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McConnell resigns. Russia direct threat to France. Transnistria protection. Meloni wanted to meet MJ Javier Miles is Jewish Globalist.         Argentinian President Javier Milei is Jewish. Milei visits the Wailing Wall and sobs with emotion    Milei takes office and slashes half of government…
  White Race Is Dying Out Claims (((The Media)))    Paul Krugman admitted the jewish plan to undermine and destroy White power in America   In a recent television interview, Nobel Prize winning economist, Paul Krugman admitted the jewish plan to undermine and destroy White power in…
  Hias-Herew Immigration Assistance Society is Jewish run and promoting non White immigration into White, Asian, Black countries..   Michael Yon's Explosive Reaction to Ben Shapiro’s Alleged Funding of the Border Invasion Fourteen88 Of course. Shapiro is a jew, and jews are behind the invasion of white…
Published in Organizations
Islam Interracial Marriage Can Mean Death  Many Muslims believe mixed marriages are a sin against God, and one man who spoke his mind on mixed relationships was African American born Cassius Clay, who converted to  Islam and changed his name to Muhammad Ali.   He frequently clashed with…
Published in Religions & Faiths