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Hello and welcome to our website!  If you are a Caucasian anywhere in the world this organisation was set up to help you.  We are a community based group set up to cater to all your needs, including social, networking, relationships as well as education and learning.…
Published in Uniting our Community
The Coveners League wants to work with any person who wants to build National and International community-based organizations to represent Caucasians.  The Coveners League wants to work with many organizations and help unite with many arms, bit like an Octopus with different branches or organizations with the aim…
Published in Organizations
The video shows Europeans in Europe are waking up and starting to campaign for their rights in their countries.  This movement is also waking up to the Globalist Establishment which will be destroyed – it is only a matter of time and when. 
Published in Videos
Did Civilisation Begin At Karahan Tepe? - Humanity before Göbekli Tepe // Prehistory Documentary      The Strange Rituals of Siberian Bear Cults     The Black Sea was a fresh water lake before the end of Ice Age in Europe. The Extraordinary Hunt For Preserved Ancient…
Published in Slider