Historian David Irving Explains How Jews Themselves Are Responsible For Ending Up In Auschwitz September 15, 2019 By CFT Team 5 Comments In this video from a book tour in the 1990s, British historian David Irving explains how he had come to the conclusion that…
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Legal & Politics
Teachers Union President Calls School Reopenings 'White Supremacy' Rumble — Recent remarks from the president of a Washington state teachers union have led to public criticism. Despite warnings of #children’s mental #health, he said that opening schools is a form…
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Legal & Politics
Vera Sharav is Jewish. VERA SHARAV, FULL SPEECH AT NUREMBERG 75TH ANNIVERSARY Nuremberg Code Punishable By Death Are the petty tyrants who have recklessly mandated vaccines while refusing non vaccinated people food, employment, and basic freedom of choice violating The Internationally recognized Nuremberg Code which…
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Chairman of Jewish National Fund Claims Race Mixing is a ‘Catastrophe’ During the 1970s very few Jews married outside the Jewish community. Because Jewish globalist have been promoting interracial marriages, now approximately 60% of Jews in the United States now marry outside the Jewish community. Keren…
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Fighting Against Genocide
600 Jewish Groups Sign Support Of Black Lives Matter In New York Times Ad. Rand Paul 'BLM Is A Terrorist Organization Published On: Mon, Aug 31st, 2020 Politics / Religion / US / Canada | By Jewish Business News 600 Jewish Groups Sign Support…
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14 Oct 2019 The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), partially funded by billionaire George Soros, is demanding President Trump’s administration release pregnant migrants at the United States-Mexico border into the interior of the U.S. In a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials, ACLU attorneys request…
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Legal & Politics
Treason? US Congressmen refuse to answer who they care more about: Americans or Israel Art Begma: Nothing personal - just business [Or, what America is...] King_of_Ire No tale of American history is complete without full elucidation of the treacherous jEW AND HIS FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE. jews…
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Dennis Prager and Google VP Testify Before the U.S. Senate on Tech Censorship Dennis Prager(Jewish) and Google's VP testify before the Senate Judiciary's Subcommittee on the Constitution, chaired by Sen. Ted Cruz, regarding Big Tech censorship. Watch the full hearing. Bacon Pig 2 months ago Crowder…
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Politics & Legal
Powerful Demonstration of ‘We the People’ Happening Now in Brazil billg. Edited lol protesting and not busting heads is nothing period they have all the power they dont have the numbers what has anything done recently lol the capt all bulshit all fake jewish…
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Fighting Against Globalist
Nebraskan activist Allie French, joins Owen on the War Room to share the story of the Nebraskans who are standing up for freedom. Nebraskans Rise Up Against Government Overreach …
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Former CIA/DoD scientist Dr. Robert Duncan discusses biohacking, cybernetic mind control, mass shooters & the circumstances surrounding Myron May & Aaron Alexis with author Tyrone Dew. "Mass Shooters, Biohacking & Cybernetic Mind Control" Dr. Robert Duncan https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/all-in-the-fa...
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Legal & Politics
Saudis [Crypto Jews] welcomed Syria´s HTS "Christian Head Chopper" in Riyadh trwaters57 What do the 5 terrorist groups (al-Sharaa, Al-Qaeda, Israhell, ISIS, Turds, and Turkey) that now control Syria have in common? They are all supported by the US. Miudzislav It's not possible for…
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Interpol broke the law MAQRI-MQRPHEUS Good try but Interpol and Europol operate under international law and each nation creates their own ... interpol allows for the sharing of intelligence on any subject or individual/s jeopardizing National Security ! Donald…
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Battle of Athens Tennessee American Story - The Battle of Athens, Tennessee 1946 - Full MovieA small town in 1946 feeling intimidated by local, corrupt politicians, especially concerning voting issues - took up arms against their aggressors and turned the tide for the community.The 2nd Amendment…
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Hot Stories 2
Israel OWNS Mike Johnson: Jewish Lobby Pays Speaker $95K After Giving Israel $14 Billion NickScarfo87 Our government has been completely infiltrated by Israeli first Jews and Shabbas Goyim that sell out the American taxpayer to the highest Jewish/Israeli donor, to fund and do the bidding of…
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