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THIS WILL "SHOCK" YOU THE MUSIC INDUSTRY DARKEST SECRET NOW EXPOSED amaresinetimore I am a professional live sound engineer. I can confirm this is happening for live concerts all of the time. It is less common to use auto-tune live and more common to have a track…
Published in Inspiring Change
  Satanic Pop Culture Is A CIA Creation                          
Published in Inspiring Change
  The Barbary Pirates & England's White Slaves Did you know that at the same time that the British were involved in the trans-Atlantic slave trade, white Britons were being sold into slavery in Africa? For over 200 years, from the reign of James I right up…
              Remix News & Views   @RMXnews · Volgen  EXC: "The choice is yours and I've made mine!" @EvaVlaar tells Remix News she has accepted she will be attacked by the establishment for calling out attempts to make indigenous White Europeans…
Published in Hot Stories 2