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Your Legal Rights & Building Organizations Update 6.

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Your Legal Rights & Building Organizations Update 3.

"Everyone has the right to enjoy freedom from persecution."


The United Nations universal declaration of human rights:
"Everyone has the right to enjoy freedom from persecution."

In Western countries, Whites are persecuted by Globalist Government policies through the media and education system.  They are not allowed a referendum on the decision to allow vast numbers of Third World immigrants' invasion into White countries.  If Whites complain they are labelled "racist", "bigots", or "extremists."   Racism is practiced by the Globalist media and the so-called governments against anybody who challenges them.   What these people are using is referred to as a 'dialectical reversal technique' - they are practicing genocide, racism, bigotry (by restricting information on Covid Jabs deaths), by calling anybody who opposes their ideas "extremist" when in fact they are the real "racists", "bigots" and "extremists."   They are fully aware that they are playing a trick on We The People and laughing at us behind the scenes.  Most people who have done some research on the topic have seen through these tricks.  You need to challenge this Pavlovian, dialectical reversal techniques.Screenshot 20ite ok to be w

"Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries, asylum from persecution."
Article 14 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights

If you flood a country which has indigenous people with a different people, you are committing genocide by default.

In 1954 the UK signed up to the Refugee Convention, and today almost every country is bound by this international law.

Under the law, anyone has the right to seek asylum and the UK Government has an obligation not to forcibly return anyone to a country where they have a genuine fear of being persecuted.

The right to seek asylum is completely separate to the issue of immigration.

There is no human right to immigration, so fair and non-discriminatory limits can be placed on economic migration.

But the right to seek asylum can never be limit

Canadian Civil Rights activist Lauren Southern (Jewish heritage) has finally arrived in Australia exposing persecution against whites and White Jews by promoting IT'S Ok TO BE WHITE.


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 This content was produced by Red Ice. You can find them here;
It has not been altered or changed from its original format, nor is it monetized, simply re-posted/mirrored for posterity.


Promoting all Whites as Supremacist is persecution.


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White people learn about racial  tribal and Ice Age past heritage because Globalist racist are persecuting you by not teaching you your real history

Teach White People's About Their Ice Age Heritage

White European Racial Pride. What Race Are You ?


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Jewish testimonies about Covid jab results.

 The testimonies project - the movie

The Testimonies Project was created to provide a platform for all those who were affected after getting the covid-19 vaccines, and to make sure their voices are heard, since they are not heard in the Israeli media.

We hope this project will encourage more and more people to tell their story and fight against persecution.


Nuremberg Code Punishable By Death

Screenshot 1code 1947Are the petty tyrants who have recklessly mandated vaccines while refusing non vaccinated people food, employment, and basic freedom of choice violating The Internationally recognized Nuremberg Code which is punishable by death?

In fact they are violating the set of research ethics principles for human experimentation created by the USA v Brandt court as one result of the Nuremberg trials at the end of the Second World War with abandon.

The beginning of The Nuremberg Code reads "The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision."

 Forcing people to take the  Covid Jab is persecution.


RacesScreenshot 20diferent races 6
From the novel Endymion by Benjamin Disraeli (Jewish) Former British Prime Minister wrote.- "No one must lightly dismiss the question of race. It is the key to world history. Language and religion do not make race, only blood does that."
 1. I love the "There's no such thing as race" and "Race does not exist" claims. Also, "No Race" means that Jewish Israel has now NO LEGAL CLAIM to any Arabic lands, no races equals no excuses for dividing the Jews from the Arabs at all. "No Race" means that the Native Americans (no longer having any race to claim unity from) can no longer be tolerated to stew in delusional dysfunction. "No Race" means immediate nullification of all tribal claims to any land.
2. I love the "There's no such thing as race" and "Race does not exist" claims. Since there are "no races" then logically there can be "no racial reparations". "No races" also means "Affirmative Action" is a criminal program of outright fraud and theft from the hard working Americans. "No Race" means that there is zero reason to tolerate such theft and once the Anti-Whites admit this, you can force them to demand immediate abolition of all "Affirmative Action" criminal thuggish thievery.
 3. I love the "There's no such thing as race" and "Race does not exist" claims. It is the noose that the anti-Whites GLADLY thrust their neck into and then GLADLY yank themselves into the air with. "No such thing as race" = "No such thing as RACISM". From there on you can say ANYTHING factual about race to them because you are not being Prejudiced (no race = no prejudice) the facts are not Racist (no race = no racism) just cold hard facts.
 4. Hang on a minute.. if that knob says that white race doesnt exists, how come could possibly be blamed for holocaust or black slavery when as a race doesnt exists? That doesnt make sense!! xD
5. I love the "There's no such thing as race" and "Race does not exist" claims. "No Race" means that blacks (whom ALWAYS are failures in every job) can no longer legally claim discrimination based on race given that they are no longer "a race". The claim of "Races don't exist" can be used to immediately and permanently nullify all racial discrimination claims thusly defaulting to intellectual merit and physical merit. Classification by "Psychological Temperament" would remove 95% of black jobs.

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 Dumber than a White Anti-White? Part

 6. I love the "There's no such thing as race" and "Race does not exist" claims. Since there are "no races" then logically there can be "no racial reparations". "No races" also means "Affirmative Action" is a criminal program of outright fraud and theft from the hard working Americans. "No Race" means that there is zero reason to tolerate such theft and once the Anti-Whites admit this, you can force them to demand immediate abolition of all "Affirmative Action" criminal thuggish thievery.

Jared Taylor, editor of American Renaissance, refutes the idea that race is a "social construct." Jared's website: Jared Taylor - The Biological Reality of Race


United Nations International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
" Considering that all human beings are equal before the law and are entitled to equal protection of the law against any discrimination and against any incitement to discrimination"

If Whites campaign against their genocide, destruction of their culture and destruction of their nation they are labelled as racist. When they disagree openly with affirmative action and bussing (sending white children to black schools and black children to white schools) this is considered racism and bigotry. The United Nations laws are again broken in this area.

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Maybe some people just think race is not a worthy attribute to base any kind of judgement towards another human being. Discriminating against anyone (including white people) solely based on their race is racist. Discrimination against sexuallity, gender-identity, sex, age, disability, nationality or race are all fear based ideologies and common place in fascism. Its like you are scared and and trying to preserve some race club that only exit

Miss Laural Loomer is a Jewish nationlist and is pro United States and Israel. Laura Loomer said:  "We can no longer deny that there is a war on white America, there is a war on white Christian conservatives in particular, and things like CRT [Critical Race Theory] and affirmative action are just code words for ‘hate whitey.’ They have declared open season on whites in America. I look forward being an outspoken critic of anti-white racism. I am really honored to be speaking at American Renaissance in November 2022."

“Free speech absolutism” should unite not just white advocates but all Americans. America is not a “proposition nation,” but even if it were, free speech should be the proposition. If we don’t have that, this is not a free country and its institutions are not legitim

 5.For your information dumbo: Slavery was endemic in Africa long before the whites - to whom slaves were sold by African & Arab slave traders. Transatlantic slavery accounted for a mere 2% of the entire black slave trade. The British abolished slavery throughout all their realms in 1808 - the first nation in the world to do so. Throughout the 19th century Britain had an entire Navy squadron dedicated solely to patrolling the Eastern Atlantic to intercept slave ships & liberate the slaves.

Whites Fight Back Against Racism & Bigotry

White Guilt  Debunked 

White Privilege Debunked

Screenshot 12 book on slavesBooks information from Jewish Globalist.

Jewish Globalist have been in control of the International Slave Trade since at least Roman times.

World Orders Review: Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews (Jewish Role In Enslaving Africans)

JEWS AGAINST RACE-MIXING. Israel Abrahams, Chief Rabbi South Africa, South African Jewish Times, September 1964 - "The call of assimilation, in all its multi-faceted aspects, is a soul-destroying tragedy that quenches the altar-fires of our faith and idealism, leaving only the cold ashes of a forgotten glory, of a rejected mission, of a trust betrayed."    The Race-Mixing Controversy
  Whites Took Over America

Observer7. A homogeneous white Europe is fundamentally against the interests of we jews."
Rabbi Abarron Haviv


Observer7. The Jewish Agenda to Destroy the White Christian European Race – Birth of a New Earth Blog


As there are good blacks, bad blacks there are also good whites, bad gentile whites who promote white replacement and there are bad Jews and good Jews who are against promoting white replacement.

Bulletinman. Coming from a “Jewish” family I have seen the light. The so called Jews, they call themselves Jews but do lie are hell bent on sending this nation to hell. The sad thing about it the whole thing is that the main stream Christian church and media aid and abet them in their crusade to bring their form of Communism to America.

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Anti-Semitism is just a way to stop criticism of Jewish criminality.

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Flashback: Israeli Politician Admits Jews Invoke The Holocaust and Antisemitism to Silence Critics

"Antisemitic, its a trick we always use"


In 2002, jewish news commentator Amy Goodman, on her show Democracy Now, interviewed former Israeli Member of the Knesset and Education Minister, Shulamit Aloni, who admitted that Zionist Jews cynically invoke the Holocaust and ‘antisemitism’ to silence their critics:

Amy Goodman:  Yours is a voice of criticism we don’t often hear in the United States. Often when there is dissent expressed in the United States against policies of the Israeli government, people here are called antisemitic. What is your response to that as an Israeli Jew?

Shulamit AloniWell, it’s a trick. We always use it when from Europe somebody’s criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust.  When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are ‘antisemitic’.  And the organization is strong and has a lot of money.  And the ties between Israel and the American Jewish Establishment are very strong, and they’re strong in this country, as you know. They have power, which is okay.  They are talented people powerful, and they have money and media and other things.  And their attitude is ‘Israel, my country right or wrong.’  The identification.  And they are not ready to hear criticism.  And it’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as antisemitic, and to bring up the Holocaust and the suffering of the jewish people, and that’s to justify everything we do to the Palestinians.

Of course, it isn’t just Israeli Jews who use this trick: all Jews who are caught with their hands in the proverbial cookie jar use the same “trick”.  Criticize a Jew anywhere for any reason, and your motivation is automatically assumed to be motivated only by an irrational hatred of Jews.

We are told no one could possibly criticize jewish behavior for any other reason except that they want to round up Jews and put them in some sort of ‘gas oven’ or something.

This is also why maintaining the official narrative of the so-called Holocaust is of utmost importance: it gives all Jews, regardless of age or location, the moral “high ground” so that no matter what they are accused of, their defense is “You want to kill Jews, not just criticize them.  Admit it.”

No other people on the face of the earth has such a powerful “Get Out of Jail Free Card”, and that is why they have used their substantial power to make questioning their version of WWII illegal in many countries.  When they protect the memory of the alleged Holocaust victims, they insulate themselves from any criticism no matter how justified.

Indigenous Rights For All Races All Over The World.

United Nations Indigenous Laws Declaration, Article 26 states that
"indigenous peoples have the right to the lands, territories, and resources they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired. Entire country."

The majority of the world's population are indigenous to the lands they live on or their ancestor homelands, for example, the Chinese are indigenous to parts of China, the Black population of Cental Africa are indigenous, European Caucasians ( Whites ) are indigenous to Europe and Arab Caucasians are indigenous to the Middle East. The United Nations indigenous laws should give equal rights to all racial groups that are the original inhabitants who lived in the region for thousands of years.

All races including whites have the right to seek their preservation as a people.

This is a fundamental right of any people

Many whites in Europe, Australia, United States, Canada do not believe they have the following,

No justice , No homeland, No future.


United Nations convention on the prevention and punishment of genocide:
“…acts committed with the intent to destroy in whole or in part, a national ethnic, racial or religious group…”

Governments in Western countries, media, and anti-White organizations have been campaigning to genocide the Whites, Blacks, Asians worldwide by reducing their birth rate from 2.8 down to 1.6, taking their rights away, flooding their countries with third world invasion and promoting interracial marriage.

The Plans on how to Genocide Whites and all Races

Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White Countries for Everyone!! NO!! This is GeNocide.

Racial Program for the 20th Century Israel Cohen’s Melting Pot

  Newspaper clipping of an item published by the Washington, D.C. Evening Star in May 1957. That item was a verbatim reprint of the following excerpt in Israel Cohen’s (Jewish) book, A Racial Programme for the Twentieth Century, and it reads as I quote:

"We must realize that our Party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the Whites, we can mould them to the program of the Communist Party. In America, we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will instill in the Whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."

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Experts estimate 20 million are already dead due to COVID Vaccination over 20 billion injured




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  AntiRacist Hitler

 by WhiteRabbitRadioTV

 United Nations Genocide Laws

Genocide definition:
The deliberate killing of a group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.

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What Is Genocide? The Multicultural, Multiracial Society Means Genocide

The multicultural, multiracial society means genocide and promoting interracial marriages means the genocide of all pure racial groups worldwide. This is GENOCIDE by DEFAULT as a flow-on effect. It is not immediately visible as a violent act of genocide but is gradualism.

The Globalist media and the so-called race relations commissions and governments are promoting the destruction of homogeneous racial groups worldwide including Australian Aborigines, Africans, Asians, European Jews, and European gentiles.

The media gives positive attention to and regularly presents an interracial marriage between whites and blacks - this is a means of conditioning us.

United Nations promotes  Agent 21 Replacement Migration (Invasion) into Europe and is breaking its own laws

Understanding UN Population Migration Agenda


United Nations convention on the prevention and punishment of genocide:
“…acts committed with the intent to destroy in whole or in part, a national ethnic, racial or religious group…”

Governments in Western countries, Globalist media, and anti-White organizations have been campaigning to genocide the Whites worldwide by reducing their birth rate from 2.8 down to 1.6, taking their rights away, and flooding their countries with third world invasion and promoting interracial marriage.

Article ll States:

The 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article II states:

"In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

This convention defines genocide as:

“…acts committed with the intent to destroy in whole or in part, a national ethnic, racial or religious group…”


Article 2 on Prevention of The Crime Of Genocide 1948.

OSAPG legal definition of genocide:

Genocide is defined in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.

The Punishment of the Crime of Genocide Convention

The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 9 December 1948 as General Assembly Resolution 260. The Convention entered into force on 12 January 1951.  It defines genocide in legal terms and is the culmination of years of campaigning by lawyer Raphael Lemkin. Yair Auron writes "When Raphael Lemkin coined the word genocide in 1944 he cited the 1915 annihilation of Armenians as a seminal example of genocide." All participating countries are advised to prevent and punish actions of genocide in war and in peacetime. The number of states that have ratified the convention is currently 142.  See this article for more information.

Understanding UN Population Migration Agenda

John Morley

Lefty Jews do want non whites and non Jews in Israel.
I campaigned for many years against the immigration.
I saw plenty of Jews did too.
While plenty of non Jews welcomed them in.

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Council On Foreign Relations Says Interesting Things About "Great White Replacement Theory"

Dragisa. Why don't the Jews accept a lot of these migrants into Israel, instead the Jews are expelling the black Jews from Somalia !

Exposing anti-white racist.

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Becky and Mike try to answer the big question. Is there anything dumber than a White Anti-White?

  Dumber than a White Anti-White? PT-1

Maybe some people just think race is not a worthy attribute to base any kind of judgement towards another human being. Discriminating against anyone (including white people) solely based on their race is racist. Discrimination against sexuallity, gender-identity, sex, age, disability, nationality or race are all fear based ideologies and common place in fascism. Its like you are scared and and trying to preserve some race club that only exits between a few small minded bigots.

Your refusal to condemn White Genocide speaks volumes The attempt to destroy, in whole or in part, EVERY White country through 3rd World immigration and 'assimilation' is GENOCIDE 'Anti-racist' is a codeword for Anti-White
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 Asylum Laws and Natives Rights

From the Liberty website regarding Asylum and Borders:

"Human rights, including the right not to be subjected to degrading treatment; the right to privacy and family life; the right to free expression and protest etc, apply to all human beings. These rights do not depend on citizenship. Some of the UK's immigration and asylum policies have undermined these basic rights, including the flooding of indigenous white, African and Asian countries, which is leading to genocide."

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 Nationalist need to build National Congress in each country & European World Congress to Unite all organizations & Whites                                                             

Many people do not realize that the most powerful organizations in the world are Jewish. They developed solid community-based structures for their foundations and from there, developed all their other affiliate groups.


World Jewish Congress

The World Jewish Congress (WJC) was founded in Geneva, Switzerland of August 1936, and promotes the idea that it represents the international federation of Jewish organizations and communities. Membership is open to Jews only, irrespective of the social, political or economic ideology of the community's host country.











Need to build National & International Community Based Organizations & copy the Jewish B'nai B'rith & Anti-Defamation League Organization Structure. Information on right.Screenshot 7brit b

The International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians (ICJP) is a World network of Jewish Parliamentarians from different countries supported by the Knesset (Israel Parliament), the World Jewish Congress, Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Forum who come together to share and develop ideas that can be promoted in Jewish organizations, policilatal parties and media in the countries they came from.  The ICJP was founded  in 2002,  headquarters is in Jerusalem, Israel, to involve Jewish Parliamentarians from United States, Britain, France, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Tunisia, Canada, Brazil, Hungary, Australia just to name a few.

Alex Jones needs to promote and build Community Based Anti-Defamation Organization to fight for Free Internet and Free Speech.

Community Organization and Building - 3-30-16 Lecture

Alex Jones should promote the building of regional Congress to unite Europeans in North America and also promote the building  in other countries.

European National & international Congresses

Citizens Initizens Referendums

Polical Parties do not  represent peoples rights, so Alex Jones Infowars should start promoting (CIR) Citizans Initizans Referendums, and start to remove power way the globalist deep state and the people can start to represent themselves. Switzerland in Europe has CIR.

How parliamentary elections work in Switzerland


Coveners League has many articles, here is a small sample, please check them out.

Alternative News Sites

White Indigenous Rights

Promoting Large Families

New World Order Globalist

The European Holocaust

Media Ownership: The Illusion of Choice

Fighting Genocide Worldwide

White Organizations: European Community Based OrganizationsScreenshot 1jewish antifa

Citizens Initizens Referendums ( CIR ) in Switzerland

Afrikaner AfriForum Civil Rights Organization

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 srael Sex-Slave Trade



Laura Loomer (Jewish) is pro Israel and the USA, and is not afraid to say white people are discriminated against by the globalist manstream media. The media call her a fascist, ultra right wing, a Nazi, supremacist and yet the so called Jewish organizations like the Jewish Anti-Defamation League does not defend her.

A number of nationalist Jews who are pro the United States first have had their websites shut down or restricted by big tech with some of the CEOs are Jewish.

The big tech Jews and many Jewish organizations do not fight for Jews who fight for free speech and against Globalist.

Everybody thinks that Jews are absolutely united but as I said many times the so called Jewish establishment do not represent Jews, they represent themselves for profit and are only using the Jews to hide behind and to use them to do their dirty work against good Jews and everybody else.
Laura Loomer makes a living by being a freelance journalist.

Rothschild's and Immigration Invasion

The major foundation's finances the invasion of Europe but not Israel.   Jewish organizations are involved in supporting infiltrators into Western Countries from third world countries.  The New Observer did an article exposing this and here is a quote directly from it:

"The Brussels, Belgium-based Jewish organization CEJI (A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe) has lashed out at what it calls the election of a record number of 'xenophobic' candidates at the recent European Parliament elections—but is a firm supporter of Israel, whose prime minister has recently warned that African immigrants threaten the identity of [the] Jewish State.  The CEJI, which describes itself as an organization dedicated to promoting a 'diverse and inclusive Europe,' is funded by a number of important Jewish institutions in Europe, including the Dutch Jewish Humanitarian Fund, the Edmond de Rothschild Foundation, the Levi Strauss Foundation and the Rothschild Foundation Europe (amongst many others)."

European Elections:  Jews Complain about “Xenophobic” Results – But Support Ultra-Xenophobic Israel

Countries which do not have a Rothschild Central Reserve Bank are either involved in Civil Wars or they are being boycotted by the Zionist-Globalist West.  Scroll down the web page of the following link to read a list of banks owned and controlled by the Rothschild Family here:  Complete List Of BANKS

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Milo Yiannopoulos (Jewish faith) fights Against the Globalist.

  Milo Yiannopoulos on the anti-Semitism of the #altright - "They're right about all that stuff"

TEXT: Most of the generation Trump, the alt-right people, the people who are like me, they’re not anti-Semites. They don’t care about Jews. They might have some assumptions about Jews, they might have some prejudices about Jews. Like the Jews run everything—well we do. That the Jews run all the banks—well, we do. That the Jews run the media—well, we do!"

Milo Explains Why You're All Wrong About Antisemitism on the Internet


 Screenshot 14rothschilds illumateBenjamin Disrael (Jewish) Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Exposing the Satanic Empire (illuminati) - Popular ...




 Elected Sheriffs

Elected Sheriffs

Screenshot 13we the people twice

Australian Bill of Rights

 Australians do not have a Bill of Rights, so here is Bill Of Rights for Australians...

US Constitution & Bill of Rights. U/d 5

US Constitution & Bill of Rights. U/d 5

Your rights regarding Biden's unconstitutional injection mandate. Explosive! Const...

Antifa is a Jewish Militia

Antifa is a Jewish Militia

Antifa is a communist globalist mainly

Jewish run organization and financed. ANTIF...


Is the New World Order "Jewish"?

Is the New World Order "Jewish"?

February 12, 2005

bushsharonLet's begin by defining the "New World Order."

The mainspring of the New World Order is the desire on the part of the world's central bankers to translate their vast economic power into permanent global institutions of political and social control.

Their power is based on their monopoly over credit. They use the government's credit to print money, and require the taxpayer to fork over billions in interest to them.

Central banks like the Federal Reserve pretend to be government institutions. They are not. They are privately owned by perhaps 300 families. It is significant that the majority of these families are Jewish, how significant I am not yet sure. If they were Lutherans or Zulus, certainly our objections would be the same.

I am a non-observant Jew who believes this situation is lethal for humanity and Jews alike. We have already seen the tragic consequences of it in World War II.


White People's Music And Songs

White People's Music And Songs

The Weeknd - Blinding Lights (imy2 Cover)

This Singer Asks if I Know "Stand ...

White Privilege Debunked Update 4.

White Privilege Debunked Update 4.

   We The People are Slaves including Whites. White Australian Justine D...

Joe Biden- Jewish Zionist

Joe Biden- Jewish Zionist

  Many say Joe Biden hides his Jewish by saying he is a Catholic. Team Biden&r...

Jewish Talmud Update 3

Jewish Talmud Update 3

       The Jewish Talmud is not the word of God, the Talmud...

   We The People are Slaves including Whites. White Australian Justine D...


















Read 9321 times Last modified on Monday, 30 January 2023 07:02