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The Chinese owned companies need to be boycotted. Vanna Tran U.S. COMPANIES SECRETLY OWNED BY CHINA: These U.S. Companies have been sold to China over the years  So we compiled a list of 10 United States companies that most people don't know that China owns. From Tech…
Published in Legal & Politics
  French Jews Publish Children’s Book That Normalizes Race Mixing   The jewish-owned publishing company, Nathan, has published an illustrated children’s book that glorifies race mixing to young impressionable French children: Nathan [owned by the jewish Cahen-Lipmann families] is one of the few publishers in France which…
Published in Legal & Politics
Biden is Jewish. All the Jews Biden has tapped for top roles in his new administration All the Jews Biden has tapped for top roles in his new administration From secretary of state to attorney general, a diverse cross-section of American Jewry is set to fill seats…
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  The Barbary Pirates & England's White Slaves       Barbarian Cruelty by Francis Brooks Synopsis: It was during the 1600s that Barbary corsairs-pirates from the Barbary Coast of North Africa were at their most active and terrible. With the full support of the Moorish rulers…
Now I'll Show You What I Mean By 'Change' - David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast Keir Starmer is a Globalist. Wormwood1138 The 2024 Marxmerican selection is NO DIFFERENT, the money masters are offering two of their puppets (Trump & O'Biden) for the sheeple to decide between, nothing ever…
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