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Palestine Fighting Globalism

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 Israel reported immediate casualties, after the IDF began launching a "limited" ground invasion in the form of raids into south Lebanon, and Hezbollah responded with force. This, as Israel continues to carry out deadly strikes in Beirut, unleashing another day of terror on Lebanese civilians.
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 Jon Elmer takes a look at Israeli media reports that Israeli army casualty figures amount to 10,000 soldiers dead or wounded since 7 October.
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 Jon Elmer covers the latest resistance news with a focus on Rafah. Nora Barrows-Friedman, Asa Winstanley and Jon Elmer of The Electronic Intifada were joined by journalist veteran journalist and analyst Helena Cobban on the day 306 livestream.
You can watch the entire broadcast here:
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 Life for Palestinians in Gaza under Hamas has been extremely difficult. Palestinian civilians lack basic water, sanitation, and electricity infrastructures, as well as access to upward economic mobility and the rights to freedom of speech and self-expression. The constant suffering from rampant political and economic corruption has left civilians in Gaza with a sense of despair and a longing for a change in leadership.
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 Jon Elmer covers the latest resistance news with a focus on south Lebanon and the Yemenis downing another US Reaper drone. Nora Barrows-Friedman, Asa Winstanley and Jon Elmer of The Electronic Intifada were joined by journalist veteran journalist and analyst Helena Cobban on the day 306 livestream.
You can watch the entire broadcast here:
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Filthy dirty and self appointed gods chosen ones just need wiped out. As a race( they are mainly white people), they have shown the world that they are scum, vermin that need to be taken out. PERSONALLY I have no love of them and think that little england should never have allowed them to form with the world watching, and as the vermin took hold, they infiltrated America to control it crying to the world about how they suffered genocide. The Israelis that are on the battlefield (which they created) are known as cowards who are only good at murdering civilians and as such, when I hear of an Israeli being killed...I open a beer and toast the guy that pulled the trigger. This is my personal opinion.

The usa keeps helping/protecting israel because most of usa congress is citizen of israel.

JewNazis gotta act #Zionist again! ??

The Israeli Boycott Is Working ... And It's Devastating ... And Of Course ... The Media Is Hiding It !!!

leb jews control us
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 After eight months of relentless massacres on Palestinians, Israel has yet to achieve its main objective of destroying the Palestinian resistance. Despite suffering considerable losses, the armed factions’ main infrastructure and leaders appear to be intact, allowing them to recruit and strike back even in areas that the occupation long ago it had “cleared.” Jon Elmer, a contributing editor at The Electronic Intifada, discusses the strength of the Palestinian resistance and why Israel can continue to massacre, but can’t


It doesn't matter how advanced your military is, guerillas will always find your weaknesses and force you into fights on their terms.


The Thirteenth Tribe is a 1976 book by Arthur Koestler, in which the author advances the thesis that Ashkenazi Jews are not descended from the historical Israelites of antiquity, but from Khazars, a Turkish people.


Joseph Reinach, a French Jewish member of parliament who was opposed to Zionism, dismissed the idea, arguing that Jews descended from Israelites were a tiny minority. In his view, conversion had played a major role in the expansion of the Jewish people, and, in addition, he claimed, the majority of "Russian, Polish and Galician Jews descend from the Khazars, a Turkish people. who converted to Judaism en masse at the time of Charlemagne.


Israel’s lost of this war against Hamas, an arm resistance fighting for its liberation when it declared on October 7th, total destruction of Hamas which is a political organization and an ideology.


Fighting. Militants. Is like fighting a invisible enemy . Vietnam, Afganistan .


Israel relies on US like a beggar. The Palestinians rely on courage like true warriors.
this is likened to Stalingrad in WWII. The Nazis shelled Stalingrad to rubble and thought they destroyed the Russians. To the dismay of the Nazis, they created a defensive area that the Nazis could NOT control. In the end, Russia won back Stalingrad. The allies did the same thing to Monte casino in Italy during WWII. they leveled the monastery thinking the Nazis were using it for storage. The Nazis used the rubble to delay the allies so they could retreat, and save the German army. The allies paid a very heavy price for causing the rubble the Nazis used as a defense. rubble is very defendable. I hope Israel loses big.



Colonialism is finished around the world mindset and only white countries are still Colonialism ruled.


Semites are the descendants of Noah's son Shem (aka Sem) -- ALL the descendants of Shem, which includes the Palestinians, Arabs, Jews, etc. This does not include what I call the "Kews" -- the Khazarian people who say they are Jews but are not, though some of them do have some Semitic blood/DNA, but far less than the Arabic peoples. Some of the Palestinians also have far more Jewish ancestry than the Israelis who claim to be Jewish. No one is more anti-Semitic than those committing or supporting the genocide against the Palestinians.
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 Jared Kushner is Jewish Zionist who promotes Israel first and United States second, and is white Jew who does not right for white rights.


But.... 56% of Israelis don't want Palestinians thrown in the desert. But that means, 46% of Israelis want to ethnically cleanse all of the Gazans? That is still a very troubling statistic.


Zionist creep and naturally, Bibi's son is avoiding military duty in Miami


He is terrorist and criminal . Typical inhuman Zionist as they worship money and evil and don’t care for native innocent Palestinians.


Kushner is a sociopath. He talk about Ethnic cleansing and genocide as if he was talking about buying bread.


Everyone says that Kushner got $2 billion from MBS. People forget that the initial report was $2.25 billion. We round the numbers down but we can't forget the other $250 million !!! The money Kushner got from the Saudi's could've been a quid pro quo for Kushner outing Saudi double agents working the CIA.
The 2017 - 2019 Saudi Arabian purge was the mass arrest of a number of prominent Saudi Arabian princes, government ministers, and business people in Saudi Arabia in November 2017. It took place weeks after the creation of an anti-corruption committee led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. As many as 500 people were rounded up in the sweep. Detainees were confined at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Riyadh and many never came out alive.
Just imagine if Donald Trump and Jared Kushner used the CIA to sell out Saudi double agents working for U.S. interests.
How can we know? We will know nothing if Merrick Garland continues to do nothing but twiddles his thumbs.
Comment: Pal
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The real jews support Palestine. resistor7

 Dueling protests at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) erupted in scuffles, as groups of pro-Palestinian supporters clashed with counter-demonstrators after the barrier set to separate the two sides was breached, according to the school's authorities.
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 Settler violence and Israeli military raids in the occupied West Bank have surged since October 7. Residents have been displaced, homes have been attacked and Palestinians have been killed and injured.
More than a dozen countries, including the United States, France, the United Kingdom and Australia have condemned the violence, and some have announced visa restrictions on anyone found to have taken part in the attacks.
But these restrictions miss a big loophole: dual nationals.
It is estimated that of the 700,000 settlers who live in occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank, at least 60,000 are also American citizens. People & Power investigates the role US citizens play in Israel’s settlement and military activities in the occupied Palestinian territory.
Many Jews want to replace Palestinians and replace whites in white countries.


"The Nazis made me afraid of being Jewish, the Zionists made me ashamed of being Jewish."
 Dr. Israel Shahak, Holocaust survivor.


One of the settlers states that God gave Palestine to Abraham for the jews to live there forever. That is a false statement. There were NO jews at the time of Abraham. The advent of Judaism was after Moses and named after Judah. Abraham was from Iraq and he was Muslim. So was Moses.


The Israelis hebrew language was created using Arabic language.
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Norman Flinkelstein is Jewish.


US and Israel working hand in hand in maintaining the illegal Palestinian occupation apartheid and the Gaza genocide!


Antisemitism is not a justification for genocide !!


The ugly side of contemporary american Israeli colonialism.



Read a 1995 tax treaty between the US and Israel. The US government gives some generous tax exemptions to Israeli corporations in the US, while both governments are getting money from the American taxpayers because Jewish Globalist run the United states . American citizens will always come last. Keep sending your hard-earned money abroad, to politicians and war contractors. while some citizens still need foodstamps.


There is no Hamas in the West Bank. So what is the justification now for the occupation of the West bank?



I have always said this - White America is behind White Israel. It's not about religion but race. And race is powerful. UK and Germany and France and all other European countries back Israel too. Race matters.
The Jewish Globalist can be defeated by the natives from all over the world coming together. Different races with a common enemy Globalism.
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Al Jazeera is funded in whole or in part by the Qatari government.
Wikipedia, Many Jews work at Al Jazeera.


There never will be a two state solution, as the land belonged to the people of Israel for four thousand years. There never was a state of Palestine. As Golda Mair once said, “We all identify as Palestinians, Jews and non Jews”.
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 Al Jazeera is not telling you the truth in this video.  Jews mainly run Al Jazeera and the United States.


 The United States is Jewish Run

Biden is Jewish.

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All the Jews Biden has tapped for top roles in his new administration

All the Jews Biden has tapped for top roles in his new administration

From secretary of state to attorney general, a diverse cross-section of American Jewry is set to fill seats at the incoming president’s Cabinet table and elsewhere in government

US President-elect Joe Biden speaks at The Queen theater in Wilmington, Delaware on January 7, 2021. He called the US Capitol protests one of the 'darkest days' in US history. (JIM WATSON / AFP)
US President-elect Joe Biden speaks at The Queen theater in Wilmington, Delaware on January 7, 2021. He called the US Capitol protests one of the 'darkest days' in US history. (JIM WATSON / AFP)

US President Joe Biden filled the months before Inauguration Day lining up a slate of Cabinet secretaries, assistants and advisers, many of them Jewish.

Biden’s choices reflect a diverse cross-section of American Jewry and possess expertise gleaned from decades of experience in government, science and medicine and law.

Here’s a rundown of the Jewish names you should know as the Biden administration begins.

Anthony Blinken, Secretary of State

Blinken, a longtime Biden adviser with an extensive diplomacy resume, is the stepson of a Holocaust survivor whose stories shaped his worldview and subsequently his policy decisions, including in the Middle East. He holds mainstream Democratic views about Israel and said during his confirmation hearing Tuesday that he wants the US to reenter the Iran nuclear deal — and that he would consult with Israel on Iran policy.

Anthony Blinken speaks at The Queen theater in Wilmington, Delaware, November 24, 2020. (Carolyn Kaster/AP)

David Cohen, CIA Deputy Director

Cohen, who has long been involved in Jewish causes and issues, will occupy the job he held under President Barack Obama. He does not require confirmation, meaning that Biden’s CIA has a top expert in Iran issues from Day One.

David Cohen, seen here at a Capitol Hill hearing on Iran sanctions in 2011, was named to the No. 2 position at the Central Intelligence Agency. (Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images via JTA)

Merrick Garland, Attorney General

Garland was blocked from joining the Supreme Court in the last year of the Obama administration. Now, he’ll require Senate confirmation to become the country’s top lawyer. In his speech after being nominated, he credited his grandparents, who fled anti-Semitism in Europe before coming to the US.

Merrick Garland shown in 2016, has been nominated to be the next attorney general. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence

Haines was deputy director of the CIA under Obama and Biden reportedly considered her to run that agency. Her mother was the Jewish painter Adrian Rappin (originally Rappaport), and her non-Jewish father once wrote in an account about a trip with Haines to Israel that the nominee identifies as Jewish.

Avril Haines, US President-elect Joe Biden’s nominee for director of national intelligence, speaks during her confirmation hearing on January 19, 2021, in Washington. (Joe Raedle/Pool/AFP)

Ronald Klain, Chief of Staff

Klain, a longtime Biden aide who was the president-elect’s first major appointment in November, was previously chief of staff to Biden in his vice president days and to Vice President Al Gore. He has maintained ties with his childhood synagogue in Indianapolis, where he famously learned multiple Torah portions for his bar mitzvah, and has spoken about his commitment to raising Jewish children.

Ron Klain, then President Obama’s ‘ebola czar,’ in Washington, DC, January 13, 2015. (Bill O’Leary/The Washington Post/Getty Images)

Eric Lander, Office of Science and Technology Policy director

Lander, a leading geneticist, will require Senate confirmation after Biden elevated his position to the Cabinet level. After he was criticized for toasting James Watson, the scientist who is credited with discovering the shape of DNA and who also expressed racist and sexist views, Lander said he, too, had been the subject of anti-Semitic comments by Watson.

US President-elect Joe Biden, right, listens as his nominee for the director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy and adviser on science Eric Lander speaks during an event in Wilmington, Delaware, January 16, 2021. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum)

Rachel Levine, deputy health secretary

Levine, raised in a Conservative Jewish home in Massachusetts, is Pennsylvania’s health secretary. She is the first known transgender person to be nominated for a position that requires Senate confirmation.

Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine meets with the media at the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) headquarters in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, May 29, 2020. (Joe Hermitt/The Patriot-News via AP, File)

Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security

Mayorkas, 60, the deputy secretary of Homeland Security under President Barack Obama, was born in Cuba to a Cuban Jewish father and Romanian Jewish mother who survived the Holocaust. He has worked closely with Jewish groups and spoken often about the specific threats facing American Jews. An array of Jewish groups sought a swift confirmation given the threat of extremist violence surrounding the presidential transition, but a Republican senator who supported overturning the election results blocked that possibility on Tuesday.

Alejandro Mayorkas, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, July 25, 2013. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Anne Neuberger, National Security Agency cybersecurity director

An Orthodox Jew originally from Brooklyn and educated through college in Orthodox schools, Neuberger has worked at the NSA for more than a decade. She helped establish the US Cyber Command and worked as chief risk officer, where she led the agency’s election security efforts for the 2018 midterms.

Anne Neuberger, an Orthodox Jew, was recently tapped to head the US National Security Agency’s new Cybersecurity Directorate. (National Security Agency via JTA)

Wendy Sherman, deputy secretary of state

Sherman was the lead negotiator for the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and took the lead in advocating for the agreement with the Jewish and pro-Israel communities, later describing tensions with Israel and some American Jewish groups over the deal as “very, very painful.” She has also played a role in hewing the Democratic Party platform to traditional pro-Israel lines.

US Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Oct. 3, 2013, before a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing. (AP Photo/Molly Riley)

Janet Yellen, Treasury secretary

Yellen already made history as the first woman chair of the Federal Reserve, but now she has been appointed to be the first female Treasury secretary. The respected centrist was one of three Jews featured in a 2016 Trump attack ad that reflected longstanding anti-Semitic tropes.

Federal Reserve Board Chair Janet Yellen speaks during a briefing at the US Federal Reserve December 13, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Photo credit should read BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)
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Jews Run the CDC Centers for Disease Control …

  Walensky is married to Loren D. Walensky, also a physician-scientist. They ...


The media in The United States is run mainly by Jewish Globalist.

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 During a speech to border police officers, Israel’s national security minister told the Israel Defense Forces to kill suspected terrorists on sight even if they don’t pose a direct threat. In an interview with RT, peace activist Eyal Rozenberg discusses Ben-Gvir’s encouragement of the indiscriminate killing of Palestinians.

Well the IDF blew up 2 of their soldiers the other day when they demolished a tunnel - just like they kill Israeli citizens. Rabid dogs. They kill 10 Israeli citizens to get 1 Hamas Hero.

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Why the UN approved aid is verified by Israel, why the agreement done in the security counsel of more aid is not applied. I will never forget how the US(  mainly Jewish run) and the EU ( mainly Jewish run) helped Israel commit genocide
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 Watch testimonies of mass executions of innocent civilians inside their homes in Gaza by Israeli forces.
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 Antony Loewenstein, an Australian-German freelance investigative journalist and author, says that even before October 7, the majority of Israeli-Jewish citizens favoured the relocation of Palestinians from Gaza.
“Israeli-Jewish society has been radicalised,” Loewenstein said. “There was a poll just this week that found 70-80 percent of Israeli Jews support the idea of finding somewhere else for Palestinians in Gaza to be removed. Israel claims that this is somehow voluntary, which is nonsense.
“Gaza is being made uninhabitable deliberately and therefore there are many other countries that are potentially being forced or strong-armed or offered other deals … to take in Palestinians
.” Bribing other countries to take in Palestinians has been a decades-old policy of Israel, the author said.
“As soon as the 1967 war happened there was a convening of the Israeli cabinet and there was a serious discussion at the highest levels to find ways to remove what they regarded as ‘excess Arabs’ that would dilute – in their view – the Jewish population,” he said.
“It’s never really worked. Virtually no Palestinians wanted to leave, and no other nations have been bribed enough. But the plan has always been there and that has accelerated since October 7.”
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 Israel has gone far beyond “going after Hamas” in the first 10 weeks of its war on Gaza, according to one of the United States' leading political scientists, John Mearsheimer.
He tells host Steve Clemons that murdering hundreds of civilians daily and starving the rest is a “punishment campaign” and “should be unacceptable to decent people all over the world”. In this episode, Mearsheimer, who teaches international relations at the University of Chicago, looks into Israel’s long-term strategies and explains why the elites in the US, Europe and the Arab world are not taking concrete steps to stop Israel’s bombing campaign.
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White girl killed in Israel Gaza war.

 Sana dreamed of being a Disney princess.... but she was killed by an Israeli bombing in Gaza.

Always amazed that people think war doesn't kill children. This is a consequence of war. On 07/10/2023, the population in Gaza danced out of joy because Israeli children and civilians had been slaughtered. Now they have a taste of their own medicine. Anyone who thinks that children are spared is mistaken. An eye for an eye.


All British MPs approve of her death and indeed have sent Britishg  warships to protect the occupiers of Palestine to ensure the murders can continue.

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BBC is Jewish Zionist Globalist run.

¨For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces¨ Video: Israeli reserve colonel says Oct 7 killings were ‘mass Hannibal’ directive by IDF, not Hamas (The Hannibal Directive orders the army to kill their own to prevent them being taken captive.)

Israeli PM/war criminal Netenyahu ordered the IDF and Israeli Air force to stand down for 7 hours on Oct 7th

Former IDF-Israel did not respond to the attack for many hours. How is this possible?

Hamas charter-(no wipe jews from earth clause)

Do you REALLY think Hamas blew up 100s of cars with bullets, while busy raping beheaded babies?

Israel using children as human sheilds, again

Israel restricts calories into Gaza.

MINIMUM of calories per person to enter gaza, so that wasnt hamas either,

remember that time when When Zionists made deal with the Nazis?

The zionist terroist wiki

A hidden universe of suffering’: the Palestinian children sent to jail



The BBC has always been known as the Globalist Bullsh1t Corporation hereabouts. I wonder why these 'Journalists' who complain are working for such a biased organisation anyway?

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Jewish Zionist globalist runs Google and they promote hate for all races including Whites, Blacks, Jews and Palestines.

 Some Muslim staff at Google have described the company’s reaction to their outspoken support for Palestine as ‘hate, abuse and retaliation', saying that they are under mounting workplace pressure over their stance on the Israel-Gaza conflict. RT’s Saskia Taylor examines the issue.
 JesusXChristRumbleStarLarry Page and Sergey Brin (Alphabet/Google) owners are both Jewish. They've done everything they can to Censor White Conservatives, Russians, and other groups they disagree with. And all along their Shitbag Leftist employees remained loyal . . . until now. Personally, I hope all of Google's employees quit. Forget the fact that they will never find another job in Joe BiDung's America that pays anywhere near what they're making. And forget the fact that closing Google will stop the flow of about 95% or more of the western world's internet traffic down. The only thing that matters is whether or not these Useless Leftist Vermin can prove that they're not a pack of worthless hypocrites.

Usa is controlled by a zionist oligarchy, based in companies like google, evil to core . that is what makes usa give unconditional support to this renewed genocide attempt by israel. peace in palestine will only arrive when everyone from river to sea have equal rights and there is full accountability for all the crimes and dispossessions . as such colonizer racist israel is facing a sad end in the long term. if zionist colonizers want peace and security , they should go back to homes they legally own in usa and europe, and get out of palestine land.


Google is owned by Zionist and does all their dirty work, so not a surprise. Why else has youtube been turning into shit in recent years with mass censorship all across the board?

jewgle is feuled by wall st shekels instead of public service.


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White Phosphorus, Torture And Other War Crimes In Gaza

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All while the people behind this murder spree sit in mansions as servants fix their food and clean their toilets.


The US ( Zionist Jewish Globalist run), Israel and the accomplices; are expressing a deeply ingrained blood-lust addiction, wherein their very life and growth was and is in large part based on their stealing treasure and enslaving of peoples they proclaim inferior (untermensch, as the Nazis use to express it).




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All non-jews are 'not Adam' (not human). That's what their rabbis say.  onefodderunit

The True Face of Israel



See Kill Pits. See Jews pushing Palestinian men into pits and shooting them. Jews are mass murdering Palestinians in Gaza not only by carpet bombing them, killing millions of children, which is bad enough, but they have blind folded men with their hands bound behind their backs they push into pits filled with tires, and shooting them, and possible covering the pits with soil to hide the bodies. Max Igan shows the carpet bombs areas full of dead children from the start of his latest posted video, at this link, and the kill pit video starts @20 minutes into it



So...anyone NOT is Jew is...what...a sub human, an animal ? THIS is
how THEY see you the Goy (all non jews all overthe world). THINK about that as you understand how
many Duel Citizens run you country. They run the following countries. Australia, New Zealand, United States, Canada,  Britain, Ireland, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, France, Europe.


They never learn:Woe to those who devise wickedness and work evil on their beds! When the morning dawns they perform it, because it is in the power of their hand.They covet fields and seize them, and houses, and take them away; they oppress a man and his house, a man and his inheritance.Therefore thus says the Lord: behold, against this family I am devising disaster which you cannot remove from your necks...Micah 2 - open your bibles my friends. Get the Truth and choose God's side!



Anyhow, it's getting worse by the day for these demons dressed in human suits. Bolivia has severed all diplomatic ties to the terrorist state of Israhell and there will be many more to follow. This follows Yemen's declaration of war on them as I had been saying would happen for months on this channel. Bear in mind that the Houthis have a 1 million + very skilled and battle-hardened army. Then we have Lebanese Hezbollah which is methodically taking out all of their surveillance and intelligence gathering equipment placed on the Northern border and in the process has killed or wounded 120 IDF terrorists and eliminated 9 tanks, 2 APCs and 2 Humvees. Big things soon to come from this direction. Oh, and US marines have already been involved in the fighting in Gaza and have had their asses handed to them. Estimates say that the IDF has already lost over 1,000 killed and 2,000 wounded

. Hezbollah strategy: Forwarded from
Middle East Spectator
 Hezbollah: The Game Plan

PlanEveryone who has been following the war since the 7th of October knows that all parties involved are anxiously awaiting the next move from resistance-axis factions, first and foremost Hezbollah.

Hezbollah, who pushed Israel out of Lebanon in the 80's and defended the South against another attempted occupation in 2006, is a far more potent and capable enemy to the Israeli military than Hamas or the PIJ wil ever be.

Since the beginning of the war, unofficial statements and media reports have been circulating, claiming that an Israeli ground invasion of Gaza would be considered as a red line for Hezbollah.

Despite these statements being unofficial, many of you have wondered, when will Hezbollah really get involved?

Since October 8th, Hezbollah has attacked IDF positions across the Lebanese border every single day, with no exceptions. Approximately 50 martyrs have been announced, and we can only wonder about the number of Israeli deaths. Besides the deaths, many IDF vehicles and tanks have been destroyed.

However, there are clues that something else is being prepared for. Something unprecedented, many times more severe than Hamas' October 7th infiltrations.

Each day for the past 24 days, Hezbollah has consistently and sucessfully been disabling Israeli surveillance & observation equipment on the Lebanese border.

Dozens of radar stations, night vision cameras, infrared sensors, long range communication towers, telescopes and antennas have all been destroyed by the Lebanese group during the past few weeks.

These operations have practically blinded the Israelis in the north, especially in Metula and the surrounding settlements. One can only start to wonder why Hezbollah would have put so much emphasis on this modus-operandi, instead of just going for killing soldiers or destroying tanks.

Based on this information, it is very possible that the main event is yet to come. Otherwise, Hezbollah would not have spent so much attention on destroying IDF equipment, knowing that they would just be repaired months later. Unless, they knew that there won't be such an opportunity again. We might be in the endgame.

All we can do is wait for Nasrallah's speech on Friday. But there might be some surprises in store, and the signs have been there.@Middle_East_Spectator

Israeli losses in the North according to Hezbollah


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  Leb. Communication GrpAl Manar TV

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Understanding Palestine in 10 Questions | Between the Lines with Palki Sharma

 Understanding Palestine in 10 Questions | Between the Lines with Palki Sharma The story of Palestine is not a new one. It's been written and told multiple times over the last few decades. But what about the Palestine of today? Where is it? Who rules it? And what do Palestinians want. Palki Sharma explores the complex history and current issues of Palestine as we answer 10 fundamental questions about the conflict on Between the Lines.


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Thanks Egyptians for joining the blockade against the people of Gaza .. and also for Arab leaders for sleeping

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US massive military buildup. Biden threatens Iran. EU visa for Russians to overthrow Putin. U/1

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Qatar finances Hamas and houses its leaders, not Iran. It's like post 2001 when they invaded Iraq instead of focusing on Afghanistan. Why is nobody talking about Qatar's involvement?


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Norman Finkelstein is Jewish.

Israel's long war on Gaza w/Norman Finkelstein | The Chris Hedges Report

 Israel has unleashed a horrific war of collective punishment against the people of Gaza, the latest in a long history of anti-Palestinian oppression. As corporate media shamelessly provides cover for what is undoubtedly a genocide unfolding in real time, the need to ground our understanding of the conflict in its proper history is more important than ever. Norman Finkelstein joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss Israel's 17 year blockade of Gaza and its crucial significance to understanding the events of the past two weeks.

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I’ve been listening to Norman Finkelstein for a long time. I remember when I saw his debate with Alan Dershowitz on “Democracy Now” and was impressed by his courage and passion. He made a fool out of Dershowitz and proved to the whole world that zionists lie about everything and they unfortunately have a massive support from both the media and the politicians which means that their talking points are being presented as truth. Norman has really sacrificed a lot for the Palestinian cause and he deserves the utmost respect.
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  Lee Camp is Jewish.

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Brief history of Israel-Palestine conflict

Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been killed, violently displaced and forced to live under occupation for decades by Israel.

Here are the historical events that led to the shrinking of Palestinian lands and the foundation and the expansion of the state of Israel. #palestine #israel #history

0:00 Intro

0:15 Palestine in the Early 1900s

0:49 WWI and the Balfour Declaration

1:11 UN Partition Plan in 1947

1:59 First Arab-Israeli War

2:31 The Six-Day War

3:05 Palestinian Resistance

3:37 The Oslo Accords

4:56 Continuous Attacks Against Palestinians


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Over the past 50 years, Israel has forcibly expelled thousands of Palestinians from their lands, which it illegally occupied and used to build settlements inhabited only by Jewish Israeli settlers. Entire Palestinian communities have been displaced by these settlements, with their homes and livelihoods destroyed, and restrictions imposed on their movements and access to their land, water sources, and other natural resources. These communities were also subjected to violent attacks from the Israeli army and Israeli settlers. For all this, we must take action now. We want the world's governments to stop subsidizing the economy that helps these illegal settlements continue to grow and expand, and helps Palestinians continue to suffer: you can help??


So much help information I can't handle it
Every time Israel claims they are a victim, their territories expand lol
What’s interesting and perhaps often missed is that Jews and Arabs were living peacefully together for many years in the Middle East before the State of Israel was created. Jews in the Middle East did not suffer problems with discrimination, however someIt was the European Jews who agitated for the creation of the State of Israel, in which both Arabs as well as non-European Jews are considered inferior to the European Jews. We keep saying Israel is a Jewish state. It would be more accurate to say that it’s a “European (Whites) Jewish” state, in which all who are not of European Jewish descent are discriminated against, in one way or another.

 Jews in the Middle East did not suffer problems with discrimination; however Jews in Europe did, because they created hate against White gentiles

 !. Communist Jews killed millions Ukraine’s and Russians during communist rule. Jew Whites & Whites Holocaust,

2 Jewish Bankers financed Wars in Europe.  Bankers Control the World . Ukraine & Israel as one Nation

3 Jewish globalists control most of the media in Europe and other white countries. Media Globalist Run.   Anti-semitism

4. Many Jews are for open boards

5, Many Jews promote same sex marriages.

6. Many Jews promote race mixing.

7. Many Jews create hate against whites. White Guilt DebunkedProf. Tony Martin: Blacks and Jews at Wellesl…

8. Many Jews do not allow whites free speech.

9. Many Jews are against whites having organizations to represent themselves.

10. Many Jews are against whites having children

11. Many Jews are behind the replacing whites with colored people in Europe, United States, Canada, Australia and Zealand. Jew admitted Jews plan to destroy Whites

12. Jews were behind the Covid jab that killed many people all over the World, including Jews, Whites goys.

 13. Jews Globalist have too much power in White western countries. European Union Globalist Run

 14, Many Jews promote The New World Order.  The United States Globalist Run RABBI RABINOVICH'S SPEECH Jews Rule The World

Zionism Has Deceived And Sacraficed Jews

15. Zionist Jews use Jews. Zionism Has Deceived And Sacraficed Jew

Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro explains what the goal of Zionism is. Why did Zionists creat...

16. Many Jews hate Christians. Moloch- Some Jews worship MolochTulmud Jewish most Guarded Secret 3.

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WARNING!! From an Unvaccinated Person in Israel.

WARNING!! From an Unvaccinated Person in Israel

The Testimonies Project

The Testimonies Project

Jewish testimonies about Covid jab results.  The testimonies project - the mo...

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Laura Lomer Is Jewish person who is exposing Jews behind House bill 269 seeks to curb free speech.
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Well he should have gone further, the israelites, the one and only "Jew" bloodline is only in 15% of those who "identify" as Jews today .. So who are the rest of them? Well they are White European goys and share no relation or ties to Israel. They converted to Judaism which according to the Torah is impossible. One needs a Jewish mother to be cursed with kikery . So not only do they have no ethnic claim to the land, they have no religious one either.


First, semantics. "Jew" and "Hebrew" have precise definitions and are not the same, even if both are derived from the same bloodline. From that perspective, there are a few things to consider:
- The tomb of Amenemhat I, founder of the 12th Dynasty, whom most consider to have been a usurper, is the only tomb permanently closed to the public, almost since its discovery. My bad that i don't remember his name but the Brit who discovered the tomb was murdered shortly after releasing his findings. Among these, he most significant was that the names "Abraham" and "Amenemhat" are used interchangeably in the tomb. Since pharaohs adopted a name upon taking the throne, it was concluded that the name, Amenemhat, was taken after his ascension, and that Abraham was his birth name.
- In a letter to the reigning pharaoh, carved into the walls at Karnak, the 18th Century BC Egyptian governor of Canaan described the Hebrews as invading "Asiatic" thugs armed with Aryan weapons. At that time, anyone or thing from east of the Tigris.was considered "Asiatic". It was from his description of their weapons, the crossbow and horse-drawn chariot, never before seen in Canaan or Egypt, that it can be ascertained they had Aryan weapons, with which they marauded across Canaan, pillaging and laying waste the countryside.This is where it gets interesting. As the Bible indicates, drought drove the Hebrews down into Lower Egypt which, at that time, was divided from Upper Egypt. What the Bible doesn't mention is that they usurped the crown and ruled as the Hyksos, the Shepherd Kings.
The Hebrews launched a war against Pharaoh Ahmose, of Upper Egypt, ostensibly over continued bull and calf worship in the new Age of Aries the Ram. Ever heard of using religion as a fig leaf for military aggression? Ahmose defeated them and then, granted them exile in his province of Canaan, provided they agree to act as his mercenaries, keeping rebellious Canaanite tribes under firm Egyptian rule.
In fact, the Bible is an accurate historical account only the authors chose to hide the real identities of the cast of characters. "God gave us this land". Not quite. Ahmose, aka Yahweh, granted them exile in return for mercenary services. That might explain why Yahweh was such an angry, vindictive, foreskin-coveting piece of work.
The fictional Kings David and Solomon were based on the real historical Pharaohs Psusennes and his son, Siamon. Psusennes ruled at the same time as David, for the same # of yrs, and he fought the same Canaanite tribes as David. His emblem, found on his cartouches, was the Star of Remphan, aka the Star of David.
Strip away the magic, the miracles and the myths, and apply the all-too-common appropriate human traits, such as greed, ambition, cruelty, lust, passion, and that Biblical cast of characters can be seen to morph into the real historical record.. This could explain the unbridled hubris and sense of entitlement displayed by this particular tribe.
[show less]


Dubai and Jews

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Mufti Menk addresses controversy after iftar with Zionist rabbi in Dubai

 Rabbi Duchman is still the Zionist facilitating normalisation between the UAE and Israel. And Menk sitting next to him is immensely problematic, whether he knew it or not. His reasoning that there were people of other faiths present, or that there was no indication of any demonstration of normalisation, also doesn't hold up to scrutiny.  Why else would he say that had he known who Duchman was, or what he represented, he wouldn't have attended?

In other words, despite his defiance, Menk appears to have realised that Duchman's presence alone at a state-sponsored event was harmful enough. And that he played a role in lending it some gravitas.

Hours after the event, he saw how Israeli government social media accounts promoted the photos as a kind of proof that it held no animosity towards Muslims even as it attacked Palestinian worshippers at Al-Aqsa. He saw, too, how the UAE used his interaction with the Rabbi as evidence of its purported tolerance. 

Unfortunately, he just can't seem to bring himself to admit it. 

And that's a pity. Because if Muslim leaders aren't willing to invest time into understanding the plight of their people, they don't merely become complicit in their oppression, they normalise ignorance, too.

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  UAE: The ‘happiest’ little police state ever?


After all, "happy" is a rather ludicrous descriptor for an entity that is so often synonymous with the obliteration of rights. A brief glance at Human Rights Watch’s most recent overview of events in the UAE is enough to confirm that the situation is far from cheery.

Assault on free expression

For example, "UAE residents who have spoken about human rights issues are at serious risk of arbitrary detention, imprisonment, and torture" - part of Emirati authorities’ "sustained assault on freedom of expression and association".

Ohoud al-Roumi was appointed as the UAE’s new state minister for happiness in 2016 (Handout/WAM/AFP)
Ohoud al-Roumi was appointed as the UAE’s new state minister for happiness in 2016 (Handout/WAM/AFP)

To be sure, the UAE constitutes a land of economic opportunity for many a Western "expat"  as well as other privileged sectors of the global populace. 

But as HRW notes, "many low-paid migrant workers remain acutely vulnerable to forced labour", and the country’s labour law doesn’t cover domestic workers, “who face a range of abuses, from unpaid wages, confinement to the house, workdays up to 21 hours with no breaks, to physical or sexual assault by employers”.

Over the years, all manner of horror stories involving migrant worker abuse have emerged - including, as it so happens, from the construction of New York University’s oh-so-sophisticated Abu Dhabi campus and the Louvre Abu Dhabi.

Oppressive surveillance landscape

In addition to exploited workers, other foreign nationals might be forgiven for finding the UAE to be a less-than-happy place. Five years ago, my Lebanese friend’s father - who had resided in the Emirates for decades with his wife and whose children were born there - was suddenly given 48 hours to leave the country, with no explanation. Though decidedly apolitical, the father happened to be Shia, which is apparently reason enough to break up UAE-based Lebanese families.

Meanwhile, all inhabitants of the UAE exist in an oppressive landscape of total surveillance. As Middle East Eye noted last year, an Emirati cybercrime law "essentially provide[s] a legal basis to detain anybody who criticises the regime online".

In Abu Dhabi, an "Israeli-installed mass civil surveillance system” known as Falcon Eye reportedly "enables Emirati security officials to monitor every person 'from the moment they leave their doorstep to the moment they return to it'".

All hail the UAE Tolerance Summit…or else
Read More »

But, hey, who said police states aren’t happy?

Nor has the UAE brought much happiness to Yemen, a country whose devastation in recent years is in large part thanks to the criminal excesses of a Saudi- and Emirati-led coalition, which have ranged from slaughtering Yemeni children on a school bus to paving the way for mass starvation.

In a recent investigation for the Guardian on “how the UAE is profiting from the chaos of civil war” in Yemen, Ghaith Abdul-Ahad writes that, while all parties to the conflict are responsible for atrocities, “no one can compete with the detentions, torture and forced disappearances by the Emirati-sponsored troops”. He continues: “An unprecedented campaign of terror followed the formation of these forces in 2016." 

And while the ostensible aim of the campaign was to fight al-Qaeda, “the targets expanded to include anyone who dared to oppose the UAE presence in Yemen”.

A useful smokescreen

Fitting, then, that the UAE is a primary “terror-fighting” partner of the US - another nation that regularly engages in terrorism under the guise of fighting it. Of course, the US has also fervently backed Saudi-Emirati horrors in Yemen with weapons and other forms of support.

In 2017, the Associated Press documented at least 18 secret prisons-cum-torture centres in Yemen run by the UAE or UAE-trained forces, where the US was also known to interrogate detainees. The following year, the AP ran a report identifying “at least five [Emirati] prisons where security forces use sexual torture to brutalize and break inmates”.

The country’s portrayal as an ultra-modern oasis of wealth and progress helps conceal its fundamentally anti-human orientation

In the end, the current propaganda promoting the UAE as one of the happiest places on earth is a useful smokescreen for nefarious activity both at home and abroad.

Apparently, the - ultimately empty - concept of "happiness" has been deemed a suitable substitute for freedom, human rights, and all that good stuff, while the country’s portrayal as an ultra-modern oasis of wealth and progress helps conceal its fundamentally anti-human orientation.

And since the Emirati enterprise nicely reinforces a US-led global neoliberal project that prioritises obscene socioeconomic inequality and war - while also conveniently facilitating normalisation with America’s favourite Israeli partner in crime - things will presumably only get happier.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Eye.

Belen Fernandez is the author of Exile: Rejecting America and Finding the World and The Imperial Messenger: Thomas Friedman at Work. She is a contributing editor at Jacobin magazine.
Middle East Eye delivers independent and unrivalled coverage and analysis of the Middle East, North Africa and beyond. To learn more about republishing this content and the associated fees, please fill out this form. More about MEE can be found here.

  Is Dubai safe for people with Jewish names or identities to visit (or live in)?


The short answer is a resounding 'yes'. I have lived in Dubai for nearly five years and can safely say that I've never had an issue with being Jewish. There is a well-known separation between religion and politics in Dubai, and so long as you aren't in breach of this separation (brandishing Zionist propaganda and openly supporting the Jewish state, for example) there isn't an issue. Further, the business friendly nature of Dubai lends itself to openness and an acceptance of all types.

I've experienced far more anti-semitism in the US and Europe than anywhere in the Middle East, and I've trav


 Dubai - A city profile

Economic Profile

Known as the “capital of UAE’s economy,” Dubai is a key financial and trading hub, and one of the fastest growing cities in the world.8 Helped by its strategic geographical location and “exceptional infrastructure”, Dubai has emerged as a prominent global trading city connecting markets around the world.9

In addition to its efficient infrastructure, Dubai has put in place economic policies and a legislative framework that has made it a conducive environment for over 20,000 international corporations to operate.10 Additionally, Dubai invested heavily in infrastructure and hospitality projects for the Expo 2020 trade fair, including the expansion of the Al Maktoum International Airport at an estimated cost of US$8 billion.11


 Dubai Population Over The Years | Population Growth in Dubai UAE

 According to the census conducted by the Statistics Centre of Dubai, the population of the emirate was 1,771,000 as of 2009, which included 1,370,000 males and 401,000 females. As of June 2017, the population is 2,789,000. The region covers 1,287.5 square kilometres (497.1 sq mi). The population density is 408.18/km2 – more than eight times that of the entire country. Dubai is the second most expensive city in the region and 20th most expensive city in the world.

As of 2013, only about 15% of the population of the emirate was made up of UAE nationals,[116] with the rest comprising expatriates, many of whom either have been in the country for generations or were born in the UAE.[117][118] Approximately 85% of the expatriate population (and 71% of the emirate's total population) was Asian, chiefly Indian (51%) and Pakistani (16%); other significant Asian groups include Bangladeshis (9%) and Filipinos (3%).

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Modern Music Boeing 777 Emirates Premieră Video HD



The MAIN Reason Why Germany Lost WW2 - OIL

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Oil was in desperately short supply for the Axis powers in WW2.

The MAIN Reason Why Germany Lost WW2 - OIL


Oil was in desperately short supply for the Axis powers in WW2. One historian describes it as 'The First War for Oil' - such was the severity of the shortage. Oil was probably the biggest factor that Germany lost world war 2, and it explains many of the previous reasons why the German Wehrmacht fought the way it did.

Dont forget to mention that England and France declared war on Germany. It is not as always taught in todays history books that Germany "invaded" France with no reason. Hitler did not want a war with England but Churchill wanted one under all circumstances, long before 1939. What they call today official history is a big lie....Wolf Larsen
Hilter Was  financed by the Federal Reserve & The Bank of England


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Hitler Was Financed by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England

  Hitler Was Financed by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England — By Yuri Rubtsov

More than 70 years ago was the start of the greatest slaughter in history.

The recent resolution of the parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE fully equalizes the role of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany at the outbreak of the Second World War, except that it had the purely pragmatic purpose of extorting money from Russia on the contents of some of the bankrupt economies, intended to demonize Russia as the successor state to the USSR, and to prepare the legal ground for the deprivation of her right to speak out against revision of results of war.

But if we approach the problem of responsibility for the war, then you first need to answer the key question: who helped the Nazis come to power?

Who sent them on their way to world catastrophe? The entire pre-war history of Germany shows that the provision of the "necessary" policies were managed by the financial turmoil, in which, by the way, the world was plunged into.

The key structures that defined the post-war development strategy of the West were the Central financial institutions of Great Britain and the United States — the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve System (FRS) — and the associated financial and industrial organizations set out a target to establish absolute control over the financial system of Germany to control political processes in Central Europe.

To implement this strategy it is possible to allocate the following stages:

1st: from 1919 to 1924 — to prepare the ground for massive American financial investment in the German economy;

2nd: from 1924 to 1929 — the establishment of control over the financial system of Germany and financial support for national socialism;

3rd: from 1929 to 1933 — provoking and unleashing a deep financial and economic crisis and ensuring the Nazis come to power;

4th: from 1933 to 1939 — financial cooperation with the Nazi government and support for its expansionist foreign policy, aimed at preparing and unleashing a new World War.

In the first stage, the main levers to ensure the penetration of American capital into Europe began with war debts and the closely related problem of German reparations.

After the US' formal entry into the first World War, they gave the allies (primarily England and France) loans to the amount of $8.8 billion.

The total sum of war debts, including loans granted to the United States in 1919-1921, was more than $11 billion.

To solve this problem, debtor countries tried to impose a huge amount of extremely difficult conditions for the payment of reparations at the expense of Germany.

This was caused by the flight of German capital abroad, and the refusal to pay taxes led to a state budget deficit that could be covered only through mass production of unsecured Marks.

The result was the collapse of the German currency — the "great inflation" of 1923, which amounted to 578 (512%), when the dollar was worth 4.2 trillion Marks.

German Industrialists began to openly sabotage all activities in the payment of reparation obligations, which eventually caused the famous "Ruhr crisis" — Franco-Belgian occupation of the Ruhr in January 1923.

The Anglo-American ruling circles, in order to take the initiative in their  own hands, waited for France to get caught up in a venturing adventure and to prove its inability to solve the problem.

US Secretary of State Hughes pointed out:

"It is necessary to wait for Europe to mature in order to accept the American proposal."

The new project was developed in the depths of "JP Morgan & Co." under the instruction of the head of the Bank of England, Montagu Norman.

At the core of his ideas was representative of the "Dresdner Bank" Hjalmar Schacht, who formulated it in March 1922 at the suggestion of John Foster Dulles (future Secretary of state in the Cabinet of President Eisenhower) and legal adviser to President W. Wilson at the Paris peace conference.

Dulles gave this note to the chief Trustee "JP Morgan & Co.", and then JP Morgan recommended that H. Schacht, M. Norman, and the last of the Weimar rulers.

In December, 1923, H. Schacht would become Manager of the Reichsbank and was instrumental in bringing together the Anglo-American and German financial circles.

In the summer of 1924, the project known as the "Dawes plan" (named after the Chairman of the Committee of experts who created it - American banker and Director of one of the banks of the Morgan group), was adopted at the London conference.

He called for halving the reparations and solved the question about the sources of their coverage. However, the main task was to ensure favorable conditions for US investment, which was only possible with stabilization of the German Mark.

To this end, the plan gave Germany a large loan of $200 million, half of which was accounted for by JP Morgan.

While the Anglo-American banks gained control not only over the transfer of German payments, but also for the budget, the system of monetary circulation and to a large extent the credit system of the country.

By August 1924, the old German Mark was replaced by a new, stabilized financial situation in Germany, and, as the researcher G.D Preparta wrote, the Weimar Republic was prepared for "the most picturesque economic aid in history, followed by the most bitter harvest in world history" — "an unstoppable flood of American blood poured into the financial veins of Germany."

The consequences of this were not slow to appear.

This was primarily due to the fact that the annual reparations were to cover the amount of debt paid by the allies, formed by the so-called "absurd Weimar circle".

The gold that Germany paid in the form of war reparations, was sold, pawned, and disappeared in the US, where it was returned to Germany in the form of an "aid" plan, who gave it to England and France, and they in turn were to pay the war debt of the United States.

It was then overlayed with interest, and again sent  to Germany. In the end, all in Germany lived in debt, and it was clear that should Wall Street withdraw their loans, the country will suffer complete bankruptcy.

Secondly, although formal credit was issued to secure payment, it was actually the restoration of the military-industrial potential of the country. The fact is that the Germans were paid in shares of companies for the loans so that American capital began to actively integrate into the German economy.

The total amount of foreign investments in German industry during 1924-1929 amounted to almost 63 billion gold Marks (30 billion was accounted for by loans), and the payment of reparations — 10 billion Marks.

70% of revenues were provided by bankers from the United States, and most of the banks were from JP Morgan. As a result, in 1929, German industry was in second place in the world, but it was largely in the hands of America's leading financial-industrial groups.

"Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie", the main supplier of the German war machine, financed 45% of the election campaign of Hitler in 1930, and was under the control of Rockefeller "Standard oil".

Morgan, through "General Electric", controlled the German radio and electrical industry via AEG and Siemens (up to 1933, 30% of the shares of AEG owned "General Electric") through the Telecom company ITT — 40% of the telephone network in Germany.

In addition, they owned a 30% stake in the aircraft manufacturing company "Focke-Wulf". "General Motors", belonging to the DuPont family, established control over "Opel".

Henry Ford controlled 100% of the shares of  "Volkswagen".

In 1926, with the participation of the Rockefeller Bank "Dillon, Reed & Co." the second largest  industrial monopoly in Germany after "I.G. Farben" emerged — metallurgical concern "Vereinigte Stahlwerke" (Steel trust) Thyssen, Flick, Wolff, Feglera etc.

American cooperation with the German military-industrial complex was so intense and pervasive that by 1933 the key sectors of German industry and large banks such as Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, Donat Bank etc were under the control of American financial capital.

The political force that was intended to play a crucial role in the Anglo-American plans was being simultaneously prepared. We are talking about the funding of the Nazi party and A. Hitler personally.

As former German Chancellor Brüning wrote in his memoirs, since 1923, Hitler received large sums from abroad. Where they went is unknown, but they were received through Swiss and Swedish banks.

It is also known that, in 1922 in Munich, a meeting took place between A. Hitler and the military attache of the US to Germany — Captain Truman Smith — who compiled a detailed report for his Washington superiors (in the office of military intelligence), in which he spoke highly of Hitler.

It was through Smith's circle of acquaintances Hitler was first introduced to Ernst Franz Sedgwick Hanfstaengl (Putzie), a graduate of Harvard University who played an important role in the formation of A. Hitler as a politician, rendered him significant financial support, and secured him the acquaintance and communication with senior British figures.

Hitler was prepared in politics, however, while Germany reigned in prosperity, his party remained on the periphery of public life. The situation changed dramatically with the beginning of the crisis.

Since the autumn of 1929 after the collapse of the American stock exchange was triggered by the Federal Reserve, the third stage of the strategy of Anglo-American financial circles started.

The Federal Reserve and JP Morgan decided to stop lending to Germany, inspired by the banking crisis and economic depression in Central Europe.

In September 1931, England abandoned the gold standard, deliberately destroying the international system of payments and completely cutting off the financial oxygen to the Weimar Republic.

But a financial miracle occurred with the Nazi party: in September 1930, as a result of large donations from Thyssen, "I.G. Farben", Kirdorf's party got 6.4 million votes, and took second place in the Reichstag, after which generous investments from abroad were activated.

The main link between the major German industrialists and foreign financiers became H. Schacht.

On January 4th, 1932, a meeting was held between the largest English financier M. Norman, A. Hitler, and von Papen, which concluded a secret agreement on the financing of the NSDAP.

This meeting was also attended by US policymakers and the Dulles brothers, something which their biographers do not like to mention.

On January 14th, 1933, a meeting between Hitler, Schroder, Papen and Kepler took place, where Hitler's program was fully approved.

It was here that they finally resolved the issue of the transfer of power to the Nazis, and on 30th January Hitler became Chancellor. The implementation of the fourth stage of the strategy thus begun.

The attitude of the Anglo-American ruling circles to the new government was very sympathetic. When Hitler refused to pay reparations, which, naturally, called into question the payment of war debts, neither Britain nor France showed him the claims of the payments.

Moreover, after the visit in the United States in May 1933, H. Schacht was placed again as the head of Reichsbank, and after his meeting with the President and the biggest bankers on Wall Street, America  allocated Germany new loans totaling $1 billion.

In June, during a trip to London and a meeting with M. Norman, Schacht also sought an English loan of $2 billion, and a reduction and then cessation of payments on old loans. Thus, the Nazis got what they could not achieve with the previous government.

In the summer of 1934, Britain signed the Anglo-German transfer agreement, which became one of the foundations of British policy towards the Third Reich, and at the end of the 30's, Germany became the main trading partner of England.

Schroeder Bank became the main agent of Germany in the UK, and in 1936 his office in New York teamed up with the Rockefellers to create the "Schroeder, Rockefeller & Co." investment Bank, which "Times" magazine called the "economic propagandist axis of Berlin-Rome".

As Hitler himself admitted, he conceived his four-year plan on the basis of foreign financial loans, so it never inspired him with the slightest alarm.

In August 1934, American "Standard oil" in Germany acquired 730,000 acres of land and built large oil refineries that supplied the Nazis with oil.

At the same time, Germany  secretly took delivery of the most modern equipment for aircraft factories from the United States, which would begin the production of German planes.

Germany received a large number of military patents from American firms Pratt and Whitney, "Douglas", "Curtis Wright", and American technology was building the "Junkers-87".

In 1941, when the Second world war was raging, American investments in the economy of Germany amounted to $475 million. "Standard oil" invested - 120 million, "General motors" - $35 million, ITT — $30 million, and "Ford" — $17.5 million.

The close financial and economic cooperation of Anglo-American and Nazi business circles was the background against which, in the 30's, a policy of appeasement led to world war II.

Today, when the world's financial elite began to implement the "Great depression — 2" plan, with the subsequent transition to the "new world order", identifying its key role in the organization of crimes against humanity becomes a priority.

Translated by Ollie Richardson, from ru-polit.livejournal / Yuri Rubtsov is a doctor of historical sciences, academician of the Academy of military sciences, and member of  the International Association of historians of world war II.

Read 8705 times Last modified on Wednesday, 09 October 2024 10:04