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They’re Coming For Your Property

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Ilhan Omar wanted the government to stop all rent and confiscate property from landowners if they complained. Now teachers unions want the same as a condition for returning to work. It’s NOT about safety or a virus — it’s Marxism.

First Your Jobs & Businesses, Now They’re Coming For Your Property

Frankish Tribe & Charlemagne founded Europe.

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He is one of the best rulers ever to rule Europe, most of Italy and many Gallic and Germanic tribes.

Charlemagne - Father of the Holy Roman Empire Documentary

His name in English is "Charles the Great" His name in German is: "Karl der Grosse". . . . "Charlemegne", (Charl le Magne), is FRENCH!
The Franks have been a Germanic tribe and they spoke Frankish (a West-Germanic language). Therefore he should be named based on his Germanic name (Karl der Grosse). The capital of the Frankish kingdom was Aachen (in Germany).


Finally, a decent well done documentary on Charlemagne! Thank you.
In Germany, he is called Karl der Große ( Karl the Great)
Charlemagne: Read French: "Charl le Magne" means "Charles the Great". To the Germans, he is known as "Karl der Große." He is considered the founding father of both nations.
Charlemagne was the greatest of all medieval kings in Europe, about a thousand of them. He was a head taller than his contemporaries, had a high pitched voice and a small paunch according to his biographer Eginhart. The place of his crowning in 800 is said to be a metre-wide reddish circular antique , Egyptian, stone in the entrance of today s St Peters Basilica.
Charlemagne was a great person who had great people supporting him, otherwise he wouldn't have succeded in his endeavours. A great inspiration for today's leaders. Very good documentary. Thank you.

Its very interesting that this great man was born in such backwater place. Also, he was born into the period which was just few generations far from the fall of Roman Empire. I would like to see how these people lived there because I can imagine that the south was pretty much still advanced and the tribes who were originally attacking Roman Empire were still finding the way how things are working.

One of the most powerful emperors in medieval age, as i visited france in 2015. A son of France  and one of my fav and respected characters. He created a empire and made him as a holy roman emperor the first of many rulers who ruled that. His empire survives many challenges until 1806. One of the powerful rulers. Vive la france. My fav country. Known as a father of  because of he created a vast empire and united most of Europe since the roman empire. Brilliant and thnk you for this video. He is one of the best rulers ever to rule Europe, most of Italy and also the many Gallic and Germanic tribes. Again thnk you for these content.He also helped the Carolingian renaissance and the revival of western church with that. Also he is a main ancestor of dynasties who ruled and rules Europe . But also his some actions led the schism between westen and eastern empires as well as the western and orthodox churches . Because he didn't think irene of athens as a legitimate ruler and he himself declared as a roman emperor and  himself. best wishes aijaz from pakistan
This was not a Christian army but a Catholic Army, totally different.
"Let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky". -Charlemagne
So Charlemagne was the ruler of what would become modern Germany?
Cant believe I was never taught anything about this at school.
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  Dave Stotts: Charlemagne's Impact on the Course of Christian History | The State of Faith | TBN

On TBN's special, State of Faith: Northern Europe, Drive Thru History's Dave Stotts explores Charlemagne's impact on the course of Christian history in Northern Europe.


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 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Charlemagne (/ˈʃɑːrləmn, ˌʃɑːrləˈmn/ SHAR-lə-mayn, -⁠MAYN) or Charles the Great (Latin: Carolus Magnus, Frankish: Karl;[3] 2 April 747[a] – 28 January 814), a member of the Carolingian dynasty, was King of the Franks from 768, King of the Lombards from 774, and was crowned as the Emperor of the Romans by the Papacy in 800. Charlemagne succeeded in uniting the majority of western and central Europe and was the first recognized emperor to rule from western Europe after the fall of the Western Roman Empire approximately three centuries earlier.[4] The expanded Frankish state that Charlemagne founded was the Carolingian Empire, which is considered the first phase in the history of the Holy Roman Empire. He was canonized by Antipope Paschal III—an act later treated as invalid—and he is now regarded by some as beatified (which is a step on the path to sainthood) in the Catholic Church.

Charlemagne was the eldest son of Pepin the Short and Bertrada of Laon. He was born before their canonical marriage.[5] He became king of the Franks in 768 following his father's death, and was initially co-ruler with his brother Carloman I until the latter's death in 771.[6] As sole ruler, he continued his father's policy towards the protection of the papacy and became its sole defender, removing the Lombards from power in northern Italy and leading an incursion into Muslim Spain. He also campaigned against the Saxons to his east, Christianizing them (upon penalty of death) which led to events such as the Massacre of Verden. He reached the height of his power in 800 when he was crowned Emperor of the Romans by Pope Leo III on Christmas Day at Old St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

Charlemagne has been called the "Father of Europe" (Pater Europae),[7] as he united most of Western Europe for the first time since the classical era of the Roman Empire, as well as uniting parts of Europe that had never been under Frankish or Roman rule. His reign spurred the Carolingian Renaissance, a period of energetic cultural and intellectual activity within the Western Church. The Eastern Orthodox Church viewed Charlemagne less favourably, due to his support of the filioque and the Pope's preference of him as emperor over the Byzantine Empire's first female monarch, Irene of Athens. These and other disputes led to the eventual split of Rome and Constantinople in the Great Schism of 1054.[8][b]

Charlemagne died in 814 after contracting an infectious lung disease.[9] He was laid to rest in the Aachen Cathedral, in his imperial capital city of Aachen. He married at least four times,[10][2] and three of his legitimate sons lived to adulthood. Only the youngest of them, Louis the Pious, survived to succeed him. Charlemagne is a direct ancestor of many of Europe's royal houses, including the Capetian dynasty,[c] the Ottonian dynasty,[d] the House of Luxembourg,[e] the House of Ivrea[f] and the House of Habsburg.


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Charlemagne: How He Changed History Forever

Warrior. Ruler. Patron of the arts and language. Terrorist. Brutal oppressor. Protector of the good. Guardian of Christendom. Father of Europe. There are so many different ways in which Charlemagne can be described, and yet the man himself is often seen as an enigma. Depending on the viewpoint of history, he could have been either a monster or a guardian angel. Yet, as with most men, the truth lies somewhere in between. The truth is that he was human.

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"Frank" doesn't mean ferocious, it means "free". Kind of an outstanding mistake since the word is still used with similar meaning in modern english. Also nothing derived from the name Charlemagne. His name was Karl, in latin Karolus (as seen on the coin) later Karolus Magnus. Those lead to the words shown on screen including Charlemagne.

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King Charlemagne is my 38th Great Grandfather. I traced him directly to my Grandmother's Father's Father's side. Through his son Louis The Pious. Absolutely amazing. I have always been a history nerd and now I'm just engulfed in discovering my ancestors.
I NEED SOME EXPLAINING! So I’m a normal 12 year old boy from Michigan in the U.S. I love history and have recently been working on my family history. I been using ancestry for a couple months and have been working hard to pit a bunch of my families names in there. Turns out on my father’s side, I’m somehow related to Charlemagne. Is this even possible? I knew he looked like a king so I translated his name and put it in YouTube. I been reading all the comments and all the videos on him. If I’m actually related to him, LETS GO! He seems like a very important guy in history! I’m gonna try to learn more about him as well. It just seems weird that I could be related to someone who’s that amazing in history
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Although missionaries like Patrick and Augustine had made Christianity hugely successful in the British Isles, there was really only one tribe in the whole of mainland Europe who were mainstream Christians — the Franks, whose King had converted in 496. The others were all pagans or Arians.

All this changed when Charles the Great, or “Charlemagne” became King of the Franks, ruling from 771 to 814. He was a great military conqueror, and channeled this talent into the service of the church, for in taking over most of Western Europe and a fair bit of the east, he used military force to compel all his subject peoples to become Christian. He also sponsored more subtle missionary efforts, and encouraged the spread of Benedictine monasteries, and especially the copying of theological manuscripts.

The Pope crowned him Roman Emperor in 800, centuries after the ancient Roman Empire had collapsed in Europe — a move which infuriated the Eastern Emperor who still claimed to rule both east and west. His “Holy Roman Empire” shrank rapidly after his death, but it remained a major force in Europe into the Reformation. Although centered in modern Germany, its influence spread much wider.

Einhard, who wrote this biography, was a nobleman and a diplomat and adviser in Charlemagne’s service for over twenty-three years. In fact, the two were personal friends. This makes his report an invaluable source of firsthand information about the Emperor, but also alerts us to watch for personal bias.

Charlemagne presents Christians today with a dilemma. On the one hand, we ask, aren’t Charlemagne’s bloodthirsty ways of spreading the church completely alien to the gospel of Christ? On the other, we wonder would the church have survived if not for him?


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The Rise of Charlemagne

Despite being anointed by the Pope as a child, Charlemagne was seen as the unlikeliest ruler. Before he died, though, he was the emperor of Western Europe. Trace the man back to his roots with this eye-opening video.

Table of Contents

: 00:00 Determining Charlemagne's Origins

03:06 The Frankish Kingdom Expands

06:29 Charlemagne's Unlikely Ascent to Power

12:03 Charlemagne Vies for Higher Status

16:04 A Pivotal Moment in Charlemagne's Career

20:13 The Many Wars Waged by Charlemagne

23:56 Saxon Resistance Emerges

26:14 Charlemagne's Defeat in Spain


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  Religious reform of Charlemagne Religious reform of Charlemagne

Cultural revival

Another notable feature of Charlemagne’s reign was his recognition of the implications for his political and religious programs of the cultural renewal unfolding across much of the Christian West during the 8th century. He and his government patronized a variety of activities that together produced a cultural renovatio (Latin: “renewal” or “restoration”), later called the Carolingian Renaissance. The renewal was given impetus and shape by a circle of educated men—mostly clerics from Italy, Spain, Ireland, and England—to whom Charlemagne gave prominent place in his court in the 780s and 790s; the most influential member of this group was the Anglo-Saxon cleric Alcuin. The interactions among members of the circle, in which the king and a growing number of young Frankish aristocrats often participated, prompted Charlemagne to issue a series of orders defining the objectives of royal cultural policy. Its prime goal was to be the extension and improvement of Latin literacy, an end viewed as essential to enabling administrators and pastors to understand and discharge their responsibilities effectively. Achieving this goal required the expansion of the educational system and the production of books containing the essentials of Christian Latin culture.

The court circle played a key role in producing manuals required to teach Latin, to expound the basic tenets of the faith, and to perform the liturgy correctly. It also helped create a royal library containing works that permitted a deeper exploration of Latin learning and the Christian faith. A royal scriptorium was established, which played an important role in propagating the Carolingian minuscule, a new writing system that made copying and reading easier, and in experimenting with art forms useful in decorating books and in transmitting visually the message contained in them. Members of the court circle composed poetry, historiography, biblical exegesis, theological tracts, and epistles—works that exemplified advanced levels of intellectual activity and linguistic expertise. Their efforts prompted Alcuin to boast that a “new Athens” was in the making in Francia. The new Athens came to be identified with Aachen, from about 794 Charlemagne’s favourite royal residence. Aachen was the centre of a major building program that included the Palatine Chapel, a masterpiece of Carolingian architecture that served as Charlemagne’s imperial church.

Royal directives and the cultural models provided by the court circle were quickly imitated in cultural centres across the kingdom where signs of renewal were already emerging. Bishops and abbots, sometimes with the support of lay magnates, sought to revitalize existing episcopal and monastic schools and to found new ones, and measures were taken to increase the number of students. Some schoolmasters went beyond elementary Latin education to develop curricula and compile textbooks in the traditional seven liberal arts. The number of scriptoria and their productive capacity increased dramatically. And the number and size of libraries expanded, especially in monasteries, where book collections often included Classical texts whose only surviving copies were made for those libraries. Although the full fruits of the Carolingian Renaissance emerged only after Charlemagne’s death, the consequences of his cultural program appeared already during his lifetime in improved competence in Latin, expanded use of written documents in civil and ecclesiastical administration, advanced levels of discourse and stylistic versatility in formal literary productions, enriched liturgical usages, and variegated techniques and motifs employed in architecture and the visual arts.


In January 814 Charlemagne fell ill with a fever after bathing in his beloved warm springs at Aachen; he died one week later. Writing in the 840s, the emperor’s grandson, the historian Nithard, avowed that at the end of his life the great king had “left all Europe filled with every goodness.” Modern historians have made apparent the exaggeration in that statement by calling attention to the inadequacies of Charlemagne’s political apparatus, the limitations of his military forces in the face of new threats from seafaring foes, the failure of his religious reforms to affect the great mass of Christians, the narrow traditionalism and clerical bias of his cultural program, and the oppressive features of his economic and social programs. Such critical attention of Charlemagne’s role, however, cannot efface the fact that his effort to adjust traditional Frankish ideas of leadership and the public good to new currents in society made a crucial difference in European history.

His renewal of the Roman Empire in the West provided the ideological foundation for a politically unified Europe, an idea that has inspired Europeans ever since—sometimes with unhappy consequences. His feats as a ruler, both real and imagined, served as a standard to which many generations of European rulers looked for guidance in defining and discharging their royal functions. His religious reforms solidified the organizational structures and the liturgical practices that eventually enfolded most of Europe into a single “Church.” His definition of the role of the secular authority in directing religious life laid the basis for the tension-filled interaction between temporal and spiritual authority that played a crucial role in shaping both political and religious institutions in later western European history.

His cultural renaissance provided the basic tools—schools, curricula, textbooks, libraries, and teaching techniques—upon which later cultural revivals would be based. The impetus he gave to the lord-vassal relationship and to the system of agriculture known as manorialism (in which peasants held land from a lord in exchange for dues and service) played a vital role in establishing the seignorial system (in which lords exercised political and economic power over a given territory and its population); the seignorial system in turn had the potential for imposing political and social order and for stimulating economic growth. Such accomplishments certainly justify the superlatives by which he was known in his own time: Carolus Magnus (“Charles the Great”) and Europae pater (“father of Europe”).

 First phaseMiddle phaseFinal phaseReligious natureSee alsoReferencesSourcesSaxon Wars

  The Barbarian World: The Coming of the Franks

How Ale Was Made | Tudor Monastery Update 2.

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Considering how everyone is sewn into their clothing.
 The team wean piglets, cultivate wild yeast, malt barley, make ale and bread, harvest honey and beeswax, dip candles, shave their sheep's hooves, demonstrate period hair care methods, roast lamb, and celebrate both a mass and the midsummer festival. They take custody of a boar to service their sows. They observe the shaping, moulding, and pouring of a bell, learn about period clock mechanisms and observe a wind-powered grain mill.
Deep in the Heart of Texas
Ruth's husband is Mark Goodman, the tapestry artist @43:30.
Mark Reaves
Two pounds of bread and eight pints of ale a day, unless the ale was very weak, they must have been living life in a perpetual state of drunken
Water was boiled in the process of beer making. That's what made the beer safer to drink than well water. The small alcohol content in beer won't kill the bacteria that will make you safe
 Let’s take a walk
I would say that alcohol is not the reason beer was better than plain water. Alcohol does not kill all bacteria, and certainly not at the levels these beers were made. But when making beer, there is a step where the water is boiled. THAT kills the bacteria.
SweetTea Stephens
Curly haired people must have been a living nightmare for them!! You don’t brush dry hair if it’s curly more less comb it with a fine toothed comb!! ?????
Considering how everyone is sewn into their clothing, I wouldn't be so casual about fire lol. 57:16
This was really good, somehow much better than most of the episodes in this series. I think it was because they explained and went into detail on things that were out of the ordinary, instead of just giving a basic treatment of the most obvious aspects of Tudor life. It was fascinating to see how bells and clocks were made, how bees were kept, how ale was made, how meat was prepared and roasted, and other things. For me, the value and interest were in the "how" of it, instead of the typical documentary approach of simply providing a textbook narration of superficial information.

Ruth Goodman (historian) - Wikipedia

Ruth Ellen Goodman is a British freelance historian of the early modern period, specialising in offering advice to museums and heritage attractions. She is a specialist in British social history and after presenting the 2005 television series Tales from the Green Valley, went on to participate in several BBC historic farm series. She occasionally presents features for The One Show, and she co-presented Secrets of the Castle in 2014, and 24 Hours in the Past.
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The team's year on the farm is coming to an end. First they have to bring in the wheat harvest, the most crucial part of the Victorian Farm calendar. Ruth explores the craft of straw plaiting and discovers the art of printing. Alex and Peter try their hand at a home brew. The team bring in the wheat harvest with the help of some extra labour, and celebrate with a harvest festival.
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 Justin Time
It’s interesting how much changed during that time and how much we didn’t have before that. The fridge, gas cooking, ice cream, self running music, and warm running water for baths, a shower of sorts were all created then. It went from simply candles to gas lamps to lightbulbs. So much happen in that short period of time. I wonder how it must have felt to have everything change like that. I wonder how it must have felt to live before that without all those conveniences.
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 DEPOPULATION Billboard Campaign! 1 Child only & Abortions.
No matter where you are in the world, you can go up in a small aircraft, and see that the planet is far from being overpopulated. In fact you could fit all the people in the world in one of the U.S.’s smallest states.
It's putting all your eggs in one basket. My aunt had one kid. He is in jail for the rest of his life and a meth addict. My neighbor had one and he died in a car accident and now she is miserable as she is too old to have another kid.


  • Friday, 25 June 2021 07:44

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Jews Plotted The Armenian Holocaust

Turkey/Zionist Articles, History Articles, Turkey's Choice: Russia Or NATO?, Jewish Young Turks Were Murderers!, Jews Plotted The Armenian Holocaust

By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2007-2010

Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner
& Link To Real Jew News (SM)

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BUSINESS AS USUAL is a powerful motivating force especially when Jews like the Rothschilds are running an oil business.

Banking is the forte of the Jewish House of Rothschild. But raw materials–especially oil–are money in the bank.

The Young Turk movement, AKA Committee of Union and Progress, arose out of the Rothschilds’ oil interests in the Black Sea area of the Ottoman Empire in the late 1800s. ‘Creating stability’ in an incendiary realm was necessary for the Rothschilds’ new oil enterprise Baku Oil. The instability of the Armenian Christians’ financial and intellectual prominence in the area was not “good for business.”

Thus hand-picked Jews of Salonika, (Jews made up the majority of the city’s population), and foreign agitators such as the Russian Zionist, Vladimir Jabotinksy, the editor of The Young Turk newspaper, were just what the Rothschilds needed for ridding the source of that instability, the Armenian Christians.

Now, the Zionist Young Turks who sought for the break up of the Ottoman Empire in order to obtain Palestine–and the House of Rothschild, who needed a Jewish-controlled Turkey and hegemony over the entire Middle East, could work together. This meant funding for the Jewish Young Turks and revolutionary subversives for the Rothschilds.


1680: Sabbatai Zvi, a Turkish Jew, proclaims himself to be the Jewish Messiah in Salonica. After amassing a following of thousands of Jews - he led them on a Zionist exodus to Palestine. On the way he decided to become a Muslim. Many of his followers saw this as God’s plan and also became Muslims.

1716: A group called the “Donmeh” forms in Salonica of Sabbatai Zvi’s followers headed by Sabbatai Zvi’s successor, Baruchya Russo. By the early 1900’s, the Donmeh numbers in the hundreds of thousands. They were known as “Crypto Jews” because though outwardly appearing to be Muslims, they were still Jews following the customs of the Jewish occult Kabbala which Sabbatai Zvi taught. They continue in their fervent, (yet secret), Zionist vision.

1860: Jewish Hungarian Zionist named Arminius Vambery becomes an advisor to the Sultan Abdül Mecit while secretly working as an agent for Lord Palmerston of the British Foreign Office. Vambery tries to broker a deal between the Zionist leader Theodore Herzl and Sultan Abdul Mecit over the creation of Israel but fails.

1891: Out of the Donmeh a Zionist political group forms called The Committee of Union and Progress, later called The Young Turks. The group is headed by a Freemason Jew by the name of Emmanuel Carraso who organizes the secret Committee of Union and Progress in Geneva with the help of the Rothschilds.

1895-1896: Sephardic Jews of Salonika together with the Turks massacre Armenian Christians in Istanbul.

1902 & 1907: Two Congresses of The Young Turks meet in Paris to plan, prepare, and effect the penetration the Sultan’s army leading to the military coup of 1908.

1908: The Jewish Young Turks revolt and force the Sultan Abdul Hamid II into submission.

1909: The Jewish Young Turks rape, torture, and slaughter over 100,000 Armenians in the city of Adana, also known as Cilicia.

1914: The Jews of The Young Turks create unrest, turmoil, and bolster the paid Serbian assassin, Gavrilo Princip, which leads to World War I.

1915: The Armenian Holocaust engineered by the ruling Jews of The Young Turks, leaves 1.5 million Armenian Christians starved, tortured, and murdered.

1918: Jew Mustafa Kemal ‘Ataturk’ ascends into leadership.

1920: Russian Jewish Bolsheviks supply Ataturk iwth 10 million gold roubles, 45,000 rifles, and 300 machine guns with ammunition.

1921: Ataturk occupies the Port of Baku in conjunction with the Russian Jewish Bolsheviks ceding it to the Bolsheviks five days later. The Rothschilds are delighted.

1922: Jewish Kemalists orchestrate the burning of Smyrna resulting in the ‘ethnic cleansing’ of over 100,000 Armenian and Greek Christians left tortured, starved, raped, and dead.


— “Shortly after the revolution in July 1908, it soon became known that many of the Young Turks’ leading members were Freemasons. It was noticed that Jews of all colours, native and foreign, were enthusiastic supporters of the new dispensation, till, as many Turks expressed it, every Hebrew became a potential spy of the Young Turks. Turks began to remark that the movement was rather a Jewish than a Turkish Revolution.” —


1. Emmanuel Carraso: B’nai B’rith Official of Italian origin. Grand Master of the Macedonia Resurrected Masonic Lodge in Salonika; Established the ’secret’ Committee of Union & Progress in Salonika in 1890.

2. Tallaat Pasha (1874-1921): Thought to be a Turk but in reality a “Donmeh Jew.” Interior Minister of Turkey during World War I; Member of Carasso’s Masonic lodge and Grand Master of the Scottish Rite Masons in Turkey; Chief architect of the Armenian Holocaust and Director of Deportations. He wrote, “By continuing the deportation of the Armenians to their destinations during the intense cold we are ensuring their eternal rest.”

3. Djavid Bey: “Donmeh Jew.” Talaat’s Finance Minister; Arranged the finances of revolution in Turkey with the Rothschilds; Later assassinated by Ataturk as a perceived rival.

4. Messim Russo: Assistant to Djavid Bey.

5. Refik Bey, AKA Refik Saydam Bey: Editor of Young Turk newspaper Revolutionary Press; Became Prime Minister of Turkey in 1939.

6. Emanuel Qrasow: Jewish propagandist for The Young Turks. Headed the delegation to inform Sultan Abdul Hamid II that “the nation has removed you from your office.”

7. Vladimir Jabotinsky: Russian Zionist who moved to Turkey in 1908. Supported by B’nai Brith of London and Dutch Zionist millionaire, Jacob Kann; Editor of Young Turk newspaper. Later started the terrorist Irgun political party in Israel.

8. Alexander Helphand, AKA Parvus: Financier/liaison of the Rothschilds of the Young Turk revolution; Editor of The Turkish Homeland.

9. Mustafa Kemal ‘Ataturk’ (1881-1938): A Jew of Sephardic (Spanish) origin. Ataturk attended the Jewish elementary school known as Semsi Effendi School run by the Jew Simon Zvi. Over 12,000 Jews welcomed to Turkey by Ataturk in 1933 when Hitler came to power.


For many years, the Anti Defamation League and now its director, Abraham Foxman, refuse to acknowledge that the massacres of 1.5 million Armenians between 1915 and 1923 constituted genocide. Jews simply can’t stand to share their so-called “martyred-race” status with anyone else. And besides, Jews don’t like to have their crimes pointed out to them. If one does, he is instantly labeled an “Anti Semite!”

Foxman has reiterated the ADL’s opposition to formal U.S. recognition of the Armenian Holocaust calling a proposed Congressional resolution “a counterproductive diversion.” This position is inconsistent with the ADL’s mission statement “to secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike.”

But the Jew Abe Foxman and his racist ADL organization do not care about any other ethnic group but their own. And they will lie and suppress the historical facts (and all historical facts that incriminate the Jews) of the Armenian Holocaust and the role that the Jews played in it. Foxman and all Jews do this in order to perpetuate their image as “innocent victims.”

WE CANNOT ALLOW THE JEWS to get away with their suppression of historical facts that incriminate the Jews any longer. Abe Foxman and his racist Jewish friends love to see Revisionist Historians thrown in jail for questioning particulars of the Jewish Holocaust in Germany.

But it is Foxman and the rest of the Jewish censors who should be thrown in jail for denying the Armenian Holocaust! Why do Jews abide by a double standard constantly? Aren’t we all sick of it and all these Jews for that matter by now?

I, for one, Brother Nathanael Kapner, a former Jew and now an Orthodox Christian, will do all in my power to expose the Jews. For the Jews are *not* innocent victims of persecution against them but have *prompted* backlashes against them throughout their “wandering-among-the-nations” history.

The Jews in fact are the most fierce perpetrators of racist crimes the world has ever known. And the Armenian Holocaust of which the Jews are responsible is a clear example of their Jewish racist crimes.


Jack Manuelian, The Founding Fathers of Modern Turkey
Times of London, The Armenian Massacres
Joseph Brewda, Young Turks To Control Middle East
Christopher Jon Bjerknes, Jewish Racism
Documents, Photos, History of Armenian Massacre By The Young Turks

Jacob M Landau, The Zionist Jews who founded the idea of Turkish Nationalism; National Geographic Magazine, September 1916 issue, Saloniki; Yair Auron, The Banality Of Indifference: Zionism & the Armenian Genocide

Richard Davey, The Sultan and his Subjects; Arnold S. Leese, The Real Jew-A Lesson From Turkey; Grant Richards, The Cause of The World’s Unrest; Dr. H. Stuermer, Two War Years in Constantinople; Andrew Mango, Ataturk; Clifford Shack, The Armenian & Jewish Genocide Project that Eliminated the Ethnic Conflict; Joseph Hantman,The Turkish-Israeli Connection and Its Jewish Roots; Hillel Halkin, Ataturk’s Turkey Overturned; Carroll Quigley, Tragedy & Hope

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Britain’s 300,000 White Slaves in America

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The Forgotten History of Britain’s 300,000 White Slaves in America ('White Cargo' Book Review)

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Slavery in America, typically associated with blacks from Africa, was an enterprise that began with the shipping of more than 300,000 white Britons to the colonies.  This little known history is fascinatingly recounted in White Cargo (New York University Press, 2007).  Drawing on letters, diaries, ship manifests, court documents, and government archives, authors Don Jordan and Michael Walsh detail how thousands of whites endured the hardships of tobacco farming and lived and died in bondage in the New World.

Following the cultivation in 1613 of an acceptable tobacco crop in Virginia, the need for labor accelerated.  Slavery was viewed as the cheapest and most expedient way of providing the necessary work force.  Due to harsh working conditions, beatings, starvation, and disease, survival rates for slaves rarely exceeded two years.  Thus, the high level of demand was sustained by a continuous flow of white slaves from England, Ireland, and Scotland from 1618 to 1775, who were imported to serve America’s colonial masters.


These white slaves in the New World consisted of street children plucked from London’s back alleys, prostitutes, and impoverished migrants searching for a brighter future and willing to sign up for indentured servitude.  Convicts were also persuaded to avoid lengthy sentences and executions on their home soil by enslavement in the British colonies.  The much maligned Irish, viewed as savages worthy of ethnic cleansing and despised for their rejection of Protestantism, also made up a portion of America’s first slave population, as did Quakers, Cavaliers, Puritans, Jesuits, and others.

Around 1618 at the start of their colonial slave trade, the English began by seizing and shipping to Virginia impoverished children, even toddlers, from London slums.  Some impoverished parents sought a better life for their offspring and agreed to send them, but most often, the children were sent despite their own protests and those of their families.  At the time, the London authorities represented their actions as an act of charity, a chance for a poor youth to apprentice in America, learn a trade, and avoid starvation at home.  Tragically, once these unfortunate youngsters arrived, 50% of them were dead within a year after being sold to farmers to work the fields.


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A few months after the first shipment of children, the first African slaves were shipped to Virginia.  Interestingly, no American market existed for African slaves until late in the 17th century.  Until then, black slave traders typically took their cargo to Bermuda.  England’s poor were the colonies’ preferred source of slave labor, even though Europeans were more likely than Africans to die an early death in the fields.  Slave owners had a greater interest in keeping African slaves alive because they represented a more significant investment.  Black slaves received better treatment than Europeans on plantations, as they were viewed as valuable, lifelong property rather than indentured servants with a specific term of service.

These indentured servants represented the next wave of laborers.  They were promised land after a period of servitude, but most worked unpaid for up to15 years with few ever owning any land.  Mortality rates were high.  Of the 1,200 who arrived in 1619, more than two thirds perished in the first year from disease, working to death, or Indian raid killings.  In Maryland, out of 5,000 indentured servants who entered the colony between 1670 and 1680, 1,250 died in bondage, 1,300 gained their right to freedom, and only 241 ever became landowners.

Early in the 17th century, the headright system, a land allocation program to attract new colonists, began in Jamestown, Virginia as an attempt to solve labor shortages.  The program provided acreage to heads of households that funded travel to the colony for destitute individuals to work the land.  It led to the sharp growth of indentured servitude and slavery because the more slaves imported by a colonist, the larger the tracts of land received.  Promises of prosperity and land were used to lure the poor, who were typically enslaved for three to 15 years.  All the while, agents profited handsomely by augmenting their land holdings.  Corruption was rampant in the headright system and included double-counting of individual slaves, land allocations for servants who were dead upon arrival, and per head fees given for those kidnapped off English streets.

Purveyors of slaves often worked in teams of spirits, captains, and office-keepers to kidnap people from English ports for sale in the American labor market.  Spirits lured or kidnapped potential servants and arranged for their transport with ship captains.  Office-keepers maintained a base to run the operation.  They would entertain their prey and get them to sign papers until an awaiting ship became available.  Spirits and their accomplices were occasionally put on trial, but court records show that they got off easily and that the practice was tolerated because it was so profitable.

The indentured servant system of people who voluntarily mortgaged their freedom evolved into slavery.  England essentially dumped its unwanted in the American colonies, where they were treated no better than livestock.  Servants were regularly battered, whipped, and humiliated.  Disease was rampant, food was in short supply, and working and living conditions were grim.  War with local native Indian tribes was common.  Severe punishment made escape unrealistic.  Initially, running away was considered a capital crime, with clemency granted in exchange for an agreement to increase the period of servitude.

In the 1640s, the transportation of the Irish began.  Britain's goal was to obliterate Ireland's Catholics to make room for English planters.  Catholics who refused to attend a Protestant church could be fined.  If they were unable to pay, they could be sold as slaves.  Following the end of the English Civil Wars in 1651, English military and political leader Oliver Cromwell focused his attention on Ireland, where the people had allied with the defeated royalists during the conflict.  Famine was created by the intentional destruction of food stocks.  Those implicated in the rebellion had their land confiscated and were sold into slavery.  Anyone refusing to relocate was threatened with death, including children.

Scots were also subjected to transportation to the British colonies for religious differences, as England imposed Anglican disciplines on the Church of Scotland as well.  The English army was deployed to break up illegal church assemblies and imprison or deport religious protesters. 

Cruelty to servants was rampant.  Beatings were common, and the perpetrators, buttressed by juries made up of fellow landowners, were rarely punished for abuse or even murder.  In time, efforts were made to improve the lot of servants.  Legislation in 1662 provided for a "competent diet, clothing and lodging" and disciplinary measures not to "exceed the bounds of moderation."  Servants were granted the right to complain, but the cruelty continued. 

Infanticide by unmarried women was common, as they could be severely punished for "fornication."  The mother faced a whipping, fines, and extra years added to her servitude.  Her offspring faced time in bondage as well.  If the mother was the victim of a rape by the master, he faced a fine and the loss of a servant but wasn't subjected to whipping.

Several uprisings in the American colonies awakened slave owners to problems, exposing their vulnerability within the caste-like master-servant social system they had created.  In 1676, Nathaniel Bacon, an aristocrat from England who became a Virginia colonist, instigated an insurrection, referred to as Bacon's Rebellion, that changed the course of white slavery. 

Prior to Bacon's Rebellion, much discontentment existed among servants over seemingly empty promises of land following their periods of indenture.  When they were finally freed of their obligations, many found that they couldn't afford the required land surveying fees and the exorbitant poll taxes. 

In 1675, when war broke out with some of the native tribes, Bacon joined the side of the warring settlers and offered freedom to every slave and servant who deserted his master and joined Bacon in battle.  Hundreds enthusiastically joined him in the insurgency.  When Bacon died suddenly, his supporters fled or surrendered; some were recaptured, put in chains, and beaten or hanged.  However, because of the revolt, whites gained rights.  Whippings were forbidden without a formal judicial order. 

By the early 1770s, the convict trade was big business, more profitable than the black slave trade because criminals were cheap.  They could be sold for one third the price of indentured servants.  England's jails were being emptied into America on a significant scale.  Additionally, merchants who traded in convicts from England and Ireland received a subsidy for every miscreant transported to America.  Up to a third of incoming convicts died from dysentery, smallpox, typhoid, and freezing temperatures.  Upon arrival, they were advertised for sale, inspected, and taken away in chains by new masters.

Following the Revolutionary War, the British continued to ship convict labor as "indentured servants" to America.  During that time, seven ships filled with prisoners made the journey, and two successfully landed.  In 1789, convict importation was legally banned across the U.S.  America would no longer be the dumping ground for British criminals.  It took another 30 years before the indentured servant trade ended completely.  

A well written and well researched historical narrative, White Cargo does an excellent job of elucidating a forgotten part of our colonial past by telling the story of thousands of Britons who lived and died in bondage before African slaves were transported to the New World.

Originally appeared at: LewRockwell











Screenshot 1jewish hoaxNation of Islam Research Group

Leo Frank managed a pencil factory in Atlanta, Georgia, and he was also the president of the southern regional chapter of B’nai B’rith, the most prominent Jewish secret society. Thirteen-year-old Mary Phagan was one of about 120 child laborers working in the factory. She operated a machine that attached the metal band that holds the rubber eraser to the wooden pencil. 

On Saturday April 26, 1913, when the factory was deserted, the little girl came to the office of Leo Frank to get her pay of $1.20. In very much the same way as Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein is accused of doing, Frank used his power as the factory boss to lure her to a back area and attempt to sexually assault her. Mary resisted and in the struggle Frank struck her and knocked her unconscious, and then strangled her to death. He left a trail of clues leading to himself, so within a few days of the murder he was arrested. He was later tried, convicted, and ultimately sentenced to death. After two years of legal appeals Frank was kidnapped from his Georgia prison cell and lynched. He is claimed to be the only Jew ever lynched in America.

Jews also claimed that somebody else committed the crime and that Frank was unfairly tried and that he was the victim of “anti-Semitism.” The case became an international cause célèbre for Jews—as infamous as the O.J. Simpson case. And just as with the O.J. case the story of Leo Frank has immense racial overtones.

You mentioned Harvey Weinstein—his method of targeting young girls seems chillingly similar to the Leo Frank scenario.

Very much so. Frank found himself in the identical predicament that Weinstein is in. According to testimony at his 1913 murder trial, many of Leo Frank’s own female employees testified about how he had tried to corner them and about how he had proposed sexual acts to them. One by one these teenagers took the witness stand and spoke of his lewd behavior. One employee said he had looked through a keyhole to find Frank performing oral sex on a woman—right in the factory! Another said Frank had offered her money for sex. The testimony was so explicit that the judge had to clear the courtroom of women. What’s worse, after this barrage of salacious stories, Frank’s lawyers argued that his behavior was not wrong—that it was a sign of more liberal times! One even said, “Deliver me from one of these prudish fellows that never looks at a girl and never puts his hands on her…” Another telling similarity between Harvey Weinstein and Leo Frank is that all the girls that Frank hunted down were all Gentiles, and that caused much resentment among the white men of Georgia. Weinstein, at least so far, seems to have adopted that familiar M.O. in his targeting of young women.

What does the case have to do with Black people?

The Leo Frank case is much like the Plessy-Ferguson or Dred Scott case is to Black people—it is a pillar of Jewish identity. And from the very beginning of this landmark Jewish case, Blacks were intimately involved. At first, Jews said a Black night watchman at the factory named Newt Lee was the real murderer. He was arrested and almost lynched, until he was found to have an iron-clad alibi. Then the Jews said that the real murderer was another employee, a Black man named James Conley, who was a sweeper at the factory.

The night watchman you mentioned, Newt Lee—how was he implicated in the case? 223w" sizes="(max-width: 199px) 100vw, 199px" style="margin:0.3125rem 1.25rem 1.25rem 0px;padding:0px;font:inherit;vertical-align:bottom;max-width:100%;height:auto;display:inline;float:left">

Newt Lee was working that night and in the early morning, during his rounds, it was Lee who found the body in the basement. He alerted the police and they—seeing a Black man near a dead white body—immediately arrested him. Incredibly, Frank’s own legal team actually planted a bloody shirt at Newt Lee’s home to make him look guilty. At the same time Lee’s factory time card, which gave him a strong alibi, was mysteriously altered to show that he had had the time to commit the crime. Only Frank and his crew of lawyers and hired detectives had the ability to frame Newt Lee like that. When the newspaper reported that a bloody shirt was found at Lee’s home, it almost got an innocent man lynched. Luckily for Lee, Frank’s legal eagles and private eyes did such a sloppy job at planting the shirt that the police were not fooled at all and suspected Frank even more. This is the point in the case where the people of Atlanta came to believe—and rightly so—that Leo Frank was the murderer.


Tell us more about James Conley. What is his involvement in the Leo Frank case?

James Conley was the most pivotal individual in the whole case. He was a 29-year-old Black man and a janitor at the pencil factory, and the Jews say he essentially teamed up with Atlanta, Georgia’s white police and white prosecutors to falsely charge and condemn his employer, Leo Frank. For a century Conley has been portrayed as an enemy of the Jewish people—maybe the first “Black anti-Semite.” 194w, 688w" sizes="(max-width: 280px) 100vw, 280px" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;font:inherit;vertical-align:bottom;max-width:100%;height:auto">

James Conley, falsely charged with the murder of a white gentile girl.

And because there is a Black man in the midst of such a historical Jewish tragedy, it was incumbent upon us to ferret out the truth of the matter. Was Conley a murderer, or was he being set up to take the fall for Leo Frank’s crime? Black scholars—up until now—have left Conley hanging, as it were. He is owed a fair analysis. Is he the first “Black Anti-Semite” or an innocent victim of a Jewish smear campaign?

How did James Conley go from factory janitor to “black anti-Semite”?

Conley says that on the day of the murder Frank ordered him to be a lookout stationed on the first floor as Frank—a married man—“Weinsteined” young females in his second-floor office. Conley said that he had performed that lookout service for Frank several times before, so he was well familiar with the assignment. When an unsuspecting Mary Phagan came in that day to get her pay, she went upstairs to her boss’s office not knowing she was walking into Frank’s trap.

Moments later Frank called Conley upstairs in a panic, explaining that he had accidently struck and killed the girl. Frank then ordered him to help him conceal the body in the basement and swore him to secrecy. As a Black man in 1913 lynch-mob Georgia, Conley did as he was told. But as the case became a front-page sensation, Conley came to believe that Leo Frank was about to scrap their agreement and pin the murder on him. So Conley confessed to the police about his role in helping Frank conceal the body.

His statement was so detailed and the details matched the physical evidence that the police and prosecutors believed him. And thus Conley became one of the strongest witnesses against Leo Frank. It must be noted that a grand jury with five Jewish members (including at least two from Frank’s own synagogue) indicted Leo Frank before Conley came forward. So the evidence clearly pointed to Frank’s guilt before Conley said a word. But once Conley spoke up, Frank and his legal team—and Jewish leaders and scholars for the last 100 years—have used every bit of their wealth, power, and clout to pin the murder of Mary Phagan on the Black man James Conley.

Why is the Nation of Islam interested in this case, a Jewish case? 259w" sizes="(max-width: 382px) 100vw, 382px" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;font:inherit;vertical-align:bottom;max-width:100%;height:auto">

Leo Frank, the only Jew ever lynched in American history. He murdered a 13-year-old white gentile girl and tried to blame his crime on two Black men.

When studying the historical relationship between Blacks and Jews, we find that the 1913-1915 Leo Frank case is a turning point—a watershed moment. It is claimed that Leo Frank’s lynching caused Jews to feel more sympathy for the oppressed condition of Blacks in America. They say it compelled Jews to join the Civil Rights Movement and caused them to form the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL). They say it led to the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan as an “anti-Jewish” organization.

In fact, none of that is true. But what IS true is that the Leo Frank case is the first use of “Black anti-Semitism” as a Jewish battle cry, and it marks the beginning of a hundred-year campaign by Jewish leaders to aggressively control and curtail Black progress. Jews insist that Blacks ignore the lengthy history of Blacks and Jews prior to the case and begin our relationship with them at the moment of Frank’s lynching in 1915—when we presumably were “united” in this tragedy. And if you examine the literature on the Black–Jewish relationship, it most often begins right at the very point of the Leo Frank case—as if nothing of historical significance preceded it.

Also, Leo Frank was not of the rank-and-file Jewish citizenry. As the B’nai B’rith president he was arguably the most important Jew in the South. Jews considered him as having, in effect, diplomatic immunity within the white rulership of the Jim Crow South, so his arrest, trial, and conviction shocked, offended, and activated Jews at the highest level. And they have sought to exonerate Frank ever since, but at Black people’s expense.

How did all the propaganda affect your approach to this case?

Our first view of the Leo Frank case accepted the prevailing opinion of Jewish scholars that Frank was innocent and wrongly convicted of murder, but there were red flags about how the case was being presented. We had to wade through reams of propaganda in order to get to the raw data, the primary documents. But once we did, it became clear that not only was Frank guilty of the rape and murder of Mary Phagan, but he and his Jewish defenders had taken anti-Black racism to an entirely new level.

There is no real doubt that Frank murdered Mary Phagan. Four separate investigative agencies—including the two detective firms hired by Leo Frank himself—concluded that Frank was guilty of the murder. A grand jury with five Jewish members indicted him. At least two of those Jewish men were members of Frank’s synagogue and one of them was a B’nai B’rith official! A 12-man jury of his fellow white men needed only a couple of hours to reach a unanimous guilty verdict. Once Blacks and whites decide to examine the ample evidence in the case, the conclusion that Frank was guilty is unavoidable.

What makes the Leo Frank trial problematic for Blacks?

Jews worked hard to pin the murder on two separate Black men. And then the Jewish leaders argued publicly and openly that (1) testimony from witnesses was invalid if they were Black, and that (2) Frank was innocent because murder and rape were “negro crimes.” Had the Jews succeeded in establishing those profoundly racist legal doctrines, crimes in America from then on would have been color-coded, and Blacks would be considered legally incapable of telling the truth! The fact that it was the Jewish community that advanced this wickedness makes the Leo Frank case a landmark case and irreversibly alters our understanding of the Black–Jewish relationship. 300w" sizes="(max-width: 465px) 100vw, 465px" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;font:inherit;vertical-align:bottom;max-width:100%;height:auto">

Atlanta Constitution newspaper headline. Frank declared murder a “negro crime” and thus pronounced himself innocent.

Plus, the conduct of the trial by Frank’s defense was appalling. During jury selection Frank’s attorneys eliminated all the Blacks because they wanted to have an all-white jury; they attacked Blacks in open court, calling them “niggers” and “smelly” and “liars.” Frank’s attorney said that if you “hang a nigger in a hopper he’ll drip lies.” He asked one witness if he “ever smelled a nigger.” He told the court that they had “never known of a nigger” to leave sausage on a plate. Frank’s attorneys said that unlike the Jews Blacks were “a law-breaking race.”

Their defense appealed almost entirely to the “racial responsibility” of the all-white jury to exonerate a fellow white man. It is a testament to the sheer power of Jews that they were able to take a trial that may have been the most atrocious example of anti-Black race hate in the American judicial system and turn it into their most egregious example of anti-Semitism. Now Leo Frank is even being promoted as a Jewish civil rights icon, even though pure white supremacy was his courtroom defense! Yes, the Leo Frank trial was and is problematic for Blacks.

Was there a cover-up in this case?

A whole lot is being covered up in this case. Most people who have heard of the case have been told that Frank was in effect dragged out of a synagogue and tried at a Klan rally. But that was not the case at all. Frank, after all, was a prominent white man and a respected community leader in Atlanta—and he was treated as such by the police, prosecutors, and press. Jews in the South were honored members of the white community. They helped create the court system that enforced the legal inferiority of all Blacks. They never, ever had to face the racism that Blacks suffered.

Most people are not being told that there was blood and hair evidence, that Frank changed his alibi several times and lied constantly to police, that he was a womanizer who sexually harassed his girl employees, and that he claimed he couldn’t remember simple things. He hired private detectives that went around planting evidence and bribing witnesses to change their testimony. At his own trial Frank refused to be sworn on the Bible. Yes, there is a LOT that Jewish writers have covered up about the case, including Frank playing the race card to play to the white jurors’ prejudices about Black men. Most damning of all are the racist extremes that Frank and his B’nai B’rith associates were willing to go to free Leo Frank. 300w" sizes="(max-width: 417px) 100vw, 417px" style="margin:0.3125rem 0px 1.25rem 1.25rem;padding:0px;font:inherit;vertical-align:bottom;max-width:100%;height:auto;display:inline;float:right">

How did the Nation of Islam Research Group become aware of the Leo Frank Case?

Since at least 1959, Jewish leaders have targeted the Nation of Islam for destruction. And since 1983, Jews in America have ill-advisedly attacked The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, labeling him an “anti-Semite,” and they have unleashed a barrage of hatred and slander against The Minister and ALL Blacks who love and respect him. Minister Farrakhan’s response was to send his scholars into the libraries to examine the actual history of Jews and their historical behavior with respect to Black people, and it is an ugly picture indeed. Their extensive involvement in the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the marketing of the products of slavery was documented for the first time, as was their deep involvement in the Jim Crow South. When The Minister published this secret history in 1991 and again in 2010, it shocked most Blacks and Jews.

The reaction of Jewish leaders was to deny, deny, deny—but ironically most of the scholarship used by the NOI had come from Jewish historians, rabbis, and Jewish leaders themselves. We only quoted high-ranking and well-respected scholars like Korn, Wiznitzer, Marcus, Raphael, Brackman and others who had documented horrible truths about Jewish slave-trading, but had only shared that knowledge among themselves.

Even with that damning historical evidence, Jewish leaders insisted that the Nation of Islam was misleading the world. Blacks, they said, ought to look at the Leo Frank case as the BEST example of the plight of Jews in America. And it is they who demand that Blacks view Jewish history through the prism of Leo Frank.

And so we respected that Jewish request and performed the most extensive analysis of the case ever done. But the result is an even more devastating a blow to the propaganda that passes for Jewish history. In 536 pages, we show that most of what is believed about the case is a carefully crafted lie.

What makes the Leo Frank case relevant today? Why should anyone care about this case, this history?

The Leo Frank case marks the spot in Jewish history where they in effect weaponized the charge “anti-Semitism” to punish and destroy their enemies. It is the point when Jews moved to commandeer Black leadership to make Blacks serve Jews’ political purposes. The Messenger of Allah, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, says that in effect the civil rights movement was foisted upon us and is really a “hypocritical trick,” used to deceive us and defer our movement toward a full and complete freedom. The Leo Frank case is one of those tricks.

For example, Leo Frank’s crime happened at a very significant time for American Jews. The Federal Reserve was being established, as was the ADL. Both the Ku Klux Klan and the civil rights movement developed with the great assistance of Jews. So the Leo Frank case offered a chance to generate a victim-of-“anti-Semitism” storyline as cover for these other moves they were making at the time.

Was anti-Semitism involved in the Leo Frank Case? If so, how so?

Incredibly, this case is seen as the most egregious case of anti-Semitism in the history of America. Yet the records prove that anti-Semitism was almost entirely absent from the trial and its aftermath. The first time religion was introduced into the trial was through the bigotry of Frank’s own mother. She made a nuisance of herself at the trial, even standing up and cussing out the prosecutor, calling him a “Christian dog.”

We document at least three cases where Leo Frank hired people to incite “anti-Semitism” in his trial so that he could “play the anti-Semitism card” in his effort to free himself. So flagrant is this deception that we must ask how and why it has been allowed to stand for so long. It only proves that Blacks must examine history for themselves, no matter how strongly held the prevailing opinion and dogma may be. How the case has long been spun proves that some of the greatest liars in world history are historians—promoters of the Western world’s fairy tales.

When we Googled Leo Frank we found that he is being constantly referenced in articles and commentaries on today’s issues. Why are today’s Jews so passionate about the Leo Frank Case?

The Leo Frank case allowed Jews to reinvent and redefine themselves in America. Before the Frank case Jews were firmly a part of the slave-trading class of racial oppressors in a society that scapegoated Blacks and accepted the Jewish people as fellow Caucasians. Leo Frank gave them a chance to wipe that slate clean and start over in a biblical role as an American victim—the “despised and rejected” (Isaiah 53:3) for 400 years in a land not their own (Genesis 15:13).

You can’t be a slave-trading white supremacist people and maintain your image as God’s “Chosen.” So Leo Frank as a victim of a brutal lynching allows Jews to claim that the Jewish people as a whole were victims, rather than the victimizers that history proves they actually were. That is why most popular histories ignore the Jewish role in America between Columbus’s voyage in 1492 and the Civil War and Reconstruction of the mid- and late 1800s. They have hidden that history and demanded that we begin noticing the Jewish presence in America in the 1910s. In very much the same way that Jesus started time over again, Leo Frank the martyred hero allows Jews to claim that their American birth certificate reads August 17, 1915—the day Frank was lynched.

The case has been made into a play titled Parade, which seems to be performed all over the world. 200w" sizes="(max-width: 202px) 100vw, 202px" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;font:inherit;vertical-align:bottom;max-width:100%;height:auto">

Alfred Uhry, playwright and promoter of the Leo Frank hoax.


A society’s founding fables must be constantly reinforced if its citizens are going to react according to the wishes of its rulers. The Parade script provides that reinforcement for Jews. It is written by Alfred Uhry, the same Jewish man who wrote that unwatchable slavery nostalgia movie Driving Miss Daisy. Even in the three-word title, Uhry gives you the Black man’s job and function—a driver—without a reference to his humanity or even to his name. He is a servant to the more important Jewish woman, “Miss Daisy,” who has both a name and a respectful title. This is how Hollywood has misrepresented us, and, again, reinforced racial relationships. Uhry won a Tony for Parade because it tells Jews that they are the primary victims of America, and that Blacks are among their oppressors. He falsely represents James Conley as the murderer of Mary Phagan and he portrays Blacks as having aligned with whites specifically to persecute “the Jew.” Absurd. 300w, 768w, 310w, 1528w" sizes="(max-width: 306px) 100vw, 306px" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;font:inherit;vertical-align:bottom;max-width:100%;height:auto">

Alfred Uhry’s claim to fame: Driving Miss Daisy. Considered to be a prime example of Hollywood’s demeaning racist roles.

Plays have to be examined, just like the Confederate statues. The ADL started out looking at plays, movies, books to ferret out and eliminate the defamation of Jews—it is in their founding charter. So those old movies have to go. Hamilton has to be reassessed. Over time, Black actors—much like the NFL’s Black athletes—will refuse these demeaning negro roles and “take a knee,” as it were. This would force Jews to play those demeaning roles in burnt-cork blackface—just like they used to. Parade defames Black people and cannot be allowed to stand.

 What do you think Alfred Uhry’s motive was? 254w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;font:inherit;vertical-align:bottom;max-width:100%;height:auto">

Parade play is the main source of false Leo Frank propaganda.

Parade is a Jewish fairy tale—no more truthful than the story of Santa Claus or Washington’s cherry tree. In a sense Alfred Uhry does us a service, because Blacks must know how the theater and movies have been manipulated by Jews to effectively scapegoat our people. Parade demonstrates just how far they will go to make Blacks the villains. Leo Frank pointed his crooked finger at two Black men, which almost led to their lynching. He also accused a white Gentile man of the crime, and Frank’s team of thugs tried to hire a Black woman to poison the main Black witness. The lengths they went to free Leo Frank were beyond belief. None of Frank’s criminal acts make it into the Parade fairy tale.

In fact, Parade uses precisely the same formula as the 1915 film The Birth of a Nation, which told the world that Blacks were a lethal threat to American civilization. It should come as no surprise that Jews were the financiers, promoters, and distributors of that movie, which is so racist that it is still used by the Ku Klux Klan as a recruitment film.

How many other books written about this case? Any movies? The NOI’s book would make a fantastic movie!

There are about a dozen books and hundreds of articles on the Leo Frank case—nearly all of them following the racist Jewish storyline of an innocent Leo Frank who paid the ultimate price for a rape and murder committed by a Black man. A TV movie with Jack Lemon and Charles Dutton was produced in 1988, and a PBS “docudrama,” The People v. Leo Frank, was made in 2009. A movie that corrects the history and that tells the story of those who purposely twisted the case would make a very powerful feature film.

We’ve always understood that the Jewish people were the “best friends” of Blacks throughout our history. How did we get it so wrong?

If we examine the origin of Black people’s belief that Jews were our friends and allies in our freedom struggles, we find they use the Myth of Leo Frank as their “proof.” Until the Nation of Islam’s books on the Black–Jewish relationship, Black scholars have not dared to look carefully into that claim. Unfortunately, they have allowed Jewish scholars to simply invent a false history and bum rush it into all our history books.

For instance, in many books on lynching Leo Frank is the only person named as a victim, even though more than 4,000 Blacks were brutally lynched in America! And just like that, Leo Frank—a white man—is made the symbol of American racial terrorism. In some books the KKK is made into an anti-Jewish phenomenon and racism is merely an afterthought to the Klan—even though no other Jews were ever lynched. Through the Leo Frank case, Jews have simply stolen our history—like Jacob stole the birthright of his brother Esau in the Bible. They’ve swapped their photo for ours and used our I.D.s, to the point that we, Blacks, have been duped into believing a false history. As Malcolm X once famously said, “we’ve been took, hoodwinked, bamboozled.”

What is most striking about the case is how every aspect of the Jewish community rallied around Leo Frank—from the rank and file with their letter-writing campaigns to the upper echelon of Jewish leadership. Their persistence is to be admired, even though the hard evidence clearly shows Leo Frank to be as guilty as sin.

Yes. For them it was not about his guilt or innocence but in pushing a “cover” narrative that Jews can use to advance their own political and economic agenda. It is a narrative that helps them stick together as a people and—even more important—it runs interference as they pursue their political and economic agendas. It is now clear that most Jewish leaders and supporters may have known that Frank was the murderer of Mary Phagan. But their mangling of BLACK history is unacceptable. For Frank to be innocent a Black man must be guilty—and that is unacceptable.

It is also fascinating how Jews and white Gentiles seem to have split over this case.

Yes. This case marks the point where Jews turned most viciously against white Gentiles. The Jewish people had been so well accepted in the South by the Gentiles that some Jews actually believed that Dixie was the Jewish Promised Land. It was in the South where Jews had made an incredible fortune in cotton and slavery. So white Gentiles were completely blind-sided by this Jewish scorched-earth effort to free Leo Frank at all costs. Jews even slandered the whole state of Georgia with the charge of “anti-Semitism,” which, we found, was non-existent; indeed, our research shows just the opposite: Southern whites have always been philo-Semitic.

For instance, nearly all the previous writings on the case claim that a white mob stormed the trial chanting, “Hang the Jew or we’ll hang you!” In many books and articles these are the only words quoted in the whole case. Yet, there was no mob! There was no chanting! Frank partisans simply made it all up. We have a section in the book that lists all the authors that published some version of that lie, including the ADL, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the lawyer Alan Dershowitz, and newspapers like the New York Times, Los Angeles Times and many, many others.

That ONE SINGLE LIE is what Jews have pointed to for over a century to prove that they faced violent oppression in America. Yet it has no basis in fact at all. Quite remarkable. 194w" sizes="(max-width: 253px) 100vw, 253px" style="margin:0.3125rem 0px 1.25rem 1.25rem;padding:0px;font:inherit;vertical-align:bottom;max-width:100%;height:auto;display:inline;float:right">

Your use of primary documents makes this book groundbreaking—was it difficult in your research to access the original sources?

The original documents of the Leo Frank case are really an unexplored treasure trove that unlock the most confidential operations of the Jews’ highest leadership circles. As the Jewish leaders fought to free Leo Frank, a considerable amount of data about their private activities poured into the public record—information that is so extensive and so revealing that its very existence is unique in the annals of Jewish history. In much the same way as the slave-sale advertisements in our book Jews Selling Blacks unmask Jewish slave-dealing in the harshest way, so too does the Leo Frank case offer a unique window into the thinking and strategizing of the leaders of the Jewish people.

We examined the newspaper accounts, court records and filings, interviews, private investigators’ reports, and Jewish leaders’ private correspondence. Plus, we accessed a significant amount of information held in private archives and libraries, material that previous authors and researchers missed or purposely ignored. All of that is uncovered in the book.

The Nation of Islam goes against the scholarly grain in its revelations about the case—any backlash?

We expect that there will be much Jewish objection, but there is not much that can be disputed, given that the book’s thesis is supported so strongly by official documents and legal records. It is unlikely Jewish leaders will like seeing this history exposed. The Jewish newspaper Forward published an article this summer in which it interviewed Boston University professor Dr. Jeffrey Melnick. He is author of a book about the Leo Frank case, Black–Jewish Relations on Trial. He begins his interview with a surprising admission: “I’m clearly in a strange position of agreeing with a lot of what the Nation of Islam has to say…” In fact, Dr. Melnick was asked directly whether he felt Frank was really guilty. He answered, “I studied all I could and I can’t figure it out still.” Dr. Melnick still has his job, and yet we are still “anti-Semites”! Ironically, Jews falsely throwing around the “anti-Semitism” charge all started with the Leo Frank case.

Our book is so detailed and our range of source material is so extensive that Jews have “chosen” to sit this one out, and they cannot find a negro to push out front to repudiate it. Just as with the two previous volumes of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews series, Jewish historians have shown that they are not equipped to deal with scholarship at this level. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan demands intelligence and accuracy and, above all, TRUTH. While Jewish leaders were viciously slandering him, The Minister sent his scholars into the libraries—not into the gutter. Had we responded from the gutter, it would have been how traditional academia trained us. Min. Farrakhan gave us the intellectual weaponry to prevail in our research.

For those who are already students of the case, what does the Nation of Islam say in the book that is new?

We really bring an entirely new approach to the case. For instance:

  • We show how Frank’s lawyers maneuvered to force “anti-Semitism” into the courtroom where none existed.
  • There were two mysterious notes left next to the body that were written by the murderer. We hired a handwriting expert to analyze the notes and we found many clues that lead right to Leo Frank.
  • We chronicle how the national Jewish leaders took over the case, concocted a public relations campaign filled with racist lies and slander—with the Jewish-owned New York Times at the helm—and foisted it onto the public.
  • We analyzed Frank’s trial defense, which was explicitly racist and openly anti-Black.
  • We look deeply into the shady motives behind Governor John Slaton’s commutation of Frank’s death sentence.
  • We examined in detail not only the dubious pardon that the state of Georgia gave Leo Frank in 1986 but also the dubious claims of Alonzo Mann, who came forward after 70 years of silence to say he saw Conley with the body of Mary Phagan. It turns out that his new statements hurt Leo Frank far more than they help him.
  • We look at the illegal actions of Frank’s hired private eyes, who intimidated witnesses, planted evidence, and even hatched a murder plot against James Conley.
  • We look into the Jewish leaders who came to Frank’s defense and their real motives for taking on this case and a man they knew was guilty.
  • We looked into the group who is claimed to have lynched Leo Frank—The Knights of Mary Phagan—and uncovered some very strange and suspicious details that raise questions about who actually lynched the man.
  • We found that Frank’s stay in prison was almost luxurious—not the “anti-Semitic” nightmare that has been claimed.

Our goal was to introduce the case to a new generation who are more and more interested in this so-called Black–Jewish relationship and how it has affected Black progress. And to do that effectively we had to get to the bottom of who killed Mary Phagan. Was the murderer a Black man or a Jew?

It is only a matter of time before the falsehoods and lies that we have uncovered change the history of the Leo Frank case—and thus the Black–Jewish relationship—forever.

You seem to be saying that Leo Frank may not have been lynched by white gentiles at all…?

We believe that it is still a mystery who actually lynched Leo Frank. Nearly every account of Frank’s lynching says that a vigilante group called the Knights of Mary Phagan committed the act. But beyond a single mention of this group in the New York Times two months before the lynching, no record exists of this group anywhere. The Times was owned by a Jewish southerner named Adolph Ochs, who had actually joined the Leo Frank propaganda campaign. So the so-called Knights of Mary Phagan may have been planted to make a Gentile group take the fall for a lynching that was very likely committed by Jews themselves.

That may seem outrageous, but by the time of his lynching many people—including his Jewish supporters—came to believe Leo Frank was better dead than alive. Frank had such an offensive personality that his main Jewish supporter said that when he first met Frank, he impressed him as “a sexual pervert.” Think about that: Leo Frank was that repellant to his friends and advocates at his very first meeting with them! The man was Albert Lasker and he paid millions (in today’s money) for Frank’s defense, but he privately admitted that he was not even convinced that Frank was innocent. Frank’s repulsive personality just did not jibe with the angelic international image Frank’s public relations team had created for him—that of a humble, innocent, and suffering Jesus figure. That whitewashed image of the man conflicted with the actual character of the man and so, by the time of his lynching in August of 1915, the man himself had outlived his usefulness.

A measure of how expendable Leo Frank was to the Jewish community might be gleaned from his gravesite in New York. It is a remarkably tiny and non-descript headstone for someone who is considered a beloved Jewish martyr. Aside from that, Frank was a president of the B’nai B’rith. One would think that someone who had reached his level of significance would be honored by a grave as magisterial as those surrounding his. We think that it is a sign of Jewish contempt for the man himself. But Frank’s image—as manufactured as it is—lives on.

Are there any surviving members of the Frank family? How do they feel about the NOI’s recent book on the case?

Aside from his wife, Lucille Frank, and mother, there were no other immediate family members involved in the trial. Frank was buried in Brooklyn, where he grew up, and nothing more was heard from his family since.

His victim, Mary Phagan, has relatives who have taken up her cause. They have always believed that Frank was guilty. Interestingly, Mary’s grand niece was named after her—Mary Phagan Kean. As a young girl herself, she learned of the tragedy and began her own quest for the truth. Ms. Kean wrote a book published in 1987 titled The Murder of Little Mary Phagan and she, like us, examined the official records of the case. She concluded that Leo Frank was her great aunt’s murderer. We would venture that the Phagan family might appreciate the detail we have brought to our case analysis. At least we hope they would.


Thank you!

More NOIRG articles on the Leo Frank Myth:





Note: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews Series can be purchased here: 

Humans Against Anti Semitic Zionism

  • Saturday, 06 April 2024 05:53

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" Remember my children that the earth must belong to us Jews"

Humans Against Zionism Public Group | Facebook

Humans Against Zionism has 1,267 members. This Group is about you, we want a friendly group, We've been getting lots of messages on our page with...

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CIVIL WAR in the United States update 2.

  • Tuesday, 25 August 2020 03:54

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Kyle Rittenhouse—Hero And Martyr

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Joseph D Rosenbaum is Jewish.



I agree with you Brother. Rittenhouse acted in self-defense to save his own life. It's pretty clear cut from the videos. If Rittenhouse was a Jew and the shot/killed Gentiles, I'd come to the same conclusion. No way any fair court can call it anything else but self-defense.


Kyle is a rare person these days. Kids are so brainwashed and ruined by our immoral trashy pop culture that it takes them way longer to grow up but Kyle has all the qualities a man should try to emulate. Kyle is an American role model. Those pedos deserved to get shot.



Jews supposedly less than 2% of the Population but literally 80% of ANTIFA Members


Lucky Larry 9/11

They act like there the friends of blacks when the family was most likely slave owners.


It was a terrible thing that the 3 felon communist revolutionaries were also of what they call Jewish blood. I don't believe for one second they were actual Jews (religious), but we do know they all three were "ethnic Jews" (which I think is a deplorable term, but they seem to want it). If you look at the documentation on their names and family, this is completely self evident and for some reasonhese kinds of atheistic Jews are drawn to communism like moths to the flame.


Zionism, Communism and Fascism all stem from Labor Socialism—the brainchild of Moses Hess. Labor Socialism split into two factions: Communism and Fascism. Communism advanced by Marx and Engels used class struggle as the dialectic to advance its cause. Fascism championed by Moses Hess is otherwise known as National Socialism and it's adherents exploit racial differences as its dialectic. Zionism


Easy to see how bad the jewish behavior is in this case, but they're even a lot worse in the financial industry:

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Night 3 of the Kenosha Riots turned deadly as armed citizens defended private property from vandals and looters. Thank the brave reporters who gathered this footage. VIDEOS FROM @Julio_Rosas11 @ElijahSchaffer @livesmattershow @louriealex (Insta) @BGOnTheScene @FromKalen

Kenosha Riot Shootout: Warning Graphic Gunshot Footage32,641 views·Aug 26, 2020


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By Mike Adams


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Cruz on Hannity: “Democrats Are Terrified of the Far-Left, Held Captive to Radical Extremists”

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Undercover Investigation - Minneapolis Riot Was Preplanned

 What you are about to see is part of a two year undercover investigation into the leftist radicalization imbedded within the climate justice movement that contributed to the riots in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In this first video, we are going to show how the Sunrise Movement played a preemptive role in carrying out the mayhem, taking advantage of George Floyd's death and using it as a trigger point, to further push their Green New Deal agenda and promoting the abolition of the police.

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"The Communists may express their theory in one statement: destruction of private property." Very short and very precise. This is the true essence of communism. What is property? Property is a set of RIGHTS to own, use, and dispose of property. In other words, the destruction of private property is the destruction of an individual's economic rights to independent activity. After that, the person automatically becomes completely dependent on the state, and all other rights cease to exist. What does destroying human rights mean? Enslavement. After all, how can we tell a slave from a citizen? Only in one way: the citizen has rights, the slave does not.

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Peaceful Protesters Wage War Against Every Law Abiding Citizen In America

White, Black, Asian, Nationalist Community

  • Wednesday, 14 December 2022 01:25
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Watching wignats attack @realnickjfuentes, it's clear many of them are Jews posing as wignats. But others are simply wignats, unaware of how destructive they are for the white race. They promote impossible, leaderless agendas or organizations with provably ineffective leaders who'll never accomplish anything except neutralize our resistance to Jewish hegemony.
Wignats spead their influence online without gaining political traction. They get inside right wing spaces and do the Jews' work for them. Sure, sometimes they're funny, but they deeply harm us.
And neo-nazis with autism have an unbearable writing style, faux-educated sounding and oblique, eluding to philosophers they've never actually read. Fuck wignats, their shitty writing, and their undigested ideas. Buncha gay retards




White Gentile Organizations & Jewish Community Based Organizations

We have written before about the success of the Jews due to their community-based organizations;  They are a nation within a nation with many whose loyalty lies first and foremost with Israel and the Jewish community.  The Jews' community organizations generally have little or no loyalty to their host country and as we showed in our previous article.  Each of these community groups is linked to hundreds of other umbrella groups around the world. Many Jews are nationalist and Internationals nationalist, working united with most Jewish organizations all over the world as nationalist and one nation. They have World and regional Congresses to keep them united.

The core Jewish population from 2014 was estimated to be 14.2 million and is roughly 0.2% of the world's population.  It is astounding how many societies, groups, organizations, committees and associations they have actively run across the globe.  Even with all these successful, established groups, the Jewish community is still crying poor about their Jewish identity being in turmoil and they are throwing, even more, money into establishing a sense of Jewish pride and ancestry in the younger generations.

Country Total Population                            
Jewish Population
United States                          
318.9 million (2014) Between 5.7 and 6.8 million
Russia 143.5 million (2013) 186,000
France 66.03 million 475,000
Britain 64.1 million (2013) 300,000
Germany 80 million 118,000
Canada 35.16 million 385,300
Australia 24 million 90,000

Many argue that there are plenty of organizations in the countries listed in the table above who are representing gentile Europeans such as RSL, Rotary, Scouts etc, but it is important to realize that these organizations are not fully representative of gentile Europeans and simply cover interests within specific fields.  People need to get active from within these organizations and start to enact change.  At the same time, we need a solid international organization to represent the European people.

Europeans are afraid of their cultural identity, for fear of being labeled 'racist.'  We discussed the idea of European white guilt and this shame and political correctness have ensured that Europeans (whites and true Jews) are unable to establish the organizations we need to build strong communities and fight for our people.  We suggest that you read these articles and the information on the Jewish organizations linked below, and start to build your own organization with a similar structure which is connected to all other relevant groups. 

Cultural and Racial Organizations in Britain

Many cultural groups are proud of their organizations; however, people of European heritage are now labeled as 'racist' if they display similar pride.  Below is a list of organizations in Britain that represent different colored races, but do not represent British native Europeans.  When Europeans have created organizations to represent them, the Equality and Human Rights Commission in Britain has claimed it is practicing discrimination according to race and skin color.  For some reason, however, the organizations in Britain listed below are given a free pass as being perfectly acceptable!

  •  The Black Police Association

  •  Black and Asian Therapists Online
  •  BBC Asian Network
  •  Asian Radio
  •  Federation of Black Housing Organizations
  •  Asian Modelling Service
  • UK
  •  Society of Black and Asian Lawyers
  •  Black Lawyers
  •  Asian job UK
  •  Barnardos Chinese Lay Health Project
  •  Black UK
  •  Sussex Black Police Association
  •  Black Students Association
  •  UK Black Teachers Association
  •  Operations Black Vote
  •  UK Asian Business Directory
  •  Asian People Disability Alliance
  •  Asian Arts Agency
  •  Black Enterprise Awards
  •  Black Engineer
  •  AIM Magazine
  •  Natwest Bank (AsianEntrepreneurs Unit)
  •  Asian Voice
  •  Africa Asian Arts Venue
  •  Black Training Enterprise Group
  •  UK Black Pride
  •  Ethnic Minority Foundation
  •  Black And Minority Ethnic Elders

Europeans need to build National & International Community Based Organizations & copy the Jewish B'nai B'rith & Anti-Defamation League Organization Structure

Jewish Community Based Organization, B'nai B'rith International and its Jewish Anti-Defamation League                                                                     

B'nai B'rith  in Hebrew means the  = Sons of the covenant
B'nai B'rith Moto = Benevolence, sisterly & brotherly love and harmony.

The Menorah or candlestick has seven branches which stand for Light, Justice, Peace, Truth, Benevolence, Brotherly Love and Harmony.

The Menorah is the symbol of the B'nai B'rith. The Menorah which is the ancient universal Jewish symbol of Judaism.

B'nai B'rith is rightwing Jewish Nationalist first and using leftwing socialism ( no free speech) to control its members, and is a left-wing advocacy group.

The B’nai B’rith is one of the largest and the oldest Jewish service organization in the world.  Founded by Henry Jones and 11 others on 13 October 1843 in New York City, United States.  Jews founded this organization to provide service to their people and it now has men's lodges, women’s chapters and youth organizations all over the world.  Its aims are aiding Jewish college students mainly through the Hillel foundation, sponsoring education programs for the youth and adults and promoting welfare in Israel.  It has training programs for adults and youth groups who help people during national disasters and gives support to hospitals.  In the United States, the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has 28 office domestically as well as offices abroad.

Only Jews are allowed to join the B'nai B'rith.  They are committed to helping Jews and the State of Israel and promotes the idea it is fighting so-called anti-Semitism and bigotry, when in fact, it has been accused by Jews and others as anti-Semitic towards Europeans (whites and Jews) and blacks, in that it promotes anti-Semitism and bigotry by promoting open borders and allowing millions of non-Europeans into America and other European countries except Israel .

Education and Publications:  Since 1886 the organization has published the oldest Jewish periodical B'nai B'rith magazine in the United States.  B'nai B'rith have activities and programs, adult education, career guidance and vocational counselling, youth activities, group relationships, and philosophy.

B’nai B’rith and the Jewish Anti-Defamation League

In 1913 the B’nai B’rith established the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to combat so-called anti-Semitism and racism and to fight for Israel.

The opposition has a different opinion on what this organization stands for.  For example, they say this organization is the longest running most powerful racist hate group against Europeans (whites & Jews), Africans and Arabs in the world.  The ADL have nearly 60 million dollars a year to combat free speech, fight to control race minorities and to help refugees and foreigners come into the United States and other countries.

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Europeans who want to teach Europeans their culture need to build a Community Based Organization

Community Organization and Building - 3-30-16 Lecture

The article on right. The B'nai B'rith Jewish Community Based service organization operates nationally and internationally and represents Jews only. Many Jews are nationalist behind the scenes; and in public they promote conservative, liberal, socialist, communist ideas.

Jewish organizations are collective community based organizations, bringing together many groups under national and international congresses all over the world.

Jews are united nationally, internationally and are a nation within a nation with their own government. 

White gentile organizations in the United States, Australia, Britain, and Europe are not community based organizations, they are conservative structured.  Conservative organizations are not collectives and do not build Anti-Defamation organizations to fight for people rights and  do not promote community services to their people.  They do not have national or international congresses to unite them. 

Alex Jones (Infowars) said conservative will not defeat the globalist only nationalist will do that. Alex was talking about national ideas and organizations.




















As well as presiding as President of the World Jewish Congress, Lauder is also President of the Jewish National Fund, which openly promotes Israeli occupation on Palestinian land. This is currently illegal under international law.

Below is a map of all the different affiliates and branches that the World Jewish Congress have established back in 1953 before there were internet and ease of global communication. They built an international community organizations to promote and ensure the Jewish Diaspora were catered for around the globe.


The Jewish community have built powerful organizations from literally nothing, which operates as independent nations within all host countries.  Many Jews promote patriotism, loyalty to the Jewish community, Israel first and foremost. There are Jews of course, who are very loyal to western countries and some work with the Jewish community even though they have a great love for America, Australia, and Europe.

We have outlined a few of the biggest Jewish organizations to give you an idea of how good community groups breed success .

WJC LogoWorld Jewish Congress

The World Jewish Congress (WJC) was founded in Geneva, Switzerland of August 1936, and promotes the idea that it represents the international federation of Jewish organizations and communities. Membership is open to Jews only, irrespective of the social, political or economic ideology of the community's host country. 

A growing number of people argue that this organization has too much power over western countries, especially considering the small percentage of Jews world population. Jews actually represent.  In the United Nations Economic and Social Council it has special consultative status and they also have a Research Institute based in Jerusalem, Israel, which does research on a variety of issues concerning Jews.   

Jews World Regional Congresses

WJC presents five regional congresses and are also in charge of the Israel Council of Foreign Relations and the European Jewish Parliament. From May 2013, French Banker Baron David Rene de Rothschild was elected as chairman of the WJC Governing Board.

European Jewish Congress
Euro-Asian Jewish Congress
Latin American Jewish Congress
American Jewish Congress
Israeli Jewish Branch

During the 1960s the World Jewish Congress was involved in the United States civil rights movement and were behind opening American borders to non-European immigration.  In more recent times they have been pushing the flood of immigrants into Europe which led to the 2015 Immigration Crisis. These immigrants are attacking the Jewish community and forcing Jews out of many European countries.  When the European indigenous population campaigned against this invasion, they were publicly labeled by Jewish organizations as "racist, bigots, extremists, anti-Semitic and islamophobic", just for trying to defend their lands and culture.  Jewish organizations ensures that Israel has closed borders to third world immigration and carry out everything in their power to keep Israel pure for Jews while ensuring the media gives it very little attention in order to keep most of the world in the dark about their hypocritical policies.



European Jewish Congress Zionist Globalist Run

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Screenshot 7pre of jewish congDr. MOSHE KANTOR  Pres. European Jewish Congress

European Jewish Congress 

The European Jewish Congress or EJC (formerly known as European Jewish Union or EJU) is a non-govenrment organization based in Brussels, Belgium, Europe.  The aim of the EJC is a unit structure for all Jewish communities and organizations throughout Western, Eastern and Central Europe. The European Jewish Congress was the brainchild of Ukrainian billionaire Vadim Rabinovich and officially established in 1986. The European Jewish Congress is the most influential European organization in Europe, representing around 42 national Jewish communities comprising more than 2.5 million Jews in Europe. Jewish community base organizations are so well developed that  2.5 million Jews have more power then the total European population of about 743.1 million (2015) people living in Europe and have more power then all the European Governments in Europe.

World Jewish Congress                                                                                                                                                                              

The European Jewish Congress is affiliated with the World Jewish Congress, and their headquaters are in New York City, United States and the organization maintains office in Paris, France. Before the establishment of EJC, European Jewish issues were dealt with by the European branch of the World Jewish Congress (WJC). Today the EJC is the regional affiliate of the WJC as the sole political organizational representative of European Jewry in Europe.

The Former European Jewish Union


The European Jewish Congress formally known as the European Jewish Union is a non-Government organization based in Brussels, Belgium, Europe and was founded in the spring of 2011.  Its stated aim is to be a uniting structure for all Jewish communities and organizations throughout Western, Eastern and Central Europe.  The European Jewish Union established a European Jewish Parliament comprising of 120 members from 50 countries and is modelled on the Israeli parliament called Knesset.  This parliament says that its aim is to represent the concerns of the Jewish Diaspora in the European Union and other European Countries.

The EJC protects the interests of its affiliated communities, working daily with European Union institutions and officials, the Council of Europe (where the EJC has participatory status) and national governments and parliaments.  According to Wikipedia:  "The EJC intends to protect human rights, fight xenophobia and anti-Semitism, promote interfaith dialogue, implement cultural and educational programmes, and remember the Holocaust and other events that killed millions of people. To meet these goals, the EJC has initiated and organized several large international projects, in particular the Let My People Live! international forums.....Another important issue on the EJC's agenda is preventing nuclear terrorism."

International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians
Type international socio-political forum
Founded 2002
Headquarters 9a Diskin Street, 5th Floor Jerusalem, Israel 96440

The International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians (ICJP) is a project supported by the Knesset, the World Jewish Congress, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Forum. Its goal is to bring together Jewish legislators and parliamentarians from around the world to engage in a dialogue of cooperation to achieve the goals of the ICJP's Mission.


International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians

The International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians (ICJP) was founded in 2002 to involve Jewish parliamentarians and lawmakers from all over the world to representing the Jewish voice.  Their members come from all over the globe including the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Tunisia and Canada though many Jews say it is not representative of their needs.

The Parliamentarians are sponsored by the World Jewish Congress.  A newly elected Steering committee representing Jewish lawmakers from all the worlds’ continents.   At a meeting in the City of Jerusalem, Israel unanimously elected Fiamma Nirenstein, 65years, a member of the Italian Chambers of Deputies, as its head.

Nirenstein to Head Int'l Council of Jewish Parliamentarians

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International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians/World Jewish Congress

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ICJP MISSION AND STRUCTURE Members of the Steering Committee

Rep. Eliot Engel (U.S.A., Chairman)

Rep. Gary L. Ackerman (U.S.A., Chairman Emeritus)

Mr. Mark Adler, MP (Canada)

Ms. Luciana Berger, MP (UK)

Prof. Irwin Cotler, MP (Canada)

Mr. Michael Danby, MP (Australia)

M.K. Yuli-Yoel Edelstein (Israel)

Mr. Luis Fishman, MP (Costa Rica)

Dr. János Fánagy, MP, Secretary of State, (Hungary)

M.K. Shai Hermesh (Israel)

Lord Janner of Braunstone, QC (UK, Founding Chairman)

Rep. Nita Lowey (U.S.A.)

Councilman Floriano Pesaro (Brazil)

Mrs. Viviane Teitelbaum, MP (Belgium)

Zionism takes power in Europe.  Ukrainian money backing a Jewish Parliament that will ensure Israeli policies are expanded into Europe.

“On Thursday 16th February, in the European Parliament, Brussels, 120 members of the elected Jewish European Parliament held their inaugural session to discuss the fears of European jews.
Why is a jewish European parliament a good idea?

Part One - 'Jewish Parliamentarians'