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White European Scythian tribes lived in Europe, Russian and Siberian. NOVA: Ice Mummies: Siberian Ice Maiden (1998-TV) The mummy of a 2400-year-old woman found on the Steppes of Siberia reveals a legendary warrior culture Ice Mummies: Siberian Ice Maiden: PBS Airdate: November 24, 1998 / "Tonight on…
Published in Culture & Heritage
The Rise Of The Lakota Nation | Nations At War | Timeline Kelton Oliver The British and later US governments were in a difficult position. It's likely that in many cases the treaties were negotiated in good faith but the reality was that it was simply impossible…
Published in Culture & Heritage
The Schytians never ever disapeard we The Bulgarians, Hungarians, Russians and many White Europeans all over the World are their children. Case studyOpinionProfileAncient girl Amazon warrior no older than 13 is confirmed by modern scientific techniques   Ancient girl Amazon warrior no older than 13 is confirmed…
Published in Culture & Heritage
Who are the Tatars? Europe's Oldest Remaining Islamic Community  Just who are the Tatars? The Tatars are arguably Europe's oldest remaining Islamic community, stretching back many hundreds (possibly over a thousand) years and today number in the tens of millions. Scattered over many parts of Eastern Europe,…
Published in Culture & Heritage