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CCP Slave Camps

Screenshot 3 contcentratin camps

Leftists Call For Putting Trump Supporters In Concentration Camps!


Biden The Installed Pedo President And His Band of Criminal Socialists

Biden The Installed Pedo President And His Band of Criminal Socialists

Video Montage: The leftist mob wants to re-educate and reprogram millions of Americans who belong to "The Cult of Trump" who must be held accountable for their radical views.


Screenshot 1ccp stop camps

 Filmmaker Jason Jones joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the December 10th protest in D.C. calling for the end of the Communist Chinese slave camps.

'Stop The CCP Slave Camps' Protest to Hit D.C.


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Screenshot 1covid 19 9

Katie Hopkins- On the Fight for Free Speech and Liberty During the Dark Days of Corona Virus

Get the latest information from the WHO about coronavirus.

 George England

Katie is usually right, our economy is being destroyed . Is it a communist plot.?
Charles Smyth
The UK has a population density of 430 people per square kilometer, Sweden has a population density of 25 people per square kilometer. The same, and more of a difference, applies to the flyover country of the US, compared to NYC or LA, for example. Be careful when it comes to the carefully calibrated agitprop of the contrepreneurs, such as Katie Hopkins and those with whom she operates :-)

jews under attact

Katie Hopkins: French Jews Under Attack

Read 4764 times Last modified on Friday, 30 July 2021 05:58