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  Leo Zagami - Ex-Illuminati Exposes Transhumanism & Cyber Satan    Leo Zagami joins Maria Zeee to break down the transhumanism agenda from the perspective of the secret societies running this world, warning people they must prepare for the ultimate goal of the globalists - the AI…
Published in Organizations
Why Conservatives Are Doomed  The United States was built by Europeans. If conservatives hope to conserve anything that they claim to love – the Constitution, liberty, limited government, gun ...   Coveners League has many articles, here is a small sample, please check them out. Teach White…
Published in Organizations
Genetic Study Finds White Europeans Are One Big Closely Related Family     Genetic Study Finds White Europeans Are One Big Closely Related Family Share   A comprehensive genetic study has revealed that White Europeans can trace their genealogy back to the same ancestors, and that they…
Published in Culture & Heritage
Tajik traditions and customs in the Navroz celebration.   Navroz Show from Tajikistan     WE JEWS LOOK FORWARD, NOT TO ITS ULTIMATE UNION WITH OTHER RACES, BUT TO ITS TRIUMPH OVER THEM Rabbi Blacks & monkeys Some Jewish consider all Gentiles as animals, the following video…
Published in Culture & Heritage
  Sex and Sexuality for the Ancient Romans  Weird Sexual Rituals Followed Around The World   Canadian Flu Shot Stunt Tied To Monsanto Roundup Hoax   Canada’s Health Minister was allegedly caught on camera pretending to receive a flu vaccine during a news segment encouraging citizens to…
Published in Culture & Heritage
The Schytians never ever disapeard we The Bulgarians, Hungarians, Russians and many White Europeans all over the World are their children. Case studyOpinionProfileAncient girl Amazon warrior no older than 13 is confirmed by modern scientific techniques   Ancient girl Amazon warrior no older than 13 is confirmed…
Published in Culture & Heritage
    The Love Of My People   DukeOfDurham Published on Nov 1, 2016 A video from the heart, the most precious possession you have in the whole world is your own people, I put this together to express how I feel about this. Please enjoy. Music…
Published in Uniting our Community
  Is Glyphosate Responsible For The Rise In Autism?1,556 views·Jun 12, 2024       White Moss (Belyy Yagel) | Full Nenets Siberian Drama Award Winning Movie | WORLD MOVIE CENTRAL  A Russian living in the Arctic Tundra struggles between the love of his life who’s moved…
Published in Hot Stories 2
Whites build Motorcycle clubs all over the World for all Whites and develop an Anti-Defamation League to represent whites and all races. BIKERS FOR TRUMP    LET'S ROLL! Bikers for Trump roll into Wisconsin to keep George Soros-paid shills away from the Trump rallies:     LET’S ROLL!…
Published in Organizations
  migration and will lead to annihilation of Western culture – Experts  In 1973, Economic European Community and the Arab League established the Euro-Arab Dialogue (EAD). This UN Migration Compact is an attempt to make hijra (Islamic migration) a human right, while at the same time undermining…
Published in Constitutions and Laws
Bayer, a pharmaceutical company that makes drugs that are used to feminize men   Pressure mounts on Bayer CEO to fix legal problems as chairman quits Bayer’s shares have plunged about a quarter in value since August 2018, when the company lost a U.S. lawsuit claiming that…
UN urges Israel to stop ‘apartheid practices’ against Palestinians     Christopher Jon Bjerknes The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians "Jews were members of the 'Young Turks.' In Turkey Some  "Jews were members of the 'Young Turks' who were responsible for the Armenian genocide, wherein up to…
Published in Organizations
Religious Mind Control and the Impending Holy War Extremists of all three Abrahamic religions are being manipulated by the hidden hand                                   MonotheistMuslim Islam is the solution because it accepts the…
Published in Religions & Faiths
Did The Sexual Revolution Actually Benefit Women? Mary Eberstadt | Modern Wisdom     Women ARE Disproportionately Hurting Our Country  Dennis Prager (Jewish) went viral on Twitter yesterday over the title of his recent column for the Daily Signal “Women Are Disproportionately Hurting Our Country.” People lost…
Published in Inspiring Change
                  Meeting with families awarded the Order of Parental Glory Britain's Most Hated Big Family | Big Families  Meet Britain's Most Hated Big Family. The Hamlins. The dad works while the mum stays at home, budgeting fiercely to help…
Published in Inspiring Change