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Prof. Robert Weissberg, Jewish. The Relationship Between Jewish and Black People   AustralianRealist Published on May 5, 2019   "The naïve might still suppose that Jews en masse are still promoting racial foolishness judged by who defends weird racial quota lawsuits or which professors assault politically incorrect…

Anti-White Propaganda Update 4

  • Wednesday, 26 October 2022 10:08
  Many people are not aware of the influence of the media on conditioning our minds. Anti-White Propaganda in the Mainstream Jew Owned Media 24-7 365 Days a Year     Many people are not aware of the influence of the globalist mainstream media on influencing and…

Thejuicemedia, About Honest Government.

  • Tuesday, 25 October 2022 07:38
Honest Government Ad | Carbon Capture & Storage   The Australien Government has made an ad about government corruption, and it's surprisingly honest and informative. Honest Government Ad | Anti-Corruption Body (Federal ICAC) The Juice Media is an Australian film and media company, that produces contemporary far-left…

Jacob Wallenberg on 5G and Ericsson/NWO

  • Tuesday, 18 April 2023 06:43
    Jacob Wallenberg on 5G and Ericsson/NWO"Ericsson has been connecting the United States for nearly 120 years. As a trusted partner to all the major service providers and many regional carriers across the country, we are committed to supporting the market through our game-changing technology…

Jewish White Slave Trade

  • Wednesday, 16 June 2021 06:06
Raquel Liberman Jewish White  Slave Trade. White Slavery  "One type of business carried on in the early Middle Ages by the Jews of Europe, namely the slave trade, requires a special word of explanation. The Jews were among the most important slave-dealers. As inhabitants of western Germany…