ACLU Jews Promote Perversion In Public Schools “HOMOSEXUALS BRAINWASHING OUR CHILDREN IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS!” reports Mass Resistance, a family oriented Lobby Group. In an alarming expose’ of videos shown to Elementary School children, indoctrinating them into anal sex & vile lesbian conduct, Mass Resistance urges us all…
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Inspiring Change
The Fightback Against Critical Race Theory Teachers against the CRT ( critical race theory, raciem against whites) & promoted mainly by Jewish Communist Zionist Globalist and dumb gentile traitors. Virginia teacher resigns over critical race theory in emotional speech ‘The Madness of Crowds’ author…
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Inspiring Change
The Coveners League aims are to promote unity among all races, including white community all over the world. We need your help. 1. Promoting our articles and website. We promote many organizations and websites, so if you would like us to promote your organization or…
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False Jews use Jews All content in this website is the copyright material. Visitors are welcome to share any articles, but we ask that you acknowledge us as the source. As there are good blacks, bad blacks there are also good whites, bad whites, bad Jews…
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MONDAY FULL SHOW 3/3/25 — Trump’s Approval Rating Surges To An All-Time Hi Harvard Economist Reveals Shocking SECRET About Trade War with China Trump’s AI Stargate, Warp Speed 2.0, Smart Walls & 15 Minute Cities Trump’s new era is off to a wild…
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Hot Stories 2
BREAKING: President Trump Orders Elon Musk's DOGE To Attack The Globalist Mother Ship — Trump Has Directed DOGE Auditors To Investigate The Private Run For-Profit Federal Reserv Diversity means replacing natives, Whites, Blacks, Asians etc. Blackrock Wants Your Money! Their CRAZY Retirement…
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Meeting with families awarded the Order of Parental Glory Better Late Than Never? | Britain's Oldest Mums and Dads (Parenting Documentary) | Real Stories Britain's Biggest Brood: Life in a Large Family | Real Stories…
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Women are important to the future. Men are defenders, but without the women and the future that they provide - what is there to protect? The following videos giving a voice to women who are fighting against the regressive Globalist Establishment. How Real Is Fake News? |…
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