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Weekly News Wrap Up: 11 May 2016

Here is a list of interesting articles we have uncovered in the last week that we would like to share with the community.

Renewed Plan to Smash White Suburbs
Hillary Clinton’s rumored running mate, Housing Secretary Julian Castro, is preparing to relaunch a housing scheme which aims to force nonwhites into white suburbs across America.

Russia Offers Free Land to Foreigners
Earlier this month, The Russian state parliament passed a bill which will entails offering one free hectare (about 2.5 acres) of land in Russia's Far Eastern Federal District to both Russians and non-Russian nationals wishing to settle the region.  We would suggest that perhaps the land should be offered to Afrikaners wishing to leave South Africa (refer to our article on AfriForum and Afrikaner rights)!

EU Warns against Hofer Victory
European Parliament President Martin Schulz has issued an official warning against Austria if it dares to elect the Freedom Party’s (FPÖ) Norbert Hofer on May 22. In April, Hofer took 36% of the vote in the run up to the Austrian Presidential Elections to be held on 22 May, as candidates from the two governing parties failed to get through the first round of elections.  We recommend you vote for Hofer. 

FNN: Donald Trump Reads "Snake" Poem To Syrian Refugees
Donald Trump reads "Snake" poem to a crowd of supporters in Cedar Falls Iowa on January 12, 2016.

Extremist-Linked Sadiq Khan Elected London Mayor - Goodbye, London
Chairman of Liberty GB, Paul Weston, reacts to the election of Sadiq Khan as Mayor of London.

Austria Police: Dye Blonde Hair Dark
Police in Vienna, Austria, have warned women with blonde hair to start dying it dark and avoid travelling on public transport at night to avoid being attacked by nonwhite invader “refugees.”

Russian Victory Day Hypocrisy
Today’s “Victory Day” parade in Moscow - an exercise in hypocrisy

Victory Day Parade on Red Square 2016
Full Video of Moscow's "Victory Day" parade.

Israel turns 68 with 8.5 million people, 10 times more than in 1948

Table Talk Episode 21: Terrorist Attack in Brussels & Lyin Ted Super Pac Ad Against Melania
Diamond and Silk discusses the Terrorist Attack in Brussels, Ted Cruz and his Super Pac who put an Ad out on Melania Trump, President Obama and his visit to Cuba and find out who goes into the bowl of stupid.

Full Event: Donald Trump Holds Massive Rally in Lynden, WA (5-7-16)

ISIS “Most Popular in Finland”
Nonwhite invaders living in Finland are the most likely to join ISIS, according to a new analysis of Islamist recruits from Europe.

Mussolinis Fight Rome Elections
Two descendants of former Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini will run for seats in Rome’s city council next month, representing competing nationalist parties.

Syria: Iran Admits “Heavy Casualties”
The Iranian government has confirmed that it has suffered “heavy casualities” of at least 700 dead from its ground forces fighting ISIS near the Syrian city of Aleppo.

0.5% Visa Overstayers Deported
Exactly 0.5 percent of the 482,000 plus aliens who entered the United States on a non-immigrant visitor visa in 2015—and who then never left—have actually been deported, official figures have shown.  The true number of overstayers is likely to be even higher.

US: “Largest Ever” Aid to Israel
The White House said it is prepared to commit to the “largest single pledge of military assistance to any country in US history” in its defense assistance talks with Israel.

The EU's Kiss of Death
The European Union may yet come to realize that this latest ill-concealed jab at the Central- and Eastern European members of the European Union may signal the beginning of the unraveling of the European Union.....

The Viscious Snake. Trump Was Right.
Featured North America Story.



Read 20683 times Last modified on Thursday, 17 November 2016 08:09