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Krampus: Origins of the Yuletide Monster | Monstrum   The Truth About Afghanistan A leading Medical Doctor while treating multiple heads of state learned of UN Plan to release a virus as the trigger for depopulation through vaccines. BREAKING: Whistleblowing Doctor Exposed Globalist Plan For UN Directed…
Published in Religions & Faiths
Dr. Brown: "Why Have Jews Been Kicked Out of So Many Countries?" smdorwhiteydz Keely Swan • a month ago Problem - Reaction - Solution = " Hegelian Dialectic " More fake jew propaganda , used to provoke fear and panic , leading to a Solution . The…
Dr. Tim Ball: Majority of 'Climate Scientists' Are Bureaucrats. Its Corruption On A Massive Scale    The majority of 'climate scientists' are bureaucrats and computer modelers who aren't actually involved in climate research at all. Its corruption on a massive scale.   Soros-linked political pressure group Avaaz…
Published in Hot Stories 2
  Tommy Robinson - Acceptance Speech For Sappho Award
Published in Legal & Politics
 Does Gender Self-Identification Put Women at Risk? | Good Morning Britain Trans-gender The Globalist media and some political figures are promoting the idea of transgender identity in today's world by identifying them as gender x. After the gradual conditioning of the media, this will eventually come to…
PURGE - Fictional Narrative: The Department of Homeland Security has been infiltrated, at top levels, by foreign globalists who want  to purge pro- Americans, Christians and ban guns. PURGE - Fictional Narrative The Department of Homeland Security has been infiltrated, at top levels, by foreign globalists who…
Published in Politics & Legal
Learn How to Spot the Judas Goat Before Being Led to Slaughter  Alex Jones breaks down how to spot the Judas goat leading the masses to slaughter as the globalists push to inject the population is exposed.       List of globalist organizations      …
Published in Organizations
You Gotta Be Kidding - ISIS declares war on Hamas ...How Convenient for Israel!   DIGIVOXJ23 ISIS stands for: Israeli Secret Intelligence Service k-k-k-k-kenny Isis? the head choppers funded by the USA and (them), to terrorise christians and muslims in Syria and Iraq? Isis, who when being…
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