Tommy Robinson, Lauren Southern, Mike Cernovich, PJW EXPOSED (JOHNNY GAT MIRROR) …
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Religions & Faiths
Where Did Those Ashkenazi Jewish Last Names Come From? - Would Jew Guess Would you guess from where Ashkenazi or Eastern European Jewish Last Names Derive? Find out the history of "Jewish" surnames on this edition of Would Jew Guess. …
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Culture & Heritage
Vaccines and Asthma or Allergies Do vaccines cause asthma or allergies? Several large studies have investigated the relationship between vaccines and allergies. One well-controlled study was performed using the computerized records of children born between 1991 and 1997 who were enrolled in…
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Inspiring Change
Discussion on 159 comments YOU HAVE PERMISSION TO SIMP Exposing Zionist Crimes Hochdeutscher 2 Exposing Zionist Crimes
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Fighting Against Globalist
Free Palestine In 1917 the UK government announced the "Belfour Declaration' to 'Lord Rothchild where they state they will flood immigrants into 'PALESTINE' to replace my people. From 1947-1949 over 520 Palestinian villages were removed and my family was placed in camps around Bethlehem, Palestine, where…
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Fighting Against Globalist
Candace Owen Destroys And Humiliates Rabbi “Buttplug” Shmuley In Debate Army How about just deport the Muslims then both Christians and Jews could be safe kevaNew “With gold we can buy the most rebellious consciences, can subsidize all state loans, and thereafter hold the…
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Inspiring Change
President Lukashenko: Excuse me, I´m not an anti-Semite, but...
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Inspiring Change
BlackRock's CEO, Larry Fink is a Jewish traitor Globalist who wants to replace whites and reduce the world’s population. BLACKROCK OWNS THE TOP 4 BEEF PRODUCTION COMPANIES THE PETE SANTILLI SHOW MONDAY APRIL 22, 2024 EPISODE #4032 9AM SPECIAL GUEST: • Joe Hicks - Co-founder of…
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Leo Zagami - Ex-Illuminati Exposes Transhumanism & Cyber Satan Leo Zagami joins Maria Zeee to break down the transhumanism agenda from the perspective of the secret societies running this world, warning people they must prepare for the ultimate goal of the globalists - the AI…
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The Fightback Against Critical Race Theory Teachers against the CRT ( critical race theory, raciem against whites) & promoted mainly by Jewish Communist Zionist Globalist and dumb gentile traitors. Virginia teacher resigns over critical race theory in emotional speech ‘The Madness of Crowds’ author…
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Inspiring Change
MUSLIM ZIONIST Says Boycotting Israel Is HARAM: Rabbi Faris Hammadi @user-fy4gb2vo9e There are Zionists who unfortunately also hide in Islam and he is one of them! Many of us must beware of such! Thank you for this instructive video. @stephenconnolly1830 Rabbi Faris is not only a…
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Religions & Faiths
87. Origins of the Jews of Poland and Eastern Europe (Jewish History Lab) A brief overview of the migration of Jews to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the medieval period. Showed 80% of Ashkenazi Jews’ maternal line comes from Europe. Where are Ashkenazi Jews from? 430 views…
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Culture & Heritage
Victims of The Jewish Sackler Family’s Opioid Empire, Study The “Model Drug Dealer Liability Act” (DDLA) News Victims of The Jewish Sackler Family’s Opioid Empire, Study The “Model Drug Dealer Liability Act” (DDLA)
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Pfizer CEO Declares Himself King of the Earth! 'You Must Take Vaccines to Live' Jewish run the Covid vaccine companies, including Wuhan in China. Pandemic Of The Vaxxinated Walensky (Jewish Zionist) head of the CDC in the United States. Pandemic Of The Vaxxinated…
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Hot Stories 2
10 THINGS I LOVE ABOUT THE JEWS (FULL VERSION) A few years ago, I made a satirical video called “10 Things I Hate About the Jews.” It was ultimately about self-hating Israelis who oppose their wall and despise Trump and don’t seem to get that Christians and…
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Inspiring Change