Persecuting Whites, Jew Whites & other races. Anti- White Mania. STOP White Genocide! UK schools teaching kids to dislike the white race Exposing persecution of Whites, Jew Whites & other races. Throughout history, persecution has been a persistent and widespread issue, impacting numerous populations across…
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Defend Europe United Identitäre Bewegung Identity Identitaria ... Uk Generation Identity GERMANY FRANCE ITALY AUSTRIA Generation Identity Russia @generation_rus Generation Identity England Generation Identity South West @GID_SW The Official Account of Generation Identity South West. DM for Enquiries. British Identitarian @DMGenID Benjamin Jones @BenJonesGI…
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The Barbary Pirates & England's White Slaves Barbarian Cruelty by Francis Brooks Synopsis: It was during the 1600s that Barbary corsairs-pirates from the Barbary Coast of North Africa were at their most active and terrible. With the full support of the Moorish rulers…
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Fighting Against Genocide
PURGE - Fictional Narrative: The Department of Homeland Security has been infiltrated, at top levels, by foreign globalists who want to purge pro- Americans, Christians and ban guns. PURGE - Fictional Narrative The Department of Homeland Security has been infiltrated, at top levels, by foreign globalists who…
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Politics & Legal
You'll rarely see programs on western mainstream media exposing prostitution or what some call "the sex trade". Then ask yourself why? It is believed by many people that some globalist are involved in the sex slave trade. The sex slavery has increase over the years and…
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Legal & Politics
Sex Slaves - Japanese Military Mistreatment of Dutch Women Prisoners The Japanese military routinely abused civilian women across the Occupied Territories of Asia. Hundreds of thousands of local women were also forced to become 'Comfort Women', or forced prostitutes. Among this number were several hundred white Dutch…
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Fighting Against Genocide
He had seventy son of his own, for he had many wives.Judges 8:30 When you watch documentaries or films about people or tribes that live in certain areas or lived in the past, it is promoted that those men usually only had one wife.…
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Culture & Heritage
Motherhood is the most amazing and beautiful experience . Motherland Live: Blonde Buttermaker on Homebirth and Prenatal Nutrition Motherland Hello and Welcome to Motherland! This channel has been created by Robyn (aka Critical Condition) and Rebecca (Blonde in the Belly of the Beast) as a…
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Inspiring Change
Children of Utopia - Documentary about the Hutterites (1999) The great social Utopia of the last centuries produced several attempts of "utopic communes". The "Hutterischen Brüder", one of them, still exists in the south of Canada. In 400 kibbuzlike communities 40.000 members are living in the…
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Religions & Faiths
The Money Power, Stephen Goodson tells us, and wanted to achieve independence for South Africa. He commissioned the Hoek Report from Professor Piet Hoek of Pretoria University, and the report showed that the Anglo American Corporation controlled the English language newspapers and 70% of all companies…
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Hot Stories 2
Muhammad the founder of Islam (Muslim faith) in the Middle East was a white man. The non Muslim religions all over the world don’t necessarily consider Muhammad a prophet; he is still revered by Muslims as a Prophet of God (Allah). Prescription: Muhammad wasTall, White skin Caucasian Man. If you…
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Religions & Faiths
Will Rome's northern frontier fall? - Battle of Watling Street, 60 AD The White Celtic tribes fighting against the Romans in Britain. Mons Graupius, 83 AD - Battle at the edge of the Roman world / @marasi36 “Galacia” is a Celtic name originating from the Celtic…
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Culture & Heritage
Russia to ban promotion of “childless lifestyle” propaganda In an attempt to reverse population decline. September 26, 2024 Russia to ban promotion of “childless lifestyle” propaganda Pixabay Rusland is on the verge of introducing a new law that will ban the promotion of a…
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Stormfront is the biggest world White community forum site and attracts people from all over the world who want to discuss things or who want to meet others, exchange information and find partners; it really has much to offer. The anti-Semitic Zionist Nazi Marxist Establishment accuse the…
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