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  The British government sent female prisoners to reform the struggling convict colony in Australia. The Lady Juliana | The 18th-Century All-Women Prison Ship  A tale as wild as the Seven Seas, the story of the Lady Juliana, a special convict ship full of prisoners sent to…
Published in Culture & Heritage
“White Fortressing” Sounds Awesome, Actually Paul65 Edited   "White Fortressing" is a  mainly Jewish left communist term to attack capitalists. Here in GA many people -- white, blacks and Asians of all sorts -- are fleeing places like Fulton County (Atlanta) for surrounding counties with lower taxes…
Published in Legal & Politics
 A look into Corporate fraud in Australia, Stranglehold of Monopolies, Telecommunications Oppression, Biased Law System, Corporate influence in politics, Industrial Relations disadvantaging workers, Outsourcing Australian Jobs, Offshore Banking, Petrochemical company domination, Invisibly Visible. It's not what you see, it's what goes on behind the scenes.  Corporate Australia…
Published in Organizations
Purim - The Real Story Behind The Iranian Holocaust     Observer7 All the religions of the world, that believes in the God of Jesus, need to unite and end this evil, Luciferian cult, once and for all. Quote from Talmudic Zionist Jew Harold Wallace Rosenthal: "We…
  l "All I am going to say about this multicultural business is, it's the greatest hoax of all time.   "All I am going to say about this multicultural business is, it's the greatest hoax of all time... the Reverend Cedric Jacobs, one of the genuine…
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Blue and Red Ensigns         These 13 Families Rule the World: The Shadow Forces Behind the NWO   These 13 Families Rule the World: The Shadow Forces Behind the NWO     Control, Illuminati, NWO, Recent Articles, Rothschild 7:00 AM A+ A-   Print…
Published in Inspiring Change
Dalai Lama says ‘Muslim and African’ migrants should be returned to home so that “Europe can be kept for Europeans” European News By Arthur Lyons 2 July 2019   AddThis Sharing Buttons Share to Facebook FacebookShare to TwitterTwitterShare to PrintPrintShare to More More17.5K The Dalai Lama, while…
  A Communist & Anarchist Movement That Explicitly Endorses Violence Antifa is a revolutionary Marxist/anarchist militia movement that seeks to bring down the United States by means of violence and intimidation. As a September 2017 report in The Atlantic notes, Antifa is responsible for “a level of…
Published in Organizations
    Australian Anzac day is really anti-Semitic Zionist Globalist day  The Australian troops did hold the Turkish forces in high respect. This was given after the Turks proved how tough and gutsy they were during the battles at Gallipoli.  Two Steps from Hell Victory Charge of…
Published in Culture & Heritage
Putin, Kim and new multipolar world. Sullivan, striking Russia is common sense. Conflict in Lebanon   Putin-Kim summit: North Korea vows full support for Russia’s "sacred fight" against West, Ukraine   News North Korea sent Russia millions of munitions in exchange for food: Seoul South Korea says…
Published in Hot Stories 2
    AUSTRALIA FREEDOM RALLY      Russian Ethnotourism Booms - In-Country Holidays, Discovering Roots
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      14 Different Types of Human Species | Explained  7/12/2017   George Soros & Canada’s Metropolis Project
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            Australia needs a national post office bank now!  BANKILEAKS Secret Library   The Big 6 Australian Banks: who owns us? ANZ, NAB dangerous level of American ownership on The Ownership Tree   Posted by doyla66 on Monday, 01 July 2013 in…
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COVID-19 Vaccine Injury     Gallery Slideshow     Useful Links Latest News Under the Wire Episode 110, October 31, 2021 Weekly News Update, October 29, 2021 Under the Wire Episode 109, October 27, 2021 Under the Wire Episode 108, October 24, 2021 Weekly News Update, October…
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