AF-Clipper Three Spoons Media | For Updates and Uploads: -Telegram:...


More AF-clips @

Clip from , which aired the 26th of October 2022 on

Nick Fuentes:

✔️Livestreams: - 8P.M CST, Mon-Fri.

✔️ Telegram:

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✔️Website: ($10/month to access the 900+ videos archive)

#Malkin #Legacy #Tribute #AmericaFirst #clips

Tags: Malkin, Legacy, Tribute, America First, clips

Header photo
Nicholas J. Fuentes (PRO)
Nicholas J. Fuentes
Nicholas J. Fuentes (PRO)
Nicholas J. Fuentes


Watch Nick's nightly show LIVE Mondays - Fridays 10PM EST

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Watching wignats attack @realnickjfuentes, it's clear many of them are Jews posing as wignats. But others are simply wignats, unaware of how destructive they are for the white race. They promote impossible, leaderless agendas or organizations with provably ineffective leaders who'll never accomplish anything except neutralize our resistance to Jewish hegemony.
Wignats spead their influence online without gaining political traction. They get inside right wing spaces and do the Jews' work for them. Sure, sometimes they're funny, but they deeply harm us.
And neo-nazis with autism have an unbearable writing style, faux-educated sounding and oblique, eluding to philosophers they've never actually read. Fuck wignats, their shitty writing, and their undigested ideas. Buncha gay retards


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Lena Petrova

 Thanks for watching! Follow on X(Twitter):, Rumble: and Substack: stay updated!

Screenshot 4 mis inspirit

Mis Inspirit


 Screenshot 4lauralLaura Loomer is Jewish.

Please subscribe to Laura Loomer's Substack today:

You can also follow her on Twitter, Gab, Truth Social, and Gettr @LauraLoomer.


The StoneZONE with Roger Stone



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Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom




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Alex Christoforou

  Alex Christoforou

Alexander Mercouris

American Renaissance

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 Millie Weaver - Investigative Journalist

WEBSITE: • http:/

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  Breaking Points


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 Chinese News

  Global Times



Times Of India Screenshot 1toi




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CrossTalk | Heading Toward War?

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Social networks


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russian news agency

RTnews Question more

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us running the war

French Journalist Describes Time In Ukraine


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  Redacted News


Check out Patrick's great work here:"

 Russia Ukraine UpdatesScreenshot 26ruu

Russia Ukraine Updates

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Do Civilians Really Hate the Evil Russians? You Decide

Channel image Simplicius76

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Sebastian Sas

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PrivateerStation: Ukraine War Chronicles

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  Patrick Lancaster


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Great to see! There is another channel I follow - The.Scythian - - who is Australian and brings the war news from an ally perspective. What's even better is his Telegram channel - - for inside and culminated news from an ally perspective.




 Tucker's network:





Screenshot 1very good

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Vigilant News Network


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Stop The Steal Caravan

American Countdown

Info Wars Alex Jones Info Wars

Video: The Truth About Alex Jones

I completely lost faith in mainstream media. Watch Alex Jones for yourself, don't let globalist media lies influence you about Alex Jones Infowars News, make up your own mind and watch Alex Jones News.

 Alex married a Jew. That makes his children Jewish.

Contact Infowars
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 If so, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to let them know what issues you’re experiencing and what device you are using.
Screenshot 4zeee mediaa
syrian girl
Journalist | Scientist | Contributor, Telegram:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Roger Stone



Nixon Substack:

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Frank Weltner Presents...This Scholarly Library of Facts about Domestic & Worldwide Zionist Criminality


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How Oil Monopolist John D. Rockefeller Hijacked the Medical Industry



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You can find Alexander Augustine (Wurzelroot) on Twitter and Instagram @wurzelroot and on TikTok @punishedwurzelroot.

Viral TikTok Sensation Wurzelroot Joins The American Journal In Rare Interview

Wish thus entertaining werzelroot was on BANNED Ñ RUMBLE, he's worth the laughs at ourselves and at the others ^_^

Paul Joseph Watson

Paul Joseph Watson Paul Joseph Watson

Rebel News

Rebel News

Rebel News: Telling the other side of the story. for more great Rebel content.

Subscribe to the "Rebel News Clips" channel on YouTube:

Unlike almost all of our mainstrea…

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Conservative, orthodox Christian worldview
Rick Wiles is against the “Brown Invasion” and Erasing White America.
"TruNews is on the air! TruNews is God’s answer to Satan’s fake news. TruNews is the world’s leading news source that reports, analyzes, and comments on global events and trends with a conservative, orthodox Christian worldview. Our vision is to build a global news network that provides a credible source for world news, events, and trends while giving respect and honor to Christians of all major denominations — Evangelical, Orthodox, Anglican, Catholic, and Protestant. We believe Christians need and deserve their own global news network to keep the worldwide Church informed, and to offer Christians a positive alternative to the anti–Christian bigotry of the mainstream news media."
The following From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
" Rick Wiles is an American radio host and pundit. He hosts TruNews, a daily, nationally syndicated television program. He is a critic of progressivism which he pairs with an conservative fundamentalist Christian outlook on various issues.[1"

Founding TruNews

"Wiles founded the organisation later to be called TruNews in September 1998, based in Dallas, Texas as a ministry.  On May 24, 1999, the organisation then named Americas Hope made its first broadcast. After five years of regular broadcasts, the news station changed its name titled America Freedom News for a brief period. Wiles later changed it a second time to its current name, "
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The truth will set you free

Church Militant

Church Militant

Church Militant exposes corruption where religion, culture and politics meet.



Screenshot 7peggyhall

Federal Government Paying Companies To Vaccinate Their Employees

Devils advocate: what if your "religion" is not wearing clothes to work? Or not washing your hands? Or not taking a shower and having BO? You wont get away with religious exemptions for masks/testing... but go ahead and try!





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  EXCLUSIVE: Gab Founder Says Trump Handlers Asked Him to Censor Free Speech Site

Screenshot 1gab

Gab Social

Welcome to
A social network that champions free speech, individual liberty and the free flow of information online. All are welcome.

The ADL Fuels Hatred of Jews By Attacking Free Speech

Screenshot 1rightcide

RSBN Right Side Broadcasting NetworkRight Side Broadcasting Network




 Luke 22:36 (Jesus speaking to his disciples said) "...if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one."

12752 subscribers

Reporter & Journalist *MillennialMillie on Youtube*, proud Christian
proud American

 Millie Weaver breaks through the lies of the Mainstream Media with hard hitting reporting and investigative reports.

 Screenshot 3stop world control s

To share this on other platforms, copy and paste this url:


 Screenshot 2brother2

My Name Is Brother Nathanael Kapner
I'm A "Street Evangelist"

I Grew Up As A Jew
I'm Now An Orthodox Christian

I Wish To Warn How Jewry
Is Destroying Christianity Throughout The World

The Brother Nathanael Foundation Is A
501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
POB 547 Priest River ID 83856

Brother Nathanael Links:


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Amazing Polly

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Muslim and African’ migrants should be returned to home

Red Ice Blacklisted By Bankers, They Want Us Cancelled

Red Ice TV

Thank you for your help! We can not continue without your support.

Want to donate another crypto? Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we can provide wallet address for virtually any crypto.Screenshot 16henry said k

Watch our content on the Brave Browser and support us with BAT (Basic Attention Token)
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? Send mail or donations to Henrik Palmgren
1866 C E Market St PMB 315
Harrisonburg, VA 22801

Screenshot 3qld news

Australian State of Queensland.

 Screenshot 2control the oil and food

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Reignite Democracy Australia

Reignite Democracy Australia @reignitedemocracyaustraliaScreenshot 4james said

Screenshot 3tony concerned lawers




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Let’s Advance Australia Together

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 Western Spring.

Western Spring is not just a website. We are a community of people dedicated to achieving the Six Prerequisites and thereby acquiring the wherewithal needed to win political power and through that secure the future survival, proliferation and advancement of the British people and other White peoples of European descent, wherever they may live. Please join us:

[contact-form to=’This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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The latest, blacklisted news from Europe.

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Drew Hernandez of


 Screenshot 2amer renScreenshot 1not true

 American Renaissance

American Renaissance and its website are run by Jared TaylorHenry Wolff, Chris Roberts, and Gregory Hood. Our mailing address is Box 527, Oakton, VA 22124 and our telephone number is (703) 716-0900.



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News Fight White Genocide

WHITE GENOCIDE - QUOTES - white genocide info


 Screenshot 2unz

 The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection

 Hitler said you say something often enough you get people to believe a lie





 Screenshot 2millieScreenshot 3frankly said ben


Millie Weaver

  Millie Weaver

 Millie Weaver breaks through the lies of the Mainstream Media with hard hitting reporting and investigative reports.





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White Nationalist
 Christopher Bollyn sits down with Adam Green and Know More News to discuss his critics, protesters, and censorship. Bollyn exposes the Zionist plot to rule the Middle east.
Israel just gave safe passage to. The white helmets and flew them. And there family's to Europe and u.k.
Jewish Professor Barry Trachtenberg vs. Zionist Censors

IDF Captain Dan Gordon Confronted by the GDL

Kristi Leigh TV

Kristi Leigh TV

Kristi Leigh is an award winning former news anchor. She’s worked in the news industry for about 20 years, in TV news for 13 years, and as a main evening news anchor since 2015. Disgusted by the lack of journalistic integrity and propaganda pushing now present in mainstream news, Leigh decided to break the chains of corporate controlled media and independently embrace the freedom to do news the right way. A voice for the voiceless and holding those in power accountable!
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 Screenshot 2voris pope

The Pope’s newest liberal cause — homosexual marriage (civil union)

Voris: Pope’s New Concern, “Gay Civil Union” and Church Under Lockdown

Michael Voris,


Screenshot 1alt news

Alt News has a lot of articles and videos on giving a different point of view than what we see on mainstream media and education.
Screenshot 2warroom
 The War Room is on–
M-F — 10 am-12 pm ET and 5-6 pm ET
And Saturday — 10 am-12 pm ET
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Brian Rose

Screenshot 1for britain
 Screenshot 1britain movement

For Britain Movement



Tommy Robinson

Please support us at TR.News


UK Column

The UK Column is an independent multimedia news website supported by its members.


 We Were Never Asked: British People Say No To Mass Immigration - Laura Towler

 Laura Towler is a British activist, Youtuber and writer/editor for Defend Europa. She discusses her latest production, We Were Never Asked, where a team surveyed thousands of English men and women to discover their thoughts on mass immigration and becoming a minority in Britain.

Guest's links:

Dustin Nemos


Find US on BITCHUTE here:

Discussion & Community chat, Sunday Nights at 7pm EST. LIVE join before they ban us! or Patreon for donations!
Bitchute accounts: Dustin Nemos/Nemos News Network

Bestselling QBook: www.T...
Screenshot 2russia inc
Russia Insider

Charles Bausman is the editor and publisher of Russia Insider. He has worked in finance in Russia since the early 1990s, specializing since 2009 in large-scale investments in agriculture. He worked for NBC News in Moscow in the late 1980s. Charles has an MBA in finance from Columbia University, and a degree in history from Wesleyan University. He speaks Russian and German.

Charles Bausman - The Truth About Russia  

It's Time to Drop the Jew Taboo

Screenshot 2russia insi
AfD Politican Party in Germany

 Screenshot 2walkaw

Brandon Straka - "I am kicking off the #WalkAway campaign by releasing my video about why I am walking away from liberalism and the Democrat Party." "It is my sincere hope that you will join me in this campaign and that we may start a movement in this country - which not only encourages others to walk away from the divisive left, but also takes back the narrative from the liberal media about what it

Brandon Straka, "Why I left the Democrat Party"
 Canadian New
Screenshot 1thompson
?? All credit to “Laura-Lynn” - Original video:
Bitchute-Channel: YT-Channel:
Faith Goldy is a Jewish Christian Zionist Canadian Nationalist.

Faith Goldy



Screenshot 2rebell m

The owner of Rebel Media in Canada Ezra Levant is Jewish.

I wrote a best-selling book about Justin Trudeau in the last election.

After the election, I received a letter by registered mail notifying me that I was being investigated for that book. Trudeau’s elections commissi...



 Laura Loomer is Jewish.Screenshot 2loomal yy
 On December 28, 2019, congressional candidate and journalist Laura Loomer was retweeted by President Donald Trump.

Laura's Story

My name is Laura Loomer. As many of you may have heard, I was permanently banned from Twitter for life on November 21, 2018, and then I was banned for 30 days from Facebook less than 24 hours later, in another example of collusion by tech giants to censor conservative voices.

What was my offense?

I merely shared a fact. Yes, the truth can now get you banned for life from the Internet, in America, the land of the free, and the only country with a First Amendment right.

The tweet that Twitter decided to ban me for was a tweet full of facts about Sharia law. It was a tweet directed at Ilhan Omar, a newly elected Congresswoman, a politician, a public figure, which pointed out that her support of Sharia law does not make her an ally for gay people, women, or Jews, as Twitter would like you to believe.

Sure enough, it was eventually discovered that CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) was behind my banning, specifically lobbying Twitter to remove me from the platform.

You read that correctly. CAIR, a group that is designated by some countries as a terrorist organization, asked Twitter to ban me, suppressing my ability to speak and fully operate as a journalist in America.

This insanity has to end. That's why I'm suing CAIR and Twitter.

I Went To Jack Dorsey's House
 Mark Steyn is Jewish.
Screenshot 1zionism israel

Neturei Karta
These are orthodox Jews united against Zionism


Press Releases




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South African pro White News

SA NewsSA News





breaking news, bold views | issn 2414-8997

Email: info[at]

Postal: PO Box 3103
2055 South Africa



Screenshot 1the peoples revolution

The People's Revolution

"The People's Revolution is the result of years of the oppression of the people, by world governments. In the year 2020, The People of the world have responded. The mass awakening which has been slowly spreading around the world over the past few years, has now resulted in the commencement of a full blown revolution.

 Join Your TPR Connect group here

 Screenshot 2tr news

Avi Yemini

Avi Yemini is Jewish.

'Video taken from Avi Yemini. - TODAY YouTube fully de-monetized my entire channel. I’m not gonna lie, it’s bummer for me. YouTube has been one of the main income sources that I rely on to be able to do my work. Now that’s suddenly gone."

  Avi Yemini - Why is YouTube now treating me like a Nazi?!

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 Screenshot 23 cops women
I am a citizen who’d be interested in funding a VicPol member’s resignation

Victoria Police you must be next.

A NSW Senior Constable has written an open letter to the Police Commissioner of NSW to express his concerns about the use of the police to enforce the ongoing restrictions placed upon citizens relating to COVID-19, which has seriously eroded community trust in the police force. 

You can read the full letter here.

If you’re a police member anywhere in Australia and want to sign in approval of this letter please go HERE

If you’re a VicPol member and want to be the HERO whistleblower for the Victorian people, I will crowd fund your wages for a whole year. You’ll have to be public and outspoken of course.

Screenshot 2let us work



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Warning Language. Karen Brewer ENOUGH-IS- ENOUGH Australia

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Real Rukshan Facebook



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Pauline Hanson's Please Explain

 Pauling Hanson One Nation Party Senator for Queensland Australia.

 News from Australian

Sydney Watson - Home | Facebook


Screenshot 2cirn

Switzerland’s CIRNow
CIR Bill

What is CIR?

In Australia Mark Latham of








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Australian State of Queensland.



77,213 registered  for Cairnsnews as at June 2nd, 2018


  31.7K subscribers


Screenshot 2a4a

//" rel="nofollow">>
Twitter @maxigan

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Max Igan & Harry Vox - The Great Escape







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Middle East




Mimi is from Syria and now lives in Australian.



 Palaestra Media


 (The Palestine Chronicle i

 White Nationalist Community
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WhiteDating Worldwide

Whenever whites put up a white dating site, it's viscously attacked by the media and anti-white racist groups. I suspect most dating sites are Jewish run, and we need to develop sites that represent white gentile Europeans. So everybody should promote this site on their website, and every racial group worldwide should develop and promote dating sites to represent their people.


White European and West Eurasians Videos



Nordic and Anglo Saxon Beauty



White people Inventions and Innovations. You're Welco


 Legal Help in the United State

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Robyn Riley


Asatru Folk Assembly



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ALEX JONES (3rd HOUR) Friday 8/23/19: Jayda Fransen Political Persecution, Tommy Robinson Update


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Radio Free America interview Jayda Fran (show all


 Dear friends, Christianity is booming in Russia! - Our dear colleagues made a great new website to bring you the story - Russia has changed! Please visit their wonderful website
















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Published on Nov 4, 2012




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 Jordan B Peterson




Lauren Southern PO BOx 93041 Willowbrook Langley, BC V3A 8H2 Canada

 Lauren Southern

Lauren Southern has Jewish heritage and is a White Nationalist.

FARMLANDS (2018) Official Documentary

“I cover stories the mainstream media refuse to cover…

  UNDERCOVER: NGOs teaching migrants to lie





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 White Nationalist

Jewish people behind The Daily Beast
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 Screenshot 1ills
United Constitutional Patriots New Mexico Border Ops more still flooding in... Amazing work being done at the border by United Constitutional Patriots - New Mexico Border Ops. Working with #CBP they detained a huge group last night from Guatemala. We need more highly trained groups like this working with CBP at the border. We also need Congress to act. There is a crisis at the southern border. #UCP #PatriotsInMotion #BuildTheWall #CatchAndDeport #FundCBPAndJudges stop the invasion.
I wonder how many of them are vaccinated?...why do we have a measles outbreak in Texas, the worse in a decade.
What gives them the freedom to invade other peoples lands? They'll keep coming until we stop them like any other group of people would. They are invading europe too they want our freedoms, that want to replace us with more of themselves. We had stable economic and homogenous populations until the media told us we cant do without this brown locust swarms of death. They ruin our lives and the future generations of white humans i dont give a single shit about their children ours first. Their chicks are eating and pushing ours out of the nest.


The bestselling author of THE IRRATIONAL ATHEIST and ON THE EXISTENCE OF GODS defines the three pillars of Western Civilization, shows how Christianity historically shaped the West, and explains why modern science not only required Christianity to come into being, but still depends upon Christian values to remain an effective tool for exploring the world around us. Part I of II.
Screenshot 7british guy

 White Nationalist


 White Nationalist
White Nationalist
 Paul Joseph Watson
 Paul Watson in Europe (PrisonPlanet)

 Screenshot 1solar g
 Stormfront Radio, Thursday, September 6, 2018

Stormfront Radio, Thursday,




 Screenshot 1occupy pe


The Black Banners of the East Satellite Station

"Since as far back as we can remember religious practices and ritual rights have played an important role in our daily lives. Often we grow up not even questioning why we perform these acts in the first place. What do the so called Shia Muslims gain in beating their chests and heads and striking themselves with sharp metal objects".

  Making Of Stupidity | ISIS

Making Of Stupidity | Jewish Traditions

Stained: Exposing The Barbaric Practice of Cutting Off Hands


 uest's website:

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From the November 10, 2018 conference "The Revival of Secession and State Nullification" in Dallas, TX. 


I had the honor of giving a lecture at the traditional Tuesday talk in Berlin. It was my first lecture of this kind ... was it successful? Evaluate for yourself. ▶▶ YOU CAN SUPPORT MY WORK Money Transfer: Nikolai Nerling IBAN: PL 76 1160 2202 0000 0003 5018 9224 BIC (Swift): BIGBPLPW Bitcoin: 19Q8oDiu2ZAr7DfL18oUQiVWaUvNriPCeU THANK YOU VERY MUCH IN ADVANCE!!! ▶▶ YOU WANT TO WRITE? E-Post: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Snail Mail: Der Volkslehrer Postfach 21 20 22 10514 Berlin ▶▶ NEWSLETTER Submit to my classbook, this way we stay in contact: ▶▶ YOUTUBE-ALTERNATIVE All my videos are also available on bitchute. There they cannot be blocked or restricted: ▶▶ LEGAL All rights remain with their respective owners. ▶▶ WEBSITE
"Nikolai Der Volkslehrer (The Folk Teacher) is an independent journalist in Germany. We'll discuss all things relevant in German politics including German guilt programming, immigration, thought crimes and what the future may hold".
On September, 12th/13th we went to Basel, Switzerland ... and encountered lots of telling testimonies of the progressive left (aka communists) and the money makers. However, in the end everything went alright and we delivered once again a Volkslehrer-style city trip.
 Screenshot 7jess
  Black man in the United States Jesse Lee Peterson fights for whites and other races
 short compilation of intelligent black community leaders dismantling white privilege, systemic racism, and black victimhood. Thank you for watching, please subscribe to the channel for similar content.
Mark Collett, British Right Wing activist, author of The Fall of Western Man.
 Karen Straughan returns, spokeswoman for Men's Rights Edmonton.
 Paul Elam, of A Voice for Men & An Ear for Men, on the attack on men, the mental health industry's bias against men, marriage and MGTOW, and how Trump, whom he appreciates, is a gynocentrist.

Promoting Family

Wife With A Purpose BlogWife With A Purpose

Youtube |  TwitterEtsy

Hands Full and Loving ItHands Full & Loving It

Ask A QuestionPhotography BlogThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Fights against Climate Change promoted by the United Nations (UNFCCC).


OCTOBER 5, 2018 – More than 100 leading scholars from 12 countries have issued a report contending “the global war on fossil fuels … was never founded on sound science or economics” and urging the world’s policymakers to “acknowledge this truth and end that war.”

CLEXIT – Climate Exit


The Saltbush Club organization in Australian fighting against Climate Change

  The Saltbush Club   

Global Carbon Tax Law? Consequences for Canada and Democracy 






This is Not a Culture War. This is a War For Demographics and the Future and America


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  Exclusive: Peter Schiff Says Dems Going To Trigger Economic Depression


Angry Foreigner




  The Shocking Truth About Sweden (The White Rose Mirror)


 (LANGUAGE WARNING) Concerned citizen (and dad) Gavin McInnes of lists the many ways children are being harmed by "education," from Kindergarten on up.

Steven Crowder

Pop culture and politics from the most politically incorrect comedy channel on the web. ... Owen Benjamin Guest | Louder With Crowder - Duration: 12 minutes.

StevenCrowder - YouTube

Steven Crowder a conservative political commentator, actor, & comedian brings you news, entertainment and politics with the most politically incorrect show.


Lisa Haven



Brittany Pettibone

White Nationalist

 SEND MAIL: United States: PO Box 278 Post Falls, IDAHO, 83877 Austria: Fach 23 1180, Vienna


Drudge Report


 Drudge Report



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White Nationalist 

 White Nationalist



 He is from India
 Traditional Britain Group
Motto Traditional Conservatives, Radical Thinking
 "Gab is an ad-free social network dedicated to preserving individual liberty, the freedom of speech, and the free flow of information on the internet."
 Jewish Zionist
Breitbart News Network                           
Syndicated news and opinion website providing continuously updated headlines to top news and analysis sources. Breitbart website founded in mid-2007 by  Jewish right wing conservative commentator Andrew Breitbar. 

Breitbart | Free Listening on SoundCloud

Breitbart News Network

Breitbart News, Author at ...

Breitbart News, Author at Breitbart.

Breitbart California

Breitbart California is the home of the hottest video on politics ...

Breitbart London

Breitbart London is the home of the hottest video on politics, world ...

Breitbart Jerusalem

Breitbart Jerusalem is the home of the hottest video on politics ...



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 White Nationalist

 Simon Roche,

 White Nationalist


Wads of CashOffshore Watch
Exposes Global Corruption relating to banks, corporations, and politicians.







Paul Begley





The Next News Network



Jessica Bella

Jessica Bella



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Freedom Watch

 Go to to Join Freedom Watch's Coalition of the Jewish Right. All Jews and Christians welcome to join!
Thank you for speaking the truth. I honestly didn't think you'd take an honest right-wing position. I am a Republican, I've always been a Conservative, I'm an Orthodox Lutheran, and I'm a White Nationalist. Contrary to common belief, we are not racist, we actually just want to be recognized for whom we are, and we feel threatened. We see the hypocrisy and it angers us. We do not condone violence. We see the communist left getting away with all sorts of crimes. Things are very unfair, regardless of whatever white privilege the leftists claim we have. We honestly feel that we could never go have our own homeland, to be left alone. We simply want what we know to be 100% factual, and that is that a White Nationalist Christian community, would have almost no crime. We believe multiculturalism to be the culprit. We should be able to have our own freedom of association. We should be able to enjoy the same free speech the leftists and communists enjoy. Thank you for helping the Bundys. I have been one of your supporters, including financially, and i will likely continue. Thank you

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Jewish Organization in Israel


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 Dr. Steve Pieczenik  Jewish






 Sputnik (Russian pronunciation: [ˈsputnʲɪk]; formerly The Voice of Russia and RIA Novosti) is a news agency, news website platform and radio broadcast service established by the Russian government-owned news agency Rossiya Segodnya.[2] Headquartered in Moscow, Sputnik has regional editorial offices in Washington, Cairo, Beijing, Paris, Berlin, London and Edinburgh. Sputnik focuses on global politics and economics and is geared towards a non-Russian audience.[3] From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


 Thank God for Andrew Bolt and others like him. Australian mainstream media has it's own globalist agenda instead of just reporting the news the way it used to be done but don't worry,  Aussies are on to the bastards.


Everybody please send the following video links to President Trump.

Message To Trump: Pass Law Against Censorship & Political Discrimination

New Law And Order Episode Depicts Infowars Reporter Being Raped

Lauren Southern on South Africa: FARMLANDS (Are Whites History?)

Saludos a Donald Trump desde Cherán, Michoacán (TV Cherán)

The Truth About Migrants (2018)

INFOWARS HACKED: Taken Down After CNN Calls For Alex Jones To Be Silenced

Banning video channels is banning first amendment. Period. It's all about opinion...either biased of fact-based. It should not make a difference the quality of the opinion. This should be left to the consumer.

The Censorship Master Plan Decoded - part 1 part  2 part 3.

The Censorship Master Plan Decoded - part 1

The Censorship Master Plan Decoded - part 2

The Censorship Master Plan Decoded - part 3

Write letter to President Trump ask him to allow all White South Africans into the United States

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Ronald Trump website:

Donald J Trump: Home http


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 Dr. Steve Pieczenik  Jewish


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 Men's & Women's Organizations

Proud Boys is a right wing men's organization with presences in the United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom. It was founded in 2016 by Vice Media co-founder and former commentator Gavin McInnes. Wikipedia


Where can you find a Proud Boys chapter?

USA ?? 85+
Canada ?? 15
Australia ?? 8...

See More

  Is Liberalism Killing the Manly Man?



 RED ICE. Gavin McInnes quits the Proud Boys, we talk about why and why his counter signaling doesn't work.

  Gavin Quits Proud Boys



 Following the rally in Berkeley Gavin McInnes and the Proud boys went to a bar to celebrate. I got to witnessed the 2nd degree initiation of the Proud Boys and learn from Gavin, their founder, who exactly they were and what their group was about.

  Gavin McInnes Explains What 'The Proud Boys' Are

 Gavin explains who and what the Proud Boys are at David Horowitz's restoration weekend. What they stand for, why, and shares a few stories about confrontations he/they have had.

Did Trump Read 1984? He Woke Up the Proles by Slaying the NFL





  Investment advisor and broker-dealer
 Welcome to Euro pAcific Capital. A division of A.G.P. / Alliance Global Partners, an SEC registered investment advisor and broker-dealer in USA.

Christian news website
A Christian news website, known as
AFA Asatru Folk Assembly Religion. 
White European Native Asatru folk Assembly Religion

The AFA is great!  If you're not happy with your religion then have look and learn about AFA and become missionary and promote AFA for White Europeans only.   AFA is based on native White European ancient believes and practice before Christianity. The promoter "Matt Flavel stressing that Asatru, despite boasting ancient origins, is a modern religion for modern people."

The AFA religion in Europe has done such great things for our people and is a positive spiritual outlet for Europeans. AFA have spread out throughout Europe and needs to move all over the World as a White European religion to represent and fight for our people.  

" Matt Flavel serves on the board of directors for the Asatru Folk Assembly. We begin with a preliminary consideration of Asatru. As Matt explains, Asatru is an ancient religion that was revived during the 70s. Matt tells us about his spiritual journey, which, interestingly enough, began with the Jehovah’s Witnesses. We then discuss the ancient Germanic world and dispel the misconception that it was simple and barbaric. We also discuss the folkish nature of Asatru, and how this integral aspect of the Germanic tradition has been lost among an unfortunate amount of modern Pagans. Matt touches on the activities that Asatruar participate in, ranging from celebratory festivals to local meetups. We also touch on the importance of identity; specifically, the fact that White people are the only group expected to not have one. More abstract, metaphysical topics are touched on as well, such as the order-chaos dichotomy that is integral to Asatru. The show concludes with Matt stressing that Asatru, despite boasting ancient origins, is a modern religion for modern people."

 Guest's website:



Ladyofthe Labyrinth



Russian Military Technologie


Imagine flying a plane so high that the world looks spherical and the sky is pitch-black. The Mikoyan Mig-31 fighter is the only jet plane in the world to make it possible to fly on the very edge of space. With an incredible speed of 3,000 km/h, the Soviet-designed interceptor is the world’s fastest serving aircraft, and it can fly twice as high as a commercial flight. Travelling at more than twice the speed of sound, the MiG-31 can touch the stratosphere and breach what's known as the Armstrong limit. beyond which a pilot’s tears and saliva would boil without a pressure suit.

  MiG-31: The Near-Space Plane. Russia’s super-fast interceptor



 US military Technology



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Survival Lilly


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"The aim of this site is to promote intellectual freedom with regard to this one historical event called "Holocaust." It is our belief that this will in turn help advance the concept of intellectual freedom with regard to all historical events. We find it vulgar beyond belief that Americans would spend more than half a century condemning the "unique monstrosity" of the Germans when we have not yet learned to condemn our own, or to even recognize it."

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Published on Feb 12, 2019
The history of the Reconquista was a 781 year medieval journey. It was the story of the Christian War of Reconquest against Islamic Spain. A struggle that was not always constant or consistent. The Christian kingdoms of the northern Iberian Peninsula held their ground, clinging to survival. In time, as the initiative shifted and the great Caliphate fell; Asturias, Leon, Castile, Navarre, Aragon, and Portugal would have the chance to press the offensive. They were hampered along the way by the Almoravids and later the Almohads - and of course fought amongst themselves. This video covers the full history up till the year 1212 and the famous Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa. As requested, all the individual parts were put together for this one continuous piece. Enjoy! CONSIDER CONTRIBUTING ON PATREON: DOWNLOAD THE ALL THE FREE PODCAST EPISODES: FOR ANDEROID USERS: FOLLOW ON FACEBOOK: VISIT ON TWITTER: ==== VERY SPECIAL THANKS ==== IÑAKI TEJERINA GURUZIAGA AMAZING PHOTOGRAPHY AND TIME LAPSE FILM: CLAUDIE MACKULA FOR SUCH AMAZING MUSIC! PLEASE CHECK OUT HER CHANNEL: KAMIL KRAWCZAK MEDIEVAL ARMOURED COMBAT IRELAND CLAREGALWAY CASTLE TEAM GUILLERO ACIN ==== SOURCES ==== A Vanished World - Chris Lowney Homage to Al-Andalus - Micheal Barry The Ornament of the World - Maria Rosa Menochal Reconquest and Crusade in Medieval Spain - Joesph O'Callaghan Kingdoms of Faith - Brain Catlas ==== M U S I C ==== ANNO DOMINI (YOUTUBE ARCHIVE) Archetype Still Standing DOUG MAXWELL - YOUTUBE ARCHIVE Pink Flamenco CHRIS HAUGEN Spanish Rose CLAUDIE MACKULA El Castillo de Santiago DEREK & BRANDON FIECHTER Werewolf Sahara Desert Epic Dwarf Music OMRI LAHAV Calm before the Storm Peak of Atlas PURPLE PLANET Thunderstorm PREMIUM BEATS Mind Field UGONNA ONYEKWE (YouTube archive) Inescapable AAKASH GANDHI (YouTube Archive) A Tale of Vengeance FILMSTRO Nanshan Drake WORLD MUSIC OFFICIAL Golden Age Epic Middle Eastern War Music JOSS EDWARDS MUSIC Sand and Sunburn MUSOPEN Asturias - Suite Espanola KEVIN MACLEOD (YouTube Archive) Cambodean Odessy Sardana Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: Category Education License Standard YouTube License

 Intellectual Exercise


 The White Conservative movement will not talk about their Germanic, Celtic, Slavic tribes or their Ice Age white Europeans heritage. They will talk about black people, but will not say the word White Ice Age History.

Teach White Europeans About Their Ice Age Heritage


 Youth Section


         TikTok has 77 milion supports

          Screenshot 7tik 1 Leftists Attempting To Destroy New TikTok App Because They Can’t Control I



 Children Section

President Donald Trump For Kid



  Banchi Brothers


Walt Bismarck

Walt Bismarck




  Inauguration Day - Walt Bismarck (Re-Upload)


White Rabbit Radio TVWhite RabbitRadioTV





 Health Care
Enciclopedia Metapedia
 United States
Globalist News

The following websites belong to the Jewish Zionist Globalist. To give you a perspective, the Jewish Zionist Globalist activities alone affect majority of the world's population and to help you keep informed on some of those activities behind the scenes, simply check out their websites listed below.

It's important to understand the structure of their deceitful words and meanings behind it. These organizations never talk about building good relationships with white people or Palestinians. They're not interested in building friendships; they have the power, yet they do not pursue building relationships.

When they talk about many situations of interest, most their language is racism, Nazi's, combating racism, Anti-Semitism, combating white supremacist, or the extreme right wing.

 The International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians brings together Jewish legislators, parliamentarians and government ministers from around the world
Read 55871 times Last modified on Monday, 07 October 2024 22:13