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Vikings came from Germanic tribes and Ice Age people in Europe. Viking Women - What was it like to be a woman in Viking Society? Women in Viking society is among the most fascinating women in history. Not only were they the women with the most rights…
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  Anglo-Saxon paganism” refers to the Germanic pagan traditions brought to Britain in the 5th century. Anglo-Saxon Paganism: Gods  What were the pre-Christian religious traditions of England like? This two part series serves as an introduction to Anglo-Saxon paganism. In this video we will look at the…
Published in Culture & Heritage
"Everyone has the right to enjoy freedom from persecution." The United Nation law on persecution, I quote: "Everyone has the right to enjoy freedom from persecution." During history every race Blacks, Asians, Whites Gentiles and white Jews have been persecuted. Exposing persecution of Brittany Sellners BANNED & INVESTIGATED…
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Jay Dyer Breaks Down the History of Mind Control Warfare   Deep Dive on Tavistock: The Institution Of Mass Brainwashing & Social Engineering   Tavistock Institute The Tavistock Institute is a British psychological warfare and human relations unit that begun during the second World war. Some say…
Published in Organizations
    FOC SPECIAL Show: The Truth About St. Patrick’s Day that You DIDN’T Know - Holiday Special - Historian Bill Federer   Whites with Chinese wife's loyal to Chinese     Lawyer: Pence Can Deny Electoral Votes From Fraudulent States & Save America — FULL SHOW…
Published in Culture & Heritage
Now I'll Show You What I Mean By 'Change' - David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast Keir Starmer is a Globalist. Wormwood1138 The 2024 Marxmerican selection is NO DIFFERENT, the money masters are offering two of their puppets (Trump & O'Biden) for the sheeple to decide between, nothing ever…
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