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Unsung pro-life heroes won't stop after Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision The pro-life movement is stronger than ever if the huge turnout at last week's March For Life is any indication. And now there's every reason to anticipate that Roe vs. Wade will come to end…
Published in Organizations
Candace Owen Destroys And Humiliates Rabbi “Buttplug” Shmuley In Debate Army   How about just deport the Muslims then both Christians and Jews could be safe      kevaNew “With gold we can buy the most rebellious consciences, can subsidize all state loans, and thereafter hold the…
Published in Inspiring Change
      President Lukashenko: Excuse me, I´m not an anti-Semite, but...              
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  Mahathir Mohamad  rt-news-livestream-247.html   Edited The Palestinian Genocide is part of the so-called US Globalist Alliance War on Terror that in horrible reality is a cowardly, racist US Alliance and racist Zionist Globalist War on Women and Children and a War on Palestinian, Iraqi, Lebanese, Syrian,…
Published in Inspiring Change
  America First Foundation founder, Nicholas J Fuentes. I WILL NOT COMPLY: Anti-Mandate Protest - Springfield Illinois  America First Foundation founder, Nicholas J Fuentes, speaks to crowd of hundreds protesting the tyrannical vaccine mandates and control-grid lockdown. ? ? ? ? ? ? ?" ETHNO-STATES WILL NEVER…
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A legal explainer the introduction of Covid-19 vaccination passports within the UK Are coronavirus vaccination passports lawful?  A legal explainer video reviewing the issues surrounding the introduction of Covid-19 vaccination passports within the UK. 0:00​ - Intro 1:32​ - Defining Coronavirus passports 2:29​ - For and against…
Published in Constitutions and Laws
Powerful Secret Revealed by Leaked CIA Documents  Jake Ducey of joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the power of the human mind to fight the establishment brainwashing regimen to which it has been exposed.    
Published in Legal & Politics
  New Biden Press Secretary Embarrassingly Bad At Her Job New Biden Press Secretary Embarrassingly Bad At Her Job                     There is no white race you fucking asshole.....just a group of cock suckers that play the race card…
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Breaking Your Will  
Published in Inspiring Change
 A look into Corporate fraud in Australia, Stranglehold of Monopolies, Telecommunications Oppression, Biased Law System, Corporate influence in politics, Industrial Relations disadvantaging workers, Outsourcing Australian Jobs, Offshore Banking, Petrochemical company domination, Invisibly Visible. It's not what you see, it's what goes on behind the scenes.  Corporate Australia…
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GOP Leader Pushing Bill Targeting Social Media Censorship Laura Loomer-inspired legislation could save free speech  
Published in Legal & Politics
Veronika Kazakova, political scientist: Are the UN’s days over? Veronika Kazakova, political scientist: Are the UN’s days over 27/10/2023 Recently, a growing number of voices and opinions from various types of experts have been raised to assert that the UN is, in fact, largely obsolete and in…
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МУЛЬТФИЛЬМ ОБ ИСТОРИЧЕСКИЙ СОБЫТИЯХ НАШЕЙ СТРАНЫ! Князь Владимир. Фильм в HD. STARMEDIAKIDS     Jews In The News "We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racialtensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that forcenturies they have been oppressed by whites, we…
Published in Organizations
   Left-wing activists hold placards and flags as they protest against the "Jewish state" The Left Politics of Jews  2015, April 27 - 20:19 — lyle.allan Left-wing activists hold placards and flags as they protest against the "Jewish state" bill near the Prime Minister residence in Jerusalem on…
Published in Legal & Politics
  The Truth About Ye Oldgranny   When one cannot even mention the word jew without being anti-semitic it tells you who really is in power. Mankind has experienced mass killing by communists of days old. Now today the biggest mass killing of mankind ever, the covid…
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