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Australia Globalist Run.15/10/2024

 Viral Australian Senator Malcom Roberts Issues Emergency Warning To The World: Humanity Is Coming For the Globalists
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Australia is on the verge of passing the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024 that will have extreme consequences surrounding speaking freely online, and for platforms like Rumble and X that support free speech. Senator Alex Antic joins Maria to discuss the far-reaching implications of the Bill and what can be done.

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You have 24 hours or less to lodge submissions to reject the 'Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill', now known as the M.A.D. Censorship Bill.

Last years victory for us was phase one. Now they're back at it again.

In 2023 we all campaigned against the Misinformation/Disinformation Bill 2023 and the government was overwhelmed with an unprecedented level of submissions condemning their plans.  

So they went quiet.

All of a sudden the Bill has resurfaced.  It has been introduced into the lower house of federal parliament and sent to a committee for review. They have given a mere seven days for the public to react and put in a submission.  They want to close off the feedback loop faster than most organisations can effectively get a message out and engage their supporters.  They want to be able to say, "See, barely any objections, nobody had a problem with it this time".  This is a taste of their censorship plans.

It's a M.A.D. bit of censorship legislation

This is the very Orwellian control mechanism that history warns about. Someone else gets to decide what is truth, regardless of whether it really is or not, and dissenters will be punished at the whim of the government and your new unelected overlords.

The Bill's definition of "misinformation" etc contains general wording with no real checks and balances, just the way a totalitarian dictatorship would want it.

The federal coalition (Liberals and Nationals) have formally condemned it and will oppose.  They say it's “extremely broad” and would capture many things said by Australians every day.

Even the Victorian CHO from the lockdown era, Dr Nick Coatesworth, has warned about it - so you know it's really bad.

Please lodge a submission, and do it now. Time is running out.

The government must be informed that they can't get away with it this time, just like they couldn't get away with it last time.  For a few minutes of your time you can potentially keep your freedom. 

You can go to the committee's website for the bill here and prepare a submission using the guide here.  We understand this may be a bit daunting to nagivate.    

There is another simpler option of adding yourself to the ACA's form letter at this page.

Submissions close at the end of Monday 30 September 2024.

Thank you for your help, and please also plan a visit to your federal MP or state Senator to share your concerns with them.  They need to hear from you.

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 Is there an Israel lobby in Australia like in the US?
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Got their fingers in everything, including the Great Replacement.
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The Australian media is Jewish run.
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You are amazing. I can't imagine the winner wearing costs. That's insane. But you are right. The money will come. Congratulations Monica. Strong, principled, passionate.
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RFK endorses Trump, zionists try to cancel (Candace Owens) my Australia tour, and Beyoncé doesn't make it to the DNC...
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 Thousands of unsold Teslas are piling up at Melbourne Port amid reports of a sales slump for Elon Musk's company. Over 2,000 Teslas arrive at Melbourne each month, but only a few are sold, according to reports.


I think there is probably a niche for EVs. The problem is they are going to cost everyone a lot of money whether you have one or not. The mafia will subsidize the power generation and distribution and YOU will help pay for what you don't use. They are heavy and will contribute to road damage which YOU will help pay for. They are expensive to fix so insurance rates will go up including YOURS. They have a shit resale value so they are going to pile up in junk yards, unrecyclable and environmentally disastrous, which of course YOU will pay to deal with. The climate scare is a hoax without which the market for these things would not exist and YOU are paying for that too.

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Australia university campuses have seen camps set up, mirroring the similar events unfolding in the US, with brawls erupting between pro-Israeli supporters and pro-Palestinian protesters.
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 Maria Zeee hosts the final hour of the Alex Jones Show with special guest Australian Senator Ralph Babet.
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Chris Pavlovshi is Jewish.
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Australia’s native wildlife took a break from violently killing people and stretching the limits of evolutionary understanding to greet a selection of Southeast Asia’s great and powerful. Australia is the home of this year’s special summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), marking 50 years since Australia joined the bloc as its first non-southeast Asian partner nation.

Australian Prime Minister Antony Albanese (Communist Globalist ) decided to greet his fellow leaders by pacifying a local koala, and placing it into a small tree covered by a parasol, as dictated by international protocol. Leaders were invited to shake hands with Albanese before petting the koala and making an offering of a branch increasingly shorn of eucalyptus leaves, as the koala looked on in mild confusion.

Topics for discussion at the summit include the admission of East Timor into the bloc, thus granting the country koala-petting privileges at future Australian diplomatic functions, and the continued violence in Myanmar, who currently do not have koala-petting privileges.


I am in Australia (live here) and I know what the Koala symbolism is all about....

THEY are saying to the Asian leaders follow US and Australia (the Koala /Australia is yours) ...

THEY the globalists have handed over Australia to Asia as a country to be re populated with only people from non europium nations

..Australia is still 80% European...but THEY the Australian uni-party Globalists Governments Federal and State ..are populating Australia with millions of people from the middle east (with their problems) and Asia ...what you see in the USA at the Mexico boarder is happening in Australia too (just not as big) but it is planed invasion ....the Globalists who are trying too destroy the Russian Federation ( causing the the Ukraine war) THEY are doing to Australia ...we the people are just unable to do anything about it ...

So this summit is to push things along faster THEY see project Ukraine and project get Trump fail....

THEY are of course moving on other fronts ...

THEY are going to make US in Australia so called "white people" now a large 80 % majority seem like a minority what the western media did to the eastern Ukraine ...that is make the 98% Russian majority into a minority ...any in that part of the Ukraine any one that didn't bow to that lie ...was to be jailed/ we see the war in Ukraine ...a lot of people in Australia know this fact ...that it is the globalists Biden USA and the globalists EU who started all this war in the Ukraine ...our voices are shut down in Australia ...that is it ..period ....most of what the media world wide say is what Australia is about is just LIES...but you know this..

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Hakeem Anwar from Above Phone joins Maria Zeee to expose the ways in which governments and big tech are spying on us through our phones, apps, browsers and more, and how we can take back control of our technology!

Begin your journey to uncompromised privacy and save up to $500 on Zeee Media Above Phone Bundles. Visit Above Phone:

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Last I checked Qualcomm is listed some places as contractors for Pepsi. If you are one of the people whom has watched Pepsi amasse private military force. If more buy-outs have happened since this might be hard to find. But it's important to understand how the depopulists were planning on taking Australia. Stealth unlisted numbers to white helmets posing as un white helmets... Above phone might help, but I want to say communications may get difficult to maintain because I'm being honest but I'm not a depopulist shuffling the pawns, just trying to show where I have found out people have been, maybe not now but were fucking around. Qualcomm has place in China which means open to China, and probably Pepsi open backdoor to Chin, at least at some point. People worried about false flags...? I'm concerned but less so because well now you know.






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Why this Aussie billionaire LOVES the World Economic Forum

While 50% of Australia’s Wealthiest Are Jewish, 20% of Australia’s Jews Live in Poverty


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Australian-Israeli billionaire Frank Lowy

Five out of the top 10 wealthiest Australians are Jewish, according to the 2019 Financial Review Rich List, which includes the richest living Australian Anthony Pratt, who is worth $15.57 billion, Harry Triguboff, $13.54 billion, Frank Lowy, (who moved to Israel), $8.56 billion, and Ivan Glasenberg, $7.17 billion.

Meanwhile, Vic Alhadeff, chief executive of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, on Monday told ABC News Australia that “almost 20% of the Jewish community of Australia lives below the poverty line.”

Rachel Tanny, of Connections, Opportunities, Activities (COA) in the Eastern Sydney suburb of Woollahra, said some local Jews own homes they can’t afford to keep, but as a result “they have too many assets to receive the type of assistance that they require.”

So these Jews who no longer enjoy their past affluence are sitting on property worth millions and as a result are being deprived of the resources available to poor tenants in low income housing.

“People want to remain in the home where they raised their families, and they have better health outcomes and longevity if they do age in place,” Tanny told ABC News.

Claire Vernon, chief executive of Jewish Care, told the news outfit that older Jews who sell their homes and move to more affordable quarters also give up their social connections in the process and live in isolation, distant from their synagogue and other familiar community centers.

“But if you’re on a pension, the Eastern suburbs [of Sydney] are completely unaffordable,” she admitted.

Which brings us back to the wealthy Jews of Australia. Vic Alhadeff told ABC News Frank Lowy ($8.56 billion), who arrived in Australia with nothing to become a billionaire, is also one of the continent’s greatest philanthropist.

According to Alhadeff, “15 years ago, Frank set up the Lowy Institute as a world-leading thinktank, and when he did so, he said, ‘I’m doing this as my way of saying thank you to Australia, for giving my family and other Jewish Australians a second chance at life.'”

The Lowy family has donated to numerous groups that assist the Jewish poor, and it is to their credit, for instance, that Australia’s meals on wheels program continues to operate in those wealthy suburbs where Jewish residents of multi-million-dollar homes can’t afford to buy food.


 While some Jewish Australians are on the rich list, nearly one in five live in poverty




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  The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901

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Australian Blackouts Expose the Dangers of Digital Currency Social Credit Score Lockdowns

 Maria Zeee of guest hosts The Alex Jones Show to break down how the Australian blackouts exposed the dangers of digital currency social credit score lockdowns.

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ZEEE MEDIA LIVE: Australia Voted "NO" - UN Moves in Anyway

 Zeee Media LIVE: Australia just rejected the UN takeover known as 'The Voice' over the weekend, and now the government have revealed their cards; that they plan on moving forward with UNDRIP anyway!



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  Scott Ritter: "SHOCKED! I Can't Believe The Mistake Israel Just Made.."



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It's a trojan horse for globalism, led by the United Nations


"It's a trojan horse for globalism, led by the United Nations and their puppet masters".

Australian senator, Alex Antic, utterly obliterates the "man-made climate change" hoax in the Australian parliament.

"Alarmist rhetoric about man-made climate change is nothing new. The United Nations and the media have been pushing it for decades... These prophecies of doom simply never come true. The polar bears are still here, the sea hasn't risen, the ozone layer is fine, but the point of this messaging is to make you afraid, and why? Because if a climate apocalypse is imminent, then governments of the world can centralise their power and control, and control your actions with the so-called emergency."


As an Australian , I would like to apologize for our stupid Albanese Government. We don't even manufacture screwdrivers or nuclear reactors in Australia, let alone export them. Love your work , Alex.

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The Suspended DR. WILLIAM BAY on Relentless Episode 22


Courage Is The Cure speaks with the suspended Dr William Bay, who was found guilty of improperly disputing the Government’s position on the Covid-19 vaccines and has had his registration suspended by AHPRA in 2022. Join us as we talk about what has happened since his suspension.
Visit Queensland Peoples' Protest page
Courage Is The Cure relies entirely on donations to continue creating content, please consider making a donation using this link:

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Terrific discussion tonight. Thankyou William for all that you’ve done and are doing for us all. We are Australians in NZ, and appreciate your courage and morals. Thankyou Robyn for all your work too.

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From Party Girl to Political Prisoner



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Australians Respond to Secret Proposed Changes in Constitution to Steal Aboriginal Land

Grandmother Mulara of Maria Zeee of on The Alex Jones Show to break down the vote on the secretive plan to change the Australian constitution to steal aboriginal land.

The Voice to Parliament legislation is about abrogating the lawful standing of Aboriginals and ushering them under the Jurisdiction of The CROWN. Right now aboriginals are still lawful SOVEREIGN entities. As such, they remain outwith the legal infrastructure and debt obligations of the Crown.
Sovereign equates to LAWFUL. Citizen equals LEGAL. Lawful and legal are two separate jurisdictions. Sovereigns are offered protection under the highest authority,, ie, God. However, you can opt to forego your lawful standing under God and stand under a legal fiction instead - such as an Australian style Constitution which, unlike Magna Carta, was enACTed by a parliament under the Crown - but you must consent to do so.
The Crown appointed lawmakers are talking about RECOGNITION for Aboriginals, but what they are actually referring to here is JURISDICTION. If the Voice to Parliament passes then the aboriginals can for the first time be RECOGNISED by The Crown. At that moment they will cease to be LAWFUL sovereign entities - they will instead become LEGAL citizens of the Crown. In other words, they will have voluntarily given their consent to stand under (be administered by) the authority of the Austra-LIEN Constitution, which is a LEGAL document.
In Black's legal dictionary a “lien” is defined as [a] legal right or interest that a creditor has in another’s property. Liens are a way for creditors to protect against the risks associated with lending money (issuing currency). However, liens must be perfected. To perfect a lien, the creditor must file their claim with the appropriate legal agency - which in this case is the Austra-LIEN Constitution.
With regards to The Voice to Parliament: if you are an Aboriginal - the creditor is The Crown - and the property the Crown seeks an interest in is the energetic output generated by your Soul.


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The SCAM perpetrated by the flat lie royal monarchy is commonwealth citizens are UNDER THEIR THUMB, natives are not servants of the 'crown' so they are considered an ENEMY
The OZ and New Zealand and Cdn govts should be arrested and HANGED!
Here in New Zealand they are doing the same thing but only the UN and ELITE Maori will benefit from it. This is nothing but a land steal from the people of the land.
To those ignorant of this and to be truth full not an expert myself at anything although The oldest culture on earth had 256 soverign states sorry spelling for this dyslexic one is not my forte yet even if a treaty was illegally made or legal does not give permission for the rest this place was not discovered it is as old as time .Do you feel the NAZI UN 1944WW2 1945 PAPERCLIPPED UN GLOBAL CONTROL or sacred soul of the earth FOR SALE OR BEYOND PRICE AI MONEY slaves or free with nature GODLY i can not give this justice like the usa aus just is on ice IF YOU KNEW WHAT THESE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE HAVE ENDURED AND STILL GIVE A LOVELY MESSAGE YOU WOULD DO WHAT I AM NOW CRY ALOT

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Senator Jacinta Price on Why She is Voting NO in the Voice Referendum


This the personal, video message from Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price that I shared with attendees of the hugely successful 'Truth Behind the Voice' event on 24 September at Harvest Point Church in Beaudesert.

This very concise and heartfelt message, from a proud, indigenous Australian, is perfect for sharing with friends and family who are considering how they will vote in the upcoming referendum.

To sow into this ministry and support independent media, please send your gift via or by direct transfer to: Freedom Has A Voice, BSB: 084034, A/c: 462594763


Love you all. Keep the faith. We win.

Dylan Oakley
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  Kelly Newton-Wordsworth Performs 'Hold the Line' in Sydney

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'The Truth Behind The Voice' at Harvest Point Church - 24 Sep 2023

Senator Malcolm Roberts, Pat Mesiti, William Bay, Pastor Matt Littlefield, and Dylan Oakley made a powerful contributions to the public debate around the Voice referendum at 'The Truth Behind the Voice' event, hosted by Pastor Mark Ironside and Harvest Point Church Beaudesert.

The event also included a Q & A session, with questions taken from a large audience of concerned Australians. The audience included local residents from a range of backgrounds, including local indigenous folk.

I have received a lot of positive feedback about this event, including the quality of information presented, the calibre of the speakers, and the spirit in which the meeting was conducted.

Be sure to share this video. It is a powerful contribution to the debate around whether we should introduce into our Constitution the "undemocratic element of racial preference." (Prof. Augusto Zimmerman)

To sow into this ministry and support independent media, please send your gift via or by direct transfer to: Freedom Has A Voice, BSB: 084034, A/c: 462594763


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Worldwide Freedom Rally (Sydney) No To The Voice - Livestream



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TPR mobile billboard reveal


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 Vote NO rallies to take place in every Australian capital city on the 23rd of September


❗️A general call to mobilisation against Albanese's The Voice Referendum from the Aboriginal elders.

⚡️Vote NO rallies to take place in every Australian capital city on the 23rd of September.


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WARNING!! From an Unvaccinated Person in Israel.

WARNING!! From an Unvaccinated Person in Israel

The Testimonies Project

The Testimonies Project

Jewish testimonies about Covid jab results.  The testimonies project - the mo...

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  Globalism is a cultural Marxist ideology

 Comment: Globalism is a Marxist Jewish Globalist ideology.

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Free NSW university for blackfellas and half the world except white Australians

From the article: Your tax dollars at work. You’ll be happy to know that the University of Sydney has just been granted permission to provide exclusive financial scholarships to students from the following countries:


South Korea

The scholarships will cover the costs of tuition fees. All of this approved by the Anti-Discrimination Commission. Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 EXEMPTION ORDER
Under the provisions of section 126 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW), the exemption order granted to the University of Sydney on 15 March 2021 is HEREBY VARIED to read:
Under the provisions of section 126 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW), an exemption is given from sections 17 and 51 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) to the University of Sydney to provide financial tuition scholarships to students from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri-Lanka, Nepal, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Indonesia, Africa, Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan), China, Lebanon, Mexico, Central and South America, South Korea, Cambodia, Eastern Europe, Japan, Mongolia, Taiwan and Turkey.
This exemption will remain in force until 31 December 2030. Dated: 3 July 2023
Jackie Lyne
Manager, Governance & Advice Delegate of the President Anti-Discrimination NSW

Demand Driven Funding for all First Nations Australians

From 2024, all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Australia will be guaranteed a Commonwealth supported place at a university of their choice, when accepted into their chosen course of study.

Share this:


No wonder the corporate pretenders to government of the Commonwealth of Australia have to bring in this ACMA legislation.

The majority demographic of the Australian people [ that would be the Anglo-Celtic majority] and its ‘Toxic Males’ will quickly find many expressions for White Replacement [migrant tsunamis] and stop deferring sacred Marxist oppression narratives of UN activated Climate Nutters, Jews, Indigenous, Blacks – and their Cultural Enrichment, migrant Diversity Imports, Muslims – Our Religion Is Our Nation, wymyn, insectional wymyns, fluid genders, transgenders, homosexuals, pan-sexuals, paedo-sexuals, bestial-sexuals, Satanists etc.

They will start talking about the Marxist Leninist / UN Communist destruction of Australian heritage – of the White demographic specifically and White replacement.

Let the Good Times Roll.

 Comment: Marxist Leninist / UN Communist Jewish Globalist destruction of Australian heritage and White and Aboriginal replacement.

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Spies monitored nationalists and "right wing" during and after COVID in the Australian police state

Spies monitored nationalists and "right wing" during and after COVID in the Australian police state

The head of Australia's domestic spy agency told senators that at its peak during COVID restrictions, "right-wing ideologically motivated or nationalist racist extremism" accounted for about half of ASIO's counter-terrorism workload — but that figure had now dropped considerably (because the governments topped trying to control people). There is no mention of whether the government action itself was also extremist.

Desperate little Marxist shit is trying to imply if you don’t like government violating your civil liberties and human rights you’re a Nazi. Let’s not forget that the ghoul who heads ASIO and his cohorts completely missed the Neo-Nazi and Azov trained Christchurch mass shooter Brenton Tarrant. They’re scum.

Comment: Trotskyite and Marxist are usually Globalist false Jews who kill and use Jews.

Trotskyism | Marxist Theory & Revolutionary Jewish Politics

Britannica › Tr...
20 juli 2023 — Trotskyism(Jewish), a Marxist(Jewish) ideology based on the theory of permanent revolution first expounded by Leon Trotsky(Jewish) (1879–1940), one of the leading ...

Kind of wonder how Australia went Troskyite Gulag Marxist ... until you see the Magog Trotskyites in the background controlling their Goy slaves in political office. Some people love being political whores and traitors ... it's their pathology ... as long as they get to dress up as 'respectable' experts before the camera. Their MO is double-speak ... repetition of moronic 'tags' invented to marginalize their opposition. This MO goes right back to the CHEKA and the Trotsky run Gulags in the USSR .. hasn't changed a bit. There are no coincidences in Pavlovian Politics.

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Maria Zeee hosting ‘Info Wars’ speaks with Malcolm Roberts

 Maria Zeee guest host on The Alex Jones Info Wars Show interviews Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts covering the break down and how the Great Awakening is taking power back from government for Australians.

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West Papuan separatists threaten to shoot New Zealand pilot taken hostage if denied talks

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New Zealand pilot taken hostage by West Papua separatist group after plane set alight

  West Papua's in the grip of an 'unprecedented crisis' — is Australia turning a blind eye?


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You may remember a former Pfizer scientist, Dr Mike Yeadon, who from early on was giving interviews about how untrustworthy were diagnostic tests based on PCR?

You may remember a former Pfizer scientist, Dr Mike Yeadon, who from early on was giving interviews


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Dr. Mccullough Explains How To Detox From The Spike Protein With Over-The-Counter Items


⚡️⚡️⚡️Detox from Spike Proteins: Here’s How in 74 Seconds, Per Dr. Peter McCullough

“Look at these cardiac arrests, major blood clots, people going down. It’s because the spike protein is not being cleared out of the body,” remarked Dr. McCullough.

He recommended three key supplements to degrade spike proteins and reduce inflammation:

1. Nattokinase - 2000 units twice a day.

2. Bromelain - 500 milligrams once a day.

Nattokinase and bromelain “both degrade the spike protein [in] different ways. They accelerate the clearance of it together,” Dr. McCullough added.

3. Curcumin - 500 milligrams twice a day. Reduces inflammation and spike protein damage

.“All of these are available over the counter,” disclosed. Dr. McCullough. “They are readily available. And I can tell you people ought to get going on this because these syndromes, as we’re finding out, are bad.

”Dr. McCullough also recommends Spike Support Formula, which contains nattokinase, dandelion root, and a host of other promising ingredients that can help protect you and your family from the prolonged effects of spike protiens.⚡️⚡️⚡️



Look at the Brittish Coat of Arms.

It has the Horse, symbolising the Brittish Cavalry, that is, military might.

The other is a Lion, which is the Lion of the Tribe of Juda.

They work in tandom, as does the USA, Canada and Australia. joseaffino

sec smile
Smiley Gets A Gun.OZ.1958.(_1h26 ./A sequel to the movie "Smiley". Young Smiley gets into more strife as he attempts to prove himself a responsible citizen by helping other, so that he can earn a new gun from Sergeant Flaxman.
wauie speech ban
 Truth explosion in the Australian Parliament has Globalist, USA Communists, Nazis, Zionists, and deep state war mongers that have continued to push propaganda for big pharma and the illusion of negative climate change, and ESG are in a panic that their fraudulent money schemes may be threatened. YouTube, a big supporter of the WEF, WHO, and deep state USA criminal organizations, quickly banned this speech in fear too many of the population could wake up and begin to revolt.
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Has nanotech invaded every aspect of human life?
Mat Taylor is back with Stew to detail recent discoveries he observed under a microscope showing nanotech inside dental anesthetics.
Examinations of dental drugs from 2019 and before the pandemic showed zero nanotechnology.
The same self-assembling circuitry found in the covid bioweapon are also in dental numbing agents.
If nanotech is in dental drugs used for anesthesia then it’s likely also in the drugs used for other surgeries.
Dentists and doctors alike should analyze the components inside the medication they deliver to their patients, to ensure safety and informed consent.
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UN sex education guidelines, ask daddy about his erections and ejaculations.

"AUSTRALIA - Following the UN sex education guidelines, countries in lockstep now.

10 year old girls’ homework is to ask daddy about his erections and ejaculations.

The UN owns your children now. Dissent will not be tolerated."



The liberals who wrote this has a dream of being asked by his kids so he can say, "glad you asked, let me show you sweetie, for extra credit just let me put it in your mouth"

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This story of the modified viruses that threaten humanity is a smokescreen for radio modulable materials being inserted into all injectables since more than a decade, and microwaves coming from celular towers. Sadly, the biggest alternative media is a gatekeeper. Greg Reese, you don't tell the whole truth, why? Aren't you aware of it? Or do you also serve an agenda? You are all similar. I remember Mike Adams defending face masks. Alex Jones claiming that "we went to the moon", etc.
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Dr. Ana Michalcea joins us to expose how tests on both Australian and U.S. major chain grocery store meat has shown structures like we have seen both in the COVID injection vials and the blood of the injected, now also being found in the uninjected. Dr. Ana exposes her findings in conjunction with Dr. David Nixon in Australia on this gross experiment being conducted on human beings without their consent, poisoning our food supply.
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money danger
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  Australia needs a national post office bank now!

BANKILEAKS Secret Library

The Big 6 Australian Banks: who owns us? ANZ, NAB dangerous level of American ownership on The Ownership Tree

Posted by on in BANKSTERS


Supporting evidence at the end of this link

HSBC is the number one shareholder in all the big four banks.

Who are HSBC??

HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited is listed as the number one shareholder for all of the Big Four Banks. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of HSBC Holdings Plc - You Know... HSBCBANK - Yes, that's right... HSBC Bank owns more than 10% of all of the big Four.

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 Picture on the right is Rothschilds

The Federal Reserve Cartel – The Eight Families who own the USA .. 

The eight Families who own the USA also own Australia and New Zealand.

The Banker CEOS or Owners

  Who owns Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo?

HSBC. Stuart Gulliver | Revolve (Jewish).

He was succeeded on 21 February 2018 by John Flint. ... "Bloomberg Businessweek Executive profile: Stuart Gulliver". ... "Revealed: Swiss account secret of HSBC chief Stuart Gulliver". ...... Early life and education Sir Martin Stuart Sorrell was born in London on 14 February 1945 to a Jewish family.

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The Globalist Banksters own many Australian Corporations including the private mainstream media and they have too much influence in SBS and ABC TV channels. The Bankster's influence and money donations to the Liberal/National, Labor and Greens political parties results for them having similar major policies, all designed to achieve the same results.

History of the Commonwealth Bank

The history of the Commonwealth Bank is rarely told these days. This is the first in a 2-part series. You can read the 2nd part here: History of the Comm Bank Part II

The Commonwealth Bank -- originally The Peoples' Bank
The Commonwealth Bank — originally The Peoples’ Bank

It might be instructive to learn a bit about the history of our banking system, particularly the Commonwealth Bank….

In October, 1911, the Labor Government of Mr. Andrew Fisher introduced a Bill to provide for the establishment of a Commonwealth Bank with power to carry on all the business generally transacted by banks, including that of a savings bank. It was to be administered under the control of one man (called the Governor of the Bank), appointed for seven years. The Bank was to have power to raise a capital of $2 million by the sale of debentures. (This paragraph and other parts of this post are courtesy of

In 1914 the Commonwealth bank began financing primary producers, ushering in the golden age of our country. “Riding on the sheep’s back” it was called. The money the bank raised helped finance the government to pursue WW1. The Governor boasted that it could have easily financed two such wars, the bank of the people was so solvent.

Up until 1924 the Commonwealth bank financed businesses, home buyers, manufacturers, primary producers, and in the process created a vibrant and rich economy. The profits the bank made were ploughed back into the economy to enrich it even further.

Throughout this period the private banks enjoyed a cordial relationship with the Commonwealth bank. In 1924 the Director of the Commonwealth bank, Sir Denison Miller died. With him removed from the scene the Bruce-Page Administration brought in a Bill to amend the Commonwealth Bank Act by taking the control of the Commonwealth Bank out of the hands of the new Governor and placing it in the hands of a directorate, composed ( in addition to the Governor of the Bank and the Secretary of the Treasury) of a body of financial magnates.  This is….

 For more information go to the following link

History of the Commonwealth Bank

I have taken some quotes from the main article

 First World War

Then in 1914, came the war, and with it an Amending Act giving the Bank power to raise its capital of $20 million, and to take over other banks and savings banks. The Bank did not at this period make use of either of these powers, but the services it rendered to the people of the Commonwealth were immense. Under the regime of the private banks, the flotation expenses of a loan in London, which Australian Governments would have had to pay, were 6%: but the Commonwealth Bank floated $700 million of loans for a charge of 0.56%, thus saving Australians some $12 million in bank charges.

Even then the Bank made a profit of 0.2%. With (and sometimes without) the assistance of the private banks, it saved the Australian primary producer from stark ruin by financing pools of wheat, wool, meat, butter, cheese, rabbits, and sugar to the total amount of $872 million. It found $4 million for the Commonwealth Fleet of Steamers, which again saved the primary producer from ruin through lack of transportation facilities to his market overseas. It enabled Australia to transfer abroad, with the maximum efficiency and minimum expense $7,121,902 for the payment of her soldiers.

 Second World War

Of course, during the war, the Commonwealth Bank Board, had from time to time, to create some money. Of the $3,074 millions of borrowed money S776 millions were in the form of Treasury Bills (Aust. Statistics Bulletin 188) and the Board also increased the Note Issue from $95 millions in 1939.

to a peak circulation of $405.4 millions in 1945 (Commonwealth Bank Report 1945). 1t had also in its Special Wartime Deposit Account, at June 30, 1945, $482 millions of the private banks’ surplus funds, on which it paid interest at three-fourths of one per cent, and it is more than likely that these funds had to earn interest. In general, however, it can be stated that the Commonwealth Bank Board created as little money as they could, and apparently worried a good deal over what they did create. Whilst on this subject, it might be as well to remind Australians that at June 30 1947, the national debt stood at the imposing figure of $5,534,248,000 ($731.66 per head), while the annual interest on this debt was $162,417,446 (about S80 for every family of four). These figures constitute a magnificent testimonial to the insanity of our financial system. Every blow we struck for freedom during the war shackled our limbs with another chain of interest-bearing debt.


Early in March 1945, a Bill for the Commonwealth Bank Act of 1945, was introduced into the House of Representatives. It repealed all existing Commonwealth Bank Acts, and provided:

(1) That it should be the duty of the Commonwealth Bank within the limits of its powers, to pursue a
monetary and banking policy directed to the greatest advantage of the people of Australia, and to exercise its powers under this Act and the Banking Act, 1945, in such a manner as, in the opinion of the Bank, would best contribute to

  1. the stability of the currency of Australia
  2. the maintenance of full employment in Australia and
  3. the economic prosperity and welfare of the people of Australia.


In 1943, under the stress of war, England and America began to cooperate in a Lend-Lease arrangement. This soon became a great international “clearing-house” for commodities, and the quantity of them “cleared” without the use of money reached enormous proportions. International financiers were alarmed. This sort of thing simply had to be stopped.

On July 1st. 1944, the delegates from 44 nations met at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in the United States. There they found an Agreement already prepared for their signatures, and they were asked to sign upon the dotted lines. It took three weeks to induce them to sign, but eventually they all did. The Australian delegate (L.G.Melville) made it clear that his signature was not to be taken as a recommendation to the Commonwealth Government and Mr Curtin definitely stated that no Australian delegate had been authorized to sign any agreement, but only to sign a report concerning certain recommendations, which did not bind the Australian Government in any way. The Bretton Wood Agreements would take away from all nations the power of either increasing or decreasing their currency (except within very narrow limits) without first obtaining the assent of an International Monetary Fund – which international financiers will control through its directorate, in the same way as Australian financiers until recently had controlled the Commonwealth Bank. This International Monetary Fund was to be backed by a similarly controlled International Bank which would, to the extent that it saw fit, lend out money at interest for reconstruction purposes, provided always that those purposes were productive and profitable for the Bank. Money lenders and financial institutions throughout the world would be cordially invited to subscribe to these loans. The world would continue on its course but henceforth all human activity would be bound and increasingly burdened with the chains of interest- bearing debt.

On November 19, 1946, Cabinet Ministers decided after a nine hours’ discussion to recommend to the Labor Caucus that Australia should ratify the Bretton Woods Agreements. Mr Chifley, then the Labor Prime Minister, led the move for ratification, but the Caucus by a narrow margin decided to defer their decision pending consideration by a special interstate A.L.P. Conference. The latter was never held and the Caucus was finally persuaded by the Media and by lobbyists both local and foreign to act in favour of the agreements. On March 20, 1947 the International Monetary Agreements Bill, formally ratifying the Bretton Woods Agreements, was passed by the House of Representatives after a perfunctory debate. The voting was 55 for and 5 against. The Bill passed the Senate on March 25, 1947 and became Law. It is difficult to give satisfactory reasons for the actions of the Chifley Administration and the Australian Labor Party.

There was a universal desire to form some sort of world-wide organisation which might possibly result in a well-functioning peaceful world. There is a great deal of evidence that the “One-world” global carrot, consistently dangled before the donkey’s nose, was of great use in sending the donkey down the road that international finance desired it to travel. On August 6, 1947, Australia, in the person of Mr Makin, signed the articles of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank at Washington, U.S.A. She was the forty-fifth victim.

From then on, the operation of what was the Peoples’ Bank was gradually undermined until today it is just a private corporation. It is no longer a Peoples’ Bank. The Commonwealth Bank gradually assumed the role of a Central Bank and in 1959 this role ended with the introduction of the Reserve Bank Act of 1959 which saw the establishment of The Reserve Bank.

This last action virtually brought about the demise of the Commonwealth Bank as the Peoples’ Bank and a further nail was put into the coffin when the Commonwealth Government decided to sell off part of the Commonwealth Bank. The Prospectus was dated 5 July, 1991. It was issued on that day and was also lodged with and registered by the Australian Securities Commission on the same day. This was preceded by The Commonwealth Banks Restructuring Act 1990, which, among other things amended the 1959 Act to provide for the conversion of the Commonwealth Bank into a public company.

Experience shows that all such reassurances were completely worthless. By 1996, the original 100% ownership of Australia’s Peoples’ Bank by the people of Australia as a whole had passed through stages of 70%, then 50.1% and finally grounded to zero. The word Privatisation is derived from the Latin privare which means to deprive. With the death and burial of their Commonwealth Bank, the citizens of Australia were deprived of their patrimony. They no longer possessed a common wealth. The latter had become the private wealth of greedy individual financial investors and exploiters.

In February 1948, in his preface to the twelfth edition of his booklet The Story of the Commonwealth Bank, D.J. Amos wrote, “In the present (twelfth) edition, the story is brought to its final conclusion, in the surrender by Australia of its control over its own currency to the International Monetary Fund and Bank. In future (the Commonwealth Bank being again reduced to servitude) these two great foreign institutions will be free to deal with our people and our living standards as they see fit”.

As we know, that was not the final conclusion but only the beginning of it. The stage had been set for complete foreign control, but the dismantling of the Commonwealth Bank had to be effected first.

Here virtually ends the saga of the Peoples’ common wealth Bank. In 1960, the Reserve Bank took over the role of Central Bank from the Commonwealth Bank. Like other trading banks, the Commonwealth Bank is today completely privatised and subject to Reserve Bank controls. The Federal Government could direct the Reserve Bank to adopt a completely different policy to that which results in ever-escalating debt, crushing taxation and insidious inflation. For example, interest rates could be reduced to the point where they were sufficient to meet the administration costs of creating and administering credit. New money could be made available as a credit, instead of debt, for financing consumer discounts as a major part of an anti-inflation policy.

But none of these and similar steps will be taken until a more enlightened public insists that the chaotic disintegration of marketplace activity can only be halted by a reversal of present credit policies. Eventually this must happen, but only after the situation gets even worse leading to complete economic anarchy.

There are three features of this story which stand out clearly.

1. That of all the Administrations which have carried on the Government of Australia, two of them are pre-eminent for the injuries they have inflicted upon the people they were appointed to serve, The Bruce-Page Administration of 1923-29 and the Chifley Administration of 1945- 49.
1 The first enslaved to domestic financiers an institution which had stood between Australia and ruin during the first World War, and could have been used to create permanent prosperity in times of peace.
The second rescued that Institution from domestic slavery only to hand it over to a far harsher enslavement abroad and from which it can only be freed, if at all, with extreme difficulty.
2. That institutions, no matter how excellent they may be, are of little permanent use to the masses of the people who do not understand the value of them. The right of the people of this Commonwealth to expand or contract financial credit in accordance with their needs, by means of a Commonwealth Bank was something that Australians should have safeguarded with the same jealousy as they safeguard the right to vote. They did not do this, so when the artificial depression of the thirties burst upon them they were exposed without defence to domestic and foreign financiers who knew no mercy. Today, thanks to the International Monetary Agreements Act of the Chifley Administration they are just as powerless to help themselves against any future depressions which those same financiers may be preparing for them.
3. That after the signing of the Bretton Woods Agreements, International Finance now had complete control over the policy of the Commonwealth Bank, and through it over the policy of the entire banking system of Australia – no matter in whose hands the Administration of the various banks may rest. International Finance can be trusted to ensure that the banking system in Australia remains in servile obeisance and its services used, not for the benefit of the people, but to further its own policy of power over people and profits before persons. Shareholders’ interest comes first; the rich must be allowed to get richer even if it means the poor get poorer.

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $


From Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin November 2001.
Table H.5 $ million
Australia’s Gross Foreign Liabilities at end of March 2000/01
Total Liabilities
Equity Debt Total
312 464 475 452 787 916
Table H.7 As at 30 June 2001, the level of Net foreign debt (net amount owed by the Australian public and private sectors to foreign entities) was $310 952 million.

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

(This article forms Chapter 11 of the author’s book THE GREAT HARLOT

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  The Australian people are banker slaves who live on nation reservation

 Alex Jones Infowars interviews American Indian Russell Means who talks how American has become one huge Indian Reservation.  Russel Mean passed away in 2012.

Russell Means Interview — Welcome To the Reservation (Full Length)


Alex Jones interviews Russell Means who talks about  the decline of the American culture.

RUSSELL MEANS SPECIAL: The Decline of American Culture (10/22/2012)

Time to create a Rural Reconstruction and Development Bank

By: A North Qld Grazier (first published 2016 — updated by CIRNow’s True Blue Observer)

This article was originally written to support Robbie Katter’s bill to introduce state banking, under the name of a Rural Reconstruction and Development Bank.  

The Abstract of the research paper below by Cockfield and Botterill shows that agricultural returns in the past five decades have not kept ahead of increasing costs over which primary producers have little control.

 Time to Restructure the Banking System

syrian girl
Journalist | Scientist | Contributor, Telegram:
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This week we bring you a shocking story of an Australian court that has claimed that a human being is their property, with persecuted guest Aron Leyshon being the subject of this alleged "ownership". We also discuss Australia's broad new eSafety "powers" and their potential consequences.

Anybody looking to attend or support Aron at his court date as stipulated in this video, as always, is encouraged to be peaceful and respectful to the court, your surroundings, and all involved.

ZEROTIME was born out of a desperate need for the truth in Aussie news. For too long, the mainstream media has been lying to the Australian people. Zeee Media commits to bringing you the truth every Wednesday night at 8PM, highlighting key issues the world is facing, how it affects our country and the dangers to our democracy.

If you would like to support Zeee Media to continue getting the truth out to more people, you can donate via this link:


syrian girl
Journalist | Scientist | Contributor, Telegram:
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"All I am going to say about this multicultural business is, it's the greatest hoax of all time...

the Reverend Cedric Jacobs, one of the genuine aboriginals... has been lecturing on multiculturalism... He said, "It has taken my people about 200 years to come to grips with this new culture... but now without even consulting us you want to bring a dozen different cultures in. How are we going to cope with this?" And of course we won't cope with that. All part of the planned surrender of Australia. And you are not supposed to have a say on this. All parties now tell you that immigration is off the agenda. It's all been decided for you, all part of surrendering this country... We can do absolutely nothing until we go back to these absolutes... that governments belong to us, we don't belong to governments... They don't have a problem with immigration in Switzerland... to become an immigrant in Switzerland, you have to be accepted by the people in the local Canton where you are going to live." (Butler, 1986)

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Australian 3RAR soldiers training at Townsville to control Australians


The right to peaceful assembly and protest is protected by the Commonwealth Constitution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – Article 12 and Article 21 (Freedom of Movement), Section 83:4 of the Commonwealth Criminal Code Act 1995, and the Summary Offences Act Section 6(5) which states that people cannot be directed to move-on if they are: picketing a place of employment; demonstrating, holding banners or signs or speaking in public.

Throughout 2020 and 2021 in Victoria we witnessed numerous instances of terrorism by elite cops incl: CIRT, SOG, PORT and private UN cops wearing Predator badges, including harassment, violent assaults, kettling, depravation of basic human rights, and the indiscriminate use of pepper spray, battons, tear gas, rubber bullets, bean bag rounds, pepper balls, foam baton rounds, smoke bombs and stringer grenades.

Indeed the IBAC investigation last year found “ongoing misconduct issues and risks with the CIRT” and found that CIRT members “acted inconsistently with the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities”. Now they want to throw kerosine on the fire by bringing in the ADF???

From David,


More letters

Personnel from the 3rd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (3RAR), with the support of the 1st Military Police Battalion (1MP), conducted PPC training at Lavarack Barracks.
The course focused on soldiers’ individual PPC training while ensuring the ready battle group met the qualifications required of the ADF’s contingency operational response element.

Infantry sections integrated closely with military police arrest teams, detainee processing capabilities, and military working dogs to enhance security and crowd dispersion.
Captain Nicholas Crosbie, from 3RAR’s Alpha Company, said PPC was a non-lethal combat technique to maintain control, detain and “protect populations”.

Not ONLY the government have betrayed us, so have the police and military.


From Han Barkmeyer



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Second Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms for Australia

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The right to own and bear arms guaranteed by the 1689 Bill of Rights, has been trampled by Australian, egregious, corporate political parties over the past three decades aided and abetted by psyops such as Port Arthur that the Jew John Howard orchestrated with the help of the Jesuits and implemented by Israeli Secret Service Mossad and a small cadre of Australian elite troops.

National gun laws are coming, yet there is no Constitutional avenue that allows for federal gun laws to which the illegitimate National Cabinet agreed on Friday. Since when has the Commonwealth Constitution of Australia ever resonated with political parties except when convenient for example, to implement the black Voice?

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 Senator Malcolm Roberts of joins Maria Zeee to expose the NWO testing ground in Australia.
Great interview Maria. Senator Roberts is on point and he's learned the truth much faster than most Australians...particularly the gutless politicians, judges, doctors, big pharma apologists - CHOs - Chief Health Officers (need to go to jail) the TGA/AHPRA/ATAGI/AMA (all need to face courts at least) - AND....the mainstream media.
Malcom Roberts is my favourite political in Australia he is very similar to Rand Paul in America the way he argues and stands up for the people especially when it comes to fake climate change he is our best.
Senator Roberts is brilliant. When we eventually win this War, statues will be erected to him, and many other courageous leaders against his tyranny.
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  What is Anti-White?

carbon ta g

Honest Government Ad | Carbon Capture & Storage

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Aussie Doctor Confirms New Discovery of Nanotech & MICROTECH, New Legislation to Silence ALL Doctors

Australian Dr. David Nixon reveals his findings of nanotechnology inside the COVID-19 "vaccines", as well as microtech, which is larger than previous nanotechnology findings inside the vials. He also discusses how protecting the vials inside a faraday cage (earthed metal screen surrounding a piece of equipment to exclude electrostatic and electromagnetic influences) stopped the structures from forming.

Dr. Mark Hobart discusses the new Legislation (Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022) being decided on next week in Parliament, which he says will turn all Australian doctors into "agents of the government", completely removing the ability for scientific debate and the ability for doctors to adequately treat their patients in future.

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Wow Australians Are Not Putting Up With It Anymore - Funny Signs At Protest


Yes, Zelensky is the Anti-Christ who as prophesied by Islamic eschatology is said to be a Satanic Jew! I've been saying since February of this year that Zelensky has all the signs of being the Anti-Christ.


This has been organised by Aussie Cossack . The same lad who was one of our leaders fighting against vaccine mandates and lockdowns .They put him in jail for contempt of court in an attempt to silence him.

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Australian Perspectives Ep 2


Great to see! There is another channel I follow - The.Scythian - - who is Australian and brings the war news from an ally perspective. What's even better is his Telegram channel - - for inside and culminated news from an ally perspective. I'm not trying to spam here, but I am just sayin', check him out. Related to this video, he's 'a local'.

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The Globalist run Australian Commonwealth Bank and social credit score for customers.

Australian Bank Rolls Out “Carbon Footprint” Social Credit Score For Customers



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They Are giving Cows mRNA Vaccine Which Will Pass the Vaccine Into Milk, Cheese etc

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Message to Vladimir Putin from a brave Australian.

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Step 5 - share your flag

Step 5 - share your flag

The fifth step of the global walkout is to display your country’s flag upside-down anywhere you can. We’ve come up with a very cheap and easy way to do this so EVERYONE can participate.

We’ve been inspired in the Netherlands by seeing hundreds of upside-down flags along the highways. It’s very impactful because the public cannot help but notice and wonder why they are there.

An important part of this step is to take a photo when you put your flag somewhere and post it online. Use the same hashtags as everyone else to show that WE ARE THE MANY…#CountryInDistress and #GlobalWalkout

In the Netherlands when we drove through farming regions, there were more properties WITH flags than without. It’s impossible the public to ignore this public display of distress. Imagine if this was global??? If you spot a flag while with a friend, it will be a great way to start a conversation about important topics.

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An Australia Post people bank win-win solution for the nation

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Brave doctors SPEAK OUT to reclaim medicine

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Dr. William Bay - Whats his story?

Dr. William Bay - Whats his story?

 On 7th August, Dr. William Bay stood up at an AMA (Australian Medical Association) conference and started TELLING THE TRUTH in front of dozens of doctors. A heroic thing to do! If only 30% of doctors were like him, we wouldn’t be in this position right now.

He had a hearing with AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) yesterday, 16th August, which he was not permitted to attend in person.

So, instead, he held a protest outside the AHPRA office in Brisbane and attended the hearing via zoom with hundreds of freedom-lovers…it was quite the scene ?

If you live in Sydney and want to meet him and hear him talk at the Freedom Summit on 25th August, he’ll be there – SEE MORE DETAILS

AMA conference video (36-minute mark) –

Livestream hearing protest –

Support William

Website –

FB –

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Aussie Doctor Risks Medical License to Tell the Truth About COVID Vaccine Injuries and Deaths

The saddest part is all the other doctors who cower in their fancy clinics and do not come out and support their colleague who is sacked for speaking his truth . Some may agree with him, some may not , the point is his right to speak freely. There should be a mass walkout by doctors but they are either too brainwashed or too gutless to bother . Ahpra could decide tomorrow that the earth is flat and most doctors would just say ' sure, its scientifically proven '. RIP our culture that once cherished bravery and freedom . This doc is a hero in my book .


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A conversation with Pfizer Chief Executive Officer Albert Bourla (Jewish) at Davos.


I call Bullshit to this. As ALWAYS DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!Bourla said it realizes the company's goal, set out when he took over in 2019, to "reduce by 50% the number of people on the planet that cannot afford their medicine" by 2023."Today we are going to achieve that," he said, adding that shareholders "should think that we are doing the right thing."

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Australia election: Anthony Albanese leads Labor to Australian election victory

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Honest Government Ad | The Floods

My cousin lost his house which deepened his depression and tragically he took his life the following week. I can’t believe we have allowed neoliberalism to bring us beyond the brink of disaster and done nothing for a decade. My cousin had his demons and maybe he would have done it regardless but the inaction of our government has already cost too many lives.
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Screenshot 19crive palmer n Craig Kelly warns about WHO treaty with crippling lockdowns and mandates

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Mass rally in Melbourne against COVID vaccine mandates

 Hundreds rallied in Melbourne, Australia, decrying COVID vaccine mandates. Supporters of jailed WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange also made an appearance, calling for him to be freed.

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Joshua Anthony Frydenberg (Jewish) /ˈfrdənˌbɜːrɡ/ (born 17 July 1971) is an Australian politician who has been federal treasurer and deputy leader of the Liberal Party

Josh Frydenberg

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Josh Frydenberg
Josh Frydenberg April 2019.jpg
Frydenberg in 2019
Treasurer of Australia
Assumed office
24 August 2018
Prime Minister Scott Morrison
Preceded by Scott Morrison
Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party
Assumed office
24 August 2018
Leader Scott Morrison
Preceded by Julie Bishop
Minister for the Environment and Energy
In office
19 July 2016 – 24 August 2018
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull
Preceded by Greg Hunt
Succeeded by Angus Taylor
Minister for Resources and Energy
In office
21 September 2015 – 19 July 2016
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull
Preceded by Gary Gray
Succeeded by Matt Canavan
Assistant Treasurer of Australia
In office
23 December 2014 – 21 September 2015
Prime Minister Tony Abbott
Malcolm Turnbull
Preceded by Arthur Sinodinos
Succeeded by Kelly O'Dwyer
Member of the Australian Parliament
for Kooyong
Assumed office
21 August 2010
Preceded by Petro Georgiou
Majority 5.57% (11,289 v GRN)
Personal details
Joshua Anthony Frydenberg

17 July 1971 (age 50)
MelbourneVictoria, Australia
Nationality Australian
Political party Liberal
Spouse(s) Amie Saunders
Children 2
Alma mater
Website Edit this at Wikidata

Joshua Anthony Frydenberg /ˈfrdənˌbɜːrɡ/ (born 17 July 1971) is an Australian politician who has been federal treasurer and deputy leader of the Liberal Party since August 2018. He has been a Member of Parliament for Kooyong since the 2010 election.

Frydenberg served in various roles in the Abbott and Turnbull Governments from 2013 to 2018, including as Minister for Resources and as Minister for the Environment and Energy. On 24 August 2018, he was elected Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party following a leadership spill, which saw Scott Morrison elected as Leader. Morrison subsequently appointed Frydenberg as Treasurer of Australia.

In February 2022 a Roy Morgan poll showed he was the preferred leader of the Liberal Party among voters.[1]

Early life and education[edit]

Frydenberg was born in Melbourne and educated at Bialik and Mount Scopus Colleges. His mother, Erika Strausz, is a psychologist and University of Melbourne professor and his father Harry is a general surgeon. His mother was Jewish Hungarian born in 1943 who arrived in Australia in 1950 as a stateless child from a refugee camp after escaping from the Holocaust.[2] His father is also Jewish, and emigrated to Australia from Poland.[c

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Jeremy Lee. 1991, wow! Way ahead of his time. We were warned but few people seem to notice, even fewer seem to care. Listen now and tell me how much you think has come to pass in the last 30 years. If only every Australian had seen this I don’t believe we would be where we are today.
Absolutely brilliant video. Concise, logical and spelt out in layman’s terms so that any, every person can understand this. Pinpoints where, how, when and who.
Its actually very sad to think in so many ways we have done this to ourselves. Yes government have orchestrated it and sold us all out BUT it was our apathy as a nation as Australians that allowed it all to happen.
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LATEST VIDEO FROM LIABILITYMATE: ALSO – YouTube backup channel please subscribe.
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Free Download of Original Constitution

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'Reality' shows are a farce!
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A look into Corporate fraud in Australia, Stranglehold of Monopolies, Telecommunications Oppression, Biased Law System, Corporate influence in politics, Industrial Relations disadvantaging workers, Outsourcing Australian Jobs, Offshore Banking, Petrochemical company domination, Invisibly Visible. It's not what you see, it's what goes on behind the scenes.
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Australian Freedom Fighters Unite – 10 key objectives we can all agree on

RDA has put together a list of key objectives that any freedom-loving Australian would likely agree with. Signing your name to this will help unite the freedom fighters and broader community under a shared set of goals.

RDA will also be giving all candidates in the federal election an opportunity to sign these key objectives and will publish who has, or hasn’t, signed it. This will help you know who to vote for. 

With your help and support, together we will advocate to;

1.     Permanently eliminate pandemic emergency powers and COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

2.     Establish an Australian Bill of Rights.

3.     Establish an independent media oversight body.

4.     Restrict digital surveillance (example: digital ID system).

5.     Cut ties with international, intergovernmental, anti-democratic bodies that jeopardise our sovereignty such as ‘strong cities network’ and World Health Organisation (WHO).

6.     Open an investigation into the suppression order from the Wood/s Royal Commission (1995 – 1997).

7.     Start legal proceedings into the handling of the authorities’ Covid-pandemic response (with prosecutions if warranted).

8.     Revive Australian manufacturing.

9.     Investigate AHPRA and either repeal or replace them with an independent body of medical professionals who are committed to upholding their oath.

10.  Remove all corporate lobby groups from Canberra

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 They cooked her with microwaves, barbaric completely evil.
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FOOTAGE from Australia's Million March on Canberra 12th February 2022

MUSIC: Archie Roach



PEOPLE POWER unseen before in Australia put the Duopoly government on notice “They Are Finished”

Riccardo Bossi thanks all Australia for Canberra successful rally outcome


“If you play by their rules -YOU WILL LOSE”

“Be careful when you follow the masses, sometimes the “M” is silent”

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“If you play by their rules -YOU WILL LOSE”

Riccado Bosi calls on all Australians to get to Canberra now, this is our last chance to fix the mess

Get to Canberra to help turn around Australia, open the borders, remove the mandates, restore a constitutional government, no more masks, get jobs back, no mandates and leave our kids alone. No jabs for kids!!!! Graham Hood is doing a tremendous job, go to make the numbers count. Australian Federal Police are somewhat in control and remember the LNP corporation controls the corporate AFP.

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Politicians and the public service being exempt from the Covid jab mandates.

Victoria Chief Health Officer Professor Brett Sutton has been given some terribly wrong advice about politicians and the public service being exempt from the Covid jab mandates. There is no provision in the Commonwealth Constitution expressly exempting a politician from anything. There is Sect 51, (xxiiiA) that prevents compulsory vaccination of all citizens but there are no exclusions for politicians.

Professor Augusto Zimmerman likens the Covid performance of all governments to that of “totalitarian North Korea and Cuba.” Read more here

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Funeral home whistleblower exposes vaccinated children deaths

 Sydney funeral home whistleblower exposes massive baby & children covid vaccination deaths and many others, all quickly cremated without funeral or service and death certificates issued reading “death unknown”. A statistical chart is shown of children diagnosis from Australian hospitals. Body cold room containers now needed to cater for the dead.

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Nuremberg 2.0 - Reiner Fuellmich's Opening Statements @ Grand Jury - Covid-Crimes Against Humanity

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Know Your Rights Group

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Smoking gun confidential Pfizer document exposes FDA criminal cover-up of VACCINE DEATHS… they knew the jab was killing people in early 2021… three times more WOMEN than MEN

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Australian Bill of Rights Photo Final
 Australians do not have a Bill of Rights, so here is Bill Of Rights for Australians.
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Dr. Vladimir Zelenko said anyone that willfully vilified and obstructed access to hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19 is guilty of first degree capital murder, genocide, and crimes against humanity. They are trying to jab as many people as possible so that their great reset aka depopulation plan work. I believe in God & Jesus. If I get sick I will take my Ivermectin that I stashed just in case and leave rest to God. If you want to get Ivermectin you can visit tinyurl*com/gettingivermectin (Looks like I can't post links, replace * with .)
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 HUGE TURN OUT IN WARWICK AS QUEENSLANDERS CONTINUE TO SAY NO TO JAB-MANDATES All you have to do is look at the sheer number of people who keep turning up to these events across Australia to see Australians have had a gutful with the government's bullying and coercion.
The media continue to downplay the numbers and you won't see it covered on the evening news but I'm here to tell all freedom-loving Aussies, you are not alone, there are millions standing with you and if we keep fighting, we will win!
Thank you Warwick for sending such a strong message to Scott Morrison and Premier Palaszczuk, these mandates have got to go!
Enough is enough! Support One Nation:
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clive palmer
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BigW’s “friendly” reminder that greeted a Cairns News reader in Geelong, Victoria. BigW, owned by Woolworths Group, are quite proud to announce that they now discriminate. The city council followed suit, demanding vaccination proof at the local art gallery.

By Tony Mobilifonitis

AUSTRALIA’S top business corporations – especially those in retail – are enforcing Morrison and the premiers’ unlawful, tyrannical attack on the unvaccinated population and vaccine mandates.

These corporate slag heaps, as typified by names like Westfield, who run just about every shopping mall in Australia and all over the globe, and Wesfarmers, who own a conglomerate of brands like Bunnings, Coles and Officeworks, should be avoided like the plague. Read more

Westfield owned by Jews.

Westfield Group

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Westfield Group
Type Public
Industry Real estate investment trusts
Genre Shopping malls
Founded 1960; 61 years ago
Founder John Saunders
Frank Lowy
Successors Scentre Group
Westfield Corporation
Area served
United States
United Kingdom
Czech Republic
New Zealand
the Netherlands
Key people
Peter S. Lowy (co- Lowy|Steven M. Lowy (co-CEO)
Revenue Increase US$833 million (2014)
Increase US$391 million (2014)
Increase US$461 million (2014)
Total assets Increase US$28.5 billion (2014)
Number of employees
2,000+ (2014)[1]
Parent Scentre Group 

Westfield Group was an Australian shopping centre company that existed from 1960 to 2014, when it split into two independent companies: Scentre Group, which now owns and operates the Australian and New Zealand Westfield shopping centre portfolio; and Westfield Corporation, which continued to own and operate the American and European center portfolio.[2]

Westfield Group undertook ownership, development, design, construction, funds/asset management, property management, leasing, and marketing activities. The multinational company was listed on the Australian Securities Exchange and had interests in and operated one of the world's largest shopping centre portfolios with investment interests in 103 shopping centres across Australia, the United States, the Netherlands, the United KingdomNew ZealandItalyCroatiaPolandCzech Republic, and Brazil, encompassing around 23,000 retail outlets and total assets under management in excess of A$63 billion.[3]

Jews top Australia rich list

Jews top Australia’s rich list

SYDNEY, Australia (JTA) – Australia’s three wealthiest individuals are high-profile members of the Jewish community, according to an annual list.

BRW magazine’s Rich 200 list published this week named Anthony Pratt, who inherited his father Richard’s packaging and recycling company when he died last month, as the nation’s wealthiest individual, followed by shopping mall magnate Frank Lowy and property mogul Harry Triguboff.

Pratt was listed with a fortune worth $3.35 billion, according to the magazine. Visy Industries, the company his father expanded into a global empire, has factories in Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific and the United States, where it employs about 3,000 staff in 26 states. The Pratt Foundation donates about $11 million a year to charities in Israel, America and Australia.

Lowy, 78, who survived the Holocaust before fighting in Israel’s War of Independence, has accrued $3.3 billion as founder of the Westfield Group, the world’s largest shopping mall owner with outlets in Australia, New Zealand, Britain and America.

Lowy established for $40 million the Lowy Institute for International Policy in 2002 as a gift to Australia on the 50th anniversary of his arrival in the country. In 2006 he founded the Israeli Institute for National Strategy and Policy, which operates within Tel Aviv University.

Triguboff, 76, who has made his fortune via his property development company, Meriton, is listed at $2.85 billion. He is the patron of the Jewish National Fund in New South Wales and is a longstanding supporter of the Yeshiva Center in Sydney, which houses the headquarters of Chabad-Lubavitch in the state.

The annual rich list, which was launched 26 years ago, also listed Malcolm Turnbull, the nation’s Conservative opposition leader, as worth $139 million. But Turnbull scoffed at the figures, telling the Australian Associated Press that BRW magazine had “no idea” of his true wealth and that its figures were “speculative.”

Topping the list of Australia’s richest families is the Melbourne-based Smorgon dynasty, which also supports numerous Jewish charities.







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Australian MP George Christensen of joins The Alex Jones Show to send a global S.O.S. to take a stand against medical tyranny now!
My home state in Australia is Queensland which is where this MP is from & I now live in Victoria which is where most of this Tyranny is being rolled out as a Beta test first before it goes Nation Wide... The reason all this is happening in Australia is because we don't have "The Second Amendment"... Our Gun Laws changed dramatically in the early 90's & we are now effectively "Disarmed" & as a result of that it has the psychological effect of lowering the confidence level of people feeling that they're unable to fight back if shit really gets out of control... This is what happens when "Good Natured Responsible People Give Up Their Right To Bare Arms" Against Enemies Of "Dictatorial Government" Both Foreign & Domestic!.. Everything that is going on now has made it abundantly clear that "Every Free Nation" on this planet absolutely needs to have /- 1 : Free Speech : & /- 2 : The ability to protect that /- The Unrestricted Right To Bare Arms
What's happening in Australia right now they are forcing unvaccinated skilled workers and bankrupting small business and tourism and then forcing these same people to work on the dole regardless of vaccination status, and then the polticians and the MSM complain that they can't find workers and they are bringing people in from overseas that are vaccinated to replace the jobs. So while they have travel bans for Australian citizens they are bringing non-citizens by the plane load every single day since the pandemic started from nations like Papua New Gunea, India and Africa adn have admitted they can't check all of them for COVID and vaccination status while business operators are supposed to check everyone for vaccination status or face massive fines. Novak Djokovic is unlikely to play tennis to defend his Australian open title because he is unvaccinated, his father calls this blackmail. Australia is one of the few nations in the world where citizens can't plan for Christmas because the citizens already know the politicians will burn their plans at the last minute with more draconian measures. The big supermarkets in Australia don't just want a criminal background check and drug testing and that's fair enough but they also want you to sign over all the data the government has on their files, Australia is so dystopian now, it's disfunctional and the politicians love the chaos they are creating and wouldn't have it any other way, they have found their uptopia now, that's why COVID is never going away. The same thing is happening in the USA, empty planes are flying into Columbia and full planes are coming back every single day.
The milllion who stood up in peaceful protest need to continue the fight - stay in the streets and march on. There is strength in numbers. The tyrants are minuscule in number opposed to the Aussies who are willing to fight for their freedom. FEAR NOT AND DO NOT RELENT!
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the army aust
The threats by the government to use troops to force us to take the death jab, the fact is, they cannot force anyone to have the jab.
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Defence Assistance to the Civil Community Policy

Despite the threats by the purported government to send the troops around to force us to take the death jab, the fact is, they cannot force anyone to have the jab. This defence policy states clearly that the military may not use force against the people.


Download and read the whole policy carefully. Be informed. Know your rights. Stand up for your rights and freedoms and never back down!

Defence Assistance to the Civil Community Policy

The government is bound by the law. And their laws specifically say that our ADF personnel can assist in emergencies, but they cannot use force. Therefore, the threats of coercion by the the government sending the military to force us to vaccinate is yet another LIE!!!

Download and read the whole DACC policy document and know your rights!


1.1 Defence recognises the importance of supporting the Australian community
and the re-assurance Defence Assistance to the Civil Community (DACC) can
provide to the people of Australia in times of crisis.

1.2 The Defence Assistance to the Civil Community Policy (this policy)
establishes the Defence Assistance to the Civil Community (DACC) framework and
provides the arrangements by which Defence makes decisions regarding the
provision of assistance to the civil community. This policy includes concepts and
principles to inform Defence personnel who are making decisions about the provision
of DACC. The application of these concepts and principles enables Defence
personnel to meet the intended outcomes of this policy. Head Military Strategic
Commitments is responsible for ensuring the alignment of DACC policy with
Australian Government crisis management arrangements and providing the interface
between Defence and whole of government stakeholders. Defence personnel are
further supported by guidance, information and procedures described in the DACC
Manual which is managed by Military Strategic Commitments Branch.

1.3 Defence provides support to the community under a range of different
frameworks. The two main forms of assistance provided by Defence to civil
authorities and organisations within Australia are:
a. Defence Assistance to the Civil Community (DACC); and
b. Defence Force Aid to the Civil Authority (DFACA)—not covered in this policy.

1.4 In accordance with Australian Government expectations, Defence is
committed to assisting the civil community in both emergency and non-emergency
situations. DACC is the mechanism by which Defence achieves this effect. DACC
support is not to involve the use, or potential use, of force (including intrusive or
coercive acts) by Defence members.

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Jewish run Antifa attacked Melbourne protest.

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“We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.”
-- Maurice Samuel

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The Former PM Mr Turnbull is Jewish.

“……If you think the former PM is pushing vaccines because he cares deeply for the health of ordinary Australians, think again. Lucy Turnbull is chairman of the pharma corporation Prima Biomed and is the former PM’s Big Pharma wife. She has worked closely with Big Pharma giants GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis. The Sydney Morning Herald in 2015 reports that the Turnbulls were listed as “the third biggest shareholder” in Prima Biomed.

The Two Assumptions Underpinning the Push for Australian Mandatory Vaccines


While the MSM condemns the use of ivermectin, the most populated state in India just declared they are officially COVID free after promoting widespread use of the safe, proven medicine. In addition to this, Ivermectin attaches to covid spikes and prevents them from binding to ACE2. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can! Order here: ivmpharmacy/com (Looks like I can't post links, replace / with .)

Australia Act Fraud Detailed



  1. The following 10 facts of Fraud of the Australia Act 1989 have not been rebutted and therefore they remain facts.
  2. These material facts show that Australian Law emanating from the fraudulent Australia Act 1986 is based on fraud and therefore no law at all.
  3. The difference is between the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia and the CORPORATION OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA.

The Commonwealth Constitution Act 1901 was granted to the people by Queen Victoria.

The CORPORATION is the ruling entity that owns, runs and controls the CITY OF LONDON which is not subject to, nor under any law of the Monarch of England

This is the First Fraud

Prior to Federation in 1900 Australia was divided into Colonies, after Federation the Colonies became States, but, each State was subject to the Constitution.

Prior to the fraudulent 1986 AUSTRALIA ACT any bill either State or Commonwealth touching a Constitutional issue had to be reserved for Royal Assent involving the Two Houses of Parliament back in England in the process.

By 1984 the International Socialist movement specifically the Fabian Socialists had succeeded in getting Mr Robert Hawke elected as Prime Minster of Australia. He then proceeded to “enact” the Australia Act. However, HM Queen Elizabeth 2 of the UK did not sign the Act. Instead, she placed her initials at the top right of the first page to indicate that the Act was subject to a referendum of the People of the Commonwealth of Australia. No referendum has ever been held.

The Second Fraud

In a 1996 Senate Standing Committee paper titled “Aspects of Section 44” Professor Blackshield submitted a paper to the committee which stated that Mr Hawke may have a case to answer in relation to Section 44 of the Commonwealth Constitution Act 1900 in that at the time of being Prime Minister Bob Hawke was also an Honorary Citizen of Israel. (Duel Citizenship)

The Third Fraud

Prior to the actual enactment of the Australia Act 1986 new “Letters Patent” were issued, it appears that the signature to the new Letters Patent signed at Balmoral in Scotland in 1984 was Mr R Hawke

The Fourth Fraud

To avoid having to send the 1986 Australia Act to the governed via a Constitutional Referendum, Mr Hawke and the Six Premiers involved decided to use section 51 (xxxviii) of the Commonwealth Constitution.

Powers of the Parliament

51. The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to:-
(xxxvii.) Matters referred to the Parliament of the Commonwealth by the Parliament or Parliaments of any State or States, but so that the law shall extend only to States by whose Parliaments the matter is referred, or which afterwards adopt the law:

The Fifth Fraud

By using Section 51 not Section 128 this activated State Request Acts and as such under their State Constitutions, Elector approval had to be sought prior to any Royal Assent being granted. (A referendum is required. )

The Sixth Fraud


In Western Australia, section 73 of their State Constitution

(2) A Bill that —

(e) expressly or impliedly in any way affects any of the following sections of this Act, namely — sections 2, 3, 4, 50, 51 and 73, shall not be presented for assent by or in the name of the Queen unless —

(g) the Bill has also prior to such presentation been approved by the electors in accordance with this section, and a Bill assented to consequent upon its presentation in contravention of this subsection shall be of no effect as an Act. (A referendum is required. )

In Queensland, section 53 of their State Constitution

53.(1) A Bill that expressly or impliedly provides for the abolition of or alteration in the office of Governor or that expressly or impliedly in any way affects any of the following sections of this Act namely— sections

1, 2, 2A, 11A, 11B; and this section 53 shall not be presented for assent by or in the name of the Queen unless it has first been approved by the electors in accordance with this section and a Bill so assented to consequent upon its presentation in contravention of this subsection shall be of no effect as an Act. (A referendum is required. )

In New South Wales, section 7 of their State Constitution

7(a) (2) A Bill for any purpose within subsection (1) shall not be presented to the Governor for His Majesty’s assent until the Bill has been approved by the electors in accordance with this section.

7(b) shall not be presented to the Governor for Her Majesty’s assent until the Bill has been approved by the electors in accordance with this section. (A referendum is required. )

The Seventh Fraud

Within the Australia Act 1986 section 14 amends the Western Australian Constitution by amending section 50 and 51, but, these particular sections are bound to elector consent and approval at section 73 of the Western Australia Constitution. (A referendum is required. )

The Eighth Fraud

Within the Australia Act 1986 section 13 amends the Queensland Constitution by amending section 11A and 11B, but, these particular sections are bound to elector consent and approval at section 53 of the Queensland Constitution. (A referendum is required. )

The Ninth Fraud

After the purported enactment of the Australia Act 1986 “Reservation of Bills” for Royal Assent stopped and Royal Assent to Constitutional amendments operated within Australia after 1986 without any knowledge of the electorate, that “Primary Fraud” had occurred in relation to The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia as opposed to the CORPORATION OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA operating via the CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF LONDON.

The Tenth Fraud

The due process of law was not followed in any State or Territory when the State Requests Acts 1985 were purportedly enacted in 1985. (A referendum is required. )

This is all evidence that shows that Australian Law emanating from the fraudulent Australia Act 1986 is based on fraud and therefore no law at all,



The two party preferred system is actually constitutionally illegal thought I may just add that and the third tier of government (local councils) even more so
Aust citizens all have Medicare cards, that we all have to produce when going to hospital. Doesn't seem that hard to have to show it to vote.
Absolutely for ID and digital rolls to produce fairer elections is essential. Our community would be absolutely for these procedures to protect our vote.
? I gave up voting decades ago as politicians have never worked for their constituents in my lifetime and I know hundreds of people who have also given up voting
We certainly do not need more MPs. We are already vastly over-governed. We have local, State, House and Senate. We have 12 Senators per State whilst a much larger country like the USA has 2 Senators per State.
And have a tiered voting system.. to make it fairer for those paying for this country and its leeches.. 18+ card or licence for all.. make the 18+ card free from the electoral Commission and accepted nation wide rather than expensive crap from the state government.. very simple. As for preferences, get rid of it.. and or no handing out how to vote cards at polling stations
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This is the moment I caught up with Craig Kelly MP in Melbourne.
Full story: SIGN:



Rebel News: https://www.rebe…

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 This content was produced by Red Ice. You can find them here;
It has not been altered or changed from its original format, nor is it monetized, simply re-posted/mirrored for posterity.
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Brave Australian Nurse Begs Zionist Globalist Media to Tell The Truth About Vaccine Injuries.
 Brave Australian Nurse Begs Media to Tell The Truth About Vaccine Injuries
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The Zionist Bolsheviks , relying on the dogmas of Marx (Jewish) and Engrls (Jewish), to destroying Australia, New Zealand, United States, Britain, Ireland, Europe and all the countries on the planet.
 Russian President Vladimir Putin “is right” when he claims the West is destroying itself through woke politics, according to Herald Sun journalist Caleb Bond.
It comes after the Russian President gave a speech last week where he warned against the cancel culture and identity politics of the West and argued Russia had "been there already” while under communist rule.
“He makes the point about the fact that the fight for equality has sort of turned into absurdity,” he told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.
“And it’s quite interesting to look at the change; I mean you look at people who went to university in the 60s, 70s, 80s, there was a fight really for free speech, there as a fight for freedom of expression and to some degree, freedom of the individual.”
Mr Bond argued the people going to university now “fundamentally” believe in the same ideas which were pushed by the left in the past, but now their strategy is to silence people they disagree with.
“The road that was paved by left-wingers of the past is now being torn up by left-wingers supposedly in the name of the same fight that their ancestors took.”
People in former Communist countries have the right idea about Woke. They've seen the damage such ideologies cause and they want no bar of it
He's the only leader talking any truth at moment
Putin is one of the few world leaders with any common sense.
The ex-KGB spy master should know what he is talking about.
In the Russia , men is a man , women is a woman and dog is a dog. In Australia half of our Parliament are Gays and another half are Lesbians. Big different isn’t it.
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Clive Palmer is Jewish.
Join the United Australia Party today
Thousands of Australians have joined the UAP to stand up and fight for freedom in Australia.
As a great man once said, “The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened.” (John F kennedy) We must protect and defend Australia to stop our rights being diminished by a Liberal and Labor duopoly that have not stood up to prect our country and our way of life.
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Perth, the largest city in Western Australia, is about to join Melbourne, the largest city in Victoria, with an “enhanced” Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” mandate.

Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan announced that his government will be expanding the territory’s existing jab mandate to include more than one million people, or about 75 percent of the state’s workforce.

According to reports, the change is the most drastic to occur yet in Australia. Not only will “essential workers” be required to get injected, but so will others who work in a variety of industries.

The deadline to receive the first two injections is Jan. 31, 2022, though some places of employment will need to verify compliance by as soon as Dec. 31, 2021.

“Employers will be required to keep a record of the evidence, and authorized officers will run spot checks to ensure compliance is occurring,” McGowan said in an announcement.

“If relevant, employers that have unvaccinated staff working after the deadline run the risk of being fined up to $100,000.”

Individual employees who are caught working unvaccinated after the deadline could face fines of up to $20,000 for failing to provide proof of injection.

“Based on the latest health advice, we have just outlined a new overarching workforce vaccination policy – with a phased approach which will cover a majority of occupations and workforces within WA (Western Australia),” McGowan added in a tweet.

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The government of New South Wales (NSW) in Australia supposedly just passed a law that holds local businesses liable for any Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” injuries or deaths that occur as a result of the same government’s jab mandate.

Injured employees will allegedly be entitled to compensation not from the pharmaceutical corporations that created the jabs in the first place, but rather from small businesses that have no choice but to force the injections on their employees or else face the ire of the government.

Even in cases where an employee no longer works for the same company but becomes injured from a jab that was taken while employed there in the past, said employer can be sued under the new rules and held accountable.

“So for example, if company X mandates the jab and Shane or Sheila get[s] the jab, subsequently leave[s] the firm, and in 3 years’ time grow[s] another head or, as is more likely (according to many experts, at least), suffer[s] from some problem such as autoimmune disease, then company X will be liable to pay for Shane or Sheila … forever,” reported Capitalist Exploits, as relayed by Zero Hedge.

“I tell you what, I have zero sympathies for any business that has been complicit in these crimes against humanity. May they suffer the worst consequences.”

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 Australia Cashless Society by 2022
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 What the fuck is going on in Australia? Club Totalitarian
The Australian federal government is planning to de-anonymize the internet to introduce a social credit system to combat "online abuse" - police will have access to individuals' social media accounts, which will be linked to people's passports.
 Jackie Nelson

Jackie NelsonNew Member

You wrote - The defining moment for us is when our pregnant daughter in law got double jabbed. The stupidity of that overwhelms us. She is a very smart young woman and a doctor [gastro specialist]Oh dear! So sorry that this has happened, yet I too have experienced very intelligent family members and 2 doctor friends who have happily and even EAGERLY accepted both jabs. I always considered these people to be much smarter than I was. and yet, here they are falling for the greatest deception on earth. It's hard to understand. I can only say that it is done via repetition over many many years of brainwashing. That's how our beliefs are formed and unless we really think about this, we simply go along with the programming.I understand how you feel as I too am overwhelmed at the notion that these people have been tricked to such a profound extent.
The manipulative skill of these demonic psychopaths cannot be underestimated. The next few years are going to test all of us.
Last edited: Sep 5, 2021
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Screenshot 8sue ukThere's probably more than one way round it in Aus, and I've done more research on the UK law, (and I'm ready ....:mad:) but I've seen the Aus 1988 privacy act section 94H quoted by twitter activists. 94H (2) appears to make what you describe illegal.
" (2) A person commits an offence if the person:
(a) refuses to enter into, or continue, a contract or arrangement with another person (including a contract of employment); or
(b) takes adverse action (within the meaning of the Fair Work Act 2009) against another person; or
(c) refuses to allow another person to enter:
(i) premises that are otherwise accessible to the public; or
(ii) premises that the other person has a right to enter; or
(d) refuses to allow another person to participate in an activity; or
(e) refuses to receive goods or services from another person, or insists on providing less monetary consideration for the goods or services; or
(f) refuses to provide goods or services to another person, or insists on receiving more monetary consideration for the goods or services;
on the ground that, or on grounds that include the ground that, the other person:
(g) has not downloaded COVIDSafe to a communication device; or
(h) does not have COVIDSafe in operation on a communication device; or
(i) has not consented to uploading COVID app data from a communication device to the National COVIDSafe Data Store.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 5 years or 300 penalty units, or both."

edited to add this
Last edited: Sep 7, 2021
Sue-UK,Sep 7, 2021
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Labor/Liberals TRASH your Human Rights. If the Courts won’t protect your Human Rights. The United Australia Party WILL protect your Human Rights. The UAP will BANSyringepassports & BAN medical SEGREGATION. The UAP will END mandates. Come & join us Down pointing backhand indexDown pointing backhand indexDown pointing backhand index
Labor/Liberals TRASH your Human Rights If the Courts won’t protect your Human Rights. The United Australia Party WILL protect your Human Rights. The UAP will BANSyringepassports & BAN medical SEGREGATION. The UAP will END mandates Come & join us Down pointing backhand indexDown pointing backhand indexDown pointing backhand index
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 A Federal election is coming & so is your opportunity to be part of a once in a lifetime movement to make Australia FREE again New MPs, New Ideas, New Approach You could be one of those new MPs UNITED WE STAND Nominate TODAY Down pointing backhand indexDown pointing backhand index
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Reignite Democracy Australia
Reignite Democracy Australia is the advocacy group representing citizens of Australia. Our focus is to host legal online protests, giving citizens a platform

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 Amazing, but not the first example of this detail. COVID 19 HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN TO EXIST!
This is my SUMMARY of three documents from Joy Garner, which are included below. Perhaps you know of her study at (
From Dr Jane Ruby as follows:
“We reject the idea that anyone must accept this garbage as a condition of employment.”
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Across Australia Indigenous communities are being coerced and bribed into taking experimental covid injections.

The corporate Australian governance has sent police and military into these communities to administer these injections.

This is a warning message from four Indigenous Australian leaders to all Original peoples around the world.

Music: Creation Song feat. Jarmbi by FIRE MANE

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You'll be wearing masks for years.

Here in Europe is also crazy. Today in Croatia they order that if you help someone in accident, and giving him mouth to mouth breathing, you need to wear mask, and you need to put mas to the person that dies. Can you imagine how stupid is this??? Someone dies, and if you want to help him you must put him mask?!?!?!
First I I can't believe that someone can think that stupid idea, but what is more scarier is that after decisions like this one, there are still lot of people who trusts the government!
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a tream

Welcome to the Assent!

England is ruled, not by the Queen or by Parliament and not by the Queen in Parliament, but by the law of the very good Constitution left to us by our forefathers.

The English constitution is very ancient. It has longevity of over 1000 years which shows it has strength, fought for by our ancestors and countless lives have been lost in defence of it.

We have Common Law rights and freedoms that cannot be lawfully removed in England; or the Commonwealth. In this group you can find out more about them, and learn how to stand under the famous invocation of Article 61 of the Magna Carta 1215 as invoked by hereditary peers in 2001.

This movement is designed to raise awareness and give you confidence standing up on your own two feet as a force for good in your own local area.

Your help is essential to help this movement grow and move forward in the direction that is necessary. Danielle, the founder works full time researching, producing quality content and many other things; there are not enough hours in the day!

You can find full case files, templates and become a registered supporter of our campaign at

The Constitution is the Solution, Use it or lose it!


Here is another rant:

Dick Yardley is a well-known and respected Constitutional researcher

He is one of a dying breed in Australia…a farmer, and the Author of “Australian Political & Religious TREASON, Treachery & Sabotage”.

In this informative and well researched book he documents the many treasonous crimes committed by the political parties that led senior legal experts like Sir Harry Talbot Gibbs to conclude that “the current legal and political system in use in Australia and its States/Territories has no basis in law.”

Starting on 28 June 1919 when Billy Hughes, a member of a political party, signed Australia on as a member of the League of Nations without permission from We the People voting in a Referendum Australia has been in a legal and political limbo. The L of N was a forerunner of the United Nations.

This was an unlawful act and a betrayal of the Australian nation which was designed to sever our status as a British Colony under the British Crown, Common Law, and our 1901 Constitutional Law.

Every law passed since then is technically unlawful. As a result, Australia faces a political crisis of unimaginable proportions. It will take a massive effort to right the system to create a political, legal and social system of justice and freedom again.

We can only achieve this if Australians are aware of our political history, the wrongs that the political parties have committed, and who has betrayed us. You will be able to trace the many betrayals committed by the political parties as you read this book.

Most importantly, you will learn what our rights are and how to protect them.

Knowledge is power and Dick Yardley’s book will give you the power to create a better future for our nation.

Order Dick’s book.

Here is another rant along the same lines:

Unconstitutional acts of the Australian Government

1908 – Two party preferred political parties introduced. Unconstitutional!

1919 – The Law and the Government does not have legal international validity. All Governor-General appointments have been issued incorrectly. The British Monarch became irrelevant to Australia. Australia became a republic.

1920 – Australia was an independent (and founding) member of the League of Nations.

1946 – Bretton Woods International banking agreement after WW2

1947 – Joined the IMF which now controls Australia’s economy. This act along is the beginning of the demise of OUR Commonwealth Bank.

1960 – Political party-controlled parliament took control of the Governor General by putting the fake Great Seal of Australia on the Queen’s GG appointment letter. Since then, all GG’s have been under the control of the political party corporate government.

1966 – Political party-controlled parliament borrowed millions of US dollars from the international bankers. As part of the deal the politicians committed the People of the Commonwealth of Australia to: Change our currency from Pounds, Shillings and Pence to US-backed (FIAT) dollars with no head of power (the Queen). Unlawfully conscript our young men to go to war in Vietnam to fight against a people Australia had no quarrel with.

1973 – The Queen was created Queen of Australia. This Queen of Australia is not a living woman, owns no land, has no power. E.G Whitlam (Fabian), took control of the government as Prime Minister before vote counting was finished, set up a duumvirate (2 person) government, and proceeded to take the Queen out of our Constitution by amending the Royal Style and Titles Act (1953). Took out the Preamble that establishes the people as the supreme authority with the words “Whereas the people”, and registered his constitutions to a private corporation registered in the USA (Washington DC – connected to the Vatican and the City of London). UNIDROIT Treaty. By the time Whitlam was finished he had completely destroyed our Westminster system of government and brought in a Communist (Socialist) government instead that now dictates every aspect of our lives. We can get no justice in their courts because they also removed ‘Trial by Jury’ from the constitution.

1975 – A fake Victoria Constitution Act bought in by political parties to gain more power.

1979 – Municipal institutions and local government, is in the Commonwealth Constitution as a department of a State Government. The Parliament of Victoria amended the Victorian Constitution to include section 74A, which inserts Local Government into the Victorian Constitution. Can the Parliament of Victoria amend the Commonwealth Constitution? NO! Only the people of the Commonwealth can do that by means of section 128 (referendum) of said constitution. Can the Parliament of Victoria create any Laws that are inconsistent with the Commonwealth Constitution? NO! Section 106 & 108 of the Commonwealth Constitution. Local Government cannot govern us, cannot make laws 9local laws) for us and cannot tax us (rates). Repugnant to our constitution and in 4 referendums, ‘we the people,’ said NO.

1986 – Bob Hawke (Fabian) enacted the Australia Act to separate Australia completely from the British Crown. Changing the Royal Arms is an act of war on the people of the Commonwealth of Australia. By deleting ‘Crown’ and inserting instead “State or Commonwealth”. Mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

1986 – The Election Writs, Senate and House of representatives, spread this Criminal Activity throughout Australia. Criminal Offence of Fraud. Referendums omitted – operating your fraudulent Grant of Power. Allegedly, the Swearing of a Foreign Oath to Freemasonry – Conceal and Never Reveal. Both Houses of Parliament, section 44 Disqualification, subsection 1 of the Commonwealth Constitution. To be discovered by either a Jury trial or Grand Jury trial.

We are operating under two Commonwealths of Australia. Constitution government is ‘Government of the Commonwealth’ and the government now running the country is ‘The Australian Government’ which is a corporation registered in the Securities Commission in Washington DC. Our Kangaroo and Emu emblem is registered as a Trademark of the USA.

1986 – The 1986 act is invalid; it has no validity in domestic law or international. The real government is the people of Australia not some fake politician selling you a bill of goods.

1995 – Woods Royal Commission into Child Sex Abuse. Police document issued: 99 year suppression order revealing 28 prominent people are named on this list, including a Prime Minister (still living) and Justice Woods himself.

1997 – Multinational Agreement on Investment (MAI)

1997 – OUR Commonwealth Bank finally folds.

1997 – FSIA Financial Services Industry Agreement. Signed away its right to prevent foreign takeovers of Australian banks and insurance companies.

2004 – Changing the Royal Arms is an act of war on the people of the Commonwealth of Australia. The absence of a valid Governor General means there are no legitimate government offices in Australia.

2020 – 2021 Crimes against Humanity.

Yes, in Victoria the fake government is ruling buy the gun through his Black uniformed Militant militia force. In direct contravention of the Geneva Convention, The Nuremberg articles, international law on political and civil rights, and the declaration of human rights is according to international treaties and human rights. Who elected Chief Health Medical Officers? Not us! No directives issued from their mouths is legally binding. Quarantine emergency powers belong to Federal not State. Also, Section 92 of the federal constitution 1900 says (NO INTERNAL BORDERS).

Whenever the legislators endeavour to take away and destroy the rights of the people, or reduce them to slavery (Strawman = Birth Certificates = Usufruct) under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon ABSOLVED from any further obedience and are left to the common refuge which God hath provided for all men against force and violence.

High treason has been committed.




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In 2016 & 2017 all leaders agreed to use covid to vaccine most Australians and remove people's rights.

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The graphene oxide in the COVID jabs, as well as the nanobots being dispersed via chemtrails, are creating a secondary electro-magnetic circuit that piggy-backs onto the body's central nervous system. These covert physiological modifications act as foundational support for the coming bio-cyber CBDC financial apps that have been designed to interact with human DNA.
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Many people believe Gladys Berejikian is not a Christian she's Jewish Zionist Globalist.
 Australian MP Gladys Berejiklian warned that life for unvaccinated citizens will continue to be “very difficult” well after the government lifts its restrictive COVID lockdowns.
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GENOCIDE of aged care home residents  

by staff writers   

Relatives of the many hundreds of aged care home residents who have died across Australia with Coronavirus comorbidities or the small number from it should launch a criminal class action against each state’s chief health officer and their federal counterparts for not administering the inexpensive, proven Covid preventatives, hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin.

Every state Premier and Health Minister should be joined in the action as a co-perpetrator of genocide.

Based on the best medical advice available, billionaire Gold Coast businessman Clive Palmer purchased 33 million doses of hydroxychloroquine costing approximately 40 cents each in April and donated the Covid cure to the National Medical stockpile

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 Morrison is a Jewish Communist, Zionist Globalist NWO hypocrite working for and 'guided' by the Devil

Australian government has sold out to a sick satanic Techno Fascism beast system that seeks totalitarian corporate capitalism, medical tyranny, and technological dictatorship. Western civilization has fallen.

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Today’s vaccine passport is tomorrow’s Microchip and Total Control.
 Australian activists and former political prisoners issue a dire warning to the world : "The globalists have captured our nation, and our trying to break our will. Please help us, or you are next." Share this link to save Australia and save yourself.
I’m pretty certain most Australians do not understand exactly what’s going on here what’s really at Stake Today’s vaccine passport is tomorrow’s Microchip and Total Control 2017 1255 Flu deaths 2020/2021,,, 20 Months of a Deadly Scamdemic And there’s 1231 Deaths Andrews killed 801 of them Like W T F is Going on here
Those who give up essential liberties for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Benjamin Franklin
Teddy Roosevelt bent over backwards to get us realigned with British world dominance and it's so called free market system and undermine our better system of protectionism which had us thriving , nice words don't make the man.
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Annastacia Palaszczuk is a Jewish Zionist Globalist.
Some Jews call Anti-Zionist Globalist Jews, Blacks, Asians, and Whites white supremacist, neo-Nazi and far-right extremist.

Queensland Jewish Board of Deputies vice-president Jason Steinberg said police were very responsive to complaints but the laws did not deter racists.

“Of those Jews in Queensland who experienced anti-Semitism (according to a survey carried out by the group), half were either abused, harassed, intimidated or bullied simply because they are Jewish and, distressingly, many of these incidents occur in the workplace,” he said.

“Fifteen per cent of Queensland Jews also reported hate-fuelled incidents that related to Israel and/or Zionism.

“We have also seen an increase in activity by white supremacist, neo-Nazi and other far-right extremist groups whose members seem to act with impunity, as well as anti-Israel activists targeting local Jews.”

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Annastacia Palaszczuk MP 

Premier of Queensland, Minister for Trade and Member for Inala.
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Letter to Premie Annastacia Palaszczuk

Indeed, five of the 10 richest Australians are Jewish, according to the Australian Financial Review's annual list.

Vic Alhadeff, the chief executive of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, says it's understandable that high-achievers make headlines, but there's another statistic that's often overlooked.

"Almost 20 per cent of the Jewish community of Australia lives below the poverty line," he says.


"It may be domestic violence where women are needing to leave with their children and find somewhere safe to live.

Escaping the 'darkness' for a second chance

But help isn't a one-way street. According to Vic Alhadeff, philanthropic activity is an integral part of the Jewish ethos.

"There's a Hebrew phrase in Jewish lore, which is 'tikkun olam'," he says.

"The translation is 'healing the world', and that is mandating Jewish people to do whatever they can, in their small way, to make the world a better place."

He says that for many Jewish Australians, the resolve to "give back" also stems from their connection to the Holocaust.


"A very significant proportion of the Jewish community arrived in this country with nothing and were determined to realise their potential and embrace a second chance at life."

And many individuals have.

Mr Alhadeff points to Frank Lowy as someone who lost his father in the Holocaust and arrived in Australia with nothing, but has managed to become one of the country's wealthiest and most philanthropic people.

"[Frank] and the partner John Saunders began Westfield ... as a small little deli out in Blacktown, and it's become the world's largest shopping centre conglomerate," he says.

"And 15 years ago, Frank set up the Lowy Institute as a world-leading thinktank, and when he did so, he said, 'I'm doing this as my way of saying thank you to Australia, for giving my family and other Jewish Australians a second chance at life'."

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Many people believe Gladys Berejikian is not a Christian she's Jewish Zionist Globalist.

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 Your News Media remains silent about Australia’s full tyranny because it’s coming to your country next
Australia never stopped being a prison colony. Sad facts...
Americans you don't understand how much we need you guys! You are the freest country on the planet atm you don't understand your power. We have no power as people in Australia they've taken it all away from us. Everyone is sooo depressed and lost in this country we are headed to poverty. We had it all 2 years ago. People can't even provide the basics for their families. Can't warn you enough stand up to this global take over you are everything the world needs
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 Police officers in Queensland, Australia have set up a fundraising page to help them raise enough money to hire a lawyer and challenge the mandating of vaccines for law enforcement employees.
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We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia, are peacefully and actively initiating Lawful Remedy for any harm to any man, woman, or child as a result of the Constitutional crisis currently afflicting our once-healthy, once-wealthy, once-proud nation.
We are working to convene Common Law Assemblies around the nation, and then to convene Congresses to decide on the political future of our nation, to elect true representatives of the People, to end the foreign occupation, and to assert the sovereign will of the people over our Parliament as servants of the people.
We are united in our desire to fundamentally change our nation to create a better future for all.
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Our information portal:
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 Zionist Globalist tracing you by using your mobile phone etc.
During a press conference, Australian public health chief Dr. Kerry Chant remarked, “We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the New World Order.”
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Dr Kerry Gai Chant.  Zionist Globalist  New World Order (NWO).
Australian public health chief accidentally admits the NWO is the Great Reset
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Premier of NSW has shut down the daily 11am news conferences today, after that comment and stronger questions relating to boosters, like how many boosters and how often? Kerry Chant choked on those questions, spazzed out and had Freudian slips like the New World Order comment. The bosses told them to shut it down, it was getting too hot. They're criminals and enemies of Australia.
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Click to enlarge the Newspaper Article: "NEW WORLD ORDER PLEDGED TO JEWS" article on the right was published during World War II on October 6, 1940, in the New York Times (Jewish newspaper )and provides commentary on a speech by Arthur Greenwood from the British War Cabinet.  It assures the American Jewish community that if the allies win the war they will ensure that Britain will give Zionist Jews a homeland in the middle east and New World Order pledged to Jews.


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Zionist Federation of Australia

  Jerusalem Prize: Scott Morrison warns of the United Nations' seeping 'anti-Semitism'

The Jerusalem Prize is awarded annually by the Zionist Federation of Australia, the Zionist Council of NSW and the World Zionist Organisation.

Past winners include former Prime Ministers Bob Hawke, John Howard and Julia Gillard, former Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, and the late Sir Zelman Cowen.

Its recognition of Prime Minister Morrison comes as Australia and Israel mark 70 years of bilateral relations.

  Who is really being irresponsible? Scott Morrison's recognition of Jerusalem hardly warrants the hysteria

When the Arab League released a statement calling the announcement "blatantly biased towards the positions and policies of the Israeli occupation," the Bahraini Foreign Minister shot back, criticising the Arab League statement as "mere rhetoric and irresponsible." "Australia's stance," the Foreign Minister rightly noted, "does not impact the legitimate Palestinian demands."

If the Bahraini Foreign Minister could coolly appraise the substance of the announcement and identify that it in fact affirmed Palestinian demands rather than traducing them, why then the "irresponsible" reaction of the Palestinians and their backers? The answer is to be found not in the substance of the announcement, but in the preamble to it.

In his introductory remarks, the Prime Minister denounced the "antisemitic agenda masquerading as defence of human rights"; he observed that the "ritual denunciations [of Israel]" stemming from this agenda "are getting in the way of progress [to end the conflict]"; and he declared that "Australia's national interests are well served by our productive and increasingly diverse relationship with Israel." The Prime Minister directly confronted the "ratcheting up of rhetoric and action aimed at isolating Israel" and the "bias and unfair targeting of Israel in the UN General Assembly."

In a conflict so polarised, so ideologically magnetic, it is the clear affirmation of support for Israel, and the unmasking of those who seek the demise of the Jewish State, that was perhaps the most telling statement of all. The Prime Minister's remarks dealt a clear blow to the strategy pursued by the Palestinians since the 1970s, articulated by Abu Iyad, the Palestine Liberation Organisation's former head of security, in the following terms: "If one could succeed in changing public opinion in the Western world, then the overthrow of Zionism would be just a matter of time." Prime Minister Morrison bluntly delivered the message that this strategy will not succeed.

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Dr Kerry Gai Chant

Another government bureaucrat posing as a “health official” has declared that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic is never going away and will be with us “forever.”

Kerry Chant, Australia’s “health chief,” says that Australians, and really everyone, need to “get used to” taking endless “booster shots” for the Chinese Virus. The only way to continue living, she says, is to comply.

“We need to get used to being vaccinated with COVID vaccines for the future,” Chant announced during a recent press conference. “I can’t see COVID is not going to be with us forever.”

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Covid Concentration Camp in Australia.

No! They are not covid concentration camps like we are dealing with an actual disease, when it has never been shown to exist to start with and the test not testing for it, these camps are reeducation camps for those who believe 2+2=4, they're gonna reeducate them to believe 2+2=5. I.e those that have not bought the covid-19 hoax. It will only end when we it, I mean those of us who've seen the mendacity by noncooperation.
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The Official Sensitive Plans Revealed to Force Vaccine on Australians.

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EXCLUSIVE: Our Voices Matter – Stories Of COVID-19 Vaccine Injured Australians (Short Documentary)

Our investigations show there is no 'government' of the people for the people of Australia.

 Editor, cairnsnews

One of the few patriots left who understands the system and how it has been totally subverted under every citizen's nose. If we can help to turn it around we will, otherwise our children will have nothing. Our investigations show there is no 'government' of the people for the people of Australia. The removal of the Crown from Australian Parliaments, followed by the incorporation of Parliaments aided by the Australia Act 1987 has left us with corporate government with policies not laws, that apply only to members of political parties and the public service. There is no law, other than the Common Law. This fact will be borne out in the near future as numerous legal challenges in place now, come to a head soon.
Murdock is a Jew, his media is Jewish, just like the Queensland, NSW, Tasmanian premiers! The rest are Zionist traitors! It’s the Jew world order depopulation vaccinations program! Your governments are the real enemy.

Comment I would like to rewrite the above person's article: Murdock is a Jewish Zionist Globalist, his media is Jewish Zionist Globalist , just like the Queensland, NSW, Tasmanian premiers! The rest are Zionist traitors! It’s the Jewish  Zionist Globalist world order depopulation vaccinations program! Your governments are the real enemy.

Jewish Supremacists Zionist Globalist Admit White Genocide Is Their Objective

Jews will one minute kvetch about “conspiracy theorists” who say jews are out to destroy White people, while the next minute they are admitting that’s their goal.

Zionist Globalist Jews do not want Refugees going Israel; they want them to go to all whites’ countries, Britain, Ireland, United States, Canada, Australia, Zealand and Europe.

Video Player
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 Always remember there are good Jews and bad Jewish Zionist Globalist.

dont talk
Alex Jones breaks down the evolving plan to imprison healthy dissenters who refuse to bow down to the growing medical tyranny takeover.
Complete insanity in Australia/New Zealand coming to all western nations soon unless globalists are stopped?
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Western Australian premier Mark McGowan has announced that from Tuesday the 17th of August, all travellers from New South Wales will be designated ‘high risk’ and require strict health checks to enter the state.

These include:

  1. A negative Covid test.
  2. Proof of at least one dose of an approved Covid vaccine.
  3. Use of the G2G Now app.

This will be the first time in Australian history that travel between Australia’s federated states has been subject to mandatory vaccination.

When questioned, McGowan said that he hoped it would provide a template for other states to protect themselves against the ‘raging outbreak’ in New South Wales.

The G2G Now app is used by police to protect the community by ‘conducting remote checks on people in quarantine’. According to the official government website, the app uses facial recognition software and phone location data to ensure that people are remaining inside their quarantine.

booster shots

Meanwhile, the CDC has announced a plan to place millions of Americans in COVID Camps.

Only the spotlight of truth can stop the great reset and put the globalist perpetrators behind bars!

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Lock up healthy people in forced labor camps.
Alex Jones breaks down the shocking CDC plan to enlist a domestic civilian force to target and lock up healthy people in forced labor camps. Read the CDC document here:
Jews Run The CDC In The United States.

Jews Run The CDC In The United States.

  Jews Run The CDC In The United States.   Pandemic Of The Va...

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Government  admits the virus known as "SARS-CoV-2", aka COVID-19, is not scientifically known to exist.

  Government Of Ireland Admits NO Proof SARS-CoV-2 Exists!

A reporter out of Ireland was able to obtain documents from the government that admits the virus known as "SARS-CoV-2", aka COVID-19, is not scientifically known to exist.

And the CDC admitted on their website that they were not able to get any isolated samples of the virus either... because it hasn't been isolated verified and purified. Its all a hoax based on a hypothetical genomic sequence they generated with a computer model. I've been saying this the whole time, this was all a preplanned hoax! Why would they release a virus when they can just make one up and say it has all the symptoms that people get and die with already every single year with cold flu and pneumonia. Event 201 was just the pre test for the actual fake pandemic hoax they perpetrated.
UPDATED 2 How Many People Are the Vaccines Killing?

The Bigger Picture is EUGENICS!
What is in the Vaccine?
Since the 90s, the FLU vaccine has had some terrible chemicals in it!
The COVID 19 vaccine is building on to these chemicals.
You need to watch this interview:
Dr. Judy Mikovits interviewed by the Health Ranger: Fauci’s covid crimes aren’t his first “plandemic”

ABC’s Nightline approached Mullis about participating in a documentary:
The show was superb, and represented a historic turning point, possibly even the end of the seven-year MEDIA BLACKOUT on the HIV debate. But it still didn’t fulfil Mullis ultimate fantasy.

“What ABC needs to do,” says Mullis, “is talk to [Chairman of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Dr. Anthony] Fauci and [Dr. Robert] Gallo [one of the discoverers of HIV] and show that they’re assholes, which I could do in ten minutes.”

But, I point out, Gallo will refuse to discuss the HIV debate, just as he’s always done.

“I know he will,” Mullis shoots back, anger rising in his voice. “But you know what? I would be willing to chase the little bastard from his car to his office and say, ‘This is Kary Mullis trying to ask you a goddamn simple question,’ and let the cameras follow. If people think I’m a crazy person, that’s okay. But here’s a Nobel Prize-winner trying to ask a simple question from those who spent $22 billion and killed 100,000 people. It has to be on TV. It’s a visual thing. I’m not unwilling to do something like that.”

AIDS; Words from the Front By Celia Farber, Spin July 1994
We have not been able to discover any good reasons why most of the people on earth believe that AIDS is a disease caused by a virus called HIV. There is simply no scientific evidence demonstrating that this is true.
We have also not been able to discover why doctors prescribe a TOXIC DRUG called AZT (Zidovudine) to people who have no other complaint than the presence of antibodies to HIV in their blood.

In fact, we cannot understand why humans would take that drug for any reason.

We cannot understand how all this madness came about, and having both lived in Berkeley, we’ve seen some strange things indeed. We know that to err is human, but the HIV/AIDS hypothesis is one hell of a mistake.



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1000 COVID Stories.

Thousands of Covid -19 vaccine injured.

l Tens of thousands of COVID-19 vaccine injured fight censorship to bring their stories to the public

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Dr. Lee Merritt of joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the COVID-19 bioweapon agenda.
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Send this to the HT. It has come to my attention, that the Lateral Flow Tests being administered to children in schools by school staff, and shortly to be administered by parents following government guidance, use swabs which contain ethylene oxide.This is a known carcinogen and its use as a pesticide was banned in the UK and overseas some years ago. It’s a type of chemical known to be reactive, as it spontaneously chemically binds to some organic material such as DNA, RNA and proteins. It would seem that it is a useful gas for sterilisation.
During sterilisation of medical equipment it may be absorbed into the materials being sterilised. Furthermore, it forms other toxic compounds during the process of sterilisation. Given that it is a known potent carcinogen and mutagen and that it is thought to be causative in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, myeloma, lymphocytic leukaemia, stomach and breast cancer, we need to exercise caution.
As with all carcinogens, repeated exposure is an important consideration. Traumatised mucosal surfaces exhibit higher cell turnover, so carcinogenic exposure is enhanced. Thus, traumatising the lining of the nose and pharynx with exposure to carcinogens, carries some risk, as the repeated irritation of the same membranes, would lead to inflammation and an enhanced likelihood of carcinogenicity. It could also be the case that fracture and lodgement of the swab could take place and this cannot be ignored.
It is reasonable to apply some extra precautionary principles given the length of lead time for carcinogenesis to develop in children. I do not think for one moment that any of the teachers who are using Lateral Flow Tests on themselves or their pupils for diagnosis, are aware of these medical hazards and I certainly believe the general public, especially parents, would not readily consent to such testing if they had this knowledge.

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 BREAKING: CDC, FDA faked “covid” testing protocol by using human cells mixed with common cold virus fragments… PCR tests are merely detecting the common cold



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 To insist I disclose my personal health information is a breach of the Private Act 1988 (Cth).
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The new DHHS mask directives for NSW are now in force as of 03/01/2021

Many Business Personnel are unaware of the risks of discriminating against people with lawful medical exemptions* from wearing masks.

*Businesses, Organisations and Public Authorities and Officers are obliged to make themselves familiar with these medical exemptions.

You are in breach of the Chief Health Officers Covid directions when you refuse entry or service to a medically exempt person.

Such a refusal will also breach the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination act 1992 and you risk an unnecessary hefty lawsuit at a time when most businesses are already financially struggling.

Please familiarise yourself with the following points:

  1. People who have a medical condition, do NOT have to wear masks.
  1. You do NOT need a medical certificate stating that you do not need to wear a mask.
  1. Employees who are medically exempt cannot be forced to wear a mask.
  1. Business owners are NOT responsible for people who cannot wear masks.
  1. Medically exempt conditions include: Asthma, Emphysema, Epilepsy, ADHD, PTSD, Anxiety, Panic Disorders, Vertigo, Hearing Problems, Breathing Difficulties, Allergies and MANY more.
  1. 6.No one is required to tell you or disclose their personal medical information to anyone.


  1. The Disability Discrimination ACT 1992
  1. Signs saying “No Masks, No Entry” are a breach of sections 6 & 24 of the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination ACT 1992 (and other laws) and should either be removed from premises or state “Except those with Lawful Medical Exemptions” or similar disclaimer.
  1. Harassment, intimidation, coercion, deceit, aggressiveness or bullying are NOT lawful means of imposing your personal beliefs or opinions about masks upon others.
  1. 10.Many people are medically exempt from wearing masks including the majority of Senior Citizens, even though they may not currently be aware of their exemption.
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I just took a pile of research to our police chief, here in the US. I included material from " Cops Against Covid", which is from Austrailia, and "The Thick Red Line", which originated here, It's just a few pages to print, and a small part of your day to deliver this to your local/ state police. If EVERYONE would do this, we might get cops to understand what's going on. We've nothing to lose at this point....Every single one of us needs to be proactive. Don't wait for someone else to solve the problems. Do YOUR part!


Aussie cops are getting worried about all the videos coming out making them look worse than N.Korea. As soon as the cop told his superior they were being filmed, he was told to apologize immediately & stay peaceful on camera. GOOD. Maybe filming the cops will stop some of their abuse of the Aussie citizens. Protest the NWO-NEVER wear a mask, & REFUSE their lethal injection.

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 It is against Australian federal law to not serve someone or to prevent them entering.
prevent fro
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Australian Government admits COVID vaccines are not safe


Wow would not trust any of these people. Without goverment wages, these people would be useless In the real world.

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Australian Prime Minister Says Its Your Fault If You Took The Vaccine And Died

 Australian Prime Minister Says Its Your Fault If You Took The Vaccine And Died

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EXCLUSIVE: Frontline Footage Shows Britains Battling Endless Lockdown


Morrison is pure evil, period! I live in Australia and believe me, the media here are pushing these vaccines down our throats daily one would immediately assume they're mandatory but they're not, like it said. Ask any Australian they will tell you the same thing. How are those bush fire's morrison?
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 Shocking Compilation of Vaccine Side Effects Shows Neurological and Pulmonary Damage

I honestly don't care for these "victims" ...we all did oir research ourselves and even shared the information and they laughed at us. They have absolutely no reason not to do the same, we all have access to the internet, we all have phones. Screw em... they're fodder.

 Some COVID-19 Test Contain Poison.




 1946 Referendum Denied Government power to medically test


1946 Referendum Denied Government power to medically test

Lock Down = Treason
Forced Mask Wearing = Treason
Forced Vaccinations = Treason

WHEREAS the people voted to stay as a Constitutional Monarchy in the Referendum 1999. By the Treasonous Political Parties, not listening to the people, all (COAG) have enforced Treason upon themselves.

This is what our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 consisting of its Preamble, Clauses 1 to 9 and the Schedule states and how it protects our rights and freedoms..

Part V – Powers of the Parliament
51 Legislative powers of the Parliament

The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to:

…have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government is a statement of Common Law of England.

Common Law of England was removed by the Political Parties taking control of the Governor-General and Commander-in Chief on the 2nd February 1960 and changing Common Law of England to Common Law in Australia (Political Parties definition of their Statutory Australia created in 1973) by enacting the: Law and Justice Legislation Amendment Act 1988 Act No. 120 which amended the Judiciary Act 1903 Section 80, Common Law to Govern replacing “common law of England” with “common law in Australia”. Total Treason

In the High Court Decision Sons of Gwalia case, Gummow and Hayne JJ made the point that there is no common law of companies: The company is a statutory creature and the principles governing it must be derived from statute.

with respect to means they can’t go outside those sections.

Chief Justice French made this point very clear in his speech “The Judicial Function in an Age of Statutes” In simple terms French is telling us No Common Law of England = NO Rights

Any amendment to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 MUST be voted on in a referendum before the Constitution can be changed.

State legislation is always subordinate to a Constitutional Act. All state legislation imposing covid restrictions are NULL and VOID. We, the people of the Commonwealth of Australia, can lawfully refuse to obey any state legislation that is against the constitution.

In 1946 Australians voted in a referendum that asked if they would authorise the so-called political party governments to force anyone to undergo a medical or dental procedure without their consent.

Here is what the referendum asked, and the voting result:

Referendum 1946 CONSTITUTION ALTERATION (SOCIAL SERVICES) 1946Screenshot 1the case f a

Question 1.
Do you approve of the proposed law for the Alteration of the Constitution, entitled Constitution Alteration (Social Services) 1946?



New paragraph to be added to section 51 of the Constitution:

(xxiiiA) the provision of maternity allowances, widows’ pensions, child endowment, unemployment, pharmaceutical, sickness and hospital benefits, medical and dental services (but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription), benefits to students and family allowances;

Q1. The referendum was carried.
All six States recorded a YES vote. Nationally 54.39% of electors voted YES

The question was approved, but with a condition:
medical and dental services (but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription)

This means that the People of the Commonwealth of Australia denied the government any power to force people to undergo any medical or dental procedure without their consent.

More Constitutional Reasons Covid restrictions are unconstitutional

92 Trade within the Commonwealth to be free

On the imposition of uniform duties of customs, trade, commerce, and intercourse among the States, whether by means of internal carriage or ocean navigation, shall be absolutely free.

Political Parties shutting State borders have circumvented the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 consisting of its Preamble, Clauses 1 to 9 and the Schedule = Treason

69 Transfer of certain departments

On a date or dates to be proclaimed by the Governor-General after the establishment of the Commonwealth the following departments of the public service in each State shall become transferred to the Commonwealth:

posts, telegraphs, and telephones;
naval and military defence;

lighthouses, lightships, beacons, and buoys; quarantine

The State Parliaments, by quarantining the people of the States have circumvented the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 consisting of its Preamble, Clauses 1 to 9 and the Schedule = Treason

116 Commonwealth not to legislate in respect of religion

The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and no religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust under the Commonwealth.

By not consolidating “humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God” and removing the Church of England. Removing Common Law of England. Created Council of Australian Governments (COAG) with their Australian Courts, Federal and State Police all under Lucifer. This has removed everybody’s rights.

“The Christian religion is, in most English speaking countries, recognized as a part of the common law. “There is abundant authority for saying that Christianity is a part and parcel of the law of the land.””

Circumventing the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 consisting of its Preamble, Clauses 1 to 9 and the Schedule = Treason.

117 Rights of residents in States

A subject of the Queen, resident in any State, shall not be subject in any other State to any disability or discrimination which would not be equally applicable to him if he were a subject of the Queen resident in such other State.

State Lock down has created discrimination between States, people and invented borders. Under the Political Parties “The Constitution together with the Australia Act 1986” the above Queen, (Queen of Australia) was created in 1973 by and for the Political Parties private company’s status, Commonwealth of Australia as a sovereign, independent and federal nation, circumventing the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 consisting of its Preamble, Clauses 1 to 9 and the Schedule = Treason.

You do not have to consent!

Download and print out the PDF and carry it around with you at all times. If you are stopped by the police or the covid cops show them this document and explain to them politely that they are also men / women of the Commonwealth of Australia with one vote each. They do not have any authority to break the law.

Forcing people to wear a mask, or undertake any test (including for covid or RBT) is a crime under the Crimes Act 1914, as codified in our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 S. 51 (xxiiiA)

Inform them that if they continue to demand that you submit to their unlawful orders you will citizens arrest them and summon them to appear before a Common Law Court.

If they continue to demand that you submit to their demands, utter the words:
I hereby arrest you under my common law power to citizens arrest anyone I observe committing a crime. By insisting that I submit to your demands you are committing an indictable crime against me. You are hereby required to supply your name, badge number and police station you are working from.

Make sure you get as much information from them and inform them that they will be required to appear before a Common Law Court when they receive the summons, and that if convicted by a jury of 12 of their peers they will be held personally responsible for any harm they have caused.

Then upload your complaint here and we will advise you on how to take these criminals, liars, thieves and traitors to a real court before 12 of their peers sitting on a properly constitution jury.
Upload your Statement of Claim

Click here to download the PDF, print it out and carry it with you everywhere. If you are challenged by the police be polite, ask them if they ar aware that they are the ones committing a crime, and hand them this document….


Download an extract of the 1946 referend

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 The leaked video was captured during a recent editorial meeting about the outlet's pandemic reporting, and it perfectly illustrates why many have lost their trust in the people we expect to report the news accurately. SHARE the full story:

DEO: Daily Mail Australia caught manufacturing ...

It should go without saying that you shouldn't believe everything you hear — especially if you hear it from the mainstream media. Here's a perfect example — it's a video of Barclay Crawfordthe editor for the Daily Mail in Australia, one of the world's most visited English news sites.. The leaked video was captured during a recent editorial meeting about the outlet's pandemic reporting .
Jews Run The Covid Vaccine Companies

Jews Run The Covid Vaccine Companies

  Jewish Zionist Globalist run the Covid vaccine companies, including Wuhan in China. &n...

The Push is on Mandatory Jabs

The Pust Is On mandatory Jabs Scomo needs to wake up!

Meanwhile, Scomo thinks he can break our supreme law and force all Australians to be vaccinated. Even though he quickly backed down after announcing he would make a potential Covid-19 vaccine “mandatory”, he claimed it would, instead, be “encouraged”.

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Australia: The Push Is On For Mandatory Jabs

Back in 1976 when the Swine Flu vaccine caused a handful of deaths, it was pulled instantly. Now we have thousands dead and tens of thousands with horrible side effects and these monsters are insisting we all get this poison. By the way, the reason they keep calling it a vaccine is because the companies have immunity from lawsuits from vaccine damage. However, they DO NOT have immunity from being sued for damages caused by an experimental gene therapy.

Those fucking literal Nazis need to be put on trial for crimes against humanity.


This is political speak for, we won’t make it mandatory to be vaccinated, but if you refuse our offer you will be denied access to government services, access to restaurants, shops, public transport, and anything else they can think of to try and force us to be injected with their poisonous trash.

We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia REFUSE to bow down to these treasonous scum.


The GATES/FAUCI/CDC/WHO GENE EDITING JAB isn't just ineffective, it's insidiously dangerous in multiple ways. The VARS database is UP 6000% OVER ANY YEAR EVER. But this is just the beginning.

As succinctly as possible, the VAX has an RNA code that gets unzipped in the DNA factory, the Ribosomes, and writes code to your DNA causing you to produce the SAME FUCKING SPIKE PROTEIN AS THE ALLEGED CV19, then the antibodies. What could possibly go wrong. But they're not like your own natural antibodies. They takeover.

When you have natural immunity via infection, the immune system has two basic phases. First hunt and kill the invaders, then send in the cleanup crew. The synthetic antibodies instead DISABLE THE CLEANUP CREW (macrophages) and tell the killer cells to find the invader. The immune system knows the SPIKE PROTEIN is somewhere. And they find it. In the cells of your vital organs.

The berserk killer cells attack your vital organs causing organ failure, sepsis, and death. This is what happened to poor Hank Aaron, many of the other early stage JAB victims, and ALL THE ANIMALS IN STUDIES DONE 15 FUCKING YEARS AGO!!! This is MASS MURDER.

And it's just one way these GENOCIDAL JABS are going to cause pain and death. And I say that with great grief in my own heart as so many friends and family are just "trusting the science" and "I want to get back to normal" rationalizing a move that is not reversible, and if the huge volume of doctors worldwide are correct, is going to result in serious illness, or death, for not just them, but maybe millions more.

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BREAKING: DC Secretly Injects Children With COVID Vaccin

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Australian Navy caught in massive coronavirus vaccine side effects COVER-UP as sailors collapse into “critical condition” following vax jabs

The mainstream media does not want anyone to know that sailors in the Australian Navy have been dropping like flies ever since Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines became available to them.

Numerous stories detailing the horrific adverse events incurred by members of the Australian military have been completely scrubbed from the web. Some of them have been replaced with highly sanitized propaganda pieces claiming that only “mild side effects” are being observed.

Gregg Hunt, Australia’s Health Minister, who pushed the experimental gene therapy injections on his nation’s military, fell “critically ill” himself just one day after getting jabbed for the Chinese virus. All of this has created major setbacks for the pro-vaccine lobby, which is having an increasingly harder time convincing people to get stabbed


60% of people admitted to UK hospitals are "fully vaccinated"

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On July 19th, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson held a news conference alongside Sir Patrick Vallance, Britain’s Chief Scientific Adviser. When Sir Patrick took the mic, he admitted that the “fully vaccinated” are being hospitalized en masse for covid-19 and are falling severely ill to the “delta variant.” In fact, Vallance clearly stated that 60 percent of UK hospitalizations are now coming from people who already had two doses of the covid-19 vaccine. Hospitalizations are climbing, as tens of thousands of “fully vaccinated” people realize they were duped again.

Vallance warned that hospitalizations could climb to 1,000 a day. According to these projections, up to 4,200 or more “fully vaccinated” people could require hospitalization every week in the UK. These figures do not include the tens of thousands of “fully vaccinated” people who sought hospitalization after suffering from adverse events following vaccination. Because these new vaccines use a unique sequence of the engineered spike protein, they introduce the bioweapon component of SARS-CoV-2 directly into the blood of people – poisoning the vaccinated, all for the promise of some immunological superiority. As thousands of vaccinated people are learning each week, the vaccines do not impart immunological superiority. These shots are a destructive, deadly experiment, making more people susceptible to coronaviruses and severe illness, while directly killing off tens of thousands of people in the process.







25 questions about covid19 Update 11.

25 questions about covid19 Update 11.

25 questions about the pandemic   Doctors’ Exposing COVID19 Hoax ...

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Adopting China’s Red/Yellow/Green Health Pass…

 Western countries Adopting China's red/yellow/greeny travel pass  West...

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CDC Death Numbers Expose Covid Hoax Statistical Bombshell! CDC Reports 2019 Death Toll Same As 2020

CDC Death Numbers Expose Covid Hoax

 End of the year statistics are out, and here we see the death tolls numbers are slow revealing themselves as showing the COVID pandemic don't really reflect the fear we have for the COVID 19 pandemic growing death rates.

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The Nuremberg Code & Covid Vaccine Deaths

The Nuremberg Code & Covid vaccination deaths. 

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the more we do you dont

Politicians replaced our constitution and destroying our country.


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Mike explains how the politicians destroyed our country and what we can do to fix the problems.
Mike speaking at a Stand in the Park, Hyde Park, Sydney explains how the politicians destroyed our country and what we can do to fix the problems.

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Useful Links
Make this drink and take 2 tablespoons every day. You will never catch a cold, flu or covid:
CIRNow information:
Common Law website:
Carry copies of this letter at all times to give to police:
The Bloody Aussie Battler: and YouTube Battler channel:
Buy Kevin Annett's book "Establishing the Reign of Natural Liberty -- A Common Law Training Manual"
How the political parties stole our rights and freedoms through the biggest LIE in history. Read these articles in the numbered order to learn how and why:
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Common Law Courts


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Common Law Courts

Continue the path of pathetic judgement behind our fearless leaders fabricating factual data the blind can see through these political ponzi schemers are leading a death march for many Australians.

But the Good News is that we all have a remedy to hold the criminals and TRAITORS accountable for their crimes against We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia. Common Law Court

Continue the path of pathetic judgement behind our fearless leaders fabricating factual data the blind can see through these political ponzi schemers are leading a death march for many Australians.

 Exposing The Government In Australia
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For more information click on link below.

PM Tony Abbott: We are all Israeli

Tony Abbott the cryptic Jew

Tony Abbott the cryptic Jew

Abbott: We are all Israeli

"FEDERAL Opposition Leader Tony Abbott gave a strong endorsement of Israel’s right to defend itself during a speech at the Central Synagogue last Friday night."

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Australian Government Jews

Australian Government Jewish Zionist Globalist

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. edited

 The Howard Government refers to the federal executive government of Australia led by Prime Minister John Howard (on the right) between 11 March 1996 and 3 December 2007. It was made up of members of the LiberalNational Coalition.

Robert James Lee Hawke,(in the middle) (9 December 1929 – 16 May 2019) was an Australian politician who served as Prime Minister of Australia and Leader of the Labor Party from 1983 to 1991. He was the Member of Parliament (MP) for Wills from 1980 to 1992. He was a Fabian.

The former Australian Prime Minister(on the left) Malcolm Fraser (who is said by many to be actually Jewish).

 The former Australian Prime Minister (on the right) Malcolm Turnbull is a Jewish Zionist Globalist.

Jeremy Liebler, The Hon Scott Morrison MP, Prime Minister of Australia

The Australian Jewish Christian Zionist Globalist PM Scott Morrison.

Australian Jewish Government

Australian Jewish Zionist Globalist Governments

Above, Julie Bishop(Zionist Fabian) member of the Australian Labor Party.


 The Victorian premier in Israel with a Jewish skullcap (yaymulke)on his head.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, met  with Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott on Thursday at the 2014 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos,

At the start of their meeting, Abbott told Netanyahu, “I daresay you had an interesting day. I want to stress the affinity of Australia to Israel and remind you that apart from Israel, Australia is the only country on earth that’s had a Jewish person as Commander in Chief of the army, Chief Justice and Head of State.” (Jewish shadow government that runs Australia, its industries and corporations.)

Netanyahu replied, “I’m aware of that and that’s another reason for this great partnership, and I appreciate it and your friendship very much.”

Creating your suffering.

Australian jewish Government

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 Jewstralian government buying up Australia through chinese shell corporations, then crying, ” its the chinese”

Gladys Berejiklian: Wiki, (NSW), Bio, Age, Career, Parents ...

Gladys Berejiklian: Wiki, (NSW), Bio, Age, Career, Parents, Husband, Net Worth: Gladys Berejiklian is a popular Australian politician. She was born on the 22nd of September 1970 in New South Wales, Australia. She has been appointed as a leader of the New South Wales Liberal Party. And she is presently the 45th Premier of New South Wales.

Gladys Berejiklian Above

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Australian Jewish Christian Zionist Globalist PM Scott Morrison announcing digital wallets under a world medical ID.
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Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison is a  Jewish Pentecostalist Evangelist Christian Zionist Globalist.

Question you want to ask yourself, why we don't hear the word Zionist, and this is a indication the Zionist run all the media, political sectors and government. Both labor and national parties are Zionist backed which is one movement with the same polices. Doesn't matter who gets elected in the end, as both parties are run by the Zionist movement; welcome to the illusion of choice.

Ita Buttrose (Jewish Zionist Globalist) to chair the ABC.

Ita buttrose was "the former News Corp board member, who edited Cleo and The Australian Women’s Weekly before becoming the first female editor of a major metropolitan title as editor-in-chief for Rupert Murdoch’s (Jewish) Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph, spent several years as a host on Network Ten and has appeared on Nine and Seven."

Scott Morrison handed shortlist of three candidates for ABC chairman

Ita Buttrose’s appointment as new ABC chair a promising step in the right direction

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 Australia’s 4th PM-removing Coup in 8 years removed fervently Christian Zionist PM Malcolm Turnbull from office, replacing him as PM and Leader of the Liberal Party with Pentecostalist Evangelist  Christian Zionist Scott Morrison. Turnbull’s  Deputy Leader, fervent Zionist Julie Bishop, was replaced by fervent Jewish Zionist and likely Constitution-violating dual Hungarian and Australian citizen, Joshua Frydenberg. Religious Right Morrison’s complicities make a long and appalling list that is ignored by a look-the-other-way Australia that also ignores Zionist empowerment in this latest Coup.

Zionist Federation of Australia

  Jerusalem Prize: Scott Morrison warns of the United Nations' seeping 'anti-Semitism'

The Jerusalem Prize is awarded annually by the Zionist Federation of Australia, the Zionist Council of NSW and the World Zionist Organisation.

Past winners include former Prime Ministers Bob Hawke, John Howard and Julia Gillard, former Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, and the late Sir Zelman Cowen.

Its recognition of Prime Minister Morrison comes as Australia and Israel mark 70 years of bilateral relations.

Pentecostal Christians.


 Scott Morrison is a Pentecostal but he doesn't need believers like Trump does David Smith

"Pentecostals are often lumped into the category of evangelicals. What distinguishes them from other evangelicals is their emphasis on the Holy Spirit. The physical nature of Pentecostal worship is about feeling the power of the Holy Spirit in the same way Jesus’s disciples did.

Speaking in tongues, faith healing, prophecy and miracles are all “gifts of the spirit” in Pentecostalism. Pentecostals are more likely than other Christians to believe we are living in the End Times, and that a spiritual war between light and darkness is being waged all around us.

While other churches historically shunned Pentecostalism because of its mixed-race origins and overt embrace of the supernatural, many non-Pentecostal Christians known as charismatics have adopted Pentecostal practices themselves. These charismatic movements have spread spirit-filled Christianity throughout other denominations, including Catholicism." Cairns News

Morrison’s cosy relationship with Rupert Murdoch (Jewish Zionist Globalist) will see mandatory vaccination

No Jab, No Play media campaign for a coercive vaccination law for children was waged by Murdoch tabloids/News Corp Australia in 2013-2015.

A serious conflict of interest was not disclosed during the Murdoch tabloids’ No Jab, No Play campaign in 2013-2015, i.e. that News Corp Australia is a corporate partner of the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, which is involved in vaccination research, including now coronavirus vaccination research.

Murdoch media dominates in Australia, including over politicians who toe the Murdoch party line, e.g. by adopting the Murdoch tabloids’ No Jab, No Play campaign as the No Jab, No Pay Law in January 2016. Read full story [HERE]

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 The  Zionist Globalist War To Replace White Australia.


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PM Scott Morrison (Jewish Christian Zionist Globalist) says it is 'Regrettable" coalition senators voted in favour of "IT'S OK TO BE WHITE"

Pauline Hanson’s ‘It’s OK to be white’ motion narrowly defeated in Senate

Morrison’s cosy relationship with Rupert Murdoch will see mandatory vaccination

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 Abe Foxman the former Chairman of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League.
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Lisette says

Looka here….Dr. Carol Baker (Jewish woman) honored by the Bill and Melinda Gates vaccination genocide squad said it out loud….we need to get rid of all the white people in America…..

Paul Ross

This the chairman of the CDC advisory committee. What a pitiful person. The CDC is not our friend. They are part of the agenda to control or destroy you. Wake up America.
 Just laugh and honk your nose
I'm angry that my parents and grandparents went their entire lives being fooled
I remember reading somewhere some statements once made by Hitler. I am paraphrasing here, but one of them was something like - "Someday, the entire world will realize that I was right". Well, this woman has to be living proof of that, what more do we need?

Screenshot 1we must realize

Israel Cohen was Jewish Globalist.

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The Jewish war on White Australia continues

Donate   The Jewish War on White Australia Continues January 28, 2014 — 3 Comments Brenton Sanderson   In my extended essay ‘The War on White Australia,’ I explored how Jewish intellectual movements and ethno-political activism were pivotal in ending the White Australia policy — a policy change opposed by the vast majority of the … Continue reading

jewish Supremacists Admit White Genocide Is Their Objective

jews will one minute kvetch about “conspiracy theorists” who say jews are out to destroy White people, while the next minute they are admitting that’s their goal.

Video Player
Share now!
Muhammad Ali's is against race mixing.
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Muhammad Ali's is against race mixing. Parkinson is Jewish Globalist.
Muhammad Ali's Message to Britain
 The Parliamentary Pedophilia Network Australia.
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This is the pebble that starts the avalanche in Australia... Lets get these corporate political party parasites out of our Parliament, courts, & media & into prison where they belong.... This is how they control these bastards worldwide, think Epstien, Clinton Foundation etc...
Karen Brewer Exposing The Parliamentary Pedophilia Network Australia.
This is NOT a coincidence ... exposing the Pedophilia Networked Schools and Parliamentary Pedophilia Protecting Suppression Orders. Why don't politicians do the right thing? Why are the Courts so corrupt? Why doesn't the media tell the truth? Why are we being sold out? This is why, the zionist cabal/controllers/banksters/UN have dirt on all the major players in the media, the politicians & the courts in this country & worldwide...The Australian Constitution restoration & common law, (do no harm) is the remedy to all of this corporate admiralty law corruption & filth that infects our land.
All her documents can be found here:
Freedom Rallies
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Netanyahu replied, “I’m aware of that and that’s another reason for this great partnership, and I appreciate it and your friendship very much.”

Freedom Information
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Evelyn Rae of Caldron Pool joins Owen on the War Room to describe how the clown world has evolved in Australia.
Dontacceptthemark,  Edited.
It's true . Cut n paste the link into your browser. It's what they call a "directive" not a rule or mandate. It's written into every states department of health website. This is Queenslands.
 The state of Queensland very briefly had a "mask must be worn while driving" rule but quickly dumped it when its massive stupidity was made fun of in the media.
As of January 4th, mask-wearing in public, indoor areas was made compulsory in the larger metropolitan centres of New South Wales e.g., Sydney and Wollongong (police will issue a $200 fine if a valid medical reason is not given). Is there a pandemic in Australia? No. Very few are sick. The hospitals are far from overwhelmed by Covid-19 cases. E.g., there is currently only one Covid-19 positive person in ICU in the state of New South Wales. In Sydney, there is a constant call out for more people to come forward to be tested. If no one tests positive, the sewers are tested.
The hunt for Covid-19 is relentless! Are the Australian media, state Premiers and states' chief medical officers continuing to keep Covid-19 foremost in people's consciousness and, thereby, keeping people’s anxiety levels high and depriving them of a sense of well-being? Absolutely!! Being at the end of the earth has not shielded Australians from the Covid-19 insanity.
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So I can take the covid vaccine and die from HIV great job Fauci. laxman87
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Your deposits in the bank are not safe.

Australians MOBILISE your Senators TODAY

End the ‘bail-in’ nightmare!

Call your MP , Senators from your state, and Labor’s Shadow Assistant Treasurer Stephen Jones to demand they vote for the Banking Amendment (Deposits) Bill 2020.

Ask ALP Shadow Assistant Treasurer Stephen Jones: “Why would Labor protect the government on bail-in, instead of making the law explicit that deposits can never be bailed in?” Canberra: (02) 6277 4661 Electorate: (02) 4297 2285

Sign the petition here: ‘Your deposits in the bank are not safe’ - Six weeks to tell Senators to stop bail-in; watch and share The Senate will vote on Senator Malcolm Roberts’ Banking Amendment (Deposits) Bill 2020 at the end of November. Watch the Citizens Party’s new two-minute bail-in ad above, share it on social media, and forward it to your MP and Senators in your state, demanding they vote for Senator Roberts’ bill. Senator Contact Details:
If we got to fight this hard to get govt to uphold laws to prevent THEFT from our very bank accounts, can you really trust banks at all? Even if tomorrow they say - "Yes we agree your deposits should not be bailed in" - can you trust that statement?
 Lisa Shepherd
Please everyone sign this NOW. Have been trying to alert people to this for years,some listen some don't.The people who listen are safe the brain dead couch potatoes will find out very soon if they don't wake up. WAKE-UP AUSTRALIA stop thinking she'll be right mate.Because it's NOT.
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If you’re a police member anywhere in Australia and want to sign in approval of this letter please go
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I am a citizen who’d be interested in funding a VicPol member’s resignation

Victoria Police you must be next.

A NSW Senior Constable has written an open letter to the Police Commissioner of NSW to express his concerns about the use of the police to enforce the ongoing restrictions placed upon citizens relating to COVID-19, which has seriously eroded community trust in the police force. 

You can read the full letter here.

If you’re a police member anywhere in Australia and want to sign in approval of this letter please go HERE

If you’re a VicPol member and want to be the HERO whistleblower for the Victorian people, I will crowd fund your wages for a whole year. You’ll have to be public and outspoken of course.

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Port Arthur Stories

  • For Concerned Australians

    Click on the picture above to read all our publications about Port Arthur

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 Keith Allan Noble Martin Bryant was used as a patsy by the Australian government.
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Last lying cop who did something like this to me died of cancer two years into the fight, while I was accusing him and several of his colleagues at the courthouse of professional misconduct. If you want to read this liar’s obituary, his name is Jeff Wilcox of the Benton Country Oregon Sheriff’s Office. I caught one of the judges in this town letting off one of his friend’s kids for dealing meth. I’m a lawyer, and thus, didn’t have to pay to hold them over the coals. I might have helped you if you were a nice guy, not spamming the comments section under videos I like, and putting down a freedom fighter I like. If you knew any Jews — which obviously you don’t— you would know most of their people are brainwashed in all the same ways as our people. There are a few evil ones in the oligarchy. But, most of them are victims, and not perpetrators of all the oligarchs’ agendas against us. Not to mention, one of the two top oligarch families, the Rockefellers, are not Jews.


If the Police have actually restricted and held someone without lawful reason.. why the f*** don't you push for prosecution fir whatever charge is appropriate? Maybe kidnap? A civil case for compensation against the INDIVIDUAL Officers can be pursued. Bankrupt them. Send a f*****g message to every Officer that they can't behave like the Red Army police.

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The Australian Government killed four babies because of the travel restrictions.

With a proper Eugenics program they wouldn't have even been born. One of these days humans will have the duty to take their genetics into their own hands. Stop mixing the races already, you're only creating more disease. A few moments of temporary sadness and these families will be relieved.
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Anti-lockdown protesters have gathered at the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne for a ‘Freedom Day’ rally against coronavirus restrictions.
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Victoria Police Blocking Roads During the Lockdown Protest in Melbourne 23rd October 2020
pine cone
typical channel 9 only showing a small percentage of the crowd
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Australian police are like the Stasi in communist East Germany, back in the 1960s.

Australian police are like the Stasi in communist East Germany, back in the 1960s. Thugs, bullies, serving a tyrannical government. Authoritarian excess entered Australia on the wings of a health panic. Possibly, in the beginning, those who are now tyrants meant to do good, but they got a taste of power [show more]

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Postal address of the Governor General of Australia for those who didn't catch it it's Government House, Dunrossil Drive Yarralumba ACT 2600 tel (02) 6283 3533
Karen tells it how most Australians are feeling in this plandemic, we have to take our country back & remove the corporate parasites that call themselves "Government".
Letter of no confidence can be found here with all of postal details etc.
Get the real ANZAC Australian Flag here.
Wayne Glew
24 Hagan Road Glenfield
Geraldton WA 6532
$150 plus postage $20
  Free Download of Original Constitution
Go fund me to organise & kick the crims out of Canberra.
Reversion process to get out of there system.
Section 109: of the Commonwealth Constitution provides "that where a state law is inconsistent with a Commonwealth law, the state law is invalid, to the extent of the inconsistency."
Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.
-Dietrich Bonhoeffer
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The Australian cesspit – dirty money, children & espionage

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The Australian cesspit – dirty money, children & espionage

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Just over a week ago, I was reporting the news from a peaceful protest in Melbourne, the most locked-down city in the world. 

I had all of my permits and papers in order and I had even been inspected and approved by a roadside police checkpoint. (That’s how crazy Victoria is these days — lockdowns, curfews and police checkpoints.)

I was reporting on an anti-lockdown protest by citizens fed up with China-style infringements on their civil liberties.

I wasn’t there to protest — I was there to report, with my camera crew. We were standing with other journalists and I was clearly holding my Rebel News microphone.

Suddenly, a police commander walked up to me, jabbed me in the chest, and ordered his troops to arrest me. You’ve probably seen the video — I was picked up, smashed to the ground and arrested, and led away in handcuffs.

For no reason whatsoever.

I was later grudgingly released by police without charges. But incredibly, late that same night, police came to my family home to threaten me — to tell me I had been put on a “list”, and that police were watching me. This really is like China, isn’t it?

Well, today I’m fighting back. Not just for my own rights and safety, but for that of all Australians.

Today I’ve taken the state of Victoria to the Supreme Court — the highest court in the state. In a 9-page Statement of Claim, my civil liberties lawyers outline the illegal misconduct of the police.

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Shame on Victoria Police for abusing their State of Emergency powers.

Make sure to SIGN the petition!?

Shame on Victoria Police for abusing their State of Emergency powers and the mainstream media for REFUSING to hold them accountable.


Rebel News:
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Alex Jones breaks down the growing chaos and police state enforcement in Australia where a police commissioner has admitted to working for criminals while over-enforcing on law-abiding citizens.
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Stop Labor Party Belt and Road tie with the CCP for Australia's Sovereignty and Security.
About this website
Stop Labors Belt and Road tie with the CCP for Australia's Sovereignty…
Stop Labors Belt and Road tie with the CCP for Australia's Sovereignty and Security.

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Freedom march this Saturday in Western Australia 11 am, at parliament house. Thank you David knight

This shocking video out of Australia shows a young, pregnant mother being arrested in her pajamas for a Facebook where she was planning an anti-lockdown protest. As the regular people our elite like Nancy Pelosi are flaunting their privilege in our faces by opening a salon for a private, mask-free haircut.

Horrifying Video Shows Pregnant Mother Arrested For Facebook Post38,145 views·Sep 3, 2020


They can’t find a cure for aids, hiv or the common cold and they want people to believe that they have a vaccine for a virus that is not even clinically recognised and neither is the test for it, it’s been proven that mercury is used in some vaccines and they want everyone to go running for this vaccine.....please scott Morrison you and your bullshit buddies are welcome to roll your sleeves up and have the vaccine first, can’t wait to see the results. Scott Morrison (ScoMo)

About this website

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Australia is ranked #1 as having the worst politicians in the world. Followed by New Zealand. The police just do what they're told, like robots or the Nazis in 1930s Germany.

  David Icke - Message to Australia for this Saturday. Time to look fascism in the eye and show who really has the power

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Melbourne has been turned into a brutal police state on claims that147 people died (out of a population of 5 MILLION.

The David Knight Show (28August20 Full Show) The David Knight Show (28August20 Full Show)

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Former Premier Calls Lockdown “Work of a Meglomaniac”

It’s a Chinese model. The only Australia state to take Chines money (US$1 Trillion for Belt & Road Initiative) is the only one to lockdown. The draconian measures are extreme even for today. And the same tactic to take down western democracies and establishing a technocratic tyranny is the same in everywhere as Canadian constitutional lawyer explains

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Melbourne has been turned into a brutal police state on claims that 58 people died (out of a population of 5 MILLION.

Listeners and many others in Australia are desperate. Melbourne has been turned into a brutal police state on claims that 58 people died (out of a population of 5 MILLION). It’s global and it will soon be everywhere if we don’t stop the escalating mandates

  Melbourne: Brutal Police State to Enforce Masks 

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Australia's spirits have been crushed by its COVID-19 response.

Sky News host Alan Jones says when it comes to Australia’s COVID-19 response, governments across all levels have “done nothing but ignite fear and alarmism and anxiety".

Australia’s spirits have ‘been crushed’ by its COVID-19 response: Alan Jones

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India Rises Up Against Mandatory Masks! New Zealand and Australia: The Police State Goes Live

New Zealand and Australia: The Police State Goes Live

Derrick Broze breaks down a number of disturbing stories coming out of Australia and New Zealand involving police violence and violations of civil liberties.

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  Coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions Victoria

COVID-19: Victoria’s new coronavirus rules, explained

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  No Travel ANYWHERE, If No Vaccination

 First he said vaccines would be mandatory, then not, now you won’t travel outside your house without vaccination. Australia’s China connection began with Belt & Road Initiative and now they’re following them into full population control

spot checks

Melbourne Police Use Surveillance Drones To Catch Mask Refuseniks

Authorities in Melbourne, Australia will use high-tech surveillance drones to catch people outside not wearing masks as well as to scan for vehicles that are in violation of curfew by being more than 5km from home.

today the Prime Minister of Australia announced mandatory COVID vaccinations... this is what a government can do in a nation with no bill of rights.

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Freedom of speech 'no longer exists' in Australia and the UK

Freedom of speech 'no longer exists' in Austr…

Freedom of speech 'no longer exists' in Australia and the UK: Katie Hopkins

Australia the former Lucky Country

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority, still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority."

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This article is about Australian Aboringals, White Europeans and the history of Australia to explain what is happening in the great country down under. In 2018 Australia was visited by two Canadian civil right activist, Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneuxe on a tour too expose information that the mainstream media do not reveal to the Australian people.

Lauren Southern (Jewish heritage) and Stefan Molyneux Jewish.

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Australia was called during the 1960s "The Lucky Country" with mainly 98% white European homogenous population and had an American high standard of living. In this article I will go from Aboriginal history, White settlement, to what it is like for White Australians today. The white population in 2018 is about 72% white with a low birth-rate. Furthermore many of the youth are marrying non-whites. Interracial children and immigration from Asian, African, India and the Middle East will soon turn Australia into a non white country.

 The Kalergi(Jewish) plan to replace Whites and all races.

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Below article taken from the following link.

The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan - jewish genocide of the white Peoples ...

New World Order

In 1922 he founded the “Pan-European” movement in Vienna, which aimed to create a New World Order, based on a federation of nations led by the United States. European integration would be the first step in creating a world government. Among the first supporters, including Czech politicians and Zionists Tomáš Masaryk and Edvard Beneš and, the jewish banker Max Warburg, who invested the first 60,000 marks. The Austrian Chancellor Ignaz Seipel and the next president of Austria, Karl Renner, took the responsibility for leading the “Pan-European” movement. Later, French politicians, such as Léon Bloum, Aristide Briand,  Alcide De Gasperi, etc will offer their help.

With the rise of National Socialism in Europe, the project was abandoned and the “Pan-European” movement was forced to dissolve, but after the Second World War, Kalergi, thanks to frantic and tireless activity and the support of Winston Churchill, the Jewish Masonic Lodge B’nai B’rith and major jewish newspapers like the New York Times, the plan manages to be accepted by the United States Government.

Coudenhove-Kalergi, confirms the Warburg(Rothschild) family financing of the Pan-European Union in his later autobiography in which he states,

“At the beginning of 1924, we received a call from Baron Louis de Rothschild; one of his friends, Max Warburg from Hamburg, had read my book and wanted to get to know us. To my great surprise, Warburg spontaneously offered us 60,000 gold marks, to tide the movement over for its first three years.”

Below article taken from the following link.

The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan - The genocide of the Peoples of Europe

This article is a translation of an Italian article, originally posted on Identità.

Mass immigration is a phenomenon, the causes of which are still cleverly concealed by the system, and the multicultural propaganda is trying to falsely portray it as inevitable. With this article we intend to prove once and for all, that this is not a spontaneous phenomenon. What they want to present as an inevitable outcome of modern life, is actually a plan conceived around a table and prepared for decades, to completely destroy the face of the continent.

The Pan-Europe 

  Few people know that one of the main initiators of the process of European integration, was also the man who designed the genocide plan of the Peoples of Europe. It is a dark person, whose existence is unknown to the masses, but the elite considers him as the founder of the European Union. His name is Richard Coudenhove Kalergi. His father was an Austrian diplomat named Heinrich von Coudenhove-Kalergi (with connections to the Byzantine family of the Kallergis) and his mother the Japanese Mitsu Aoyama. Kalergi, thanks to his close contacts with all European aristocrats and politicians, due to the relationships of his nobleman-diplomat father, and by moving behind the scenes, away from the glare of publicity, he managed to attract the most important heads of state to his plan , making them supporters and collaborators for the "project of European integration".

 In 1922 he founded the "Pan-European" movement in Vienna, which aimed to create a New World Order, based on a federation of nations led by the United States. European integration would be the first step in creating a world government. Among the first supporters, including Czech politicians Tomáš Masaryk and Edvard Beneš and the banker Max Warburg, who invested the first 60,000 marks. The Austrian Chancellor Ignaz Seipel and the next president of Austria, Karl Renner, took the responsibility for leading the "Pan-European" movement. Later, French politicians, such as Léon Bloum, Aristide Briand,  Alcide De Gasperi, etc will offer their help.

 With the rise of Fascism in Europe, the project was abandoned and the "Pan-European" movement was forced to dissolve, but after the Second World War, Kalergi, thanks to frantic and tireless activity and the support of Winston Churchill, the Jewish Masonic Lodge B'nai B'rith and major newspapers like the New York Times, the plan manages to be accepted by the United States Government. The CIA later undertakes the completion of the project.

The essence of the Kalergi plan

 In his book «Praktischer Idealismus», Kalergi indicates that the residents of the future "United States of Europe" will not be the People of the Old Continent, but a kind of sub-humans, products of miscegenation. He clearly states that the peoples of Europe should interbreed with Asians and colored races, thus creating a multinational flock with no quality and easily controlled by the ruling elite.

 Kalergi proclaims the abolition of the right of self-determination and then the elimination of nations with the use of ethnic separatist movements and mass migration. In order for Europe to be controlled by an elite, he wants to turn people into one homogeneous mixed breed of Blacks, Whites and Asians. Who is is this elite however? Kalergi is particularly illuminating on this:  

 The man of the future will be of mixed race. The races and classes of today will gradually disappear due to the elimination of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples and the diversity of individuals. Instead of destroying European Judaism, Europe, against her will, refined and educated this people, driving them to their future status as a leading nation through this artificial evolutionary process. It's not surprising that the people that escaped from the Ghetto-Prison, became the spiritual nobility of Europe. Thus, the compassionate care given by Europe created a new breed of aristocrats. This happened when the European feudal aristocracy crashed because of the emancipation of the Jews [due to the actions taken by the French Revolution]
 Although no textbook mentions Kalergi, his ideas are the guiding principles of the European Union. The belief that the peoples of Europe should be mixed with Africans and Asians, to destroy our identity and create a single mestizo race, is the basis of all community policies that aim to protect minorities. Not for humanitarian reasons, but because of the directives issued by the ruthless Regime that machinates the greatest genocide in history. The Coudenhove-Kalergi European Prize is awarded every two years to Europeans who have excelled in promoting this criminal plan. Among those awarded with such a prize are Angela Merkel and Herman Van Rompuy.
 The incitement to genocide, is also the basis of the constant appeals of the United Nations, that demands we accept millions of immigrants to help with the low birth rates of the EU. According to a report published on January 2000 in «Population division» Review of the United Nations in New York, under the title "Immigration replacement: A solution to declining and aging population," Europe will need by 2025 159,000,000 migrants.

 One could wonder how there can be such accuracy on the estimates of immigration, although it was not a premeditated plan. It is certain that the low birth rate could easily be reversed with appropriate measures to support families. It is just as clear that it is the contribution of foreign genes do not protect our genetic heritage, but that it enables their disappearance. The sole purpose of these measures is to completely distort our people, to turn them into a group of people without national, historical and cultural cohesion. In short, the policies of the Kalergi plan was and still is, the basis of official government policies aimed at genocide of the Peoples of Europe, through mass immigration. G. Brock Chisholm, former director of the World Health Organization (OMS), proves that he has learned the lesson of Kalergi well when he says: "What people in all places have to do is to limit of birthrates and promote mixed marriages (between different races), this aims to create a single race in a world which will be directed by a central authority. "


 If we look around us, the Kalergi plan seems to be fully realized. We face Europe's fusion with the Third World. The plague of interracial marriage produces each year thousands of young people of mixed race: "The children of Kalergi». Under the dual pressures of misinformation and humanitarian stupefaction, promoted by the MSM, the Europeans are being taught to renounce their origin, to renounce their national identity.

 The servants of globalization are trying to convince us that to deny our identity, is a progressive and humanitarian act, that "racism" is wrong, because they want us all to be blind  consumers. It is necessary, now more than ever, to counter the lies of the System, to awaken the revolutionary spirit of the Europeans. Every one must see this truth, that European Integration amounts to genocide. We have no other option, the alternative is national suicide.

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The Kalergi(Jewish) in his own words:

"(European) man of the future will be mixed races. Today's races and classes will disappear due to the disappearance of space (nations) and time."

It is said that the supporter of the plan of Kallergi is the Soros. mainstream media  and traitor gentile policial parties.    By the way, in the European Union there is a special Charlemagne Prize and the first one awarded is "Kallergi".

In his works, Kudenhove-Kalergi showed that if there are no nations, then there will be no borders - therefore a single community will be created.

Brock Chisholm, first Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), told the USA Magazine on August 12, 1955: "The priority of European countries should be the control of fertility and the promotion of the ideal of interracial unions in order to create a single race in a single world [one unipolar] subordinate to centralized power" .

In "Practical Idealism" the main inspirer of modern united Europe has directly written that in the future Europe will be ruled by a spiritual elite, the core of which will be the German aristocracy and the Jews. At the same time, the leading role will remain for the Jews, whom he calls "the leading spiritual race of Europe," "the nobility of the brain," and "the spiritual aristocracy."

As for the rest of the population of Europe, in the future it will, according to Kalerga, become a homogeneous Eurasian-Negroid race, the nations will disappear, mix with each other and - very importantly - with a LARGE number of MIGRANTS.

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For Services Rendered — German Chancellor Angela Merkel (Jewish) accepts the Coudenhove-Kalergi Society's "Europa Prize," which is awarded every two years to leading figures who have done the most for European "integration" and the Jewish world project. With the chancellor are Austrian politician Josef Hochtl (centre), representing the president of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Europa Society, and Prince Nikolaus von Liechtenstein (right).

Britannia: The Murky Past of Angela Merkel

Merkel's Right-Wing opposition Says She Belongs In Court

Watch: Merkel’s Right-Wing Opposition Says She Belongs in Court

Promoting whites to marry non-whites

Communist Jewish Globalists promote white guilt.

"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."  --------

Israel Cohen (Jewish) A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957

 "The goal is to bring these minorities together in such a way so that is impossible for whiteness to survive." - Noel Ignatiev (All the JQ anybody should need.)

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The Jewish War on White Australia Continues

Read the full article at the following link

The Jewish war on White Australia continues

January 28, 2014 — 3 Comments

Brenton Sanderson


In my extended essay ‘The War on White Australia,’ I explored how Jewish intellectual movements and ethno-political activism were pivotal in ending the White Australia policy — a policy change opposed by the vast majority of the Australian population. Australian Jews take enormous pride in this achievement. For instance, the national editor of the Australian Jewish NewsDan Goldberg proudly acknowledges that: “In addition to their activism on Aboriginal issues, Jews were instrumental in leading the crusade against the White Australia policy, a series of laws from 1901 to 1973 that restricted non-White immigration to Australia.” The Jewish promotion of non-White immigration and multiculturalism in Australia has been (and continues to be) a form of ethnic warfare aimed at destroying Australia’s traditional White racial homogeneity — and with it supposedly any potential for a mass movement of anti-Semitism in Australia.

The history of multiculturalism in Australia (and indeed throughout the West) is in large part an object lesson in how a small but highly organised and motivated group of activists can successfully hijack the demographic destiny of a nation for its own ends. Acknowledging that Australian multiculturalism is first and foremost a manifestation of Jewish ethno-politics, Jewish historian William Rubinstein observed that: “Thus far, any serious questioning of multiculturalism has not resulted in an anti-Semitic backlash; nevertheless, the Jewish community would certainly be exceedingly disturbed by any basic reversal of the commitment to multiculturalism by successive governments.”[i] In addition to opening the floodgates to mass non-White immigration, a key part of this Jewish campaign to radically reengineer Australian society in their own interests has been to shut down speech critical of this immigration and multiculturalism — and particularly of the role of Jews in foisting these disastrous policies on a resentful White Australian population.

In Part 3 of my essay I discussed how, under the chairmanship (and behind the scenes influence) of the Jewish activist Walter Lippmann, the influential Committee on Community Relations delivered a report to the Australian Parliament in 1975 which placed “multiculturalism” at the heart of Australian government policy. It recommended that Australian social policy be formulated on the basis of four key elements. One of these recommendations, as summarised by the Jewish academic Andrew Markus, was that: “legislation was required to outlaw racial discrimination and uphold and promote rights through the establishment of a human rights commission.”[ii]


In response to this and the Committee’s other recommendations, which were essentially Lippmann’s recommendations, “multiculturalism” was adopted as official government policy in Australia in the 1970s, and extended under the Fraser [1975–1983] and Hawke governments [1983-1991] in the 1980s. Thus, in order to achieve the goals of multiculturalism, Jewish activists were determined from the beginning to bar and punish any speech that was critical of non-White immigration and multiculturalism. The new politically correct speech code was soon enforced by the weight of law with the enactment of racial and religious vilification laws that criminalized dissenting speech.

Professor Andrew Markus

Professor Andrew Markus

Professor Markus proudly observes that: “Jews were amongst the leading advocates of the enactment and extension of racial vilification and anti-discrimination legislation by the federal and state parliaments.”[iii]   In truth, the achievement of the twin Jewish goals of ending of the White Australia policy and instituting state-sponsored multiculturalism were attained with the passing of the Racial Discrimination Act of 1975 which stated: “It is unlawful for a person to do any act involving a distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin.”

In practical effect, the passing of the Racial Discrimination Bill in 1975 was the Australian equivalent of the drastic rewriting of American immigration law in 1965. In both cases, the gates were opened to a flood of non-white immigrants from the Third World with racial and cultural backgrounds very different from the majority European-derived population.

In her book Ideology and Immigration the Australian sociologist Katharine Betts states that the dismantling of the White Australia policy was the result of an elite conspiracy: “Public resistance,” she notes, “was circumvented by the use of administrative procedures and secrecy rather than open debate.” The final phase of the abolition, which involved the enactment of the Racial Discrimination Act by the Whitlam government (1972–75), was “a political victory” for the cosmopolitan elite, which, while failing to convert White Australia’s supporters “by reason and evidence,” left them “unconverted but outmanoeuvred.”[iv]

In the decades since the enactment of the Racial Discrimination Act in 1975, Jewish activists in Australia have continued to push for further legal restrictions on speech deemed contrary to their interests. In 1995 their activism, in the form of detailed submissions to the National Inquiry into Racist Violence and the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, succeeded in having section 18C inserted into the Act by the then Labor government. This radically restricted free speech in Australia by making it “unlawful to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or a group of people because of their race, colour or national or ethnic origin of the person or of some or all of the people in the group.” In doing so, Section 18C placed totalitarian limits on the freedom of speech in a nation traditionally regarded as one of the freest in the world. Almost anything you might say about race is likely to offend someone. Section 18D sets out some supposed exemptions to this radical restriction on free speech — stating that artistic works, scientific debate and fair comment on matters of public interest are exempt providing they are “said or done reasonably and in good faith.”

Crucially, unlike with defamation laws, the truth of a statement is irrelevant as to whether an individual is entitled to be offended or insulted under Section 18C. If a truthful statement about a particular race or ethnicity (which a judge believes was not made “in good faith” according to his own subjective interpretation) causes offence to someone who identifies with that race or ethnic group, the truth-teller can be punished under the Act.

Thus Section 18C places drastic restrictions on the freedom of speech of Australians. It should not need saying that any commitment to free speech is a commitment to allowing people to say and write things you dislike, that you detest, that you disagree with and find offensive. If the words spoken are words we all find congenial, then there is no need for any commitment to free speech.

The ideological nature of Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act was starkly illustrated in the case brought against conservative commentator Andrew Bolt. In 2009 Bolt wrote two columns pointing out that individuals with very small amounts of Aboriginal ancestry (or in some cases none) were taking advantage of a raft of government scholarships and affirmative action job vacancies by choosing to identify exclusively as Aboriginal. Bolt claimed these people were choosing to identify as Black to leverage their career and social advancement.


While Bolt did make some factual errors in these articles, his central proposition was entirely valid and later corroborated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics which, in commenting on the results of the 2011 Australian Census showing a 93,000 increase in the number of Aboriginal people between 2006 and 2011, observed that:

A change in people’s propensity to identify as being of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin is found to be a significant contributor to the increase in counts of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people which cannot be attributed to measurable demographic factors. In particular, the large increase in the count of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children aged 5–14 years in 2011 has been driven by a greater propensity of their parents to identify themselves and their children as being of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin in the 2011 Census when compared to the 2006 Census.

For pointing out this this rather obvious fact, and that this increasing Aboriginal self-identification had been encouraged by the multitude of financial and professional incentives available to those identifying as “Aboriginal,” Bolt was pilloried, hauled into court, and found guilty of violating the Racial Discrimination Act. In September 2010 nine of the “Aboriginal” people Bolt identified in his articles commenced legal proceedings against him and his employer the Herald-Sun. The complainants, who were represented gratis in the Federal Court by the Jewish barristers Ron Merkel and Herman Borenstein, sought an apology, legal costs and a gag on republishing the articles and blogs and “other relief as the court deems fit.” In the trial Merkel argued in reference to Bolt’s articles that “this kind of thinking led to the Nuremberg race laws’ and that Bolt had adopted a eugenic approach to Aboriginality.”

Australian Jewry has a long history of using Aboriginal activism as a political and ideological weapon in their broader war on White Australia. One Jewish source describes Jews and Aborigines as “two peoples with histories of dispossession and humiliation and killing who recognise each other, who find points of intersection and of parallel.” Australian Jewish leader and activist Mark Leibler claims to “have developed a deeper understanding of the connections between Indigenous and Jewish people and the underlying affinity we share. … We must listen to and respect the hard stories. Stories that are repeated all over Australia — stories of injustice, oppression and horror. Defiant stories of the proud survival of identifiable people. Stories resonating with familiar themes for each and every Jew.”[v] Speaking on behalf of Australian Jews Leibler claims that: “We’ve suffered 2,000 years of persecution and we understand what it is to be the underdog and to suffer from disadvantage.”

In his ruling for the complainants in 2011 the presiding judge Mordy Bromberg (also Jewish) declared that: “I am satisfied that fair-skinned Aboriginal people (or some of them) were reasonably likely, in all the circumstances, to have been offended, insulted, humiliated or intimidated by the imputations conveyed by the newspaper articles. … Even if I had been satisfied that Section 18C conduct was capable of being fair comment, I would not have been satisfied that it was said or done by Mr Bolt reasonably and in good faith.”

Thus “good faith” as interpreted by a judge is now the criteria for acceptable speech about race in Australia — with this to be determined by the likes of Justice Bromberg who is a prominent member of the Australian Jewish community. This point was not lost on Bolt himself who noted that “And which judge becomes relevant, doesn’t it? Or are we not allowed to suggest that, either?”

Justice Mordy Bromberg (on the right)

Justice Mordy Bromberg (on the right)

In light of Bromberg’s judgment, Bolt rightly concluded that: “This is a terrible day for free speech in this country. It is particularly a restriction on the freedom of all Australians to discuss multiculturalism and how people identify themselves.” Bolt later opined that: “Our laws against free speech are a disgrace. Aboriginal identity should not be a subject that cannot be discussed freely.”

Following the Bolt case there was a concerted push for the repeal of Section 18C from within conservative and libertarian circles in Australia. With the election of the Abbott Liberal government in September 2013, the repeal of section 18C became a potential reality with the new Attorney-General George Brandis promising to make repeal of section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act a priority of the new government.

Unsurprisingly, this has prompted a massive campaign of resistance among Jewish intellectuals and activists. The Shadow Attorney-General and prominent Jewish lawyer Mark Dreyfus led the charge, calling on Tony Abbott to back away from a pledge to repeal Section 18C. Dreyfus says he condemned Senator Brandis’ plans, ”from the moment he first opened his mouth,” saying Section 18C “embodies Australia’s condemnation of racial vilification and protects our society from the poisonous effects of hate speech. When Senator Brandis says that repealing these laws is in the interests of freedom of speech, what he really means is freedom to engage in public hate speech.”

Dreyfus had earlier sent an open letter to the then Opposition leader Tony Abbott in which he argued that the Coalition’s stance on Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act is inconsistent with its support for the London Declaration on Combatting Anti-Semitism. Dreyfus insisted that Section 18C “is precisely the kind of legislated protection against anti-Semitism and discrimination that the London Declaration calls on its signatories to enact.”

Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus

Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus

Read the full article at the following link

The Jewish war on White Australia continues

Australia Media Commercials

The media shows many commercials on TV promoting it normal for white women to be with black men and white men with Asians women. The commercials aim is to reduce the number of white couples to reduce the white birth-rate and replace them with non whites.

Screenshot 1the end of white us

  43 anti-White jewmercials (commercials)

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  "Diversity", or Deception? Part 1

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Some Jews & Gentile Globalist campaign for refugees into western countries to replace Whites, Blacks and Jews.

Some Jews do not want refugees going to Jewish nation of Israel.


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 Jewish Zionist Globalists campaigning for refugees to come into western countries to replace whites, White Jews and other races.

Screenshot 1no right or leftPicture above are Jewish Zionist Globalist campaigning for refugees to come into western countries to replace whites, White Jews and other races. Many people in high positions of power on the internet, media and political parties are Jewish Zionist Globalist, they promote hatred against whites, Christianity and true Jews. Many Jews are leaving European countries and moving to Israel because the high crime rate by many invaders who are attacking and raping Jews and gentiles. Many Jews want to live in peace and love the country they live in and are against the white European replacement, e.g  manyJews who are against Zionist Globalist and Communism.

Many White Jews say leftwing Jewish Globalist who are campaigning for the replacement of the whites are laying the foundation for the Jewish holocaust in the future. They say when the whites are gone, Christianity has been replaced by Islam as the main religion and non whites controls the United States, Europe and Britain, etc they will have modern weapons that can be used against Israel.
Jewish communities around the world will be hunted, raped and killed just like the whites in South Africa today. Because of the fact they're are white and have too much influence in banking, media, organizations and politics. The majority of people will not be white and non whites will want to control the internet, mainstream media and banking in the future.

Jews have been mislead by some Jewish rabbis (Priest), Zionist Globalist and Bankers, who promote that all Jews came from Middle East. Jews who studied Jewish history say the majority of Jews did not come from Israel, they're former gentiles who converted to the Jewish Faith. In-fact most of their ancestors came from Europe and are the same race as native white gentile Europeans. Israel is the Jewish religion homeland and Europe is their racial homeland.

The Globalist Bankers, finance many Jewish Zionist Globalist organizations, media to promote their ideas and hate between Jews, White Christians gentiles and other races. They promote Jewish rightwing nationalism to control the Jews to use them to destroy White gentiles, Christians, true Jews, blacks and other races. The globalist wants a world government and campaigns to remove all national boarders to allow free movement of all races all over the world to destroy unity. They use left wing socialism, communism, and liberalisms to destroy the nations and promote conservatism to stop people from building powerful organizations to fight against the Globalist Bankers.

Australian Jews
Australian Jews, or Jewish Australians, are Jews who are Australian citizens or permanent residents of Australia. There were 91,022 Australians who identified as Jewish in the 2016 census, which is a 6% decrease on 97,355 Jewish Australians in the 2011 census.Wikipedia


Exposing Racism

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 Barbara Spectre is Jewish.

Screenshot 1spectre

Barbara Lerner Spectre (Jewish ) on White Genocide is necessary

Barbara Lerner Spectre on White Genocide

The majority of countries do not allow the invasion of different races, cultures, or religions into their countries and only race haters in white countries do that.

Screenshot 5mix allScreenshot 5 all well come

Genocide Whites & all Races

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Genocite Whites and Other Races

Screenshot 7fraser on genocide

Malcolm Fraser is Jewish.

Noel ignatiev was Jewish Globalist.Screenshot 7ignatiev


moviesNoel Ignatiev Abolish The White Raceby Noel Ignatiev

 Noel Ignatiev is Jewish.

Germany's Demographic Catastrophe | Almost Half Of Kids Are Migrant Descendants | Emigration

 Jewish People helped build Australia

Some of the first White Europeans who were sent to Australia from Britain were convicts of the Jewish Faith and they and white gentiles turned bush and desert into a modern commonwealth nation.

Australians including many Australian Jews fought and died in wars overseas to save the country from invasion now the country is being invaded.

 The Australia population is about 25 million people, and the Jewish population is about 100 thousand people.


The Jewish political history in Australia

 Jews fighting for our rights

Jewish Europeans Fighting For Our Rights

Jewish Europeans Fighting For Our Rights

 Jews against Zionism

Zionist Collaboration With The Nazis By Lenni Brenner

Zionist Collaboration With The Nazis By Lenni…


Zionism Has Deceived And Sacraficed Jews

Zionism Has Deceived And Sacraficed Jews

Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro explains what the goal of Zionism is. Why did Zionists creat...

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"Plaasmoorde: The Killing Fields": Katie Hopkins' documentary about South Africa (FULL LENGTH)

 Alex Jones presents video footage of Dr. Khalid Abdul Muhammad calling for white genocide in  the United States and South Africa.

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 VIDEO: Black Leader Calls For Killing Of All Whites

Gentile (non Jewish) Zionist Globalist leaders

The definition of TREASON.

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Joe Biden many say is Jewish Globalist.

 Globalist, Non white invasion will never stop is high TREASON.

Joe Biden on Europeans becoming a minority - "That's a source of our strength."

Source: Former " President Joe Biden Remarks on Extremism and Terrorism" on February 17, 2015 TRANSCRIPT: ...and the wave still continues. It's not going to stop. Nor should we want it to stop. As a matter of fact, one of the things I think we can be most proud of. An unrelenting stream of immigration. Nonstop, nonstop. Folks like me who are Caucasian, of European descent, for the first time in 2017 we'll be an absolute minority in the United States of America. Absolute minority. Fewer than 50% of the people in America from then on will be white European stock. That's not a bad thing. That's a source of our strength."

False Zionist Globalist Promote hate against Jews to control them

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The Holocaust was used to dupe Jews to establish a "national homeland" in Palestine. In 1897 the Rothschilds founded the Zionist Congress and arranged its first meeting in Munich.
At the meeting at Basel, Switzerland that took place on 29 August, chaired by Theodor Herzl, who later stated in his diaries:

"The anti-Semites shall be our best friends"
Leaders Herzl 006

What he is saying is to create false hate information against Jews to make them become nationalist and directed their hate against whites, pro white true Jews and all races, so they can be used to work for the Zionist Globalist Bankers who control the mainstream banks and the media. Hate conflict between Whites, Jews and all races helps the Bankers achieve their goals.

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 Not all Zionist are Jews some are Gentiles.
Joe biden (many people say is Jewish Globalist) admits to being a Zionist - video


Zionist Federation of Australia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA) is an umbrella organisation in Australia of the Zionist movement. It was established in MelbourneVictoria in 1927 by prominent personalities, including Sir John Monash and Rabbi Israel Brodie, with Monash becoming its first president.[1] On 11 November 2018, the biennial conference of ZFA elected Jeremy Leibler as its president, succeeding Danny Lamm who did not stand after serving for four years.[2]

ZFA was established to campaign for a permanent homeland for the Jewish people. It has accepted and endorsed the 1968 Jerusalem Program and its 2004 revision as the ideological platform of Zionism.[3]

Some Jews are promoting non white immigration into white countries and rarely allowed Blacks or Muslims to live in Israel

Jews on immigration in Australia and Israel

Jewish War on White Australia Article multiculturalism not for Israel but okay for Australia

Article Jewish leader promotes multicultural in Australia but not in Israel Herald Sun

Jewish War on White Australia Article multiculturalism not for Israel but okay for Australia

Article Jewish leader promotes multicultural in Australia but not in Israel Herald Sun.

Herald Sun

September 27, 2000

multiculturalism not for Israel- Leibler

by John Masanauskas

Melbourne-Jewish leader lsi Leibler , a staunch defender of a Australia multiculturalism, says

the policy has no place in Israel. "This is a country which was set up and created as a Jewish nation for the Jews "he told Jerusalem newspaper. Mr. Leibler has previously said that multiculturalism in Australia was something that ”we are all proud being part and parcel of.”

The founder of Jetset Travel moved to Israel two years ago as chairman of the World Jewish Congress. He recently published an essay arguing that Zionism, or Jewish Nationalism, was under threat in Israel by “post-Zionists”.

“A post-Zionist is someone who actually looks positively towards the end of the Jewish people in ethnocentric terms, as a national group, and no longer sees the Jewish people as one united people,” he told the Jerusalem Post.

Mr. Leibler said post-Zionists were pushing a universalist agenda in schools aimed at eliminating Jewish nationalism and creating a multicultural state.

During the Pauline Hanson debate in 1993, he warned that multiculturalism was under threat by extremists.

“There is a need to sit together and establish a way in which Australians can recapture that spirit of multiculturalism, which I think we are all proud being part and parcel of, and which is really under threat,” Mr. Leibler said.

1. Information: The War on White Australia: a case study in the culture of critique, Part 1of 5 in-the-culture-of-critique-part-1-of-5#comments"

Screenshot 1rabbi kill all w


Joe Biden on Europeans becoming a minority - "That's a source of our strength."

Source: Former "Vice President Joe Biden Remarks on Extremism and Terrorism" on February 17, 2015 TRANSCRIPT: ...and the wave still continues. It's not going to stop. Nor should we want it to stop. As a matter of fact, one of the things I think we can be most proud of. An unrelenting stream of immigration. Nonstop, nonstop. Folks like me who are Caucasian, of European descent, for the first time in 2017 we'll be an absolute minority in the United States of America. Absolute minority. Fewer than 50% of the people in America from then on will be white European stock. That's not a bad thing. That's a source of our strength."

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 West Papua Conflict, Replacing Black People.

Screenshot 1kill bWe must be careful we do not develop tunnel vision when it comes to white genocide when in fact it's happening in other countries. The following article is a good example:

The black Papua's have lost their country because of heavy invasion by Indonesian Asians who have moved into the country and who now represent the majority. During this process the Australian, British, United States governments and media rarely to never talked about the killing of indigenous people fighting for their independence.

"There are even claims that an elite counter-terrorism unit, one that has been funded and trained by Australia, is operating in West Papua where it is accused of targeting and killing indigenous independence leaders.

"Andreas Harsono, from human rights watch, says Papua's live in a constant state of fear."

by Hayden Cooper and Lisa Main

Indonesian soliders pose for a ‘trophy photo’ after killing West Papuan tribal elder Yustinus Murib

More information: West Papua Resistance losing fight for freedom

InternationalWest Papua resistance losing fight for freedom. Aussie link to death sqauad

Screenshot 1newsletter

Human Rights - Free West Papua

 Free West Papua

The New World Order

There is alot of information available today online and in books regarding The New World Order (Globalist or the Establishment). The head of The New World Order are the world bankers with their influence, wealth and organizations, and mainstream media, which they promote their globalist ideas to the world which we follow subconsciously. But this is changing because we have the internet and "We the People" of the world are now waking up to the truth and challenging them.
Eight globalist families control the USA, Federal reserve bank and the American economy.

The Globalist Banker, media and political parties support the invasion into Australia


White Traitors committed treason against their own families, Australians and Australia.

Most white Australian political parties are gutless when it comes to fighting for their white families, they will not represent the white population and are allowing Australia to be invaded by other races who will take over the country in the future.

The Deep State is working behind the scenes in the political parties and mainstream media to promote hate against whites by promoting bigotry and negitive thinking between white Jews, blacks and Asians against whites, by making laws to stop whites from representing themselves and teaching white children to hate themselves.

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The leftwing communist Antifa are against Whites and Mike Cernovich (Jewish) because they want United States first policy.

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  ANTIFA Parody Song

Screenshot 7antifaKarl Marx was born Jewish though he renounced Judaism and on a whole appears to be quite anti-Semitic with much evidence to suggest that he did not care at all about true Jews or the Jewish faith. There was a series of letters between Karl Marx and Baruch Levy which has a highly interesting quote about the Jewish and the New World Order.

"The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order, the 'children of Israel', will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled in which it is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands."       

Baruch Levy in a letter to Karl Marx quoted in Review de Paris, June 1, 1928, p. 574

https://Antifa Tied to Communist Revolutionary Groups, Shows Documentary 

 ·Who owns Australian Banks?

The Big 6 Australian Banks Run By Globalist Update 2.

The Big 6 Australian Banks Run By Globalist U…

Screenshot 7telling the truth

The Australian Media


Perhaps the most well known of the media moguls is Rupert Murdoch (Jewish Zionist Globalist) whose Fox News channel is considered the most biased news source on the globe. Australian Journalist Bruce Page described Murdoch as "one of the world’s leading villains and global pirates."  Rupert Murdoch controls the majority of the privately own media in Australia.

"He walks all over the media sphere and politics, often putting world leaders and politicians on notice for what he expects from them and what he's willing to give them in return. Murdoch plays hardball and is very much of the "let's make a deal" mentality. Globalist promotes in print and on-air with scathing innuendo, misinformation, and outright lies. Few politicians risk exposing the lies or have been conditioned to think the information promoted by Globalist media is correct or the view they must follow to gain power and money."

The Packer family (Jewish) were big media owners in past in Australia and James Packer has been moving out of media.

  James Packer quits all his Australian company directorships

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These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America

The Jewish Hand Behind Internet - Google, Facebook, Wikipedia ..

SBS Television

The Special Broadcasting Service is a hybrid-funded Australian public broadcasting radio, online and television network. SBS operates four TV channels and eight radio networks. SBS Online is home to SBS On Demand video streaming service.


The Australian government finances SBS multicultural television station. SBS has a board of directors who consist of people from third world countries and many of the whites are Jewish. Many people say SBS news usually does not represent the white or native Aboriginal Australians point of view.

Board Of Directors : SBS Corpora

New directors appointed to ABC and SBS boards - The Australian

May 11, 2018 - Christine Zeitz who has been appointed to the SBS board. ... He previously served as president of the Jewish Community Council of Victoria ...

Famous Professors from Australia | List of Top Australian Professors ...

Robert Manne age 70 Robert Manne is an Emeritus Professor of politics and ... Roger Smalley age 74 Roger Smalley AM is a British–Australian composer, ... 111 Sally Walker is listed (or ranked) 111 on the list Famous Professors from Australia ... Sever Sternhell age 87 Severyn Marcel "Sever" Sternhell is a Polish Jewish ...

ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation is Australia's national broadcaster founded in 1929. It is currently principally funded by direct grants from the Australian government, but is expressly independent of Government and politics.

Wikipedia. "The Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983[1] changed the name of the organisation to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, effective 1 July 1983.[1] Although funded and owned by the government, the ABC remains editorially independent as ensured through the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983.[1]" 

The Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has formally announced Ita Buttrose (Jewish) as the government's pick to chair the ABC, declaring he trusts the publishing icon to lead the public broadcaster out of a tumultuous period.


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Ita Buttrose (Jewish Zionist Globalist) to chair the ABC.

Ita buttrose was "the former News Corp board member, who edited Cleo and The Australian Women’s Weekly before becoming the first female editor of a major metropolitan title as editor-in-chief for Rupert Murdoch’s (Jewish) Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph, spent several years as a host on Network Ten and has appeared on Nine and Seven."

Scott Morrison handed shortlist of three candidates for ABC chairman

Ita Buttrose’s appointment as new ABC chair a promising step in the right direction

"Catholic-born of Jewish ancestry, Buttrose says she still loves the comfort of cathedrals, and will occasionally drop into a church to light a candle and "have a conversation with God". Her nephew Richard, jailed for cocaine supply, continues to be a source of anguish for her in those private moments".

Ita Buttrose on kick-starting a sexual revolution

The ABC Board

The ABC Board

"The duties of the Board are set out in section 8 of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983 (the ABC Act)

The ABC Board is responsible for the ABC’s operations. The duty of the Board is to ensure that the functions of the Corporation are performed efficiently with maximum benefit to the people of Australia, and to maintain the independence and integrity of the Corporation. The Board is also responsible for ensuring that the gathering and presentation of news and information is accurate and impartial, according to recognised standards of journalism, and that the ABC complies with legislative and legal requirements.

Up to seven Directors are appointed by the Governor-General on the recommendation of the Government. The Managing Director is appointed by the Board.

The ABC Act requires that Directors must be experienced in broadcasting, communications or management, or have expertise in financial or technical matters, or have cultural or other interests relevant to the provision of broadcasting services.

The Australian Government has established a merit-based appointment process for non-executive directors to the ABC."

Coalition Government & Largely Coalition-appointed ABC Board 


The Australia population has about 25 million gentiles and about 100 thousands Jews. Many Jews are in powerful position in banking, media and political parties.

The following quote taken the above article, which gives good example of leftwing appoints of view. The article shows the power structure between leftwing white Jews and mainly Jewish Zionists Globalist to keep power. Some Jews promote themselves as whites in public to keep control of white gentile intuition to stop gentiles' whites from running them, and many people become confused when they see whites attacking whites and Christianity. Some Jews do not like to reveal that they are Jews and the public think is white are attacking whites. Many people do realize that many Jews have been condition to think they came from Israel and to hate all non Jews and the rabbi following Talmud laws promote them kill so to enslave non Jews.

I have taken some quotes from following article.

 Australian ABC Journalistic Independence Threatened By Coalition Government & Largely Coalition-appointed ABC Board

"Michelle Guthrie , the  Chinese-Australian Managing Director of the Australian ABC (Australia’s equivalent of the UK BBC) has been  sacked by the ABC Board without satisfactory public explanation. After it was revealed that Ms Guthrie had failed to respond to suggestions that she sack top ABC journalists Emma Alberici and Andrew Probyn that the Coalition Government did not like, the Chairman of the ABC resigned. Now there are calls for the largely Coalition-appointed ABC Board to resign over their involvement in this scandal. Horrified Australians are demanding that the independence of the ABC be preserved but the Liberal Party that dominates the Coalition Government demands privatization and selling off  of the ABC.

  1. Australian Coalition Government subversion of ABC integrity and journalistic independence.

The Australian people and the ABC staff strongly believe in an independent and taxpayer-funded ABC. Then Coalition PM  Malcolm Turnbull responded to the demand by the 2018 Liberal Party National Conference to sell off the ABC by unequivocally stating “[the ABC] will always be in public hands. It will never be sold. That is my commitment” [1]. Unfortunately the powerful, climate change denialist and ferociously anti-ABC  Far Right of the Liberal Party removed Turnbull as PM and Leader of the Liberal Party on 24 August 2018 in Australia’s 4th PM-removing Coup in 8 years [2].

A month later, on 24 September 2018 Michelle Guthrie , the  Chinese-Australian Managing Director of the Australian ABC, was sacked by the ABC Board  half-way through her appointment and without proper public explanation

  1. Flawed ABC “balance” and ABC fake news through lying by omission.

In my opinion, the Australian ABC ranks 3rd after The Guardian Australia (1st) and the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) (2nd) among Australian Mainstream electronic media. The ABC is funded by the Australian taxpayers to the tune of about $1 billion each year  but is under sustained and ferocious attack from the mendacious, Zionist-subverted, US lackey, serial war criminal, effective climate change denialist, anti-science and climate criminal  Liberal Party-National Party Coalition Government. Successive Coalition Governments have subjected the ABC to successive big budget cuts in the last 5 years. Indeed the Liberal Party National Conference has recently voted to privatise the ABC i.e. to sell it off to neoliberal One Percenters (one notes that the same Liberal Party national conference voted to move the Australian Embassy to nuclear terrorist and democracy-by-genocide  Apartheid Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem).

" Former PM Malcolm Turnbull, a fervent Christian Zionist and  a supporter of democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel and serial war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, has trashed Australia’s international reputation by making Australia second only to Trump America as a supporter of nuclear terrorist,  racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist, grossly human rights abusing Apartheid Israel. In 2017 he made a “captain’s pick” appointment of Jewish Zionist Joseph Gersh to the ABC Board. The Australian Financial Review reported: “And now its official: Melbourne businessman Joseph Gersh has been appointed by the Turnbull government to the board of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation."

The ABC is a quantum jump above the xenophobic, jingoist, climate change denialist and mindlessly crass and neoliberal Murdoch media (US citizen and king-maker Rupert Murdoch has about 70% of the city daily readership in Murdochracy Australia). Nevertheless the ABC has adopted the look-the-other-way culture of Australia as a whole that probably has its roots in the convict era and the extermination of 90% of Indigenous Australians in the first century after the British invasion. Lying by omission is far, far worse than lying by commission because the latter at least permits public refutation and public debate.  Like the UK BBC, the Australian ABC has an appalling entrenched culture of fake news through lying by omission [15].

  1. Disproportionately high White, Female and Jewish ABC Board membership – Non-Whites, Muslims & Aborigines now totally excluded.?

Australia loudly boasts of its success as a multicultural society but this national narcissism hides huge deficiencies in organizational cultural diversity. The 2018 “Leading for Change” analysis shows that while Whites and non-Whites are 76% and 24%, respectively, of the population, they represent 94.9% and 5.1%, respectively of the senior leadership of Australian organizations and institutions. Australia is currently being rocked by huge scandals in the 4 Big Banks in which Whites and non-Whites average 89.7% and 10.3%, respectively, of Board members. Lack of cultural diversity evidently may facilitate corporate malfeasance [13, 14]. The scandalous sacking for no apparent good reason of Chinese-Australian ABC CEO Michelle Guthrie invites scrutiny of diversity in ABC management.

Australia has a population (25 million in 2018) that is 76.0% White, 24.0% Non-White, 50.4% Female, 49.6% Male, 3.3% Indigenous, 2.6% Muslim and 0.5% Jewish.

However before Guthrie was sacked, the ABC board of 9 was 88.9% White, 11.1% Non-White, 66.7% Female, 33.3% Male, 0.0% Indigenous, 0.0% Muslim, and 11.1% Jewish.

After Guthrie’s sacking  the ABC Board (now 8 members) was  100.0% White, 0.0% Non-White, 62.5% Female, 37.5% Male, 0.0% Indigenous, 0.0% Muslim, and 12.5% Jewish.

After Justin Milne’s resignation, the current Board (7 members) is 100.0% White, 0.0% Non-White, 71.4% Female, 28.6% Male, 0.0% Indigenous, 0.0% Muslim, and 14.3% Jewish.

  • If Milne is replaced by a White, Jewish Woman, the Board (8 members) will be 100.0% White, 0.0% Non-White, 75.0% Female, 25.0% Male, 0.0% Indigenous, 0.0% Muslim, and 25.0% Jewish.
  • If both Milne’s replacement  and a new CEO are White, Jewish Women, the Board (9 members) will be 100.0% White, 0.0% Non-White, 77.8% Female, 22.2% Male, 0.0% Indigenous, 0.0% Muslim, and 33.3% Jewish.

The  hypothetical scenarios indicated above with an asterisk (*) simply reflect the present quite evident preference for having ABC Board members who are White, Jewish or Women.  Indeed a boundary condition (and a wet dream for White supremacist Zionists) would be an ABC Board that was 100% White, 100% Female and 100% Jewish. So much for “diversity” in the ABC management which presides over an horrendous, racially-informed ABC culture of fake news through lying by omission.

Now  a compromise suggestion to making non-diverse appointments would be to have me – Dr Gideon Polya – as a new ABC Board member. Gideon Polya is White (although the father of 4 Non-White Australians  and grandfather of 3 Non-White Australians),  Male (but no doubt perceived by the jingoist Rightists as Effeminate by being fervently pro-women’s rights, pro-child, pro-peace, pro-environment, anti-war, and pro-human rights), anti-racist Jewish (with a sole allegiance to Australia and a long record of support for Indigenous human rights and Muslim human rights, and  of fervent opposition to racist Zionism and the horrendous policies of nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist, serial war criminal, UK-, US-, and Australia-subverting, grossly human rights-abusing, women-abusing, mother-abusing, child-abusing, democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel).  Indeed the ABC makes offerings to an educated audience in contrast to most of the US-dominated Australian Mainstream media that to an appalling extent variously offer ignorance, stupidity, crassness, bad taste, anti-science, climate change denialism, racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, Sinophobia, racism, bigotry and jingoism to a poorly educated audience. Dr Gideon Polya is a scientist, secular humanist, writer, journalist, artist and pro-Humanity and pro-Biosphere activist who has always been heavily dependent on the ABC for reliable news, intelligent commentary, reliable information, interesting ideas, good music and sophisticated entertainment." END.

    Globaist Media Create Hate Against WhitesScreenshot 5jack lang

Numerous notable events occurred in Australia in the 1970s. The Australian Labour Party came into power; the White Australia Policy, which stopped non-Caucasians immigrating to the country, was dismantled, and the economic boom which had made the country prosperous for many long years, came to an end.

 White Australia saved Australia - Jack Lang 1956

The Jewish Hand Behind Internet - Google, Facebook, Wikipedia ...

Media Ownership: The Illusion of Choice

Video from Red Elephant.

Sorry For Being White | Australia Nurses Have a New Shocking Code of Conduct

"I am an Australian Nurse. As far as I am aware this was only introduced into 1 of our 7 states, namely Queensland. Lets just hope this madness doesn't spread across to the rest of the country."


 The Leaders In Australia Who Committed High Treason

The leaders in Australia who committed high treason against Australia and all Australians including the White homogenous and Aboriginal population.

Harold Holt (Jewish Zionist Globalist) was former Australian Prime minister who worked to removing the white Australia Policy.

Prime Minister Harold Holt's "Migration Act, 1966" effectively ended the White Australian Policy so that migrants from different parts of the world could come to Australia, like refugees from the Vietnam War.

Harold Holt (impresario) -Wikipedia

Harold Holt (3 November 1885 – 3 September 1953) was a noted impresario in England from ... His father was a Jewish diamond merchant.

Harold Holt

Following quote is from Wikipedia

"As prime minister, Holt continued the liberalisation of immigration law that he had begun as Minister for Immigration. When he came to office, what remained of the White Australia policy was upheld by ministerial decree rather than by explicit legislation. In March 1966, the residency requirement for naturalisation was changed to a uniform five years; it had previously been 15 years for non-whites. Discriminatory provisions relating to family reunification were also removed.[60] As a result, in the two years after March 1966 around 3,000 Asian immigrants were granted Australian citizenship,[61  


Left pictures shows the Australian former Prime Ministers who governed Australia and allowed the immigration of non whites into Australia without asking the Australian people.

"After Gough Whitlam (communist) was replaced by former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser (Jewish) of the Liberal/National Parties the destruction of Australia continued. Both the Labour and the Liberal/National parties removed the white Australian policy without asking the Australian people. It was a great change and a referendum should have been held to ask the people if they agree to the the immigration of non whites into the country.  All 3 parties agreed on the Lima agreement to remove indusry out of Australia and to reduce farming and import more food."

Today in 2018 the white European population is about 72% and the white birth-rate is not replacing the white death-rate. Most of the immigration into Australia is not white.

European immigration was fine as Europeans all share a similar religion, culture and value system. Europeans have lived side by side for thousands of years and have all contributed to western culture so it makes sense that things went smoothly back when we had a sane immigration policy. Now its all gone to absolute shit.

 A small group of Globalist traitors have too much influences in banking, mainstream media, internet and political parties. The media and parties are working behind the scenes to replace their own people.

Comments about the traitors

"Liberal extremists in government and media who are transforming the West into a non-Western population are traitors to our civilization. Terrible betrayal of our descendants. What a waste of our future.

The globalist commit treason from within and uses fools in the halls of government and media and rot the soul and undermined the pillars of the nation . The traitors speaks in accents familiar to their victims' and appears to baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all people or different races. 

 The globalist have too much influence in banking"

Some Australian leaders and the Jewish Zionist Gobalist Lobby.

 Israel Lobby Controls Australian Foreign Policy”—Former Foreign Minister Bob Carr

Jewish Supremacism

“Israel Lobby Controls Australian Foreign Policy”—Former Foreign Minister Bob Carr

Bob_CarrIn yet another example of something that could be straight out of the Protocols of Zion, former Australian foreign minister Bob Carr has revealed that what he calls the Israel lobby in Melbourne” controls that nation’s foreign policy and that his nation’s policy has been “subcontracted” to Jewish donors.

Carr’s new autobiography, Diary of a Foreign Minister, reveals the “extraordinary influence” of the Israel lobby in that nation and says that Australia’s foreign policy has been “subcontracted” to Jewish party donors, which prevents any criticism of Israel, no matter how negatively that affects Australia or world affairs.

Speaking in an interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Carr said that “extreme right-wing” pro-Israel lobbyists had an “unhealthy” influence on Australia’s policy towards Israel and the Occupied Territories.

“I found it very frustrating that we couldn’t issue, for example, a routine expression of concern about the spread of Israeli settlements on the West Bank — great blocks of housing for Israeli citizens going up on land that everyone regards as part of the future Palestinian state if there is to be a two-state solution.”

Carr said that “party donations” and programs targeting journalists were the reason why the numerically small pro-Israel lobby wields so much political influence.

These lobbying tactics “need to be highlighted, because I think it reached a very unhealthy level,” he said, regarding pro-Israel forces in Australia.

In his book, Carr described a conversation he had with former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, about Canberra’s position on the Palestinian UN application.

“How much of this is about money, I asked him,” Carr wrote, according to the Guardian.

“He said about one-fifth of the money he had raised in the 2007 election campaign had come from the Jewish community.”  Jews make up 0.3 percent of the Australian population.

Carr then concludes that, “subcontracting our foreign policy to party donors is what this involves.”

According to an article in the Sydney Morning Herald, (SMH) Carr also describes Israel’s former ambassador as “cunning” and reveals his fights with the self-described pro-Israel “falafel faction” in [the Australian Labor Party] Labor’s caucus that includes Jewish MPs Mark Dreyfus and Michael Danby.

“The public should know how foreign policy gets made, especially when it appears the prime minister is being heavily lobbied by one interest group with a stake in Middle East policy,” he said in the SMH story.

In diary entries, Carr reveals just how deep his division with former Prime Minister Julian Gillard went.

He complains that Gillard would not even let him criticise Israeli West Bank settlements due to her fear it would anger Australia’s pro-Israel lobby – a reference to the Melbourne-based Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council – which Carr says had a direct line into the prime minister’s office.

“So, we can’t even ‘express concern’ without complaint,” Carr writes. “This lobby must fight every inch.”

aijac_logo_blue_webReproducing private text messages, Carr shows how Gillard’s support of Israel was so immovable that she would not even allow him to change Australia’s vote on what he considered to be a minor UN motion.

“Julia – motion on Lebanon oil spill raises no Palestinian or Israel security issues. In that context I gave my commitment to Lebanon,” Carr writes in a text message.

“No reason has been given to me to change,” Gillard replies.

“Julia – not so simple,” Carr responds. “I as Foreign Minister gave my word. I was entitled to because it had nothing to do with Palestinian status or security of Israel.”

Gillard shuts him down in a final message: “Bob … my jurisdiction on UN resolutions isn’t confined to ones on Palestine and Israel.”

* Robert John “Bob” Carr served in the government of Australia as Minister for Foreign Affairs from March 2012 to September 2013, while also serving in the Australian Senate as a Senator for New South Wales. From 4 April 1995 to 3 August 2005, Carr was the Premier of New South Wales, the longest continuously serving Premier of the state.

From The Times of Israel

Australian PM ousted for more moderate rival with Jewish roots.

Malcolm Turnbull, who said his mother’s family was Jewish, defeats Tony Abbott in internal Liberal Party ballot to lead country

September 14, 2015, 4:48 pm

He's a corrupt multi millionaire elitist master Prime Minister UN-ELECT. How did he make his money? How, indeed!

The Corruption of Malcolm Turnbull Esposed

7.30 Report: Paul Lyneham chairs a debate between monarchist Tony Abbott and Republican Malcolm Turnbull, 30 July 1993.

Abbott vs Turnbull: Republic Debate (1993)

 John Howard, former PM and leader of the Liberal-National Coalition government

John Howard (Jewish), former PM and ex-leader of the Liberal-National Coalition government, and Fabian

  Socialism the Destroyer


Fmr Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser Exposes Zio Globalist Power!

The former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser (who is said by many to be actually Jewish)  has joined the growing list of prominent public personalities to “take the plunge” and publicly identify the Jewish Lobby as a pernicious influence in public affairs.

  Fmr Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser Exposes Zio Power!

 The Only Evil whites in this world are the Zionists.

Screenshot 1stop white flight

  Sydney's White Flight Caused by Government "Black Plague" - Pt:1

The end of the Australian White homogenous population

Gough Whitlam, first Labor PM since WW2 and a committed Fabian

GoughWhitlam Gough Whitlam leftwing (Communist) Labor Party.

 Jewish Zionist Globalist Leaders in Australia today

 Screenshot 7 bill shorten

.Labour Party former leader Bill Shorten ( Jewish Fabian Globalist)

video imageplay

The former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is Jewish Globalist.

AUSTRALIA'S DEFENCE PRIORITIES - a speech NOT given in parliament



Australia Act Fraud Detailed



He’s laughing at us Aussies
  1. The following 10 facts of Fraud of the Australia Act 1989 have not been rebutted and therefore they remain facts.
  2. These material facts show that Australian Law emanating from the fraudulent Australia Act 1986 is based on fraud and therefore no law at all.
  3. The difference is between the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia and the CORPORATION OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA.

The Commonwealth Constitution Act 1901 was granted to the people by Queen Victoria.

The CORPORATION is the ruling entity that owns, runs and controls the CITY OF LONDON which is not subject to, nor under any law of the Monarch of England

This is the First Fraud

Prior to Federation in 1900 Australia was divided into Colonies, after Federation the Colonies became States, but, each State was subject to the Constitution.

Prior to the fraudulent 1986 AUSTRALIA ACT any bill either State or Commonwealth touching a Constitutional issue had to be reserved for Royal Assent involving the Two Houses of Parliament back in England in the process.

By 1984 the International Socialist movement specifically the Fabian Socialists had succeeded in getting Mr Robert Hawke elected as Prime Minster of Australia. He then proceeded to “enact” the Australia Act. However, HM Queen Elizabeth 2 of the UK did not sign the Act. Instead, she placed her initials at the top right of the first page to indicate that the Act was subject to a referendum of the People of the Commonwealth of Australia. No referendum has ever been held.

The Second Fraud

In a 1996 Senate Standing Committee paper titled “Aspects of Section 44” Professor Blackshield submitted a paper to the committee which stated that Mr Hawke may have a case to answer in relation to Section 44 of the Commonwealth Constitution Act 1900 in that at the time of being Prime Minister Bob Hawke was also an Honorary Citizen of Israel. (Duel Citizenship)

The Third Fraud

Prior to the actual enactment of the Australia Act 1986 new “Letters Patent” were issued, it appears that the signature to the new Letters Patent signed at Balmoral in Scotland in 1984 was Mr R Hawke

The Fourth Fraud

To avoid having to send the 1986 Australia Act to the governed via a Constitutional Referendum, Mr Hawke and the Six Premiers involved decided to use section 51 (xxxviii) of the Commonwealth Constitution.

Powers of the Parliament

51. The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to:-
(xxxvii.) Matters referred to the Parliament of the Commonwealth by the Parliament or Parliaments of any State or States, but so that the law shall extend only to States by whose Parliaments the matter is referred, or which afterwards adopt the law:

The Fifth Fraud

By using Section 51 not Section 128 this activated State Request Acts and as such under their State Constitutions, Elector approval had to be sought prior to any Royal Assent being granted. (A referendum is required. )

The Sixth Fraud


In Western Australia, section 73 of their State Constitution

(2) A Bill that —

(e) expressly or impliedly in any way affects any of the following sections of this Act, namely — sections 2, 3, 4, 50, 51 and 73, shall not be presented for assent by or in the name of the Queen unless —

(g) the Bill has also prior to such presentation been approved by the electors in accordance with this section, and a Bill assented to consequent upon its presentation in contravention of this subsection shall be of no effect as an Act. (A referendum is required. )

In Queensland, section 53 of their State Constitution

53.(1) A Bill that expressly or impliedly provides for the abolition of or alteration in the office of Governor or that expressly or impliedly in any way affects any of the following sections of this Act namely— sections

1, 2, 2A, 11A, 11B; and this section 53 shall not be presented for assent by or in the name of the Queen unless it has first been approved by the electors in accordance with this section and a Bill so assented to consequent upon its presentation in contravention of this subsection shall be of no effect as an Act. (A referendum is required. )

In New South Wales, section 7 of their State Constitution

7(a) (2) A Bill for any purpose within subsection (1) shall not be presented to the Governor for His Majesty’s assent until the Bill has been approved by the electors in accordance with this section.

7(b) shall not be presented to the Governor for Her Majesty’s assent until the Bill has been approved by the electors in accordance with this section. (A referendum is required. )

The Seventh Fraud

Within the Australia Act 1986 section 14 amends the Western Australian Constitution by amending section 50 and 51, but, these particular sections are bound to elector consent and approval at section 73 of the Western Australia Constitution. (A referendum is required. )

The Eighth Fraud

Within the Australia Act 1986 section 13 amends the Queensland Constitution by amending section 11A and 11B, but, these particular sections are bound to elector consent and approval at section 53 of the Queensland Constitution. (A referendum is required. )

The Ninth Fraud

After the purported enactment of the Australia Act 1986 “Reservation of Bills” for Royal Assent stopped and Royal Assent to Constitutional amendments operated within Australia after 1986 without any knowledge of the electorate, that “Primary Fraud” had occurred in relation to The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia as opposed to the CORPORATION OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA operating via the CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF LONDON.

The Tenth Fraud

The due process of law was not followed in any State or Territory when the State Requests Acts 1985 were purportedly enacted in 1985. (A referendum is required. )

This is all evidence that shows that Australian Law emanating from the fraudulent Australia Act 1986 is based on fraud and therefore no law at all,

13 thoughts on “Australia Act Fraud Detailed”

  • Stephen

    Bring the treasonous traitors , and their handlers , to face Justice ,,,

  • “The CORPORATION is the ruling entity that owns, runs and controls the “CITY OF LONDON” which is not subject to, nor under any law of the Monarch of England” – This is now known as the CiITY OF WESTMINISTER. Is there still a “CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION”? Is this “CiTY OF WESTMINISTER” the same organisation known as “THE CROWN” which is separate and distinct from the Royal CROWN being the crown which is symbolically placed on the head of the new king or queen during the coronation ceremony and which symbolises The body of law the king or queen is both subject to and also exercises as the incumbent in the monarchael office of King or Queen as the case may be.

  • Well done Rod are following you all the time Along with wayne and learning heaps from both of you reading the right book here and follow know your rights group as well very interesting,And put thing’s into practice and found that it works well,The bastards wont give in easy will they,But we must keep fighting them and bring them to justice. Once again Rod cheers for everything you are doing,From another Aussie battler thank you.

  • Jessie Dowds

    How come, this has been able to go on all these years without being investigated or changed, or protested against, if others knew about it and did NOTHING?? This is TREASON, IS IT NOT?? If this fraud was done when Hawke was in power, did other politicians, LNP know this had happened?? If so, WHY hasn’t it being fixed? This NATION needs to know WTH is going on with OUR CONSTITUTION!!

  • Ray

    Why has there not been a legal challenge by an Australian legal team set up under a go fund our rights campaign monies donated to be Tax deduction Unfortunately a lot of our legal system has been corrupted by Gov and Crime and Greed

    • old kodger

      I can comprehend why you would ask that, and in answer: – Because EVERY barrister/lawyer practicing law in a “court” (unidroit tribunal) in Australia must first swear an oath to uphold the “Bar Association”. The Bar Association is a part of the Crown Corporation.
      So who do you think that they are working for?

      • Glenn

        and any lawyer that makes an oath to the BAR has as their first duty to the court, regardless if you pay them or not

  • Totally agree with Stephen, bring these traitorous, sell out people and all who aided and abetted them to face real justice.

  • Al

    I don’t agree with the Islamaphobia. The Koran debunks a lot of ideas presented by Musllims as Koranic Law. What a lot of nonMuslims don’t know is that when Muslims go to prayer they first pray to Jesus. Also Muslims must live by the laws of the land they are living first before Koranic Law.

    • Mike Holt Post author

      Unless you are a moslem then I question how you know that they pray to Jesus first. I have never heard that, and it sounds like moslem apologist rubbish…but I’m open to seeing proof.

      As for the majority of moslems…I agree they are for the most party peacful and no problem to the rest of us. BUT, and it’s a big but, if even 1% of the more than 800,000 moslems living in Australia are bent on waging a holy war against us that’s still a lot of dangerous people to have living among us. You do the math.

      In case you can’t, the answer is 8,000 dangerous people. Are you prepared to accept that?

    • G David

      Not exactly. My understanding is that Muslims must live by the laws of the land they are living in, but only insofar as those laws do not conflict with Sharia law.

  • Renee Thompson

    My Question
    Mr R Hawke has recently passed RIP. I’m sure he wasn’t a saint and there certainly would be some questionable issues that will now come to light.
    You article above may be very true, questionable and needs to be addressed but why has it taken 33 years to be brought to light.
    Many politicians and legal representatives would have viewed and known about this issue.
    Why now?
    Has this not been good for our country?
    Apart from the gender referendum would the general public understand the questions put to them.
    My meaning in the last statement is that the questions put to the public have generally been more confusing and mixed with more meaning. People vote No for the status quo. Is easier to understand why Han change.
    Let alone the cost.

    • Mike Holt Post author

      Why do you think no one knew? The answer should be obvious. These political party criminals are master liars. They have done so much behind our backs without our knowledge.




 Other Freemasons in Governemt.
Freemasonry is a Jewish Institution update 3.

Freemasonry is a Jewish Institution update 3.

A naked statue of trump with a freemason ring on in a freemason pose? Freemasons ..

 Paul Keating, a Freemason whose allegiance is to the synagogue of Satan, presided over a contrived recession in Australia from 1989 to 1991, which had a devastating impact on Australian citizens, with interest rates reaching more than 20% at various times.  The synagogue of Satan deliberately manufactured this recession to mercilessly break Australian citizens down.  In their weakened state, in the ensuing years and decades that followed, the above synagogue of Satan agenda was imposed upon them.

It would appear that planning by the synagogue of Satan to diminish the quality of life of Australian citizens commenced in the late 1970s or even earlier when it realised the stunning prosperity and quality of life that Australian citizens enjoyed.  Wherever in the world the synagogue of Satan finds people enjoying their lives and thriving in peace and prosperity, it seeks to introduce turmoil to diminish their quality of life.  Its efforts to pull Australian citizens down from their enviable position intensified in 1983 with the election of Freemason Bob Hawke to the position of Prime Minister and the start of the wholesale deregulation of the Australian economy that followed his election.

Other Traitor acts committed by Leaders

The following Pictures taken fron CairnNews Australia


Screenshot 7Kim beasley

 The Replacing White Europeans and Black native Australians

The main political parties and government (globalist) that controls Australia is promoting the multicultural multiracial society and is replacing (genocide) white Europeans and Australian Aboriginals by allowing the immigration of other racial and cultural groups into Australia without the permission of the Australian people.

The United Nation laws on genocide means the deliberate replacing of a racial group or culture is genocide.

These laws would also affect the regions around Australia including New Zealand, Papua Guinea, Fiji and Asia.The United Nation is also promoting the immigration into different countries with alien cultures and races, so it's breaking it own laws. All this is occurring because white Europeans did not create an Anti- Defarmation League to stop this.
To understand more on racism and genocide click on the following links for more information

About European Genocide

United Nations Definitions Of Genocide

The 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article II states:

"In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

This convention defines genocide as:

“…acts committed with the intent to destroy in whole or in part, a national ethnic, racial or religious group…”


OSAPG legal definition of genocide:

Genocide is defined in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.

The Punishment of the Crime of Genocide Convention

The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 9 December 1948 as General Assembly Resolution 260. The Convention entered into force on 12 January 1951.  It defines genocide in legal terms and is the culmination of years of campaigning by lawyer Raphael Lemkin. Yair Auron writes "When Raphael Lemkin coined the word genocide in 1944 he cited the 1915 annihilation of Armenians as a seminal example of genocide." All participating countries are advised to prevent and punish actions of genocide in war and in peacetime. The number of states that have ratified the convention is currently 142.  See this article for more information.

What Is Genocide?

White Indigenous Rights

  RED ICE Video Response: Why They Want To Replace White People

 Screenshot 1blown to hell

 White European soldiers sacrifice their lives for Australia where their people have no future

The Band Played Waltzing Matilda - John McDermott

When travelling through the small towns and villages of Australia, I always make time to go to the local War Memorial to pay my respects. What never fails to sadden and upset me is the number of names of the young men that are on the memorials. In some cases there were over half of the population of young men in their prime taken from these small communities. Particularly sad was when you see more than one with the same surname.These little towns could never recover ...........Lest we forget..

This is a universal song over the madness of war. Any war. And believe me the real heroes are quiet. I love this respectful, beautiful clip.Well done.

such a sad song we must never forgot the sacrifices our soldiers have done for that have given us freedom John McDermott sings this song so well

"And war is always the choice, of the chosen who will not have to fight"   Bastards. Get out there you politicians, you generals, and go at it yourselves, and let the real people of the world lead real lives.   We analyse the battles thru history and learn "bloody nothing", except how to wreck useless slaughter all over again.  Bastards!!

I'm thankful that anyone takes the time to post here. I had great uncles that fought for the US in that stupid war. One lived by himself in a shack in the woods drinking too much trying to forget what he saw. One was gassed. All that carnage just because the stupid crowned heads of Europe were fools. Then the second WW once again because of the actions of Britain and France forcing intolerable reparations on Germany. Politicians start wars and the poor and working class are forced to fight them on both sides. At least in the old days the leaders fought at the front with their men not from the safety of their palaces and capitals like now days.


TTP.  Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement – or "TPP" for short.

The New World Order wants Australia and New Zealand to become a part of the Pacific union (TPP) with nations from Asia, the pacific and south America. China and Indonesia would probably also join in the futrue. There will be no borders which would allow the free movement of people from Asia and south america into Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific islands.
In the future, Africa will become a part of European common market and also join the Pacific union. This gives complete movement of people which increases interracial marriages and replacement of peoples because of media influence and conditioning. Most of the pure Asian population will disappear as well as the Australian Aborigines, Whites, Fijians and New Zealander Maoris. Everyone will lose their countries and way of life forever.
This ultimately leads to genocide of all pure races in Asia, Australia and World Wide.

Article about the TTP

The dirtiest deal you've never heard of

"For years, there's been negotiations behind closed doors for a new trade deal that would span countries bordering the Asia-Pacific, including the US, Canada, New Zealand, as well as several countries in Latin America and Asia. The deal is called the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement – or "TPP" for short. The TPP agenda is primarily being driven by big business, big pharmaceuticals and big tobacco – but its impacts will affect everyday Australians. Between foreign corporations suing our governments over public health measures and environmental protection laws, higher prices for medicine, and surveillance of Australians' internet usage, there's a lot for citizens to be concerned about. What we do know from leaked parts of the agreement is terrifying. But most Australians haven't even heard about the TPP. That's why we need to sound the alarm now, and sound it loudly."

TPP 11 set to clear Australian Senate after receiving bipartisan support

 "The trade agreement signed between 11 countries -- Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Japan, Mexico, Peru, Brunei, and Chile"

"Only a slight majority of those Labor MPs speaking opposed.."

"The support shown by Labor (Communist) for the trade deal has left a sour taste in the mouths of the Greens (Communist), with a statement from the party's trade spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young calling out Labor as throwing Australia under the bus for delivering the government the numbers it needs to pass the TPP 11."

"Labor has betrayed Australian workers, and our sovereignty, by paving the way to locking our nation to the dangerous TPP," she said."

 "The South Australian Senator said the TPP 11 gives corporations the power to sue governments for raising wages, protecting the environment, or reducing the cost of life-saving medication.

"It gives countries the ability to bring in temporary migrant workers with no need to first check if there are Australians ready, willing and able to do the job instead. This deal will result in Australia losing 39,000 jobs," Hanson-Young continued."

Following Trump's backflip in April, former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (Jewish) said the UK had shown "real interest" in joining the free trade deal, and was partaking in preliminary discussions on doing so post-Brexit.

White Australia Policy
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Australia in the 1950 to 1970
 After the 1960

Before Gough Whitlam (Fabian Communist Globalist) leader of the Labour party came to power, most Aussies believed Australia was the lucky country, because Australia had an American standard of living. Australians felt they had a future in Australia. About 97% of the homogenous population were white Europeans with only a few Aboriginal people and some Asians. The average family had 2.8 children and wives did not need to work. One wage covered rent or house and car payments with money to spare. Australia was industrial, agriculturally and mineral rich. The country built TV sets, cars, planes, radios, toys, clothing, shoes and stoves etc.

The average young adult could leave school at 14 to 15 years while some went to National University or College for free and others could learn a trade, many finished their trade course before they were 19 years old. Many were married before they were 24 years old and most couples did not break up.

White Immigration into Australia

Baby Boomers Part 1 Australia 1950 / 60's

Baby Boomers Part 2 Australia 1950 / 60's 

'Baby Boomers Picture Show' 1990 year of release, as seen on ABC TV, inspired by the book by Helen Townsend.

From the Film Australia Collection. Made by The Commonwealth Film Unit 1966. Directed by Douglas White. A picture of life in the Victorian capital of Melbourne in the mid 1960s. The Life In Australia series portrays Australian cities and rural centres as happy, lively places where good homes, abundant jobs, schools, hospitals and amenities provide the foundation for a relaxed lifestyle where sport, shopping, religion and even art combine to create a homogenous and prosperous society. Made for the Department of Immigration to encourage and inform prospective migrants to Australia. If you have any information about the people or places in this film we would love to hear your comments. You can a production still from this film here:

Life In Australia: Melbourne

From the Film Australia Collection. Made by the Commonwealth Film Unit 1959. Directed by John Gray. Produced for the Department of Immigration to assist in the campaign to attract migrants to Australia. The film was used by immigration officers at information evenings, particularly in Britain. The film provides an introduction to “the Australian way of life” by portraying the daily lives of an “ordinary” family of fairly recent British immigrants. It gives an indication of housing, lifestyle and leisure, work, consumer goods, and services such as transport, health, education, financial assistance cultural institutions and social organisations, in such a way as to reassure future residents. Designed to counteract an image of “bush and billabongs”, the film focuses on urban living and the country’s growth potential. To purchase a DVD of this film please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Way We Live

Episode from the 1999 TV series Our Century, presented by Ray Martin.When the motor car first started to appear on Australian roads, some saw it as a nuisance that scared the horses & a craze that was going to be short lived.

Like Ya Car - Early Years of Motoring in Australia

Aboriginal And White History
"Much of what is taught about Aboriginal culture today appears to be based on myths and hearsay. This article attempts to present a balanced perspective based on the observations of early settlers who lived among the Aborigines. Their real life observations help give us a glimpse into a fascinating, complex, and often savage culture."  This quote taken from the following website.

The extinction of the Australian pygmies

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The History of Australia

  Australian History Timeline

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The Native Headhunters in the Torres Strait Islands in northern Australia.

 In the 1800s, ships from Australia to England had to pass through the formidable Great Barrier Reef and the Torres Strait. Uncharted coral reefs meant shipwrecks were frequent, and those castaways in small boats had to run a terrifying gauntlet of headhunters in the Torres Strait.

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 History of Convict Australia - Full Documentary

 All-Women Prison Ship Sent To Australia

All-Women Prison Ship Sent To Australia



Whites built the founding that made Australia great.  



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Australia — before it was destroyed.

Foreign Influence

Australia — before it was destroyed.

Written by Gary J Matthews.

About 35 short years ago everyone had Jobs everywhere, in fact Mums use to stay home and families all lived happily just on Dads wages.
We had Iron Ore and great steel industries, we had shipbuilding, Car manufacturing, Holden, Chrysler, Mitsubishi, Toyota, Ford even Lightburn made a Zeta, we built TV’s, radio’s, washing machines, Victa lawnmowers, hills hoists & fine furniture manufacturing. We built Car parts and we even made our own tyres at Bridgestone! We had fishing ports all over Australia from Port Lincoln to Brunswick Heads. We made our own cheap Petrol that was refined at Stanvac Oil refinery in SA, Bulimba Refinery in Brisbane. Mortlake Sydney Refinery’s from oil brought in from the Bass Strait, North West Shelf and the Timor Sea.
We built Aircraft, Boats, Submarines and battlecruisers, Ships, warships. Buses. Locomotives, Diesel-electric trains, as well as the tracks, and you can add hundreds more to that list.
And everything was “PROUDLY MADE IN AUSTRALIA”
We had Corner stores and Milk Bars and Deli’s, and Hardware shops all over the city and country. Our Rural towns were a hive f activity as they were very strong Communities and were linked by a vast rail network that now lies dormant forever all across the country.
Flea Markets everywhere on the weekends. All our food was fresh and local. Our Milk and bread were delivered every morning fresh to our doorstep in recyclable glass bottles.
We paid our rates to the local council to maintain our streets and remove our rubbish. and we use to dump our extra rubbish free at the local tips.
We had work available as driveway attendants at all our local Service Stations, that was when we had Australian owned Service Stations like GOLDEN FLEECE that even had restaurants owned by H.C. Sleigh… and AMPOL. I even remember good old STANLEY who checked your tyres, checked your oils and washes your windscreen. And at ALL these places you could always find a JOB!!!
I remember going to Myers, David Jones and Waltons etc to buy Clothes and there was always someone with a tape measure to measure me up and all my NEW clothes fitted perfectly… Today I have to take clothes off the shelves, get them out of the packets, Take them to the fitting room and try them on… If they don’t fit put them back and keep trying till you get some that do fit. 2 Hours later take them to the checkout that if it is not a Self Serve checkout. They are scanned and the operator tells me the price… Oh, I say… Can you tell me, the second-hand price, please???? These are new She replies… No, they are not! These shirts smell under the armpits… These are not new at all… How many people before me have tried them on??? I don’t know what diseases people have. This is a public health issue.
We had PUBLIC UTILITIES like Power Stations, Water & Gas which would employ thousand around the Country and it was always so cheap, it would sustain thousands of Industries all over the Nation, this was how thousands of jobs were created.
We were all taught Respect for others and ourselves at school.
Then the bloody Government starting selling out our very souls !!!! It started to Corporatise itself and began to compete against private enterprise instead of Govern. Local Councils started to buy up Caravan & Tourist Parks in all the major tourist spots and build Shopping Hubs and rented them out and at the same time dictate to all others what you can and can not do…
Then we started going downhill.
All our companies and manufacturers started going offshore or close down because this new corporate government did deals with other countries under free trade agreements that allowed them to totally wipe out our business and manufacturing by allowing the foreign business to start flooding our once great nation with their cheap crap.
We as Australians use to all watch each other’s backs and respect each other and all say G’day with a smile because we were all happy with our freedom and our wonderful democracy. Children could safely go anywhere as long as they were home before dark. Now we just watch each other through security screens and burglar alarms and live in constant FEAR & STRESS
These Foreign Countries were allowed to just march in and start taking over and rape and pillage all our resources. They started driving our Farmers off their lands and then sold it to these foreign countries.
They cut back funding to our education system and slowed down teaching trade skills to our youth and set up 457 visa’s to replace our trade workers with poor quality cheap workers from overseas. These things left our once beautiful Country in tatters!
Politicians allowed Foreign Countries to buy our Power Stations and guaranteed them that they would always make a profit at our expense no matter what.
Now because we have lost so much the Government then realised they don’t get much income anymore and have to find new ways to make money so it hits it’s own people further in the pocket. They invented things like GST, Excise Taxes, Levy’s buy the hundreds on everything. They cut funding to our Emergency Services and forced us to all pay an Emergency Services Levy, they cut funding to our Police and Public housing.
All our Public owned Forestries were sold off to foreign ownership.
These new Corporate Government Politicians laughed in our faces and gave themselves MASSIVE pay rises and they all pat themselves on the back knowing that we are so dumb and stupid we would not know what is going on!
Now they tell us we have to tighten our belts and lose what little we have left to pay back the MASSIVE DEBT they left us all in after gifting other countries billions in foreign aid setting up their countries at the peril of our own…
Everywhere I shop today just about everything is “MADE IN CHINA” and it dawned on me that every time I buy something made in China I am actually funding China to buy up my own country out from under my feet. We are making China so much profit they can now afford to buy us right out which is exactly what they are doing and our Government is helping them do so.
Today I drive the main roads around Adelaide and all I see is the empty buildings that once housed all these great manufacturing companies and when I drive past the Holden Plant at Elizebeth totally empty I begin to literally cry for what has happened to my once great nation.
This overpaid government need more taxes to live on so they are now going to force our elderly (God bless them, for they were the ones that helped build this Nation in the first place) back into the workforce until they are 70. and tell everyone to go out and get a JOB!! But this is NOT just South Australia, this has happened all over Australia.
So can someone in this new Corporate Government tell us EXACTLY WHERE THESE BLOODY JOBS ARE???????????????????????


And while you’s sit there reading all this thinking this was another Aaron Taylor FB rant about the government running us down the drain, it was in fact…

Written by
Gary J Matthews.







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Snowy Mountains Hydro

The Australian Constitution



Sir David Smith explains how most Australians don't know Australia has a written Constitution and the Constitution is an inbuilt safeguard that ensures any government that seeks to change the Australian Constitution, must first get the approval of the Australian Public as outlined in Section 128 of the Australian Constitution.

We recommend that Australians and people worldwide campaign for a How parliamentary elections work in Switzerland system to be introduced in Australia and move to abolish the political parties sometime in the future.  While some control may be gained by utilizing Section 128 of the Constitution, nothing major can happen without a direct democracy. 


Section 128;  We the People can make changes to the Constitution.  

Section 128:  Australian Constitution Section 128 “Our Constitution may be altered only with the APPROVAL OF THE PEOPLE at a Referendum.”

We acknowledge Mike Holt of CIRNow (formerly Restore Australia), for allowing us permission to use his article below on Section 128 of the Australian Constitution:

- Beginning Quote -

This is Section 128 of the 1901 Constitution that we want to change so that We the People have the power to achieve the Australia we want.

The change we are advocating is to amend Section 128 of the current Constitution by adding a paragraph to allow Citizens (as well as the Parliament), the right to initiate referenda to change the Constitution. At present, only our elected representatives in the House can initiate referendums. Then they allow the people to vote on them.

Ever since the constitution came into being in 1901 there have been 45 referendums, yet only 8 have been approved by the people.

The change to Section 128 of the Constitution we are advocating would then be as shown below with the changes in bold type.

Note: 1% of eligible voters equates to about 140,000 signatures.


Section 128;  This Constitution shall not be altered except in the following manner:

By the People.

Any elector or group of electors vote for the election of the House of Representatives may initiate a proposal to change this Constitution by submitting a Petition to the Governor General.  The Petition shall include the proposed alteration of this Constitution.  On receipt of such a Petition signed by not less than one per cent of the electors qualified to vote for the election of the House of Representatives, and verified by the Electoral Commissioner, the Governor-General shall within three months submit the proposal to referendum to the Australian people.

The unfortunate fact is that due to lack of education on this topic in schools (equates to dumbing down of the population - treason again?), few Australians know much about their constitution and do not know they have no Bill of Rights, which means Australians really have no rights.  Over the many years Australians have been building the nation, fighting in wars, there has been no organizational legal entity built to represent them and right for Bill of Rights..    

The Australian government has been making major changes to the governance of the country for many years without telling the people the real facts.  This violates the Australian Constitution and as mentioned, has been destroying Australian manufacturing and farming production among other things.  For instance, some controversial examples which SHOULD have been decided with referendums and which many people consider treachery in Australia include:

  1. Abolition of the White Australia Policy (affects population)
  2. Self-determination by the Aboriginal People
  3. The destruction of the manufacturing industry due to the Lima Agreement
  4. Signing up for Agenda 21, now updated to Agenda 2030
  5. Race Relations Act
  6. Carbon Tax
    A carbon pricing scheme in Australia, commonly dubbed as a "carbon tax" was introduced by the Gillard Labor Government in 2011 and operated until it was repealed on 17 July 2014, and backdated to 1 July 2014.  The Emission Reduction Fund was subsequently set up by the Abbott government in December 2014.
  7. Coal Seam Gas As outlined by Dr. Alex St John in his article The coal Seam Gas Debate, Coal seam gas (CSG), is a polarising issue in some communities.  Proponents argue that CSG is a vital energy resource necessary for continued gas supplies. Opponents claim that CSG could have serious environmental and social impacts.
  8. Same-Sex Marriage

Our Constitutional Identity

Australians Campaign for a Bill of Rights



 A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.

Marcus Tullius Cicero Quote

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague."

 Whites have lost their country Australia.

Whites must unite worldwide and increase their birth-rate and campaign against mix race relationship if not white Europeans will become extinct.

Many people would agree that Whites have lost Australia, because the White birthrate is not replacing the White deathrate and many Whites are having mixed race children. Australia has a population (25 million in 2018) that is 76.0% White, 24.0% Non-White. The majority of migration into Australia are Non-Whites and they are having more children than Whites.

The following information from the Australian Bureau of Statistics

OpenDocument 3301.0 - Births, Australia, 2011 Quality Declaration

"In 2011, Australia's total fertility rate (TFR) was 1.88 babies per woman, down very slightly from the 2010 TFR of 1.89 babies per woman. Since 1976, the total fertility rate for Australia has been below replacement level. That is, the average number of babies born to a woman throughout her reproductive life (measured by the TFR) has been insufficient to replace herself and her partner. The TFR required for replacement is currently considered to be around 2.1 babies per woman. The TFR reached a low of 1.73 babies per woman in 2001 before increasing to a thirty-year high of 1.96 babies per woman in 2008."

The globalists who control Australia want to move non-whites into small towns and into areas which are too white. You will start to hear that there are too many white farmers in Australia and farms must be taken from whites with little to no money paid for to them. 

All races including Whites & true Jews are slaves.

Many people are starting to realize that Australians do not have free speech and we are just slave animals.
Many white Europeans also realize that they must build a worldwide white European tribe (Nation world organization) to represent us and fight for home land and our rights for all races all over the World

The Australian people are banker slaves who live on huge Nation Reservation

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 Alex Jones Infowars interviews American Indian Russell Means who talks how American has become one huge Indian Reservation.  Russel Mean passed away in 2012.Screenshot 5 free but not free

Russell Means Interview — Welcome To the Reservation (Full Length)


Alex Jones interviews Russell Means who talks about  the decline of the American culture.

RUSSELL MEANS SPECIAL: The Decline of American Culture (10/22/2012)


yosef gentiles exist to serve jews

Nationalist Organizations

Conservative ideas slow WE the People down                       

When I first started learning about the New World Order I asked a number of conservatives some questions e.g: Why do conservative organizations have no anti-defamation organization?, their answer, "We have no money," and I said, " You have to build organizations to obtain the money," they said, " They do not operate that way." My second question: Why they do not build White women, youth, children branches in the conservative organization?, they said, " Conservative organizations do not build that type of organization ." I said,  How are you expected to win?," they had no answer to that question!

The Conservative groups compared to National & International Community based organizations.

White organizations in the Australia are poorly developed, conservatively politically structured and are not nationalist community base structured. During the 1960s white organizations were mainly run by people who promoted conservative ideas and did not build collective nationalist community based organizations to obtain finance to run an Anti-Defamation Council to fight for people's rights. From the 1960s even still now they still have not built the community based organizations and an Anti-Defamation Council. If they had an Anti-Defamation Council in the 1960s they could have challenged the removal of the white Australia policy in the national and international courts and could have fough for all people's rights against racism, genocide as well as take actions against mainstream media and political parties.

Non whites have organizations to represent their culture and rights.

Most of the non whites in Australia are community based organizations but not all are politically structured. The whites are the only group that did not develop community based organizations to represent whites. Whites mainly worked together through the internet and have websites to give news and information. But there are no real apex leaders or council to unite all organizations. Also most Christian churches do not fight for white rights in or outside of Australia.

The gentiles (non-Jews) organizations like the RSL, Scouts, etc are conditioned by the media to be conservative, liberal, socialist in thinking, are dumbed down and condtioned not to think about the deep state that runs Australia and other nations behind the scenes.


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The Jewish population have well built nationalist community based organizations that are structured politically and cater for many Jewish needs. Their organizations are connected to other organizations in other countries all over the world. Jews have regional congresses to united Jews and this gives them power to influence  political parties and mainstream media. Jews practice affirmative action and only allow Jews to run their organizations. Many white gentiles do not practice affirmative action for themselves and their organizations is often run by Jews.

 When you look at white websites they don't talk about the law or how to make organizaions, so you can quickly learn how much they know about the Laws or how to build a community based organization.

We need to Unite all Anti-Globalist and build Community Based Organizations to remove them.

Community Organization and Building - 3-30-16 Lecture

The article on right. The B'nai B'rith Jewish Community Based service organization operates nationally and internationally and represents Jews only. Many Jews are nationalist behind the scenes; and in public they promote,liberal, socialist, communist ideas.

Jewish organizations are collective community based organizations, bringing together many groups under national and international congresses all over the world.

Jews are united nationally, internationally and are a nation within the host country.

White gentile organizations in the United States, Australia, Britain, and Europe are not community based organizations, they are conservatively structured. Conservative organizations are not collectives and do not build Anti-Defamation organizations to fight for people rights and  do not promote community services to their people. They do not have any national or international congresses to unite them. 

Alex Jones (Infowars) said  "conservative will not defeat the globalist only nationalist will do that." Alex was talking about national ideas and organizations. 

Stormfront  "White Community Worldwide

Stormfront "White Community Worldwide

Stormfront is the biggest European community forum site and attracts people from all over the world....

The World Jewish Congress represents Jews all over World and is the World Government behind the scenes.

 David de Rothschild is the Chairman Wdg Governing Board

World Jewish Congress Website
About Us :: World Jewish Congress

Jewish Community Council of Victoria  

The Australian. The Jewish Community Council of Victoria Inc (JCCV) is the peak representative body for Victorian Jewry, representing about 55 Jewish community organisations and over 52,000 Victorian Jews. The JCCV’s mission is to represent the Victorian Jewish community, the largest Jewish community in Australia. 

We own them & don't even know it.

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White Jews and White gentile to Unit and build Organizations

If you are Jewish you should make a Jewish or mix Jewish, gentle organization to fight the Globalist.

Also it should be a community base organizations and work together with the gentle organizations to help set up an Anti-Defamation Council to fight the Globalists. An anti-Globalist Jewish organization can do more harm to the Globalist than a gentile organization.

Both gentile and Jewish organizations should be pro-Israel because remember many Jews in Israel are of European decent and we are campaigning for all Caucasian regardless if they are gentile or Jewish.
Both groups should also campaign for a Palestinian state, two state solution of Israel and Palestine. We should keep in mind that we recognize the people of Israel which formed the state of Israel, but we do not necessary need to be pro-Israeli government unless it recognizes both Jews and gentiles, if it doesn’t we need to be anti that government.

Gentile should not allow Jews in it top positions and vice versa for the Jewish organization, not allow gentiles in its top positions. But if it’s a mix then the top positions should be split 50 50 of Jewish and gentile in the top positions.

Both organization should work together and develop a regional congresses which are connected to a world congress


Replacing the Political Parties Gangs  

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The Australian Labour (ALP) and Greens, Liberal/National parties are promoting globalism, socialism, liberalism which is the same as communism to destroy Australians that white gentiles and the true Jews built. Australia is a great country and if the main political parties are not stopped they will turn Australia into a non-white nation, non-western culture and white race will be replaced with other races and Muslim cultures and their beliefs. The globalists have influence to all main parties in Australia. Only vote for One Nation, Christian first Australia, Bob Katter and other small parties.

Ask yourself this: If political parties were the answer to solving our problems, why do we have so many political problems today?

  Political Parties are not the Answer

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Clive Palmer is the leader of the Australian first Party. Clive says that he is worth 3 thousand million dollars

Clive Palmer (Jewish) " Listen to my speech at Beenleigh where I talk about the issues for Australia, and the practical solutions to Make Australia Great."

Clive disects electricity prices, paris agreement & climate change and impacts on our economy


Everybody should listen to Clive Parmer speech where he talks about the following:

Clive talks about why the Australian Electrify cost is so high.

No free speech allowed on mainstream media in Australia, the globalist has total control what information given to the public.

Rupert Murdoch Media Empire has too much control of mainstream news and is put together in the United States before it's given to the Australian public.

 The mainstream media news promotes that political party's members hate each other, but truth is that many liberals and Labour are good mates behind the scenes.

 The political system in Australian is totally corrupt and there is no democratic system.

The Australian political elections are rigged and political parties usually know who is going to win before the election.

Australia is a totalitarian state with rigged election and total globalist control of main stream media.

Clive Palmer talked about the electrical structure in Australia needed a major overhaul. Members of liberal and labour parties had advisers from oversea to advice them. The advisers said they could over haul the electrical system and they would  give a loan of 45 billion dollars at 10% interest. All the state governments agreed with the deal. This is why Australian electivity cost is arising so high that makes Australia industry less completive against other countries. The Australian Government could obtain a loan at 2% interest and instead of paying 10%. The deal was made because the lobbies made money and big donations to Liberal and Labour parties.

Comment on article above.

If the Australian Government fully controlled the Australian Federal Bank they could have paid the total cost at no expense to the Australian people.

Election rigging

"I too mistakenly thought that we had a democracy in Australia, in 2013 when I stood for Parliament and I was quickly made aware that that wasn't the case. You know when I stood for parliament I can remember that you know I finished second on the ballot on the seat of Fairfax and I've been eliminated in the two party vote, of course about one month before the election the electoral Commissioner writes to all of the divisional offices and they say on the election night you only count votes of two people and distribute everyone else's preferences and I wasn’t one of the two people, it was Liberal, Labour but my vote was actually second so I shouldn’t been eliminated. So they eliminated me, what did I do? I got on the telephone and said I'll have them in the High Court within about 30 minutes and they decided not to do it and then I went on to win the seat with the largest swing in Australia's history. But the election many times is decide in advance because of these sort of situations where the Electoral Commission writes to the divisional officers and said it'll either be Liberal or Labour for that seat, distribute everybody else's preferences. Unless you object to it or you're prepared to do something about it we really don’t know we're voting for. But yeah you find in pre-polling the pre-poll ballots are not secure, they're left in plastic bags left overnight in rented places, and they start pre-polling three weeks in advance. So at anytime they can put extra votes in there one way or another. And that's what been happening in Australia, that’s what we had to go through in the 2013 election."

Unfair Pension age

"I remember being in Parliament when I wanted to rise the pension age to 70. I asked the Prime Minister "I said great idea, let's do that and let's say the retirement age for the parliamentary super is the same age to, you get exactly the same as they (the average people) get and the whole parliament was silent. The Labour party said "don’t go there mate, don’t go there". The Liberal party said "don’t go there".

Selling off industry

We kept Qantas Australia owned. Qantas was capitalized at that time. At that stage about 2 billion dollars and Mr. Joyce who was the managing director who had brought a lot of equity investors over from Ireland, they wanted to buy Qantas for 2 billion dollars, the government wanted to sell it to them. We're stopped it in the senate. Result today is Qantas is a 20 billion dollar plus company, the taxpayer has picked up 18 billion dollars and its Australian owned."

Foreign investment

"If I wanted to open a coalmine in India the Australia government would lend me 300 million dollars to open a coal mine in India in the foreign aid budget but if I wanted to open a coalmine in Australia right, they wouldn’t lend me a cent you know."

Clive Palmer said "If you are communist in your 20's you do not have a heart and if you are communist in your 40's you do not have a brain.

Bob Katter
Bob katter is a maverick polication and not a globalist. Another polication we promote as an alternative, they have a good history of putting Australia first. 
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Katter 2016 Federal Election Vote Bob in Kennedy and KAP in Senate

Bob Katter Says We Should Have More Guns | Studio 10

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Bob Katter visa ban

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Bob Katter blasts Parliament 

 Bob Katter

Authorised by J. Keily, 34 Nineteenth Avenue, Mount Isa. Qld 4825 Starring Bob Katter, and the ALP and LNP faceless men

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Pauline Hanson Maiden Speech from the Australian Government  Geeksrulzh Published on Jul 27, 2013

Pauline Hanson's Maiden Speech In The House Of Representatives - See full transcript at

Pauling Hanson's wrote "I don't care if you're white, black or brindle - I have always called for the equal treatment of all Australians." Quote taken from Facebook " Pauling Hanson's Please Explain."

It's OK to be White

"It's okay to be black" said the black man. "It's okay to be brown" said the arab. "It's okay to be white" said the racist.

Australian "Senator Pauline Hanson declares ‘anti-white racism' is on the rise before unsuccessfully moving a motion in federal parliament saying ‘it’s OK to be white’. The One Nation leader says anyone who watches the news or social media can see increased attacks on western civilisation and the prevalence of anti-white racism. Crossbench senator Derryn Hinch (Jewish) savaged Hanson, saying the motion ‘could have been written on a piece of toilet paper’. The Greens leader senator Richard Di Natale said the ‘it’s OK to be white’ slogan has got a long history in the white supremacist movement. The motion was narrowly defeated 31-28"

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Pauline Hanson’s ‘It’s OK to be white’ motion narrowly defeated in Senate

Senator Pauline Hanson speaks with Paul Murray about the Government withdrawing support for her calls for the Senate to acknowledge with its ok to be white.

IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE | Pauline Hanson on Paul Murray Live

Beauty and the Beast - Pauline Hanson vhsstuf Published on Feb 6, 2013

Yep, this is the episode Pauline Hanson was on. They challenged her on what she stood for. Lisa Wilkinson was the one who did most of it but the others had a go as well. It's almost like Pauline didn't expect it would happen, though.

Stan Zemanek

Canadian Civil Rights activist Lauren Southern (Jewish heritage) has finally arrived in Australia promoting IT'S Ok TO BE WHITE.

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Citizen Initiated Referenda (CIR) in Switzerland

Pauling's party One Nation supports Citizen Initiated Referenda for Australia.

Support CIR as a way of allowing all electors to have a direct say in government decision-making. Our present system of government only allows political parties the right to decide for the rest of us.

How parliamentary elections work in Switzerland

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Switzerland's direct democracy

Senator Pauline Hanson speaks with Paul Murray about the Government withdrawing support for her calls for the Senate to acknowledge with its ok to be white.

IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE | Pauline Hanson on Paul Murray Live

Beauty and the Beast - Pauline Hanson vhsstuf Published on Feb 6, 2013

Yep, this is the episode Pauline Hanson was on. They challenged her on what she stood for. Lisa Wilkinson was the one who did most of it but the others had a go as well. It's almost like Pauline didn't expect it would happen, though.

Stan Zemanek

Australia Constitution.
 Australia Constitution and the state government information from year 1900
Our Constitutional Identity


More Criminals in Government



Do you know that the Australian Tax Office (ATO), ever since World War 2, has been collecting money into a national pension fund, and that they still do even today?

So why are all Australians being forced to pay into a Superannuation Fund today, as well?

PM Ben Chifley – National Pension author

Then Labor Prime Minister Ben Chifley introduced three bills on 1 January 1946 to establish the National Welfare Fund that was financed by a compulsory contribution, a levy, of 7% of all personal income.

That 7% levy has never been cancelled.

In other words, every time you pay your income tax you are already contributing to your pension. Yet modern governments have instituted a new “pension fund”, calling it “superannuation”, and again We the People are being forced to contribute (another involuntary levy) to it.


More Criminal Behaviour

Who was appointed as the “Trustee” of The National Welfare Fund?

You guessed it: The government, of course!

And, as usual, the thieves are scheming today to steal the funds from your Superannuation scheme as well!

The money collected for the national pension fund was kept separate from all other taxes and paid into the pension fund account. By 1950 the fund had almost 100 million pounds in it….a glittering pile of money that the grubby politicians could not keep their greedy eyes off. It didn’t take them long to start finding ways to loot our money!

Pig Iron Bob Menzies betrayed Australia

In 1949 PM Bob Menzies introduced Bills to amend the acts, so that the Compulsory Contributions Levy was grouped with the Taxation Assessment, in other words the money was “hidden” as part of the general national revenue, instead of being kept separate, as it was supposed to be.

Did Labor speak out about it?

Of course not. Instead, they remained silent, knowing full well that they would also be able to dip their sticky, corrupt fingers into the massive amount of money just sitting there ripe for the picking: Never mind the Australian workers who were still paying into the fund, believing that they would be looked after when they retired.

From 1951 to 1985 the compulsory levy jumped to 7.5% of your salary, “hidden” in the income tax the government was collecting, where it was placed in the Consolidated Revenue Account instead, where it was available to any sleazy political excuse to spend it under “General Revenue”.


The infamous Gough Whitlam actually did some good while he was in office by abolishing the income means test for all persons over 70 years old. Under this legislation, every Australian over seventy was assured a pension.

But along came that tall streak of misery, Liberal PM Malcolm Fraser(Jewish) (“Life wasn’t meant to be easy”), who cancelled the Whitlam legislation. He made sure that life for retirees would not be easy by transferring the balance in the Welfare Fund Account of about $470 million to the Consolidated Revenue Account, where your savings could be looted without anyone being the wiser. In other words, by 1977 the pension funds you are legally entitled to had been stolen, and yet no one said a word!


Just to rub salt into the wound and ensure the funds “disappeared” completely, the Australian Labor Government led by the drunken sot Bob Hawke repealed The National Welfare Fund Acts No. 39, 40, & 41 of 1945 in 1985.

Yet every Australian worker continues to pay, even today, a 7.5% levy from your income tax.

Where does that money go?

You are not supposed, or even allowed, to ask!


What is even worse, that same Labor government led by the ex-Union enforcer, foul-mouthed, womanizing lecher Bob Hawke, brought in the Income & Asset Tests to deny millions of (pension) levy and tax-paying Australians from receiving their rightful Social Services Pensions. How could the government pay out the pensions when the government had already stolen the money?

How Much of OUR Money Has Been Stolen?

Based on the amount of money still being collected as a levy, each retiree is entitled to be paid in excess of $500 a week – out of a total of over $240 million that should be available today to pay YOUR PENSION!


Yet, we are told that a pension is not a “right” by these same self-serving lying scumbag politicians!

Of course, that doesn’t include them, does it? Every single one of these disgusting thieves is “entitled” to an extremely generous “pension”, not to mention all the perks as well, when they retire or are voted out of office.

If you are working hard and paying into a “Super” fund you are being robbed! There is no other word for it.

When are you going to wake up Australia?


When will you stop voting in these party drongos who don’t give a rat’s arse about you and your future, as long as they can continue to snuffle at the trough, all paid for by your hard work? What about the future of our children, our grandchildren and generations to come? Shouldn’t we be putting a stop to the outright theft and betrayal of the Australian people?

Should we wait until the next election to toss these tossers out, or are you going to finally grow a backbone, stand up for your rights, and march on Parliament to throw all the criminals into jail where they can be judged, and when convicted hang at the end of a rope….where all traitors belong?

It’s up to you Australia. Are you fed up yet? Or are you going to continue bowing down meekly to these thieving, lying, dictators?

Additional Information
Screenshot 7steven
Stefan Molyneux  is Jewish.

Lauren Southern (Jewish heritage) documentary is revolutionary! We need to raise awareness about the white South African farm murders.

Gorgo an Australian explains how Asians are replacing Whites and Black natives in the country

Please check the following article

Teach White Europeans About Their Ice Age Heritage

 White European Racial Pride.   What Race Are You ?

White European Racial Pride. What Race Are You ?

 Alternative News Sites

Alternative News Sites

White History, Music, Wars, Dances and Film Archives

White History, Music, Wars, Dances and Film Archives

 Whites Fight Back Against  Racism & Bigotry

Whites Fight Back Against Racism & Bigotry

White Guilt Exposed

White Privilege

White Organization: Bloc & Generation Ide…

Genocide Whites & all Races

White Indigenous Rights

Promoting Large Families

Lauren Southern on South Africa: FARMLANDS (Are Whites History?)

New World Order Globalist

The European Holocaust

Media Ownership: The Illusion of Choice

White Women Fighting For Our Rights & Women's Organizations

White Women Fighting For Our Rights & Wom…

Fighting Genocide Worldwide

Bankers Control the World

 White Organizations: European Community Based Organizations

White Organizations: European Community Based Organizations

Citizens Initizens Referendums ( CIR ) in Switzerland

Citizens Initiative Referendas( CIR )  For We the People




There is much information available today online and in books regarding the New World Order, (Globalists or The Establishment).  The head of the New World Order are the world bankers, with their influence and wealth, they control the masses and mainstream media and organizations to promote their globalist ideas to the world and condition us to follow subconsciously.  But, this is changing because we have the internet and "We the People" of the world are now challenging them, and waking up to the truth.

Appointment of new directors to the ABC and SBS Boards




Read 75899 times Last modified on Tuesday, 15 October 2024 08:28

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