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Slavery Nearly Universal Among ‘Native American’ Indian Tribes Prior To White Settlement (Christians For Truth) Sat, Jul 11 2020 | 900 words 1 1,510 Share to Facebook Share to TwitterShare to RedditShare to VkontakteShare to MessengerShare to TelegramShare to WhatsAppShare to Email   According to Almon Lauber’s booklet, Indian…
"Up to 40% of the members of the Klan by the late 60s were receiving FBI stipends." Brian Glick talking about FBI infiltration of activist & terrorist groups: "Up to 40% of the members of the Klan by the late 60s were receiving FBI stipends."   The…
Published in Organizations
Candace Owen Destroys And Humiliates Rabbi “Buttplug” Shmuley In Debate Army   How about just deport the Muslims then both Christians and Jews could be safe      kevaNew “With gold we can buy the most rebellious consciences, can subsidize all state loans, and thereafter hold the…
Published in Inspiring Change
Vikings came from Germanic tribes and Ice Age people in Europe. Viking Women - What was it like to be a woman in Viking Society? Women in Viking society is among the most fascinating women in history. Not only were they the women with the most rights…
Published in Hot Stories 2
Jewish Dominance Of The African Slave Trade February 3, 2020  The links below from the above article.  Mathew Nolan Jewish Slave Trade Christopher Columbus Who Brought the Slaves to America?     Marcus Garvey - “The African Slave Trade”        Jews Owned & Sold Black…
  Satanic Pop Culture Is A CIA Creation                          
Published in Inspiring Change
  Why Are Jews Leading The Alt-Right & ‘White’ Nationalist Movements? August 24, 2019 By CFT Team 107 Comments “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” -- Vladimir Lenin, Jewish Communist revolutionary in Russia Anybody who has been … Continue Reading about…
Published in Organizations
   Rabbi Isaac Wise, supported slavery and cited the Talmud as his source.    Rabbi Isaac Wise, the “father of Reform Judaism,” supported slavery and cited the Talmud as his source.      Racist Rabbis: A Long Legacy of Jewish Race-Haters       Home Store FAQ Contact…
Published in Legal & Politics
     All of these Christian women were stolen from their families. They had mothers and fathers, and they were Christian. In Islam men can have upto 4 wives and slaves. instanbull was once constantinople The Hidden World Of The Harem (Suleiman the Magnificent Documentary) | Timeline…
Published in Culture & Heritage
    Alex Jones Just Interviewed Elon Musk- WATCH NOW       ACLU Jews Promote Perversion In Public Schools ACLU Articles, ACLU Jews Promote Perversion In Schools, The Jewish Debasing Of American Culture ACLU JEWS PROMOTE PERVERSION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2007-2010…
Published in Organizations
  Israel vs. Palestine with Norman Finkelstein  Candace speaks with political scientist and activist Norman Finkelstein whose primary fields of research are the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and the politics of the Holocaust. His parents are Holocaust survivors and in 2020, he was named the fifth most influential political…
  Episode 2 - The White Slave Trade of Africa  In this episode we look at the white slave trade in Africa, where Barbary Pirates kidnapped Europeans and sold them into slavery, attacking shipping as well as infiltrating coastal villages and islands. The episode looks at the…
Published in Culture & Heritage
          Teachers Union President Calls School Reopenings 'White Supremacy'     Rumble — Recent remarks from the president of a Washington state teachers union have led to public criticism. Despite warnings of #children’s mental #health, he said that opening schools is a form…
Published in Legal & Politics
Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro explains what the goal of Zionism is. Why did Zionists created Zionism CMES hosted a speaking event featuring Rabbi Yakkov Shapiro. The event was held at the International Law Institute in Washington, D.C. Rabbi Shapiro is the rabbi of a congregation in Queens, New…
Published in Archives
   Life in Eastern Europe under Ottoman Muslim rule Life in Eastern Europe under Ottoman Muslim rule
Published in Religions & Faiths