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 Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians

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Armenian genocide 107th anniversary | Enormous commemorative demo in Yerevan and Stepanakert

 Thousands of Yerevan and Stepanakert residents took part in a massive march to commemorate the 107th anniversary of the Armenian genocide

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Christopher Jon Bjerknes The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians

"Jews were members of the 'Young Turks.'

In Turkey Some  "Jews were members of the 'Young Turks' who were responsible for the Armenian genocide, wherein up to 1.5 million Armenian people were slaughtered within 40 days in 1915. The Turkish leadership, the CPU, was comprised of Donme Jews who feigned a Muslim identity while practising Judaism. Their rise to power in Turkey was funded by Rothschild's and plotted in the Masonic Halls of Salonica. These Jews, who were welcomed by Muslim Turkey when King Charles II of Spain banished them in 1492, thanked their protectors by overthrowing them, ending the Ottoman Empire and murdering the Christian Armenian people. "We're an anti-war movement so we've listed these museums to bring to the forefront that we are killing our own people. Armenians are white Caucasians.

Christopher Jon Bjerknes is a writer and researcher who has published numerous books and articles. He is the author of Putin’s Reign of Terror: The Permanent Revolution in our Time, Albert Einstein: The Incorrigible Plagiarist, and Mileva Einstein-Marity: Einstein’s Partner in Crime.

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Christopher Jon Bjerknes and Eric Huffschmid - The Secrets of the Jews - Part 2  

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 Christopher Jon Bjerknes (Jewish) with Jeff Rense, February 9, 2016

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Christopher Jon Bjerknes - Warnings to the Jews! (Premonitions of the Holocaust)

 Christopher Jon Bjerknes with Kyle Hunt, Renegade Broadcasting, November 6, 2016. "Topics include: the promotion of the fraud Einstein, the development of the A-bomb, jewish espionage leading to Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), Cold War politics, Israeli nukes.

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Christopher Jon Bjerknes - Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians

Full text of "Christopher Jon Bjerknes The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians

  The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians

The Following article giving the Zionist globalist point of view against Christopher Jon Bjerkness (Jewish).

Jacobs: The Outrageous Claim of Christopher Jon Bjerkness: The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians

 Bjerkness claims that he’s a good Jew who opposes Zionism, but as I’ve mentioned in some of my documents and audio files, the evidence suggests that he is actually a bad Jew who is secretly supporting some faction within the Zionist movement.

-the-jewish-genocide-of-armenian-christianJacobs: The Outrageous Claim of Christopher Jon Bjerkness: The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians

The Following quotes taken from this article, " Without evidence, he argues that there were six reasons why the Jews of Turkey were “motivated” to murder Assyrians:

1.      Jews consider the Armenians to be the Amalekites of the Hebrew Bible, and in Jewish mythology, the Jewish God (sic) commands the Jews to utterly exterminate the Amalekites down to the last man, woman and child.

2.      The Hebrew Bible, Jewish Talmud and Jewish Cabalistic writings instruct Jews to murder Christians and to impose the “Noahide Laws” in the “End Times,” which laws forbid Christianity on pain of death, because Jews consider Jesus to be an idol, and the Noahide Laws forbid idol worship.[xxiv]

3.      Jews wanted to discredit and ruin the Turkish Empire and the religion of Islam in order to create a secure environment for the formation of a Jewish colony in the Land of Palestine.

4.      Jews wanted to remove an ancient enemy from the region—an enemy which would oppose the anointment of a Jewish King in Jerusalem as the crowning of the Anti-Christ.

5.      Jews wanted to eliminate a skilled business and political competitior.

6.      Jewish wanted to foment a war between Christians and Moslems, which would start in the Balkans and grow into a world war which would destroy many of the empires and monarchies, and which would artificially pit Moslems and Christians, Slavs and Teutons against one another and leave the Jews standing in Jerusalem.  (pg. 66)

(Needless to say, Bjerkness supplies no supporting evidence for any of these claims because there is no supporting evidence to be had!)

Such was the supposed power of the Turkish Jewish community at the turn of the 20th century that they manipulated and corrupted the Armenian leadership into accepting their own extermination and further convinced the Kurds of Turkey, some of whom were complicit in the Armenian Genocide, that they would be rewarded for their participation in the genocide (pgs. 93-95).[xxv]"

Continuing in this vein, he notes that “the numbing pain inspired by the shocking images of the victimization of the Jews in the Holocaust has been abused by racist Jews to shield themselves from criticism, such that their arrogance makes them an open menace which tarnishes the image of all Jews.”  (pg. 341)[xxvii]

Likewise, the perpetuation of anti-Semitism itself is part of the Jewish political agenda towards world take-over:

These Sabbatian/Frankist Cabalistic Dualistic sects among Jews—including the Dӧnmeh who committed genocide against the Armenian Christians—even promoted anti-Semitism—even Blood Libel[xxviii] accusations—in order to promote their political agendas in an unbroken chain of revolutionaries from the Frankists to the Marxists to the political Zionists.  (pg. 371)

These Dӧnmeh who ultimately were responsible for the overthrow of the Turkish Empire and the genocide of the Armenians, according to Bjerkness, arose in response to the failure of the Jewish false messiah Sabbatai Zevi:

Many had predicted that the year 1666 would make the arrival of the Messiah.  For Christians, this meant the second coming of Christ, for the Jews, the long awaited arrival of the Jewish King.  After the Chmielnicki holocaust[xxix] which some saw as the sacrifice of masses of Jewish lives as an act of atonement, Shabbatai Zevi declared himself to be the Jewish Messiah and a large Messianic sect followed him.  He traveled to Palestine, as a good Jewish Messiah would, and attracted a large Jewish following.  While traveling through Turkey, Shabbatai Zevi was taken prisoner and was forced to feign conversion to Islam in order to save his life. 

A branch of the sabbataian sect of crypto-Jews, called the Dӧnmeh, formed in Turkey.  They pretended to convert to Islam, but practiced Judaism in secret.  For centuries this sect of crypto-Jewish Turks have bred subversive crypto-Jewish agents, who have been sent around the world to prepare the way for Jewish world domination.  They created a secret society in Paris and eventually led a revolt from Salonika.  They were the hidden masters of the “Young Turks” and flooded Turkey with revolutionary propaganda defaming the Sultan.  Their reach extended across the globe."



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Jews Plotted The Armenian Holocaust

Turkey/Zionist Articles, History Articles, Turkey's Choice: Russia Or NATO?, Jewish Young Turks Were Murderers!, Jews Plotted The Armenian Holocaust

By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2007-2010

Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner
& Link To Real Jew News (SM)

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BUSINESS AS USUAL is a powerful motivating force especially when Jews like the Rothschilds are running an oil business.

Banking is the forte of the Jewish House of Rothschild. But raw materials–especially oil–are money in the bank.

The Young Turk movement, AKA Committee of Union and Progress, arose out of the Rothschilds’ oil interests in the Black Sea area of the Ottoman Empire in the late 1800s. ‘Creating stability’ in an incendiary realm was necessary for the Rothschilds’ new oil enterprise Baku Oil. The instability of the Armenian Christians’ financial and intellectual prominence in the area was not “good for business.”

Thus hand-picked Jews of Salonika, (Jews made up the majority of the city’s population), and foreign agitators such as the Russian Zionist, Vladimir Jabotinksy, the editor of The Young Turk newspaper, were just what the Rothschilds needed for ridding the source of that instability, the Armenian Christians.

Now, the Zionist Young Turks who sought for the break up of the Ottoman Empire in order to obtain Palestine–and the House of Rothschild, who needed a Jewish-controlled Turkey and hegemony over the entire Middle East, could work together. This meant funding for the Jewish Young Turks and revolutionary subversives for the Rothschilds.


1680: Sabbatai Zvi, a Turkish Jew, proclaims himself to be the Jewish Messiah in Salonica. After amassing a following of thousands of Jews - he led them on a Zionist exodus to Palestine. On the way he decided to become a Muslim. Many of his followers saw this as God’s plan and also became Muslims.

1716: A group called the “Donmeh” forms in Salonica of Sabbatai Zvi’s followers headed by Sabbatai Zvi’s successor, Baruchya Russo. By the early 1900’s, the Donmeh numbers in the hundreds of thousands. They were known as “Crypto Jews” because though outwardly appearing to be Muslims, they were still Jews following the customs of the Jewish occult Kabbala which Sabbatai Zvi taught. They continue in their fervent, (yet secret), Zionist vision.

1860: Jewish Hungarian Zionist named Arminius Vambery becomes an advisor to the Sultan Abdül Mecit while secretly working as an agent for Lord Palmerston of the British Foreign Office. Vambery tries to broker a deal between the Zionist leader Theodore Herzl and Sultan Abdul Mecit over the creation of Israel but fails.

1891: Out of the Donmeh a Zionist political group forms called The Committee of Union and Progress, later called The Young Turks. The group is headed by a Freemason Jew by the name of Emmanuel Carraso who organizes the secret Committee of Union and Progress in Geneva with the help of the Rothschilds.

1895-1896: Sephardic Jews of Salonika together with the Turks massacre Armenian Christians in Istanbul.

1902 & 1907: Two Congresses of The Young Turks meet in Paris to plan, prepare, and effect the penetration the Sultan’s army leading to the military coup of 1908.

1908: The Jewish Young Turks revolt and force the Sultan Abdul Hamid II into submission.

1909: The Jewish Young Turks rape, torture, and slaughter over 100,000 Armenians in the city of Adana, also known as Cilicia.

1914: The Jews of The Young Turks create unrest, turmoil, and bolster the paid Serbian assassin, Gavrilo Princip, which leads to World War I.

1915: The Armenian Holocaust engineered by the ruling Jews of The Young Turks, leaves 1.5 million Armenian Christians starved, tortured, and murdered.

1918: Jew Mustafa Kemal ‘Ataturk’ ascends into leadership.

1920: Russian Jewish Bolsheviks supply Ataturk iwth 10 million gold roubles, 45,000 rifles, and 300 machine guns with ammunition.

1921: Ataturk occupies the Port of Baku in conjunction with the Russian Jewish Bolsheviks ceding it to the Bolsheviks five days later. The Rothschilds are delighted.

1922: Jewish Kemalists orchestrate the burning of Smyrna resulting in the ‘ethnic cleansing’ of over 100,000 Armenian and Greek Christians left tortured, starved, raped, and dead.


— “Shortly after the revolution in July 1908, it soon became known that many of the Young Turks’ leading members were Freemasons. It was noticed that Jews of all colours, native and foreign, were enthusiastic supporters of the new dispensation, till, as many Turks expressed it, every Hebrew became a potential spy of the Young Turks. Turks began to remark that the movement was rather a Jewish than a Turkish Revolution.” —


1. Emmanuel Carraso: B’nai B’rith Official of Italian origin. Grand Master of the Macedonia Resurrected Masonic Lodge in Salonika; Established the ’secret’ Committee of Union & Progress in Salonika in 1890.

2. Tallaat Pasha (1874-1921): Thought to be a Turk but in reality a “Donmeh Jew.” Interior Minister of Turkey during World War I; Member of Carasso’s Masonic lodge and Grand Master of the Scottish Rite Masons in Turkey; Chief architect of the Armenian Holocaust and Director of Deportations. He wrote, “By continuing the deportation of the Armenians to their destinations during the intense cold we are ensuring their eternal rest.”

3. Djavid Bey: “Donmeh Jew.” Talaat’s Finance Minister; Arranged the finances of revolution in Turkey with the Rothschilds; Later assassinated by Ataturk as a perceived rival.

4. Messim Russo: Assistant to Djavid Bey.

5. Refik Bey, AKA Refik Saydam Bey: Editor of Young Turk newspaper Revolutionary Press; Became Prime Minister of Turkey in 1939.

6. Emanuel Qrasow: Jewish propagandist for The Young Turks. Headed the delegation to inform Sultan Abdul Hamid II that “the nation has removed you from your office.”

7. Vladimir Jabotinsky: Russian Zionist who moved to Turkey in 1908. Supported by B’nai Brith of London and Dutch Zionist millionaire, Jacob Kann; Editor of Young Turk newspaper. Later started the terrorist Irgun political party in Israel.

8. Alexander Helphand, AKA Parvus: Financier/liaison of the Rothschilds of the Young Turk revolution; Editor of The Turkish Homeland.

9. Mustafa Kemal ‘Ataturk’ (1881-1938): A Jew of Sephardic (Spanish) origin. Ataturk attended the Jewish elementary school known as Semsi Effendi School run by the Jew Simon Zvi. Over 12,000 Jews welcomed to Turkey by Ataturk in 1933 when Hitler came to power.


For many years, the Anti Defamation League and now its director, Abraham Foxman, refuse to acknowledge that the massacres of 1.5 million Armenians between 1915 and 1923 constituted genocide. Jews simply can’t stand to share their so-called “martyred-race” status with anyone else. And besides, Jews don’t like to have their crimes pointed out to them. If one does, he is instantly labeled an “Anti Semite!”

Foxman has reiterated the ADL’s opposition to formal U.S. recognition of the Armenian Holocaust calling a proposed Congressional resolution “a counterproductive diversion.” This position is inconsistent with the ADL’s mission statement “to secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike.”

But the Jew Abe Foxman and his racist ADL organization do not care about any other ethnic group but their own. And they will lie and suppress the historical facts (and all historical facts that incriminate the Jews) of the Armenian Holocaust and the role that the Jews played in it. Foxman and all Jews do this in order to perpetuate their image as “innocent victims.”

WE CANNOT ALLOW THE JEWS to get away with their suppression of historical facts that incriminate the Jews any longer. Abe Foxman and his racist Jewish friends love to see Revisionist Historians thrown in jail for questioning particulars of the Jewish Holocaust in Germany.

But it is Foxman and the rest of the Jewish censors who should be thrown in jail for denying the Armenian Holocaust! Why do Jews abide by a double standard constantly? Aren’t we all sick of it and all these Jews for that matter by now?

I, for one, Brother Nathanael Kapner, a former Jew and now an Orthodox Christian, will do all in my power to expose the Jews. For the Jews are *not* innocent victims of persecution against them but have *prompted* backlashes against them throughout their “wandering-among-the-nations” history.

The Jews in fact are the most fierce perpetrators of racist crimes the world has ever known. And the Armenian Holocaust of which the Jews are responsible is a clear example of their Jewish racist crimes.


Jack Manuelian, The Founding Fathers of Modern Turkey
Times of London, The Armenian Massacres
Joseph Brewda, Young Turks To Control Middle East
Christopher Jon Bjerknes, Jewish Racism
Documents, Photos, History of Armenian Massacre By The Young Turks

Jacob M Landau, The Zionist Jews who founded the idea of Turkish Nationalism; National Geographic Magazine, September 1916 issue, Saloniki; Yair Auron, The Banality Of Indifference: Zionism & the Armenian Genocide

Richard Davey, The Sultan and his Subjects; Arnold S. Leese, The Real Jew-A Lesson From Turkey; Grant Richards, The Cause of The World’s Unrest; Dr. H. Stuermer, Two War Years in Constantinople; Andrew Mango, Ataturk; Clifford Shack, The Armenian & Jewish Genocide Project that Eliminated the Ethnic Conflict; Joseph Hantman,The Turkish-Israeli Connection and Its Jewish Roots; Hillel Halkin, Ataturk’s Turkey Overturned; Carroll Quigley, Tragedy & Hope

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U.S. Officially Acknowledges Armenian Genocide – But Ignores The Jewish Young Turks Who Orchestrated It

You can read The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians by the jewish writer Christopher Jon Bjerknes, in our free online Book Library.

U.S. Officially Acknowledges Armenian Genocide – But Ignores The Jewish Young Turks Who Orchestrated It

On Tuesday, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed H. Res. 296 recognizing the Armenian Genocide and condemning Turkey’s “campaign of genocide against Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syriacs, Arameans, Maronites, and other Christians…”:

The historic vote was 405 to 11 and is seen as a rebuke to Turkey, which has spent nearly a century denying there was a genocide.

Additionally, in a strong rebuke of Turkey and President Erdogan, the House voted 403-16 to require sanctions on Turkey for its invasion of northeast Syria.

“If we ignore history, then we are destined to witness the mistakes of the past be repeated,” the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, said, urging support for the resolution on Tuesday. “Recent attacks by the Turkish military against the Kurdish people are a stark reminder of the danger in our own time.”

The California Democrat (((Adam Schiff))), a sponsor of the resolution, said in a statement: “The House declared that it will no longer be party to the cause of genocide denial. This is a vote I have fought for 19 years to make possible, and one that tens of thousands of my Armenian American constituents have worked, struggled, and prayed for decades to see.”

Now, the next step is for Senate to bring the Armenian Genocide resolution and sanctions legislation against Turkey to the floor for a vote.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu immediately condemned the vote, calling it a “shameful decision of those exploiting history in politics (it is) null and void for our government and people.

He said the resolution was Congress’ “revenge” for Turkey’s incursion into northern Syria.

Historians say an estimated 1.5 million Armenians died at the hands of the Ottoman Empire — the predecessor to modern-day Turkey — between 1915 and 1923.

The Jews at the ADL and other powerful jewish advocacy groups have long fought to ignore the Armenian genocide for two important reasons: first, that they didn’t want any competition with their fake World War II “genocide” narrative that many Jews today are no longer buying.

And second, they didn’t want people looking too closely into the Armenian genocide and discovering that it was orchestrated by the “Young Turks,” a secretive and powerful cabal largely lead by Jews from Salonica who operated under the protection of powerful Grand Orient Masonic lodges.

The Jews planned to blame their genocide of Christians in Armenia on the Ottomans who at that time controlled Palestine, which the Zionist Jews coveted, and thereby force the Ottomans to relinquish it under international pressure.  But because of the ongoing First World War in Europe, the genocide received little attention or interest in the press at that time.

And an important part of the strategy of covering up the hidden jewish hand in both of the Christian genocides in Armenia and Bolshevik Russia was to create the fake genocide of World War II, falsely accusing the German nation of a genocide that they themselves had already committed in Russia and Armenia, and then using that fake genocide to legitimate their demand for a homeland in Palestine.

You can read The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians by the jewish writer Christopher Jon Bjerknes, in our free online Book Library.

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Read 2886 times Last modified on Tuesday, 22 October 2024 09:16

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