Covid 19: What happened at Wuhan in China SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: What Really Happened in Wuhan Get Sharri Markson’s book ‘What Really Happened in Wuhan’ here: CDC: The Grinch Who Wants to Steal EVERY Holiday Thru Christmas
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Fighting Against Genocide
Inside China's Elite: Rise and Fall of Billionaires | TYCOONS | ENDEVR Documentary 5 MINUTES AGO! Richard Wolff Shared A Terrifying Message... Richard D. Wolff is an American economist and professor emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He is known for his critiques of…
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CHINA New Silk Road? OR KISSINGER (Jewish) ROCKEFELLER (Gentile) ROTHSCHILD (Jewish) WALL STREET ENGLAND, ISRAEL BELT/ROAD? OR THE EAST INDIAN TREDING COMPANY? I Run 4 Ultra Edited. China's New Silk Road in Europe | DW DocumentaryDW Documentary4.45M subscribers uisburg is home to Europe's biggest inland port, and…
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Inspiring Change
Why The British Got China Hooked On Opium | Time Travels | Absolute History Dex Wrex Money, thats why and when China banned opium, UK went to war with them. The Sassoons (Jewish) Use the British Army to Drug An Entire Nation. The Opium Wars - Part…
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Fighting Against Genocide
DR. TESTIFIES UNDER OATH OF PERJURY THAT THEY CREATED COVID AS A BIOWEAPON Doctor testifies under oath of perjury that COVID was created as a bio weapon. Cardiologist, Nuclear Cardiologist, Physicist, PhD, MD and JD, Dr. Fleming under oath describes the Spike protein bio weapon timeline and…
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Words have great power. Thanks Teacher John Maxwell 25 Ways to Win with People by John Maxwell Audiobook Magda McDusia
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Inspiring Change
The Uyghur people live largely in the Chinese Autonomous Community of Xinjiang. Who are the Uyghurs | History of China's Unwanted Muslims (552-1884) The Uyghurs are an ethnic group that mainly reside in Xinjiang province in China. They’re currently in the media spotlight due to…
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Culture & Heritage
Killing Fields in Cambodia The anti-Semitic Zionists who control the media always talk about the gassing of the 6 million Jews. Not ever or rarely have films been shown of the left-wing Marxists Pol Pot and his followers killing innocent people in Cambodia because they were educated,…
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Fighting Against Genocide
Chinese Propaganda Campaign Forced World Into Lockdown CONFIRMED: Chinese Propaganda Campaign Forced World Into Draconian Lockdown Paul Joseph Watson breaks down how Communist China used propaganda to scare the rest of the world into a draconian lockdown for fear of infection from the genetically engineered…
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Fighting Against Globalist
The Chinese are now poised and ready to invade the U.S. from Canada. Prime Minister Requested Chinese Troops Be Stationed In Canada SirJohnForFreedom I was hoping that infowars would pick up this story taking place. This has been going on for over 10 years…
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Legal & Politics
MYFREEDOCTOR.Com will help you obtain Ivermectin Tablets. Doctor: The Day They Approved a Poison Lethal Injection to be a Vaccine is the Day I Became Antivaxx johnmark7 Yea Alex, Trump was "hoodwinked." This is becoming pathetic at this point. It's so obvious you refuse…
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The people of Hong Kong are protesting in record-breaking numbers. “They are not doing this for themselves, but for the future of Hong Kong.” Hong Kong’s huge protests, explained Vox Hundreds of thousands of Hongkongers have taken to the streets to protest a controversial extradition bill…
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Dissident Chinese Prisoners Have Organs Harvested, "Horrified" Insider Blows Whistle by Tyler Durden Sun, 06/16/2019 - 21:10 SHARES Twitter Facebook Reddit Email Print Via, A horrifying practice is happening in China: dissidents in prison are being killed for their organs. That’s according to Steven W. Mosher,…
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External Articles
Sex Slaves - Japanese Military Mistreatment of Dutch Women Prisoners The Japanese military routinely abused civilian women across the Occupied Territories of Asia. Hundreds of thousands of local women were also forced to become 'Comfort Women', or forced prostitutes. Among this number were several hundred white Dutch…
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Fighting Against Genocide
Putin, Kim and new multipolar world. Sullivan, striking Russia is common sense. Conflict in Lebanon Putin-Kim summit: North Korea vows full support for Russia’s "sacred fight" against West, Ukraine News North Korea sent Russia millions of munitions in exchange for food: Seoul South Korea says…
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