Eva Vlaardingerbroek - Full CPAC Hungary 2024 Speech - Stop Racial Suicide! Beast of the Field Satyr-Demons Attack White Man in Staten Island Angel_Australia Happening more and more in Australia too.Especially in Melbourne where these AFRICAN SAVAGES have been brought here by the JEWS. reight…
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Legal & Politics
The Uyghur people live largely in the Chinese Autonomous Community of Xinjiang. Who are the Uyghurs | History of China's Unwanted Muslims (552-1884) The Uyghurs are an ethnic group that mainly reside in Xinjiang province in China. They’re currently in the media spotlight due to…
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Culture & Heritage
10 THINGS I LOVE ABOUT THE JEWS (FULL VERSION) A few years ago, I made a satirical video called “10 Things I Hate About the Jews.” It was ultimately about self-hating Israelis who oppose their wall and despise Trump and don’t seem to get that Christians and…
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Inspiring Change
Leftists Call For Putting Trump Supporters In Concentration Camps! Biden The Installed Pedo President And His Band of Criminal Socialists Video Montage: The leftist mob wants to re-educate and reprogram millions of Americans who belong to "The Cult of Trump" who must be held accountable for…
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Legal & Politics
Dr. MOSHE KANTOR Pres. European Jewish Congress European Jewish Congress The European Jewish Congress or EJC (formerly known as European Jewish Union or EJU) is a non-govenrment organization based in Brussels, Belgium, Europe. The aim of the EJC is a unit structure for…
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All of these Christian women were stolen from their families. They had mothers and fathers, and they were Christian. In Islam men can have upto 4 wives and slaves. instanbull was once constantinople The Hidden World Of The Harem (Suleiman the Magnificent Documentary) | Timeline…
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Culture & Heritage
Episode 2 - The White Slave Trade of Africa In this episode we look at the white slave trade in Africa, where Barbary Pirates kidnapped Europeans and sold them into slavery, attacking shipping as well as infiltrating coastal villages and islands. The episode looks at the…
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Culture & Heritage
Sharia for Women: A Female Sharia Survivor Shares Her Story Anni Cyrus' presentation at an IFI event in summer 2018 on Islam.
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Religions & Faiths
tinyurldotcomslashv38vc2jt Iran Fake opposition.the Saborjhian family changed its name to Ahmadinejad.About name Sabourjhian information can not be seen in wikipedia in Farsi, just in English, French and German. This is important because Saborjhian is a Jewish family name.https://themuslimissue2.wordpress.com/2012/08/27/iran-ahmedejinn-the-promoter-of-antisemitism-and-persecution-of-jews-is-a-jew-himself/ [show more] Pre-Islamic history of the Middle East Imam…
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Culture & Heritage
Robert Spencer: "Evangelization and Islam" Robert Spencer, (Jewish) the Director of Jihad Watch, speaks about "Evangelization and Islam: The Dangers, Difficulties, and Rewards of Sharing the Faith with Muslims" at the 2012 Defending the Faith Conference here on campus in Steubenville, Ohio. Faith and Reason Robert Spencer…
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Religions & Faiths
Blackface History is Jewish History February 7, 2019 NOI Research Articles, Blacks and Jews, History, Jim Crow, Politics, Race Relations, Slave Trade, Slavery 0 [Latest Article: “Operation “Israel Cyber Shield”: The Attack on Black America, Minister Louis Farrakhan, and the Nation of Islam” is here ] The…
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Hot Stories 2
Africa demands slavery compensations for decades, but only receives apologies This week marks the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery, and the UN has called for slavery reparations for the ancestors of forcibly transported and exploited Africans. Nigerian journalist Timothy Obiezu has…
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Inspiring Change
Christians were sometimes tortured to force a conversion to Islam, males could be raped, and punishment was appalling. Barbary Slave Trade - Millions of Europeans enslaved in North Africa Christians were sometimes tortured to force a conversion to Islam, males could be raped, and punishment was…
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Culture & Heritage
God Bless White Europeans For Ending Slavery. The globalist racist mainstream media, education system, and Hollywood only focus on whites owning slaves, even though all races owned slaves, but whites were the first to end the practice. From the dawn of history the different races all…
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Religions & Faiths
Ex-MP Craig Kelly: Have LRAD´s been deployed against public in Serbia & Australia? wallzeymrdramatic https://old.bitchute.com/video/7x821u8LhgVA/ Longbearde They're microwave weapons. Misinformation bill The incoming misinformation bill will censor citizens but Government and Mainstream Media are exempt from the rules…you just can’t…
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