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New World Order Globalist. 23/9/2024

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G7 deviates from its original purpose, becomes a geopolitical club

 We need to be very vigilant to the dangerous change of G7- by issuing threats to China, its purpose is shifting from economic development to a geopolitical club. #ThinkBigger #VictorGao #China #G7Summit #Europe #US

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we ever really free

EMERGENCY! France Arrests Telegram Founder, Pavel Durov. | Candace Ep 52

France arrests Pavel Durov, Brittany Mahomes is in hot water for liking a Trump instagram post, and why does the media always seem to attack Justin Bieber?

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Maria Zeee: Humanity's Stand Against The Satanists

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The Jewish golden bull at the games in France.

Olympic medals of 2024 are symbols of phallic worship and degenerate decadence!!!


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Putin Assures Destruction of “Western Globalist Elite” (Video

Assures Destruction of “Western Globalist Elite” (Video)


WILDE speech by Putin, who continues to denounce the “Liberal-Globalist Order” every time he stands in front of a microphone. Whether you're a Putin fan or not, you'll still want to hear what he said, writes .

Putin appeared at the ASI forum “Strong Ideas for a New Era.” A collection of 200 Russian elites and local leaders/representatives.


Putin points out the dishonesty of the “Western Oligarchy” (Deep State) and their total domination of the world. Emphasizing how their rule has hindered the progress of all human civilization.

He further rightly claims that the “globalist and so-called liberal ideology is increasingly taking on the features of totalitarianism.”

How can you disagree with him? Leave aside the fact that he is the leader of Russia. Isn't what he says 100% correct? It sounds exactly like something Trump would say.

Putin concludes that “no matter how much Western and globalist elites strive to maintain the existing order, a new era is dawning, a new phase in world history.”

It sounds to me as if Putin is saying “nothing can stop what is coming”, and that we are witnessing the demise of the “old guard” . He remains consistent in his public appearances that the demise of the Western Elite/Liberal-Globalist World Order is “unstoppable . ”

If I took the transcript of this speech and handed it to every Trump supporter and told them Trump said it, almost 100% would support it. If I told them that Putin said it, many of them would turn their noses up in disgust.

  "Daily triple-digit casualties": Massive Ukrainian losses against Russia in Bakhmut raise alarm in Germany

Why should we ignore what Putin says, if what he says is right? That's just illogical. Russia is not wrong just because they are Russia, and the US is not right just because they are the US. All evidence points to Russia's claims being legitimate. If you cannot accept that, you are the victim of decades of nationalist propaganda.

I'm not saying Russia is innocent. No country is like that. But what they say about the US is correct, and ignoring their claims just because they are our enemy is not a sustainable foreign policy.

In short, Putin is convinced that the liberal-globalist world order is being destroyed and will soon be replaced by a new, multipolar world order. That seems like a great idea to me. Trump seems to think so too. None of us can know for sure what the future holds, but it can't be worse than the current status quo. :

Putin said the West had achieved its global predominance only thanks to the historic plunder of other nations and had no moral right to enforce a unipolar model on the planet.

“The model of total domination of the so-called “golden billion” is unjust. Why should this “golden billion” among the population of the planet dominate others, impose its own rules of conduct?” Putin asked.

“This model, which is based on the illusion of “exclusivity”, divides people into first- and second-class status, and is therefore racist and neo-colonial in its essence,” he added.

  The planning of the Ukrainian invasion from the Russian point of view (maybe)

“And the globalist, so-called liberal ideology that underlies it is increasingly taking on the traits of totalitarianism.”

The Russian president further emphasized his position that the globalist world order is built on the exploitation of other countries.

“Of course, this “golden billion” did not become “golden” by accident. It has achieved a lot. But it has achieved its positions not only thanks to the realization of some ideas, but in large part thanks to the plunder of other peoples - both in Asia and in Africa. That's what happened.”

He then proclaimed that Western elites are terrified that their world order is being dismantled.

“No matter how much the Western and so-called supranational elites strive to maintain the existing order of things, a new era is coming, a new phase in world history. And only truly sovereign states can ensure high growth dynamics and become an example for others,” Putin said.

As we have highlighted before, Putin has consistently blamed the West for his own downfall.

Back in March, he gave a speech blaming the “Western ruling elite” for causing the economic hardship affecting people in Europe and the United States.

Last year the controversial strongman blasted the West as "completely insane" for allowing children to be taught that there is no biological gender, and said the woke crusade against traditional gender roles was "undermining human nature".

Copyright © 2022 translation by Frontnieuws. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a direct link are given.


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Stan Ogden's jumper

"The English patriotism of the Jew is only a fancy-dress which he puts on to please the people of the country."
- The Jewish World, December 8, 1911.


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Tucker Carlson on US-Russia After Putin Interview | Ukraine War | World Government Summi

Tucker Carlson on US-Russia After Putin Interview | Ukraine War | World Government Summit At the World Government Summit, Tucker Carlson of The Tucker Carlson Network delved into the US-Russia relations, following his recent headline-making interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The interview, which has sparked a wave of criticism from Western commentators, was in the news over Putin's claims about Ukraine.

 UAE | Dubai | World Government Summit 2024 | Firstpost | World News | Latest News | Global News | International News | Trending News | Ukraine War | Russia Ukraine War | Putin | Zelensky | Russia | Tucker Carlson


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Analysis of the Alex Jones - Stew Peters Debate


When one wakes up to the New World Order, their first question is usually ‘Who are they?’

In this fourth episode of The Liberty Blackout Show, we discuss the December 14th in-studio debate between Alex Jones and Stew Peters about the global power structure and who “they” really are. In recent months, Peters has focused on Jews, Zionism, and the influence of the “Israel lobby” in American politics and foreign policy. Jones has become known in recent years for expressing disdain and condescending towards those that think these are important topics. We provide constructive criticism of both Jones and Peters where we feel it is due and inject important historical context along the way.

It is our view that any serious researcher of the New World Order will bump into what Jones once phrased is “the Jewish mafia at the heart of the NWO.” For this reason, we thank Stew Peters for being courageous to follow the facts wherever they lead, and we also thank Alex Jones for allowing different perspectives on the platform.


3 Goals Of The New World Order Jews

3 Goals Of The New World Order Jews, Jewish Agenda Articles


By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2008-2011

Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner
& Link To Real Jew News (SM)

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Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID 83856
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Sources: The World And Europe – A Hidden Agenda Behind A Hall Of Mirrors, Alexander Niles;
The Empire Of “The City” – The Secret History Of British Financial Power, E.C. Knuth; EU And The Globalist Alliance, Fjordman; The Islamization of Europe and The European Union Here

THE PROPAGANDA ARM of the New World Order is the Jewish-controlled major media. Here is the New World Order Jewish hierarchy:

The Rothschild Banking Cartel: Jacob Rothschild is the pope. Ben Bernanke (Federal Reserve) and James D. Wolfensohn (World Bank) are the Cardinals.

The Council Of Foreign Relations; Trilateral Commission; Bilderberg Group: Henry Kissinger, Alan Greenspan, Richard Perle, and Paul Wolfowitz are the Priests.

Time, Newsweek, US News & World Report, Reuters (Rothschilds), The Economist (Rothschilds), CBS, NBC, ABC: Zuckerman of US News & World Report, Redstone (AKA Murray Rothstein of MTV/Viacom), Eisner of ABC, Tisch of CBS, Sarnoff of NBC, Murdoch of Fox News, are the Deacons.


THERE ARE 3 SPHERES in which the NWO Jews have 3 specific goals:

I. The Melt-Down Of National Borders:

A) The invasion of illegals into the US.
B) The invasion of Muslims throughout Christian Europe.
C) The invasion of alien cultures into the Christian West.

II. The Melt Down Of Financial Institutions:

A) The dismantling of American Savings & Loan Banks in the 1990s caused by the Fed’s high-interest loans to the US government & forced low interest loans of the S&Ls.

B) The dismantling of independent banks such as the recent takeover of Bear Stearns by JP Morgan and the Jewish-owned Federal Reserve Bank. (Bear Stearns was forced by the Fed to loan money to unqualified borrowers or be sued causing its collapse.)

C) The dismantling of national banks by the Jewish International Finance Cartel run by the Rothschilds of London & France.

III. The Melt-Down Of Christian Culture:

A) The eradication of public Christian expression by the Jewish-run & funded ACLU in America through the Jewish-run US legal system.

B) The eradication of Christian culture such as in Christian Kosovo wherein the Albanian Muslims of the drug-running KLA declared independence vis-a-vis sanction by the Jewish-run US State Department Here.

C) The eradication of Christian political activity throughout the Western World vis-a-vis the Jewish lie known as “Separation Of Church & State” used in the Jewish-run American & European Courts.


Here are 3 options:

* Rent a spaceship and fly to another planet.

* Get on a very slow boat to China.

+ Pray to the Lord Jesus Christ for a revival of Christianity in historic Christian regions: America – Europe – Balkans & The Middle East!

Only Then Will The New World Order Jews Be Stopped!

For More See: “Putin Vs The New World Order Jews” Click Here

And: “US State Department Is Run By Jews!” Click Here

And:“The Jewish Conspiracy Behind The 1965 Open Immigration”Click Here



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Alex is switching the subject again and again.

Alex Jones and Stew Peters Debate Who Really Runs the NWO


Stew Peters of joins The Alex Jones Show in-studio to break down who is behind the NWO takeover.


Ok wait….lol, Alex is switching the subject again and again, and also pretending that he doesn’t understand where stew is coming from. I love when Stew says; “I wanna have a real conversation”, and Alex goes off into palace land, over and over

Head Exorcist
Weird how you can name 100 plus jews in high level government positions, but not any chinese, it is the jews that make the deals with the ccp alex. they are selling your country out. they are demon possessed and have disassociated identities. they need christ. they have spent decades rallying minorities together against European descended whites. not realizing all the minorities see the jews as whites aswell. they created this golem. the bible is clear they are a thorn in the side of the nations and a enemy of the gospel. the only solution is they all accept christ. prasy for your enemy , bless those who curse you. we all better start praying for the jews to find christ because hell is raising up around us.
Alex's only marries Jewish women. No biases here... Just a coincidence... Trumps (Jewish) daughter is married to a Jewish man. No biases here... Just a coincidence... 90% of the Elites / Cabal are married to or have Jewish members in their families. No biases here... Just a coincidence...
I was really let down by AJ's treatment of Stew on this. I turned it off before it was over. Alex was asking questions to an ally and then attacking him for the answer. It doesn't matter if you agree with Stew or not on Jews, Stew is firmly in the pro humanity camp. This was unprecedented and uncalled for.
Stew Peters says we have to identify who "They" are, while he sits across from an agents of the Zionist Cabal Controlled Opposition... Alex Jones, "It's Complicated..."
Wait until White Europeans find out that today's Jew's stole their birthright. Here's the real truth. Today's Jews make claim to being descendant of Jacob-Israel, when in fact, the Western and Northern European people are the true descendants of Jacob. At best, today's Jews are Edomites. Jewish by conversion, but they are not the genetic descendants of Jacob. Very few if any can claim that. The tribe of Judah was only of the 12 tribes, and the Edomites who converted to the religion of the Judeans are a small percentage of the "Jews." Herod was an Edomite Jew and he perfectly portrayed the Edomite character. A deceiver and murderer from the beginning. It was the Edomite Jews who killed Jesus. And an Edomite Jew - by definition - is merely a Jew by conversion, but they have no claim to the Biblical Israel bloodline or birthright. They are usurpers, and you don't have to look far to see why. Look for a free pdf on line called Who is Esau-Edom? And then research Anglo-Israel on the yt channel called Truth In History. Pastor Jennings will set you straight on who the true Israel is. It is the European people who embraced the teachings of Christ and brought it to the world precisely because it is THEY who are are the TRUE DESCENDANTS OF ISRAEL - THE TRUE CHOSEN PEOPLE. Fuck Israel - they are usurpers who stole my identity, my ancestors identity, and our birthright. They have been made rich on the blood of my ancestors.

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Ok wait….lol, Alex is switching the subject again and again, and also pretending that he doesn’t understand where stew is coming from. I love when Stew says; “I wanna have a real conversation”, and Alex goes off into palace land, over and over.

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This Might Be the Most Antisimetic Video of All Time - Should This Man Be Banned?


Judaism is Satanism.
Judaism is of the Pharisees. In Judaism the Torah includes the Babylonian Talmud which permits jews to rape small girls and boys to escape the sin of adultery on the basis that raping children is not sex when they're too young to take pleasure in it.
Throughout history some jews have kidnapped Christian children to use in ritual murder and blood collection. There are a few surviving paintings from over the centuries of jews conducting this ritual on small boys.
Long before Zionism jewry has been the problem. The synagogue of Satan, as termed by its most famous murder victim, is undeniable.



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Governments of the World Don't Need Big Tech as They Now Surveil You Themselves


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'Silent Coup'—How corporations rule the world w/Matt Kennard | The Chris Hedges Report

 The 20th Century saw a great global uprising against European imperialism as the former colonial countries shook off their shackles and rose up for independence. More than a half century later, global inequality is sharper than ever before. To understand the current predicament of the vast majority of the world's people, we must understand the intervening decades. Matt Kennard and Claire Provost's book, Silent Coup: How Corporations Overthrew Democracy, looks inside the international architecture of global corporate governance that exists to flout and crush any attempts by the former colonial world to enact development on their own terms.

Matt Kennard joins The Chris Hedges Report for a look at this intriguing and essential history. Studio Production: Adam Coley, David Hebden, Cameron Granadino Post-Production: Adam Coley

Thank god to have a few journalists such as you two!
The Corporations pretty much own people now. We have only empowered them to bring back a sort of neo-slavery, where we are paid a small wage for our work.
Here in the UK we are building 20,000 new prison cells, I believe they are preparing for mass disobedience.

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It is dangerous for corporations to "rule the world" because they are not subject to Constitutions granting personal freedoms and rights. When they lobby and fund politicians, they expect legislation in their favor which generally involves relaxing environmental rules or rules contrary to consumer protection and personal freedoms. Also, there may be rules allowing the reduction of free speech to curtail public outcry and reaction.
Corporations get a huge boost in US since Americans decided to trust Billionaires more than the public servants we should be voting for. This all arranged by the Unaccounted for billions of dollars in political donations allowed by a mostly bought and paid for U.S. Supreme Court. So what corporation problems? Bribery, rigging the laws or pay the fines is how big biz gets its way.
Matt is a sensational person to interview, very knowledgable in areas that impact all our lives, yet we hardly hear about this information. We should remeber that well armed corporations have been used to enforce foreign aid objectives, lead by the British East India company the British West india company, the Dutch east india compay, the Hudson's bay trading company... Black water-Academi-Xe-constellis holdings-all the same company, with many name changes, a CIA tactic to make any entity more dificult to track, such as the Mujahideen in Afghanistan-foregn fighters in Yugoslavia-Al Qaeda & Daesh in Iraq, v Al Nusra & SDF & ISIS in Syria, etc.
I read Matt's book and it was great. Corporate rule, or as I like to call it, "corporate governance" is the greatest threat to humankind. However, a significantly dumbed down population, particularly in the U.S., does not leave me with much hope that the 99% can actually seize the government from Wall Street and set up a representative democracy.
Behind the gubment -> corporations. BlackRock
Behind corporations -> Banks.
Bankers rule the world. They control corporations and governments via the flow of credit.

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West’s era for calling-the-shots is over – Lavrov

 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with RT that ‘the West was calling the shots in the world for more than 500 years, and this era is over. It will take time for this era to be replaced by multipolarity, which has already started to take shape.’


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Putin makes it clear that globalist terrorist Klaus Schwab's days are numbered


Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), is a globalist terrorist who is holding humanity hostage, as one can deduce from the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who warned the elite that their New World Order has failed and that their days have been counted.

Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech on October 5 at the plenary session of the 20th meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi, highlighting the tectonic and irreversible shifts taking place in the world order, Thepeoplesvoice writes .

According to Putin, globalists, including Schwab and his close advisors, are “legitimate military targets” because they have actively tried to illegally seize power through a globalist coup.

Sixteen years ago, at the 2007 Munich Security Conference, Putin told Western leaders that the natural type of international system is multipolarity, clearly showing that Russia would oppose the creation of a New World Order based on international liberal rules. based order aggressively pushed by the globalist elite and their liberal politicians in Western democracies.

The moment of truth has arrived, according to Putin, and the global elite's plans for a New World Order are receding before our eyes, while a new multipolar world, in which traditional cultures preserve their heritage within their own borders, is rising like a phoenix.

Putin outlines six civilization principles for the post-NWO world

During his Valdai speech, Putin outlined six principles that Russia wants to adhere to and offered other nations to join them. Via Sputnik :

The Awake Versus the Unawake: When Fear Destroys Common Sense


First , we want to live in an open, interconnected world, where no one will ever try to erect artificial barriers to people's communication, their creative realization and prosperity. There must be an environment without barriers,” Putin said.

The second principle is the diversity of the world, which should not only be preserved but also form the basis for universal development.

The third principle, according to the Russian head of state, is maximum representativeness: “No one has the right or can rule the world for others or on behalf of others. The world of the future is a world of collective decisions,” the President emphasized.

Fourth is universal security and lasting peace that takes equal account of the interests of large and small countries . To achieve this, Putin believes it is important to free international relations from the bloc mentality and the dark legacy of the colonial era and the Cold War.

The fifth principle is justice for all: “The era of exploitation of anyone – I have said this twice – is a thing of the past. Countries and peoples are clearly aware of their interests and capabilities and are ready to rely on themselves, and this multiplies their strength. Everyone must have access to the benefits of modern development,” Putin emphasized.

The sixth principle is equality: no one should be forced to obey those who are richer or more powerful at the expense of their own development and national interests, the Russian president said.

A shocking UN document reveals the sick sexual agenda the globalists want to impose on the entire world


“The 'civilization model' that Putin's speech referred to seems to be anchored in 'principles' – such as non-colonial relations; non-patronizing attitudes; respect for diversity rooted in diverse traditions – which will require a huge effort to generate new shared international norms,” said Paolo Raffone, a strategic analyst and director of the CIPI Foundation in Brussels.

“The Western 'rules-based liberal international order' is unilateral and could be imposed at a certain period in history by using the power and dominance of a small group of colonial powers that emerged after the crisis of the liberal model and civil war (1914-1945) was inherited by a distant but super-powerful country (the US).

“In a nutshell I can say that the 'civilization model' approach has probably been aimed at structuring a shared 'software' for the world, while the 'liberal rules-based order' has been aimed at building an imposed ' hardware' defended by 'rules' that serve financial and military hegemony.”

Copyright © 2023 translation  by Frontnieuws. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a direct link are given.


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l Closed block formats deprive nations of sovereignty - Putin

 Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the Western ’block approach’ deprives the states of independency and limits their rights and freedoms.

Love Putin , Put why is he giving a speech at globalist Valdai group that still push the CCP and UN narratives of fake climate change? John Birch society been exposing their lies for years on the ridiculous climate models , Very very disappointed to think Putin is selling out to the globalist Chicons as well!

A nation which allows another nation to build a military base on their land, is not sovereign. It appears a major goal of the US and western allies far-off war is to establish a military base in the Black Sea, perhaps at Odesa.

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Silent Coup'—How corporations rule the world w/Matt Kennard | The Chris Hedges Report

The 20th Century saw a great global uprising against European imperialism as the former colonial countries shook off their shackles and rose up for independence. More than a half century later, global inequality is sharper than ever before. To understand the current predicament of the vast majority of the world's people, we must understand the intervening decades. Matt Kennard and Claire Provost's book, Silent Coup: How Corporations Overthrew Democracy, looks inside the international architecture of global corporate governance that exists to flout and crush any attempts by the former colonial world to enact development on their own terms. Matt Kennard joins The Chris Hedges Report for a look at this intriguing and essential history.


Comment: Abolish private corporate "personhood" NOW !. We the people and government should run them.

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It is dangerous for corporations to "rule the world" because they are not subject to Constitutions granting personal freedoms and rights. When they lobby and fund politicians, they expect legislation in their favor which generally involves relaxing environmental rules or rules contrary to consumer protection and personal freedoms. Also, there may be rules allowing the reduction of free speech to curtail public outcry and reaction.

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Isn't the meaning MIC = Military + Industrial (industries&corporations) Complex exactly what Matt Kennard has described ? Thank you both for this presentation. It certainly shows how sovereignty has been taken from the countries and the people including those of us in USA.... Serious changes need to be made in the Nations' interest to protect country and people from these criminal thinkers, shakers and thieves!!!

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Pyramid of Control


All the fukery going on in the world can be traced to Larry Fink(Jewish Globalist) of Blackrock. Blackrock's holdings are greater than the GNP's of most countries.

Corporate control - mentioned in the 1975 movie Rollerball.

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 Jewish Influence in America

 Who Controls Wall Street? (Part 2) | Jewish Influence in America

Who Controls Wall Street? (Part 2) | Jewish Influence in America

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Jewish Influence in America

  Jewish Influence in America

"I don't care if Americans think we're running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government.
I just care that we get to keep running them."

- Joel Stein, Los Angeles Times, December 19, 2008.

"Every Jew is an Ambassador for Israel"

- Rabbi Aron Moss, Arutz Sheva, Israel National News, July 25, 2006.

Who Controls Wall Street? (Part 2)

Largest American Asset Management Companies


Larry Fink - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (Ashkenazi Jew)

Robert Kapito - President (Ashkenazi Jew)

The Vanguard Group

Mortimer Buckley - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (Ashkenazi Jew)

The Charles Schwab Corporation

Charles Schwab - Chairman (Ashkenazi Jew)

Walter Bettinger II - President and Chief Executive Officer (Ashkenazi Jew)

State Street Corporation

Joseph Hooley - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (Northern European)

Ronald O'Hanley - President (Northern European)

Fidelity Investments

Abigail Johnson - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (Northern European)

Kathleen Murphy - President, Fidelity Personal Investing (Jewish spouse: George Hornyak)

J.P. Morgan Asset Management

Mary Callahan Erdoes - Chief Executive Officer (Jewish spouse: Erdoes)

BNY Mellon Investment Management

Greg Brisk - Head of Investment Management Governance (Ashkenazi Jew)

Pacific Investment Management Company, LLC

Emmanuel Roman - Chief Executive Officer (Ashkenazi Jew/Northern European)

Dan Ivascyn - Group Chief Investment Officer (Eastern European)

10 Largest American Private Equity Firms

The Blackstone Group

Stephen Schwarzman - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (Ashkenazi Jew)

Jonathan Gray - President (Ashkenazi Jew)

Kohlberg Kravis Roberts

Henry Kravis - Co-Chairman and Co-CEO (Ashkenazi Jew)

George Roberts - Co-Chairman and Co-CEO (Ashkenazi Jew)

The Carlyle Group

William Conway Jr. - Co-Founder & Co-Executive Chairman and Co-Chief Investment Office (Northern European)

David Rubenstein - Co-Founder & Co-Executive Chairman (Ashkenazi Jew)

TPG Capital

David Bonderman - Co-Founder and Chairman (Ashkenazi Jew)

Karl Peterson - President and CEO (Northern European)

Warburg Pincus

Charles Kaye - Co-CEO (Ashkenazi Jew)

Joseph Landy - Co-CEO (Ashkenazi Jew)

Timothy Geithner - President (Jewish spouse: Sonnenfeld)

Advent International

Peter Brooke - Chairman (Northern European)

Apollo Global Management

Leon Black - Chairman and CEO (Ashkenazi Jew)

Marc Rowan - Senior Managing Director (Ashkenazi Jew)

Josh Harris - Senior Managing Director (Ashkenazi Jew)

EnCap Investments

Robert H. Haier Jr. - CFO (Ashkenazi Jew)

Neuberger Berman Group

George Walker - Chairman and CEO (Northern European)

Marvin Schwartz - Vice-Chairman (Ashkenazi Jew)

Joseph Amato - President and Chief Investment Officer (Ashkenazi Jew)

Bain Capital

Joshua Bekenstein - Co-Chairman (Ashkenazi Jew)

Stephen Pagliuca - Co-Chairman (Southern European)

Jonathan Lavine - Chief Investment Officer (Ashkenazi Jew)

Largest American Hedge Funds

Bridgewater Associates

Ray Dalio - Chairman and Chief Investment Officer (Southern European)

David McCormick - Co-CEO (Northern European)

Eileen Murray - Co-CEO (Northern European)

AQR Capital

Cliff Asness - Founding & Managing Principal (Ashkenazi Jew)

David Kabiller - CFA Founding Principal (Ashkenazi Jew)

John Liew - Founding Principal (East-Asian)

Two Sigma

John Overdeck - Co-Founder and Co-Chairman (Northern European)

David Siegel - Co-Founder and Co-Chairman (Ashkenazi Jew)

Millennium Management

Israel Englander - Chairman (Ashkenazi Jew)

Simon Lorne - Vice-Chairman (Ashkenazi Jew)

Renaissance Technologies

James Harris Simons - Chairman (Ashkenazi Jew)

Peter Fitzhugh Brown - Co-CEO (Ashkenazi Jew)

Robert Mercer - Co-CEO (Ashkenazi Jew)

Baupost Group

Seth Klarman - CEO (Ashkenazi Jew)

Jim Mooney - President (Northern European)
[no image]

Elliott Management Corporation

Paul Elliott Singer - Co-CEO and President (Ashkenazi Jew)

Jonathan David Pollock - Co-CEO (Ashkenazi Jew)

Of the 52 senior executives of the largest American asset management firms, private equity funds and hedge funds, 36 are Jews, have Jewish spouses or work directly towards Jewish/Zionist interests. This is a numerical representation of 69%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S population. Therefore Jews, spouses of Jews and Shabbos goyim are over-represented among the senior executives of the American asset management firms, private equity funds and hedge funds by a factor of 34.5 times.


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BlackRock's CEO, Larry Fink is a white Jewish traitor Globalist.

EXCLUSIVE: NWO Takeover Ringleaders Exposed

 Learn who really runs the planet and how to stop them.

jewish Globalists are taking over no esg global banks no democrates just the talmudic prophesy they wrote : no god involved just scum of the earth ,The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jewish Globalist will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship.
In this "new world order" the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.
"-Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, `La Revue de Paris', p. 574, June 1, 1928

Both Baruch Levy and Karl Marx were Jewish Globalist.

The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this "new world order" the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands
."-Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, `La Revue de Paris', p. 574, June 1, 1928
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Blackrock has 10 Trillion.
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Ronald 'Ron' P. O'Hanley, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, State Street Corporation, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, State Street Corporation

Ronald 'Ron' P. O'Hanley

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

State Street Corporation

Ron is chairman and chief executive officer of State Street Corporation. He is also a member of State Street Corporation’s Board of Directors.

Ron was previously president and chief operating officer of State Street Corporation, and before that president and chief executive officer of  State Street Global Advisors, the investment management arm of  State Street Corporation. He joined State Street in 2015.



As chairman and CEO of State Street Corporation, Ron O’Hanley oversees one of the largest and oldest American financial institutions, with $38 trillion in assets under custody and administration, and $3.5 trillion in assets under management. In this episode of the Inside the Strategy Room podcast, he tells Celia Huber, who leads McKinsey’s board services work in North America, why State Street’s focus on environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) issues has grown dramatically, what gaps in corporate America’s resilience the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed, and how State Street is disrupting its own business. This is an edited transcript of the discussion. You can subscribe to the series and listen to the full episode on your preferred podcast platform.

 Ron O’Hanley: Framing it in terms of risk is the best way to do it because CEOs and boards are used to thinking that way. If you frame it in any other way, it becomes a values argument. Values are important, but this is a value argument: What is this business worth if our beliefs about where the sea level will be or the cost and availability of certain fossil fuel change over the long term? By the way, we have only talked about G and E. The S is the latest frontier. I don’t think even three years ago it was inherently obvious why that element would be equally important to the other two, but it is. I heard a statistic that 50 percent of the elementary school children in the United States are non-white. If you are a retailer, this is a sign that your customer base is changing. Have we thought about who manages and oversees this company? Have we thought about product development?

 Ron O’Hanley: The Fearless Girl had modest beginnings. We were formally incorporating women on boards into our stewardship guidelines, and not just the number of women but the organizations’ efforts to build board diversity. One of my colleagues had the idea of sponsoring the statue to coincide with International Women’s Day to underscore the importance of boards making this change happen. It was put on Wall Street not to challenge the bull but to illustrate that the way we would make inroads is not by having regulators tell us what to do but by boards incorporating that commitment into their oversight models.

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  Fmr Anheuser-Busch Exec: How BlackRock, State Street, & Vanguard Force Companies to Go Woke

Fmr. Anheuser-Busch Exec. on How BlackRock, State Street, & Vanguard Force Companies to Go Woke

“Citizens should be able to decide these things through free and fair elections, not necessarily with a small group of asset managers and CEOs that are telling individuals how to live their lives.”

World's biggest asset managers BlackRock and Vanguard "use their clout to promote agenda politics" in companies, sparking nationwide boycotts from customers.



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Truth Is Anti-Semitic


Look at the Brittish Coat of Arms. It has the Horse, symbolising the Brittish Cavalry, that is, military might.

The other is a Lion, which is the Lion of the Tribe of Juda.

They work in tandom, as does the USA, Canada and Australia.

Today’s Palestinians are the true Jews of Judea. Apart from enslaved prisoners, the population of Judea continued to live on their lands, even after the destruction of the second temple [in 70 AD]. Some converted to Christianity in the 4th century, while the majority embraced Islam during the 7th century Arab conquest. Most Zionist thinkers were aware of this: Yitzhak Ben Zvi, later president of Israel, and David Ben Gurion, its first prime minister, accepted it as late as 1929, the year of the great Palestinian revolt. Both stated on several occasions that the peasants of Palestine were the descendants of the inhabitants of ancient Judea. It’s fitting that those who use Judaism for their own selfish ends, are not even what they say, but imitations.



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New World Order

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This Ukraine proxy war has unveiled the connection of Zionist Jews to Nazis. They worked together in WW2 and they work together today !!

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Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein.

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This is the net zero agenda. It must be stopped.

Control over emissions is just a bid for control over every aspect of society, in other words, a communist state of total cotnrol. Every. Single. Time.

'A report filed in 2019 by the prestigious government-funded UK organization of engineers and scientists, UK FIRES, thinks Net Zero is not enough and is pushing for an insanely aggressive program called "Absolute Zero" (, absolutely zero emissions by 2050. What does it entail? Among other things, no flights, no container shipping, no red meat consumption, no cement, no new steel production, and no fossil fuel use for any reason, even plastics, by 2050. How do they expect this to be possible? Draconian governmental action combined with drastic semi-voluntary reductions in individual quality of life for all citizens.'

Executive Summary of the UK FIRES "Absolute Zero" report

Excerpts, 'Absolute Zero and the Western Holodomor', The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 116







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Foreign Minister Sergey #Lavrov's video address to the participants of the World Online Conference on Multipolarity (April 29, 2023)  Today, the movement towards global multipolarity is a fact, a geopolitical reality. #UNCharterIsOurRules


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Learn How the British Coronation is Mind Control


put nwo

Washington and Moscow have fundamentally different approaches to shaping the modern world order

Putin: Washington and Moscow have fundamentally different approaches to shaping the modern world order.

Watch Uncensored footages of the Russia-Ukraine war & world's events.

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Obama Blames Trump for China's Rise, Soros Now Says Xi Jinping is the New Hitler

Alex Jones breaks down how the left praised China during Obama's administration, and now Soros is calling Xi Jinping the 'New Hitler.'


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Soros: "I think this would be time because you really need to bring China into the new world order

Soros:(Jewish)  "I think this would be time because you really need to bring China into the creation of a new world order, a financial world order; Well, certainly a decline in the value of the dollar is necessary in order compensate for the fact that the US economy will remain rather weak, will be a drag on the global economy. China will emerge as the motor replacing the US consumer,"

Revelation of the Method

Kissinger: (Jewish) "I'm quite optimistic because the Chinese in my opinion have concluded they need a long period of cooperation with the US for their own development;..but they really are issues of the construction of a new world order, that's what this is about, and that's the sort of dialogue the Chinese are generally good at."



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Klaus Schwab ADMITS IT! - GREAT RESET MODELED AFTER CHINA! - Globalist Tyranny Is Coming!

Josh Sigurdson reports on the recent interview Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum gave to a television station owned largely by the Chinese Communist Party where he openly admits that China is a "role model" for the world order. As Schwab pushes the Great Reset and the technocratic takeover of mankind, it should be of no surprise that he support the very government that the Great Reset was based on in the first place as China has been used as a guinea pig state for the new world order for decades. Meanwhile, the Chinese government is cracking down on individuals more than ever and disappearing those who dare to question it.

In this video, we talk about the correlation with the Great Reset and the Chinese government and the move into the economic reset of BRICS.

G20 has resolved to ‘work together’ for the mandatory digital health passports for all human beings

by Lyndesy Symonds

The G20 has just wound up in Nusa Dua and all the BRICs were there. Xi was there and Lavrov was there for the session on food and energy. This was the business end of the deliberations because Globalist/Communist Leaders must control food and energy as the key making the population do what they are told.

And the Soviet Union/Russian Federation is the world leader of the 4IR and CBDC digitalisation of the population so they had to have the major input even though a deal was made in the Big Jew msm about Putin ‘not attending’ – due to his principled stance against Globalism no doubt.

And wouldn’t you know it, the G20 has resolved to ‘work together’ for the mandatory digital health passports for all human beings. This will perFORCE involve the integration of biometic databases and Central Bank Certificates of Deposit – in which the Soviet Union/Russian Federation leads the world.

G20 Leaders Agree To Work Toward Mandatory Digital Health Passports for All Human Beings.


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GEORGE CARLIN: 'The real owners of the world'

Hard hitting truth , disguised as comedy.

GEORGE CARLIN: 'The real owners of the world'

roths v

Communist China was created by Rothschilds and their agents.

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'⁣Communist China was created by Rothschilds and their agents.
October 1 1949, Mao Tse Tsung declared the founding of the People's Republic of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. He was funded by Rothschild created Communism in Russia and also the following Rothschild agents: Solomon Adler, a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy; Israel Epstein, the son of a "Jewish" Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia for trying to ferment a revolution there; and Frank Coe, a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF.

"Jews" were behind the rise to power of Mao Tse Tung, the communist dictator of China, who tortured and murdered tens of millions of Chinese (mostly Christians) during his brutal reign. Sidney Shapiro, an American "Jew", was in charge of China’s propaganda organ. Another "Jew", Israel Epstein, was Mao’s Minister of Appropriations (Finance).'

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I think this would be time because you really need to bring China into the new world order

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GS: "I think this would be time because you really need to bring China into the creation of a new world order, a financial world order;
so I think you need a new world order that China has to be part of the process of creating it and they have to buy in. and I think this would be a more stable one where you would have co-ordinated policies."

GS: "Well, certainly a decline in the value of the dollar is necessary in order compensate for the fact that the US economy will remain rather weak, will be a drag on the global economy. China will emerge as the motor replacing the US consumer and, of course, it’s a smaller motor because the Chinese economy is much smaller. So the world economy will have less of a motor, so it will move forward slower than it has in the last 25 years. But China will be the engine driving it forward and the US will be actually a drag that’s being pulled along through a gradual decline in the value of the dollar."

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John D. Rockefeller's Anti-Fertility Vaccine



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 It is significant that the majority of these families are Jewish, how significant I am not yet sure.

Henry Makow

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Is the New World Order "Jewish"?

February 12, 2005

bushsharonLet's begin by defining the "New World Order."

The mainspring of the New World Order is the desire on the part of the world's central bankers to translate their vast economic power into permanent global institutions of political and social control.

Their power is based on their monopoly over credit. They use the government's credit to print money, and require the taxpayer to fork over billions in interest to them.

Central banks like the Federal Reserve pretend to be government institutions. They are not. They are privately owned by perhaps 300 families. It is significant that the majority of these families are Jewish, how significant I am not yet sure. If they were Lutherans or Zulus, certainly our objections would be the same.

I am a non-observant Jew who believes this situation is lethal for humanity and Jews alike. We have already seen the tragic consequences of it in World War II.

The American inventor Thomas Edison described this colossal scam, which the New World Order is designed to perpetuate, as follows:

"It is absurd to say our country can issue bonds and cannot issue currency. Both are promises to pay, but one fattens the usurer and the other helps the people."

Central banks also control the supply of credit to businesses and individuals. Robert Hemphill, Credit Manager of the Federal Reserve Bank in Atlanta describes this untenable situation.

"This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the banks create ample synthetic money, we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is... It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very soon." "

When the Federal Reserve was inaugurated in 1913, a London banker acknowledged that it is a scam.

"The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class... The great body of the people, mentally incapable of comprehending, will bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical (contrary) to their interests."


Obviously printing money should be in the public sphere as prescribed by the U.S. Constitution. This anomalous situation is the source of humanity's woes. It pits the people who control the economy against society as a whole. It is in their interest to destabilize society, foster immorality, internal division (like gay marriage) and war in order to increase debt and distract and control the masses.

The bankers are responsible for social engineering programs such as the (homo) sexual revolution, feminism and multiculturalism, which undermine family and social cohesion. This fundamental antagonism also supports a vast criminal underworld actually run by the elites.

The bankers are responsible for the assassinations of presidents like Lincoln and JFK, and for the attack on the World Trade Center. They own or control the mass media, which legitimizes G.W. Bush, the war in Iraq and the impending attack on Iran. War provides an excuse to introduce the draft and a repressive police state.

Success today is based on a person's willingness to become an accomplice, witting or unwitting, to the banker fraud. Even rich entrepreneurs are dependent on credit and are unwilling to support genuine change.

As a result of the bankers' scam, Western society and culture are based on a fraud. We do not have genuine democracy or equal access to the mass media or open and truthful education. Western society is a fraud, run by cowards who know they're frauds.


The New World Order is a hydra-headed monster. The bankers work through many fronts such as Communism, socialism, liberalism, feminism, Zionism, neo conservatism and Freemasonry. Unknown to most members, these "progressive" movements are all secretly devoted to "world revolution" which is a euphemism for banker hegemony. (See my "Rothschild Conducts Red Symphony")

The bankers control the world's major corporations, media, intelligence agencies, think tanks, foundations and universities. They are responsible for suppressing the truth. Jews figure prominently in all of this, a cause of anti Semitism. Of course many other people are pursuing "success" as well.

The bankers also work through countries. They are largely responsible for British and American imperialism, whose aim is to monopolize the world's wealth. In his book "The Jews" (1922) British social critic Hilaire Belloc writes that the British Empire represented a partnership between Jewish finance and the British aristocracy.

"After Waterloo [1815] London became the money market and the clearing house of the world. The interests of the Jew as a financial dealer and the interests of this great commercial polity approximated more and more. One may say that by the last third of the nineteenth century, they had become virtually identical."

The confluence of Jewish and British interest extended to marriage.

"Marriages began to take place, wholesale, between what had once been the aristocratic territorial families of this country and the Jewish commercial fortunes. After two generations of this, with the opening of the twentieth century, those of the great territorial English families in which there was no Jewish blood was the exception.

In nearly all of them was the strain more or less marked, in some of them so strong that though the name was still an English name and the traditions those of a purely English lineage of the long past, the physique and character had become wholly Jewish..."

If the marriage of Al Gore's daughter with Jacob Schiff's grandson is any indication, this mingling of Jewish and Gentile elites extends to America as well. John Forbes Kerry is another example.

Belloc continues to say that the British and Jewish goal of world domination was synonymous and used Freemasonry as an instrument.

"Specifically Jewish institutions, such as Freemasonry (which the Jews had inaugurated as a sort of bridge between themselves and their hosts in the seventeenth century) were particularly strong in Britain, and there arose a political tradition, active, and ultimately to prove of great importance, whereby the British state was tacitly accepted by foreign governments as the official protector of the Jews in other countries.

It was Britain which was expected to intervene [wherever Jewish persecution took place and] to support the Jewish financial energies throughout the world, and to receive in return the benefit of that connection."

If Belloc is right, you could say the New World Order is an extension of the British Empire, in which elite British, American and Jewish interests are indistinguishable. See also my "The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism."


The majority of Jews would want no part of the New World Order a.k.a. "globalization" if they understood its undemocratic character and how they are being used.

The true Jewish spirit holds that truth and morality are absolute and cannot be trimmed to fit one's perceived self interest. G.J. Nueberger expresses this spirit in his essay "The Great Gulf Between Zionism and Judaism."

"The Jewish people are chosen not for domination over others, not for conquest or warfare, but to serve G-d and thus to serve mankind...Thus physical violence is not a tradition or a value of the Jews. The task for which the Jewish people were chosen is not to set an example of military superiority or technical achievements, but to seek perfection in moral behaviour and spiritual purity.

Of all the crimes of political Zionism, the worst and most basic, and which explains all its other misdeeds, is that from its beginning Zionism has sought to separate the Jewish people from their G-d, to render the divine covenant null and void, and to substitute a "modern" statehood and fraudulent sovereignty for the lofty ideals of the Jewish people."

The bankers obviously aren't concerned about true Judaism or racial purity and were quite willing to sacrifice millions of Jews to achieve their design by backing Hitler. They are sacrificing thousands more Jewish, American and Muslim lives in the Middle East in their Orwellian "perpetual war for perpetual peace."

Does the New World Order serve a "Jewish" agenda or a banker elite agenda?

I would venture that it serves the latter, and the Jewish people are an instrument of this agenda like so many other people.

By giving private individuals the ability to create money out of nothing, we have created a monster which threatens to devour the planet and with it the human race.


See also my "The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism"

See Also my "The Riddle of Anti-Semitism"


Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Henry Makow © 2020




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This Is Who Actually Owns The World!


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Yuval Noah is Jewish.

Top Klaus Schwab Advisor Says Humans Will Become Irrelevant


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HolodomorDenial: the Genocide of 7 Million Ukrainians, Many of them Christians, That Jews Deny…


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MEGA BOOM! Schwab's Global SHAPERS network Exposed!

Global Shapers is a second layer of penetration by the Great Reset's Klaus Schwab & World Economic Forum. It's deep. If you live in a major city, there's probably a hub operating right under your nose.

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The Great Reset = The Bilderberg Illuminati Takeover Plan

 Jay Dyer of guest hosts The Alex Jones Show to break down the globalist Illuminati Bilderberg plan for The Great Reset.

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 Klaus Schwab.

Early life. Yuval Noah Harari was born and raised in Kiryat Ata, Israel, one of three children born to Shlomo and Pnina Harari. His family was a secular Jewish family with roots in Lebanon and Eastern Europe. His father was a state-employed armaments engineer and his mother was an office administrator.

Yuval Noah Harari - Wikipedia

A Fatal Inconsistency in the Work of Yuval Noah Harari

13.09.2020 — So, when Harari, a clearly very intelligent, Oxford-trained intellectual comes along (it doesn't hurt that he's Jewish) and articulates a ...


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Elite Capture: Discover the Globalists' Secret Weapon for Global Domination

Alex Jones breaks down the globalist plan to capture elites and topple governments worldwide.

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Jewish Feminist Leaders › Evergreen
... and my own feminist vision was immeasurably broadened by exposure to the work of non-Jewish feminists such as Kate Millet and Audre Lorde.



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 Any company that Boycotts White Males I Boycott them. That goes for most all American & Communications company's

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Leyba Davidovich Bronstein (the kike who worked to conceal his jewish origins; using a public pseudo-Russian name Leon Trotsky) is quoted in The Nature of Zionism by Vladimir Stepin:
"We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white Negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a red tyranny and not a white one. We mean the word ‘red’ literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars quake and pale by comparison. The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution’s funeral, and we shall become a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees. We shall show what real power is. By means of terror and bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence!”




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See the Video of Klaus Schwab Admitting Great Reset World Domination Plan

Alex Jones delivers a cutting-edge breakdown of World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab publicly detailing how his cabal is able to “penetrate” governments and manipulate western nations to follow his Great Reset agenda.


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GLOBAL EXCLUSIVE: A Small Group of International Banks, Working With Pfizer, Successfully Executed A Planetary Coup Against The Nation-State – FULL SHOW 11/18/21

Over 50 countries - including the US - signed secret agreements with Pfizer & the UN, handing them near-complete control over nations. This is the most important broadcast in the history of Infowars! Mike Cernovich & Tim Pool are both in-studio adding breaking commentary and analysis!


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Monopoly: An overview of the Great Reset – Follow the Money

Only Two Giant Corporations
Control The Entire Planet - Look

See How The SAME Handful Of Huge Institutional
Investors Own The World's Controlling Industries...
In FACT Only TWO Companies Control The Planet
While World's Richest 1% Own 82% Of World's Wealth



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Our enemies are multi triljonaires and billionaires, whose unlimited financial resources allow them to buy and deceive the whole world.

MONOPOLY: Who Owns the World? – “Best Documentary Ever!”

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Lynn Forester De Rothschild is Jewish Zionist Globalist.

Klaus Schwab is a Jewish Zionist Globalist.


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Klaus Schwab is a Jewish Zionist Globalist.


Anyone over 50 who took the vaccine is going to die. They will be replaced by younger immigrants flooding the West. Basically, Zionists like Rothschild and other globalists have robbed all the money. There is nothing left to continue paying pensions and endowments. Corporate finance is now busy getting people to buy worthless gold certificates. The Rothschild's own the world's gold and they want you dead.



And Klaus Schwab needs to be hanging from a rope on a helicopter


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Zionist "New World Order" to control the world.

Australian public health chief accidentally admits the NWO is the Great Reset

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 Australian public health chief accidentally admits the NWO is the Great Reset

Click to enlarge the Newspaper Article: "NEW WORLD ORDER PLEDGED TO JEWS" article on the right was published during World War II on October 6, 1940, in the New York Times (Jewish newspaper )and provides commentary on a speech by Arthur Greenwood from the British War Cabinet.  It assures the American Jewish community that if the allies win the war they will ensure that Britain will give Zionist Jews a homeland in the middle east and New World Order pledged to Jews.















push resetScreenshot 3fuad august

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DAVOs Group Announces World Government To Force 'Great Reset'

DAVOs Group Announces World Government To Force 'Great Reset'
They can't bring in their 'beast' control system without 'resetting' everything and bringing it back per their plans! World Economic Forum was involved in Event 201... All of this stuff that they were trying to push under the guise of 'controlling COVID' is just their agenda. Military taking over the US (That must be a priority for them!), global ID, implantable chips, etc. etc. etc. They'll keep pushing this stuff as the answer to everything under the sun. Make a list of all their solutions for 'COVID' and flat out reject them wherever they try to push them!
New World Order Globalist

It is clear to many people the world is in the grip of turmoil and the Western world is on the brink of societal collapse. Thanks to the internet we now have access to so many news sources, to give us a clearer overview of what is really going on worldwide. We can see for ourselves countless incidences that are happening which are clearly wrong and what is interesting is when you start looking at each of these issues in the most cases, it is just a small number of people who are behind them.

This article aims to explain the background and goals of the organizations which are in charge of many of our global problems. These orchestrated societal problems such as multiculturalism, third world immigration, Middle Eastern conflicts as well as corporation and political control are all part of the global plan by the New World Order (NWO). Those in control are exposed by the Russian leader Putin:  PUTIN JUST EXPOSED THE PLOT TO DESTROY AMERICA

"A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population. There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of  laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simple be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited."


World Monarch and The City of London

Global Trinity of Control

   In England, there is an area called the City of London in London which is the financial center of the World and many people believe to be the center of globalist control and the New World Order.

The City of London or City State of London, also known as the "Corporation of London" is still a very powerful center of financial influence all over the World today.  The British empire is gone in name, yet a Globalist elite few are still running the World behind the scenes and have been for centuries.

“His name is Lord Evelyn Rothschild and he is the second wealthiest and most powerful person on earth. He is also Lord of the world's financial capital, City State of London.”
The Top of the Pyramid: The Rothschild the, Vatican and the British Crown Rule the World - 2017

The City of London local authority is an independent Sovereign State which occupies approximately 3 square kilometers within the very heart of greater London and is situated inside the old Roman walls.

Useful Videos and Links

The tax Haven in the Heart of Britain

David Icke: Tour of London City - the Global Center of Control



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The City of London financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions (tax have) that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in the world of international finance.
To have good understanding of the Deep State that runs the New World Order look at the the following videos
The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire (Documentary)

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 Bankers Control the World

Bankers Control the World


Crown Council of 13

The City of London has the Crown Council of 13 which is comprised of the most influential and powerful genetically related persons in the world and include some of the wealthiest corporate elite.  These 13 bloodlines are all interconnected, and according to Dr. John Coleman, includes members of all three world power groups - Black Nobility of Europe, Maltese Jesuits and Wicca Masons.

These families are responsible for the worldwide agendas which make up the New World Order which includes stripping all national and regional boundaries as well as massively reducing the world's population.

These families control many of the world's bank's, media, institutions, and corporations.  

Crown Council of 13 Bloodlines

The 13 Families Rule the World


13 Families Rule Our Planet Earth
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the following article taken from CIR NOW  "The NWO Dictatorship"


HEADLINE: Finally Exposed: The 13 Families That Are Secretly Ruling The World


Finally Exposed: The 13 Families That Are Secretly Ruling The World

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Are the elite all hell-bent on their continuing plan for world domination and control? The 13 Illuminati  families which are secretly calling all the shots behind the narrative of the mainstream media, are these the people that secretly rule the world behind the curtain?  

Most Conspiracy theorists would have you believe this to be true, but let’s have a closer look. 

Humans are free: The shadow forces behind the New World Order (NWO) are following a slow-paced agenda of total control over mankind and our planet’s resources. David Icke coined it the “Totalitarian Tip-Toe,” because “they” are making very small steps towards our complete and definitive enslavement. (NOTE: David Icke also believes we are enslaved by aliens…so don’t take him too seriously!)

As a result, the masses remain relatively unaware of the fact that their liberties are being gradually taken away, while the power of the NWO octopus grows steadily.


The shadow forces behind the NWO agenda?

Somewhere near the very top of the pyramid, an extremely elitist organisation known as the Council of the 13 families orchestrates all of the major world events. As the name suggests, the Council consists of the top 13 most influential families on Earth.

An increasingly number of people is becoming aware that 99% of the Earth’s population is controlled by an “elite” 1%, but the Council of the 13 families consists of less than 1% of the 1% “elite” and nobody on Earth can apply for membership.

In their opinion, they are entitled to rule over the rest of us because they are the direct descendants of the ancient gods and consider themselves royal.

These families are:

Rothschild (Bauer or Bower)
Cavendish (Kennedy)
De Medici
Sinclair (St. Clair)
Warburg (del Banco)
Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe)

(Personally, I suspect that this may not be the complete list and some very powerful lineages are still unknown to us).

The Rothschild dynasty is unquestionably the most powerful – visible – bloodline on Earth and their estimated wealth is around $500 trillions!

They exercise their power through the world banking empire, which is almost entirely owned by them.

The most important institutions that work hard to establish the NWO and completely enslave our species, are:

The City of London (finance, controlled by the Rothschilds) – NOT part of the UK
The US Federal Reserve (finance – private bank, owned by the Rothschilds) – NOT part of the USA

The Vatican City (indoctrination, deception and scare tactics) – NOT part of Italy
Washington D.C. (military, mind programming, brainwashing and depopulation) – NOT part of the USA

All of the above institutions function as individual states, operating under their own laws, hence there is no court of law on Earth that could ever prosecute them.

The multitude of Secret Societies in existence today, operate as branches of a mega corporation, which is owned by the Council of the 13 families.

Even though they have been handsomely rewarded for their work, the members of these secret societies are not members of the “elite” bloodlines, they don’t know who their masters are and they have no idea what the real agenda is.

The brainwashing

Another mass-enslavement tool that they are using against us, is the so called educational system. Schools are no longer what they used to be and children are learning to memorize without thinking and obey without questioning.

In fact, this established educational system is extremely expensive to keep operational and obsolete in the age of the internet.

“Why obsolete?” you may ask. Because the internet gives us free access to almost infinite amounts of information.

So why are we still paying huge amounts of money for governmental education? Because the world’s “elite” require that our children learn conformity and inside-the-box thinking.



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The Richest And Most Powerful Families In The World


Globalist Mainstream Media Corporations
Jews run all the media below
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Facebook Boss Mark Zuckerberg, (Jewish Zionist).
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Media Ownership: The Illusion of Choice

These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America
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Who Runs the Internet?
Media Ownership: The Illusion of Choice
/Know More News] Stop Jewish Propaganda & Censorship NOW!

Jews Control The United States ?


Jason Bermas presents Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined produced by Alex Jones. The film can be ordered here 1984 George Orwell Quote

Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined Full (Order it at

Monica Crowley - Why the Swamp Hates Donald Trump

EXCLUSIVE: Democrat / UN Plan To Trigger U.S. Civil War Discovered, Emergency Message To 45

Trailer for Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined

Ex-President of the United States Mr. Bush outlines the aim of New World Order.


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Former United States leader Ronald Reagan warning about the New World Order.
Ronald Reagan Warned Us About NWO & Agenda 21
The former United States President John F Kennedy spoke about the deep state ( New World Order) and their vested interests. He was killed and many people say by  the deep state CIA and Lyndon B Johnson.

Jews Control The United States ?


Lord Jacob Rothschilds see United States President  Donald Trump as a major threat to the New World Order says president  nationalism will destroy globalism for ever.

Rothschild: Donald Trump is Threatening to Destroy the New World Order
Gaddafi was right about JFK
World Government Summit.

 Laura Loomer (Jewish) shows who runs the mainstream media.


Laura Loomer (Jewish) is pro Israel and the USA, and is not afraid to say white people are discriminated against by the globalist manstream media. The media call her a fascist, ultra right wing, a Nazi, supremacist and yet the so called Jewish organizations like the Jewish Anti-Defamation League does not defend her.

A number of nationalist Jews who are pro the United States first have had their websites shut down or restricted by big tech with some of the CEOs are Jewish.

The big tech Jews and many Jewish organizations do not fight for Jews who fight for free speech and against Globalist.

Everybody thinks that Jews are absolutely united but as I said many times the so called Jewish establishment do not represent Jews, they represent themselves for profit and are only using the Jews to hide behind and to use them to do their dirty work against good Jews and everybody else.

Laura Loomer makes a living by being a freelance journalist.

Jewish and Pro Israel and United States.
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British Empire and the New World Order

Most people know about the British, Spanish and French Empires controlling most of the world.  After WWII, people all over the World started to gain their independence from these empires, and the Globalists decided to regain their power over these countries came together to form the New World Order.  What people do not realize, is the Globalist Establishment used people, including their own people (White Europeans), to fight their wars so they gain power and money. Today, the same Globalists are blaming the common European whites for what the global elite did in the past. The Globalist is still starting wars, and promotes destruction of the family, and promoting  invasion of non-natives into European countries. We must remember that the common Europeans in the past and today have little to no power in their countries. 


The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I (Rothschild)  control the British money supply."

Rothschild Benjamin Disraeli Quote

Benjamin Disraeli was a former Jewish Prime Minister of Britain

"Though they control scores of industrial, commercial, mining and tourist corporations, not one bears the name Rothschild.  Being private partnerships, the family houses never need to, and never do, publish a single public balance sheet, or any other report of their financial condition."
        – The Rothschilds:  A Family Portrait by Frederic Morton

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In the year of 1815, Nathan Mayer Rothschild makes his famous statement:

"I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets.  The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply."


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  All Blacks, Asian, Whites who are not Jewish are Gentiles.

Humans Against Zionism Public Group | Facebook

Humans Against Zionism has 1,267 members. This Group is about you, we want a friendly group, We've been getting lots of messages on our page with...

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Rothschild Illuminati

Rothschild Illuminati New World Order


Rothschild  'New World Order' Will Be place by 2018

Rothschild ‘New World Order’ Will Be In Place By 2018



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 All Blacks, Asian, Whites who are not Jewish are Goyims.




Jewish Religion

The Horrifying Kabbalah Secrets Exposed

The Horrifying Kabbalah Secrets Exposed

  New Horrifying Kabbalah Secrets Exposed | Know More News LIVE w/ Christopher ...

Jewish Talmud Update 3

Jewish Talmud Update 3

       The Jewish Talmud is not the word of God, the Talmu...

Tulmud Jewish most Guarded Secret 3.

Tulmud Jewish most Guarded Secret 3.





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Click to enlarge the Newspaper Article: "NEW WORLD ORDER PLEDGED TO JEWS" article on the right was published during World War II on October 6, 1940, in the New York Times (Jewish newspaper )and provides commentary on a speech by Arthur Greenwood from the British War Cabinet.  It assures the American Jewish community that if the allies win the war they will ensure that Britain will give Zionist Jews a homeland in the middle east and New World Order pledged to Jews.

. New World Order Pledged to Jews

Quotes on the New World Order

Since the original ideas and the global establishment  New World Order, a number of groups and umbrella organizations have been created which all work together to ensure that their ultimate goals are successfully reached. The New World Globalist have built, World Jewish Congress, European Jewish Congress, Fabian Society, Communism, Socialism, National Socialism, United Nations, European Common Market and are working to create a  Socialist/communist  World Government.


 Communism was created by Jews


The communist Jew Karl Marx who was involved in founding the communist movement said the following in a letter to Baruch Levy which was quoted in Review de Paris, June 1, 1928, p. 574 (the original version in French is the following  quote):

"The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races. and by the establishment of a world republic in which everywhere the Jews will exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this  New World Order the Children of Israel...will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition..."


I think you underestimate that fact that Communism was created by Judaism.

“Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.”
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935

“The revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution”
The Maccabean (New York), Nov. 1905, p, 250

“Jewry is the mother of Marxism.”
Le Droit de Vivre, May 12, 1936

“Judaism is Marxism, communism”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 64

“The communist soul is the soul of Judaism.”
Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 143

“We Jews cannot be called upon to denounce Communism.”
The American Hebrew (New York), February 3, 1939, p. 11

“The picture which the Soviet Union presents today is one that should bring rejoicing to world Jewry.”
The Youngstown Jewish Times, Sept. 18, 1936, page 51

“It would be absurd to deny the intensity of the Jewish participation in the Russian revolutionary movement.”
Leon Dennen, in The Menorah Journal (New York) July-September 1932, p. 106

“That achievement – the Russian-Jewish revolution – destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result of World War, was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking, of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct.”
The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920

Jewish Congress promotes affirmative Action to take control of gentile Companies




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Rothschild's Zionist promotes The New World Order




Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro explains what the goal of Zionism is.

Why did Zionists created Zionism

CMES hosted a speaking event featuring Rabbi Yakkov Shapiro. The event was held at the International Law Institute in Washington, D.C. Rabbi Shapiro is the rabbi of a congregation in Queens, New York. He is best known for his outspoken stance defending the historic Orthodox Jewish position that rejects the concept of Jewish nationalism and therefore opposes Zionism and does not recognize Israel as the Jewish State. 

He has represented this position on behalf of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community throughout the world to a remarkable variety of audiences, including those in the United States, the state of Israel and the EU in Brussels. Rabbi Shapiro is the author of three books and numerous articles dealing with Jewish philosophy and law. He is currently completing a three volume work on traditional Jewish opposition to Zionism.

 Rabbi Shapiro is the author of three books and numerous articles dealing with Jewish philosophy and law. He is currently completing a three volume work on traditional Jewish opposition to Zionism.

Has Zionism Hijacked Judaism. - Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro




1899: The "Father of Zionism" Theodor Herzl proposed the 'Final Solution of the Jewish question' & proposed liquidation of Jewish wealth.


“It is essential that the sufferings of Jews.. . become worse. . . this will assist in realization of our plans. . .I have an excellent idea. . . I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth. . . The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends”.
(From his Diary, Part I, pp. 16)
Sources from a Jewish website



On November 22, 1899 Herzl submitted the Zionist plan for "the final solution of the jewish question" to Tsar Nicolas II:




The complete diaries of Theodor Herzl
  Volume 3



This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.: 1899: The "Father of Zionism" proposed the 'Final Solution of the Jewish question'
Other Zionist "Final Solutions of the Jewish Question":


Most Jews Don't Understand Real Zionism
From Dick Eastman
Most Jews don't realize how Zionism has deceived and sacraficed them to the collective myth and they don't realize the cost they have paid...
Not even the majority of Jews understand how underhanded Zionism is, how Jews the individuals have been used and deceived by Zionism the cult and conspiracy.
Zionism is the perfect example of the the failure of collectivist thinking -- individualism/particularist existence is sacrificed to make total mobilization of the myth a reality, the reality of attaining master race by guile, deceit, dehumanization of one's fellow man (denial of his full status as fellow human being) and murder, a tribal cult that is over three thousand years older than Hitler's Aryan vision, and against which Hitler's Aryan vision was merely an ad hoc patchwork of counter-propaganda to raise German morale for a fight against Jewish racist fanaticism bent on enslavement and degradation of all peoples not Jewish.
Senior Greek Priest Blames Jews
Metropolite of Piraeus identifies Jewish conspiracy as source of Greece's problems ?
In 1984, a American Jewish Journalist tells the true story of the Zionist-Hitler Pact and is disowned by his parents for it.
1933 - Zionists signed a deal with Hitler - The Transfer Agreement*
Jewish author, Edwin Black, writes 1984 book, The The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine on Hitler's deal with Zionist Jews in Germany to remove 55,000Jews with $100,000,000.00 from Germany to Palestine in 1933. From this one surmizes that the loud 1933 Jewish war of sanctions on Hitler declared from Madison Square Garden at around the same time was Zionist propaganda cover for this secret Zionist-Hitler compact to help found Israel and rid Hitler's Germans of Jews too crafty and manipulating for a nation of simple craftsmen etc. to handle (see Zundel talk linked below for more on this -- and Hitler's speech also linked.)
Hitler responds to Churchill's decision to Genocide German civilians at the beginning of World War 2 after three months of British bombing of German cities...
Two Speeches By Hitler -
"We Shall Crush The Freemasons"
Hitler Against Freemasons, International Finance, War Profiteers etc.
After the betrayal of Hitler by the Zionists - who wanted BOTH domination of Germany and the Homeland and the declaration of war on Germany by Britain and France - Hitler made this speech:
"Our Enemies Face The Entire German Folk"
National Socialism -- What Was it?
Ernst Zundel expalins why Hitler had to concentrate on race. The Jews were just to wily and manipulating of laws and media for the trusting easy going Germans to handle - so he made a deal with Zionism
Pt One
Pt Two

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Neturei Karta International


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Neturei Karta International

  Rabbi Dovid Feldman of Neturei Karta interviewed yesterday regarding


Much of the thinking behind the New World Order stems from the works of Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi ( Jewish), a philosopher and political activist Theodore Herzl the founder of Zionism.

 The Zionist movement first Zionist Congress was held in Basel, Switzerland in1897.  However, the history of Zionism began earlier going back to pre-Zionist initiatives in 1799.

Hertzl Quote

Protocols of Zion BookAround 1920, an anonymous book published in 1920 called the "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," was followed up in 1922 with a publication called "World Conquest Through World Government."

These books outline the tactics used by the Globalist New World Order to fulfill their master agenda and what is most scary is how prophetic the books are nearly 100 years on.

Coudenhove-Kalergi is the other provider of much of the New World Order's philosophy and he was quite influenced by Herzl's ideas as Herzl was a close friend of his fathers.

After reading some of the books Kalergi wrote, Baron Louis de Rothschild and Max Warburg were inspired by his ideas and thoughts. They were in touch with Kalergi directly and assisted him with the creation of his Pan-European Movement by providing finance to get it off the ground.  Some of Kalergi's other early financiers included Paul Warburg and Bernard Baruch.

Herzl's and Coudenhove-Kalergi's philosophies provide the very foundations of the New World Order agenda. These are long reaching goals some of which are only now coming to fruition nearly 100 years later.  

"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals."

Jewish Congress promotes affirmative Action to take control of gentile Companies


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The World Jewish Congress

 David de Rothschild is the Chairman WJC Governing Board

About Us :: World Jewish Congress
World Jewish Congress Organization Structure.
Offices and Organization Chart | Office of Inspector Gener
Build the Jewish Temple and mix all races and Jews rule the World
Alex Jones & Game of Thrones Predict Zionist False Flag

Jews Against Chabad Organization

The following article gives We the People some idea how globalist think.

Many Jews do not believe in God and some want to Amalekites (genocide) all Christians, Muslims all over the world including whites and pro White Jews.


Use hate against Jews to create Israel
Zionism and World Wars
Some Jews Vote Leftist polices, including non white invasion into European countries,  white genocide, same sex marriages, race mixing and wars,
Ben Shapiro: Why Jews Vote Leftist?


The following video shows some racist  leftwing white Jews who hate White Christians and rightwing White Jews.  
The War on Whites Is Real
Lana provides an alternative view to the Kenneth Clark's 1940s doll study and provides the historical background that connects the American Civil Rights Movement, Communism and the Frankfurt School. After Hitler, Jewish intellectuals pushed critical theory as a means to destroy Western Civilization and "potential fascists." We'll fast forward to today and see these ideas in action, ultimately seeking the total obliteration of White people. White girls loving White dolls is racism but Black girls loving Black dolls is self love?
Insight - White Girls Black Dolls: Destroying White Bias
Exposing the Deep State in the United States
Do You Have What It Takes To Be In The InfoWar?
Judicial Watch Presents: 'Exposing the Deep State'
CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government
Part 1: Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government

Why The CIA Kills Rock Stars

The CIA Heart Attack Gun They Don't Want You To Know About




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Anti-fascist and anti-Israel; Jewish antifa talks views on Israel and Jews


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George Soros(Jewish) Promoting Communist World

The Most Dangerous Man in America: George Soros


George Soros -- Obama's Boss -- America's Communist Leader -- CommieTunes 13
George Soros created the Open Society Foundation, a liberal, largely anti-government organization. George Soros also funds and supports open borders for Europe and the U.S. - In 1992, George Soros made a billion profit by selling the British pound short, badly damaging that country.
- In 1999, the president of China banned George Soros from doing business in his country.
- In 2002, George Soros was convicted of insider trading in France and fined $2.3 million.
George Soros exposed!
Billionaire 'Communist and international CRIMINAL George soros 'he should have been brought to justice 'why hasn't he?
The Deep State Rulers The World
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Deep State in Britain fix election
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Russia Accuses U.S. of Interfering in its Elections
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The Deep State in the United States

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The Deep State - Who Rules America, Full Documentary by Freedom TV
The Deep States
There Is A Deep State Within The Deep State

Propaganda and Media Control

Paul Craig Roberts wrote back in 2011 that the concept of a conspiracy theory had been completely redefined by western society.

"A “conspiracy theory” no longer means an event explained by a conspiracy.  Instead, it now means any explanation, or even a fact, that is out of step with the government’s explanation and that of its media pimps….
In other words, as truth becomes uncomfortable for government and its Ministry of Propaganda, truth is redefined as conspiracy theory, by which is meant an absurd and laughable explanation that we should ignore."

Today, the majority of the media you view is controlled by a small number of private corporations.  These corporations do not report unbiased, factual news stories, instead, use their power to further the interests of the corporation owners and their sponsors.


Perhaps the most well known of the media moguls is Rupert Murdoch (Jewish)  whose Fox News channel is considered the most biased news source on the globe.  Australian Journalist Bruce Page described Murdoch as "one of the world’s leading villains and global pirates." 

He walks all over the media sphere and politics, often putting world leaders and politicians on notice for what he expects from them and what he's willing to give them in return.  Murdoch plays hardball and is very much of the "let's make a deal" mentality. Globalist promotes in print and on-air with scathing innuendo, misinformation, and outright lies.  Few politicians risk exposing lies or have been conditioned to think the information promoted by Globalist media is correct or the view they must follow to gain power and money.

There is much information available today online and in books regarding the New World Order, (Globalists or The Establishment).  The head of this New World Order is world bankers and very rich people using their influence and money to control organizations and influence individuals who run the media and organizations to promote their globalist ideas to the rest us who are forced to follow.  But, this is changing because we have the internet and organizations, and "We the People" of the world are now challenging them.  The following quote from David Rockefeller is very telling on the matter:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."  The Washington Post, New York Times and Time Magazine are jewish publication.

He went on to explain:

"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries."
-David Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger Meeting in Baden, Germany

Marcus Tullius Cicero Quote

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague."


Globalists control the mainstream media and use fake news to control our thinking
13 Families Rule Our Planet Earth
Globalist want total control of information on the Internet
The Biggest Threat To The Internet As We Know It | Article 13



The Illuminati

The Order of the Illuminati was a secret society founded in May 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, born 1748, a professor of Canon Law in Bavaria, Germany.  Its purpose was to provide fellowship for those who did not support the Roman Catholic Church.  All secret societies, including the Illuminati, were banned in 1784 by the Bavarian King.

Many people believe communism, Zionism and the New World Order represents the Illuminati today.

The Freemasons (secret societies) promote that they are a fellowship of “brothers” who pledge loyalty to one another and perform acts of charity.  There is no doubt that many Masons held anti-establishment ideologies which are partly why the Illuminati targeted them as ideal for infiltration.

The connection of Freemasons and the Illuminati was first claimed in 1798 by a British author called John Robinson.  The claim was that after the ban in Bavaria, the Illuminati infiltrated the Freemasons in order to continue their agenda against "all the religions and governments of Europe."

Many people also argue that the French Revolution was caused by The Illuminati.  They argue that they conspired to “turn contented peasants from Religion to Atheism, from decency to dissoluteness, from loyalty to rebellion.

The Illuminati promoted ideas that are against "We the People"  and do not want free speech. The Illuminati Globalist have replaced Nationalism with Globalism through Secret Societies, including the churches, the royal families, the elite and political parties.  This movement spread anti-monarchist ideas and was in general opposed to the Church, which they saw as holding them back from achieving their goals.  The Illuminati is the first communist movement using national socialism, liberalism and conservatism to achieve their aims.Adam Weishaupt Illuminati Founder

The aims of the Illuminati are to:

  •  Abolish private property.
  •  Abolish inheritance.
  •  Abolish patriotism.
  •  Abolish the monarchy and work towards a world government.
  •  Abolish the family, marriage, all morality in situations of the communal education of children.
  •  Abolish religion and replace it with one world religion with the replacement of God.

John Coleman exposes the full list of 21 goals of the Globalist New World Order in his book – "Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of The Committee of 300"

Image Right: Adam Weishaupt, Founder of the Illuminati


Bloodlines of the Illuminati Fritz SpringmeierBlood Lines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier

Synopsis:  You've seen pieces of the puzzle, but still you wonder... Bloodlines of the Illuminati is a unique historical genealogical who's doing it book, rich in detail, providing a devastating exposé of the people and families who are the movers and shakers of the United States and the entire world.  You will recognize some of the names instantly.

Many names have been purposely hidden from mainstream view.  From international finance to war, presidents and dictators alike pay heed to these people.  "Influence" doesn't even come close to describing their power.  They have plans for you.  Who are they?.  Look at the list of their names below, (The Committee of 300).

Author, Fritz Springmeier provides a wealth of material and inside information based on eyewitnesses.  His outstanding research provides facts that are not available elsewhere.

When you finish reading this book, the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place and you'll see the fascinating big picture.  You will know who actually runs the New World Order conspiracy, and who is in the Illuminati.






Rothschild and Rockefeller Vanity Fair Photo

The Rockefeller (gentile) Family fortune is managed out of the headquarters on the 56th floor of 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City in the United States with 15 of the family members working from these offices and being on the board of directors of over approximately 100 corporations.

Many of these corporations and ventures are linked to advanced technology and between all their assets combine to be at least 70 billion dollars.

It's important to note that the Rockefeller family donate and hold many trusts relating to religion and education in the United States.  They donate vast sums of money to seminaries, universities, including the establishment of Lucis Trust, which focuses on a one world religion and incidentally publishes books for the United Nations and consults with the United Nations.


Rockefeller states:

“Some even believed we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interest of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ’internationalist’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a whole integrated global political and economic structure-one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I am proud of it”.
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Ex-CIA Agent Admits In Court We Run Afghan Opium Trade
Rockefeller and Hilter
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Hitlers American Business Partners - WWII Documentary

5 Most Powerful Families That Secretly Control The World


Rockefeller's Documentary


George Soros

Why Does The Left Defend The Real Dr. Evil, George Soros?


Read The Secret 45 Goals To Communism Leaked To Congress



The Committee of 300


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Dr. John Coleman, being a historian in intelligence community, researched in full scope the sinister forces behind the New world order movement. This video lecture represents a culmination of his findings about secret societies which form this global movement and how it came into existence.

Wake up America! - Dr. John Coleman (Illuminati, Committee of 300)



Committee of 300 Chart

The Committee of 300, is alleged to have been originally founded in 1727 by the British aristocracy.  The Committee is an international council that drives all aspects of the global world including politics, finance, military and the media to work towards their centralized global initiatives under the New World Order.  Click on Committee 300 Diagram to enlarge.

The Committee of 300 is successful in their control of the world with their remarkable ability to create and then manage and create economic recessions and depressions as a softening-up technique for bigger things to come. 

The most well-known researcher on the topic of the 300 is John Coleman, a historian, and former intelligence officer, who wrote the book "The Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Committee of 300."".

Synopsis:  Undoubtedly the “Bible” of conspiracy books, the completely revised and updated Fourth Edition landmark book is filled with information not previously disclosed. It names one of the contenders for the White House who is closely related to one of the oldest “300” families whose fortune was derived from opium trade with China, and no, it is not any of the Bush clan. The origin of the Committee of 300 is described; how it has evolved from an opium trading company with a Royal Charter to become the de-facto secret upper-level parallel government of the United States and the world, with only Russia and China standing in opposition to it.

Conspirators Hierarchy: Committee of 300 BookA highly organized secret society with tentacles reaching into every level of government in the United States and indeed, the world, backed by massive financing and run by men of the highest education and intelligence, with vast resources at their disposal, manages the thousands of major political and economical and contrived situations. In the FOURTH EDITION, there is listed some very prominent men who came forward to support the existence of the “300.” One of them predicted twenty years ago that “The United States will be turned into a welfare state” and that “with the exception of Russia all nations would unite in a world alliance (The One World Government).”  Perhaps the most startling admission of the existence of the super-secret organization came from President Wilson in the last days of his presidency:

“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere, so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

The “power” Wilson was talking about is the Committee of 300 and Wilson knew he did not dare to mention it by name.

Committee of 300 Governs the World via a Three City State Empire


Know Your Enemy - "Committee of 300" Membership List

If you look closely at this list of members you will notice many of them are the elite and royal families of Europe. This organizations has Gentile and Jewish membership.

Abramovich, Roman Knight, Malcolm
Ackermann, Josef Koon, William H. II
Adeane, Edward Krugman, Paul
Agius, Marcus Kufuor, John
Ahtisaari, Martti Lajolo, Giovanni
Akerson, Daniel Lake, Anthony
Albert II, King of Belgium Lambert, Richard
Alexander, Crown Prince of Yugoslavia Lamy, Pascal
Amato, Giuliano Landau, Jean-Pierre
Anderson, Carl A. Laurence, Timothy
Andreotti, Giulio Leigh-Pemberton, James
Andrew, Duke of York Leka, Crown Prince of Albania
Anne, Princess Royal Leonard, Mark
Anstee, Nick Levene, Peter
Ash, Timothy Garton Leviev, Lev
Astor, William Waldorf Levitt, Arthur
Aven, Pyotr Levy, Michael
Balkenende, Jan Peter Lieberman, Joe
Ballmer, Steve Livingston, Ian
Balls, Ed Loong, Lee Hsien
Barroso, José Manuel Lorenz of Belgium, Archduke of Austria-Este
Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands Louis Alphonse, Duke of Anjou
Belka, Marek Louis-Dreyfus, Gérard
Bergsten, C. Fred Mabel, Princess of Orange-Nassau
Berlusconi, Silvio Mandelson, Peter
Bernake, Ben Manning, Sir David
Bernstein, Nils Margherita, Archduchess of Austria-Este
Berwick, Donald Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark
Bildt, Carl Martínez, Guillermo Ortiz
Bischoff, Sir Winfried Mashkevitch, Alexander
Blair, Tony Massimo, Stefano, Prince of Roccasecca Dei Volsci
Blankfein, Lloyd Massimo-Brancaccio, Fabrizio Prince of Arsoli and Triggiano
Blavatnik, Leonard McDonough, William Joseph
Bloomberg, Michael McLarty, Mack
Bolkestein, Frits Mersch, Yves
Bolkiah, Hassanal Michael, Prince of Kent
Bonello, Michael C Michael, King of Romania
Bonino, Emma Miliband, David
Boren, David L. Miliband, Ed
Borwin, Duke of Mecklenburg Mittal, Lakshmi
Bronfman, Charles Moreno, Glen
Bronfman, Edgar Jr. Moritz, Prince, and Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel
Bruton, John Murdoch, Rupert
Brzezinski, Zbigniew Napoléon, Charles
Budenberg, Robin Nasser, Jacques
Buffet, Warren Niblett, Robin
Bush, George HW Nichols, Vincent
Cameron, David Nicolás, Adolfo
Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall Noyer, Christian
Cardoso, Fernando Henrique Ofer, Sammy
Carrington, Peter Ogilvy, Alexandra, Lady Ogilvy
Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden Ogilvy, David, 13th Earl of Airlie
Carlos, Duke of Parma Ollila, Jorma
Carney, Mark Oppenheimer, Nicky
Carroll, Cynthia Osborne, George
Caruana, Jaime Oudea, Frederic
Castell, Sir William Parker, Sir John
Chan, Anson Patten, Chris
Chan, Margaret Pébereau, Michel
Chan, Norman Penny, Gareth
Charles, Prince of Wales Peres, Shimon
Chartres, Richard Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Chiaie, Stefano Delle Pio, Dom Duarte, Duke of Braganza
Chipman, Dr. John Pöhl, Karl Otto
Chodiev, Patokh Powell, Colin
Christoph, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein Prokhorov, Mikhail
Cicchitto, Fabrizio Quaden, Guy
Clark, Wesley Rasmussen, Anders Fogh
Clarke, Kenneth Ratzinger, Joseph Alois (Pope Benedict XVI)
Clegg, Nick Reuben, David
Clinton, Bill Reuben, Simon
Cohen, Abby Joseph Rhodes, William R.
Cohen, Ronald Rice, Susan
Cohn, Gary Richard, Duke of Gloucester
Colonna di Paliano, Marcantonio, Duke of Paliano Rifkind, Sir Malcolm
Constantijn, Prince of the Netherlands Ritblat, Sir John
Constantine II, King of Greece Roach, Stephen S.
Cooksey, David Robinson, Mary
Cowen, Brian Rockefeller, David Jr.
Craven, Sir John Rockefeller, David Sr.
Crockett, Andrew Rockefeller, Nicholas
Dadush, Uri Rodríguez, Javier Echevarría
D'Aloisio, Tony Rogoff, Kenneth
Darling, Alistair Roth, Jean-Pierre
Davies, Sir Howard Rothschild, Jacob
Davignon, Étienne Rubenstein, David
Davis, David Rubin, Robert
de Rothschild, Benjamin Ruspoli, Francesco, 10th Prince of Cerveteri
de Rothschild, David René Safra, Joseph
de Rothschild, Evelyn Safra, Moises
de Rothschild, Leopold Sands, Peter
Deiss, Joseph Sarkozy, Nicolas
Deripaska, Oleg Sassoon, Isaac
Dobson, Michael Sassoon, James
Draghi, Mario Sawers, Sir Robert John
Du Plessis, Jan Scardino, Marjorie
Dudley, William C. Schwab, Klaus
Duisenberg, Wim Schwarzenberg, Karel
Edward, Duke of Kent Schwarzman, Stephen A.
Edward, Earl of Wessex Shapiro, Sidney
Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom Sheinwald, Nigel
Elkann, John Sigismund, Grand Duke of Tuscany, Archduke of Austria
Emanuele, Vittorio, Prince of Naples Simeon of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Ernst August, Prince of Hanover Snowe, Olympia
Feldstein, Martin Sofía, Queen of Spain
Festing, Matthew Soros, George
Fillon, François Specter, Arlen
Fischer, Heinz Stern, Ernest
Fischer, Joschka Stevenson, Dennis
Fischer, Stanley Steyer, Tom
FitzGerald, Niall Stiglitz, Joseph
Franz, Duke of Bavaria Strauss-Kahn, Dominique
Fridman, Mikhail Straw, Jack
Friso, Prince of Orange-Nassau Sutherland, Peter
Gates, Bill Tanner, Mary
Geidt, Christopher Tedeschi, Ettore Gotti
Geithner, Timothy Thompson, Mark
Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia Thomson, Dr. James
Gibson-Smith, Dr. Chris Tietmeyer, Hans
Gorbachev, Mikhail Trichet, Jean-Claude
Gore, Al Tucker, Paul
Gotlieb, Allan Van Rompuy, Herman
Green, Stephen Vélez, Álvaro Uribe
Greenspan, Alan Verplaetse, Alfons
Grosvenor, Gerald, 6th Duke of Westminster Villiger, Kaspar
Gurría, José Ángel Vladimirovna, Maria, Grand Duchess of Russia
Hague, William Volcker, Paul
Hampton, Sir Philip von Habsburg, Otto
Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein Waddaulah, Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin, Sultan of Brunei
Harald V, King of Norway Walker, Sir David
Harper, Stephen Wallenberg, Jacob
Heisbourg, François Walsh, John
Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg Warburg, Max
Hildebrand, Philipp Weber, Axel Alfred
Hills, Carla Anderson Weill, Michael David
Holbrooke, Richard Wellink, Nout
Honohan, Patrick Whitman, Marina von Neumann
Howard, Alan Willem-Alexander, Prince of Orange
Ibragimov, Alijan William Prince of Wales
Ingves, Stefan Williams, Dr. Rowan
Isaacson, Walter Williams, Shirley
Juan Carlos, King of Spain Wilson, David
Jacobs, Kenneth M. Wolfensohn, James
Julius, DeAnne Wolin, Neal S.
Juncker, Jean-Claude Woolf, Harry
Kenen, Peter Woolsey, R. James Jr.
Kerry, John Worcester, Sir Robert
King, Mervyn Wu, Sarah
Kinnock, Glenys Zoellick, Robert



The Royal Family and the New World Order

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The Royal Family Secrets Exposed!


House of Windsor and the New World Order

Half Black Meghan Markle Marrying Into British Royal Family Seen As Victory By Liberals



Globalist Elite's Offshore Tax Havens

Paradise Papers: Global Elite’s Offshore Tax Havens Exposed In Financial Leak




Globalists have declared war on whites and all races and promote invasion and genocide.


 Coudenhove Kalergi promote mixed races

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The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan - The genocide of the Peoples of ...

The Following quote taken from the above aticle;

With the rise of Fascism in Europe during the 1930s, the project of European integration was abandoned and the “Pan-European” movement was forced to dissolve. However, after the Second World War, and thanks to frantic and tireless activity and the support of Winston Churchill, the Jewish Masonic Lodge B’nai B’rith and major newspapers like the New York Times, Kalergi managed to gain acceptance for his plan by the United States Government and later the CIA became involved in driving the plan  towards completion."

WHITE GENOCIDE - QUOTES - white genocide info


Man made religion promote genocide of all Christians all over the world



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Rabbi says migrant influx into Europe is 'excellent news'

... the 'death of Christianity will bring back the Messiah' ( Jew with rule the world).


Jewish Rabbi promotes the Muslim invasion into white Christian countries "Edom" (Christian) must be destroyed before "Messiah" can "return'. Translate; Jewish living person becomes the world Jewish leader (Messiah leader), not the return of God.

The majority Jews did not come from Israel, they came from Ice Age Europe and they are the same race as white Europeans. Nobody practice this man made Jewish faith during Ice Age.

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United Nations  and the Brown Man

UNESCO Brown Man

The United Nations UNESCO wants to break down all boundaries in all countries. It is behind the multiracial, multicultural agenda in all nations, promoting 3rd world invasions into all first world nations and has continued to build upon the original ideas and concepts promoted by Coudenhove-Kalergi in the early 20th century.  

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) which still exists today has a fundamental goal which is to eradicate all different racial groups and cultures worldwide. This is in full flow in Western European countries at present. 

The UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), Brown Man pictured on the right is the ultimate goal of their long-term agenda. The screenshot of this image here was taken from a book called The Ultimate World Order by Robert H Williams (1957) and is an in-depth analysis of a book called "The Jewish Utopia" by Paul Higgins (1932).  Under the image it reads:

Above is the "UNESCO Brown Man", as we may call him or it, which I photographed from page 70 of the book UNITED NATIONS: Blueprint for Peace. The author of the book says the picture is an official UN photograph.  The cutline under the picture says it "represents all of us, everyone on earth".  Obviously, this raceless, characterless "man", standing on the world, is the UNESCO ideal toward which all of us must work, the blending of all the races of mankind into one composite, raceless, nationless, homeless, characterless, faceless, brown slob - utterly lost from all heritage and completely subject to the will of the Zionist "master race" - which, while producing the propaganda to cause us to blend, quickens the tribal pride of the Jews to keep them from blending.  The statue resembles the "art" of and evidently was done by, the Jewish revolutionary Bernard Rosenthal who also did the famous or infamous trio, the Faceless Family.  "Mr and Mrs. Faceless and Little Faceless", showing parents and a child just like the above, representing the future family.

White traitor Jew Promote Race-Mixing To Genocide All Races Including Whites and Jews

“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is RACIAL TENSION. By propounding into the consciousness of the DARK races, that for centuries they have been oppressed by Whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will endeavor to instill in the Whites, a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the PROFESSIONS, and in the world of SPORTS and ENTERTAINMENT. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to INTER-MARRY with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.” AUTHOR – Israel Cohen(Zionist — Communist — Internationalist) “A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century” >Published in 1912 . On June 17, 1957, the above passage was read into the United States Congressional Record by Rep. Thomas G. Abernathy
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Some Jews behind the invasion into European countrie


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The Jewish Role in the Refugee Crisis


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 Abe Foxman the former Chairman of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League.
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Lisette says

Looka here….Dr. Carol Baker (Jewish woman) honored by the Bill and Melinda Gates vaccination genocide squad said it out loud….we need to get rid of all the white people in America…..

Paul Ross

This the chairman of the CDC advisory committee. What a pitiful person. The CDC is not our friend. They are part of the agenda to control or destroy you. Wake up America.
 Just laugh and honk your nose
I'm angry that my parents and grandparents went their entire lives being fooled
I remember reading somewhere some statements once made by Hitler. I am paraphrasing here, but one of them was something like - "Someday, the entire world will realize that I was right". Well, this woman has to be living proof of that, what more do we need?

United States taxes payers money use to finance the invasion into the United States and Europe.

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: Vice President Pence “Caravan Is A Leftist-Funded Invasion Force”


United Nations replacement immigration (invasion) plan.
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Understanding UN Population Migration Agenda
Germany: Migrants Flown In By Night, 10,000 Every Month

 Using the Refugee Migration Crisis to Build the New World Order


War on Europeans

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https:// The War on Whites Is Real
Globalist white false Jews behind Advertising Agencies promoting race mixing
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Muhammad Ali Vehemently Disapproves Of Race Mixing
The Race-Mixing Controversy
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What is White Genocide and who is behind it? #AltRight

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Who's behind the race mixing agenda in advertising - YouTube


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United Nations and the Deep State New World Order plan to depopulate the  Earth
"I sincerely hope I'm not violating any copyright policies. This video is not mine but it is so important for everyone to understand. People in general aren't racist. Racism is pushed from the U.N. and the TRASH that run this world! Love thy neighbor -join hands America with the world and lets together stop these evil demonic people! There is only one light and one savior Jesus Christ the King of all Kings! Jesus is the only way to the father and the only one that can help us defeat these demonic beings. "EPHESIANS 6;12"
United Nations NWO plan to Depopulate the Earth


 Reality of Race


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Jared Taylor, editor of American Renaissance, refutes the idea that race is a "social construct." Jared's website:

Jared Taylor - The Biological Reality of Race


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Jared Taylor, editor of American Renaissance, weighs the merits of racial diversity.

Question Diversity





The UN and the 2030 Agenda

In 2015 the UN launched their "new universal agenda" for humanity. This is their most blatant example to date that they are following the ultimate goal of a New World Order. This agenda which is going to be carried out all over the world for the next 15 years, has had virtually no media attention whatsoever since its launch in September 2015.  

It covers 17 sustainable development goals and approximately 170 specific targets for UN member nations to meet.

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The 2030 Agenda: This Month The UN Launches A Blueprint For A New World Order With The Help Of The Pope


Interpol International Law Enforcement


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Not even the limelight of a multinational police agency could protect INTERPOL's president from the Chinese Communist Party.

Interpol President “Resigns” After Chinese Abduction

Interpol is as impotent as the UN. Globalist who think they know better than anyone else and if you have an opposing opinion that doesn't agree with theirs then you are deemed an enemy. Sounds like the liberal democrats in the United States.
 Council of Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission
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Council of Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an American nonprofit organization and publisher. It specializes in U.S. foreign policy and international affairs. It is considered to be the nation's “Most influential foreign policy think tank.” There is a growning number of people who will tell you, "the CFR is the deep state that runs the United States behind the scenes." David Rockefeller "was behind the founding of the CFR and many people will tell you that about 70 of its members call themselves Jews, but many true Jews say they are the Zionist and are using Socialism and communism to destroy the United States and the World. They want a globalised world so they can control the whole world through the New World Order "United Nations" Government. CFR has members in both United states policial parties including the Democrats and Republicans, also has CFR members in main media, generals in the Army, Navy, Airforce, banking and major Corporations all over the world. The CFR is also connected to many organizations in the United States and all over The World including the CIA and the Fabian Society. A growing number of people will tell you the aims of the CFR is to remove U.S borders to allow the invasion of the United States, to replace the Europeans, force Jews to move to Israel, promote wars and replace leaders in other countries who fight against the New World Order.

The Secret Circle that Controls Governments

Another branch organization of CFR is the Trilateral Commission who is an economic planning group formed to successfully integrate all the world’s economies into the global economy and create a New World Order.

“It’s think tank the David Rockefeller Studies Program, is composed of about fifty adjunct and full-time scholars, as well as ten in-resident recipients of year-long fellowships, who cover the major regions and significant issues shaping today's international agenda.”


Wikipedia Entry: Council of Foreign Relations

Council on Foreign Relations

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Council on Foreign Relations
Council on Foreign Relations.svg
Abbreviation CFR
Formation 1921; 98 years ago
Type Public policy think tank
Headquarters 58 East 68th Street
Richard N. Haass
Revenue (2015)
Expenses (2015) $69,931,200[1]

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), founded in 1921, is a United States nonprofit think tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international affairs. It is headquartered in New York City, with an additional office in Washington, D.C. Its membership, which numbers 4,900, has included senior politicians, more than a dozen secretaries of state, CIA directors, bankers, lawyers, professors, and senior media figures.

The CFR meetings convene government officials, global business leaders and prominent members of the intelligence and foreign-policy community to discuss international issues. CFR publishes the bi-monthly journal Foreign Affairs, and runs the David Rockefeller Studies Program, which influences foreign policy by making recommendations to the presidential administration and diplomatic community, testifying before Congress, interacting with the media, and publishing on foreign policy issues.

Satirical Logo for the CFR

These scholars contribute to the foreign policy debate by making recommendations to the presidential administration and testify before Congress, serving as a resource to the diplomatic community, interaction with the media as well as creating reports and articles.

The Council on Foreign Relations is a sister organization to the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London, England (also known as Chatham House).

Membership:  Approximately 4900 members
Founded:  1921
Journal:  Foreign Affairs (established 1922)
Membership list:
Address:  58 E. 68th Street, New York City, United States.



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Hillary Clinton accidentally admits that the CFR runs this nation. Wow.

The CFR is composed of over 4,000 world wide members headed by David Rockefeller's think tank, their goal is a one world government run by the bankers. Hillary is, of course, their minion. She works for them, the world elite---not us. It's amazing how damn dumb the American people are that they will vote her into office. She supports US/Israeli expansionist policies in the ME. She voted for sanctions on Iraq that killed one million Iraqis, mostly children. Here, in this speech, she makes it sound as if the CFR is a force for good while it, in fact, wishes to establish a fascist tyranny ruled by the most powerful families on earth.


NBC Prediction That We Will All Have a RFID Chip Under Our Skin by 2017


 The Trilateral Commission (TC).

Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create “a new international economic order.”

In the run-up to his inauguration after the 2008 presidential election, Obama was tutored by the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

In 1969, four years before birthing the TC with David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote: “[The] nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state.”

Goodbye, separate nations.

One group has been virtually forgotten. Its influence is enormous. It has existed since 1973.

The Secret Circle that Controls Governments

Another branch organization of CFR is the Trilateral Commission who is an economic planning group formed to successfully integrate all the world’s economies into the global economy and create a New World Order.

“It’s think tank the David Rockefeller Studies Program, is composed of about fifty adjunct and full-time scholars, as well as ten in-resident recipients of year-long fellowships, who cover the major regions and significant issues shaping today's international agenda.”




The Bilderberg Group

bilderbergcorporationcontrolClick chart multiple times;  enlarge to see the connections between Bilderbergers and Organizations around the world.

The Bilderbergers are an international organization composed of international bankers including the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, European Royalty, Wall Street investors, CFR, Fabians, prominent businessmen, military leaders from different countries, politicians and media executives who make sure the public is not fully educated about the organization.

The first official meeting took place at the hotel De Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Holland, in May 1954. It was formed in part by Prince Bernhard (gentile), of the Netherlands a former Nazi and Fabian Society member, Denis Healey a Labour Politician and Joseph Retinger as well as David Rockefeller.


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Denis Healey on the Bilderberg Group:

 Denis healey former British Chancellor of the Exchequer said "To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing."

bilderbergEach year there is a Bilderberg meeting and the hosting government is responsible for providing heavy security for three days, which includes local police, Secret Service, military and private security firms. The participants are housed in one location and protected by security.

The public and protesters are kept at a distance from the meetings,  but protesters do turn up every year. Information and decisions made at the meetings are kept secret, but it does leak out to the anti-Bilderberg groups.

Many people say Bilderbergs aims are listed below.

  • Involved in building the European common market.
  • Behind the European Euro currency.
  • Bilderbergs want global currency
  • Involved in the breakup of the Soviet Union.
  • To remove country boundaries and promote invasion of Europe by non-Europeans.
  • To divide the world into 5 common markets which eventually will become one world region.
  • They are behind the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and eventually Iran and Pakistan, Russia, China, and India.
  • They want to run the world and not be elected.
  • To implant RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), chips in everybody just like we do with pets.
  • They are behind the multicultural multiracial program to flood all Western countries (United States, Canada, Australia, Britain) and continental European countries with nonwhites and the destruction of their culture and are also behind the flooding of Africans into China.
  • They are campaigning to abolish the American Constitution and everybody else's rights worldwide and are working towards a world central dictatorship government.
  • They promote global warming.
  • They promote wars for the advancement of their ideas.
  • They promote United Nations.
  • They are against people having guns.
  • They do not promote the family.
  • They promote same-sex marriages.
  • They promote the New World Order
  • They do not promote free press.
  • They promote reducing world population.
  • They want world taxes.
  • They want a global army at the disposal of the United Nations.

The Ultimate Bilderberg Group Documentary
For 50+ years it didn't exist, and it was just a "conspiracy theory." Now, in the past decade since 9/11, it is acknowledged to be a real secret society with real influence. Having created the European Union and the Euro over the span of the past half-century, the Bilderbergers are literally the movers and shakers of the global government being ushered in, called the New World Order.


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Bilderberg Group - The Secret Rulers of the World

Bilderberg Group - The Secret Rulers of the World [Full Documentary]

In 1954, the most powerful men in the world met for the first time under the auspices of the Dutch royal crown and the Rockefeller family at the luxurious Hotel Bilderberg in the small Dutch town of Oosterbeek. For an entire weekend, they debated the future of the world.  When it was over, they decided to meet once every year to exchange ideas and analyze international affairs and promote their ideas world wide.





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Bilderberger Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands leaves the Bilderberg 2014 meeting


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Bilderberg Exposed on British TV (Part 1) journalist, Patrick Henningsen and Guardian correspondent Charlie Skelton, discuss the secretive Bilderberg Group on British TV with Edge Media's "On The Edge" show, airing on SKY Channel 200 Controversial TV.












These People Rule the World !


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The Turning Point - Full Film
You have been selected to attend the 60th Bilderberg conference in Chantilly, Virginia from May 31 - June 3, 2012.  This conference brings together leaders of business, economics, media, finance, politics and military in a forum which will allow for open and off the record discussions of current events and global issues.

Bilderberg person said, "I must stress that this meeting is SECRET and by invitation only.  We operate under Chatham House Rules, meaning you are not permitted to disclose anything that is said during the conference to members of the media or otherwise."


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"While out for a walk in Copenhagen Denmark, Peter Sutherland (Chairman of Goldman Sachs and member of the steering committee for the Bilderberg group) and Simon Coveney (Irish Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine) were confronted by journalists Dan Dicks of Press For Truth and Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change on their attendance at this years annual Bilderberg conference."

Chairman Of Goldman Sachs Peter Sutherland Confronted At Bilderberg!

EU should 'undermine national homogeneity' says UN migration chief

Rothschild Head Confronted At Bilderberg

The  Bilderberg Goals

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What Bilderberg Really Wants In 2017

The above video has Bilderberg membership list.



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Bilderberg 2017: You Won’t Believe WHO’s Going And The Agenda They ADMIT To!

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Club of Rome

Club of Rome Limits to Growth

A global think tank that covers international political issues, The Club of Rome was founded in 1968 and they descibe their organization's aims as:

"a group of world citizens, sharing a common concern for the future of humanity."

The first time they caught the attention of the public was in the 70s when they reported on The Limits to Growth in countries.  They state their mission is to act as a global catalyst for change,  and they plan on doing this through identifying and analyzing problems facing humanity. 

They established a 3-year program in 2009 called A New Path for World Development and it defines 5 key issue areas:–

  •  Environment and Resources
  •  Globalization
  •  International Development
  •  Social Transformation
  •  Peace and Security

The Rome aims: They promote World government, Global Warming, reduce industries in western countries, they want us to stop using coal, they have no regards about Europeans losing their rights and countries and this organization promotes peace and security while turning a blind eye to the killings of whites in South Africa. Also they say nothing about the non-Europeans invasion into European Caucasian countries and about the attacks on Europeans.

  members • Members • Club of Rome



Established in 1921 by the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), and later receiving funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, Tavistock has grown into one of the world's most influential think tanks.  


Tavistock Institute

Tavistock Institute BuildingThe Tavistock Institute is a British psychological warfare and human relations unit that begun during the second World war. Some say they are still using psychological tactics to control and direct public thinking today. It is a non-profit organization which applies social science to contemporary issues and challenges.

The UK Institute was researching ways to mind control the British and the world population without them knowing. The organization was influenced by "Freud, Jung and Hegel's Dialectic Thesis-antithesis-Synthesis" (Problems-Reactions-Solutions).  Front Cover

The institution has professional seminars available to members of the public and during these seminars, they utilize their techniques to promote uniformity, the multicultural multiracial society and the non-white invasion into European countries. They use the same techniques that are also used by media companies to stop people from questioning what is really happening in the world around them. They have developed strategies that create mind blocks so people will stop questioning them, and some examples of these words are such as racism, extremism and bigotry.

The Tavistock Institute was a major force behind the formation of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and is connected to the Club of Rome. They also work closely with:

  •  The Heritage Foundation
  •  The RAND (Research AND Development), Corporation
  •  The Hudson Institute
  •  The Brooklyn Institute
  •  MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
  •  Institute for Policy Studies
  •  Walden Research                       

Address: 30 Tabernacle Street City of London, London, greater London EC2A 4UE, United kingdom

Phone Number: 020 7417 04070


Tavistock Institute for global manipulation

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That fact remains that political correctness is all about creating uniformity. Individualism is one of the biggest obstacles of the New World Order. The NWO wants a public that is predictable and conditioned to do as it's told without asking questions.

The Tavistock Institute invented the 'Trash TV' programming on your network broadcasting right now, for those of you who still actually watch TV. They invented the tabloid talk show scene, and are directly responsible along with many of their associate institutions for turning the news media into a three ring circus. They are here to dumb down the human being, and rearrange the human's mind into a chaotic state, easily controllable and low in I.Q.



 Condition the Human Mindset 



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  Rule from the Shadows: The Psychology of Power, Pt 1



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The Tavistock Agenda

The hippie Movement was a Tavistock, CIA, Army Psyop effort to coop the anti-War movement and kill it . Jim Morrisons father was the Commander of the ship involved in the False Flag "Gulf of Tonkin" incident. Read 'Weird Scenes Inside The Laurel Canyon," and "Transformation of America."

And unfortunately the human sheep fell for all of it hook, line and sinker.  As much as I despise this kind of hedonistic need to make themselves gods, we must admit to ourselves that, yes, as a species we are quite ignorant and gullible to believe for thousands of years that the rich and "blue bloods" of our world have the right to rule us.  We have repeatedly given our consent for some reason beyond my understanding throughout KNOWN history for this voluntary enslavement.  It seems the large majority of humans are quite literally happy with being the cattle and sheep for their owners because they are too cowardly and weak to fight for their own self reliance and critical thinking skills needed to see the reality of their own condition.  Nothing's different today than has been for thousands of years where the human masses would rather be included with the herd being led to slaughter than be the few smart enough to run the other way.  The worst of them all are the enforcers that apply the needed terroristic lessons to the runners who dared defy their masters wishes in order to instill the fear in the hearts of those witnessing the fate of the targeted.


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The first in our three-part series in - where we document the resistance coming from ordinary Germans who are fed up with what's been happening to their country.

Tommy Robinson: Germany Fights Back!

WOW the "journalist" didn't like being called a fascist. That's golden! Now she knows how we feel. We're not fascist either!!! We want to protect our country. They are NOT far right- they ARE concerned citizens!


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Full Interview Hollywood producer, filmmaker, activist and truth seeker Aaron Russo (Jewish) reveals some of the REAL reasons for feminism which was funded and pushed by the Rockefellers and the CIA for very nefarious reasons, which includes being part of their central banking worldwide takeover to help set up the New World Order

 Feminism Was Created To Destabilize Society, Tax Women and set up the NWO - Aaron Russo






The Globalist monitoring and tracking of citizens


Chinese authorities are using a mobile app to carry out illegal mass surveillance and arbitrary detention of Muslims in China’s western Xinjiang region.

China's Mass Surveillance Phone App

As many people know, the monitoring and tracking of citizens is a common occurrence in countries such as North Korea and China, among others. However, the people are no longer taking this matter lying down. Human Rights Watch, also known as HRW, managed to hack into and gain access to the application which is used by Chinese authorities in the western Xinjiang region to surveil, track and categorize the entire local population.

In particular, the 13 million Turkic Muslims which are often subjected to heightened scrutiny, including the one million which are thought to live in cultural 're-education' camps around the region.

China's Mass Surveillance App Hacked; Codes Reveal Criteria For Social Disobedience



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Alex Jones Film Inside Bohemain Grove. This is the famous footage shot by Alex Jones of what the world elite are doing in the remote mountains of northern California in the United States.

Bohemian Grove - Alex Jones

So 17 years ago Alex Jones was linking high government officials to the occult everybody laughed at him and thought he was crazy, then we have wiki leaks that comes out over the election cycle implicating members of the clinton campaign in the Crowley ritual of Spirit cooking.



Secret History of the Freemasons ~ Full Documentary

Secret History of the Freemasons ~ Full Documentary

Watch THIS Before Joining Freemasonry! EVERYTHING EXPOSED!


Useful Videos and Links

When Victims Rule: A Critique of Jewish Pre-Eminence in America

a clearinghouse for information featuring over 10,000 citations from about 4,000 scholarly and mainstream bibliographic sources

Who Controls America?


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The following  video about the Rothschilds and the United States Federal Reserve Bank.

The history of the Federal Reserve. Lack of Accountability, Transparency, and Responsibility. Group of Elite Bankers, in the form of shareholders (members), control the currency of the United States, the most powerful country in the world.

The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Explained In 7 Minutes

 "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." -Henry Ford





Two Globalist Camps


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antifa symbols

The following is taken from the above Stormfront page:

This is an extremely important distinction you make. It is critical that people understand the point you have made. I have also written about this...

There are two globalist camps, both led by Jews — each camp competes with the other for global power:



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European Common Market (EEC), The European Council:  No More Nations

The Times published a piece called America Abroad: The Birth of the Global Nation which was written by  Strobe Talbott in 1992.  Talbot was President Clinton's deputy secretary of the state at the time and a member of the CFR.  This quote from his article is very telling of the long-term agenda and goals for the United States:

“In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global Authority. National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all”.


The British media promoted the idea of Britain joining the European Common Market back in the 1970s to improve British trade. This is partly true, but the real reason was to build a United States of Europe, which today, is referred to as EEC (European Common Market), or the EU (European Union).  To achieve this aim they decided to destroy the nations in Europe by replacing its people by bringing in large numbers of third world non-whites, Muslims (multiculturalism and multiracialism), to destroy the true Christian church, European culture and history of the various nations. This is treason, and these people should be brought to justice. The global elite in Europe have declared war on European nations, its people, culture and free speech and the sad fact is, that many Europeans do not realise that most of their media; radio, television, and newspapers are controlled by the Globalists who are using Pavlovian conditioning techniques like racism, bigotry, extremism and nazis to stop the people from revolting against the Globalists who control them. The long term agenda is the genocide of the European indigenous people, their cultures and the nations in Europe, to make them into the United States of Europe, into one single nation. Each individual parliament would slowly find their federal government powers significantly reduced and moved to EEC government departments. 


European Commission

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The European Commission (EC) is an institution of the European Union, responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the EU treaties and managing the day-to-day business of the EU.[2] Commissioners swear an oath at the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg City, pledging to respect the treaties and to be completely independent in carrying out their duties during their mandate.[3] Unlike in the Council of the European Union, where members are directly and indirectly elected, and the European Parliament, where members are directly elected, the Commissioners are proposed by the Council of the European Union, on the basis of suggestions made by the national governments, and then appointed by the European Council after the approval of the European Parliament.

The Commission operates as a cabinet government, with 28 members of the Commission (informally known as "commissioners").[4] There is one member per member state, but members are bound by their oath of office to represent the general interest of the EU as a whole rather than their home state.[3] One of the 28 is the Commission President (currently Jean-Claude Juncker) proposed by the European Council[5] and elected by the European Parliament.[6] The Council of the European Union then nominates the other 27 members of the Commission in agreement with the nominated President, and the 28 members as a single body are then subject to a vote of approval by the European Parliament.[7] The current Commission is the Juncker Commission, which took office in late 2014, following the European Parliament elections in May of the same year. END


The European Council


The European Council is a collective body that defines the European Union's overall political direction and priorities. It comprises the heads of state or government of the EU member states, along with the President of the European Council and the President of the European Commission. Wikipedia

The European Council runs the European Common Market and makes its laws. The first elected  President by the council was on 19 November 2009, Van Rompuy he was chosen unanimously at an informal meeting in Brussels, to be the first full-time President of the European Council. He officially started the role on 1  January 2010 for a two-year period that was then extended for a further two years. He stood down in 2014 to make way for a new president as terms can be extended only once under the European Council policy. The council members are not elected by the people.

The European Council and the EEC political structure is very similar to what they had in the former communist Russia.

Farage Attacks Bilderberg EU President As Quiet Assassin Of Nation States

Nigel Farage: "This EU is the New Communism. It is Power without Limits."

Barroso as a young, passionate Maoist student leader in 1976  Mr. Barroso wants the doors open so that millions of people can pour into Europe from Third World countries. You have to ask yourself, why is he doing this when Europe has such massive unemployment with Spain as high as 35% and the British Isles high as up 29%? The governments will always say it is around 4 or 5%, but we know this is not true.  They give these figures to stop people revolting aginst their policies. The percentage of unemployment is similar across all of Europe. Many believe this mass immigration(invasion) is done to replace and destroy Europeans and their countries of Europe. The Globalist who control Europe promote intermarriage between European Caucasians (Whites) Blacks and other races, promotes Muslim invasion into Europe and is against whites from South Africans returning to Europe.

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Huge Treaties the Public Aren't Aware Of

Look above to The New World Order diagram which shows the regional world Governments. Globalist are working towards World Government through a regional agreement between nations government's, first by promoting free trade then over time remove country borders, promote non-natives into the countries, break down national governments, remove national laws and replace them with NWO regional laws under central regional Government. Globalists have divided the world into 5 regions.  The (EU) European Common Market, the (NAU) North American including United States, Canada, Mexico and South America including all countries.  The Asian Union(AU) including all Asian countries including Australia and New Zealand.  The African Union (AFU) including all African countries.
The United States President Donald Trump signed executive order withdrawing US from TTIP and TTP agreement between Europe, the United States and TTP agreement between Asian and Australia.

These regional free trade agreements are all about the needs for big business to make money and gain power over we the people. These agreements receive little media attention and the actual documents have been kept under lock and key without any consumer groups being allowed to review and weigh in on the decision and agreements.

What is the Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership? Screenshot 1horhor

What is TTIP and why should we be angry about it?

What is TTIP Explained

The Privatization of Water: Nestlé Denies that Water is a Fundamental Human Right

Australia wins international legal battle with Philip Morris over plain packaging

Trade treaties expose Australia to costly litigation, experts warn

10 reasons to be worried about the trojan treaties

Free Trade Agreements

The Globalist Killed JFK

Gaddafi was right about JFK

The Deep State (New World Order) Rothschild, Vatican and the British crown Rule the World

The Top of the Pyramid: The Rothschild the, Vatican and the British Crown Rule the World - 2017


France RIOTS!!! Globalist Democracy Is CRUMBLING


Russian Leader Putin bans Rothschilds

Putin Bans Rothschilds From Russia WAR ON NWO and Illuminati HAS BEGUN!

The following Information on the Mafia false Jews

Full text of "The Jew World Order Unmasked" - Internet Archive


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 Alex Jones Infowars interviews American Indian Russell Means who talks how American has become one huge Indian Reservation.  Russel Mean passed away in 2012.

Russell Means Interview — Welcome To the Reservation (Full Length)


Alex Jones interviews Russell Means who talks about  the decline of the American culture.

RUSSELL MEANS SPECIAL: The Decline of American Culture (10/22/2012)


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We need to Unite all Anti- Globalist and build  Community Based Organizations to replace them 

Community Organization and Building - 3-30-16 Lecture

The article on right. The B'nai B'rith Jewish Community Based service organization operates nationally, internationally and represents Jews only. Many Jews are nationalist behind the scenes; and in public they promote conservative, liberal, socialist, communist ideas.

Jewish organizations are collective community based organizations, bringing together many groups under national and international congresses all over the world.

Many Jews are united national, international and are a nation within a nation with their own government. 

White gentile organizations in the United States, Australia, Britain, and Europe are not community based organizations, they are conservative structured.  Conservative organizations are not collectives and do not build Anti-Defamation organizations to fight for people rights and  do not promote community services to their people.  They do not have national or international congresses to unite them. 

Alex Jones (Infowars) said conservative will not defeat the globalist, only nationalist will do that. Alex was talking about national ideas and organizations.



 Jewish Influence in Governments in Europe


European Jewish Congress in Europe & International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians


The Globalist controlled Western media will not tell you that a shadow government operating in Europe is called the European Jewish Congress (EJC). They are very influential in the European Commission which is the governing body that controls the European Economic Community (EEC) also referred to as the European Common Market. The EJC also operates in 50 European countries including Russia.

European Jewish Congress 

The European Jewish Congress or EJC (formerly known as European Jewish Union or EJU) is a non-govenrment organization based in Brussels, Belgium, Europe.  The aim of the EJC is a unit structure for all Jewish communities and organizations throughout Western, Eastern and Central Europe. The European Jewish Congress was the brainchild of Ukrainian billionaire Vadim Rabinovich and officially established in 1986. The European Jewish Congress is the most influential European organization in Europe, representing around 42 national Jewish communities comprising more than 2.5 million Jews in Europe. Jewish community base organizations are so well developed that  2.5 million Jews have more power then the total European population of about 743.1 million (2015) and more power then all the European Governments in Europe.



World Jewish Congress  


The European Jewish Congress is affiliated with the World Jewish Congress, and their headquaters are in New York City, United States and the organization maintains office in Paris, France. Before the establishment of EJC, European Jewish issues were dealt with by the European branch of the World Jewish Congress (WJC). Today the EJC is the regional affiliate of the WJC as the sole political organizational representative of European Jewry in Europe.


The Former European Jewish Union now called European Jewish Congress



EJP Members

The European Jewish Congress formally known as the European Jewish Union is a non-Government organization based in Brussels, Belgium, Europe and was founded in the spring of 2011.  Its stated aim is to be a uniting structure for all Jewish communities and organizations throughout Western, Eastern and Central Europe.  The European Jewish Union established a European Jewish Parliament comprising 120 members from 50 countries and is modelled on the Israeli parliament called Knesset. This parliament says that its aim is to represent the concerns of the Jewish Diaspora in the European Union and other European Countries.

The EJC protects the interests of its affiliated communities, working daily with European Union institutions and officials, the Council of Europe (where the EJC has participatory status) and national governments and parliaments. According to Wikipedia: "The EJC intends to protect human rights, fight xenophobia and anti-Semitism, promote interfaith dialogue, implement cultural and educational programmes, and remember the Holocaust and other events that killed millions of people. To meet these goals, the EJC has initiated and organized several large international projects, in particular the Let My People Live! international forums.....Another important issue on the EJC's agenda is preventing nuclear terrorism."

Aims of the European Jewish Congress

Many Europeans, including Jews say that this organization is actually promoting racism and anti-Semitism against Jews and are using Jews as a smoke-screen to hide their illegal activities in making money and gaining power. They say it is a Zionist organization that promotes Socialism/Communism to achieve Zionist goals. That is, to protect Israel from third-world non-Jewish infiltrator migrants moving into Israel. Behind the scenes it promotes Socialism/Communism and pushing the European Economic Community (EEC) to open its borders and allow Europe to be flooded by infiltrator migrants, i.e. it is actually a secret organization working with the European Commissions to destroy European culture, language and history. 

When Europeans resist, the EJC campaign with Governments and the European Commission, the media, and Left-Wing Socialist/Communists prevent native Europeans from campaigning against genocide and destruction of their countries Christianity and history.  Many European Jewish organizations want to eradicate the entire White European population by promoting inter-breeding with Arabs and Africans with the aim of diluting the population.  The Genocidal EU Plot and the Jews Behind It

The EJC campaigns against anti-Semitic against Jews yet it is promoting it by allowing Europe to be flooded with Third-World immigrants who hate and are attacking Gentiles and Jews. The immigrants become increasingly confident and many believe that one day in the future, Islam will rule Europe and European Jews will be driven out of Europe or killed.

EJC Holds General Assembly in Brussels:  European Jewish Parliament Members Represent Europe's Jews
In May 2012, the newly
elected European Jewish Parliament held its first general session in Brussels...    

European Jewish Parliament Members Discuss Jewish Issues during Inauguration in Brussels in Belgium
The European Jewish Parliament is now called:  European Jewish Congress. Television's Jewish News One (JN1's), Sivan Raviv spoke with members of the European Jewish Parliament (EJP) in Brussels during its inauguration on February 16th. The EJP includes 120 elected Jewish leaders from across Europe – the same number of members as the Israeli Knesset – and provides European Jewry with a platform for dialogue with the European Union and world leaders. Over 400,000 Jews voted in the parliamentary elections in late 2011, and the newly elected leaders will now work to impact legislation and political agenda. Their first EJP Annual General Assembly was held in Brussels on May 15 and 16, 2012. 

Jewish European Parliament: Zionism takes Power. (French & English)

Zionist Plans for Europ



International Council Of Jewish Parliamentarians–


Part One – 'Jewish Parliamentarians' 

Jeremy Wootliff directs and writes this feature length documentary introduced by Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP.  Four other parts of this documentary are available on YouTube, or in broadcast quality on a DVD from The Pears Foundation.

Official Website of Tal Ofer Working Hard for UK Jewish Community


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Member of European Jewish Parliament Tal Ofer Discusses Boycott on Israeli Cultural Events

The International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians (ICJP) is a World network of Jewish Parliamentarians from different countries supported by the Knesset (Israel Parliament), the World Jewish Congress, Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Forum who come together to share and develop ideas that can be promoted in Jewish organizations, political parties and media in the countries they came from.  The ICJP was founded  in 2002,  headquarters are in Jerusalem, Israel, to involve Jewish Parliamentarians from  United States, Britain, France, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Tunisia, Canada, Brazil, Hungary and Australia just to name a few. 

The Jewish Parliamentarians supposedly represent the Jewish voice.  Many Jews say ICJP cause anti-Semitism against Jews because they promote hatred against Christians, Gentile Europeans and are promoting Third-World immigration into all European countries and working toward  Racial Genocide of Europeans Whites,  abolishing borders in European countries.

Many say these politicians may be elected in a country that do not always represent the gentiles (non-Jews) and the Jews who elect them.  The  Parliamentarians promote Laws  back in their own countries which are not in the best interests of the Nations, affecting Gentiles and the Jewish population, so these Jewish Parliamentarians are causing treason within the country they are elected to represent.

The Jewish Parliamentarians are sponsored by the World Jewish Congress, a 'steering committee' representing Jewish Politicians (Lawmakers) from all over the world.  


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Lawmakers Worldwide Mobilize in Defense of Israel

Christian Zionism working with Jewish Zionism



European National & international Congresses




Ronald Lauder President of the World Jewish Congress

European White Nationalist need to build National Congress in each country & European World Congress to Unite all organizations & Europeans                                                               

Many people do not realize that the most powerful organizations in the world are Jewish. They developed solid community-based structures for their foundations and from there, developed all their other affiliate groups. 

The photo on left, shows current World Jewish Congress President, Ronald S. Lauder, attending the Solidarity Mission in Brussels in 2014.  He is largely touted as a billionaire philanthropist by mainstream media and web sources.

American Muslims for Jerusalem created a boycott of Estee Lauder products in 2001, and there are many other boycotts on Israeli products as a stand against Israel's ongoing expansion and agenda in the Middle East. In 2015, Iceland voted successfully to boycott Israeli goods, however, under intense pressure from Israel, Iceland retracted this decision just a week later.

As well as presiding as President of the World Jewish Congress, Lauder is also President of the Jewish National Fund, which openly promotes Israeli occupation on Palestinian land. This is currently illegal under international law.

Below is a map of all the different affiliates and branches that the World Jewish Congress have established back in 1953 before there were internet and ease of global communication. They built an international community organizations to promote and ensure the Jewish Diaspora were catered for around the globe.


The Jewish community have built powerful organizations from literally nothing, which operates as independent nations within all host countries.  Many Jews promote patriotism, loyalty to the Jewish community, Israel first and foremost. There are Jews of course, who are very loyal to western countries and some work with the Jewish community even though they have a great love for America, Australia, and Europe.

We have outlined a few of the biggest Jewish organizations to give you an idea of how good community groups breed success .

WJC LogoWorld Jewish Congress

The World Jewish Congress (WJC) was founded in Geneva, Switzerland of August 1936, and promotes the idea that it represents the international federation of Jewish organizations and communities. Membership is open to Jews only, irrespective of the social, political or economic ideology of the community's host country. 

A growing number of people argue that this organization has too much power over western countries, especially considering the small percentage of Jews world population. Jews actually represent.  In the United Nations Economic and Social Council it has special consultative status and they also have a Research Institute based in Jerusalem, Israel, which does research on a variety of issues concerning Jews.   

Jews World Regional Congresses

WJC presents five regional congresses and are also in charge of the Israel Council of Foreign Relations and the European Jewish Parliament. From May 2013, French Banker Baron David Rene de Rothschild was elected as chairman of the WJC Governing Board.

European Jewish Congress
Euro-Asian Jewish Congress
Latin American Jewish Congress
American Jewish Congress
Israeli Jewish Branch

During the 1960s the World Jewish Congress was involved in the United States civil rights movement and were behind opening American borders to non-European immigration.  In more recent times they have been pushing the flood of immigrants into Europe which led to the 2015 Immigration Crisis. These immigrants are attacking the Jewish community and forcing Jews out of many European countries.  When the European indigenous population campaigned against this invasion, they were publicly labeled by Jewish organizations as "racist, bigots, extremists, anti-Semitic and islamophobic", just for trying to defend their lands and culture.  Jewish organizations ensures that Israel has closed borders to third world immigration and carry out everything in their power to keep Israel pure for Jews while ensuring the media gives it very little attention in order to keep most of the world in the dark about their hypocritical policies.

Many would say that Jewish organizations are too white.  You will not find many Africans or Asians in these organizations. They have been misled to believe that Israel is their homeland. This 'polarization' has led to patriotic blind loyalty to the point where mainly European Jews are destroying their own people and their ancestral homelands in Europe.  Many Jews have European features; blue eyes and blonde hair traits which are scientifically proven to have originated in Europe and most definitely did not develop in the Middle East.

The question Jews must start asking themselves is what happens to their people when the rest of the world is under Islamic control?  Do you honestly think the Muslims will not remove Jews from power?  Muslims have a terrible opinion of Jews and it is no secret that many Muslim groups intend to wipe Jews off the planet. 

ICJP logo


International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians

The International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians (ICJP) was founded in 2002 to involve Jewish parliamentarians and lawmakers from all over the world to representing the Jewish voice.  Their members come from all over the globe including the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Tunisia and Canada though many Jews say it is not representative of their needs.

The Parliamentarians are sponsored by the World Jewish Congress.  A newly elected Steering committee representing Jewish lawmakers from all the worlds’ continents.   At a meeting in the City of Jerusalem, Israel unanimously elected Fiamma Nirenstein, 65years, a member of the Italian Chambers of Deputies, as its head.

Nirenstein to Head Int'l Council of Jewish Parliamentarians


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International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians/World Jewish Congress

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ICJP MISSION AND STRUCTURE Members of the Steering Committee

Rep. Eliot Engel (U.S.A., Chairman)

Rep. Gary L. Ackerman (U.S.A., Chairman Emeritus)

Mr. Mark Adler, MP (Canada)

Ms. Luciana Berger, MP (UK)

Prof. Irwin Cotler, MP (Canada)

Mr. Michael Danby, MP (Australia)

M.K. Yuli-Yoel Edelstein (Israel)

Mr. Luis Fishman, MP (Costa Rica)

Dr. János Fánagy, MP, Secretary of State, (Hungary)

M.K. Shai Hermesh (Israel)

Lord Janner of Braunstone, QC (UK, Founding Chairman)

Rep. Nita Lowey (U.S.A.)

Councilman Floriano Pesaro (Brazil)

Mrs. Viviane Teitelbaum, MP (Belgium)


Zionism takes power in Europe.  Ukrainian money backing a Jewish Parliament that will ensure Israeli policies are expanded into Europe.

“On Thursday 16th February, in the European Parliament, Brussels, 120 members of the elected Jewish European Parliament held their inaugural session to discuss the fears of European jews.
Why is a jewish European parliament a good idea?

Part One - 'Jewish Parliamentarians'




Zionist Plans for Europe

American Jewish Congress


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Citizens Initiative Referendas( CIR ) For WE the People

Read 61 times Last modified on Friday, 23 November 2018 07:53

The Coverers League collects information about history, on Globalism and relationships etc, so people can obtain the information quickly.  The main articles usually remain and over time they are change by adding more information to them. 






Read 101468 times Last modified on Tuesday, 22 October 2024 08:35

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