Satanic Pop Culture Is A CIA Creation
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Inspiring Change
In a 1988 conversation between Van Morrison and Derek Bell (Chieftains), Martin Lynch and Professor Bob Welch at the University of Ulster, Van Morrison emphasized that the Blues did not originate from black people–rather they came from white spirituals. Morrison explained, “The Blues came from Irish…
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Culture & Heritage
The Weeknd - Blinding Lights (imy2 Cover) This Singer Asks if I Know "Stand By Me" and Steals The Show The Weeknd - Blinding Lights - Vintage Dance Choreography - Roberto F D.White Feat. K. Lelyukhin - Generous Love D.White - Generous Love (Concert Video, Moscow…
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Inspiring Change
The Barbary Pirates & England's White Slaves Did you know that at the same time that the British were involved in the trans-Atlantic slave trade, white Britons were being sold into slavery in Africa? For over 200 years, from the reign of James I right up…
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Fighting Against Genocide
The Love Of My People DukeOfDurham Published on Nov 1, 2016 A video from the heart, the most precious possession you have in the whole world is your own people, I put this together to express how I feel about this. Please enjoy. Music…
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Uniting our Community
Is There A Mysterious Underwater City Beneath The Black Sea? | Secrets Of The Black Sea | Timeline The documentary Dark Secrets of the Black Sea journeys to the said region and explores recently-unearthed archaeological evidence of a technologically-advanced civilization that once lay there, now submerged beneath…
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Culture & Heritage
Cyprus Crisis 1974 - COLD WAR DOCUMENTARY LordAnestis (edited) And all this while Greece and Turkey were in NATO. Well done NATO well done... Syrischer Ball BTW For those wondering why NATO did nothing, it is because that Makarios III was very close to the Soviet…
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The Babylonian Map of the World with Irving Finkel | Curator’s Corner S9 Ep5 The Babylonian map of the world is the oldest map of the world, in the world. Written and inscribed on clay in Mesopotamia around 2,900-years-ago, it is, like so many cuneiform tablets, incomplete.…
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Religions & Faiths
Who Did 9/11? The Music Video By Patrick Howley, Silverstein is Jewish. "I Called The ICE Tip Line" The Music Video "I Called The ICE Tip Line" was created by Patrick…
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