Efrat, who since 1977, has saved 80,000 babies from terminations in Israel.
The Coveners League is impressed with a Jewish organization called Efrat, who since 1977, has saved 75,905 babies from terminations in Israel. The Israeli birth rate is currently quite low, though it is still higher than most other western countries.
The Efrat organization approach has proven to be successful. Women who register for an abortion are called and asked discreet questions about why they wish to terminate the pregnancy. If reasons given are financial, the women are told about the Efrat organization and provided with contact details in order to call and see if aid is possible.
Efrat has over 3,000 volunteers throughout Israel ready to help these women. Once the pregnant woman calls them, they are offered 3 things:
- Monthly food and baby supplies delivered to their door. These care packages include nappies, formula, canned and dry foods, and are sent for the first year of the baby's life. In some cases, these packages are sent for the second year of life for those families especially requiring financial aid.
- Baby equipment. This equipment provides the essentials, including a cot, bassinet, stroller, baby bath and a baby kit, blankets, clothes, and bottles etc.
- Social and emotional support is also provided, and each recipient is matched with an organization volunteer, to help them throughout their pregnancy, birthing and motherhood journey.
EFRAT - Capitol Hill Luncheon - 40th Anniversary Celebration - 2017
On June 15, 2017 dozens of Jewish leaders from Brazil, Mexico, Russia, Israel, and the U.S., along with Christian leaders and legislators, gathered on Capitol Hill in honor of the 40th anniversary of Efrat, an innovative Israeli organization dedicated to helping Israeli women choose life for their babies. Efrat accomplishes this mission through educating women and the public; easing the emotional pressure through counseling; and providing food, housing, and needed equipment, such as strollers and cribs. While the celebration included speeches from U.S. legislators, the main emphasis was to honor the heart and soul of Efrat: President Dr. Eli Schussheim and Mr. Woli Stern the Director (Brazil). The event was coordinated by The Friedlander Group and emceed by Michael Kierszenbaum.When the Israeli Parliament legalized abortion in 1977, Dr. Eli Schussheim, who had chosen to be a surgeon in order to save lives, was deeply grieved that 60,000 pregnancies were being terminated each year. He teamed up with Herschel Feigenbaum, the founder of Efrat and a Holocaust survivor, to seek an increase in the Jewish birthrate by decreasing the number of abortions.
Useful Links and Contacts for Efrat

Committee for the Rescue of Israel’s Babies
1274 49th St. Suite 569,
Brooklyn, NY 11219,
EIN : 22-3431457
10 Ha’Illuy St.,
Fax : 03-6844848
Phone (US) : 718-6977-022
Phone (Israel) : 02-5454500
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Israel: https://www.efrat.org.il/english/
United States: http://www.friendsofefrat.org/
Israel Contact Details
10 Ha'Illuy St.
Telephone: +972-2-5454500
Fax: +972-3-6844848
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
United States Contact Details
The American Friends of C.R.I.B. - EFRAT
333 West 86th Street, #1003
New York, NY 10024
Telephone: 1-800-273-4314
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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