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The Uyghur People

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The Uyghur people live largely in the Chinese Autonomous Community of Xinjiang.

  Who are the Uyghurs | History of China's Unwanted Muslims (552-1884)

 The Uyghurs are an ethnic group that mainly reside in Xinjiang province in China. They’re currently in the media spotlight due to the repression they face at the hands of the Chinese communist government. But they have called north-western China their home for more than a thousand years. Their history extends even further back than that; like many other groups of steppe people, they have experienced things such as the establishment of a huge nomadic empire and mass migration.


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Who Are China's Vanishing Muslims? | History of the Uyghur 1884-2021 feat. Hikma History

 The Uyghur people live largely in the Chinese Autonomous Community of Xinjiang, and are just one of several groups of Muslims indigenous to China. In this video I explore the history of the Uyghur people and their relationship with central Chinese power from the Qing government, through the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China and the present-day Xinjiang Conflict.


I may not be a Muslim, but I believe all have the right to their Spiritual beliefs. - in related history, I wished the Tocharians survived, but they were wiped out by Turkish tribes and the Xiongnu confederation.
 Alan Smithee
Hello Hilbert. I used to stay up all hours too when a student. One late night programme I used to watch was the Silk Road by a Japanese team showing how diverse this area was. I remember I was by coincidence painting Scythian wargames figures and had just realized the Tsung Nu were originally in this area. I always was interested in the topics you are studying, but chose science thinking about a job at the end of studying, so I wish you good luck and keep doing what you love. Have you ever looked at China's ancient western expansion and whether this contributed to the end of the Roman empire as steppe people moved west? I am still on catch up with years of videos to check out on your channel.
 Pyro Magic
Anyone get the feeling that the Chinese have seen what Islam has done to Europe and don't want it replicated in China.
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China's problems with the Uyghurs (Documentary from 2014 in HD)

China’s Uighur minority live a dystopian nightmare of constant surveillance and brutal policing.

At least one million of them are believed to be living in what the U.N. described as a “massive internment camp that is shrouded in secrecy,” while many Uighur children are taken to state-run orphanages where they're indoctrinated into Chinese customs.

The Uighurs' plight has largely been kept hidden from the world, thanks to China’s aggressive attempts to suppress the story at all costs. VICE News’ Isobel Yeung posed as a tourist to gain unprecedented access to China’s western Xinjiang region, which has been nearly unreachable by journalists.

She and our crew experienced China’s Orwellian surveillance and harassment first-hand during their time in Xinjiang, and captured chilling hidden-camera footage of eight Uighur men detained by police in the middle of the night. We spoke with members of the Uighur community about their experience in these camps, and about China’s attempts to silence their history and lifestyle under the cover of darkness.


China’s Vanishing Muslims: Undercover In The Most Dystopian Place In The World

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Sueprised result DNA check that Turkic Uyghurs located at Central Asia, far from Europe, higher ratio of Eurpean DNA than other neighbeours. Although Chinese government saying East Turkistan (Xinjiang, means new border) belonging to China from long history, but the mater people of the place of Uyghurs are different DNA to Chinese, and ancient mummies found from Tarim Basin, ancestors of Uyghurs did not match to Chinese. Uyghur DNA elements close to Uzbek. for Turkey Turkish, almost same ratio of Western Europ DNA with Uyghur.

  Surprised Result DNA Check on Uyghurs, Reasons of Riots ...

6:35 Uyghur girls are stunning!

  History of Uyghurs (Lemurians: c.10,500 BC - 2012 AD)

Uyghurs still speak Turkish , under invasion of China

Uyghur folk song - Tarim mummies

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  Surprised Result DNA Check on Uyghurs, Reasons of Riots ...

 ueprised result DNA check that Turkic Uyghurs located at Central Asia, far from Europe, higher ratio of Eurpean DNA than other neighbeours. Although Chinese government saying East Turkistan (Xinjiang, means new border) belonging to China from long history, but the mater people of the place of Uyghurs are different DNA to Chinese, and ancient mummies found from Tarim Basin, ancestors of Uyghurs did not match to Chinese. Uyghur DNA elements close to Uzbek. for Turkey Turkish, almost same ratio of Western Europ DNA with Uyghur.


Read 2939 times Last modified on Sunday, 11 June 2023 07:41