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The Prophet Muhammad's White Complexion. The Founder of Islam

Muhammad the founder of Islam (Muslim faith) in the Middle East was a white man. The non Muslim religions all over the world don’t necessarily consider Muhammad a prophet; he is still revered by Muslims as a Prophet of God (Allah). Prescription:   Muhammad wasTall, White skin Caucasian Man. If you…

The Muslim Black Slave Trade

   God Bless White Europeans For Ending Slavery. The globalist racist mainstream media, education system, and Hollywood only focus on whites owning slaves, even though all races owned slaves, but whites were the first to end the practice. From the dawn of history the different races all…

Gay Rights and Islam

Sick Beyond Belief: New Show In Netherlands Exposes Children To Naked Transformers   heavywater66 qane Then you are a phony patriot Christian Zionist POS traitor and an idiot too for worshiping the killers of your Messiah! Not even the dumbest Muslim would worship the killers of their…

Christians and God Against Globalism & False Churches

  ISIS Behead 21 Christians in a Message Signed with Blood to the Nation of the Cross Docu-clip: Live attack by Genocidal Christians in Rwanda filmed by Peter Rinaldo ISIS Behead 21 Christians in a Message Signed with Blood to the Nation of the Cross A wake…

True Christians Exposing False Christians

Why evangelicals influence US foreign policy in the Middle East | EP1 | Witness Documentary Watch the second episode here:    • How evangelicals influence US foreign...   The first episode of Praying for Armageddon goes inside the evangelical Christian movement to explore its influence on US democracy and foreign policy. Preparing for the…