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AZ Patriots

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AZ Patriots

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PLEASE HELP US! We were served today with the complaint from the SPLC trying to sue us into silence. We must fight back and get the compliant dismissed. Please help us, donate, share and spread the word. WE NEED YOU!

No amount too small...if 50,000 patriots gave $1 - we will be there.

We put our lives and our livelihoods on the frontlines to bring you what's going on at the border and around our state. We've never asked for a cent, we've always been self funed! We've been pr...

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United Constitutional Patriots New Mexico Border Ops more still flooding in... Amazing work being done at the border by United Constitutional Patriots - New Mexico Border Ops. Working with #CBP they detained a huge group last night from Guatemala. We need more highly trained groups like this working with CBP at the border. We also need Congress to act. There is a crisis at the southern border. #UCP #PatriotsInMotion #BuildTheWall #CatchAndDeport #FundCBPAndJudges stop the invasion.
I wonder how many of them are vaccinated?...why do we have a measles outbreak in Texas, the worse in a decade.
What gives them the freedom to invade other peoples lands? They'll keep coming until we stop them like any other group of people would. They are invading europe too they want our freedoms, that want to replace us with more of themselves. We had stable economic and homogenous populations until the media told us we cant do without this brown locust swarms of death. They ruin our lives and the future generations of white humans i dont give a single shit about their children ours first. Their chicks are eating and pushing ours out of the nest.


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Read 10323 times Last modified on Monday, 12 August 2019 07:03