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How To Make stream Engine
- Saturday, 07 September 2019 02:15
Stirling Engines - the power of the future?How To Make a Simple Steam Engine From Tin Can - DIY DIY with Ben Published on Nov 20, 2018 Simple Steam Engine - In this video, we will show you how to make a simple steam engine…
Long Live Europe 4
- Tuesday, 03 September 2019 04:40
Boléro vs Cleopatra Boléro vs Cleopatra mishalbohm Published on May 22, 2014 Music from BOLÉRO (by Maurice Ravel) combined with a scene of Cleopatra arriving to Rome from the movie CLEOPATRA (1963, dir. Joseph L. Mankiewicz, (C) Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation) Song Ravel: Boléro,…
Read 11233 times
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Long live Europe 3
- Tuesday, 13 August 2019 00:50
The Love Of My People DukeOfDurham Published on Nov 1, 2016 A video from the heart, the most precious possession you have in the whole world is your own people, I put this together to express how I feel about this. Please enjoy. Music…
Read 11886 times
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What We Stand For
- Tuesday, 30 June 2015 03:03
Hello and welcome to our website! If you are a Caucasian anywhere in the world this organisation was set up to help you. We are a community based group set up to cater to all your needs, including social, networking, relationships as well as education and learning.…