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Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy Part 1 Featured
- Saturday, 05 October 2024 01:10
- Written by Susan Hayward
D Is for a Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy D Is for a Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy John Whitehead John Whitehead President at The Rutherford Institute Published May 7, 2019 + Follow “When a population becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is…
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80% of People Will Do Whatever They Are Told
- Sunday, 23 April 2023 01:02
- Written by Susan Hayward
They Want Obedient Workers. People That Are Just Smart Enough to Run the Machines" - George Carlin ducation | Why Is Our Educational System Intentionally Broken? "They Don't a Population of Citizens Capable of Critical Thinking. They Want Obedient Workers. People That Are Just Smart Enough…