Cannot Stress This Enough: Mike Pompeo Is A Globalist Deep State Snake
Secret Agent: Send Your Children To A Village! How To Detect A Lie Instantly! - Evy Poumpouras
Evy Poumpouras is a former U.S. Secret Service Special Agent and multi-media journalist. She is also the co-host of Bravo TV's series ‘Spy Games’ and author of the best-selling memoir, ‘Becoming Bulletproof’.
One of several strategies currently being deployed against the American people
The Cloward-Piven strategy was developed by Richard Cloward and Frances Piven in the 1960s. It outlines a strategy for radical social change by way of abusing the system to the point of destruction.
The primary goal of the Cloward-Piven strategy is to create a political and economic crisis that would destroy capitalism and lead to the implementation of a socialist system with a guaranteed income.
The strategy involves enrolling large numbers of people into the welfare system. As many people as it takes to overwhelm and strain the system until it collapses.
Everyone enrolled into the welfare system is also used as an army to carry out the destruction of the current system. They are registered to vote and instructed on how to vote. They are organized and mobilized and made to appear as grassroots organizations demanding more from the system.
The ideal outcome of the Cloward-Piven strategy is to collapse the current system. According to their theory, this will compel the government to implement a Universal Basic Income. Which would shift the US towards a more socialist system with increased government control over the economy.
Everyone is being encouraged to do it. Burn it Down is the new sexy ring.
In High School, they compare it to the American Revolution.
All of this explains the likes of AOC.
A viral video reveals exactly how white people are being brainwashed into hating their own race.
All content in this website is the copyright material. Visitors are welcome to share any articles, but we ask that you acknowledge us as the source.
SHOCK VIDEO: Proof Democrats Want To Start A Race War

Jews finance the people above and organizations.
Using words to defend yourself and others.
Fighting against haters who hate races, who want to stop 'We The People' from fighting for our rights. What we deal with here is how to deal with racism and bigotry against ' We the People.' On this website we do not use the term 'white' very much and prefer to use the term European Caucasian, which is in line with descriptions of other races. For example, Chinese who live in China and Chinese who live America or any country worldwide are always called Chinese, just as Africans in Africa or African Americans who live in the United States. The Globalist created a stigma against the term 'white' so we find that the term European is more effective.
Figure out what kind of enemy you're dealing with. Not all enemies are created equal. Depending on who your enemy is and the nature of your relationship, you need to learn more about how they work before you can learn to defeat them.[1]
- Nemeses are like the opposite version of you. You'll find nemeses at work, at school, and in other situations where you're paired with like-minded similar people. Everything tells you that you should be friends with your nemesis—you've got similar interests, goals, and hobbies—but you just don't get along. Your nemesis is the oil to your water.
- Frenemies are friends that you don't like. Well don't ever be friends with your enemy, not even frenemies. But when you're hanging out, she doesn't ever stop bragging. Frenemies are irritating, toxic, and a real downer.
- Enemies are tough. From the classroom to the workplace, enemies are serious threats to your ability to get through the day. An enemy is someone who thinks you're taking their popularity, so they hate you and always win at everything
Muslim Student Challenges Jewish Professor, He Shuts Her Up On The Spot

She said she wants Jews to gather in Israel so they can be easily exterminated... and she wasn't expelled from the university, wasn't made to apologize, our media didn't make it front-page news.. It's cool, all cool. If it's a "woman of color" or "Muslim"... they can say literally ANYTHING and get away with it. Instead, they attack the professor and bar him from campuses for "incitement". This is our universities and our media with their priorities for you.
Strip her of her citizenship and deport her to the Middle East. She seems to like it there.
French riots? Here's the reality MSM will not show you... and there's good reason.
Acte 2 des Gilets Jaunes à Paris / barricades sur les Champs-Elysées - 24 novembre 2018
Watch Ben Shapiro ( Jewish ) talks how to debate socialist .
Ben Shapiro: 10 Rules When Debating Leftists.
Ben Shapiro: Follow These 10 Rules When Debating Leftists
How to Beat Liberal Every Time.
Ben Shapiro On How To Beat A Liberal In Every Debate Every Time
Some examples of Ben: Beating Liberal thinking in Every Debate.
Watch Ben Shapiro Brilliantly EDUCATE A Socialist
Ben Shapiro WIPES THE FLOOR With Sarah Silverman, She Didn't See This Coming
Ben Shapiro: Follow These 10 Rules When Debating Leftists
Ben Shapiro - Practical Tactics For Fighting The Left
Ben Shapiro: Toughen Up Spoiled Children
Ben Shapiro and Milo Yiannopoulos ( both Jewish) Discuss How to Defeat The Leftist Propaganda
MUST WATCH! Ben Shapiro And Milo Yiannopoulos Discuss Trump And How To Defeat The Leftist Propaganda
Ben Shapiro explains the 4 principles of Leftist "thought." Socialism explained through its philosophical underpinnings. #walkaway from socialism.
Ben Shapiro: 4 Principles of Leftism #walkaway
Ben Shapiro MELTS High Schooler Snowflakes With Superhuman Logic
Ben Shapiro: The Confederate Flag Is Not Racist. Here's Why.
Tommy Robinson of met face to face with the young man who incited people on Twitter to murder Tommy.
Tommy Robinson confronts Twitter troll
All races Working Together for each other
Black American Jesse Peterson; Whites must start fighting for your rights
The Attack on White People: Kyle Hunt with Jesse Lee Peterson
Brittany Pettibone: The Power Of One Person.
Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe is doing the work that the FBI SHOULD be doing
James O'Keefe Great Speech At The Conservative College Student Action Summit 2018
Project Veritas: NJ Teachers Union President Covers Up Child Abuse in School
Generation Identity Movement
Defend Europe United Identitäre Bewegung Identity Identitaria Identitete Identitaire Identitarian
Brittany Pettibone chat with Austrian author and Identitarian activist, Martin Sellner, about what it means to be an Identitarian as well as the core objectives and beliefs of the Generation Identity movement.
Generation Identity - Men Among The Ruins
Support with money or join or start your own Generation Identity. Support the movement here:
Females please join 120db women movement
Join or Support #120db:
The Truth About Fax-BlastingWhy Should You Fax Blast?
D'Souza slams Leftist as Fascists and Nazies
SO SATISFYING: D'Souza slams leftists—including professors—at Yale
The Left's biggest lie of all is that conservatives—and President Trump in particular—are fascists or Nazis. In this fiery lecture at Yale, Dinesh D'Souza debunks this audacious lie and set the record straight about the REAL fascist threat in America.
D'Souza spars with student over "white privilege"
It was the Democrats in the United States that put Japanese Americans in internment camps. Democrats that created the KKK. Democrats that back Antifa. Democrats that fought for slavery. Democrats that passed Jim Crow laws. It was Democrats that fought against giving women the right to vote. America has nothing to be ashamed of only the Democrat party.
Witness the disturbing trend of rape gangs ruling the streets of Germany. This is Germany's experience with immigrants who refuse to assimilate, and it's spreading throughout Europe, thanks to the policies of leftists who are more concerned about their image than the safety of their citizens. Europe's problems are coming to America.
The Muslim Refugee Rape Epidemic: Coming to America? | Michelle Malkin Investigates
Some White Jews Hate Gentile Christian Whites
Self hating White people are some times Jews.
Professor Banned from Diner after Complaining about Too Many White
He is jewish
The following shows a list of so called White Jewish organizations working to control the world and promoting genocide against all races including White Europeans and true White Jews.
The Jewish Role in the Refugee Crisis
Antifa Jewish run.
VIDEO: ANTIFA Thugs Attack Children, Get Knocked On Their Ass
Flawless Victory: Antifa Punk Gets Knocked Out Cold
Portland Antifa Burn US Flag at Patriot Prayer & Proud Boys Event - Brawl Erupts - Antifa BTFO
Proud Boys and Patriots ROCK Portland ANTIFA
Ben on White Privileges
Indian Student Ask Ben Shapiro On White Privileges, Gets A Proper Reply
White People CAN’T WATCH Black Panther?? | Ben Shapiro REACTS to SJW Tweet
Ben on Global Warming.
Ben Shapiro EDUCATES student on Global Warming
Ben Debates Muslim
"Your Facts are wrong" Ben Shapiro DEBATES Muslim student with Milo
MILO (Jewish) talking to White Australian Muslim
MILO Leaves Australian Muslim Activist In Sobbing Heap
Anti White Commericals
Affirmative Action Anti-White Commericals
It is mainly white false Jews behind anti white commercials.
I can’t help but notice how almost all of the owners of these companies names end in “Stein” or “Berg.” Must just be a coincidence.
Reverse racism doesn't exist, it's just racism.
Data isn't racist. Black on White crime is higher then vice versa.
Lol white people invented every great invention and rule the world but accoring to these adverts were inferior to the people we brought out of the stone age ????
And if the races were reversed imagine the outrage.
They have been doing the same with "smart beautiful female wife" vs "stupid, goofy, whack job male husband" for decades.
I´m making a list of all these companies, and I´m never ever going to give them my money.
Attack the host culture. Classic Marxist tactic of subversion.
Multiculturalism is destroying everywhere. I am not europan but its same in here too
I'm a Jew and I know exactly who is behind all of this
UN definition of genocide:
Any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
I'm Mexican and at least in my country the media can't stop the moral atack in the latinos. All the time they said we are worst race, la y, thiefs, etc. I think the media does the same in every country against the predominante race in the country. To make us feem guilty and inferior. The same problems you have with cnn we have it with televisa.
I have literally cut my self out from everything mainstream. I don't watch tv. I have ad blocker on internet. I don't even watch sports anymore. I am trying to reprogram my brain away from all this type of garbage. It feels weird.
Boycotting advertisers won’t work as well as unsubscribing from cable or satellite tv will. Cutting off the tv service entirely removes not only the subliminal messages but also cuts off the revenue stream which funds the news/entertainment/propaganda industry. They cannot get into your home unless you invite them....kinda like vampires.
White men are always portrayed as weak, sissy and geeky men whereas black men are smart, cool or sexually wanted. Can you imagine the outrage if some of these were switched?
Words and Meanings
Democrat Party in the United States inciting hate and bigotry
Bill Whittle & D'Souza eviscerate Democrats for inciting hate and bigotry
The Race Card of Leftists
Dinesh D'Souza: The Race Card of Leftists
How Whites Took Over America Part 2
Tommy Robinson confronts Dibsbury mosque in Britain hosting hate preachers.
Tommy Robinson confronts Didsbury Mosque hosting hate preachers
The Meanings Of Words
Alternative-Right or Alt-Right has false Jewish origin do not promote.
The Jewish Origins of the Alternative-Right
Europeans must start having more children because in every single white country in the world, and there will be no majority white country in existence by 2100, and possibly the sub species of white people extinct by 2200.
Start to confront the media and people who work for them to stop the racist lies. Learn from Tommy Robinson
Tommy Robinson of was once against called a "racist" this time by Guardian write "Tim Fenton." So he travelled to the journalists home to ask why.
Troll Watch 4: Tommy Robinson vs. Guardian writer "Tim Fenton"
When you hear the word racist, it's promoted by race haters and it is used to create hatred and guilt against white people (Europeans). It's important to learn to defend yourself and if anyone calls you a racist, you should reverse this phrase onto them and call them a racist, and keep at it until they are sick to death of hearing it.
If you hear the media or if a person accuses you of being a bigot, you call them a bigot. Ask them why they are only giving a one-sided point of view because there is always two sides to a story. If a person is only willing to see one side, then they are a bigot.
Whites who attack whites are usually Jewish. Main Jewish organizations promote hate against gentile and true white Jews.
Jesse Lee Peterson and Kyle Hunt about The White Man March
Jared Taylor of American Renaissance dissects the slogan: "We are a nation of immigrants." It is not true and never was, and it is illogical to think of it as a justification for policy. Liberals would never justify any other policy by arguing "that's the way it's always been." Liberals also misuse "E pluribus unum," the motto on the Great Seal, falsely claiming that it celebrates immigration. Together, these mottoes are used as anti-white weapons to justify the immigration that is reducing the American founding stock to a minority.
This is a trick used by the globalist bankers that hide inside the Jewish community and use many true Jews as a smokescreen, and they want to destroy, blacks, Asians and Europeans and true Jews. They only use the word as a pavlovian technique to make sure you stay inside your square box and do not question what they are promoting. Again, the best technique is to reverse this and call them anti-Semitic as they are also persecuting true Jews who are proud of their host nations, and proud to be white. It's a game of minds, so keep up reversing their claims and they will give up eventually!
America Is Not a Nation of Immigrants
Another line the anti-Whites love to repeat over and over is "the Indians were here first." In actual fact, the Solutrean Europeans of Southwest Europe were here first. Then they were outnumbered by the Asiatics who killed off the men and would breed with the women. Evidence of this is the haplogroups X2a and A2i. This is why Indians in the North East and the Great lakes region look more like Europeans than full blood Asiatics.
Internet and Websites
Lauren Southern & Brittany Pettibone talk about website security
Escapism: Our Brave New World
Lauren Southern
9 months ago (edited)
Before people get mad about the sponsor, consider this.
I haven't put google ads on this video. We vote with our dollar - and if we stop supporting companies who fire men for simply speaking up about discrimination against white men and start supporting those who aren't afraid to take on SJW backlash - we can change things. I truly believe that and commend companies who support free speech, and more will start to do so if they see there's not much benefit to bowing down to the social justice elite.
How To Feminize Your Voice | MtF Transgender
Info Wars Reporter Owned By Socialist Sailor Moon???
Protect Your Online Privacy Today W. A VPN - Click Here! Use Promo Code "Ashton" for 20% OFF Your order
Online Privacy Guide for Journalists 2018
Do Not Have Personal Information On The Internet.
‘Too Late’ To Protect Digital Privacy
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Hide Your IP address NOW! Click Here! https:
You think your wireless and other technology is safe? From Blue Tooth to automobile remotes, PCs, and "secure" credit cards, Hacker extraordinaire shows how nearly every secure system is vulnerable.
Top hacker shows us how it's done | Pablos Holman | TEDxMidwest
The List: Platforms that Have Banned Infowars.
Enemies of freedom assemble to silence independent alternative media.
The List: Platforms that Have Banned Infowars and Alex Jones
The words We the People comes from the United State Constitution. Some people have started to move away from calling themselves Conservatives and starting to use the words We the People because these words represent people's rights and nation first.
We the People worldwide must watch, "The Rise and Fall of American Freedom" and promote the American Constitution and Bill of Rights for freedom for all countries.
The Rise and Fall of American Freedom
First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The Mantra
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Countries - THATS RACISM
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Cities - THATS RACISM
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Neighbourhoods - THATS RACISM
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Workplaces - THATS RACISM
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Schools or Sports - THATS RACISM
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Organizations - THATS RACISM
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Anything - THATS RACISM
Anti-Whites say there should be no Whites - THATS RACISM
The Mantra
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the Third World pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries. The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of Third World people, which is another word for genocide in the indigenous people. Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. Am I talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a nazi who wants to kill six million jews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Down the Rabbit Hole with Horus the Avenger (Counter-Currents Radio)
List of Mantras You Can Use
- Being anti-white is so stupid
- Anti-white means against whites, and anti- whites are racist (race haters)
- Anti-White is a code word for anti-white racist
- Anti-white haters are racist
- Anti-white is a code word for white genocide
- Anybody says you a racist?, you say they are racist, because they are anti-white
White European girls talk about white genocide
THE "Stop White Genocide" Video
Diversity is a codeword for white genocide
Kyle talks to Jesse about racial relations in our current world and dissects the genocidal anti-White agenda and promotes Jesse hosts a very popular AM radio show that can be found at
Race-Mixing is Genocide.
This is Europa - Say NO to White Genocide
European Pride Videos
This is Europa - A European Tribute
Uploader: This is Europa
This is Europa - We are Europe
This is Europa - A European Tribute
White Pride Worldwide Day
March 21st is internationally known (in some circles) as White Pride World Wide Day.
While the day is not yet officially recognized by any national governments, it would be nice for that to eventually be the case.
White Pride Day ~ Estonia Entry
Build a Nation with in a Nation on Culture and Race
Learn About White European Heritage. The picture on right represents how many White Europeans lived during the Ice Age in Europe.
Teach White Europeans About Their Ice Age Heritage
Depictions of humans in Europe from 15,000 42,000 years before present
Race -Mixing
Race-Mixing is Genocide.
LIBERTY Broadsheet News
“We need to stand up when others tell us to sit down, and we need to speak out when others tell us to be silent,”
Bob Edgar – 1943-2013
Watching a movie set during the second world war and German soldiers’ occupation of non German countries in Western Europe, notice the local resistance fighters had printed on broadsheets resistance information, and on top of each single sheet had written “liberty” and resist information. These were placed into house letterboxes or under the doors.
Correct Attitude to Laws
When so-called Governments have restrictions on free speech, we say Liberty to all, the law has the right to forbid only those that are harmful to our communities. The law is the expression of the community and We the People must fight for free speech
During the American war of Independence the British elite wanted to keep control over North America. The British Government once told the Governors of Massachusett's:
"great inconvenience may arise by the liberty of printing."
The Americans were fighting for their independance against British elite and bankers, and produced newsletters to inform the people and this greatly helped their campaign for their independence, so newsletters may be the answer to fight against Globalism..
Cheap broadsheet production: the early revolutionaries used print duplicators or Hectograph printers. Today most people have a computer printer to do their liberty broadsheets, but ink is expensive. To keep your ink cost down obtain ink refills which are usually cheaper.
Homegrown Broadsheet Information
- Do not tell people you are running an underground information liberty Broadsheet.
- Do not leave fingerprints on liberty broad sheet's.
- Place broad sheets into letterboxes, usually at night time when people cannot see what you look like, and use gloves to stop your fingerprints on the sheets.
- Have information on both sides of your broadsheet.
- No personal information such as address or name.
- Keep the information balanced.
- No hatred against any particular race, keep it balanced.
- Give information on videos and information sites on the Internet.
- Give information on how people can help Jews against Anti-Semitic Zionism.
- Have as many pro Jewish articles or videos as possible.
- Exposing globalist's organization working Behind-the-scenes, such as the Jewish Congress and how they have been behind the anti-white hate laws, behind the invasion of third world people into Western countries.
- Organizations where people can join.
- The gassing of the 6 million Jews in Europe: To deny the gassing of the six million Jews, you can under the bigotry laws find yourself spending time in jail so keep it balanced!
- Cultural sites: European Ice Age paintings.
- Mr. Farrakhan’s video speeches on the relationship between Jews and black Africans.
- No Nazi symbols or swastikas.
Building Community Based Organizations
Please promote the B'nai B'rith article
We need to Unite all Anti- Globalist and build Community Based Organizations.
Community Organization and Building - 3-30-16 Lecture
The article on right. The B'nai B'rith Jewish Community Based service organization operates nationally and internationally and represents Jews only. Many Jews are nationalist behind the scenes; and in public they promote conservative, liberal, socialist, communist ideas.
Jewish organizations are collective community based organizations, bringing together many groups under national and international congresses all over the world.
Jews are united national, international and are a nation within a nation with their own government.
White gentile organizations in the United States, Australia, Britain, and Europe are not community based organizations, they are conservative structured. Conservative organizations are not collectives and do not build Anti-Defamation organizations to fight for people rights and do not promote community services to their people. They do not have national or international congresses to unite them.
Alex Jones (Infowars) said conservative will not defeat the globalist only nationalist will do that. Alex was talking about national ideas and organizations.
The United Nations pact will flood Europe with 59 million invaders by 2025
/ MEP Warns UN Pact Will Flood Europe With 59 Million Migrants by 2025
Coveners League has many articles, here is a small sample, please check them out.
Teach White Europeans About Their Ice Age Heritage
White European Racial Pride. What Race Are You ?
White History, Music, Wars, Dances and Film Archives
Whites Fight Back Against Racism & Bigotry
European Birth Rate Statistics. Update 2
The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan - To Genocide Indigenous Europeans in Europe
US Constitution & Bill of Rights. Article…
Europe & Middle Eastern Wildlife. Update 2
Barbary Muslim Pirates Kidnapped Whites
Freedom of the Internet
The Thirty Years' War- Between Christians In
Genocide Whites & all Races
White Indigenous Rights
Promoting Large Families
Lauren Southern on South Africa: FARMLANDS (Are Whites History?)
Lauren Southern on South Africa: FARMLANDS (Are Whites History?)
The European Holocaust
Media Ownership: The Illusion of Choice
Fighting Genocide Worldwide
White Organizations: European Community Based Organizations
Citizens Initiative Referendas ( CIR ) in Switzerland
Afrikaner AfriForum Civil Rights Organization
Orania White Afrikaner Community
Helping Whites. South African Family Relief …