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EU Pressure PUSHES Hungary to Join BRICS… What the Hell Is Happening?

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Disclaimer:  This article was originally written and published on the Nationalist Asatru News on March 19, 2014.

 Many people say the twelve stars on the European flag represent the 12 Jewish tribes.

From the start, the European Economic Community (EEC) or European Union (EU) has been nothing but a means for the false Jewish to strip the European nations of their sovereignty transferring it into the hands of our historical enemy, the false Jew and leftwing white gentiles

One cannot completely and totally oppose the EEC without mentioning it has an anti-European agenda, the origins of which are undeniably and self-evidently Jewish.  They are the staunchest promoters of a dysgenic, anti-European:  ‘United States of Europe’ today and historically.

The way the EU is set up in terms of internal policy creation results intentionally in a situation, whereby, interest groups have more influence on the actions of the European Commission, than the national interests of each member state, this is openly admitted in academia.

This means groups like the European Jewish Parliament, European Jewish Congress, the international Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and numerous other Jewish-centric organizations and lobby groups who are led by singular individuals, such as Moshe Kantor, co-author of the policy suggestion paper: ‘Model statutes for the promotion of Tolerance,’ have more influence than any singular nation state on the formation of EU Centeral Government Commission policy.

The democratic deficit, (technocratic dictatorship), inherent in the EEC has also openly admitted within academia, that the lack of democracy was a deliberate part of the European Economic Community up until the formation of the European Parliament in 1979.  This is self-evident, as from 1953-1979, the predecessor of the European Parliament was not even directly elected, neither was any part of the the EEC as a whole in its prior formations showing that the project for a federalist Europe, pushed by Jewish-Supremacists, was designed initially and intentionally without any direct democratic accountability, so it could literally ignore and over-rule the opinions of the people of Europe and push 'integration,' the rapid destruction of each unique European state and its people.

As it still does to this day, in the same fashion that the Judeo-Bolshevik government of Russia and Ukraine ruled without any democratic accountability resulting in the genocide of around 20 million of its European population.  This also included upwards of 7-18 million deaths in the Gulag-Achipelago and upwards of 14.5 million deaths caused by deliberate periods of artificially creating starvation or 'socially fair economic policies,' particularly engineered by agricultural collectivization and regulations. n introducing the Black Book, lead author Stephane Courtois, Director of Research at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Paris, offers the following rough breakdown of the numbers of people that communism killed:

Author Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn was born into a family of Cossack intellectuals in Kislovodsk, Russia, in 1918.  He fought for the Soviet Union in World War II, achieving the rank of captain of artillery.  In 1945 he was arrested for writing a letter in which he criticized Joseph Stalin and spent eight years in prisons and labor camps.  In 1956 he was allowed to settle in Ryazan, in central Russia, where he became a mathematics teacher and began to write.  He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1970.  Following the publication of the first volume of The Gulag Archipelago, he was exiled in 1974. His Soviet citizenship was restored in 1990 and he returned to Russia in 1994, where he now lives.

The end-goal envisioned by Jewish-Supremacists for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) which has already resulted in the economic closure of thousands of farms in the UK since 1973, the destruction of tens of thousands of farms in Germany, France and all over the European continent since 1962.

Only  Globalist Supremacists intent on using a governmental structure to deliberately exterminate the people within its borders through demographic warfare.  They deliberately construct its own governmental structure to go against public opinion, as was the project for a federal Europe from the start.

‘Communism is Judaism for the masses’

In addition to this, by definition, creating a “single European identity” is genocide.  What is not often stated, is that this European identity is designed to include no ethnic European element and thus, pave the way for an actual genocide which will make the Judeo-Bolshevik holodomor and USSR Gulag exterminations look insignificant in comparison.

The false Jewish ‘founding fathers’ of the genocidal-by-definition concept of the EU

Jean Monnet is considered the intellectual father of the European Economic Community.  He is also quite evidently Jewish, having been born into a Jewish merchant family, living in France, Jean Monnet spent his early life travelling around between trading centers for his family's company and the rest of his life espousing and promoting a European federal state, with the aim of destroying the European people.  He is openly called an ‘internationalist’ in academia.

The Jewish international pressure to enforce anti-white, (masked as anti-racist), legislation into a future European federal state.  The very idea to found a European federal state, were clearly evident from as early as 1940, where Jews who "had been putting pressure on the Roosevelt Administration on this very point" (F. Fransen, “The Supranational Politics of Jean Monnet:  ideas and origins of the European Economic Community," Greenwood publishing, 2001, p54), were holding meetings with various future heads of state, such as post-war French Prime Minister De Gaulle, to force the acceptance of the idea of a European federal state into the political elite before they were accepted into government, in the same way academia forces pro-EU sentiments into future politicians when they are still students, except the minority of students are aware like myself, or past figures such as Margaret Thatcher.

The Globalist are attempting to create a singular European state, although much older dating back to the founding purpose of the entire Jewish:  League of nations, which was also the same governmental body, (alongside our traitorous monarchy), which marked out the Mandate of Palestine.  As always, the genocidal ambitions of the Jewish people are clear and obvious for all to see in relation to Europeans and Palestinians alike.


The Genocide of the Peoples of Europe The Coudenhove Kalergi Plan Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894–1972), was an anti-European racist, he espoused that the founding purpose of a European federalist state would be to destroy the European people, not simply through reducing internal differences but through destroying Europeans entirely and replacing us with “a mixed race of Asians and Negroes."  Image result for Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894–1972)                                                                                                                                                                                        THE OTIUM POST

The quote below is a horrific revelation and one that has been covered up by the mainstream media and academic even though Kalergi-Coudenhove is mentioned in lectures on the origin of the European Union, the majority white Politics students who study the EU in todays universities are evidently never told this fact, that the very same people they are taught advocated for a European federal state as early as 1925, did so for the primary, malicious, abhorrent, criminally genocidal aim of destroying the European people themselves, directly.  Coudenhove-Kalergi founded the 1922 pan-European movement, with the support of B’nai B’rith, the Jewish international support agency for Jewish political interests.  B’nai B’rith helped push Coudenhove-Kalergi and his vile, anti-European racist ideology into the political mainstream at the top of political circles.  In 1932, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi composed a preface for a new edition of his fathers condemnation of anti-Semitism, and in Praktischer Idealismus, in which he said the following:

“Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice.  The Eurasian-Negroid race… similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples…Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will… Turn Europe into a mixed race of Asians and Negroes… through this artificial selection process.”                                                                                                 

The Coudenhove-Kalergi legacy is still strong in pro-European circles at the top of government, even though the average, nieve pro-Eu student has no idea of its existence, the Coudenhove-Kalergi Prize is awarded to heads of state and technocrats who ruthlessly push the EU.

Notably President Van Rompuy, otherwise known as the “Damp Rag” was awarded this prize.

The Communist-East German educated Chancellor Merkel, (a Christian-Democrat), who was also awarded this prize in 2010.

Proving Jewish international lobby groups and awards groups use such prizes, and international manipulation, to force heads of states to work in accordance with fundamentally Jewish genocide plans.  This is beyond dispute.

Altiero Spinelli (31 August 1907 – 23 May 1986), Altiero Spinelli short film with English Subtitles is another inborn communist who is known as one of the "Founding Fathers of the European Union."  It is no surprise that he was a member of the Italian communist party, as he and another communist subversive, Ernesto Rossi, wrote what is known as the 'Ventotene Manifesto', which advocates a United States of Europe, in order to hold Germany down under the facade of preventing war, and overcoming the so-called, ‘German problem’, (the problem from the Jewish perspective that Germany is innately pure and brilliant, and its existence has in the past prevented Jewish power over Europe).

Putin confirms that Jews were responsible for the horrors of Communism.

World War II is used as the excuse for the expansion of the EU, under a facade of preventing war, in actual fact, it is simply about preventing individual European nations, especially Germany and England, from rising up against Jewish power as we have done throughout our histories, by dragging us down and attempting to destroy our very existence, as Coudenhove-Kalergi’s book, “Praktischer Idealismus,” outlines and admits in its genocidal hubris.

Like the legacy of Coudenhove-Kalergi, Spinelli’s communist legacy is still worshipped and followed by Jewish subversives to this day in the form of theSpinelli group.  This group, in the European Parliament, led by subversives like Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Guy Verhofstadt, Spinelli’s aftermath lingers like a foul anti-European odour in intellectual discussions within academia, although it is not often taught that Spinelli was a Communist subversive, who was imprisoned for his communist subversion.

Deutsche is another one of the Jewish Founding Fathers of the EU:

“Karl Wolfgang Deutsch (1912–1992) was born in Prague in 1912 to Jewish parents”

His mother was a Czech Jew elected to Parliament who was known for her anti-Nazi rhetoric and activities, (or anti-Germanic racism, because she as a Jew, did not want Germanic folk to have a government that cares about our existence).

Deutsche himself was disallowed to return to university due to his vile anti-Germanic activism.  Not only was the manipulatively named Karl ‘Deutsche’ a proponent of the anti-Germanic and anti-European federalist idea of a United States of Europe, he was also a participant in the San Francisco conference that was crucial in the founding of the United Nations in 1945.

Karl Deutsche is also appealed to as a Jewish ‘political scientist’ on the subject of the EU.  He has also spent considerable effort in defiling nationalism during his time in academia.  Jews like Deutsch, partook in the academic manipulation of public opinion, (through manipulating the opinions of students), on subjects such as the EU and the UN.

David Mitrany is another Jewish so called intellectual, who’s modern teachings, (that lie about and hide the true genocidal reasons), explaining EU expansion has been instrumental in ensuring pro-EU support of the political and academic classes.

“David Mitrany’s strong internationalism, and ability to feel at home in Germany, Britain and the United States, was probably the result of being born Jewish”

Who is Mitrany?  David Mitrany (1888–1977) was a so-called leading scholar in Political theory, specialising in explaining how the EU came into being and continues to expand, under a school of thought called ‘international functionalism.  This internationalist tradition favoured integration and the development of international, rather than national institutions as a solution to the human problems of want and war which attempts to diagnose the reasons why the EU was founded and has since expanded to include 28 states and continues to grow in its domination of legislation (the EU produces 80% of all our legislation), and blame a complex series of abstract functional reasons and factors rather than the the obvious reason:  Jews pushing and promoting the EU for over a century, as is clear and obvious to anyone who can look outside the controlled academic ‘debate’ (or facade) on the EU.

Ernst Bernard Haas (1924 – March 6, 2003), is a Jewish academic, who founded the ‘neofunctionalist’ approach to the EEC in an effort to divert away from the Jewish origins of the concept and genocidal plan for a federal European union, Haas was born in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1924 to a secular Jewish family, (like the majority of the founding teachers at the infamous Frankfurt school), he believed in undermining European states, especially Germany, for the intention of destroying and controlling them, out of sheer anti-European racial bigotry and supremacist delusions.

Another Neo-functionalist manipulator was author Leon N. Lindbergh among other manipulators who diverted discussions of the EU away from the obvious international Jewish lobbying and intellectual and governmental corruption causes are  Stanley Hoffmann and Andrew Moravcsik. They who all Front Coverespouse a federalist EU, and who deliberately divert the discussion of the origins of the EU into pointless academic circular discussions about economic causal factors, when the reality is visibly and undeniably as a result of Jewish lobbying, intellectual and Governmental corruption efforts, motivated by sheer anti-European and especially anti-Germanic racist, in-fact genocde hatred, that emanates from these Jewish ‘scholars’ and ‘intellectuals’, who terrorized and pressured European academia and therefore all future (mainstream) government officials into accepting their account of the history and rationale behind the EU.

The entire academic facade on the EU has been controlled by Jewish Supremacists.  David Mitrany himself is an ethnic Jew of Romanian origin and it is clear that this control of the EU debate ensures all elected politicians (as they all go through the same pro-EU classes at university as I am going through right now), leave university with the same world-view of the EU and are taught that EU expansion is natural and good, when in fact as history has proven and this article details, it is un-natural and is enacting an un-deniable genocide of the European people.

The Jewish control of academic discussion through the Jewish self-promotion or creation of ‘leading-scholars’ on the subject, whose artificial authority is then used to dominate all discussion on the EU, prevents students from finding out the truth about the EU, through discovering its self-evident Jewish origins and then contrasting that with the fact that the EU is destroying our race, nation, economy, military, environment, history and culture.

The more visible the alien Jewish power becomes, the less the EU is trusted by the European people.

The academic false-dichotomy between the Jewish theory of international functionalism or neo-functionalism and the Jewish theory of inter-Governmentalism, is set up to deliberately deny students the possibility of discovering the genocidal, and anti-democratic truth behind the EU, and the fact that these theories exist only as a facade, is to prevent students from seeing the truth about the EU.

This is important, as it is the fundamental reason why our entire political establishment supports the EU, as they have all been educated in the Kalergi-Coudenhove, Jean Monnet or David Mitrany schools of thought, about the processes and purposes of further genocidal EU expansion.

The reality of expansion of the EU and its origins cannot be explained in either the Neo-functionalist, international functionalist or inter-Governmentalist approaches, why? — Because all of these theories cannot work.  They ignore the single biggest causal factor:  Jewish international lobbying, and the systematic and generational corruption of politics through academia by these ‘Jewish-intellectual’ appointed ‘Jewish Intellectuals’.

The reason academia cannot analyze and come to an agreement or even a coherent theory about how the EU has maintained so much support as a concept through all of the Political class and then as a reality since the 1950s, is because academia, through Jewish activism, literally occupying academia as much as Jews occupy Palestine, is part of the reason why the EU retains political support and why it even had support as a concept back in the 1920s.

Academia is also disallowed by the Jewish intellectual and physical occupation that exists within it.  Discussing the self-evidently and undeniably ethnically Jewish ideological founding fathers of the federal European Union and their racist anti-European motivations and anti-German ethnic obsessions, thus the mainstream arguments analyzing why the concept of a European federal state was created in the first place, and why the EU now exists in the form it does.  And why it finds so much support in the political elite and decreasing support among the general public are prevented from getting near the truth, and being diverted by the false dichotomy that exists in academia, between two Jewish ideological schools of thought:  neo-functionalism and inter-Governmentalism.

In essence:  The Jewish-authored theories dictate the type of question asked about the EU and thus, dictate the type of answer that academia is allowed to find.

The  Jews hatred of Germany and all White people goes back a long time ?.

The Jewish ideological anti-Germanic and thus, anti Noble-European sentiment is clear, as it is openly admitted that the EU was about containing the ‘German problem’.

The racist double standards of the liberals in academia is obvious, instead of the ‘German problem,' Germans were replaced with Jewish (‘Jewish problems’), all these liberal academic staff would complain and call it anti-Semitism, but when Jewish-Supremacist lecturers and tribally-appointed lecturers have manipulated the entire debate into literally focusing and legitimizing anti-Germanic racial political ideas, they do not even notice, let alone complain.

At its core the EU is anti-Germanic and anti-Noble-European, this is the truth.

All these Jewish theory’s divert around, in order to maintain generational support for the EU, in wave after wave of student, who then go on to become political staff and politicians who take this Jewish created false-dichotomy to Westminster or Brussels with them, resulting in the horrific, culturally and racially genocide expansion of the EU, despite even periods of so called ‘Euro-sclerosis’ or natural public increases in Euro-scepticism.

The EU as an undemocratic anti Noble-European institution.

The Council of ministers drives through legislations at the behest of interest and lobby groups, regardless of the opinions of national states and their population, with the rubber stamp parliament of the European Parliament doing nothing but debating in futility on legislation it cannot substantially alter, if the council of ministers so desires.  ‘Supra-national actors’ play a major role in the formation of EU policy, and Jewish supra-national (above national or ‘international’), actors indeed created the entirety of the EU, and every prior format, existed as and the very concept of a United States of Europe as early as the 1920s, arguably since 1866, with the creation of the failed Latin monetary union‘, again driven by Jewish-Surpemacists, which collapsed in 1927, which coincided with the main start of efforts to establish a Europe wide federal state as articulated in genocide terms by the likes of Coudenhove-Kalergi, as aforementioned.

The ECSC was designed not in order to benefit the economies of Europe, but in reality, as admitted in academia, it was an effort to remove the control of core industries essential for heavy industry and to ‘place them in the hands of international agents’, especially the German Ruhr coal mining area.

This was enacted under a facade of preventing war, by ‘confiscating’ resources essential for war, and putting them in the hands of impartial international-governmental bodies, in order to literally make it impossible for European nations to go to war, not just against themselves, but against the newly formed Jewish state, a line of anti-European ‘logic’, that is followed today with institutions like the IMF (International Monetary Fund). and World Bank, which can crush European nations finances within hours, as it routinely does to Greece.  It also set up a system of redistribution from wealthy Germany, Sweden, Denmark, UK and France to the proportionally less productive, (wealth is a measure of productivity), Mediterranean EU countries.

The European Court of Justice and European Court of Human rights, are instrumental to the anti-European European Union, under the facade of human rights and ‘justice’.  They rule in accordance with the EU constitution and European convention on Human rights, which is not in accordance with natural rights or real justice, they in their effect, do nothing other than rule against governments and individual groups that attempt to slow down or obstruct further expansion of the political hegemony, leadership or dominance, especially by one state or social group over others, of the EU.

They care nothing for rights or justice and are legal bodies that ensure the destruction of European rights and European nation states and the people within them, gradually ruling by ruling.  Every aspect of the EU and in all its prior formats from the ECSC and EEC have sought to do nothing other than to pursue the anti-European ideology of their Jewish founding fathers.

Our leaders were puppets of the Jews back then, just as they are now.

Timeline of the expansion of the creation and expansion of the anti-European genocidal EU:

1948:  The European union of Federalists, led by Jews and their corrupted European followers outlined the ‘need for a European union’ following on from prior private meetings.

1948:  US Marshall aid program put as one of its requisites: that European states seek further integration.

1948:  Israel declared as a state, Jews then have their own homeland, from which they can freely spite Europe without regard for the conditions internally within European states.

1949:  Council of Europe convened its meeting and the “Schuman proposal was issued.”

1949:  Israel recognized as a state by the Jewish-Supremacist dominated US Government, that also pushed for the creation of European internal integration efforts.

1951:  The European Coal and Steel community came into existence after the 1951 treaty of Rome, which openly states its aim was to create a ‘technocratic revolution’:  “to lay the foundations for an ever closer union among the European peoples.  And by establishing a common market progressively approximating the economic policies of member states.”

The treaty of Rome sought to remove barriers to the Marxist degeneration plan of ensuring free movement of peoples, capital and goods inside Europe to undermine the homogeneity of Europe ensuring a dysgenic situation and slowing down technological and scientific development by reducing competition between states, which had previously been the engine for the success of European innovation.

1957:  Treaty of Paris, outlining what Winston Churchill* advocated:  “a United States of Europe.”

It is well known that Winston Churchill’s financial debts were written-off by Jews after a substantial Griffin-like debt accumulation in the 1930s, resulting in his obedience throughout the rest of his life.  Winston Churchill also wrote in his autobiography, “the Jews always get want they want in the end”.  Winston Churchill was a depressed, stroke-afflicted pessimist, warmonger and war-criminal, who betrayed the English people and all European people by advocating for a “United States of Europe.”

1965:  the EEC (prior vesrion of the EU) pushed for control of its own budget, showing its tyrannical objectives, this was defeated by the French President De Gaulle resulting in the ‘Empty chair crisis.’

1967:  De Gaulle Vetos the UK EEC application, saving us from so much damage that would have occurred had we joined the EEC that early instead of in 1973.

1973:  UK, Denmark and Ireland join the EEC, under a manipulated pro-EU political class, all at the same time after international Jewish lobbying, starting the destruction of North-West Europe inside the EEC.

1987:  Single European Act: creation of a single market, a further removal of trade duties.

1992/3:  Treaty on European Union /Maastricht Treaty:  Created a singular European security and Foreign policy, overriding national interests and created the Euro, gradually replacing  the native currencies of successive member states of the EU.

1995:  Schengen Agreement:  the removal of immigration controls in numerous EU member states.

1997:  Treaty of Amsterdam:  preparation for the genocidal expansion of the EU, bringing in South Eastern European nations into common borders with Germanic, Nordic and Frankish Europe.

2001:  Treaty of Nice, enforcing the CFSP (Common Foreign and Security Policy).

2004:  Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe (TCE); rejected for its totalitarian measures of establishing an EU constitution by the French and Dutch in 2005, it never passed.

2009:  Treaty of Lisbon (Reformed treaty).  A version of the EU constitution re-packaged from the failures of the TCE in 2004/5, enforcing an effective EU constitution by stealth.  The EU now makes 80% of laws and has increased immigration inside the EU to genocidal levels by over 2800%, (by removing all of the internal borders of each of the 28 member states, now including Romania and Bulgaria).

2011:  European Jewish Parliament established.

2013:  The rise of UKIP and majority anti-EU sentiments all over Europe.

2014:  British’ Jews launch formal ‘Jewish EU Manifesto’


__Who runs the media________________________________________________________________________________

Zionist Jews take over Eastern European TV & media!

According to an article in the April 5, 1997 N.Y. Times, "TV Venture by Cosmetics Heir Raises Questions," Zionist mogul and former U.S. ambassador to Austria Ronald Lauder, has united with Vadim Rabinovich, a Ukrainian Zionist millionaire who spent nine years in prison for theft and has ties to the Jewish mafia in Ukraine, to build a media empire--Central European Media Enterprises-- in the countries of the former Soviet Union. The Jewish owned Central European Media controls television stations in seven East European countries in the region.

Ukrainian TV is controlled by its subsidiary, the Studio 11 Group, its local partner in Kiev. Rabinovich is linked to Grigory Loutchansky, a Russian-Jew, whose company, Nordex, is believed to be a front for the Russian-(Jewish) mafia. The Times says, "Rabinovich was jailed from 1982 to 1990 for theft from the state. He said in an interview that he had been chief of a construction brigade and had sold goods to private customers. He said he had committed no real crime and had been persecuted for being Jewish. (YEAH RIGHT!)

"...Central European Media sought to expand into Ukraine a year ago. At the outset, Fertig (its chief of operations) said, its representatives were referred to Rabinovich and his partners by a close adviser and assistant to President Leonid Kuchma of Ukraine, who praised the Ukraine group. And when questions arose about the legality of the broadcast license received by the joint venture, the same presidential adviser obtained a letter declaring that the license had been awarded properly.

"...(C)oncerns about his business activities led the British government to bar Loutchansky from entering the country...An intelligence summary prepared by a Western government, and corroborated by senior U.S. diplomats, said Ostex, one of Rabinovich's companies, had been created as an arm of Nordex, a claim that Rabinovich disputed. "In the interview in his office in a modern building in Kiev, Rabinovich said he had worked with Nordex for about a year but had broken off the relationship two years ago because of bad publicity about Loutchansky. He said his companies, which are engaged in many businesses, had only legitimate interests..."

"Lauder, whose mother founded Estee Lauder Cosmetics, created Central European Media in 1994. He predicted last year that the company would have annual revenues of $1 billion within five years, but it has run up steady losses to date. The company reported last month that it lost $30 million in 1996 compared with losses of $18.7 million in 1995 and $20.5 million in 1994.

"When the company sought to enter the Ukraine market a year ago, Fertig said, its executives were referred to Rabinovich and his partners in Studio 11 by Oleksandra Volkov, an assistant and close adviser to Kuchma. Western diplomats and businessmen said Volkov also owned a piece of Studio 11, but Fertig said he was unaware of that investment. "Along with the recommendation from the presidential adviser, the company executives also were impressed by a photograph in Rabinovich's office that showed him with President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore, according to a person close to the company.

"The photograph was taken in late 1995 at a Democratic fund-raising party in Miami, Rabinovich said. He said he had not donated money to the Democrats but had been invited to the event by Bennett LeBow, an American businessman whose interests include Liggett Group, the big cigarette manufacturer. "...Last summer Central European Media negotiated a partnership agreement with Studio 11 Group that gave the American company a 50 percent economic interest in the operation, which was broadcasting about five hours a day on Ukrainian television.

"Studio 11 received a license last fall to expand its broadcast time on Ukraine's commercial channel, UT 2, to nine hours a day, including prime time. The license, also sought by other companies, was issued despite a moratorium imposed by Parliament. "...The Ukraine deal is important to Central European Media. In a stock offering last fall, which raised $132 million, the company said the Ukraine partnership had more than doubled its market reach.

"A cablegram from the embassy to the State Department in Washington in September raised questions about Rabinovich's background and said he was 'largely considered beyond the reach of the law in Ukraine,' according to a copy provided to The New York Times." (End quote).



Read 12730 times Last modified on Monday, 07 October 2024 00:50