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Africa Demands Slavery Compensation

Screenshot 13demands slave paid
This week marks the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery, and the UN has called for slavery reparations for the ancestors of forcibly transported and exploited Africans. Nigerian journalist Timothy Obiezu has more on the story.
My WHITE great, great, etc...grandfather was PURCHASED as a slave in England, legally, when he was 10, by a slave master in 1616 and sent to Virginia. John Hatchett was his name and Jonathan Farley was the buyer. The court records are public. Can I please have reparations too?

What about some reparations for the families of the Irish? Or does no one know history?


Jews ran the slave trade, look into Dr Tony Martin...

The Irish were the first slaves to the Americas, were colonized by the British for nearly 800 yrs, how about some reparations for them. and not to the corrupt government, to the actual decedents. Ohh, soz forgot, the Irish are white.

Reparations for what . . . selling your own race for money? Slavery has, from its inception, been a "black/brown" thing from black Muslim pirates who raided coasts of white countries to enslave whites, right to our own VP's family in the Caribbean who advertised for Irish free folks to get employment on their plantation only to abduct and enslave them once they arrived. And, lest we forget, there were MANY free blacks in the U.S. who bought, sold, and used black slaves on their own plantations who were forced to set them free after the Emancipation Act--much to their disappointment, I'm sure.

These people deserve no reparations nor do they deserve an apology; au contraire WHERE IS OUR APOLOGY for their disgusting history of enslavement . . . where it continues to this day in Africa as a matter of fact.

Not one human of earth has been free ever, we all are slaves.. look around.. the only supremacists are the jews.. to them all humans are considered sub-humans.. the amount of melanin makes no difference red, yellow, black or white they call us goyim.. so just stop with this ignorance.. we humans must unite to destroy the only supremacists on earth..

Nation of islam black slaves

Nation of Islam Research Group

The ink of a scholar's pen is holier than the blood of the martyr.

Nation of Islam Research Group

Amazon Bans The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews


Jews Say Banning Black Books is SAFER Than Dialogue with Blacks

The NOI Amazon-banned books may be purchased here:

The banning of four Nation of Islam Black history books by Amazon, the largest bookseller in the world, provides a perfect opportunity to examine the wickedly racist ways Jewish power is wielded in America. Amazon provided no warning, no reason, no hearing, and no opportunity to respond—it was a blatant mockery of Amazon founder Jeffrey Bezos’s own creed, “Democracy Dies in Darkness.” It is, however, perfect proof of what The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad said: the mental resurrection of Black people will anger our oppressors and cause them to react punitively and viciously. 

Bezos’s book purge came in the midst of the extraordinary political spectacle engineered by an awakened Congressional wonder woman named Ilhan Omar. Her exposé of the Zionist-Judaic underbelly of the American political system happened in the most unflattering way. Rep. Omar asked, “Why is it ok for me to talk about the influence of the NRA, of fossil fuel industries, or Big Pharma, and not talk about a powerful lobby that is influencing policy?” She was referring to AIPAC, of course, the most powerful foreign lobbying group, which, while protesting that it was powerless, promptly brought ALL the business of the United States of America to a screeching halt to demand an instantaneous group hug from the 535 Congressional members on its payroll!

The tweet heard ’round the Jewish world.

Rep. Omar’s adroit maneuver exposed the fact that 12 of the top 20 political donors to the American election system are Jewish Zionists, their money amounting to a whopping 78% of the total contributed. What began as a campaign to officially repudiate, isolate, and control this freshman Muslim phenom, dramatically backfired. In effect, she forced the nearly all-white boys’ club to go on record to condemn “discrimination and bigotry against minorities as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contrary to the values and aspirations of the United States.” Symbolic, for sure—but Dr. King couldn’t do it; Pres. Obama couldn’t do it. It took but a few weeks and a tweet for Ilhan Omar. She even signed the resolution. For the first time, the annual March meeting of the AIPAC caliphate will have far more attention than it wants, and Omar’s political star rises ever higher.

It’s been that kind of year for the satanic “Jews,” who have had a hell of a time trying to keep alive a plausible mythology about themselves while maintaining control over their gentile brethren and over the non-white world. From all angles and directions new research has chipped away at the holy patina that almost everywhere surrounded in solemn reverence these unholy imposters. A review of the litany of recent Jewish and Israeli crises is in order:

  • The United Nations issued a report that accuses Israel of “war crimes” when its forces killed 189 people and shot more than 6,100, most clearly unarmed. Israeli “snipers shot at journalists, health workers, children and persons with disabilities, knowing they were clearly recognizable as such.”
  • Jewish historians now admit that today’s brutal occupants of Palestine are genetically unrelated to any of the good people in the Bible, thus establishing that their 71-year tyranny in the holy land is but another white supremacist colonization scheme.
  • Though Israel is one of 200 nations on earth, a google search of the general term “apartheid state” results in nothing but Israel-related articles. And that is reinforced by a damning United Nations report concluding that Israel “has established an apartheid regime that dominates the Palestinian people as a whole.”
  • The Boycott, Divestment, & Sanctions Movement (BDS), which has isolated the apartheid state, has forced Israel to take ever more desperate and repressive measures.
  • The “war in Syria” was exposed as an Israeli oil theft operation.
  • There is the increasing momentum of charges that Israel masterminded 9/11 and that Israeli operatives are the likely suspects in the continuing false-flag terrorism attacks around the globe.
  • So despised is the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) that it was run out of its “racial mediator” role in last year’s Starbucks incident by a single tweet from activist Tamika Mallory.
  • The Women’s March continues to grow in influence and power despite Jewish attempts to undermine its progress.
  • American police departments with atrocious records of racism and shootings in case after case are shown to have been “trained” by ADL and Israeli forces.
  • Artists and athletes are refusing to perform in Israel, and Black Lives Matter blindsided the ADL with their policy statement on Israel which says that Israel is “complicit in the genocide taking place against the Palestinian people.”
  • The manipulation of “anti-Semitism” statistics by the ADL—which were found to be inflated by thousands of “anti-Semitic incidents” that were committed by a single Israeli Jew—has been exposed.
  • A series of sexual harassment and human trafficking crimes by Jewish men of wealth and prestige has been exposed as epidemic. Names like Weinstein, Lauer, Epstein, Steinhardt, Dershowitz, Moonves, Kraft are appearing with unseemly regularity.
  • Morris Dees was unceremoniously fired from the organization he founded, the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC is the “race issues” arm of the ADL, and has scammed millions from unsuspecting and fearful Blacks and Jews, claiming to be America’s “hate watchdog.” Dees was fired for sexual harassment and for creating an intolerable climate of racism toward the group’s Black staff.
  • The opioid epidemic—which is now said to be responsible for at least 100 deaths a day—is being laid at the doorstep of the billionaire Jewish Sackler family, owners of Purdue Pharma, makers and relentless pushers of OxyContin. The devastation on the workforce is so extensive that Fed chairman Jerome Powell said in a recent 60 Minutes segment that the OxyContin scourge is negatively affecting the U.S. economy.
  • Harsh Jewish condemnations of the awakening voices of Black critics of Israel, like Angela Davis, Tamika Mallory, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Marc Lamont Hill, Michelle Alexander, and Alice Walker, have only brought them Black hero status.
  • The exposure of Israel’s secret and ongoing espionage operation against Black youth in America, called “Israel Cyber Shield,” was a fatal blow against the alleged Black–Jewish “alliance.” The COINTELPRO-like operation is responsible for the attacks on the above-mentioned Black thinkers, as well as the instigation of Amazon’s book purge.
  • Israel’s longtime face of Apartheid, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was indicted for corruption. His leadership of the now internationally acknowledged genocide against the Palestinians has made it nearly impossible for Israel to maintain international toleration.
  • Netanyahu merged his right-wing party with the “Jewish Power” Party, the most racist party in Apartheid Israel. And this follows the Knesset’s passing of the nation-state law giving civil rights only to Jews.
  • The Talmud, the ancient Jewish rabbinical writing that the Israelis would like to make the law of the land, has come into intense scrutiny as a document that says Jesus deserved death by being boiled in excrement and that his blessed mother, Mary, was “a whore.” Israel’s chief rabbi called Black people monkeys, admitting that he learned that from the Talmud.
  • Christian churches in Israel continue to be defaced and burned by Jewish gangs.
  • The college cheating scandal to admit less-than-deserving rich kids to elite schools was masterminded by a Jewish man and brought focus on other, past college scams that benefitted Jews.
  • Black Jews in America are now in open revolt against white Jews, with their main spokesperson, Nylah Burton, publicly declaring, “that the only way to fix the Black-Jewish alliance is to destroy it….We need to destroy the idea that Black people owe white Jewish people support because some Jews marched with Martin Luther King more than half a century ago…” Black Jews in Israel have long suffered discrimination, poverty, and police violence.
  • Boston Globe columnist S.I. Rosenbaum had to admit what the Nation of Islam has always known: “A shocking number of Jews have become willing collaborators in white supremacy.” 

Nothing in the above litany of recent racist Jewish horrors says “Chosen.”

In 2010, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan wrote a letter to the ADL’s Abraham Foxman and copied all the major Jewish organizational leaders. His warning to them was most certainly prophetic:

“[T]he more you fight and oppose me rather than help me to lift my people from their degraded state, Allah (God) and His Messiah will bring you and your people to disgrace and ruin and destroy your power and influence here and throughout the world. I pray that you will make the wise and best choice.”

Clearly, that “disgrace and ruin” is now here. To this arrogant and intractable Jewish leadership, however, the problem IS NOT their objectionable, detestable behavior—what disturbs them is the mental awakening that they can neither control, curtail, nor redirect.

The above review of recent history is dreadful enough, but it is the long-term Jewish record of wickedness that eats away at the carefully crafted and generationally protected mythology. The sanctimonious Amazon notice is almost comical: Amazon says it prohibits

“[p]roducts that contain violent or offensive material that has no historical significance. Amazon reserves the right to make a determination on the historical value of the item….”

All of academia ought to be frightened at these words, because The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews series by the Nation of Islam is carefully constructed to present the words of the most respected Jewish scholars, and if the “historical value” of these books is now left in the hands of Amazon’s own backroom “historians” (read ADL), and not determined by readers themselves, we have a book burning of the Nazi variety. Each of the NOI books delves into the lengthy and contentious history of interactions of Blacks and Jews—through the eyes of Jewish scholars, historians, and rabbis. No matter the scholarly source, Jews MUST control the intellectual diet of the goyim at any cost and create the false idols they worship.

An accompanying ADL-Amazon notice: “We reserve the right to determine whether content provides a poor customer experience and remove that content from sale.” Each of the NOI books had hundreds of reader reviews with a collective rating of 5 of 5 stars. So the “customer experience” is evident—by Amazon’s standards, such as they are. It is entirely understandable that some of Amazon’s customers may have had a poor or even shocking experience with the content of the 4-book Secret Relationship series. But that, in truth, is only proof that they are woefully ignorant of the voluminous works of their own Jewish scholars.

Sins of the Fathers

It is useful, then, for those who have not seen or read the four controversial Nation of Islam books, to present some of the most provocative content to understand why in 2019 Goliath—after nearly 25 years of selling Secret Relationship—has now outlawed slings and smooth stones (1 Samuel 17:40). And though the book series is fully footnoted, replete with literally thousands of citations, references, and sources, for this exercise we pick a few examples from the most celebrated of Jewish scholars (all of them PhDs with impeccable academic credentials, two of them rabbis) that allow the reader to weigh the import of the works—and Amazon’s deceitful ban—in their proper contexts:

(1) In the trans-Atlantic slave trade nine out of ten Africans were shipped to Brazil. Dr. Arnold Wiznitzer described the early Jewish presence there:

“Besides their important position in the sugar industry and in tax farming, they dominated the slave trade….The buyers who appeared at the auctions were almost always Jews, and because of this lack of competitors they could buy slaves at low prices.”

Dr. Wiznitzer was a professor at Jewish Theological Seminary of America and president of the Brazilian-Jewish Institute of Historical Research—even though his words and authority rewrite the popular mythological version of Black–Jewish relations.

(2) According to Simon Wiesenthal Center scholar Dr. Harold Brackman, during the 1600s “slave trading in Brazil became a ‘Jewish’ mercantile specialty in much the same way it had been in early medieval Europe.” Here, almost unwittingly and in a single sentence, Dr. Brackman places Jews at the center of both African and European slavery. Dr. Brackman also wrote, “Jews were about twice as likely to be slave owners as the average white Southerner.”

(3) Rabbi and historian Dr. Bertram W. Korn was the acknowledged expert on 19th-century American Jewry, and a president of the American Historical Society, and on the executive board of the Central Conference of American Rabbis. He wrote:

“It would seem to be realistic to conclude that any Jew who could afford to own slaves and had need for their services would do so….Jews participated in every aspect and process of the exploitation of the defenseless blacks.”

Rabbi Korn gives a lecture on the subject that can be heard on the Nation of Islam Research Group website.

(4) Columbia University professor Jonathan Schorsch wrote, “some Jewish merchants routinely possessed enormous numbers of slaves temporarily before selling them off.”

(5) Dr. Abraham Peck was the director of both the American Jewish Archives in Cincinnati and the American Jewish Historical Society in New York, the two leading institutions on American Jewish life and history, as well as the director of the Holocaust Museum Houston. Dr. Peck was unmistakably clear:

“The first two centuries of the Black–Jewish encounter in America were highlighted by a fairly extensive record of Jewish slave-holding. Indeed, during the colonial period, in the small Jewish community of the time, almost every Jewish household of any form, North or South, possessed at least one slave.”

Jewish scholar Cecil Roth says Jews were “greatest” slaveholders. His books are available at Amazon.

(6) At the office of the British Jewish Historical Society, there is a bronze bust of the celebrated Jewish historian Dr. Cecil Roth, who with his many awards and honors was the editor-in-chief of the Encyclopedia Judaica. He wrote that the Black slave revolts in parts of South America “were largely directed against [Jews], as being the greatest slave-holders of the region.” Jews set up militias with the sole purpose of destroying Africans who had escaped from Jewish plantations. The Jewish militias murdered the escaped slaves and cut off their hands to award to their fellow Jews as trophies.

(7) In his 1983 book Jews and Judaism in the United States, Rabbi Dr. Marc Lee Raphael, the longtime editor of the most prestigious of Jewish historical journals, the Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, published one of the most definitive statements on Jewish involvement in the Black Holocaust. In Brazil, “Slave auctions were postponed if they fell on a Jewish holiday. In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade.”

“In fact,” he stated, “in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.” He continues:

“This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the ‘triangular trade’ that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies…”

(8) The Jewish Encyclopedia adds that “Jewish commercial activity” in the time of the Triangular Trade and its Middle Passage included a “monopoly of the slave trade.” It also states: “[T]he cotton-plantations in many parts of the South were wholly in the hands of the Jews, and as a consequence slavery found its advocates among them.”

The fact is that Amazon and the ADL can no longer conceal the incredible collection of facts in The Secret Relationship Series that place the Jewish people among the Black man’s worst historical enemies. What had previously been considered the racist acts of white Christians alone are now shown to have had significant Jewish culpability. Jewish merchants owned, insured, and financed slave ships and Jewish chandlers outfitted them with chains and shackles. Jews became the major traders in “refuse slaves”—Africans who were weak and sick from the Middle Passage voyage. Jewish traders bought them cheap, “fattened them up,” and sold them at a profit. The Gradis family of Jewish shippers had a monopoly on trade to the notorious slave dungeon at Gorée Island—the Auschwitz of the Black Holocaust. They owned 26 ships and extensive plantations in the French colonies St. Domingo and Martinique, and they developed a plan to import 10,000 slaves into Louisiana. When early New Yorkers decided to start slavery in the colony, records show they contacted “the jobbers and the Jews,” who were the recognized international dealers. The largest shipments of Africans arriving in New York in the first half of the 1700s were commissioned by Jewish merchants.

These are irrefutable examples of the Jewish scholars whose works on this subject are represented in The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews, Volume One. And all of those Jewish works remain unassailed and ready to purchase at, where they face no “community standards,” sanctions, or even a review. In stark contrast to the massive evidence of slave-trading Jews is this damning 1853 statement by America’s leading abolitionist organization: Jews “have never taken any steps whatever” against slavery. Dr. Brackman adds that the most influential rabbi in America, Isaac Mayer Wise, believed that abolitionism “was the major threat to Jewish existence.” 

And that just covers a small portion of the contents of The Secret Relationship, Vol. 1. Volume Two of The Secret Relationship series, released in 2010, quotes B’nai B’rith officials like Bernard Postal, whose 1928 Jewish Tribune article is titled “Jews in the Ku Klux Klan: Klan-Like Organizations Have Existed Since the Adoption of the Constitution; Jews Played a Part in All of Them.” Volume Two traces the earliest investment in the KKK to the Jewish slave owner and Confederate leader Judah P. Benjamin. Nation of Islam researchers uncovered a photo of a proud Jewish merchant receiving 50 roses from hooded klansmen in a public park to celebrate his “golden business anniversary.”

The post-slavery sharecropping system that kept the ex-slave in desperate poverty and ignorance for decades after emancipation was a product of the vast network of Jewish bankers, moneylenders, and cotton traders, who flooded the South to reap the immense cotton profits.


The Jewish wealth generated from these slavery- and Jim Crow-based enterprises helped finance Jewish community development, built synagogues, homes, schools, businesses, and institutions, and in many untold ways enriched their lives, congregations, and communities. Actually, one is hard-pressed to name a single prominent American Jew in the slavery era who did not own slaves or profit from Black African slavery.

Over centuries Jews built this prodigious and ill-gotten wealth, then wrote themselves out of the history of slavery, and left the white Gentiles to take the entire blame for the slave trade, slavery, sharecropping, and Jim Crow.

The 144-page companion volume to the Secret Relationship series is titled Jews Selling Blacks: Slave-Sale Advertising By American Jews. In effect, this collection of Jewish advertisements—the largest collection of its kind ever published—is the “dashcam video” of Black–Jewish history. The value of these original documents is that they are not filtered through any historian, rabbi, or scholar. Jewish slave traders PAID to place these ads, and the graphic detail can not be explained away.

For instance, some Jewish scholars have used U.S. census records, which show “modest” Jewish slaveholding, to diminish the role of Jews as major “owners” of Black human beings. This, however, is highly misleading. The 1830 census shows that all the Jews of Charleston, South Carolina, claimed to “own” a total of 104 Black human beings. But a single Jew, Jacob Cohen, on a single day in 1857, offered for sale “125 rice negroes.” That same year, the same Mr. Cohen teamed with a Gentile and advertised almost twice that number—210—in a single day. Those warehoused Africans were not counted in the census records as slaves owned by Cohen, a prominent member of Charleston’s Jewish community. Today, Mr. Cohen might have a seller page on selling slaves as both “new” and “used” and then encouraging 5-star customer feedback.

The third and latest volume of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews was released in 2016 and focuses entirely on the notorious Leo Frank case of 1913–1915, the problematic episode that purportedly started the ADL and the KKK and is reputed to be the worst incident of “anti-Semitism” in American history—except that such claims are untrue. Leo Frank was the B’nai B’rith president in Atlanta and arguably the South’s most important Jew. He was convicted of the murder of a 13-year-old Gentile girl named Mary Phagan and he was ultimately lynched for the crime. She was a child worker at Frank’s factory who came to get her pay and was later found dead. The NOI’s ground-breaking work explodes the notion that Frank was innocent and powerfully refutes the claim that there was any anti-Semitism in the case at all. The common belief in the oppression and victimhood of the Jews in America is based almost entirely on that 1913–1915 incident, and through it they created an entirely new sympathetic image of themselves as friends of and co-sufferers with the racially oppressed.

The NOI’s 536-page meticulously footnoted book (2,000 footnotes and many more citations and references) refutes this century-old propaganda point by point. Frank is proved to be a lecher who had a sordid history of sexual harassment of his 100 gentile girl employees. Frank and his Jewish defenders committed massive perjuries and planted and tampered with evidence, among other felonies—all to frame two Black men for his crime. Court records show that Frank actually claimed that murder and rape were “negro crimes” and thus he, as a white man, could not be guilty! He further said that “negro testimony” was unreliable so the Black witnesses who testified against him should be ignored. As Frank’s lawyer so elegantly told the jury: “If you put a nigger in a hopper, he’ll drip lies,” after referring to one witness as “a dirty, filthy, black, drunken, lying nigger.”

Of course, this reality betrays as false the victimhood image that was carefully prepared for Leo Frank, who for a century has been used to portray Jews as friends of Blacks with a common white enemy. So well documented is the NOI research that the grand-niece of the victim and a scholar and author of her own book on the case, Mary Phagan-Kean, wrote this in 2019:

“The Nation of Islam volume is the most well-researched book published regarding the rape and murder of little Mary Phagan to date.”

So completely does the book uncover the hidden truths about this case that one might confidently speculate that it may have actually altered the Congressional “anti-Semitism” resolution that was originally intended to target Rep. Omar. The first draft of the document mentioned the Leo Frank case as the most egregious example of “anti-Semitism” in American history, yet the mention of Leo Frank was removed in the final draft voted on by Congress. After a century of parading an invented history of “anti-Semitism,” the Jewish propagandists may have been forced by the Nation of Islam book to retire the Leo Frank myth.

S.I. Rosenbaum’s assessment in the Boston Globe that “A shocking number of Jews have become willing collaborators in white supremacy” is only shocking in its understatement. This article provides but a page or two of direct Jewish testimony of Jews in the Black Holocaust, but the 1,600-page Secret Relationship Series goes much, much deeper.

And while all this rich and untapped wealth of data has now been banned, any number—even thousands—of books on the African slave trade that not only conceal the Jewish role but place the entire culpability on white gentiles are readily available at Wholesome offerings to Amazon customers include the full retinue of Jerry Springer program “highlights” he calls “Undressed and Unleashed” and “UNCENSORED!” Also available is Elie Wiesel’s book Legends of Our Time, in which he counsels: “Every Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart a zone of hate—healthy, virile hate—for what the German personifies and for what persists in the German. To do otherwise would be a betrayal of the dead.” Meir Kahane’s book The Ideology of Kach is available, even though his Kach party was on the U.S. State Department’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations. 

The Talmud can be purchased on Amazon, though the notorious Jewish “holy book” says some of the ugliest things about Blacks, gentiles, and women ever recorded. And, most significantly, an Amazon customer can still purchase Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, with the introduction written by—wait for it—Abraham Foxman of the ADL. This is not to say that these books should be banned, but since Amazon arrogates to itself “the right to make a determination on the historical value of the item,” one can readily see Amazon and Jeffrey Bezos’s supreme hypocrisy.

“The Man of Sin MUST be revealed.”

We are at that moment in time The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us about in His Our Saviour Has Arrived:

The Bible says (Mt. 25:32) “Before Him shall be gathered all nations.” The Holy Qur’an says, “you shall see all nations kneeling before Him and they shall be judged out of their own books. [HQ 45:28]” The government keeps a record of their governmental accounts. They have books in the library and in the courts which tell how they have ruled the people. They have a record of how they have judged the people.

The Nation of Islam researchers are under the direction of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, whose mission is to expose Satan—a dangerous assignment that necessitates a spiritual and mathematical grounding. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 emphatically states: “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed”—with his own books and his own Jewish scholarship.

The privatizing of the First Amendment and doling out its privileges to Jews alone are where this Satanic cabal is moving. Blacks and white Gentiles are taking a new look at the presumptions they have always taken as fact, and new racial alliances based on Truth are being formed and solidified in the process.

The banning of The Secret Relationship is a sure sign that victory is near.

[See a Portuguese translation of this article here:]

UPDATE: The Portuguese translation was removed with this message: “This journal has been suspended. Its contents are no longer publicly visible. LiveJournal cannot discuss the reasons for a journal suspension with anyone except the journal owner.”

ALL Amazon-banned books may be purchased here:

A 37-page PDF titled “Highlights and Key Points of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews” can be downloaded FREE here .


A 29-part Audiobook of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 3, The Leo Frank Case, produced by The American Mercury is available here:



“It is sinful that despite the harm being done to human beings, the government continues to heavily promote the uptake of these vaccines. They are using celebrities, professional athletes, preachers, politicians, educators and everyday people to pressure us to ‘just get the shot.’ It is time for all of us to become more proactive in fighting this diabolical scheme.” —Sister Ava Muhammad


Blacks, Jews and the Atrocities at Holmesburg Prison

Blacks, Jews and the Atrocities at Holmesburg Prison

By Tingba Muhammad

THE DEVILS SAY to you that they are better than you and I. Really, they are after the so-called Negroes whom they have crushed, made blind, deaf and dumb. They have robbed and experimented on us for 400 years, and all other darker people whom they have come in contact. Now they stand before you saying, “I am better than you.”

—The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad

Last week, the mayor of Philadelphia “officially” apologized to the 600 or more prison inmates who were subjected to a battery of “scientific” experiments at Holmesburg Prison from the 1950s to the 1970s that involved hundreds of experimental drugs, industrial chemicals, viruses, fungi, and other unknown substances with military applications.

Holmesburg Prison

The human guinea pig experiments have been compared in their villainy to the experiments conducted on Jewish prisoners during Hitler’s Nazi regime. And that is why it would surprise many to learn that the Holmesburg atrocities against the 85 percent Black inmates were orchestrated by a Jewish dermatologist named Dr. Albert Kligman and several of his Jewish colleagues from the University of Pennsylvania. The “apology,” though it comes more than 70 years after the fact, nonetheless reveals to Black America exactly how the Black–Jewish relationship “evolved” beyond the cotton fields and auction blocks of the slavery era.

In his statement issued October 6th, Philadelphia Mayor James Kenney called the Jewish-run experiments on Holmesburg inmates “another tragic example of disgraceful and unethical practices of medical experimentation on people of color throughout our country’s history.” However, the mayoral “apology” does not acknowledge the true heroes of this wicked episode: members of the Nation of Islam who not only confronted the powerful entities behind the experiments but also ran the Nazi doctors out of Holmesburg Prison.

Mayor Jim Kenney

As for Mayor Kenney, a white gentile, he is here engaging in classic political hypocrisy. We would call it Tricknology. He claimed that his “apology” is in recognition of “the deep distrust experiments like this have created in our communities of color.” But it was this Mayor Kenney who in 2020 during a peaceful George Floyd protest approved police use of CS tear gas on Black protestors. Like napalm CS tear gas was made intentionally lethal to drive enemy soldiers out of their hiding places by causing asphyxiation. It is known to cause severe damage to the heart, lungs, and liver. The wickedly ironic fact is that CS gas—the very tear gas that the democrat mayor Jim Kenney used to attack peaceful Black protesters—may have been one of the 254 chemicals that Dr. Albert Kligman tested on Black inmates at Holmesburg Prison.

Warren Kanders

Further, Philadelphia PD’s stock of CS tear gas was obtained through Safariland munitions company, a supplier of military grade weapons, including CS tear gas, rubber bullets, and pepper spray. It is owned by Warren B. Kanders, a Jew who was thrown off the board of the Whitney Museum when the art world found out that his tear gas was brutally used by police against the Palestinians, against asylum-seekers at the U.S.–Mexico border, and on Ferguson’s Blacks after police murdered Michael Brown.

But Mayor Jim Kenney was only getting started. He executed one of the most deadly acts of medical racism in history when he forced anyone doing any kind of business in Philadelphia to be injected with the unknown chemicals government officials call a “COVID-19 vaccine.” At least Dr. Kligman and his colleagues knew the chemicals tested on their Black victims. Kenney has no idea what he forced into the veins of Black Philadelphians, because Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson won’t divulge the ingredients. Whatever the shots contain, we do know that the injections do not stop infection or transmission of COVID-19, as is claimed; indeed, they have no apparent medical benefit at all. According to the CDC’s own records, the “COVID-19 vaccines” are the likely cause of more than 31,000 deaths and hundreds of thousands of permanent injuries—in America alone. Just how many Philadelphians have been disabled or perished by way of Kenney’s kool-aid mandate is not yet known.

Waren Kanders’ Safariland Tear Gas

Further, under Kenney’s draconian lockdowns the number of Black business owners in Philadelphia fell by 68%. By comparison, the number of white businesses fell 44%. More than half of Black business owners reported losing 50% or more of their revenue through these disastrous shutdown policies, and many of these small businesses that employed thousands of our youth have shut down forever. Mayor Kenney characterizes Dr. Kligman’s experiments on 600 inmates at Holmesburg as “atrocities”—and they most certainly are. But Kenney’s own current guinea pig experiment on 654,000 Black Philadelphians surpasses even Holmesburg in its satanic consequences.

Dr. Kligman’s Holmesburg Hell

Let us now examine how that forgotten episode in Black–Jewish history unfolded in the bowels of Philadelphia’s notorious Holmesburg Prison.

In 1951, just four years after Hitler’s death camp doctors were tried and executed at Nuremburg for their atrocities against the Jews, Dr. Albert M. Kligman, the self-described “son of poor East European Jewish immigrants,”entered Holmesburg Prison for the first time. His reaction to seeing all those incarcerated Black men was truly demonic: “All I saw before me were acres of skin….It was like a farmer seeing a fertile field for the first time.”

But Kligman was not a farmer and nothing he did should be associated with that noble profession. He was a professor of dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and, under contract to at least thirty-three major pharmaceutical, chemical, and cosmetic companies, including Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, DuPont, and DowChemical, Kligman began to conduct experiments on the prisoners. A 1964 issue of Medical News reported that 9 out of 10 prisoners at Holmesburg Prison had become medical test subjects. Kligman tested the toxicity effects of many chemical warfare agents like dioxin—the deadly cancer-causing chemical in the defoliant Agent Orange, used by the United States to destroy the Asian man in the Vietnam War. And he tested mind-disabling psychoactive drugs like LSD for the U.S. Department of Defense and for his own commercial interests. In the process Kligman became wealthy, rising to the top of the field of dermatology.

“A Wonderful Time”

Kligman was like a Jewish kid in a candy store. He admitted: “I began to go to the prison regularly, although I had no authorization. It was years before the authorities knew that I was conducting various studies on prisoner volunteers. Things were simpler then. Informed consent was unheard of. No one asked me what I was doing. It was a wonderful time.”

Holmesburg wasn’t Kligman’s only playground— Kligman fed hormones to mentally disabled girls in two New Jersey institutions for the “feeble minded” or “mentally deficient.” When some of them started to grow beards, authorities “quickly put an end to the experiments.”

Dr. Kligman was aided by several Jews, including Dr. Sigmund Weitzman, who once applied a chemical to a Black inmate’s scalp and his hair began falling out in clumps. Dr. William L. Epstein, who studied under Kligman, bragged that “In a short period of time, I could see more [“patients”] than most people would see in their practice in their lifetime. It was very efficient.” His colleague, Dr. John Strauss, described experiments that were funded in part by the National Institutes of Health (the parent agency of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, now run by Dr. Anthony Fauci) and the U.S. Army. They used “deep punch biopsies,” in which a sharp cylinder, about a quarter-inch in diameter, is twisted into the skin, then lifted out. Dr. Milton Cahn and his brother Dr. Burt Cahn, a psychiatrist, admitted to testing “a host of anti-anxiety medications and tranquilizers…and a variety of sleeping pills” on the prisoners.

Dr. Burton Cahn

Cahn partnered with another Jewish doctor named Edwin J. Levy, to form their own Philadelphia-based business called Research Testing Associates, Inc., which conducted the same types of human guinea pig experiments on inmates at Lancaster County Prison.

F.O.I. Confronts Mad Medical Scientists

Albert Kligman’s house of medical horrors was finally ended by inmates who were members of the Nation of Islam—followers of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. They were housed in D-block at Holmesburg and they were not cooperative when Kligman came to solicit human guinea pigs. They strongly urged their fellow inmates not to participate. Said one Brother in a fit of understatement: “We told the doctors ‘absolutely not’ because of our religious beliefs. We knew the white men were devils, and the tests were dangerous.” In fact, Dr. Burt Cahn cited the Nation of Islam in his decision to leave the prison: “I became concerned about the growth of the Muslim movement.”

It must be here emphasized that—just as with the better-known Tuskegee syphilis experiments— no government agency, no church or synagogue, no public or private organization, no politician, no medical society, none of the civil rights leadership or racial watchdog groups stopped these horrific Nazi experiments on American soil, in the place mockingly known as the “City of Brotherly Love.” Members of the Nation of Islam whilst prisoners themselves confronted these crimes against humanity, ultimately resulting in the forced shutdown of those experiments.

Even after the public exposure of their horrific crimes, Drs. Kligman, Cahn and Levy were honored faculty members at University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Kligman faced no criminal or professional penalties for his depravity, and he even sat on the school’s “ethics committee.” And most horrific: “He trained over 60 international fellows, many of whom went on to chair departments and have successful research careers.”

Of his Holmesburg legacy America’s Jewish Dr. Mengele said: “My view is that shutting the prison experiments down was a big mistake….I’m on the medical ethics committee at Penn and I still don’t see there having been anything wrong with what we were doing.” Kligman’s inability to discern right from wrong, good from evil, is remarkably similar to the callous sentiments expressed by another notorious Jewish doctor.

Dr. Sidney Olansky

Dr. Sidney Olansky ran the Tuskegee syphilis experiments now roundly condemned as the very epitome of medical racism. President Bill Clinton issued an official apology saying, “what the United States government did was shameful…I am sorry that your federal government orchestrated a study so clearly racist.” But, like Kligman, Dr. Olansky did not agree. As many as 100 of the original 200 test subjects died as a direct or indirect result of the illness; 40 of their wives had been infected, and 19 of their children were born with congenital syphilis. Yet Olansky maintained that his Tuskegee atrocity “was well conducted.” The Black men, said Olansky, were informed of what was happening: “at least, it was explained to them; maybe they didn’t have sense enough to understand it, but it was explained to them….The thing that ruined it was the racial upheaval.”

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad

These disgraceful episodes in Black–Jewish medical history (and many more unmentioned instances) have demonstrated the kind of evil that caused The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad to declare: “As I live, my desire is to destroy the so-called medical profession, because it is not a profession of healing; it is a profession of drugs.”

[Tingba Muhammad is a citizen of the Nation of Islam.]


“We’re in the good versus evil. I’m not, I’ve not been a religious person, but I’m absolutely clear in my mind: the only people—the kind of planning and thinking it takes to have done what has happened­—are people who would worship Satan. They’re not normal people. I couldn’t do one part of this and continue to be alive after I’ve done it.” —Dr. Michael Yeadon, former vice president of Pfizer



“We’re in the good versus evil. I’m not, I’ve not been a religious person, but I’m absolutely clear in my mind: the only people—the kind of planning and thinking it takes to have done what has happened-—are people who would worship Satan. They’re not normal people. I couldn’t do one part of this and continue to be alive after I’ve done it.” —Dr. Michael Yeadon, former vice president of Pfizer


The Debate Over Jews and Slavery: The Washington Post, 1993


“A Look At…Slavery Then and Now: Half-Truths and History: The Debate Over Jews and Slavery”

by David Mills, reporter, Washington Post

This article appeared in the Washington Post, October 17, 1993. It generated so much controversy that the Post’s ombudsman had to respond to it two weeks later (posted below). Despite their expiatory wording, both articles confirm the Nation of Islam position on Jews and the slave trade.

A small storm has been swirling–in the media, in academia, but mostly in the frictional world of ethnocentric politics–around the involvement of Jews in the African slave trade. It has been a tempest of hot rhetoric, factual confusion and moral recrimination. It has revealed the willingness of some black pubic figures–Louis Farrakhan and Leonard Jeffries in particular–to use historical caricature as a blunt instrument in their political battles with present-day Jews. It has also revealed the historical ignorance of some well-respected critics of black antisemitism. The passions driving the debate on both sides have thwarted any calm understanding of the past.

The controversy kicked up two years ago when Jeffries, an Afrocentric faculty member at the City College of New York, made a notorious speech in Albany, N.Y., cataloging the supposed crimes of Jews against black people. One of the things he said was, “Everyone knows rich Jews helped finance the slave trade.” Some commentators treated this not as demagogic simplification, but as a flat-out historical lie.

In late 1991, Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam published “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews,” quoting from the extensive research of Jewish historians to indict, in effect, today’s Jews for everything from the ownership of South American sugar plantations three centuries ago to Jewish participation in the Confederate war effort. When a black professor at Wellesley College assigned the book to his introductory African-American history class, Jewish students protested and four national Jewish groups recommended the professor’s job status be reviewed. Both the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith have published rebuttals comparing “The Secret Relationship” to the most infamous works of antisemitic propaganda in the 20th century.

Some observers acknowledge that certain communities of Jews participated directly in black slavery–but in far smaller numbers than non-Jews among the Portuguese, Dutch, English and French, than Arabs, or than Africans themselves. To focus on the role of Jews, they say, is gratuitous at best, antisemitic at worst. But to a few critics, even mentioning Jews and the slave trade is hateful and bigoted. Jews were not significantly involved, they claim-contrary to the scholarly record, much of it compiled by historians who are Jewish.

“There wouldn’t have been any slave trade at all,” syndicated columnist Nat Hentoff told me, “if it had not been for the middlemen, the chiefs of certain African tribes, who had captured people from other tribes and enslaved them. It’s important to say Africans have sold Africans. It’s important to know that.”

It is indeed important to understand all aspects of the history of slavery. For African-American people seeking to understand their place in the world, the history of slavery is as important as the history of the Holocaust for Jews. No element of a great tragedy is too small to be explored, particularly if it has been generally ignored.

Isn’t it also important, I asked Hentoff, to know that Jews bought and sold Africans?

“If it’s indeed the case, of course,” Hentoff said, acknowledging that he is not a scholar on the subject. “If you can nail that down, of course it would be important to know that.”

Most Americans, used to imagining slavery in terms of cotton fields and the Old South, don’t realize that the transatlantic slave trade sent Africans primarily to South America and the islands of the West Indies. According to one well-regarded census, 9.6 million Africans arrived alive in the so-called “New World” from the 16th century through the 19th century. Of these, less than 5 percent, 427,000, were brought to what is now the United States. Nearly 4 million went to Brazil, the largest single devourer of African labor. There, the average life span of a slave was a few years.

Most Americans don’t realize either that the transatlantic slave trade was driven by the sugar trade. Sugar cane was a scarce medicinal plant in medieval Europe. But when white colonizers started cultivating sugar in the fertile tropics of the Americas, it rapidly became a staple-and a great source of wealth for Europe’s shipping and trading powers. This New World economy of sugar and slaves-of vast, labor-intensive plantations-began in earnest in Brazil during the 1500s, according to historians. The involvement of Jews in black slavery began there also.

Brazil. The Portuguese were the first to colonize Brazil, and Sephardic Jews from Portugal were among these early settlers. “In its early years,” writes Seymour B. Liebman in “New World Jewry, 1493-1825,” Brazil was built by Negro slaves (400,000 between 1570 and 1670) and the acumen, hard work and calculating perseverance of the Jews.”

Some background is essential. The Sephardim-that is, the Jews of Spain and Portugal-had flourished for centuries in the Iberian peninsula. By 1497, they made up an estimated 20 percent of Portugal’s population of 1 million. But that year, the king of Portugal compelled the Jews to convert to Christianity. (Spain had similarly forced its Jews to convert or flee five years earlier.) While many Jews left Portugal, others indeed were baptized and became “New Christians.” Despite the church’s persecution, some continued to practice Judaism in secret; they came to be known as “Marranos.”

New Christians were drawn to Brazil, in part because it was far from the seat of the Inquisition, but also because the South American colony was a place where the Sephardim could apply their established expertise in trade and sugar cultivation. Soon a Sephardic community thrived in Brazil’s pivotal port city of Recife. When the Dutch-then unique in Europe for their religious tolerance-took control of Brazil in 1630, the Marranos there were able to practice Judaism openly again.

During this time in Brazil, Jews owned a small percentage of the sugar plantations but were the predominant retailers of slaves in the colony, according to Arnold Wiznitzer’s “Jews in Colonial Brazil.” The shipping of Africans to Brazil was monopolized by the Dutch West India Company, which sold them “at public auctions against cash payment,” Wiznitzer writes. “The buyers who appeared at the auctions were almost always Jews.” These brokers then sold slaves to plantation owners on credit. More than 23,000 Africans were shipped to Brazil between 1636 to 1645, Wiznitzer says, a period when perhaps half of the 3,000 white civilians living there were Jews.

The British and French West Indies. In 1654, the Portuguese recaptured Brazil, chasing the Dutch and the Sephardim out–an event that would affect the destiny of Jews and Africans in the New World.

While many of Brazil’s Jews headed for the freedom of the Netherlands, some Sephardic traders were “eager to remain in the West Indies,” according to a history of colonial Jewry by Jacob Rader Marcus, longtime director of the American Jewish Archives. Some “fled to French Martinique and Guadeloupe, others to Jamaica and to English Barbados, where they furthered the sugar industry and the Negro slave economy which it created,” Marcus writes.

The Jewish refugees from Brazil, as University of Kansas economic historian Richard B. Sheridan has pointed out, “were masters of sugar technology and taught the English the art of sugar making.” The sugar colonies of Barbados and Jamaica grew to become jewels of the British empire during the 1700s. An estimated 1.1 million Africans were shipped to these islands over the entire course of the slave trade.

The Jewish traders were not the main beneficiaries of this economic boom, however. One British historian notes: “Most Jews in Barbados and Jamaica in the 18th century were small men, shopkeepers….The sugar trade became increasingly concentrated in the hands of the sugar-planters’ agents in London, a restricted and confined circle. [Jews] did not participate.” The role of Jewish traders was apparently limited, during the early 1700s, to the sale of “great numbers of ‘refuse’ Negroes (sickly slaves),” according to Stephen Alexander Fortune’s “Merchants and Jews: The Struggle for British West Indian Commerce, 1650-1750.” These Africans, bought cheaply, were resold “at considerable profit” once healthy.

The role of Jewish merchants in the slave economy of Martinique and Guadeloupe was eventually restricted as well. Initially, “the Sephardi emigres from Brazil…engage[d] both in plantation agriculture and trade, exporting sugar and tobacco to Europe and importing slaves and cloth,” according to Jonathan Israel’s history, “European Jewry in the Age of Mercantilism, 1550-1750.” The Catholic French, however, ordered the expulsion of all Jews from these islands in 1685, thus virtually ending their role in the trade.

The Dutch Colonies. The Jewish and Dutch refugees from Brazil also landed in Suriname in the late 17th century, establishing it as a sugar colony. This small piece of South America, as Harvard University historian Eugene Genovese has noted, would be the one and only place where Jews constituted a substantial planter class. Genovese cited one scholar’s finding that 115 of Suriname’s 400 sugar estates in 1730 were owned by Jews.

The island of Curaçao, a pivotal Dutch distribution center off the coast of Venezuela, was the site of the largest Jewish settlement in the New World. The Sephardic community there numbered almost 2,000 by the mid-1700s, constituting about half of the white population. Curaçao’s Jews “prospered early through shipping and slave-trading,” writes David Lowenthal in “West Indian Societies.” Isaac S. and Suzanne A. Emmanuel, historians of Curaçaoan Jewry, report that “[a]lmost every Jew bought from one to nine slaves for his personal use or for eventual resale.” Later, Curaçaoan Jews became, as Stephen Fortune writes, “the predominant insurance underwriters for ships plying the Caribbean”–including slave ships.

Under the auspices of the Dutch, Sephardic Jews also had a direct hand in wholesale slaving. As Arnold Wiznitzer has pointed out, Jews in Amsterdam owned as much as 10 percent of the stock in the Dutch West India Company, the great slave-shipping enterprise that helped launch the Netherlands to international commercial prominence during the 1600s. But the French and English monopoly trading companies, which eventually dominated the shipping of Africans to New World colonies, excluded Jews from that level of the trade.

Colonial North America. The far-flung Sephardic “trade diaspora” in the Caribbean led ultimately to the founding of Jewish communities in North America. Before the Revolutionary War, the largest settlement of Jews in the colonies-perhaps as many as 1,000 by 1760-was in the bustling port city of Newport, R.I. Aaron Lopez, formerly a Marrano in Portugal, laid the first cornerstone of the Newport congregation’s synagogue in 1759. (The building is now a historic site, the oldest synagogue in the United States.) Lopez later became a shipper of legendary prosperity. Black slaves were among his cargoes, as his biographer, Stanley F. Chyet, has noted.

Gentiles, however, overwhelmingly controlled the slaving business in colonial America. Rhode Island’s Sephardic merchant-shippers were known mainly for their prominence in the business of selling oil from sperm whales used in candlemaking.

So the real history of the participation of Jewish merchants in the slave trade is a lot more complex than Leonard Jeffries suggested with his line, “Everyone knows rich Jews helped finance the slave trade.” Jeffries is clearly misusing historical facts to serve his animus against Jews today.

At the same time, a number of Jeffries’ harsh critics have assumed that Jews had nothing to do with black slavery, or next to nothing. They said so publicly, and without qualification, during the Jeffries controversy.

Jonathan Yardley wrote in The Washington Post that Jeffries, on this point, had “turned history upside down.” When I asked him what part Jews did have in trafficking Africans, Yardley (a self-described WASP) didn’t know but said it would have been “relatively minor.”

A.M. Rosenthal of the New York Times wrote that Jeffries “says in a public forum that the Jews financed the slave trade. That is not quite the equivalent of [the accusation] Christ-killer, but coming close, make no mistake.” I asked Rosenthal too what actual role Jews played in black slavery. “There was none,” he replied. “Except for the most peripheral way. If at all.”

Jim Sleeper of the New York Daily News said he talked to four scholars before concluding, as he wrote in a critique of Jeffries for the Nation, that Jews merely had a “marginal” involvement in the slave trade.

How about in Brazil? I asked him.

“They would have had an extremely marginal, extremely minor role,” Sleeper told me. Did Jews own sugar plantations? “I don’t know.” Sleeper finally acknowledged, “I don’t know anything about Brazil.”

Why are so many people ignorant of such a well-documented point of history? One reason is that popular histories of New World slavery tend to omit any mention of Sephardic Jews while cataloging the activities of many other ethnic communities. In “The Rise and Fall of Black Slavery,” C. Duncan Rice mentions the “Dutch refugees” who established the sugar industry in Barbados, and the “planters of Dutch Surinam” who, “with characteristic Flemish practicality,” started up a sugar colony with a full force of black slaves. But he does not mention the Portuguese Jews among these Dutch. James A. Rawley’s “The Transatlantic Slave Trade” has not a single mention over the course of 452 pages of the involvement of Sephardic Jews.

The holes in the popular record have led to misunderstanding. In a 1991 article in the Jewish monthly Midstream, headlined “An Old/New Libel: Jews in the Slave Trade,” historian Saul Friedman noted that “Jews are remarkably absent from major texts” on New World slavery and cited seven history books by name. For Friedman, this constitutes proof that the role of Jews was negligible. Actually, he merely demonstrates the inadequacies of such “major texts.”

It is necessary to consider this vacuum of common knowledge when analyzing how some blacks are trying to make political hay out of this complex history. If the popular record weren’t incomplete-that is, if everyone already knew that Sephardic merchants and planters had played a small but significant role in the New World slave trade-there would be no “secret” relationship for Leonard Jeffries and Louis Farrakhan to exploit.



Response by Washington Post Ombudsman, Joann Byrd

The Washington Post, October 31, 1993, Sunday, Final Edition

The Timing Of News

When a painful, volatile issue is made worse by disinformation and misinformation, maybe it does fall to a newspaper to make sure all sides start from the same facts.

And that was the goal of “Half-Truths and History: The Debate Over Jews and Slavery,” which appeared two weeks ago in Outlook. But this time at least, it’s not so simple as that.

Post Style reporter David Mills said last week that he wanted his essay to report the historical facts that “many otherwise well-educated people don’t know. The fact that they don’t know this is distorting the current political discussion.”

The current political discussion being the argument that arose after the Nation of Islam and Leonard Jeffries, a City College of New York professor, claimed in 1991 that Jews were heavily involved in the New World slave trade.

The Outlook article’s starting point was that it is not true that Jews were disproportionately involved, but it’s also inaccurate to say Jews had no role whatever.

The piece acted as a truth squad, checking the facts of Jeffries’ claims, the Nation of Islam book “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews” and the commentators who condemned those distortions but got it wrong themselves. It cited a list of historians to show that Sephardic Jews played “a small but significant role in the New World slave trade.” Many Jews and intellectuals have long acknowledged this; a lot of the rest of us didn’t know much about it.

Two problems with the Outlook piece invited the criticism it has received:

There is no fresh news on this debate. If this piece had been published two years ago, its existence might have made sense to readers: The Nation of Islam book and Mr. Jeffries’ comments were then in the daily news report; the author aimed to provide reliable information readers could use to evaluate what they saw elsewhere in the paper.

But the essay gave no newer news peg than the 1991 controversies. So it looked to readers like a political statement, an out-of-the-blue declaration that Jews were involved in the slave trade.

So critics may have missed the intent and the content while speculating on what motivated the writer and editors to put this in The Post. They called it divisive, antagonistic, antisemitic or, at least, suspicious.

Mr. Mills is correct when he responds: There is no “good” time to run this essay. Two years ago, amid news, The Post would have been perceived as joining the fight; “when there’s no news, it looks like you’re picking a fight,” he notes.

(Mr. Mills did write a draft in 1991, and if it had run then, it might well have seemed designed to defend the extremists. He offered the piece again this summer when Mr. Jeffries was back in the news, being reinstated to head CCNY black studies. It took months of internal debate and editing to get the piece in the paper.)

The other objection is this: The piece gave too much regard to an isolated slice of a much larger and tangled history. In focusing on the role of Jews (and not, say, on the role of left-handers) it seemed to imply the extremists’ position is both relevant and worth serious attention. (Mr. Mills responds, figuratively and accurately, that no one has publicly brought up the role of left-handed people.)

For Outlook editor Jodie Allen, there’s value in setting down the reliable record: “Maybe we can get beyond this if the facts are known.”

All of this asks a larger and difficult question: Was there a way to report what’s true without aiding and abetting hate?

My bias says, always, that newspapers are in the information business, and what’s usually needed is more reporting and more context.

Even two years late, the paper could have reported this with less risk of fueling hostilities and without readers being distracted by wondering what The Post was up to. The paper could have added the rest of the story.

Picture a companion report outlining the whole slave trade, maybe excerpts from an authoritative history (or two or three). The overview, I think, would detail how individuals of just about every religion, race and nationality were a part of this sorrowful disgrace.



“The vaccine has divided families: those who took it and those who didn’t. Then the media comes out saying, ‘this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated! And it’s these people that will not be vaccinated—they are the ones that keep us from achieving herd immunity.’ And along came the Amish. The Amish people didn’t take no shot; they caught COVID-19 and they beat it. And they beat it and they have achieved herd immunity among themselves…If you want to survive this, you don’t have to take a shot.” —The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, The Swan Song, February 27, 2022



Our Sister Minister Ava Muhammad edited the Depopulation Section of the Final Call Newspaper. Early on in the “corona virus crisis” she perceived in the way it was unfolding that it had less to do with health and more to do with the long-planned depopulation agenda that The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has been warning us about for many years. Sister Ava began speaking out and in May of 2021 initiated the Special Section in the Final Call to warn our people so that they would not fall victim to Satan’s “diabolical scheme.”


Screenshot 2200years together

Read 1161 times Last modified on Sunday, 21 July 2024 00:32