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                Borislav Bereza.(Photo: Denis K.)   Right-Wing Ukrainian Leader Is (Surprise) Jewish, and (Real Surprise) Proud of It A Q&A with the Right Sector Parliamentarian Borislav Bereza by Vladislav Davidzon December 01, 2014 My meeting with Right Sector’s Borislav Bereza,…
Published in Organizations
REDACTED: Ukraine´s DARK secrets Free-Soma Wherever you have Jewish rulers corruption and destruction follow them   Miudzislav Ukraine has always been a stinky country since I remember, but after having listened to all 'revelations' during those three years of that war, it all has made me certain,…
Published in Hot Stories 2
  From Pagan Nomads to Christian Knights // King Stephen & The Birth of Hungary   Char 6 months ago What about the Hungarians? They were nomads from beyond the Ural Mountains who also settled in Europe Coveners League has many articles, here is a small sample,…
Published in Culture & Heritage
Russia is the biggest country in the world with population of 144.5 million (2017).  The Russian city of Moscow. What MOSCOW RUSSIA Is Really Like. What MOSCOW RUSSIA is REALLY like..      Russian Constitution   Russia is celebrating the fifteenth anniversary of the country's constitution. Following…
Published in Constitutions and Laws
You'll rarely see programs on western mainstream media exposing prostitution or what some call "the sex trade". Then ask yourself why? It is believed by many people that some globalist are involved in the sex slave trade.   The sex slavery has increase over the years and…
Published in Legal & Politics
     Glenn explains EVERYTHING you need to know about the Ukraine scandal. And it goes MUCH further than Hunter and Joe Biden, and their involvement there. This timeline gives you all the facts and proof you need to show that there was DNC collusion, not collusion…
Published in Legal & Politics
    Ukrainian agony - The concealed war  hn Morley. These guys produce very professional videos but this (linked below) is the best documentary I ever saw when it comes to Ukraine. is important because it discredits the Western News Media.It shows what really happened and…
Published in Organizations
Who are the Tatars? Europe's Oldest Remaining Islamic Community  Just who are the Tatars? The Tatars are arguably Europe's oldest remaining Islamic community, stretching back many hundreds (possibly over a thousand) years and today number in the tens of millions. Scattered over many parts of Eastern Europe,…
Published in Culture & Heritage
  World's Greatest Superhighway from Europe to USA Road from Europe to U.S.? Russia proposes superhighway       The Insane Plan to Build a Bridge Between Russia and Alaska glennw56401 A highway from Fairbanks to Nome is impossible. Most of the land in between is permafrost…
Published in Inspiring Change