Dr. Joseph Mercola's new book, “The Great Bird Flu Hoax,” argues that the narrative of an impending bird flu pandemic is a conspiracy for power and profit.
- The book argues that bird flu can only spread among animals that are popular as food for humans, such as cows, and not among other animals such as seagulls, rats or deer, writes SD Wells .
- Mercola suggests that the push for a bird flu pandemic is to promote vaccination, which he claims is harmful and can lead to serious health problems including heart attacks, strokes and infertility.
- The book criticizes the mainstream media, pharmaceutical companies, and corporations for supporting the bird flu narrative, which Mercola believes is a plan to control the population and the food supply.
Also check out Dr. Joseph Mercola’s new book, The Great Bird Flu Hoax: The Truth They Don’t Want You to Know About the ‘Next Big Pandemic.’ He exposes how the Biden administration has been pushing the narrative that a new bird flu outbreak is likely to kill millions of Americans, and of course the fake news mainstream media is fully on board, along with the pharmaceutical companies and others ready to profit greatly from the fear mongering. But the truth is… there is NOT going to be a bird flu pandemic. It’s all an elaborate plan devised for Big Brother power and money.
Therefore, there is no bird flu in the birds of the world, except those that humans eat, and it can only spread, it is supposed, to other animals that are also the most popular food for humans, such as cows. Don't worry about the seagulls, rats or deer, because bird flu doesn't have that kind of " gain-of-function ."
The fake story about the bird flu pandemic claims the virus can spread to cows, but don't worry that animals that people don't eat will get it too
Watch out everyone, have you heard that rat flu is the new pandemic? No? That's because no one eats rats. Are you worried about catching the Seagull Delta Variant Virus? No? Why not? Bill Gates and the Vaccine Cult are only pushing the bird flu propaganda because it supposedly infects the chickens, eggs and cows.
It’s all about destroying the food supply and injecting billions of people with clotting shots that will kill us all. It’s so easy to see now. The storylines are so stupid that since China Flu Covid, if you can’t see the forest for the trees, you get sucked into the vortex of fear mongering and mass injection by mRNA.
As the narrative for “Bird Flu” goes, it is “ highly contagious among birds and can spread like wildfire to humans and cows,” so beware. Yes, according to fake news everywhere, Bird Flu 2025 is in the milk in Arizona because there has been another “bird-to-cow spillover.” Those stupid chickens must have forgotten to wear their Fauci flu masks and social distance from the cows. Damn it. That means if it’s in the milk, it’s in the ice cream, sour cream, and cheese. Sorry America. You’re safer eating cockroaches and Bill Gates’ Frankenmeat for the rest of your abbreviated life .
Yes, just as the fake Chinese bat flu “jumped” from to humans and from humans to humans, the bird flu can easily jump from chickens to cows to humans, so rush the kids to the nearest clot-testing center and get your genes mutated to produce millions of prions that will clog your entire blood vessel system and cause heart attacks, strokes and infertility so you don’t die from Bill Gates’ H5N1 bird flu 2025.
Also, head to your nearest post office to secure your H5N1 vaccine card so you can go to work, travel, and do your grocery shopping because “Bird Flu” has been “discovered” in 17 states and at least “970” have tested “positive” with fake PCR tests since the “outbreak” was first identified by fake news, Big Food, and Big Pharma in late March 2024. Tune your news feed to FoodSupply.news for updates on the bird flu that will soon be hitting fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds everywhere.