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Weekly News Wrap Up: 2 February 2016

Here is a list of interesting articles we have uncovered in the last week that we wished to share with the community.

Middle Eastern “Refugees” Gang-Rape Woman in Helsinki
Helsinki police arrested four migrants for aggravated gang-rape in Helsinki. The four Middle Eastern men came to Finland as asylum seekers.

Gore’s “10 Years to Save Earth” Flops
Al Gore’s 2006 prediction that “climate change” would flood the world by 2016 have now been shown to be another hysterical exaggeration—while a new study has shown that all the climate models used to predict global warming are hopelessly flawed.

VIDEO: 16-Year-Old Girl Goes Viral After Sharing Horrors of Radical Muslim “Refugees” With Entire World
A very brave 16-year-old German teenager, Bibi Wilhailm, recorded a bombshell video message to German Chancellor Angela Merkel last week, telling her how the scourge of radical Muslim refugees was destroying her country.

Austria: Afghan Rapist “Can’t be Deported”
A 17-year-old Afghani criminal invader who brutally raped a 72-year-old Austrian woman in the town of Traiskirchen has been sentenced to 20 months in prison “because he is a juvenile” and won’t be deported, it emerged at his trial this week.

Germany's Migrant Deportation Plan: "Political Charade"
N24 television has reported that up to 50% of "asylum seekers" have gone into hiding and their whereabouts are unknown. They presumably include economic migrants and others who are trying to avoid deportation if or when their asylum applications are rejected.

Mideast Christian Suffering, U.S. Denial
Escaped eyewitnesses have reported that ISIS places Iraqi and Syrian Christians in cages or coffins and sets them on fire.

Police 'take over' white Zimbabwean family's farm and stop them tending to crops after evicting them from their land to make way for a black British doctor
A white Zimbabwean family fear for their future after being forced off their farm by police, who have since occupied their home and confiscated their tractor.

US Attorney General, US Cities, Join UN to Create Global Police Force Intiative
Yesterday, Loretta Lynch announced before the United Nations that the Attorney General's Office, in collaboration with several US Cities will for a global law enforcement initiative called the Strong Cities Network. This is the implementation of UN rules and laws on US soil bypassing Congress and circumventing the Constitution.

Parents sue public high school for 'religious indoctrination' after their daughter was 'forced to convert to Islam in world history class'
The parents of a Maryland teenager have launched a lawsuit against their daughter's public high school, claiming the district forced the 16-year-old to take classes that promote Islam over Christianity and Judaism.

Zika Virus Eugenics Bioweapon?
The Zika virus. A virus spread to humans by the aedes aegypti mosquito the same mosquito that produces yellow fever, dengue and chikengunya and is found in The Americas, Africa, Asia, India and the Pacific Islands. Symptoms in adults are mild and can last for several days to a week. Health officials are now questioning whether the virus has long lasting neurological and muscle weakening effects similar to guillain barrer syndrome. The most prevalent danger of Zika involves mycrocephaly. Causing stunted brain development in babies.

At Least 20 Killed, 29 Injured After A Suicide Bomb Attack In Afghanistan
At least 20 police officers were killed and another 29 wounded after a suicide bomb attack outside of a police station in a busy section of western Kabul in Afghanistan, according to the New York Times.

Land Rights Activist Killed At Nazi Style Checkpoint

Read 20161 times Last modified on Thursday, 17 November 2016 07:01