White Race Is Dying Out Claims (((The Media))) Paul Krugman admitted the jewish plan to undermine and destroy White power in America In a recent television interview, Nobel Prize winning economist, Paul Krugman admitted the jewish plan to undermine and destroy White power in…
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Fighting Against Genocide
Jews are infiltrating the “right wing” parties, claiming to be “anti-immigrant” now that the damage is done. From the NEW AMERICAN Right-wing European Parties Seek Jewish Support 1 January 2019 Right-wing European Parties Seek Jewish Support Written by Steve Byas font size Print Email…
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20 years later: how the Iraq War began. This January marks 20 years since the notorious address of then-US President George Bush, that led to the full-scale invasion of Iraq, leaving destruction and death in its wake. Globalist Created Wars in Syria He’s EXPOSING the truth…
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Sharia for Women: A Female Sharia Survivor Shares Her Story Anni Cyrus' presentation at an IFI event in summer 2018 on Islam.
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Religions & Faiths
How Communist Party infiltration of both Protestant and Catholic Churches in America Dr. William Luther Pierce- A Message To White Christian Zionists Recognizing the powerful hold that Christianity had on American culture and society, the Communist Party of the United States began an ongoing program…
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Religions & Faiths
Penn envisioned a colony that permitted religious freedom, the consent and participation of the governed, as well as other laws pertaining to property rights. Christian Quaker William Penn (gentile) wrote the Charter of Privileges in 1701. "In 1701, William Penn created a Charter of Privileges for…
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Constitutions and Laws
Did Copper For The Old World’s ‘Bronze Age’ Come From Mines In The New World? Pin Share Artifacts from the Bronze Age continue to be discovered by archeologists all over Europe and the Near East, but what is rarely discussed is where the massive amount…
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Culture & Heritage
DISGUSTING: Alexander Soros Announces Engagement To Anthony Weiner's Wife Alexander Soros is Jewish Globalist. DISGUSTING: Alexander Soros Announces Engagement To Anthony Weiner's Wife WHO (IS) WAS HUMA ABEDIN Huma Abedin's Muslim mother above Saleha Abedin. Soros Goal To Destroy Christian Civilization, & The…
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Religions & Faiths
The First Settlers to the New World Were European Solutreans
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Culture & Heritage
Life in Eastern Europe under Ottoman Muslim rule Life in Eastern Europe under Ottoman Muslim rule
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Religions & Faiths
Dennis Prager and Google VP Testify Before the U.S. Senate on Tech Censorship Dennis Prager(Jewish) and Google's VP testify before the Senate Judiciary's Subcommittee on the Constitution, chaired by Sen. Ted Cruz, regarding Big Tech censorship. Watch the full hearing. Bacon Pig 2 months ago Crowder…
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Politics & Legal
Miss France: They Did It Again In every aspect of national or ethnic celebration, Europeans are required by the current order to be replaced by blacks or browns. Marine Le Pen EXPOSED | Verdant ServantJust a Dude37.7K…
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Hot Stories 2
Johnny Racist 2 - Check Your White Privilege How Memes Find Resonance Tim Murdock AKA Horus The Avenger Coveners League has many articles, here is a small sample, please check them out. Teach White Europeans About Their Ice Age Heritage White European…
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Politics & Legal
Biden DHS: No Secret Service Protection For RFK Jr. Alex Jones covers that Biden Admin. DHS has not provided secret service protection for RFK Jr. who has over 20% support in DNC polls United States Department of Homeland Security From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The United States…
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Two Steps from Hell Victory Charge of the Australian Light Horse, Beersheba - extended version You Won't Believe This Is In Italy 4k Italy is in Europe. You Won't Believe This Is In Italy 4k Dolomites - Südtirol, Alto Adige, South Tyrol 4k …
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Inspiring Change