The Judeo Matrix EXPOSED! osmicWarriors The bible is a fraud. Jews created christianity. Its all evil. All christians are evil servanrs of jewry. Angel_Australia Like most Christians you are ignorant of your own white, pre-Christian ancestral gifts to humanity. Long before Jew religion was foisted upon the…
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Religions & Faiths
ACLU Jews Promote Perversion In Public Schools “HOMOSEXUALS BRAINWASHING OUR CHILDREN IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS!” reports Mass Resistance, a family oriented Lobby Group. In an alarming expose’ of videos shown to Elementary School children, indoctrinating them into anal sex & vile lesbian conduct, Mass Resistance urges us all…
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Inspiring Change
CIA Agent Confess: We Created 'Adrenochrome Farms' Where MILLIONS Of Kids Are Sold To VIPs US Army Sgt. Charles Martland and team leader Daniel Quinn thrashed a homosexual child rapist In 2011, US Army Sgt.…
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Hot Stories 2
India's Religious Cult Of Prostitution Temple Prostitution (1998): Inside the Yellamma cult - where social climbing in the next life means selling your children into prostitution. Subscribe to journeyman for daily uploads: For many lower-caste Indians devoting their daughters to the Hindu goddess Yellamma is the…
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Religions & Faiths
Human trafficking victims, all young White girls, are being branded and sold for sex, some being raped by more than 10 men, one after each other every … January 22, 2020 By CFT Team White Teen Girls ‘Branded Like Cattle’ By Black & Latino Sex Traffickers in…
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Legal & Politics
All of these Christian women were stolen from their families. They had mothers and fathers, and they were Christian. In Islam men can have upto 4 wives and slaves. instanbull was once constantinople The Hidden World Of The Harem (Suleiman the Magnificent Documentary) | Timeline…
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Culture & Heritage
Use it or lose it: An active, healthy sex life may delay menopause Use it or lose it: An active, healthy sex life may delay menopause 05/22/2021 / By Cassie B. / Comments Bypass censorship by sharing this link: Copy URL If…
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Inspiring Change
Sex and Sexuality for the Ancient Romans Weird Sexual Rituals Followed Around The World Canadian Flu Shot Stunt Tied To Monsanto Roundup Hoax Canada’s Health Minister was allegedly caught on camera pretending to receive a flu vaccine during a news segment encouraging citizens to…
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Culture & Heritage
Family of one wife with more than one husband could gather more wealth. One Wife and Her Three Husbands: How is their Life? The Polyandry Culture in Tibet(Full Documentary) Have you ever heard of a Polyandry Family? It is a rare form of marriage that…
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Culture & Heritage
Raquel Liberman Jewish White Slave Trade. White Slavery "One type of business carried on in the early Middle Ages by the Jews of Europe, namely the slave trade, requires a special word of explanation. The Jews were among the most important slave-dealers. As inhabitants of western Germany…
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Legal & Politics
You'll rarely see programs on western mainstream media exposing prostitution or what some call "the sex trade". Then ask yourself why? It is believed by many people that some globalist are involved in the sex slave trade. The sex slavery has increase over the years and…
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Legal & Politics
Sex Slaves - Japanese Military Mistreatment of Dutch Women Prisoners The Japanese military routinely abused civilian women across the Occupied Territories of Asia. Hundreds of thousands of local women were also forced to become 'Comfort Women', or forced prostitutes. Among this number were several hundred white Dutch…
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Fighting Against Genocide
Women, Healing & Lore Women, Healing & Lore In my neck of the woods, somewhere within the Blue Ridge Mountains, we have in our history those who made more than their fair mark, who we call, Granny Women, or what many now days…
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Religions & Faiths
Men And Women Should work as a team Modern Women NEED To Understand THIS 45% Of Women Will Be Single & Childless By 2030 Women Find 80% Of Men Unattractive - "Hypergamy Or Are Men Just Ugly?" The DEVASTATING Trend Of Unmarried…
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Inspiring Change