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MEETING THE ENEMY A Feminist comes to terms with the Men's Rights movement | Cassie Jaye | TEDxMarin Cassie Jaye @CassieJayeOfficial  Cassie Jaye made documentary about men's issues.   Sky News host Andrew Bolt felt he had to apologise to US film-maker Cassie Jaye for the behaviour of…
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    Home Listen Live Videos Shop About Dr. Duke Contact Dr Duke Help Dr. Duke’s Work Politics Radio Show The Latest from Dr. David Duke Home Politics Tulsi Gabbard Exposes the Warmonger elite Jewish NeoCon Cabal & anti-White Racism! Tulsi Gabbard Exposes the Warmonger elite Jewish…
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  This documentary follows the steps of the boys of H Company as they fight on the island of Iwo Jima. Graphic content.   Iwo Jima The Boys of H Company   nukecell Published on Mar 28, 2015 I do not own the rights to the video…
Published in External Articles
   Sacred European Symbols - Triple Spiral (Triskele, Triskelion)   Luke 22:36 (Jesus speaking to his disciples said) "...if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one."                 Changes Made to Christianity     Odinism for a…
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Netflix's co-founder Marc Rudolph is the great nephew of Jew propagandist Edward Bernays. The Pedophile Propagandist Roots of Netflix   Marc Randolph From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia    Jump to navigationJump to search Marc Randolph Randolph in April 2017 Born Marc Bernays Randolph April 29, 1958 (age 62) Chappaqua, New York, U.S.…
Published in Legal & Politics
LivingHistory82     Modern History TV Published on Mar 8, 2019  24/8/2019    
Published in Culture & Heritage
Miko Peled: Beyond Zionism, Part 1 Miko Peled is an Israeli writer and activist and the author of "The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine." He is the son of the late Israeli general Mattityahu Peled. Miko has taught karate to Palestinian youth in refugee…
Published in Organizations
"Palestinians are not human beings, they don't deserve to live" Is Israel a state for its citizens or a ...   Exclusive interview: Honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel Exclusive interview: Honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel.  Share   Digital…
  Frank Raymond, an Indian, explains why ‘White Genocide’ is a Thing, by Design, & What The Endgame is      
What Is God?   Rabbi Manis Friedman Published on May 8, 2019 This lecture was Sponsored in memory of Barbara Schwartz by her family.     About Rabbi Manis Friedman: Rabbi Manis Friedman is a world-renowned author, counselor, lecturer and philosopher who uses ancient wisdom and modern…
Published in Religions & Faiths
West wants $26 trillion in Ukrainian rare minerals in exchange for weapons & debt REDACTED: Ukraine´s DARK secrets Free-Soma Wherever you have Jewish rulers corruption and destruction follow them   Miudzislav Ukraine has always been a stinky country since I remember, but after having listened to all…
Published in Hot Stories 2
    Race is an important aspect of individual and group identity. Of all the fault lines that divide society — language, religion, class, ideology — it is the most prominent and divisive. Race and racial conflict are at the heart of some of the most serious…
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Grant Smith: A brief history of unprosecuted Israeli foreign agent, smuggling and espionage cases   National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel "Special Relationship" Published on Apr 19, 2014   Presentation at the National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel "Special Relationship" on March 7, 2014 at the National…
Exclusive: Covington Catholic Students Sue Kathy Griffin And Others For Fake News     Free America Law Center "Arm yourself as a citizen of Free America with the best defense you have: your Constitution. Join Free America Law Center today and enjoy voting rights on future cases,…
Published in Politics & Legal
Not as Innocent as They Seem - Mel K Interview Find Mel at ► Connect with her on her Secure Server at ► To watch more of Mel K with Flyover Conservatives, check out:           Sacha Baron Cohen Caught In…
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