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Governments using covid vaccines to killed their own people is Democide. Alex Jones Democide Alex Jones breaks down this recent history of governments killing their own people   DEATH BY GOVERNMENT Genocide: among other things, the killing of people by a government because of their indelible group…
Published in Constitutions and Laws
Many parts of Britain are unrecognizable, non whites have replaced whites. Nigel Farage: Britain is unrecognisable Comment: How fucking stupid do you have to be to let a handful of false Christians, Jews, liberal white gentile politicians do this to your country.     Friday, September 27,…
Published in Legal & Politics
The Teenage Fugitive Who Stole Planes To Escape Capture | Fly Colt Fly: Barefoot Bandit | Wonder       #Killstream Molyneux & The Donald Banned, STL Boomer Couple Speaks, + Wake Up Trump  
Published in Inspiring Change
Why are Most People Cowards? | Obedience and the Rise of Authoritarianism Lou Lou Lou   (edited) I always knew I was different but it was this whole covid thing that showed me how different I am. I can't conform, I can't go along to get along…
Published in Inspiring Change
  Australian Police Admit Using Directed Energy Weapon Against Peaceful Protestor Australian Police Admit Using Directed Energy Weapon Against Peaceful Protestor.  They cooked her with microwaves, barbaric completely evil.                           Neandertal or not?
Published in Politics & Legal
It is against Australian federal law to not serve someone or to prevent them entering.       NOTICE The new DHHS mask directives for NSW are now in force as of 03/01/2021 Many Business Personnel are unaware of the risks of discriminating against people with lawful…
Published in Constitutions and Laws
"Up to 40% of the members of the Klan by the late 60s were receiving FBI stipends." Brian Glick talking about FBI infiltration of activist & terrorist groups: "Up to 40% of the members of the Klan by the late 60s were receiving FBI stipends."   The…
Published in Organizations
Candace Owen Destroys And Humiliates Rabbi “Buttplug” Shmuley In Debate Army   How about just deport the Muslims then both Christians and Jews could be safe      kevaNew “With gold we can buy the most rebellious consciences, can subsidize all state loans, and thereafter hold the…
Published in Inspiring Change
  Mahathir Mohamad  rt-news-livestream-247.html   Edited The Palestinian Genocide is part of the so-called US Globalist Alliance War on Terror that in horrible reality is a cowardly, racist US Alliance and racist Zionist Globalist War on Women and Children and a War on Palestinian, Iraqi, Lebanese, Syrian,…
Published in Inspiring Change
A legal explainer the introduction of Covid-19 vaccination passports within the UK Are coronavirus vaccination passports lawful?  A legal explainer video reviewing the issues surrounding the introduction of Covid-19 vaccination passports within the UK. 0:00​ - Intro 1:32​ - Defining Coronavirus passports 2:29​ - For and against…
Published in Constitutions and Laws
  New Biden Press Secretary Embarrassingly Bad At Her Job New Biden Press Secretary Embarrassingly Bad At Her Job                     There is no white race you fucking asshole.....just a group of cock suckers that play the race card…
Published in Organizations
Breaking Your Will  
Published in Inspiring Change
Daddy Dragon: The Full English Show Daddy Dragon: The Full English Show Take Back Control of our Lives, Our Freedom, Our Laws, Our Parliament, Our Borders, Our Jobs, Our Kids, Our Country. The Written and Unwritten Common Law Constitution of England, Bound by Oath. England Home Freedom…
Published in Constitutions and Laws
A culture that has lost faith in itself, strips young men of their identity and offers nothing but empty, meaningless nihilism. Please share this video: Follow on Twitter: Follow @PrisonPlanet Facebook: ********************* Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison     AllChemystery The Radio station…
Published in Legal & Politics
    Alex Jones Just Interviewed Elon Musk- WATCH NOW       ACLU Jews Promote Perversion In Public Schools ACLU Articles, ACLU Jews Promote Perversion In Schools, The Jewish Debasing Of American Culture ACLU JEWS PROMOTE PERVERSION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2007-2010…
Published in Organizations