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Planned Genocide of the White Race and the White Nations by Satan and His Followers Using The Way Of Baalam Tactics             White genocide "Anti-racist" is just a codeword for racist hate against Whites When people call you names... When people call…
  Frank Raymond, an Indian, explains why ‘White Genocide’ is a Thing, by Design, & What The Endgame is      
  The Money Power, Stephen Goodson tells us, and wanted to achieve independence for South Africa. He commissioned the Hoek Report from Professor Piet Hoek of Pretoria University, and the report showed that the Anglo American Corporation controlled the English language newspapers and 70% of all companies…
Published in Hot Stories 2
Here is a list of interesting articles we have uncovered in the last week that we wished to share with the community. San Bernardino Shooting: Gun Sales Soar in Familiar Pattern of Panic and ProfitWariness of tougher gun laws in response to the massacres routinely drives panic…
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"Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries, asylum from persecution."Article 14 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights If you flood a country which has indigenous people with a different people, you are committing genocide by default. In 1954 the UK signed…
Published in Constitutions and Laws
  Muslims Invade Europe                          European governments are actively destroying the White Europeans with third world immigrants.  Alex Jones break down what is behind Erdogan's latest call to invade Europe. Learn The Truth Behind Erdogan's Call…
Globalist media promoting mix relationship with advertisements White People Against Interracial Relationships     There are many people asking the question why are we going multiracial and who is behind it?  This question we can answer.  There is a group of Globalist eugenicist bankers who took control…
Published in Inspiring Change
  Russia to ban promotion of “childless lifestyle” propaganda In an attempt to reverse population decline. September 26, 2024     Russia to ban promotion of “childless lifestyle” propaganda Pixabay Rusland is on the verge of introducing a new law that will ban the promotion of a…
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The political climate for Europeans living in South Africa is dire.  At present, the murder and rape rates of white South African residents is so worrying that this, alongside the extreme racial violence perpetuated by well known Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Malema, has South Africa flagged…
 Bill Trotskyites who fled to America from Russia is Jewish Trotskyite Communist Globalist who promotes white replacement with non whites. Alex Jones Exposes Bill Kristol's Trotskyite History / Why He Wants Open Borders And Hates Tucker Carlson Alex Jones gives a short history lesson on the Trotskyites…
  More COVID Suicides Than COVID Deaths Among The Youth3,474 views·Mar 23, 2021   The Epidemic of White Male Suicide VertigoPolitix --- The Epidemic of White Male Suicide aetius757 This content was produced by VertigoPolitix and has not been altered or changed from its original format, nor…
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