Ilhan Omar wanted the government to stop all rent and confiscate property from landowners if they complained. Now teachers unions want the same as a condition for returning to work. It’s NOT about safety or a virus — it’s Marxism.
The Franks have been a Germanic tribe and they spoke Frankish (a West-Germanic language). Therefore he should be named based on his Germanic name (Karl der Grosse). The capital of the Frankish kingdom was Aachen (in Germany).
Charlemagne: Read French: "Charl le Magne" means "Charles the Great". To the Germans, he is known as "Karl der Große." He is considered the founding father of both nations.
Charlemagne was the greatest of all medieval kings in Europe, about a thousand of them. He was a head taller than his contemporaries, had a high pitched voice and a small paunch according to his biographer Eginhart. The place of his crowning in 800 is said to be a metre-wide reddish circular antique , Egyptian, stone in the entrance of today s St Peters Basilica.
Charlemagne was a great person who had great people supporting him, otherwise he wouldn't have succeded in his endeavours. A great inspiration for today's leaders. Very good documentary. Thank you.
Its very interesting that this great man was born in such backwater place. Also, he was born into the period which was just few generations far from the fall of Roman Empire. I would like to see how these people lived there because I can imagine that the south was pretty much still advanced and the tribes who were originally attacking Roman Empire were still finding the way how things are working.
One of the most powerful emperors in medieval age, as i visited france in 2015. A son of France and one of my fav and respected characters. He created a empire and made him as a holy roman emperor the first of many rulers who ruled that. His empire survives many challenges until 1806. One of the powerful rulers. Vive la france. My fav country. Known as a father of because of he created a vast empire and united most of Europe since the roman empire. Brilliant and thnk you for this video. He is one of the best rulers ever to ruleEurope, most of Italy and also the many Gallic and Germanic tribes. Again thnk you for these content.He also helped the Carolingian renaissance and the revival of western church with that. Also he is a main ancestor of dynasties who ruled and rules Europe . But also his some actions led the schism between westen and eastern empires as well as the western and orthodox churches . Because he didn't think irene of athens as a legitimate ruler and he himself declared as a roman emperor and himself. best wishes aijaz from pakistan
On TBN's special, State of Faith: Northern Europe, Drive Thru History's Dave Stotts explores Charlemagne's impact on the course of Christian history in Northern Europe.
Charlemagne has been called the "Father of Europe" (Pater Europae),[7] as he united most of Western Europe for the first time since the classical era of the Roman Empire, as well as uniting parts of Europe that had never been under Frankish or Roman rule. His reign spurred the Carolingian Renaissance, a period of energetic cultural and intellectual activity within the Western Church. The Eastern Orthodox Church viewed Charlemagne less favourably, due to his support of the filioque and the Pope's preference of him as emperor over the Byzantine Empire's first female monarch, Irene of Athens. These and other disputes led to the eventual split of Rome and Constantinople in the Great Schism of 1054.[8][b]
Warrior. Ruler. Patron of the arts and language. Terrorist. Brutal oppressor. Protector of the good. Guardian of Christendom. Father of Europe. There are so many different ways in which Charlemagne can be described, and yet the man himself is often seen as an enigma. Depending on the viewpoint of history, he could have been either a monster or a guardian angel. Yet, as with most men, the truth lies somewhere in between. The truth is that he was human.
"Frank" doesn't mean ferocious, it means "free". Kind of an outstanding mistake since the word is still used with similar meaning in modern english.Also nothing derived from the name Charlemagne. His name was Karl, in latin Karolus (as seen on the coin) later Karolus Magnus. Those lead to the words shown on screen including Charlemagne.
King Charlemagne is my 38th Great Grandfather. I traced him directly to my Grandmother's Father's Father's side. Through his son Louis The Pious. Absolutely amazing. I have always been a history nerd and now I'm just engulfed in discovering my ancestors.
I NEED SOME EXPLAINING! So I’m a normal 12 year old boy from Michigan in the U.S. I love history and have recently been working on my family history. I been using ancestry for a couple months and have been working hard to pit a bunch of my families names in there. Turns out on my father’s side, I’m somehow related to Charlemagne. Is this even possible? I knew he looked like a king so I translated his name and put it in YouTube. I been reading all the comments and all the videos on him. If I’m actually related to him, LETS GO! He seems like a very important guy in history! I’m gonna try to learn more about him as well. It just seems weird that I could be related to someone who’s that amazing in history
Although missionaries like Patrick and Augustine had made Christianity hugely successful in the British Isles, there was really only one tribe in the whole of mainland Europe who were mainstream Christians — the Franks, whose King had converted in 496. The others were all pagans or Arians.
All this changed when Charles the Great, or “Charlemagne” became King of the Franks, ruling from 771 to 814. He was a great military conqueror, and channeled this talent into the service of the church, for in taking over most of Western Europe and a fair bit of the east, he usedmilitary force to compel all his subject peoples to become Christian. He also sponsored more subtle missionary efforts, and encouraged the spread of Benedictine monasteries, and especially the copying of theological manuscripts.
The Pope crowned him Roman Emperor in 800, centuries after the ancient Roman Empire had collapsed in Europe — a move which infuriated the Eastern Emperor who still claimed to rule both east and west. His “Holy Roman Empire” shrank rapidly after his death, but it remained a major force in Europe into the Reformation. Although centered in modern Germany, its influence spread much wider.
Einhard, who wrote this biography, was a nobleman and a diplomat and adviser in Charlemagne’s service for over twenty-three years. In fact, the two were personal friends. This makes his report an invaluable source of firsthand information about the Emperor, but also alerts us to watch for personal bias.
Charlemagne presents Christians today with a dilemma. On the one hand, we ask, aren’t Charlemagne’s bloodthirsty ways of spreading the church completely alien to the gospel of Christ? On the other, we wonder would the church have survived if not for him?
Despite being anointed by the Pope as a child, Charlemagne was seen as the unlikeliest ruler. Before he died, though, he was the emperor of Western Europe. Trace the man back to his roots with this eye-opening video.
Another notable feature of Charlemagne’s reign was his recognition of the implications for his political and religious programs of the cultural renewal unfolding across much of the Christian West during the 8th century. He and his government patronized a variety of activities that together produced a cultural renovatio (Latin: “renewal” or “restoration”), later called the Carolingian Renaissance. The renewal was given impetus and shape by a circle of educated men—mostly clerics from Italy, Spain, Ireland, and England—to whom Charlemagne gave prominent place in his court in the 780s and 790s; the most influential member of this group was the Anglo-Saxon cleric Alcuin. The interactions among members of the circle, in which the king and a growing number of young Frankish aristocrats often participated, prompted Charlemagne to issue a series of orders defining the objectives of royal cultural policy. Its prime goal was to be the extension and improvement of Latinliteracy, an end viewed as essential to enabling administrators and pastors to understand and discharge their responsibilities effectively. Achieving this goal required the expansion of the educational system and the production of books containing the essentials of Christian Latin culture.
The court circle played a key role in producing manuals required to teach Latin, to expound the basic tenets of the faith, and to perform the liturgy correctly. It also helped create a royal library containing works that permitted a deeper exploration of Latin learning and the Christian faith. A royal scriptorium was established, which played an important role in propagating the Carolingian minuscule, a new writing system that made copying and reading easier, and in experimenting with art forms useful in decorating books and in transmitting visuallythe message contained in them.Members of the court circle composed poetry, historiography, biblical exegesis, theological tracts, and epistles—works that exemplified advanced levels of intellectual activity and linguistic expertise. Their efforts prompted Alcuin to boast that a “new Athens” was in the making in Francia. The new Athens came to be identified with Aachen, from about 794 Charlemagne’s favourite royal residence. Aachen was the centre of a major building program that included the Palatine Chapel, a masterpiece of Carolingian architecture that served as Charlemagne’s imperial church.
Royal directives and the cultural models provided by the court circle were quickly imitated in cultural centres across the kingdom where signs of renewal were already emerging. Bishops and abbots, sometimes with the support of lay magnates, sought to revitalize existing episcopal and monastic schools and to found new ones, and measures were taken to increase the number of students. Some schoolmasters went beyond elementary Latin education to develop curricula and compile textbooks in the traditional seven liberal arts. The number of scriptoria and their productive capacity increased dramatically. And the number and size of libraries expanded, especially in monasteries, where book collections often included Classical texts whose only surviving copies were made for those libraries. Although the full fruits of the Carolingian Renaissance emerged only after Charlemagne’s death, the consequences of his cultural program appeared already during his lifetime in improved competence in Latin, expanded use of written documents in civil and ecclesiastical administration, advanced levels of discourse and stylistic versatility in formal literary productions, enriched liturgical usages, and variegated techniques and motifs employed in architecture and the visual arts.
In January 814 Charlemagne fell ill with a fever after bathing in his beloved warm springs at Aachen; he died one week later. Writing in the 840s, the emperor’s grandson, the historian Nithard, avowed that at the end of his life the great king had “left all Europe filled with every goodness.” Modern historians have made apparent the exaggeration in that statement by calling attention to the inadequacies of Charlemagne’s political apparatus, the limitations of his military forces in the face of new threats from seafaring foes, the failure of his religious reforms to affect the great mass of Christians, the narrow traditionalism and clerical bias of his cultural program, and the oppressive features of his economic and social programs. Such critical attention of Charlemagne’s role, however, cannot efface the fact that his effort to adjust traditional Frankish ideas of leadership and the public good to new currents in society made a crucial difference in European history.
His renewal of the Roman Empire in the West provided the ideological foundation for a politically unified Europe, an idea that has inspired Europeans ever since—sometimes with unhappy consequences. His feats as a ruler, both real and imagined, served as a standard to which many generations of European rulers looked for guidance in defining and discharging their royal functions. His religious reforms solidified the organizational structures and the liturgical practices that eventually enfolded most of Europe into a single “Church.” His definition of the role of the secular authority in directing religious life laid the basis for the tension-filled interaction between temporal and spiritual authority that played a crucial role in shaping both political and religious institutions in later western European history.
His cultural renaissance provided the basic tools—schools, curricula, textbooks, libraries, and teaching techniques—upon which later cultural revivals would be based. The impetus he gave to the lord-vassal relationship and to the system of agriculture known as manorialism (in which peasants held land from a lord in exchange for dues and service) played a vital role in establishing the seignorial system (in which lords exercised political and economic power over a given territory and its population); the seignorial system in turn had the potential forimposing political and social order and for stimulating economic growth. Such accomplishments certainly justify the superlatives by which he was known in his own time: Carolus Magnus (“Charles the Great”) and Europae pater (“father of Europe”).
The team wean piglets, cultivate wild yeast, malt barley, make ale and bread, harvest honey and beeswax, dip candles, shave their sheep's hooves, demonstrate period hair care methods, roast lamb, and celebrate both a mass and the midsummer festival. They take custody of a boar to service their sows. They observe the shaping, moulding, and pouring of a bell, learn about period clock mechanisms and observe a wind-powered grain mill.
Water was boiled in the process of beer making. That's what made the beer safer to drink than well water. The small alcohol content in beer won't kill the bacteria that will make you safe
I would say that alcohol is not the reason beer was better than plain water. Alcohol does not kill all bacteria, and certainly not at the levels these beers were made. But when making beer, there is a step where the water is boiled. THAT kills the bacteria.
Curly haired people must have been a living nightmare for them!! You don’t brush dry hair if it’s curly more less comb it with a fine toothed comb!! ?????
This was really good, somehow much better than most of the episodes in this series. I think it was because they explained and went into detail on things that were out of the ordinary, instead of just giving a basic treatment of the most obvious aspects of Tudor life. It was fascinating to see how bells and clocks were made, how bees were kept, how ale was made, how meat was prepared and roasted, and other things. For me, the value and interest were in the "how" of it, instead of the typical documentary approach of simply providing a textbook narration of superficial information.
Ruth Ellen Goodmanis a British freelance historian of the early modern period, specialising in offering advice to museums and heritage attractions. She is a specialist in British social history and after presenting the 2005 television series Tales from the Green Valley, went on to participate in several BBC historic farm series. She occasionally presents features for The One Show, and she co-presented Secrets of the Castle in 2014, and 24 Hours in the Past.
The team's year on the farm is coming to an end. First they have to bring in the wheat harvest, the most crucial part of the Victorian Farm calendar. Ruth explores the craft of straw plaiting and discovers the art of printing. Alex and Peter try their hand at a home brew. The team bring in the wheat harvest with the help of some extra labour, and celebrate with a harvest festival.
It’s interesting how much changed during that time and how much we didn’t have before that. The fridge, gas cooking, ice cream, self running music, and warm running water for baths, a shower of sorts were all created then. It went from simply candles to gas lamps to lightbulbs. So much happen in that short period of time. I wonder how it must have felt to have everything change like that. I wonder how it must have felt to live before that without all those conveniences.
DEPOPULATION Billboard Campaign! 1 Child only & Abortions.
No matter where you are in the world, you can go up in a small aircraft, and see that the planet is far from being overpopulated. In fact you could fit all the people in the world in one of the U.S.’s smallest states.
It's putting all your eggs in one basket. My aunt had one kid. He is in jail for the rest of his life and a meth addict. My neighbor had one and he died in a car accident and now she is miserable as she is too old to have another kid.
DThe left-wing Labour government in Wales is using taxpayers' money to lure underage girls to Wales to lure illegal military-age migrant men from Africa and the Middle East.
The promotional video opens with two underage teenage girls greeting the refugees and letting them know they will be arriving in a welcoming environment, writes Cristina Laila .
“Fleeing your country is hard, but Wales wants you to feel welcome,” one of the little girls said in an undated video.
The other underage teen said: “ The Welsh Refugee Council wants to help you. You can contact them here,” she says as the contact details appear on the screen.
“The Welsh Refugee Coalition is a collection of organisations in Wales working with asylum seekers and refugees at all stages of their journey, and with the communities in which they live,” the Welsh Refugee Coalition said.
“We work together to ensure our limited resources are used to best effect and to speak with one voice on policies and practices that impact people seeking safety in Wales,” WRC said.
The teenage girls promise the refugees all kinds of “free” programs such as help with bank accounts, medical benefits, education, English lessons and help finding doctors.
“There are a lot of job opportunities here in Wales,” says one of the underage girls.
Why is the Welsh Government using underage teenage girls to lure military-age men from countries without rape laws into Wales?
UK: Welsh Government is using 14-year-old Welsh girls to attract migrant men to the country
Migrants arriving in Europe come from Africa and Asia where pedophilia is wide spread.
Wales is using little girls to encourage migrants to move to Wales and claim benefits and housings.
Elon Musk threw the cat among the pigeons when he recently drew attention to the gang rapes of over 250,000 British schoolgirls by groups of middle-aged Pakistani men, who have gotten away with their crimes for over a quarter of a century, thanks to the collusion of the British judiciary, the British police, the British social services and the British political system, all of whom are now trying to shirk responsibility for the worst crimes in which they are all fully complicit.
Given Official England’s widespread complicity with these multiple Pakistani rape gangs, there can be no question of allowing the (oxymoron of) British justice to take its course or of “learning from our mistakes”. Heads need to roll, literally, and the first head on the chopping block must be that of the British Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer (who was the director of the Crown Prosecution Service during these grooming gang rape revelations, who was the boss of the CPS lawyer who initially dropped the prosecution of Kabeer Hassan because he believed the 15-year-old girl had “made a choice to become a prostitute” and who discredited her as a witness even after reviewing DNA evidence and hours of testimony), followed by King Charles, who is not only the brother of Jeffrey Epstein’s accomplice, Prince Andrew, but who recently knighted Peter Mandelson , another key Epstein (and Tony Blair) conspirator, and who, in his role as Prince of Wales, was also bosom buddies with BBC child rapist Sir Jimmy Savile.
Comment: Bill Gates and Blackrock CEO Mike Fink are Jewish Globalist.
Why Labour’s inheritance tax family farm grab is a ‘closure of the mines’ moment for British farming This is a turning point in British history, he predicts. “People will come to realise this is a ‘closure of the mines’ moment for UK agriculture, in the same way it affected those mining towns for generations, it will change rural Britain and the British landscape forever. It knocks on to everything in market towns, the local shops, the pubs, the schools, the livestock auctioneers, the suppliers, the drivers – the lot. Family farms are just the base of the pyramid. The ‘£1 million’ sum exposes it. It’s not just short of the mark, it’s ten times short of the mark.”
Investing to feed the world Charting a path to food security So, what can investors do to address this crisis? Well, we can direct our clients’ capital to companies that work to reduce food insecurity. Agriculture is among the most resilient of industry sectors and often performs positively when the rest of the equity market is falling; this is because spending on food tends to hold up, even if tighter budgets cause preferences to change within the sector. So, agriculture’s attractions are all too obvious at present.
And it’s not just investing in food producers. The opportunities run right along the food chain to agriculture equipment, fertiliser manufacturers and distributors. Renewable energy also plays a part, and we are seeing increasing investment in wind farms, solar power and electric vehicles, which improve food security by reducing farmers’ input costs. Risk: There is no guarantee that a positive investment outcome will be achieved. Then there’s technology. We’re seeing impressive innovations in precision farming, where technologies such as drones, GPS satellites and data analysis are used to increase crop yields. Agri-tech – the use of science to improve crops – is another fast-growing sector. Last year, supported by government initiatives, start-up companies in this sector raised some $2.6 billion driven by demand for ensuring food security and more sustainable solutions6.
America’s Biggest Owner Of Farmland Is Now Bill Gates Bill Gates, the fourth richest person in the world and a self-described nerd who is known for his early programming skills rather than his love of the outdoors, has been quietly snatching up 242,000 acres of farmland across the U.S. — enough to make him the top private farmland owner in America. After years of reports that he was purchasing agricultural land in places like Florida and Washington, The Land Report revealed that Gates, who has a net worth of nearly $121 billion according to Forbes, has built up a massive farmland portfolio spanning 18 states. His largest holdings are in Louisiana (69,071 acres), Arkansas (47,927 acres) and Nebraska (20,588 acres). Additionally, he has a stake in 25,750 acres of transitional land on the west side of Phoenix, Arizona, which is being developed as a new suburb.
White traitors, false Christians and some globalist JEWS want you dead, so take your FOOD... please think bigger...
Not many people would have known about Starmer's rise to fame ,not something to boast about ,so thank you for making us aware ,just who the UK Prime Minister is , and his evil history .you're right Starmer must care more about child murderer's than about the child that was killed
He's married to Victoria Starmer. Starmer was born Victoria Alexander in either 1973 or 1974 in London. Along with an older sister, she was raised in Gospel Oak, London. Her father Bernard, an economics lecturer and observant Jew, was born to a Polish-Jewish family that emigrated to the United Kingdom prior to World War II. Her mother Barbara was a community doctor in the NHS who converted to Judaism upon marriage.
Kürl Stürmer is Starmer's real name a member and Sir(e) of the Order of the (blood) Bath.
Jewish run Blackrock now own 30% of ukraines farmland. UK housing is their suspected target....paying for construction of cheap social housing and renting . Raynor needs them to meet targets but Blackrock may walk away from a deal if its not a real payer. Too many problems.
Channel 4’s Dispatches and the Sunday Times investigated the land and properties owned by the King and the Prince of Wales The King and the Prince of Wales’s private estates earn millions of pounds from rental deals with the armed forces, the NHS and state schools, it has been reported. An investigation by Channel 4’s Dispatches and The Sunday Times examined the land and properties the two leading royals own through the Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall. The investigation reported that last year the Duchy of Lancaster agreed a deal to store a new fleet of electric ambulances, owned by Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust in London, in one of the estate’s warehouses at a cost of £11.4m over 15 years.
It also said the Duchy of Cornwall had charged the navy more than £1m since 2004 to build and use jetties and moor warships on the Cornish coastline. The duchy will also earn around £600,000 over the lifetime of six different leases agreed with local state schools, the investigation found. The Duchy of Lancaster is a portfolio of land, property and assets across England and Wales held in trust for the Sovereign, including key urban developments, historic buildings and high-quality farm land. The Duchy of Cornwall is a similar portfolio valued at more than £1bn which provides an income for the heir to the throne. Both estates are exempt from paying corporation tax or capital gains tax. Further claims made of the Duchy of Cornwall include that it signed a £37m deal to lease Dartmoor Prison to the Ministry of Justice and a deal with the Ministry of Defence to allow the Armed Forces to train on Dartmoor land.
Last year the King asked for profits from a £1bn-a-year Crown Estate wind farm deal to be used for the “wider public good” rather than as a funding boost for the monarchy. But the investigation also found that Charles would still make at least £28m from wind farms because of a feudal right to charge for cables crossing land belonging to the Duchy of Lancaster. There are further claims from the investigation, working with the Mirror newspaper, that private residential properties rented out by both duchies fail to meet minimum energy efficiency requirements. Some 14 per cent of homes leased by the Duchy of Cornwall and 13 per cent by the Duchy of Lancaster have a performance rating of F or G, despite it being against the law for landlords to rent out properties rated below an E since 2020, the investigation reported.
Charles’s annual income from the Duchy of Lancaster rose by 5 per cent to £27.4m in 2023-24, according to accounts published by the estate in July. William received an annual private income of £23.6m from his Duchy last year, accounts showed.
The income from both the duchies is separate from the taxpayer-funded Sovereign Grant which pays for the monarch’s official duties.
Neither the King nor the Prince of Wales are legally obliged to pay income tax but both have offered to do so. Responding to the claims, a Duchy of Lancaster spokesperson said: “The Duchy of Lancaster operates as a commercial company, managing a broad range of land and property assets across England and Wales. It complies with all relevant UK legislation and regulatory standards applicable to its range of business activities.
“The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster is responsible to the Sovereign for the administration of the Duchy. However, he/she delegates certain functions, particularly those regarding asset management, to the Duchy Council.
“While His Majesty The King takes a close interest in the work of the Duchy, the day-to-day management of the portfolio is the responsibility of the Council and executive team. “The Duchy has made a number of key environmental improvements in recent years, delivering a significant increase in the number of A+, A and B EPC ratings awarded to our properties as a result of refurbishment or restoration works.
“Currently, over 87% of all Duchy let properties are rated E or above. The remainder are either awaiting scheduled improvement works or are exempted under UK legislation.” A Duchy of Cornwall spokesperson said William was committed to “an expansive transformation” of the estate. They said in a statement: “The Duchy of Cornwall is a private estate with a commercial imperative which we achieve alongside our commitment to restoring the natural environment and generating positive social impact for our communities.
“Prince William became Duke of Cornwall in September 2022 and since then has committed to an expansive transformation of the Duchy. “This includes a significant investment to make the estate net zero by the end of 2032, as well as establishing targeted mental health support for our tenants and working with local partners to help tackle homelessness in Cornwall.”
✔️ Speaking of the British, we know it was their government which helped the AshkenNAZI Zionists STEAL land and property from the mostly-Arabpopulation of Palestine in 1948, which these devils are continuing to steal in 2024. Well, not for too much longer, for Israel will be flattened fairly soon. This is not vengeance, it is but karma, the Law of Cause and Effect...
Comment: The Globalist give British land to the Muslim from Palestine.
King Charles’ Bloodstained Crown | The Untold Story of UK Royals | Flashback with Palki Sharma As King Charles III ascends to power, we take a look at the history of his throne. The bloody battles that kept his ancestors in power. The innocents they murdered and the foreign lands they looted. Britain's throne was forged by centuries of bloodshed and betrayals. Catch the story on Flashback with Palki Sharma.
William | Pevensey Castle | France | Harold Godwinson | Battle of Hastings | Westminster Abbey | King Charles | Norman King | British Monarchy | British Slavery | British Colonialism | British Empire | Meghan Markle | William II | King Henry I | King John | War of the Roses | House of Lancaster | House of York | King Edward IV | King Edward V | House of Tudor | King Henry VIII | Thomas Cromwell | Queen Elizabeth I | Mary I | King Charles I | Buckingham Palace | Slave Trade | United Kingdom | UK Royal Family | British Empire | Great Britain | King Charles III | India | Colonial Loot | Kohinoor | King George V | Nicholas II | Wilhem II | British Throne
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have quit, and Prince Andrew has courted controversy – but the British royals remain one of the richest monarchies in the world. King Charles and his family cost UK taxpayers about £300M every year, but it’s argued they bring in far more through tourism and business. So are they value for money?
That's why the Crown Estate is given to the government. Not the Monarchy. If the Government give the Crown Estate to the Monarch then all the earnings of the property will be given to the Monarch. Basically it's fair fair for the sovereign grant.
The Labour Party in Great Britain is worse than the Dem Party in the US. Kier Starmer is turning Great Britain into a Marxist country quite quickly. We thought the damage the Biden Admin had done to the US in 4 years was frightening, it took Starmer a month to start destroying Great Britain. Brits better buckle up; he is running you off a cliff.DebFr
Hundreds of anti-racism protesters gathered (Jewish run) to face off against anti-immigration protest in front of a Holiday Inn accommodating asylum seekers in Crawley, UK.
UK renowned anti-genocide activist Sarah Wilkinson has been arrested for her social media posts. She faces up to 14 years in prison. Palestine Action's co-founder UK citizen Richard Barnard is facing three charges for two speeches. He is accused of supporting a proscribed organisation under the Terrorism Act and encouraging 'criminal activity'. UK held Julian Assange and arrested independent journalist Richard Medhurst. Free speech is dead in Britain?
✔️ Speaking of the British, we know it was their government which helped the AshkenNAZI Zionists STEAL land and property from the mostly-Arab population of Palestine in 1948, which these devils are continuing to steal in 2024. Well, not for too much longer, for Israel will be flattened fairly soon. This is not vengeance, it is but karma, the Law of Cause and Effect...
? Then blame the White European "Elites" Globalist and White AshkeNAZI Zionists who have been letting them "invade" your sorry country! Muslims themselves aren't the cause of this, LOL!
With the uprising in the UK along with what happened with the attempted assassination of Donald Trump in the US the time has come for total uprising! This is a call for total uprising across the entire Anglo-sphere against the forces of darkness that have utterly corrupted our religious, government and community institutions.
We are weak due to complicity to the liberal marxist agenda. This and many other marxist agendas have crippled the Christian nations of the world. This evil comes from the lunar cult of talmudic judaism that with their demonic Sanhedrin have brought nothing but misery to the world. We need to fight back against the devil and all our corrupt institutions! The time for WAR but a very strategic WAR is NOW! We need to begin peacefully to encourage the police forces and army personnel from Europe, Russia, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand to begin to help all good willed Christians and Agnostics among us.
Russia is a great example to all of us. After the horrors of the 20th Century due to the violent psychotic zionists they have turned their nation around, even repenting for the disgusting murder of the Romanovs! Russia has become a strong CHRISTIAN nation!
Fighting and protecting its people from the talmudic satanists! All Anglos-sphere nations need to follow this stellar example within their own cultural framework. To all the police, army and government people across the Anglo-sphere, if you do not support the people you will eventually be replaced yourselves.
You will be raped, murdered, sacrificed and fed to the satanists. Rise up brothers and sisters in the name of Christendom! Save your countries before they are turned into Sodom and Gomorrah!
The 2024 Marxmerican selection is NO DIFFERENT, the money masters are offering two of their puppets (Trump & O'Biden) for the sheeple to decide between, nothing ever changes but the date and names!!!
Groot Britain leads the world in anti-Russian politics. The British hate Putin and zealously encourage the Ukrainians to fight their Russian cousins to the last drop of blood. The Russians and Ukrainians were ready to sign an agreement in February 2022, until British Prime Minister Johnson arrived in Kiev to convince the Ukrainians to drop the deal. And they did. Since then, the British have been the leading force in forcing the Ukrainians to fight and convincing NATO members to help them fight. The British are leading the global anti-Russian campaign. These are the facts. But the explanation of these facts has eluded me until now, writes Israel Shamir .
Recently, a promising young reporter named Dood (or perhaps Doodj) spoke with a leader of Russia's pro-Western opposition, the runaway ex-oligarch Michael Khodorkovsky. Mr. Khodorkovsky has been relegated to the shadows and margins of history, even though he was once Russia's richest magnate and one of the richest men in the world. Now he's worth just under a billion dollars, peanuts if oligarchs are counted.
He was one of the Dirty Seven [semiboyarshina] oligarchs who took control of Russia during Yeltsin's weak rule. They were all more or less Jewish, and their solidarity and destructiveness rivaled only their ruthlessness and greed. Many of my friends consider Zionists to be apex predators, while Jews are cute and furry prey. They were wrong – these seven Russian oligarchs were not Zionists, they were simply Jews bent on destroying everything that stood in their way. These seven men practically destroyed millennium-old Russia. They impoverished the people, reduced industry to ashes, sold the factories for scrap and stole all private bank assets. They even ruined Russian democracy when they shelled parliament in 1993 using Yeltsin's tanks, and then, with the help of American advisers, by engineering President Yeltsin's re-election in 1996.
Like locusts attacking a tree, each Jewish oligarch takes over another branch: Mr. Berezovsky went after the auto industry and Russia stopped producing cars; Mr. Gusinsky seized television and turned it into offensive propaganda; Mr. Chubais managed the world's largest transfer of wealth since 1917. Mr. Khodorkovsky took over all of Russia's oil and gas. Everywhere they stole everything they could, built yachts and palaces and mocked ordinary Russians with their ostentatious consumption. Their official rule ended sometime after 2005 when Mr Berezovsky convinced Yeltsin to hand over his rule to the young Mr Putin, after which Mr Putin told the oligarchs to stay away from the state or else. Mr. Khodorkovsky laughed and said he would get rid of Putin. Putin jailed him and nationalized the oligarch's mammoth oil company Lukoil. Ten years later, Mr. Khodorkovsky was allowed to leave, and he did so. Russian oil is still owned by the Russian state and is still the basis of Russian prosperity.
"Ukraine will go up in flames" - Medvedev warns Kiev against attacks on Crimea
In a recent interview, Mr Khodorkovsky revealed to a young reporter that the real owner of Lukoil was the late Lord Rothschild, who passed away recently (February 24) at the ripe old age of 89. It was quite a surprise to discover that the old Jew was still quick enough to pocket all of Russia's oil when he kicked out the godless communists. We Russians did hear such a rumor when it happened, but we did not take it seriously at the time. Blaming “Rothschild” is like blaming “Lizard People”; an anti-Semitic trope. There's no such person in real life, I thought. But after Doodj's video was published, I looked back through the Times archives and discovered it wasn't fiction:
So it was already known then, but I (and others) couldn't believe it at the time. Even now, we tend to discount anti-Semitic facts along with the anti-Semitic tropes that flood the Internet.
But this is the key to why the British are so eager to undermine Russia. Lord Rothschild is as British as 5 o'clock tea. The British may have an Indian Prime Minister, a Pakistani Mayor of London and Ghurkhas as their elite forces, but the Bank of England belongs to the Jews. The English are just miners to keep Lord Rothschild's global bank running. And Jews are known for maintaining control over everything that has passed through their clutches. Even the royal family became quasi-Jewish: they circumcised their boys and believed they were descended from King David.
Latest situation report from war-torn Ukraine - Videos of the mass surrender of Ukrainian forces in Donbass and reports the granting of British citizenship to Zelensky
The fact is that the loss of all that fabulous Russian wealth has irritated the oligarchs. That's why they call Vladimir Putin “the bloody tyrant,” because he took away the Russian oil and gas, gold and wheat they felt they deserved. Yet history shows that Putin was a gentle ruler: he did not confiscate the oligarchs' wealth, as he very well could have; they kept their yachts and palaces and their billions. But that did not comfort them; they still covet the whole hog.
Like most of us, Putin was under the illusion that Britain and the US were against the USSR for ideological reasons. He thought, “Sure, they don't like communism, like any good capitalist would.” He thought they would be happy now that the Russians are reaping the benefits of private property. But it turns out the British and Yanks were never interested in theory. They hated the communists for keeping Russian resources out of the greedy hands of Lord Rothschild. Now that it is Putin who steps into the breach, the global banking system has declared him the man of evil. Maybe the Russians destroyed their Soviet Union for no good reason after all.
Anything, whether communist or capitalist, that stood between Lord Rothschild and his wishes was of course vilified by the world press. Yet it is telling that Rothschild's death has had no impact on the global outpouring of abuse against Putin and Russia. There is no pause in the war. The oligarchic pressure continues to oppress. Lord Rothschild's extensive assets may have passed to his legal heirs, but such wealth is subject to the long-term plans of globalist power tycoons, not the whims of privileged family scions. Yet such rumors are merely anti-Semitic tropes and should not be believed.
The main goal of the mainstream press seems to be to suppress or erase stories that reveal the behind-the-scenes deals between English and Russian oligarchs, many of whom happen to be Jewish. The very idea of a Jewish global financial system, while underlying Nathan Rothschild's historic banking network, has been declared an anti-Semitic trope by the hijacked press. The safety of Jews comes first and the press will fervently misinform the public to achieve this goal.
Biden's Crack Chronicles Kick Off NATO's Trans Pride Summer Offensive
Such a system ensures that the ordinary people of the world, who simply try to go to work in the morning, will always be a day late and a dollar short. We are always kept in the dark about the machinations of the global oligarchs, many of whom happen to be Jewish. The truth of the matter is leaking out in dribs and drabs from the oligarchs themselves, with the help of young and enterprising reporters like Dood. But England is not the only haven for the financiers. The Rothschild family has an English and a French wing. The French wing is represented by President Macron.
The French Jewish leadership has appointed Emanuel Macron as president of the republic, says a French Jewish writer who blogs under the name Tsarfat (the Hebrew name for France).
In a long and detailed piece , Tsarfat talks about a few prominent Jews (Alain Minc, Serge Weinberg, Jacques Attali and Bernard Mourad) who vouch for Macron to David de Rothschild. In 2011, Macron became a junior partner at Rothschild and earned a significant salary. He was worth every cent – he cheated Le Monde, he cheated President Hollande, he cheated the French state, he did everything Rothschild demanded of him and in return he got the presidency of the Republic. He was the new king appointed by the new Abravanel. Now he must fight the war between Christianity and Islam for the supreme glory of Israel.
This future war will cover the Gaza disaster. If the English Rothschilds ensure the war with Russia, the French Rothschilds will ensure the war with Islam. So the financiers are deadlier than the Zionists, even though they play along with them. Ron Unz proved that these financiers played a prominent role in bringing the US into World War I and World War II. I think they're powerful enough to get us all into World War III.
The biggest problem is getting the truth out into public domain, whilst anyone can access these reports from low key et al online many voters still rely on the information peddled out by BlackRock (Jewish run) and its media consortium(Jewish run) that controls Sky News, and similar organisations like BBC (Jewish run) , as this same group tends to have higher voter participation rates , it is essential to provide them with alternative sources of media and knowledge
It’s just the same in the US and also Australia, Russia, Ukraine, Europe, Canada, and all white countries, this lobby is a huge problem that needs to be rejected and removed. Freedom for the Palestinians can’t happen soon enough.
Edited. Britain’s blonde bombshell Boris Johnson( Jewish Zionist Globalist) has been filmed giving an impassioned speech calling for, you guessed it, more military aid to Ukraine. Plot twist I: it was to Azov Battalion. Plot twist II: he directly told them to go and attack Russia, just in case the idea hadn’t occurred to them. The video, apparently taken at a private club in London on May 22, shows the former British Prime Minister urging his fellow private members to give yet more weapons to Ukraine, and to allow them to use those weapons to attack targets within Russia. ‘Give them those weapons. Give them the ATACMS and give them the budget,’ he said. ‘It’s the single best investment we can make.’
And who would he invest in? Who are the Ukrainian ‘heroes’ he speaks of? Why, none other than guests of honor, Azov Battalion, the Nazi insignia wearing, Nazi worshiping neo-Nazis that Ukraine definitely doesn’t have. Britain has an election coming up soon, so let’s all see if the ‘let’s make world peace by arming the Nazis’ will be a vote-winning policy.
More like Britain's Dumb Blonde needs to be Silenced Britain is not the Briton it once was, Jews took it over in the 12th Century after being allowed back in the Country to finance King Charles the First with there Babylonian Money Majic
RT spoke with Dr. Ranjeet Brar, leader of the British Communist Party, says ‘denazification of Ukraine is the only way forward to peaceful and prosperous Europe.’
Washington, Israel, London, Brussels support holocaust with a loving passion. They all watch the holocaust of Palestinian children every day with happiness. THIS CANT BE DENIED !!!!
Sky's deputy political editor Sam Coates spoke to George Galloway who has just been elected MP for Rochdale. He was asked to respond to these words in the PM's speech about extremism: "It is beyond alarming that last night the Rochdale by-election returned a candidate who dismisses the horror of what happened on October 7th, who glorifies Hezbollah and is endorsed by Nick Griffin, the racist former leader of the BNP."
Comment: Replacing whites in Britain with non whites is racism.
George Galloway does not right for whites, he fights for non whites.
George Galloway
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
George Galloway (born 16 August 1954) is a British politician, broadcaster, and writer who has served as Member of Parliament (MP) for Rochdale since the 2024 by-election. He has been the leader of the Workers Party of Britain since he founded it in 2019. Between 1987 and 2010, and between 2012 and 2015, Galloway served as MP for four constituencies, first for the Labour Party and later for the Respect Party, the latter of which he joined in 2004 and led from 2013 until its dissolution in 2016.
Background and education
Galloway was born in Dundee, Scotland. His father, George Galloway Sr., was a Scottish trade unionist, while his mother, Sheila O'Reilly, was of Irish descent.[7][8][9] Initially raised in Lochee, Dundee, he has described himself as "born in an attic in a slum tenement in the Irish quarter of Dundee, which is known as Tipperary".[10] His father began as an electrician, before becoming an electro-mechanical engineer at NCR. After being made redundant, he retrained as a teacher.[11] His mother was a cleaner, and then a factory worker. According to Galloway, his father was patriotic, while his mother had Irish nationalist sympathies, and was critical of perceived British pretensions in the world. He took his mother's side in arguments,[11] and has been a long-time supporter of Sinn Féin and Irish reunification.[12]David Morley, his biographer, has written that people who knew both father and son have said that they shared similar Marxist opinions, common in the local Labour Party movement of the time.[13]
Rochdale Oldham Bolton and many other large towns in the NW are completely overrun with eastern people. Oldham was bad in the 90s, Rochdale was then targeted and is now full to the brim. And bolton looks more like pakistan.
The racism towards Sunak on a daily basis 'little Rishi, his expensive suits, he is a millionaire, he's Hindu, he's not British, he does not represent British' etc and etc are racist comments yet nobody bats an eyelid about that. Galloway is mocking the PM why is he allowed to say this when Sadiq is trying to milk everything by picking at Indian descent Sunak? Sadiq is not short of a bob or two, nor is Galloway. Sunak has not threatened anyone, why doesnt the damned media call it out for what it is......racism towards Sunak and his community?
Those two major parties have failed so many times that only a real moron would have voted for them. Unfortunately UK is full of them. Brits have a very short memory and even that is full of cr@p. That's why they deal with the consequences of a problem instead with the cause of it. There is no way that a new political party no matter with how many great people will never enter the government. The Brits are just too dumb to elect them.
In this video we ask the question "how much money does the Queen of England actually have?" The answer is not straightforward since there are two different estates that are owned by the crown, then there is the queen's personal wealth, personal property, the crown jewels, royal art collection etc...
Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms, died on 8 September 2022 at Balmoral Castle in Scotland, at the age of 96.
British Empire was a drug pushers empire, it sold tons and tons of opium to China in Qing dynasty, taking a shipload of wealth from China, part of the wealth of the Queen belongs to China, at the end she cannot bring with her anyway, easy come, easy go.
No such thing as Royalty...Just a lie made up to control the people. Everything that happens in British parliament is controlled by the Jewish Rothschild's and their puppets Schwab(Jewish), Soros(Jewish), Obamas, Clintons, Bidens (Jewish), Ect
Comment: Civil rights people have used the word equal. It is a code word to practice racism against whites and Jews and other races except black Negroes.
Another code word is “diversity”.
Rothschild and enslavement of African people"
Rothschild the banking family are Jewish.
Lehman Brothers are Jewish.
Lehman Brothers - Wikipedia
Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc was a global financial services firm. Before filing for bankruptcy ... Hong Kong and Australia, as well as Lehman Brothers' investment banking and equities businesses in Europe and the Middle East. ... In 1844, 23-year-old Henry Lehman, the son of a Jewish cattle merchant, emigrated to the ...
JPMorgan -gentile
Report: JP Morgan Chase Allegedly Closed Bank Accounts of ...
May 29, 2019 - JPMorgan Chase is alleged to have shut down bank accounts belonging to customers in the conservative movement – and others on the right ...
"Several institutions have apologised for, or acknowledged, their links to slavery including:
●In March 2002, Deadria C. Farmer-Paellmann, a lawyer and activist, launched an unsuccessful legal action against Aetna , a healthcare benefits company, and others for unjust enrichment through slavery. Legislation in California and Illinois prompted several companies to research their past and some to apologise and make atonement gestures.
●In mid-2000 Aetna, prompted by Ms Farmer-Paellmann, was one of the first to apologise for insurance policies written on slaves 140 years earlier.
●In 2002, New York Life, the insurer, donated documents about the insurance it sold to slave owners in the 1840s to a New York library. It also backed educational efforts.
●In 2005 JPMorgan, the investment bank, apologised that two of its predecessors in Louisiana Citizens Bank and Canal Bank had mortgaged slaves. The bank made its research public and set up a $5m scholarship fund for African- American pupils.
●Lehman Brothers apologised in 2005 for its predecessors links to slavery, while Bank of America said it regretted any actions its predecessors might have taken to support or tolerate slavery. Wachovia Bank, since acquired by Wells Fargo, also apologised for its predecessors having owned and profited from slaves. It set up a programme offering $1bn in loans for black car dealerships. ●In October 2001 students at Yale University pointed out its past links with slavery. The university noted it had already founded the Gilder-Lehrman centre for the study of slavery. Brown University has set up a commission to look into links with slavery and how it should make amends.
●In 2006 Tony Blair, prime minister, expressed deep sorrow for the UKs role in the slave trade.
●Last week the US Senate unanimously passed a resolution apologising for slavery and segregation."
USA Today reported that Wachovia Corporation (now owned by Wells Fargo) has apologized for its ties to slavery after disclosing that two of its historical predecessors owned enslaved Africans and accepted them as payment.
“On behalf of Wachovia Corporation, I apologize to all Americans, and especially to African-Americans and people of African descent,” said Ken Thompson, Wachovia chairman and chief executive officer, in the statement. “We are deeply saddened by these findings.”
N M Rothschild & Sons Bank in London was linked to slavery.The company that was one of the biggest names in the City of Londonhad previously undisclosed links to slavery in the Britishcolonies.Documents seen by the Financial Times have revealed that Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the banking family’s 19th-century patriarch, made personal gains by using enslaved Africans as collateral in dealings with a slave o
"This will surprise those familiar with his role in organising the loan that funded the UK governments bail-out of British slave owners when colonial slavery was abolished in the 1830s. It was the biggest bail-out of an industry as a percentage of annual government expenditure dwarfing last years rescue of the banking sector."...[quote]
That this might conceivably surprise anybody is in its turn surprising. Rothschild was busily working to increase the indebtedness of the British Government since the introduction of the iniquitous "income tax" introduced as an emergency measure to finance the napoleonic war. Rothschild financed the campaign of the Duke of Wellington, which no doubt we are still paying for today as these "loans" are set up with the purpose of bogging countries down in never ending interest payments. Said interest compounding without end. The state of emergency is likely renewed secretly in the yearly budget so that the indecent income tax might be extended. This "loan" is entirely in character with the Rothschilds business plan to slowly extend slavery to the general population.
Think about it for one minute. In the year 1931 the gold standard was ended until resurrected by royal proclamation. The crown was hijacked by the parliamentarians and now resides in Downing Street. This tells us the gold standard will not be reactivated: The political and banking and corporate elites are business partners. Their business is debt.
Because Great Britain is operating in bankruptcy every means of legal tender is actually debt.
This means we have no real way to pay for anything of real value. Herein lies the slavery. For most of us there is no way to fund the cost of living without borrowing: Yet when we borrow we are not actually lent anything. Because of the rules of money creation it is our signature on the contract that creates the credit the banker lends to us. He then leverages it and the same cycle is endlessly repeated until POP the ponzi scheme collapses.
So we work and borrow and worry endlessly, while creating the wealth for the elites who exchange this debt for things of real value, like infrastructure, land, gold, silver etc. It is a fact that we are in slavery, by every definition of that term. They just swapped the whip for the uniform commercial code.
Now that standard is being changed to carbon trading and green taxes and de-industrialisation, and dumbing down right along with prison labour and the bar raised ever higher.
The people surely will not stand for such treatment indefinitely?
Well then, go read what the Nation of Islam wrote "The Blacks and the Jews" - it's all documented. And Yes, it was the Jews that owned, bought, brought the majority of ALL black slaves in the Americas. You seem to forget basic European history, the majority of ALL white people (80% or more in each kingdom) were "Serfs" -- tied to the land as CHATTLE. They were slaves, "serf" is just a nicer name, because they could only be sold with the land. Slave comes from the word SLAV, from Central Europe.
So wait? What about the fact that the "commoners" in the UK were serfs - as well in almost all of Europe - which is a nice term for slavery. It was the Jews who owned the majority of all black slaves, not "white Christians" - to say otherwise is to lie. Even the Nation of Islam has published their findings "The Blacks and the Jews".. Just sayin - if your going to lay blame at someone's feet, get the "ethnicity" right - they have different DNA strains than "white" European (Caucasian) peoples.
The Jews (Rothschild's) were the largest instigators in the slave business. However, they could not have even got started in the industry had it not been for the Africans themselves enslaving one another, selling slaves to other tribes and any person who looked white who had money. Very soon, the upper echelon of blacks had large groups of black slaves on the shores waiting for pick up and a voyage to the UK.
The UK’s thin blue line just got that bit thinner, after a police officer was caught on camera refusing to stop a case of shoplifting and assault happening just 100 meters away.
The incident, which occurred in Sussex, UK, involved a fight between a group of shoplifters and people attempting to stop them. A bystander, who asked the officer for help, was told, ‘I’m not a response unit, unfortunately.’ The bystander replies, ‘I know you’re not, but the sight of the car will make them scatter,’ to which the officer just says, ‘Yeah, but then I’ll have to deal with it.’
Sussex Police have released a statement apologizing for the ‘clumsy language’ used by the officer, promising that the incident was being looked into. This hasn’t stopped widespread anger over the non-response, however, with a former Scotland Yard Detective telling reporters, ‘These officers get paid out of the public purse, they are there to reassure communities, to build bridges with communities and to say something like, ‘if I had to deal with it’ or words to that effect ‘it's not my job,’ is quite frankly appalling.’
I'm guessing that the Brittish Policy Officers are like many Australian Policy Officers, they have sworn an oath to keep the kings peace, not uphold the law, not serve and protect.
Josh Sigurdson reports on the creation of climate lockdowns as the World Economic Forum's "15 Minute City" project is put into effect in multiple cities around the world. The idea of a 15 minute city is the cordoning off of neighborhoods into sections, banning the movement outside of those zones without a permit from the government likely based on your behavior. From Oxfordshire to Barcelona, from Paris to Amsterdam and yes, the United States and Australia, this project is already being rolled out for 2023! With some places implementing metal gates at key roads to block people from leaving their area, others are implementing AI recognition cameras instead, monitoring your every movement and fining you if you break the restriction. We have been predicting this for years and it just happens that it comes out at the same time as the carbon credit system is implemented in a bunch of bank accounts as we also have been predicting for a long time. In the middle of a controlled collapse of the energy grid, the supply chain, the housing market and the overall global economy, the establishment is forcing us into a technocratic Great Reset where one needs to comply with every evil dictate of the state to participate in any way in society. This is a war on humanity and it has JUST begun!
“Invisible Berlin Walls” UK Residents Will Need Permit To Travel Outside Their Neighborhood
Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, October 18, 2022
Whites are held captive by their best traits. Whites want to believe in their countries, histories, and traditions, even when Western governments are run by people who are indifferent or even hostile to them.
In the United States, whites have the highest rates of patriotism. Although the federal government gives blacks and Hispanics preferential treatment, many non-white activists greet Independence Day with scorn or protest. Patriotism is at a record low and is declining even among whites. It’s not surprising. If those in power have contempt for a country’s history and identity, why should the people respect the country? If the ruling class behaves like foreign occupiers, why should it deserve the loyalty of patriots?
It’s worse in the United Kingdom. Britain does not have free speech. Immigrants aredisplacing the indigenous people. Enoch Powell was right; the United Kingdom, unnecessarily, imported an American-style race problem. Stephen Lawrence is today a far more admired figure than Winston Churchill. The spontaneous tributes throughout the UK after the death of Queen Elizabeth II show that England yet lives. However, many non-whites celebrated the Sovereign’s death.
A few months ago, the Royal Air Force imposed an “effective pause” on hiring white men. Instead, the RAF wanted women and non-whites. One courageous female officer resigned in protest.
of humanity. The "New World Order" is an extension
of British and American imperialism which are proxies
for Masonic Jewish mercantilism.
Updated from May 30, 2004
by Henry Makow.Ph.D
Conspiracy theoristsbelieve modern history reflects a long-term conspiracy by an international financial elite to enslave humanity.
Like blind men examining an elephant, we attribute this conspiracy to Jews, Illuminati, Vatican, Jesuits, Freemasons, Black Nobility, and Bildersbergs etc.
The real villains are at the heart of our economic and cultural life. They are the dynastic families who own the Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve and all central banks and associated cartels. They also control the World Bank and IMF and most of the world's Intelligence agencies. Their identity is secret but Rothschild is certainly one of them. The Bank of England was "nationalized" in 1946 but the power to create money remained in the same hands.
England is in fact a financial oligarchy run by the "Crown" which refers to the "City of London" not the Queen. The City of London is run by the Bank of England, a private corporation. The square-mile-large City is a sovereign state located in the heart of greater London. As the "Vatican of the financial world," the City is not subject to British law.
On the contrary, the bankers dictate to the British Parliament. In 1886, Andrew Carnegie wrote that, "six or seven men can plunge the nation into war without consulting Parliament at all." Vincent Vickers, a director of the Bank of England from 1910-1919 blamed the City for the wars of the world. ("Economic Tribulation" (1940) cited in Knuth, The Empire of the City, 1943, p 60)
The British Empire was an extension of bankers' financial interests. Indeed, all the non-white colonies (India, Hong Kong, Gibraltar) were "Crown Colonies." They belonged to the City and were not subject to British law although Englishmen were expected to conquer and pay for them.
The Bank of England assumed control of the U.S. during the T.R. Roosevelt administration (1901-1909) when its agent J.P. Morgan took over 25% of American business. (Anton Chaitkin, Treason in America, 1964)
According to the "American Almanac," the bankers are part of a network called the "Club of the Isles" which is an informal association of predominantly European-based royal households including the Queen. The Club of the Isles commands an estimated $10 trillion in assets. It lords over such corporate giants as Royal Dutch Shell, Imperial Chemical Industries, Lloyds of London, Unilever, Lonrho, Rio Tinto Zinc, and Anglo American DeBeers. It dominates the world supply of petroleum, gold, diamonds, and many other vital raw materials; and deploys these assets at the disposal of its geopolitical agenda.
Historian Jeffrey Steinberg could be referring to the West in general when he writes, "England, Scotland, Wales, and, especially, Northern Ireland, are today little more than slave plantations and social engineering laboratories, serving the needs of ...the City of London..."
These families constitute a financier oligarchy; they are the power behind the Windsor throne. They view themselves as the heirs to the Venetian oligarchy, which infiltrated and subverted England from the period 1509-1715, and established a new, more virulent, Anglo-Dutch-Swiss strain of the oligarchic system of imperial Babylon, Persia, Rome, and Byzantium....
The City of London dominates the world's speculative markets. A tightly interlocking group of corporations, involved in raw materials extraction, finance, insurance, transportation, and food production, controls the lion's share of the world market, and exerts virtual ``choke point'' control over world industry."
Steinberg belongs to a group of historians associated with economist Lyndon Larouche. They have traced this scourge to the migration of the Venetian mercantile oligarchy to England more than 300 years ago.
Although the Larouche historians do not say so, it appears that many members of this oligarchy were Jews. Cecil Roth writes: "The trade of Venice was overwhelmingly concentrated in the hands of the Jews, the wealthiest of the mercantile class." (The History of the Jews in Venice, 1930)
As William Guy Carr points out in Pawns in the Game, both Oliver Cromwell and William of Orange were funded by Jewish bankers. The English Revolution (1649) was the first in a series of revolutions designed to give them world hegemony. The establishment of the Bank of England by William in 1694 was the next crucial step. Behind the facade, England has been a "Jewish" state for over 300 years. (pp.20-24)
The Jewish banking families made it a practice to marry their female offspring to spendthrift European aristocrats. In Jewish law, the mixed offspring of a Jewish mother is Jewish. (The male heirs marry Jews although the Victor and Jacob Rothschild are exceptions .) For example, in 1878 Hannah Rothschild married Lord Rosebery. who later became Prime Minister. In 1922 Louis Mountbatten, the uncle of Prince Philip and cousin of the Queen married the granddaughter of Jewish banker Ernest Cassel, one of the wealthiest men in the world. Winston Churchill's mother, Jenny (Jacobson) Jerome, was Jewish. By the beginning of the 1900s, there were very few English aristocrat families left that hadn't intermarried with Jews. It was said that, when they visited the Continent, Europeans were surprised to see Jewish looking persons with English titles and accents.
According to L.G. Pine, the Editor of Burke's Peerage, Jews "have made themselves so closely connected with the British peerage that the two classes are unlikely to suffer loss which is not mutual. So closely linked are the Jews and the lords that a blow against the Jews in this country would not be possible without injuring the aristocracy also." (Tales of the British Aristocracy1957, p.219.)
If they aren't Jewish by intermarriage, many European aristocrats consider themselves descendants of Biblical Hebrews. The Hapsburgs are related by marriage to the Merovingians who claim to be descendants of the Tribe of Benjamin.
In addition, many aristocrats belong to the "British Israel" Movement that believes the British sovereign is the head of the Anglo Saxon "Lost Tribes" of Israel and that the Apocalypse will see the full reconstitution of the British Empire.
According to Barbara Aho, Rosicrucians and Freemasons, who believe in British Israelism, have a plan to place one of their bloodline on the throne of the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. This positioning of a false messiah whom the world will worship as Christ has been carefully planned and executed over many centuries.
According to Barry Chamish, "there would be no modern state of Israel without British Freemasonry. In the 1860s, the British-Israelite movement was initiated from within Freemasonry. Its goal was to establish a Jewish-Masonic state in the Turkish province of Palestine...Initially, British Jewish Masonic families like the Rothschilds and Montefiores provided the capital to build the infrastructure for the anticipated wave of immigration. However, luring the Jews to Israel was proving difficult. They, simply, liked European life too much to abandon it. So Europe was to be turned into a nightmare for the Jews."
I wasted much of my life getting a conventional education, so I am beginning my education anew.
It appears that a vampire-like clique directs the world. This secretive cabal is represented by our dominant political, economic and cultural institutions. Western society has been subverted and western culture is bankrupt. Democracy is a form of social control and the mass media/ education are systems for indoctrination.
Essentially the problem boils down to whether we believe man was made in God's image and has an obligation to lift himself to a higher level of truth, beauty and justice. Naturally monopolists want to define reality to suit their own interests. They have taught us that God is dead and man is just a fancy animal without a divine soul. Culture today tends to deny standards, ideals and goals of any kind. Instead, we are fed an endless diet of sawdust - trivia, nihilism and depravity.
Some people have coined the expression "camouflaged dictatorship" to describe western "Democracies". And it seems pretty acurate... After Meloni, here comes Truss ! As deceptive as their "Rule based Order" !
I've come to the point of realisation. Jews have run the world from the shadows, since it's beginning. There's no way - we non Jews or whatever. Could have crawled as far as we have, without them upon our backs.
Readers, if you would actually like to know what Zionism is, look up Theodor Herzl. If you want to know the Zionist plan for the world, read THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION. Zionism has nothing to do with the descendants of Shem. Zionism has nothing to do with the descendants of Jacob. Zionism is the establishment of the rule of the supreme race, the Ashkenazi Jew. They misappropriated the term, Jew, again not a trace of Jacob’s DNA in them. They follow the Satanic books called the Talmud, no relevancy to Torah. Want to know what the Ashkenazi Jew thinks of Christians and Jesus, look it up, it’s all there in Talmud. Want to know the plans the super race Ashkenazi Jew has for the Goyim, it’s all spelled out in Talmud and The Protocol. Who runs the world
The U.K. Health Security Agency quietly published data showing that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths have increased among the vaccinated population but declined in the unvaccinated in England.
In all, the reports stated that the vaccinated population now accounts for 90 percent of all COVID-19 deaths, with the triple-vaccinated making up 76 percent of those deaths.
Between January 31 and February 27, there had been a total of 1,090,929 confirmed COVID-19 cases in England, and the triple vaccinated accounted for 615,949 of them. On the other hand, the non-vaccinated population accounted for only 244,313 cases, with 169,482 among them children.
Overall, the vaccinated population accounted for 846,616 (78 percent) of COVID-19 cases.
There had been 7,931 confirmed COVID-19 hospitalizations between January 31 and February 27, with the triple vaccinated accounting for 4,558 of them. The non-vaccinated accounted for 1,832, with 812 of them among children.
Even so, this information does not make any sense when looking at historical data as children have never been at high risk for COVID-19. Furthermore, omicron is much less severe compared to the delta variant, which is why it is questionable why so many of the hospitalizations are among children.
It is possible that the National Health Service (NHS) and the U.K. Health Security Agency (UKHSA) are fudging figures now that the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) has outrageously recommended all children 5 to 11 years old to be offered COVID-19 vaccines. There may also be mass testing of children already hospitalized for other injuries to give the impression that experimental COVID-19 vaccinations would benefit them greatly.
When including children in hospitalization figures, it is found that the vaccinated population accounted for 77 percent of all COVID-19 hospitalizations between January 31 and February 27. In numbers that don’t include the children, the vaccinated population accounted for as much as 86 percent of all COVID-19 hospitalizations among the over-18 age range.
Their titles bring entitlement, but how much should the British royal family be allowed to exploit that privilege?
The latest shadow cast over the Windsors comes from accusations they can – and are – being bought.
The timing couldn't be worse with increasing fears for 95-year-old Queen Elizabeth's health. But as you'll see, some very curious characters have been doing some dubious deals, including with senior Royals, who appear to act as if cash for cachet is perfectly acceptable.
Prince Charles is taking control of the British Empire and declared war to enforce the Great Reset lockdown of society.
Jimmy Savile on the right.
Savile is pronounced "Savle" ...(It's a well known thing over here that Americans can't pronounce our names/locations/phrases) ? But it's funny that Jimmy Savile has "vile" in his name. I've also heard Alex pronounce "lurgy" wrong too (I'm like 90% sure on this) we pronounce it like "Furgy" It's like the whole Jif & Gif thing ?
JimmySavile (1926-2011) was an English media personality who, during his lifetime, was well known in the United Kingdom for his eccentricities and was generally respected for his charitable work. He was knighted in 1990. In late 2012, almost a year after his death, reports surfaced that Savile had sexually abused hundreds of individuals throughout his life, with alleged male and female ...
JewishJimmySavile, Celeb & Royal Pedos? A number of online sources suggest that JimmySavilewasJewish. His looks are odd enough for this to be the case. He got on exceedingly well in show biz, was shielded from these allegations over decades and had many close Jewish friends. He got a medal from Israel, for services rendered, in 1979 http ...
The slave trade was the horrific trafficking of Africans as slaves to the Americas, Europe and Middle East. Between 1500 AD and 1890 AD, over twenty-two million (22,000,000) Africans were sold into slavery. Seven million (6,856,000) were sold east: 3,956,000 were sold across the Sahara and 2,900,000 were sold across the Red sea and the Indian Ocean. Fifteen million (15,000,000) were trafficked across the Atlantic. 70% of all Africans sold into slavery in the Americas were transported by Portugal and Britain.
Several African nations played a crucial role in this Atlantic slave trade, they provided the slaves to the coasts.
The slave trade was a horrific event that exploited the people of Africa for personal and material gains. It is sad that many African states took part in this unfortunate and tragic exploitation of people for material gains.
The stain of slavery set Africa back decades and had a huge impact on the African.
This interview affected me. I shared it as far as i could but i got suspended on twitter. I am trying to get my parents to not get the jnj booster but they are scared and tired of being locked up in fear. What this guy said is 100% true: It's population reduction&killing old white people&undersirables. How can anyone do this? This is why they closed hospitals to anyone. NO witnesses. It is horrific. Note the repeated references to placebos. I've heard this from other sources too. Not everyone is getting the actual "vax". this would include CONGRESS, BIDEN&VP.
Jewish Supremacists Zionist Globalist Admit White Genocide Is Their Objective
Jews will one minute kvetch about “conspiracy theorists” who say jews are out to destroy White people, while the next minute they are admitting that’s their goal.
Zionist Globalist Jews do not want Refugees going Israel; they want them to go to all whites’ countries, Britain, United States, Canada, Australia, Zealand and Europe.
Zionist Globalist Jews do not want Refugees going Israel; they want to go to all whites’ countries, United States, Canada, Australia, Zealand and Europe.
COVID Vaccine Passport company ENTRUST and their rich NAZI heritage.
These comments are funny, it was just another chapter in history for an empire to take over a people and then to fall, the Ottoman Empire, mongol empire, Persian empire, moor empire etc ruled over a people, enslaved, killed oppressed and treated its subjects like second class human subjects, they did so before my European ancestors were still living in straw huts etc. the Roman Empire oppressed its own European brothers, inspiring them to build empires of their own and oppress others, same goes from around the world. Today Indians, Pakistanis, blacks come over to my country and act like their lands were peaceful, no one ruled over no one, there was no slavery, your people lived healthy and happy lives before the whites brought over this never practice nor heard of empire and oppressed your people. I am not sorry for what my ancestors did, well... Mine were irish that were most likely slaves them selfs, but humans have been doing this since we evolved into humans. Just another chapter in human history
The only British who benefited from the Empire were the upper classes, who exploited everybody else. Working class British were treated no better than colonial subjects. Average life expectancy of workers in the heavy industries was sometimes as low as 28,and attempts to improve their quality of life were often met with military force, as when Churchill sent soldiers to South Wales during a railway workers strike and four bystanders were shot dead, in 1911. Most working class folk didn't care about the Empire because they didn't benefit from it.
The British did not invent Imperialism, usually they just took over from whatever rotted out system they found in place. True, Englishmen had no right imposing their will and profitable institutions on Indians but let us not pretend that India was some kind of paradise before the Brits arrived. Every tragedy that happened under the Raj had happened before, from famines to massacres. And the English may have put Ghandi in jail but it took another Indian to kill him.
During talks with FDR and Stalin during the WW2, Churchill insisted that the United Kingdom's empire remain intact. He even proposed an extended war in Africa so that the UK could take all of Germany's and Italy's colonies there. However, it was FDR that insisted that imperialism was what led to both WW1 and WW2 and that he would withdraw America's support if Churchill continued to press the matter. In the end, it was a former colony (the United States) which brought about the end of UK's empire.
Tommy goes on to show the duplicity and schemes of mainstream media in the UK.
Tommy Robinson won the Sappho award in Denmark. This is a video of his acceptance speech at the Danish Parliament hosted by the Free-Press Society. Tommy goes on to show the duplicity and schemes of mainstream media. Tommy also exposes the agenda of silicon valley, their grip on social media and their censorious inclinations, aided and abetted by powerful politicians in the UK.
When will the American people wake up? Are Americans really this stupid? Obviously if most of them are falling for this Covid hoax or any other virus for that matter, they're all are fake. Viruses don't work how they're telling us. Just like the NAZI's burned books to hide the truth, silicon valley is doing the same exact thing, but with the internet. They put their lies at the top of every search and are cleaning the internet of any signs of where the truth is told, on top of censoring doctors and anybody else who tries to tell people the honest truth. How the woke americans are allowing this? I have no idea? But If we just stand by and do nothing to stop this psychological war they've launched against the people we are all fu*ked! I refuse to live in a world where me & my family will be forced to do anything we don't want to do, especially shooting poison vaccines into our bodies forcefully. Not gonna happen, over my dead body!
Hey, Tommy, your capital city, London, is now majority non-White, when are you going to talk about that??? Alice14
England’s Jewish Aristocracy May 24, 2019 by Henry Makow PhD. Did you know that Simon Cowell, the acerbic judge on American Idol, is half-Jewish? British Jews keep a low profile but they are extremely influential. Similarly, it is hardly known that the British aristocracy largely is half-Jewish too, and that, in the words of L.G. … Continue reading England’s Jewish Aristocracy
"Susan Michie, Communist Party member and ex-wife of one of Jeremy Corbyn’s closest advisers, donated £14,000 to Corbyn’s Labour Party, according to Electoral Commission records."
Michie’s mother died in 2007, leaving £52 million behind in her will. Her brother, Jonathan Michie, described as “hard Left”, was close friends with Seumas Milne, Corbyn’s director of strategy, at Balliol, Oxford, in the 1970s. In March this year the Communist Party joined Labour and Momentum for a meeting entitled “Working With Labour For a Socialist Future”. Michie gave a speech saying: “The Communist Party and the Labour Left have much in common.”
Another Jewish supremacist campaigning and lobbying to replace British people and British culture. Degenerate Israeli ‘artist’ Gil Doron actively campaigns for mass immigration into the UK and seeks to replace the UK flag with with his multi-cultural propaganda flag.
That’s nice, so after all what Britain has done for Jews, kill half the planet, burning Germans alive, cleared the land of Palestine, putting Boers in Concentration Camps, being a vessel for organized world Jewry until 1945, this how they show gratitude? Well no surprise, Zionist terrorists bombed and beheaded british soldiers in Palestine after WW2, maybe the same soldiers hat “liberated” these demons in Germany a few years back. What a nice people they are and always have been.
The palace did a very good job in containing and protecting him in past cause honestly now that he is alone you can clearly see how idiot he is and how difficult it is to control him.
There are 48,000 illegals being housed in hotels and other accommodation across Britain.
[Laura Towler, Deputy Leader of Patriotic Alternative, talks about the ongoing, and ramped up, invasion of Britain via Channel crossings by thousands of non-Whites, that has been exposed recently by Nigel Farage.
Laura describes the investigations of Nigel Farage and how he says there are 48,000 illegals being housed in hotels and other accommodation across Britain, that is estimated to cost 4 billion pounds over 10 years.
Although this illegal invasion is insignificant in numbers when compared to the “legal” invasion, normally arriving by plane (around 6,000 per week?) it demonstrates the treasonous intention of the “establishment” against the British people. She then gets to the question of why this decades long invasion of aliens (non-Whites) with their incompatible, destructive ways, whether legal or illegal, has happened and has been “tolerated” by the British people, so far. It has happened for what no one wants to know, a horrible truth, almost incomprehensible for most, and that is the political parties are a charade, directed from behind the scenes by (((globalists))) whose intent is to reduce the British people to nothing, a tiny minority in their own country, if that. The same process is occurring across all White countries across the West, in a coordinated plan.
And as part of this process of destroying the British people they have harnessed with diabolical cynicism, through decades of brainwashing, the people’s sense of altruism, turning a good trait into a deadly pathology that will destroy them if not shaken off.
Laura ends with: “Patriotic Alternative stands up for the rights of British people in our own home, and will never give an inch to those who say we should debase ourselves in the service of other peoples, who care nothing for us! Our movement is unashamed to fight for the rights of native Britons in our own home. And to defend ourselves against those who are working to our detriment.” — KATANA]
What if the pandemic was just a cover to keep all other people inside and out of hotels while they use the hotels to house all those migrants all over the nation and give them special tours of the city? If it was really a pandemic on such a scale then the rules and restrictions would apply to everyone. Something definitely doesn't add up.
Rulers have no power over the people, they never had even past tyrants knew that. It was only the fear instilled in the populace that allowed them to rule.
There is always a spark to set off the torch of freedom in a world filled with tyrants. The failure of the tyrants is apparent in the UK. What about the rest of us. Do you go out when and where you want? Do you go everywhere, mask free? Do you speak out with truth when questioned by the order-followers? Everywhere, I go, they try to force compliance. I always refuse all things that will cause me harm. When you stand your ground and reverse the role on them they freely admit, they are being coerced to attempt force against others for fear of losing their jobs. Perhaps, the tide will finally turn when we all say No, to any and all demands from the Fourth Reich, FASCISTS AND COMMUNISTS ALIKE. They have no power over the people, they never had. Even past tyrants knew that. It was only the fear instilled in the populace that allowed them to force. Remove the order-followers from the equation and those that think they are at the top, suddenly find themselves underfoot, being ground into the dirt. The common law has served humanity well as long as the soul as allowed to be free, along with a critical mind that thinks for itself, guided by your soul. I fear, though, that many have lost their way in this monumental struggle of good against evil. The path is clear for those that open mind and eyes to see it. Peace
Freedom of speech' no longer exist' in Britain
Many people, including British people, think they live in a democracy and have free speech. However, many are starting to realize this is not the case. Most people know the British Empire ruled most of the world. The Empire did many good things and did many bad things. Examples of the good were introducing medicine that saved millions, built railways, advanced technology, planes, and cars, which reached many parts of the world.
Today many people blame the whites for the slave trade and other objectionable things. Still, we must remember that the average British person who lived in Britain had no say in what policies the government created regarding other races, cultures, and countries. It is true even today that the British people have no say in what is promoted by the government today and during the time of the British Empire.
During the British Empire period and even today, many British people live in poverty, receiving many benefits from the exploitation of the Empire. All the decisions regarding the Empire and the slave trade were made by the royal family and the Elite corporations that still run Britain today.
The Elite groups, including the city of London, have total control over the banks, media, police, and the country. The City of London is the most potent and financial center in the world. The Royal Family, the Jewish community, and politicians who do not represent the average British person are leading white Britain's down the road to total replacement and destruction.
British Media is Globalist controlled. Many of the media companies are either Jewish owned or have Jewish Ceo's and the information coming from these media companies is treason and hate against the white British people. They have been promoting the great replacement and open borders.
Who controls media, controls public opinion, because many politicians have been turned into cowards, even though they're white themselves, they will not defend their people or their own children. There are some gentiles who work in the media companies, but they have been selected by the media managers and will not defend themselves, their family, or their people. This also includes Jews; there are good Jews in Britain who love Britain and love to be white, and don’t want to be replaced by people from other countries.
The BBC promotes hate all over Britain and throughout the world, this creates racism and hate towards white people. The average white person cannot do anything about it and only protest against this type of hate through the internet or local protest.
Another very influential person and company in Brittan is Rupert Murdoch, a Zionist Jew, in which he has little to no regard for white people. The most influential Jewish organization in Britain who has a lot of influence is the British Board of Deputies, who promotes open borders in Britain and has no regard for white Jews or white gentiles.
There are many powerful people in the city of London, including the British royal families, who also have no regard for British whites. These groups of people are what we refer to as Globalists, and they have much influence in Britain going back hundreds of years.
These Globalists are also involved in the African slave trade and the conquering of other empires through the British Empire. The average British person is no more than a slave because they have no power. They have the illusion of freedom, yet are walking on a controlled path. The people have no powerful organizations because they have been conditioned to think of themselves as conservatives, and nationalism is only promoted through war and dispensers, and the other time the media promotes conservatism, and this type of thinking stops the British people to build powerful organizations.
Stringent government control and oppressive social media platforms are forcing Australians to self-censor themselves, according to controversial media personality Katie Hopkins. Ms Hopkins, who is known for her strident support of Donald Trump and Boris Johnson, says social media giants like Twitter and Facebook often punish those whose views fall out of the mainstream. She told Sky News freedom of speech, which was once the bedrock of democracy, "no longer exists" in many western nations. "Frankly, no one would defend freedom of speech to their death because we (Australia and the UK) don't have it anymore," she said. "Good Australians that I know and I love, they self-censor everywhere they go because they can no longer speak about how they think or how they feel. "It's the mechanism of control."
I'm disgusted that Europeans are so fucking slow to wake up to the reality of what is happening!!! this is a death sentence if it's not rapidly stopped asap.
Well, if the govs refuse to protect the citizens in WE, they must do it themselves. 2nd Amendment incl ACTIVE ARMED MILITIAS taking care of security in THEIR neighborhoods. NO matter the price.
The UK Police are corrupt to the core, they enable pedophilia in the UK. They protect muslims rape gangs and also elite child pedophile networks in london. The MET have covered up this for decades and the "government" do nothing. The common man, woman and child mean fuck all to these parasites and it's about time we held these parasites to account. BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
The British ((foreign)) government are guilty of vast filthy abuses & crimes against Children Curious about 'foreign' aspect?..These ((filthy bastards)) are not part of our Culture or people. But ((they)) are responsible for the flooding of Europe & Britain with scum Criminals ..They own Government
we will fight to the end no matter what...Sun Tzu - 'Build your opponent a golden bridge to retreat across.' This is cos those that have no hope left can achieve incredible things and history is full of battles won due to this; we have nowhere to retreat to.
The British Police are a disgrace. They work for certain chosen groups, the left, and the rainbow people. They see the native British people as the enemy.
The British Police are quite clearly involved in a long term criminal conspiracy throughout the UK involving the most disgusting crimes - those against children; if we had US statues they could be jailed for the rest of their lives under the RICO statue but of course we don't have that and anyway there is NO ONE in this country to bring them to justice...
you know what the problem is in the UK and pretty much every western state? The rulers are NOT the ones you see on the telly our front making speeches running for office or preaching from the media or halls of academia. The Rulers are the ones calling the tune that all those others dance to. The REAL rulers are the ones that hold the power of the Pound the Dollar and the Euro. And the big problem is not just that they control the money which in itself is a disaster, it is that they are WILLFULLY EVIL. These people are SATANISTS. These people are all members of the familial based secret society that was formed of the union of the Rothschild Banking House, the Order of the Illuminati, and the Sabbatean-Frankist Luciferian Cult. They are willfully performing every action that every righteous man and woman on earth knows in their bones is diabolically Evil and a Sin before ANY GOD. These people worship a demon and they behave like demons. They cannot be reformed only exposed and destroyed. They are doing everything in their power to bring about the Armageddon of the Human Race as fast as they can and they are getting away with it.
The Pavlovian trick
The Pavlovian trick to stop people from questioning multicultural, multi-racial societies is labeled as "racist". This has been extensively used over the years. It is currently used against Donald Trump who campaigns for the rights of all people in America, i.e. blacks, whites, Latinos - so how can he be a racist? It is also used against black Americans, who support Trump and who are fighting for black rights. The so-called right-wing, until only a few years ago, mistakenly call themselves "racist", when in fact, what they were trying to fight for their race. Once they used that description, they lost the fight in the courts and the fight for white rights was lost, until recently, when people started to realize that this was a Pavlovian trick used to stop people from questioning the left-wing Socialist Establishment.
The so-called "Right" did not build a community base or an Anti-Defamation League to fight for their rights. To date, this has still not been done. They have to build community-based organizations, nationally and internationally connected, to bring in the structure and funds to challenge the Globalists in the courts. Until this is done successfully, they will win early and in the long run, will lose.
Increasingly, Alt-rights are thinking beyond national borders and think as a nationalist world mindset, campaigning for white rights around the world. They are simultaneously becoming very knowledgeable on this subject. For instance, you will find many people who live in outside the United States who are very well-informed on the American Constitution. Similarly, Jews are "nationalist" on an international basis. Many Alt-Rights see birth rates decreasing in a country, or minorities being persecuted, they feel the pain and with this type of thinking, we hope that we will move to the point of national organizations moving to an international structure where they can fight for rights by using organization, Internet media sites and Congresses et.
" TEXT: Most of the generation Trump, the alt-right people, the people who are like me, they’re not anti-Semites. They don’t care about Jews. They might have some assumptions about Jews, they might have some prejudices about Jews. Like the Jews run everything—well we do. That the Jews run all the banks—well, we do. That the Jews run the media—well, we do!"
Anti-Semitism is an artificial construct created to silence critics of the Jews, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said.
Anyone who hates the Jewish people is Anti-Semitic. In reality, however, many New World Order/Globalists who are members of the Jewish organization are Zionists and have no regard for the Jewish community. They use their organizations as a smokescreen to push their ideas and agendas, and call any person who exposes or disagrees with their agendas anti-Semitic.
Israel minister, " We always use the anti-Semitism trick or bring up the Holocaust." Shulamit Alui shows how the Zionist lobby does not represent all Jews or Israel.
Anti-Semitism is just a way to stop criticism of Jewish criminality.
The Jews have an almost total grip on the media in Britain, systematically, constantly and intensely feeding their propaganda and example to almost everyone in Britain, which is nothing new. With this media, they are uniformly, deliberately, systematically, constantly and intensely promoting both the transformation and permanent destruction of Britain into a multiracial, “multicultural” state, and also the interests of the so-called “state of Israel”, against the wishes and interests of the native British people. The television medias that they control broadcast into almost every home in Britain, all day, every day. BBC television under the Jew Alan Yentob broadcasts into almost every home all day, every day. Likewise ITV, which is controlled by Carlton Communications plc under the Jew Michael Green and by Granada plc under the Jew Steve Morrison, each of which broadcasts to regions of 26 million, half of the population, or more, all day, every day. Daytime television across the ITV network, which broadcasts to the whole of Britain, every day, is mainly provided by Anglia Television under the Jew Graham Creelman, while the rest of the time it is controlled by the regions controlled by Carlton Communications plc and Granada plc. Likewise ITN, which provides the news for the ITV network every day, is controlled by the Jew Michael Green and its programmes are broadcast to the whole of Britain, while Carlton and Granada jointly own the London News Network. Further, BSkyB controlled by the Jew Rupert Murdoch broadcasts to over 10 million subscribers and their families every day. Meanwhile, the main two production studios in Britain, and the largest in Europe, are controlled by Pinewood-Shepperton Limited, controlled by the Jew Michael Grade. The situation is similar in radio, with all BBC radio stations controlled by the Jewess Jenny Abramsky, alone accounting for 49% of all radio listening in Britain, every day. Further, in total, over 85 million copies of Jewish controlled newspapers are sold in Britain every week, controlled by the Jew, Richard Desmond, the Jew Rupert Murdoch, the Jew Guy Zitter, the openly Shabbat Goy and rabidly Zionist Conrad Black and Mrs Black, who is the Jewess Barbara Amiel. They deliberately, constantly, systematically and intensely use this media to promote the multiracial and “multicultural” transformation of Britain against the wishes of the British people. That is treachery, treason, of a terrific magnitude. Along with mass, coloured immigration, they are also deliberately encouraging mass inter-racial marriage, race-mixing, which will mean the extinction of our race. It is genocide. We must break the Jewish yoke if our race is to survive.
We shall first consider their control of television and of radio, and then of the press; finally we shall give a summary of our findings. All data contained in the study are accurate as of May 2002.
Television and Radio
ITV – Jewish Controlled
It had always supposedly been a principle of ITV, since its foundation in 1955, that unlike the BBC, each company involved could only hold a franchise to broadcast to a single region and that these franchises were to be reviewed every couple of years. But in 1993, the Jew Michael Green, who is the founder and Chairman of Carlton Communications plc, along with the Jewish Saatchi brothersof the advertising giants Saatchi and Saatchi, aggressively campaigned to have the independence of the ITV regions abolished, with the Government agreeing. At present, the ITV network is divided into fourteen regions, all of which are controlled by two Jewish controlled companies, Carlton Communications plc and Granada plc, except for the less populous regions of Scotland, Ulster and the Channel Islands. Carlton controls Central, London, West Country and HTV Wales and West: while Granada controls Anglia, Border, Granada, London Weekend, Meridian, Tyne Tees and Yorkshire.
In April 2001, Carlton Communications plc and Granada plc announced proposals for partnership in a new ITV company, which will put the entire ITV network under the control of a single Jewish controlled ITV company. New Labour have announced, May 2002, that present laws which would prohibit such a merger are to be changed in their Communications Bill. The new company will simply have control of ITV, ITV2, and a new ITV Sport Channel. Michael Green, the Jewish Chairman of Carlton Communications plc, boasted of the new monopoly that: “ITV will now leapfrog the BBC and Sky with this new partnership. A combined free-to-air and pay television audience of 50 million viewers a week offering entertainment, the Internet and e-commerce is a world first.” Steve Morrison, the Jewish Chief Executive of Granada plc, commented: “This agreement will fuel the growth and evolution of ITV and unlock the full potential of our assets in the digital age. ITV's strong content brands, like Coronation Street, Popstars, Survivor and Who Wants to be a Millionaire? will be exploited across all channels, making ITV the home of entertainment for everyone, everywhere.” As things are, each of the companies broadcasts to 26 million people, half of the country, or more. Kosher TV.
Carlton Communications plc – Jewish Controlled
The Jew Michael Philip Green is the founder and Chairman of Carlton Communications plc, floated on the London Stock Exchange in February 1983, and has a personal “salary” of £892,000 and a personal fortune of £124 million. Carlton has a turnover of £2.1 billion, and in A. D. 2000 reported pre-tax profits of £342m, while Green has a “salary” of £892,000 per year and a staff of 3000. Carlton is a media company, dealing in free and pay television, the making and distribution of programmes, as well as in interactive television and the internet. It owns over 40 per cent of the ITV network, which is by far the UK's largest commercial broadcaster, and thereby presently broadcasts to 26 million people in the United Kingdom. Its ITV channels are: Central, London, West Country and HTV Wales and HTV West. Its Carlton Channels division also includes 50% of London News Network, 25% of GMTV and 20% of ITN. Carlton Productions is a major producer for ITV, producing drama, entertainment, factual, factual entertainment, comedy and children’s titles, investing over £200m a year in producing new television programmes for ITV, BBC, Channel 4, Channel 5 and digital channels. It includes the producer Planet 24, responsible for Gay Time TV, and the supplier of game show formats Action Time. Carlton International controls and sells a library of 2,000 films and 18, 000 hours of television programmes to over 100 countries. Carlton America produces seventeen films for television each year. According to the Media Guardian, July 16, 2001: “His future power is inextricably linked to the future of ITV, which will become a single company in the not too distant future.” He was quoted in the Jewish Chronicle as declaring that: “I am very aware of being Jewish.” Kosher TV.
ITN – Jewish Controlled
Green is also Director of ITN, which provides the news for the ITV network, of GMTV Limited and of Thomson multimedia in France. He is also Chairman of the Media Trust. Kosher TV.
Granada plc – Jewish Controlled
In the year ending 30th September 2000, Granada plc had a turnover of £5,447 million and made operating profits of £123 million. Like its partner Carlton Communications plc, Granada is a media company, dealing in television broadcasting and production, pay and digital TV. The company owns seven of the ITV stations: Anglia, Border, Granada, London Weekend, Meridian, Tyne Tees and Yorkshire. It broadcasts to 60% of Britain’s homes. Its other ITV investments are ITN (20%), GMTV (25%), London News Network (50%), and the Scottish Media Group (18.1%), which controls Grampian, and Scottish. Granada Creative produces nearly 9000 hours of original television programmes and films per year, which it sells to more than 120 countries and makes in five countries worldwide. It made 60 % of the ITV Network’s original programmes, in A. D. 2000, and 83 % of its best-rating ones.
The Jew Steve Morrison is Chief Executive of Granda plc. He joined Granada Television in 1974, was made Director of Programmes in 1987, and was appointed Managing Director of Granada in 1993, Managing Director of LWT in 1994, Chairman of the ITV Marketing Group and of Laser Sales in 1995, and Chief Operating Officer of Granada Media Group in 1996. He is also Governor of the National Film and Television School. He is set on permanent joint domination of the entire ITV network with his fellow Jew Michael Green. Kosher TV.
Anglia Television – Jewish Controlled
Also worthy of mention within the ITV network is Anglia Television, now part of the Granada Media Group. Broadcasting to the East of England, covering nine counties from the Wash to the Thames and westwards to Northamptonshire, Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire, of which it is the most watched television channel, it has its own audience of over four million. However, as a producer, Anglia is the major provider of daytime and religious programmes for the entire ITV Network and also produces documentaries.
The Jew Graham Creelman has been Managing Director of Anglia Television since 1996. He is also Chairman of Anglia Multimedia, Chair of Eastern Screen, and Chair of East of England Cultural Consortium. Before joining Anglia, he was a current affairs producer for BBC Television, and specialised in politics. Kosher TV.
BBC TV – Jewish Controlled
The present Director General of the BBC is Greg Dyke, who is thought to be a Shabbats Goy. He was appointed by the fanatically muliticulti New Labour Government, to which Party he had donated over £50, 000 in the preceding five years. He was previously Chairman of Pearson Broadcasting plc, who then owned Thames Television, and while there he left its day-to-day running to the Managing Director, the Jew Tony Cohen. Dyke is well known for his fanatical anti-white crusade. He complained during his interview on BBC Radio Scotland’s The Mix show on January 7, 2001 that, “I think the BBC is hideously white.” And I had thought it was hideously Jewish, like the rest of the world’s media! He has made the negress Linda Mitchell Head of Diversity at the BBC, with the task of ensuring that the BBC fully reflects “the diversity of the United Kingdom” in its programmes and workforce. Dyke explained at a Race in the Media conference, that his crusade to enlarge the ethnic representation of the BBC is the “acid test” of his tenure. We do not think that Dyke has much to worry about on that score.
The Jew Alan Yentob is Director of Drama, Entertainment and Children’s Programmes for all of BBC televisionwith a personal staff of 1392 and a salary of £213,000. He formerly had the title of Director of Television from 1997 to 2000 and before that, Director of Programmes. According to Broadcast magazine in 1996, his former title gave him “control over all non-news BBC programmes including those for satellite channels and those in English for the World Service.” Judging by his new title, one does not suppose much has changed. He is a close personal friend of the Jew Michael Green who owns Carlton plc and of the Jew Michael Grade, Chairman of Pinewood-Shepperton Limited, whom we shall meet soon. They holidayed together in the Caribbean and, together with the Jew Charles Saatchi, are referred to by insiders as the “St. John's Wood Mafia”. For good measure the atheist Jew, Alan Bookbinder was appointed the BBC's new Head of Religion and Ethics in July 2001. Kosher TV.
The BBC, like the rest of the supposedly British media, is fully geared to the all-out promotion of “multiculturalism”. Its Producers' Guidelines specify to its potential programme producers that: “People from all groups should be represented in the full range of our programmes. [...] BBC programmes should not categorise black people as criminals. [...] Colour should be mentioned only when it is relevant. Ask yourself each time: would you say “white” in similar circumstances? [...] Programmes must not allow offensive assumptions or generalisations in scripted material, and interviewees who express them need to be challenged wherever possible. [...] BBC programmes must not be vehicles for prejudice. Lesbians and gay men can be particularly subject to thoughtless and offensive stereotyping. [...] Programmes must not allow offensive assumptions or generalisations in scripted material, and interviewees who express them need to be challenged with vigour. [...] Be sensitive to the effect of language. 'Homosexual' has wide currency. 'Gay and lesbian' is often preferred and is certainly acceptable.” Kosher TV
BBC Radio – Jewish Controlled
The Jewess Jenny Abramsky is Director of BBC Radio and Music and has control of all of BBC Radios 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Live, and of the BBC's digital radio operation. Abramsky is the most powerful executive in radio in the UK, public service or commercial: with control of the five national radio stations she oversees 49% of all radio listening in Britain. She has an annual programming budget of £290 million, a staff of 600 and takes home £258, 000. She has spent over 30 years in BBC Radio, only taking a two-year break as Director of the BBC Continuous News Services. Abramsky has also been a Governor of the British Film Industry since February 2000. The BFI Annual Review for the year 1999-2000 states: “We embarked on a series of initiatives to establish cultural diversity as a core value across the BFI”. They have established the Towards Visibility campaign as part of their “cultural diversity strategy”. She received the accolade of “Woman of Distinction” from Jewish Care in 1990. Kosher Radio.
BSkyB – Jewish Controlled
British Sky Broadcasting is also a significant television broadcaster in the United Kingdom, and a part of the global media empire, News Corporation, ofthe Jew Rupert Murdoch, son of Elizabeth Green who was the daughter of a wealthy Jewish family. His rise in the media business has been due to the financial support of the Jews Oppenheimer, Bronfman, Armand Hammer and the Jewish Rothschild empire.
The satellite broadcasting arm of the Jew Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, Sky Global Networks, includes the lion’s share of British Sky Broadcasting. British Sky Broadcasting is Britain’s leading pay-TV provider and one of the world’s top 250 companies. It broadcasts news, entertainment and sports programmes to over 10 million subscribers and their families in the Britain and Ireland, which includes five and half million subscribers to its digital satellite service, which was launched in 1998 with 140 channels. By 1999, satellite and cable television channels accounted for over 15% of total UK viewing. Murdoch has spoken of “my faith and News Corporation's faith in the integrity and worthiness of the Zionist undertaking”, and has explained that, “I have always believed in the future of Israel and the goals of the international Jewish community.” Kosher TV.
The other leading media bosses in the world all broadcast some channels into Britain via satellite: the Jew Gerald Levin, the Chief Executive Officer of AOL-Time Warner, the leading media conglomerate in the world with sales of £18 billion in the first two quarters of 2001, and 133 million subscribers; the Jew Michael Eisner, Chairmen and Chief Executive Officer of Disney, another world leading media conglomerate, with a turnover of $25 billion; and the Jew Sumner Rothstein (“Redstone”), Chairman and Chief Executive of Viacom, also a world leading media conglomerate with a turnover of $20 billion. The Jew Sumner Redstone remarks of the Jew Murdoch that, “he basically wants to conquer the world.” Takes one to know one? Something to bear in mind. For their part, Jewish-controlled AOL-Time Warner boast that, “We touch consumers worldwide more than 2.5 billion times each month.” Kosher TV.
Pinewood-Shepperton Limited – Jewish Controlled
Pinewood-Shepperton Limited is the result of the merger of Britain’s two leading film and television production studios, Pinewood and Shepperton into a single company. Pinewood was built in the l930s by J. Arthur Rank and was the home of many “classic” British films. It is Europe's leading production facility and has been at the front of international production for over 60 years, presently providing studio facilities for producers of feature films, commercial and television programmes. Shepperton has also been in operation since the 1930s and over 600 films have been made here, including many British “classics”. It is the second largest production studio in Britain, hosting high profile television programmes and providing facilities and stages for hundreds of commercials a year.
Pinwood-Shepperton is controlled by the Jew Michael Grade. Grade is the nephew of the Jew Lew Grade, also a film producer and one of the founders of the ITV network. Micahel Grade was formerly Controller of BBC 1 in 1984, Director of BBC Programmes in 1986, and as Chief Executive of Channel 4 from 1988 to 1997, he was dubbed “pornographer-in-chief” by the Daily Mail. He is now Executive Chairman of Pinewood and Shepperton Studios, Executive Chairman of Pinewood-Shepperton Limited, Chairman of Hemscott plc, Chairman of the Octopus Publishing Group and in October 2001 was made Chairman of Camelot. The Jew Grade purchased Pinewood Studios from the Rank Group plc for £62 million in February 2000 A. D. He was backed by the investment trust “3i”, paying £55.5 million in cash and £6.5 million in a loan note, repayable in 2007. In February 2001 he paid £35 million for the rival Shepperton Studios, again backed by “3i”, and while the studios continue to operate under their old names, they are now merged into a single company as Pinewood-Shepperton, valued at over $144 million. Kosher TV.
The Cultural Diversity Network
We have already seen the pro-multicultural policies of the Jewish controlled BBC, whereby “the full range” of their programmes are constantly to be used as instruments for the promotion of “multiculturalism”. The same is true of all the other Jewish controlled broadcasters in Britain too. They are all committed in their policies to the intense, systematic promotion of a permanent transformation of Britain into a multiracial, “multicultural” Britain. This uniformity of political purpose finds an important rallying expression in the so-called Cultural Diversity Network, which was launched on October 12, 2000. Its membership comprises the ITV Network Centre, Carlton Communications plc, the Granada plc, the BBC, Channels 4 and 5, BSkyB, ITN, the Independent Television Commission, the Royal Television Society, BAFTA, the Film Council and the Broadcasting Standards Commission; United News and Media and Pearson plc were also members before they were absorbed by Carlton and Granda. In other words, all the Jewish controlled broadcasters in Britain and their associate bodies are aligned to the CDN.
Although the Jews have been using their control of the media to transform Britain for decades, the so-called Campaign for Racial Equality stated in April 2001 that: “British TV bosses plan to revolutionise the way new television programmes are developed in the future, putting diversity right at the heart of the creative process.” They quoted the Chairman of the CDN as explaining as the purpose of the Network as follows: “Britain is changing. And British television needs to change too. We are becoming an increasingly multiracial, multicultural society. […] The new Commissioning Clause will make diversity one of the standard criteria against which new programme proposals are judged. I fully expect it will change the face of television as we know it.” In other words, all of the Jewish controlled broadcasters in Britain are committed to constantly and systematically using all of their programmes to promote a multiracial, “multicultural” transformation of Britain, against the expressed wishes of the British people. Kosher TV.
Express Newpapers – Jewish Controlled
Express Newspapers owns the Daily Express, the Sunday Express and the Daily Star, all of which have a national circulation. The Daily express had an average daily circulation of 927, 785 in the six months to April 2002, being Britain’s second leading mid-market paper, after the Daily Mail. The Sunday Express had an average circulation of 842, 003 in the same period, and the Daily Star 828, 823. All together Express Newspapers distributes an average 13 million newspapers in Britain per week.
Express Newpapers was bought in November 2000 by Northern and Shell, all owned by the Jew Richard Desmond. Desmond is a “Porno King” who made his personal fortune of £150 million selling pornography, which shows the sort of filth who are allowed to control the media in Britain. He also owns the porno magazines “Big Ones” and “Asian Babes”, as well as the porno satellite stations “Television X” and “The Fantasy Channel” and perverted “sex” sites on the internet. Such filth are quite celebrities in Zionist Occupied Britain: he has been to tea with the Queen, and the Duke of Edinburgh officially opened the Docklands HQ of his porno company. He donated £100,000 to Blair’s Jew Labour in return for them not opposing his acquisition of Express Newspapers, which is small fry compared to the £30 million “raised” for Jew Labour by the Jew “Lord” Levi “moneybags”, as he is known, who effectively owns the Party. Blair phoned Desmond to invite him over to tea at Downing St. the day the sale went through. Kosher News.
The Jew Desmond used his Express Group to undermine the British National Party’s election campaign in the recent Local Elections. His Daily Express ran front page anti-BNP “Nazi” slander articles on four consecutive days in the run up to the election, and the day following headlined the front page with “ASYLUM SEEKERS FLEE NAZIS” in an attempt to get as much sympathy for mass immigration as possible. Council workers in Oldham left copies of his Express beside the ballot boxes during the elections to deter voters from voting BNP. Perhaps they should have left copies of “Big Tits” there too, to complete his mockery of our political life. He was joined in his anti-BNP campaign by the rest of the Jewish-controlled “media” as well as by the Jew Gerry Gables’ Searchlight slander company, which distributed 200,000 anti-BNP slander leaflets to houses in key BNP wards during the election campaign. Also prominently active were the slanderously named “Anti-Nazi League” which is a front group for the Jew Tony Cliff’s Socialist Workers Party, the main Marxist group in Britain. The BNP managed to gain representation in a few wards, but for now, mass coloured immigration continues under the Jew “Lord” Bessam as Secretary for Immigration and the Jewess Barbara Roche as Under-Secretary for Immigration; which is not to mention such Jew Labour figures as the Jew “Lord” Irvine as Attorney General; the Jew “Lord” Wolf as Lord Chief Justice; the Jew Jack Straw as Home Secretary; the Jew Stephen Lander as Head of MI5; the Jew “Lord” Millet as Chief of Appeal, &c. ad nauseam. At the same time 250, 000 Britons flee the rapidly deteriorating country each year, hastening the transformation from a white to a non-white Britain. Kosher Britain. Almost dead Britain.
News International – Jewish Controlled
The Jew Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation owns News International, which owns the Sun, the Times, the Sunday Times and News of the World, all of which have a national circulation. In the six months to October 2001, News of the World had an average daily circulation of 4,042,714 and the Sun of 3,507,176, being the two best selling daily papers in Britain with a joint average daily circulation of over 7.5 million copies, with perhaps twice that many people actually reading them. The Sunday Times had an average weekly circulation of 1,383,683, being the best selling Sunday broadsheet, and the Times a daily circulation of 717,657, being the second best selling daily broadsheet. Altogether, News International distributes over 50 million newspapers a week in Britain. Kosher News.
The Telegraph Group – Zionist Controlled
Another major newspaper group in Britain is the Telegraph Group Limited, which is owned by Hollinger International Inc. In 2000, Hollinger sold its major Canadian newspapers for US$2.1 billion to CanWest Global Communications Corporation, which is owned the Jew Israel Asper, who alone owns over 60% of Canada’s newspapers and other media outlets, including 14 metropolitan dailies and 128 local newspapers across that country. However, Hollinger still has dozens of papers in the US. The Chicago Sun Times and the Telegraph newspapers are its main assets. It also owns the Jerusalem Post, the Jerusalem Report, Shaar Lamatchil (Israel), This Week in Israel, the Student Post (Israel), and the “Christian Jerusalem Post”. Its Telegraph Group owns the Daily Telegraph, the Sunday Telegraph, the Weekly Telegraph, the Spectator magazine as well as other, lesser media interests, including the Saturday Telegraph, all of which named newspapers have a national circulation. In the six months to October 2001, the Daily Telegraph had a daily circulation of 1,023,510, being the best selling broadsheet in Britain, ahead of the Jew Murdoch’s Times; and the Sunday Telegraph a had weekly circulation of 812,613, being the second best selling Sunday broadsheet, after the Jew Murdoch’s Sunday Times. The Spectator magazine had an average weekly sale in the six months to 30-Jun-2001 of 60,776. Altogether, the Telegraph Group distributes about 7 million papers a week. Hollinger International lost £99 million in the third quarter.
The Telegraph Group and Hollinger International belong to the openly Shabbat Goy, the Canadian Conrad Black, Chief Executive Officer of Hollinger. Mrs Black is the Jewess Barbara Amiel. Conrad Black is a raving Zionist as well as “still the third biggest newspaper magnate in the world” according to the Media Guardian. In the 24 February, 2001 edition of the Spectator, one of his writers dared to criticise “Israel’s” treatment of Palestinian civilians, provoking Black to a tactical Zionist rage, to which Lord Gilmour responded as follows: “A few weeks ago, Taki, one of The Spectator's columnists, wrote a wholly innocuous column in which, referring to Israel, he talked about “those nice guys who attack rock- throwing youths with armour-piercing missiles.” […] [Black] decided to write an article in The Spectator fatuously accusing Taki of being anti-Semitic, and alleging that what he had written was “almost worthy of Goebbels”. [...] Even so, although the pretence that critics of Israel are anti-Semites is a transparent fraud, it has proved an enormously successful blackmailing tool.”
Black referred to the Palestinians in his Jerusalem Post in 1993 as “vile and primitive”, while Mrs. Black, the Jewess Barbara Amiel likened them to “animals” in the November 7, 2000 edition of their Telegraph. Conrad Black explained that, “If editors disagree with us they should disagree with us when they're no longer in our employ. The buck stops with ownership. I am responsible for meeting the payroll; therefore I will ultimately determine what the papers say and how they're going to be run.” Kosher News.
Associated Newspapers – Jewish Controlled.
The “flag ship”, national circulation newspaper of Associated Newspapers is the Daily Mail, which had an average daily circulation of 2,477,416 in the six months to October 2001, while the company claims an actual daily readership of 5 million during the week and 6 million on Saturdays. It has a weekly circulation of around 15 million and is Britain’s leading mid-market paper. The Managing Director of the Daily Mail is the Jew Guy Zitter. Kosher News.
The Jews have an almost total grip on the media in Britain, systematically, constantly and intensely feeding their propaganda and example to almost everyone in Britain, which is nothing new. With this media, they are uniformly, deliberately, systematically, constantly and intensely promoting both the transformation and permanent destruction of Britain into a multiracial, “multicultural” state, and also the interests of the so-called “state of Israel”, against the wishes and interests of the native British people. The television medias that they control broadcast into almost every home in Britain, all day, every day. BBC television under the Jew Alan Yentob broadcasts into almost every home all day, every day. Likewise ITV, which is controlled by Carlton Communications plc under the Jew Michael Green and by Granada plc under the Jew Steve Morrison, each of which broadcasts to regions of 26 million, half of the population, or more, all day, every day. Daytime television across the ITV network, which broadcasts to the whole of Britain, every day, is mainly provided by Anglia Television under the Jew Graham Creelman, while the rest of the time it is controlled by the regions controlled by Carlton Communications plc and Granada plc. Likewise ITN, which provides the news for the ITV network every day, is controlled by the Jew Michael Green and its programmes are broadcast to the whole of Britain, while Carlton and Granada jointly own the London News Network. Further, BSkyB controlled by the Jew Rupert Murdoch broadcasts to over 10 million subscribers and their families every day. Meanwhile, the main two production studios in Britain, and the largest in Europe, are controlled by Pinewood-Shepperton Limited, controlled by the Jew Michael Grade. The situation is similar in radio, with all BBC radio stations controlled by the Jewess Jenny Abramsky, alone accounting for 49% of all radio listening in Britain, every day. Further, in total, over 85 million copies of Jewish controlled newspapers are sold in Britain every week, controlled by the Jew, Richard Desmond, the Jew Rupert Murdoch, the Jew Guy Zitter, the openly Shabbat Goy and rabidly Zionist Conrad Black and Mrs Black, who is the Jewess Barbara Amiel. They deliberately, constantly, systematically and intensely use this media to promote the multiracial and “multicultural” transformation of Britain against the wishes of the British people. That is treachery, treason, of a terrific magnitude. Along with mass, coloured immigration, they are also deliberately encouraging mass inter-racial marriage, race-mixing, which will mean the extinction of our race. It is genocide. We must break the Jewish yoke if our race is to survive.
All data contained in the study are accurate as of May 2002.
People talk about thing rarely or the media never talk about
White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America 1/31/08 Edition
The forgotten story of the thousands of white Britons who lived and died in bondage in Britain’s American coloniesIn the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, more than 300,000 white people were shipped to America as slaves. Urchins were swept up from London’s streets to labor in the tobacco fields, where life expectancy was no more than two years. Brothels were raided to provide “breeders” for Virginia. Hopeful migrants were duped into signing as indentured servants, unaware they would become personal property who could be bought, sold, and even gambled away. Transported convicts were paraded for sale like livestock.Drawing on letters crying for help, diaries, and court and government archives, Don Jordan and Michael Walsh demonstrate that the brutalities usually associated with black slavery alone were perpetrated on whites throughout British rule. The trade ended with American independence, but the British still tried to sell convicts in their former colonies, which prompted one of the most audacious plots in Anglo-American history.This is a saga of exploration and cruelty spanning 170 years that has been submerged under the overwhelming memory of black slavery. White Cargo brings the brutal, uncomfortable story to the surface.
Indentured servitude in British America was the prominent system of labor in British American colonies until it was eventually overcome by slavery.[1] During its time, the system was so prominent that more than half of all immigrants to British colonies south of New England were white servants, and that nearly half of total white immigration to the Thirteen Colonies came under indenture.[2] By the beginning of the American Revolutionary War in 1775, only 2 to 3 percent of the colonial labor force was composed of indentured servants.[3]
The consensus view among economic historians and economists is that indentured servitude became popular in the Thirteen Colonies in the seventeenth century because of a large demand for labor there, coupled with labor surpluses in Europe and high costs of transatlantic transportation beyond the means of European workers.[4][5] Between the 1630s and the American Revolution, one-half to two-thirds of white immigrants to the Thirteen Colonies arrived under indentures.[6] Half a million Europeans, mostly young men, also went to the Caribbean under indenture to work on plantations. Most indentures were voluntary, although some people were tricked or coerced into them.[7] A debt peonage system similar to indenture was also used in southern New England and Long Island to control and assimilate Native Americans from the 1600s through the American Revolution.[8]
Indentured servitude continued in North America into the early 20th century, but the number of indentured servants declined over time.[9] Although experts do not agree on the causes of the decline, possible factors for the American colonies include changes in the labor market and the legal system that made it cheaper and less risky for an employer to hire African slave labor or paid employees, or made indentures unlawful; increased affordability of travel to North America that made immigrants less likely to rely on indentures to pay travel costs; and effects of the American Revolution, particularly on immigration from Britain. In the Caribbean, the number of indentured servants from Europe began to decline in the 17th century as Europeans became aware of the cruelty of plantation masters and the high death rate of servants, largely due to tropical disease.[10] After the British Empire ended slavery in 1833, plantation owners returned to indentured servitude for labor, with most servants coming from India,[11] until the British government prohibited the practice in 1917.
We were never asked if we wanted immigration, we don't want immigration or the savages that have poured into our nations, they MUST go back to the shit holes they came from.
Comrade Stalin and his gang of Jews and Marxist said in January 1945 " Red Army forces Jews and Marxist your day is not done if you have not killed at least one German or Christian. Burn their Churches kill their Children rape their women show no mercy" Over 20 million Germans were expelled from Germany (East Prussia etc) and over 2 million women raped 3 million murdered. Churchill, FDR and Truman said it was a good plan by Stalin. What if white nationalist copied the Jewish and Marxist plan of 1945. We would have this problem solved in a jiffy. You win you write what happened regarding in history. Zero hour is fast approaching.
The Leftist/Conservatives didn't raise an eyebrow when millions Germans were driven out of Eastern Europe or when the Jewish terrorist gangs drove the Palestinians out of Western Palestine, or when the Hindus drove the Mohammedans out of Southern India. It's not concern for people that motivate them, it's money and power.
It's just unbelievable to me that we had 9/11 in this country, and the creation of 'Homeland Security', the Patriot Act and total mass surveillance, several of the the longest and most expensive wars we've ever fought (still in Afghanistan..), assassinated a U.S. citizen with a drone, assassinated Bin Laden and the Dictator of Iraq, severe restrictions on privacy and freedom, the TSA and absurd travel restrictions, all over muslim terrorism, the threat of which has not abated, we STILL have all of this, and arab-muslims are still chanting 'death to America, Israel, and the west', and we're letting arab-muslims pour into this country and erect mosques everywhere, even serve in key postions of government.. What. The. Hell?..
The question is, What sort of people do you want to be replaced by? What's that you say, you don't want to be replaced by anyone!!!! It wouldn't matter if they were almost identical, take the Irish for example, look how they fought for survival. Yet they take the most alien groups they can find from across the globe, they don't look like us, they don't think like us, they don't act like us, and they forced us to live alongside them. We have been indoctrinate, bullied, intimidated and shamed. They heavily promote interbreeding, subject us to murder, rape etc, tell us we have no culture, or history, at least not to be proud of, only shame. That we have no birthright or claim to this land or say in it's future. All the while we are made to work for slave wages, pay evermore exorbitant housing costs, taxed to the extent that many of us cannot afford a family, meanwhile our taxes are used to fund massive immigration and non white, non British family building and expect us to play along! Have I got CUNT written on my forehead?! Even our words are censored, individuals who object are given visits by police "to check our thinking!" Police too busy to investigate decades long industrial gang rape of little white children! Now we are forced to stay at home, while tens of thousands of foreigners are flown in to undercut our wages and keep us in our places. Borders open, pubs shut. Two words, "Fuck Off!"
People call me harsh, cruel and extreme for demanding repatriation. To them I say "Don't blame me. Blame those who made this extreme solution necessary."
I know of Muslims in Yorkshire been here 50 years and do not speak English and their grand Kids do not work other than sell drugs, Groom young white girls. The groomers the death penalty only option the rest of the family deported to Rockall and dropped by chopper. Rockall great place for a magical reason it never gets full.
12 rules for (nationalist) life: 1. Live up to the higher moral standards of your ancestors. Live by honour. 2. Reject individualism. Build a small, trusting community around you. 3. Establish a family, have children. The more the better. 4. Bravely stand up for the truth, and for the interest of your people. Redpill others. 5. Your country has not been overtaken by force, but by subversion and malign ideas. Therefore read at least one relevant book every year to defend. 6. There's no future without past. Learn about the history, culture, and virtues of your civilization. Preserve the traditions of your ancestors. A tree can live without leaves, fruits, or branches, but never without its roots. 7. Do not allow the degradation of the language, your cultural heritage. Avoid the degenerate slang of other races. 8. Buy products and services from a fellow white (or from his/her company) to the extent possible. 9. Strive to be self-sufficient, do not depend on the system. 10. Avoid debt, don't feed the j..s. Save money like your ancestors did. 11. Do physical exercise. Healthy body, healthy mind. 12. Avoid addictions.
"In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act" - George Orwell, Author .....
"All Truth Passes Through Three stages. First: It Is Ridiculed, Second: It Is Violently Opposed, And Third: It Is Accepted As Self-Evident" – Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.
Marcus Tullius Cicero Quote
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.
I hear the word scum coming from people who are describing the BNP or other movements fighting for white British rights. It's worth remembering I'm not a member of these organizations, but the organizers and members in many cases work for nothing, no pay, and also consider that these people are sometimes subjected to verbal abuse, sometimes threatened, sometimes killed. These are brave good people.
The People Who Rule Britain
Jews found at the head of every Government
The Jewish Benjamin Disraeli, in his " Life of Lord George Bentinck ", 1852, wrote, " The influence of the Jews may be traced in the last outbreak of the destructive principle in Europe - the abrogation of property is proclaimed by the secret societies, which form provisional governments and men of Jewish race are found at the head of every one of them.
The Jewish Benjamin Disraeli served twice as British Prime Minister , the first time from 27 February to 1 December 1868 and the second, 20 of February 1874 to 21 April 1880.
The following is one of his quotes: " The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.‖ Benjamin Disraeli was very good friends with Queen Victoria ."
The real rulers in Washington are invisible, exercise their power from behind the scenes, ― Felix Frankfurter, Supreme Ct. Justice in the United States.
Benjamin Disraeli was a former Jewish Prime Minister of Britain
"Though they control scores of industrial, commercial, mining and tourist corporations, not one bears the name Rothschild. Being private partnerships, the family houses never need to, and never do, publish a single public balance sheet, or any other report of their financial condition."
If you're a British person, ask yourself this, who actually owns Britain, including all the media, banks and industry? The answer is a collective few control the most powerful financial centre in the World "City of London" in London and totally control all mainstream media including the ABC have total control over Britain.
British people should own the country. Still, they don't! Because they never built community-based organizations or any democratic mechanism to give the self some say on how the country is run.
The leading two most powerful institute's in Britain is:
1) The City of London in London. It is a small area which itself is a city with its own laws, even the Queens needs an invitation. The City of London is the most influential financial centre globally, and yes, it is Globalist run.
2) The second most powerful group is the media who are connected to six media companies that controls most of the Worlds News and ideas.
The British mainstream media is heavily Globalist owned and dominated by Jewish Zionist. The Jews in Britain is a small minority who are European converts who never came from Israel and mostly came from the white community. These Zionist Globalists aim to replace the population in Britain with foreigners, going along with particular agendas and creating a melting pot.
The media and the bankers, and the city in London have much influence in the political parties. Through money and underhanded techniques, they have persuaded the political parties to sell Britain and the British people out. They have been campaigning to replace white people, the destruction of their culture and history.
Our genital religious leaders and politicians are so dum when it comes to politics and history, they have allowed the selling their country, their people, and themselves out by allowing Zionist to control their media, banks, and industry.
The question is are these people doing it for the following reasons:
1) Leaders in Britain are aware that they're committing treason against Whites but continue to turn a blind eye and for financial and individual gain.
2) They're so conditioned, they blindly following along and promoting what is presented to them without ever questioning it, so in their minds, they think they're doing the world and themselves a huge favor but when in reality, and they're simply blessed with ignorance.
3) They're following along the mainstream agendas of particular political and financial groups. E.g. the six families, the new world order, agenda 21, and the list goes on.
4) They join politics to make a change and, when making their rounds and climbing the ranks, are then influenced and perhaps intimidated by the Globalist and foreign influence to stay in your lane.
It's believed a combination of these take place in the world today, and in common terms, we, the people, follow along without questioning dumb and dumber, and in this society, the majority wins. Many of us fall prey to these apparently highly educated politician's, which only feeds more into the illusion of truth.
The British Empire
The City of London financial interests created a web of secrecy low tax jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in the world of international finance.
Video: reserve Bank of Australia scam Uploaded by JWilko75 on December9, 2009 Sir Josiah Stamp former director of the bank of England said ―The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough money to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money.
To have good understanding of the Deep State that runs the New World
Michael Oswald's film The Spider's Web reveals how at the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in the world of international finance.
New World Order Pledged To Jews
Click to enlarge the Newspaper Article: "NEW WORLD ORDER PLEDGED TO JEWS" article on the right was published during World War II on October 6, 1940, in the New York Times (Jewish Run) and provides commentary on a speech by Arthur Greenwood from the British War Cabinet. It assures the American Jewish community that if the allies win the war they will ensure that Britain will give Zionist Jews a homeland in the middle east and New World Order pledged to Jews.
Baron Lionel D .E Rothschild member of the Communist International Jews Control the British Empire?Banks create money and make us slaves The world majority of the people must learn to take control of their banking. Nathan Mayer Rothschild (Jewish) said "I care not what (Queen Elisabeth II) puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the (Commonwealth) Empire. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply." [1777-1836]1.
New World Order (Deep State) Rules Britain, Australia and the United States.
In the year of 1815, Nathan Mayer (Jewish) Rothschild makes his famous statement:
"I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply."
Born on 16 September 1777, Nathan Mayer Rothschild died on 28 July 1836.
Nathan's London House, N M Rothschild, dealt in bullion and foreign exchange, and his remarkable successes in these fields earned him the contract from the British Government to supply Wellington's troops with gold coin in 1814 and 1815, leading up to the Battle of Waterloo. He issued 26 British and foreign government loans between 1818 and 1835 and in 1824 floated the Alliance Assurance Company.
Moving to New Court, St Swithin's Lane in London in 1809, Nathan initially raised his family there too, but by 1816 had found a villa at Stamford Hill to provide more space and better air. In 1825, the family's town home was established at 107, Piccadilly and in 1835, Nathan took on Gunnersbury Park in west London.
Jewish banker Nathan Rothschild
(1) page 8 BANKER Baron Lionel D .E Rothschild member of the Communist International The Communist league became the first Communist international of which Karl Marx (Jewish name MosesMordecai Levi ) , Baron Lionel D.e Rothschild, Heinze and Heine were members, in 1840 Heine wrote, " communism, though little discussed now and loitering in hidden garrets on miserable straw pellets, is the dark destined for a great, if temporary, role in the modern strategy - it would be cool, the ghastliest war of destruction - the second act is the European and the world revolution, the great jewel between the destitute and the aristocracy of wealth; and in that there will be no mention of either nationality or religion; there will be only one Fatherland, the Globe and only one faith, that in happiness on earth - How could the dream end ? - I do not know; but I think that eventually the great sea serpent (Britain ) will have its head crushed and the skin of the North Bear (Russia) will be pulled over its ears. There may be only one flock and one shepherd - one free shepherd with an iron staff, and short - alike bleating - alike, human herd! The future smells of Russian leather, loud, godlessness and many whippings. I should advise how grand-children to be born with very thick skins. On their backs".(1) Page 8 & 9 . Reference; Conspiracy To Destroy The Christian West by K.R.McKilliam B.A.(1)‖ THE BRITISH SO CALLED ROYALS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Want your mind blown? WATCH THIS MOVIE! - Ring of Power- full length-VATI
All non Jews including Blacks, Asians and Whites on the Earth are goyim slaves.
Gentiles Serve Jews ―All non Jews including Blacks, Asians and Whites on the Earth are goyim slaves said Rabbi‖ October 18, 2010 Goyims Exist Only To Serve Jews, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Says “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,” he said in his weekly Saturday night sermon on the laws regarding the actions non-Jews are permitted to perform on Shabbat. Yosef: Gentiles exist only to serve Jews According to Rabbi, the lives of non-Jews in Israel are safeguarded by divinity, to prevent losses to Jews
Al Jazeera goes undercover inside the Israel Lobby in Britain.
Jewish Zionist Influence in Governments in Britain and Europe
The European Parliament
European Jewish Congress in Europe & International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians
The Globalist controlled Western media will not tell you that a shadow government operating in Europe is called the European Jewish Congress (EJC). They are very influential in the European Commission which is the governing body that controls the European Economic Community (EEC) also referred to as the European Common Market. The EJC also operates in 50 European countries including Russia and Britain.
European Jewish Congress
The European Jewish Congress or EJC (formerly known as European Jewish Union or EJU) is a non-govenrment organization based in Brussels, Belgium, Europe. The aim of the EJC is a unit structure for all Jewish communities and organizations throughout Western, Eastern and Central Europe. The European Jewish Congress was the brainchild of Ukrainian billionaire Vadim Rabinovich and officially established in 1986. The European Jewish Congress is the most influential European organization in Europe, representing around 42 national Zionist Jewish communities comprising more than 2.5 million Jews in Europe. Jewish community base organizations are so well developed that 2.5 million Jews have more power then the total European population of about 743.1 million (2015) and more power then all the European Governments in Europe.
Zionist Promote hate against Jews to control them
The Holocaust was used to dupe Jews to establish a "national homeland" in Palestine. In 1897 the Rothschilds founded the Zionist Congress and arranged its first meeting in Munich. At the meeting at Basel, Switzerland that took place on 29 August, chaired by Theodor Herzl, who later stated in his diaries:
"The anti-Semites shall be our best friends" Leaders Herzl 006
What he is saying is to create false hate information against Jews to make them become nationalist and directed their hate against whites, pro white true Jews and all races, so they can be used to work for the Zionist bankers who control the mainstream banks and the media. Hate conflict between Whites, Jews and all races helps the bankers achieve their goals.
The London Committee of DeputiesofBritish Jews, which is now known as the BoardofDeputiesofBritish Jews, was established in 1760 when seven Deputies were appointed by the elders of the Spanish and Portuguese Congregation to form a standing committee to pay homage to George III on his accession to the throne.
Queen Elizabeth is Anti White traitor pretending to be a follower of Jesus Christ. She is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England who gives an annual Christmas address yet never gives an address at Easter, the most important time of the year for the Christian church which commemorates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Edited.
Queen Elizabeth II leaves King Edward VII Hospital on 3rd March, 2013, accompanied by her trusted nurse wearing a belt buckle containing, from left to right, the square and compasses symbol of Freemasonry and the pentagram symbol of the synagogue of Satan.
Queen Elizabeth is knowingly involved in the synagogue of Satan. The only way the most powerful woman in the United Kingdom has a nurse standing by her side wearing a belt buckle containing satanic symbols is if she, Queen Elizabeth, approves of the symbols.
Katie Hopkins of gave this speech to over 300 fans in Tel Aviv, Israel. It was her first visit to the country she calls her "natural home." MORE:
We love you here in Israel Katie?? It was amazing seeing you in person here
When I first saw Katie she seemed like a woman I couldn't understand as she seems upper class and was talking about names on This Morning affecting who her kids could be friends with! As a poor British man she seemed alien to me...UNTIL I actually listened to her more important beliefs and I have to say she's a damn fine strong woman with attitude n I like that! Speaks her mind, calls these corrupt fools out and sees the truth of what's happening across Europe, Go Katie!?
Filthy self hating so called JewsKATIE, MILLIONS OF JEWS LOVE YOU & appreciate & are thankful for your defence of sanity!! please don't get discouraged.
Amnesty International
Amnesty International is a non-governmental organization based in the United Kingdom focused on human rights. The organization claims it has more than seven million members and supporters around the world.Wikipedia
The Committee of 300 is a product of the British East India Company's Council of 300. The East India Company was chartered by the British royal family in 1600. It made vast fortunes in the opium drug trade with China and became the largest company on earth in its time. Today, through many powerful alliances, the Committee of 300 rules the world and is the driving force behind the criminal agenda to create a "New World Order", under a "Totalitarian Global Government".
There is no need to use "they" or "the enemy" except as shorthand. We know who "they", the enemy, is. The Committee of 300 with its "aristocracy", its ownership of the U.S. Federal Reserve banking system, insurance companies, giant corporations, foundations, communications networks, presided over by a hierarchy of conspirators-this is the enemy. Secret societies exist by deception.
Each is a hierarchy with an inner circle at the top, who deceives those below with lies, such as claiming a noble agenda; thus, duping them into following a web of compartmentalized complicity. The inner circle of the Committee of 300 is the Order of the Garter, headed by Queen Elizabeth Windsor II. It is interesting to note that the Windsor's changed their name from the Germanic Saxe-Coburg-Gotha during WWI, because of anti-German sentiment.
The enemy is clearly identifiable as the Committee of 300 and its front organizations, such as the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House), the Club of Rome, NATO, U.N., the Black Nobility, the Tavistock Institute, CFR and all its affiliated organizations, the think tanks and research institutions controlled by Stanford and the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and last, but certainly not least, the military establishment.
The Committee of 300 is the ultimate secret society made up of an untouchable ruling class, which includes the Queen of the United Kingdom (Elizabeth II), the Queen of the Netherlands, the Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe. These aristocrats decided at the death of Queen Victoria, the matriarch of the Venetian Black Guelphs that, in order to gain world-wide control, it would be necessary for its aristocratic members to "go into business" with the non-aristocratic but extremely powerful leaders of corporate business on a global scale, and so the doors to ultimate power were opened to what the Queen of England likes to refer to as "the commoners". Through their illicit banking cartel, they own the stock of the Federal Reserve, which is a private for profit corporation that violates U.S. Constitution and is a root of the problem.
The decadent American families of the unholy partnership, thoroughly corrupted and wallowing in tainted opium money, went on to become what we know today as the Eastern Liberal Establishment. Its members, under the careful guidance and direction of the British Crown, and subsequently, its foreign policy executive arm, the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), now known as Chatham House, located in England (across St. James's Square from the Astors), ran the United States from top to bottom through their secret upper-level, parallel government, which is tightly meshed with the Committee of 300, the ultimate secret society. That secret, all-powerful government is now more in control of the United States than ever before. Continued..
I assume this account is taken from John Coleman's book "Conspirator's Hierarchy- The Committee of 300." Below, he is wrong about the date of the mass culling.
Ten Top Aims:
1. A One World Government-New World Order with a unified church and monetary system under their direction. Not many people are aware that the One World Government began setting up its "church" in the 1920's/ 1930's, for they realized the need for a religious belief inherent in mankind to have an outlet and, therefore, set up a "church" body to channel that belief in the direction they desired.
2. The utter destruction of all national identity and national pride.
3. The destruction of religion and more especially the Christian religion, with the one exception, their own creation mentioned above.
4. Control of each and every person through means of mind control and what Brzezinski call "technotronics" which would create human-like robots and a system of terror beside which Felix Dzerzinski's Red Terror will look like children at play.
5. An end to all industrialization and the production of nuclear generated electric power in what they call "the post-industrial zero-growth society." Exempted are the computer and service industries. United States industries that remain will be exported to countries such as Mexico where abundant slave labour is available. Unemployables in the wake of industrial destruction will either become opium-heroin and or cocaine addicts, or become statistics in the elimination process we know today as Global 2000.
6. Legalization of drugs and pornography.
7. Depopulation of large cities according to the trial run carried out by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia.
It is interesting to note that Pol Pot's genocidal plans were drawn up here in the United States by one of the Club of Rome's research foundations. It is also interesting that the Committee is presently seeking to reinstate the Pol Pot butchers in Cambodia.
8. Suppression of all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Committee. Especially targeted is nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Particularly hated are the fusion experiments presently being scorned and ridiculed by the Committee and its jackals of the press. Development of the fusion torch would blow the Committee's conception of "limited natural resources" right out of the window. A fusion torch properly used could create unlimited untapped natural resources from the most ordinary substances. Fusion torch uses are legion and would benefit mankind in a manner which is as yet not even remotely comprehended by the public.
9. Cause by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, and by means of starvation and diseases in Third World countries, the death of 3 billion people by the year 2030, people they call "useless eaters." The Committee of 300 commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how best to bring about such genocide. The paper was produced under the title the "Global 2000 Report" and was accepted and approved for action by President Carter, for and on behalf of the U.S. Government, and accepted by Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of State. Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the population of the United States is to be reduced by 100 million by the year 2050.
10. To weaken the moral fibre of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labour class by creating mass unemployment. As jobs dwindle due to the post industrial zero growth policies introduced by the Club of Rome, demoralized and discouraged workers will resort to alcohol and drugs. The youth of the land will be encouraged by means of rock music and drugs to rebel against the status quo, thus undermining and eventually destroying the family unit. In this regard The Committee of 300 commissioned Tavistock Institute to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved. Tavistock directed Stanford Research to undertake the work under the direction of Professor Willis Harmon. This work later became known as "The Aquarian Conspiracy."
Dr. John Coleman, being a historian in intelligence community, researched in full scope the sinister forces behind the New world order movement. This video lecture represents a culmination of his findings about secret societies which form this global movement and how it came into existence.
If you look closely at this list of members you will notice many of them are the elite and royal families of Europe. This organizations has Gentile and Jewish membership.
Click on Committee 300 Diagram to enlarge.
Queen Elizabeth II
Abdullah II of Jordan
Kerry, John Forbes
Abramovich, Roman Arkadyevich
King, Mervyn
Ackermann, Josef
Kinnock, Glenys
Adeane, Edward
Kissinger, Henry
Agius, Marcus Ambrose Paul
Knight, Malcolm
Ahtisaari, Martti Oiva Kalevi
Koon, William H. II
Akerson, Daniel
Krugman, Paul
Albert II of Belgium
Kufuor, John
Alexander – Crown Prince of Yugoslavia
Lajolo, Giovanni
Alexandra (Princess) – The Honourable Lady Ogilvy
Lake, Anthony
Alphonse, Louis – Duke of Anjou
Lambert, Richard
Amato, Giuliano
Lamy, Pascal
Anderson, Carl A.
Landau, Jean-Pierre
Andreotti, Giulio
Laurence, Timothy James Hamilton
Andrew (Prince) – Duke of York
Leigh-Pemberton, James
Anne – Princess Royal
Leka, Crown Prince of Albania
Anstee, Nick
Leonard, Mark
Ash, Timothy Garton
Levene, Peter – Baron Levene of Portsoken
Astor, William Waldorf – 4th Viscount Astor
Leviev, Lev
August, Ernst – Prince of Hanover
Levitt, Arthur
Aven, Pyotr
Levy, Michael – Baron Levy
Balkenende, Jan Peter
Lieberman, Joe
Ballmer, Steve
Livingston, Ian
Balls, Ed
Loong, Lee Hsien
Barroso, José Manuel
Lorenz (Prince) of Belgium, Archduke of Austria-Este
Beatrix (Queen)
Louis-Dreyfus, Gérard
Belka, Marek
Mabel (Princess) of Orange-Nassau
Bergsten, C. Fred
Mandelson, Peter Benjamin
Berlusconi, Silvio
Manning, Sir David Geoffrey
Bernake, Ben
Margherita – Archduchess of Austria-Este
Bernhard (Prince) of Lippe-Biesterfeld
Margrethe II Denmark
Bernstein, Nils
Martínez, Guillermo Ortiz
Berwick, Donald
Mashkevitch, Alexander
Bildt, Carl
Massimo, Stefano (Prince) – Prince of Roccasecca dei Volsci
Bischoff, Sir Winfried Franz Wilhen “Win”
McDonough, William Joseph
Blair, Tony
McLarty, Mack
Blankfein, Lloyd
Mersch, Yves
Blavatnik, Leonard
Michael (Prince) of Kent
Bloomberg, Michael
Michael of Romania
Bolkestein, Frits
Miliband, David
Bolkiah, Hassanal
Miliband, Ed
Bonello, Michael C
Mittal, Lakshmi
Bonino, Emma
Moreno, Glen
Boren, David L.
Moritz – Prince and Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel
Borwin – Duke of Mecklenburg
Murdoch, Rupert
Bronfman, Charles Rosner
Napoléon, Charles
Bronfman, Edgar Jr.
Nasser, Jacques
Bruton, John
Niblett, Robin
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
Nichols, Vincent
Budenberg, Robin
Nicolás, Adolfo
Buffet, Warren
Noyer, Christian
Bush, George HW
Ofer, Sammy
Cameron, David William Donald
Ogilvy, David – 13th Earl of Airlie
Camilla – Duchess of Cornwall
Ollila, Jorma Jaakko
Cardoso, Fernando Henrique
Oppenheimer, Nicky
Carington, Peter – 6th Baron Carrington
Osborne, George
Carlos – Duke of Parma
Oudea, Frederic
Carlos, Juan – King of Spain
Parker, Sir John
Carney, Mark J.
Patten, Chris
Carroll, Cynthia
Pébereau, Michel
Caruana, Jaime
Penny, Gareth
Castell, Sir William
Peres, Shimon
Chan, Anson
Philip (Prince) – Duke of Edinburgh
Chan, Margaret
Pio, Dom Duarte – Duke of Braganza
Chan, Norman
Pöhl, Karl Otto
Charles – Prince of Wales
Powell, Colin
Chartres, Richard
Prokhorov, Mikhail
Chiaie, Stefano Delle
Quaden, Guy Baron
Chipman, Dr John
Rasmussen, Anders Fogh
Chodiev, Patokh
Ratzinger, Joseph Alois (Pope Benedict XVI)
Christoph, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein
Reuben, David
Cicchitto, Fabrizio
Reuben, Simon
Clark, Wesley Kanne Sr. (General)
Rhodes, William R. “Bill”
Clarke, Kenneth
Rice, Susan
Clegg, Nick
Richard (Prince) – Duke of Gloucester
Clinton, Bill
Rifkind, Sir Malcolm Leslie
Cohen, Abby Joseph
Ritblat, Sir John
Cohen, Ronald
Roach, Stephen S.
Cohn, Gary D.
Robinson, Mary
Colonna, Marcantonio (di Paliano) – Prince and Duke of Paliano
Rockefeller, David Jr.
Constantijn (Prince) of the Netherlands
Rockefeller, David Sr.
Constantine II Greece
Rockefeller, Nicholas
Cooksey, David
Rodríguez, Javier Echevarría
Cowen, Brian
Rogoff, Kenneth Saul “Ken”
Craven, Sir John
Roth, Jean-Pierre
Crockett, Andrew
Rothschild, Jacob – 4th Baron Rothschild
Dadush, Uri
Rubenstein, David
D’Aloisio, Tony
Rubin, Robert
Darling, Alistair
Ruspoli, Francesco – 10th Prince of Cerveteri
Davies, Sir Howard
Safra, Joseph
Davignon, Étienne
Safra, Moises
Davis, David
Sands, Peter A.
De Rothschild, Benjamin
Sarkozy, Nicolas
De Rothschild, David René James
Sassoon, Isaac S.D.
De Rothschild, Evelyn Robert
Sassoon, James Meyer – Baron Sassoon
De Rothschild, Leopold David
Sawers, Sir Robert John
Deiss, Joseph
Scardino, Marjorie
Deripaska, Oleg
Schwab, Klaus
Dobson, Michael
Schwarzenberg, Karel
Draghi, Mario
Schwarzman, Stephen A.
Du Plessis, Jan
Shapiro, Sidney
Dudley, William C.
Sheinwald, Nigel
Duisenberg, Wim
Sigismund (Archduke) – Grand Duke of Tuscany
Edward (Prince) – Duke of Kent
Simeon of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Edward (The Prince) – Earl of Wessex
Snowe, Olympia
Elkann, John
Sofía (Queen) of Spain
Emanuele, Vittorio – Prince of Naples, Crown Prince of Italy
For decades Hollywood has pushed the story of how a commoner marry into royalty. Why are they so desperate to get “the outsider” into the British Royal family?
Henrik and Lana break down the sensationalized engagement of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and how the left sees it as a win.
(1). ITV. ITV plc is a British media company that holds 12 of the 15 regional television licenses that make up the ITV ("Independent Television Network") network, the oldest and largest commercial terrestrial television network in the United Kingdom. ITV has vied with BBC One for the status of the UK's most watched channel since the 1950s.
Latimer House in Wiltshire and The Jews' House in Lincoln will be profiled in ITV's Top 10 Britain's Secret Homes on Friday. The two sites were selected for the programme by English Heritage ...
United Kingdom The Jewish ... Courtesy of ITV) ... broadcast "Jewish Mum of the Year," has a particular established interest in "demystifying communities," having run two seasons of a very ...
Jewish Control of the British Media (May 2002 Update) by Thomas Sparks Abstract The Jews have an almost total grip on the media in Britain, systematically, constantly and intensely feeding their propaganda and example to almost everyone in Britain, which is nothing new.
1990s. 1999 in British television - Popular television presenter Jill Dando is assassinated outside her home in West London, The murder remains unsolved to the present day, Six TV, Britain's sixth and last terrestrial localised channel launches in both Oxfordshire and Southampton, ITV axes News at Ten after a run of 32 years and BBC One broadcasts a marathon 28-hour programme to welcome in ...
List of British Jews is a list of prominent Jews from the United Kingdom and its predecessor states.. Although the first Jews may have arrived on the island of Great Britain with the Romans, it was not until the Norman Conquest of William the Conqueror in 1066 that organised Jewish communities first appeared in England.These existed until 1290 when the Jewish population of England was expelled ...
Date Event 1: Steve November confirms he is to step down as ITV's head of drama after sixteen years with the broadcaster.: Alan Heath is named as the 2016 Mastermind Champion.: 2: Saturday Night Takeaway airs its final episode of the series outside of the United Kingdom live from a docked P&O Cruise Ship in Barcelona, Spain.: 5: Cheryl Fernandez-Versini confirms she will not be part of the X ...
ITVis a free UK TV station with content such as Love Island, Coronation Street, Downton Abbey available for streaming. ITVis available online via ITV Hub. You can watch live and on-demand British TV shows on ITV1, ITV2, ITV3, CITV, and ITVBe. ITV Hub is geo-restricted outside UK.
ITV Hub - the new home of ITV Player, ITV on demand and live TV. It's all of ITVin one place so you can sneak peek upcoming Premieres, watch Box Sets, series so far, ITV Hub exclusives and even ...
This was the first time Britain actively prevented a Jewish State. A year later over one hundred Jews were slaughtered in the Kishinev massacre. Upon hearing of the massacre Chamberlain suggested the Jews use a 5,000 square mile area to establish a British protectorate in an isolated part of Kenya. This became known as the Uganda Scheme.
A talk I did in London on the subject of Britiain's demographic history. I begin with the Ice age, cover the Neolithic revolution, the arrival of the Beaker folk, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, the blackamoors act of Elizabethan times and right up to present day HMS Windrush etc.
There was a fault with the editing so the image of the Homo Erectus appears 30 seconds later than it should, please ignore that. It appears as I am discussing Neanderthals, but don't worry, I know the difference between erectus and neanderthal!
I'm not British, but here's another reason for you to be proud to be British: Edward Elgar. The man wrote some of the most beautiful and powerful music ever written!
The Kings and Queens and the elite who rule the world.
The Kings and Queens and the elite who rule the world and do not care about different coloured racial groups and do not care that Caucasian's are replaced by coloured people, as long as they can make money.
The anti-white traitors say British people are not indigenous because they are a mongrel nation becauseof the invasion by Celts, Vikings, Saxons and Normans. Europeans came from many tribes, but all Caucasians (whites) origins go back many thousands of years to the Ice Age and even further back in time.
Islam is growing on the continent of Europe and Britain and eventually the laws will be replaced with Muslim sharia law.
Many whites in Britain and the continent of Europe are starting to feel like foreigners in their own countries. The anti-white races say “let Asians into western countries because they fought in the Second World War”. Whites fought for non white countries and they are not allowed to live there, so why should whites allow them to live in their own countries.
I came across a person who said “I'm a Christian and I think you should just shut up and respect the growing of other religions”.
I said in response “Many people worry about Islam taking over Western countries completely so you should worry”.
Many white and Jewish liberal, socialist politicians who promote non whites into areas do not live in those immigrant areas and when whites leave the areas, the traitors sometimes also leave.
Muslims can have sex with nine year old girls.
I hear the word scum coming from people who are describing the BNP or other movements fighting for white British rights. It's worth remembering I'm not a member of these organizations, but the organizers and members in many cases work for nothing, no pay, and also consider that these people are sometimes subjected to verbal abuse, sometimes threatened, sometimes killed. These are brave good people.
Israeli Professor Shlomo Sand is challenging notions of a Jewish people quoted in his new book, "those who claim to be all of the Jewish people cannot claim a blood connection with the original Jewish inhabitants of the holy land, but converts along the way."
"The modern Hebrew language being a European hybrid......also is known to have copied Arabic words and Arabic roots to make up new "Hebrew" neologisms and calques."
There is scholarly view that goes beyond what even the famous linguist Ghil'ad Zuckerman States that:
"modern Hebrew" is simply a form of Yiddish (Yiddish be an Indo-European Language) with some new made-up "Hebrew" neologism (often from Arabic) sprinkled in."
The majority of Jews did not come from Israel. They are European Caucasians with the majority from Europe, and some came from the Middle East or the Khazar tribes in Khazaria area in Southern Russia. Many Jews have blue eyes and blonde hair, who's origins originated in Europe.
It is estimated that the majority of Jews in western countries are actually white Europeans and many have blue eyes, blonde hair and European facial features which only originated from cold climates. Regardless of this most Jews are indoctrinated from birth into believing that they are a distinct race separate from their European brothers and sisters. It is a belief that was started by the Globalist and anti-Semitic Zionists, ie. that they are different to all others and while there is a classical "Jewish" look held by some Jews due to the strong breeding within only Jewish families, most people of Jewish descent look no different to Europeans. The Japanese are the same race as Chinese and were indoctrinated from birth and during the Second World War, that they were different from the Chinese. This attitude resulted in the systemic killing and eradication of many innocent Chinese civilians and we need to ensure that this attitude of difference is stopped as it is now in the process of destroying Europe and the Europeans.
Many white Europeans have been converted to the Jewish faith over the centuries and it is worth remembering that during the time of the ice age there were no Jews anywhere on earth. The Jewish belief and faith has simply been invented over the centuries and used as a kind of class warfare against other groups to gain money and power by a small group.
Clearly these Israelis from European backgrounds are not Semites. It's written all over their faces.
"It appears that the majority of the European converts to Judaism during the early years of the Diaspora were women. That helps explain why the Ashkenazim can trace their female lineage to southern and western Europe."
Shlomo Sand: 'There are Israeli, not Jewish people' Jews living in Tel Aviv, New York or Moscow do not share the same secular practices and language and thus cannot be called one people, says Professor Shlomo Sand.
Britain’s Supreme Court has thrown the country’s deportation policies into chaos by ruling that a foreign criminal cannot be deported to a country with poorer free healthcare than the United Kingdom.
Justices including the top court’s infamous former president, Lady Hale, and two colleagues who also serve as ad hoc members of the European Court of Human Rights, agreed with a Zimbabwean migrant who should have been deported more than a decade ago that his removal would breach Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which states that “No-one shall be subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”.
I'm disgusted that Europeans are so fucking slow to wake up to the reality of what is happening!!! this is a death sentence if it's not rapidly stopped asap.
Well, if the govs refuse to protect the citizens in WE, they must do it themselves. 2nd Amendment incl ACTIVE ARMED MILITIAS taking care of security in THEIR neighborhoods. NO matter the price.
The UK Police are corrupt to the core, they enable pedophilia in the UK. They protect muslims rape gangs and also elite child pedophile networks in london. The MET have covered up this for decades and the "government" do nothing. The common man, woman and child mean fuck all to these parasites and it's about time we held these parasites to account. BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
The British ((foreign)) government are guilty of vast filthy abuses & crimes against Children Curious about 'foreign' aspect?..These ((filthy bastards)) are not part of our Culture or people. But ((they)) are responsible for the flooding of Europe & Britain with scum Criminals ..They own Government
we will fight to the end no matter what...Sun Tzu - 'Build your opponent a golden bridge to retreat across.' This is cos those that have no hope left can achieve incredible things and history is full of battles won due to this; we have nowhere to retreat to.
The British Police are a disgrace. They work for certain chosen groups, the left, and the rainbow people. They see the native British people as the enemy.
The British Police are quite clearly involved in a long term criminal conspiracy throughout the UK involving the most disgusting crimes - those against children; if we had US statues they could be jailed for the rest of their lives under the RICO statue but of course we don't have that and anyway there is NO ONE in this country to bring them to justice...
you know what the problem is in the UK and pretty much every western state? The rulers are NOT the ones you see on the telly our front making speeches running for office or preaching from the media or halls of academia. The Rulers are the ones calling the tune that all those others dance to. The REAL rulers are the ones that hold the power of the Pound the Dollar and the Euro. And the big problem is not just that they control the money which in itself is a disaster, it is that they are WILLFULLY EVIL. These people are SATANISTS. These people are all members of the familial based secret society that was formed of the union of the Rothschild Banking House, the Order of the Illuminati, and the Sabbatean-Frankist Luciferian Cult. They are willfully performing every action that every righteous man and woman on earth knows in their bones is diabolically Evil and a Sin before ANY GOD. These people worship a demon and they behave like demons. They cannot be reformed only exposed and destroyed. They are doing everything in their power to bring about the Armageddon of the Human Race as fast as they can and they are getting away with it.
Alex I have a shirt request. The MASS MURDERING MEDIA LIED and MILLIONS DIED. Or anything with the MASS MURDERING MEDIA on it and all buy it a wear it. The MASS MURDERING MEDIA has LIED about HCQ and Covid-19 and the Vaccines. I HOPE PEOPLE GANG UP and SUE the MASS MURDERING MEDIA out of EXISTENCE !!!! ?????????????????
What Dr. Tenpenny is NOT mentioning the injected material is 100% SYNTHETIC VIRAL GENETIC MATERIAL, and AFTER the injection are are becoming a part of the VIRUS, ALL YOUR STILL HUMAN CELLS, up to the point of injection NOW ARE CHANGING. You are NO MORE HUMAN 100%, you are a viral-eukaryotic HYBRID, expressing VIRAL PROTEINS for maybe the rest of your NO MORE 100% HUMAN LIFE. PLEASE GET THAT!!! That's a part which general MD is not getting ENOUGH!
Oh wow. Thats really really sad. Poor people to be at the mercy of murderers and having lived such a long life, only to be killed by the hand that is suppose to be looking out for them. I will say a few extra prayers that their souls find their way to the heavens quickly and they can then look out for us - those who are left to deal with these unbelievable tales of woe. God bless them all!
I feel sorry for all the brainwashed who are or will have taken the fake vaccine shots. You are doomed. I'm really sorry you fell for the propaganda lies. It's a world wide genocide to depopulate as many as they can kill. There is no pandemic, there are no real vaccines, as the virus was never isolated to make a vaccine. The lock downs, masks, all a scam. Wake up before you sign your own death certificate please.
Yes, his wife and kids can really rely on him in the state he's in now. You can always get another job if you're physically and mentally fit. This guy is screwed now, as is his family. His wife will no doubt be leaving him and looking for a healthy guy who makes better decisions.
Some Random Person.
Sadly we see nothing but natural selection taking place. I have no empathy for this person unfortunately. Does that make me a monster? NO
BorisJohnson visits the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem. (Photo: via Social Media) BorisJohnson has said that he "loves" the "great country" of Israel and considers himself a "passionate Zionist". In an exclusive interview with UK newspaper ...
Britain is being conquered from within by Rothschild Zionist Jews.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who himself has jewish ancestry, released a special video message wishing his fellow Jews a happy Hanukkah, and pledging the support of “every decent person” in Britain to combat rising antisemitism in the UK.:
“To all our Jewish friends, neighbors, and relatives, wherever you are in the world, let me wish you a very happy Hanukah,” said Johnson.
“And it is a time to celebrate not just the miracle of the oil but also your unique identity. To pop the Hanukah menorah in the window and say to the world just as Judah and his small band of poorly equipped Maccabees said to Antiochus III and his mighty Greek army all those years ago, ‘I am Jewish and I am proud of it.’”
The former city of London mayor Boris Johnson (Jewish Zionist) is now the prime minister of Brittan. He received a landslide victory by campaigning to take Britain out of the European Common Market. He campaigned on returning Britain's fishing waters and give the Government in Britain the right to rule Britain. Yet, there is a lack of evidence that Boris Johnson has ever been pro-white. The countless articles mention that Boris aspires to provide amnesty to the illegal's who are living in Britain and that he has been negotiating with African countries to bring in African immigrates into Brittan.
Many suspects that Boris has campaigned to take Britain out of the Common Market because hundreds of thousands, even millions of white Europeans, have been moving in from Europe continent, and this is slowing the process of " British white replacement with third world population." Now that Brittan is leaving the Common Market.
The British population had been puzzled over the years why white people have virtually no rights, and the media slanders them regularly. They do not realize that Britain is governed by Zionist and white traitors who have no regard for whites or any other races. We must remember during the British Empire when the elite and the royal family ruled most of the world, they made billions out of the empire, many British people fought and died the globalist wars, and many British lived in poverty and the rulers then do not care about people's rights and this true today.
"The City of London," which is the world's top financial centre, has a lot of power with the British rulers and the Globalist who owns the media are connected to the City of London and the royal families. Many Globalists in Britain are Zionist, and their loyalty is to Zionism and World government. They have no commitment or regard to Britain, and its indigenous people.
You'll find there are many Christian Zionists in the Christian churches who are the moving third world populations to replace white people in western countries including Britain. The Christian churches might recognize indigenous rights for coloured indigenous minorities, yet crazy enough, they don't recognize indigenous rights for the majority, including native British Whites.
The most politically and well-organized organizations in Britain are the Jewish community, who are campaigning to keep bring into Britain coloured people from the third world to replace White Gentile Christians in all white countries, including Britain. If you were to campaign against them, you would be called anti-Semitic or a racist. Yet, they're the real racist and real anti-semantic because they're bringing Muslims into the country to hate and attack European white Jews and whites.
The leaders of White organization should have built a community-based organization to carter to the British people and their rights, but they did not do this.
They could have had fundraisers to finance a legal anti-defamation league to fight in the British Supreme Court and world courts against the invasion of their country, indigenous rights, and the right for everybody on the planet to have self-determination.
Replace White British with Non White Immigrations.
Katie Hopkins – British journalist and activist whose advocacy for freedom and cultural sovereignty has placed her on the front lines in many of these arenas. Katie was sponsored through Exeter University and the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst by the Intelligence Corps and offered a Regular Commission of 35 years with the British Army. Her documentary, Homelands, is a poignant tale of the consequences of unfettered immigration in Europe today.
The American Freedom Alliance is a non-partisan, non-profit organization which promotes, defends and upholds Western values and ideals. AFA sponsors conferences, publishes opinions, distributes information and creates networking groups to identify threats to Western civilization and to motivate, educate and unite citizens in support of that cause.
Here in The UK we seem to be following the same Path as Lebanon, first we welcome the Muslims, then as they grow in Numbers they start demanding Rights, Then they demand top jobs and power, in the not too distant future we will be in the end Game which is total Domination.
We in India hope that our useless politicians will think like her.
In August 2019, 40-50 British patriots hit the streets and surveyed the British public on their thoughts on becoming a minority in their homeland. In this short documentary, we will reveal the results. Coming October 2019.
The British, Irish, Australians, New Zealanders, Americans, Canadians, Germans, French, to allow non whites to invaded their countries and to replace white Europeans.
Have you noticed on Television now that most of the ads show Black or immigrant families or mixed race couples. And on top of that, some ads now have rap/hip hop music thrown in?. Even though England is over 85% White you would think we were 85% Black with these ads.
It is interesting that the younger generation are much less concerned about their demographic replacement and the erasing of their culture. The education system it seems has done its job of indoctrination.
Mass immigration is actually extremely racist and a crime against humanity. Mass immigration quickly dilutes, and ultimately destroys, a country’s ethno-cultural identity. it is a human right and responsibility to protect the ethno-cultural identity of your homeland. Stop all mass immigration immediately!
Scapegoating is a serious act. When one scapegoats another person or people, one falsely accuses him or them (Christian whites) of a crime for which the accuser knows they are not responsible. It results in both prosecution and persecution of the scapegoated.
Jews and Slavery: "The trade in slaves constituted the main source of livelihood for the Roman Jews, and decrees against this traffic were issued in 335, 336, 339, 384, 415, 417, 423, 438, and 743." http://www.jewishenc...cles/12816-rome
"In the dark ages the commerce of western Europe was largely in his [the Jew's] hands, in particular the slave trade, and in Carolingian cartularies [registers] Jews and merchants are used as almost interchangeable terms."
"One type of business carried on in the early Middle Ages by the Jews in Europe, namely the slave trade, requires a special word of explanation. The Jews were among the most important slave-dealers. As inhabitants of western Germany pushed their way deeper and deeper into Central Europe, driving the Slavic inhabitants farther eastward and taking away their land, they brought back captives whom they sold to Jewish traders. The Jews, in turn, transported these slaves to other lands to be sold to Christian and Mohammedan masters." (page 312)
"Even in the days of the secession crisis, and the subsequent prolongated war and eventual defeat, many Southern Jews believed slavery to be indispensable to their happiness and security."
"On the Caribbean island of Curacao, Dutch Jews may have accounted for the resale of at least 15,000 slaves landed by Dutch transatlantic traders, according to Seymour Drescher, a historian at the University of Pittsburgh. At one point, Jews controlled about 17 percent of the Caribbean trade in Dutch colonies, Drescher said.
"Jews were so influential in those colonies that slave auctions scheduled to take place on Jewish holidays often were postponed, according to Marc Lee Raphael, a professor of Judaic studies at the College of William & Mary.
"In the United States, the Jewish role in the slave trade has been a matter of scholarly debate for nearly two decades, prompted in part by efforts to refute the Nation of Islam’s claim that Jews dominated the Atlantic slave trade. But in Holland, the issue of Jewish complicity is rarely discussed."
"Jews also took an active part in the Dutch colonial slave trade; indeed, the bylaws of the Recife and Mauricia congregations (1648) included an imposta (Jewish tax) of five soldos for each Negro slave a Brazilian Jew purchased from the West Indies Company. Slave auctions were postponed if they fell on a Jewish holiday. In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.
"This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the 'triangular trade' that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses, which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa. Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750's, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760's, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760's and early 1770's dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent." (page 14)
"All through the eighteenth century, into the early nineteenth, Jews in the North were to own black servants; in the South, the few plantations owned by Jews were tilled with slave labor. In 1820, over 75 percent of all Jewish families in Charleston, Richmond, and Savannah owned slaves, employed as domestic servants; almost 40 percent of all Jewish households in the United States owned on slave or more. There were no protest against slavery as such by Jews in the South, where they were always outnumbered at least 100 to 1; discretion was held imperative if they were to survive. But very few Jews anywhere in the United States protested against chattel slavery on moral grounds."
Barbara Spectre Founding Director, Paideia Stockholm.
Barbara Lerner Spectre on White Genocide is necessary
Picture above: Jews campaigning for refugees into western countries to replace whites, true Jews and other races. Many people in high positions of power on the internet, media and political parties are Jewish, they promote hate against whites, Christianity and true Jews. Many Jews are leaving European countries and moving to Israel because the high crime rate by many invaders who are attacking and raping Jews and White gentiles. Many Jews want to live peace and love the country they live in and are against the white European replacement, e.g many Jews are against Zionism and Communism.
Many true Jews say leftwing Jews who campaign for the replacement of the whites are laying the foundation for the Jewish holocaust in the future. They say when the whites are gone, Christianity has been replaced by Islam as the main religion and non whites controls the United States, Europe and Britain, etc they will have modern weapons that can be used against Israel. Jewish communities around the world will be hunted, raped and killed just like the whites in South Africa today. Because of the fact they're actually white and have too much influence in banking, media, organization and politics. The majority of people will not be white and non whites will want to control the internet, mainstream media and banking in the future.
Jews have been mislead by some Jewish rabbis (Priest), Zionist and bankers, who told that all of them they came from Israel. Jews who studied Jewish history say the majority of Jews did not come from Israel, they're former gentiles who converted to the Jewish Faith. In-fact most of their ancestors came from Europe and are the same race as white gentile Europeans. Israel is the Jewish religion homeland and Europe is their racial homeland.
The globalist bankers, finance many Jewish organizations to promote their ideas and use the media to promote hate between Jews, White Christians gentiles and other races. They promote Jewish rightwing nationalism to control the Jews to use them to destroy White gentiles, Christians, true Jews, blacks and other races. The globalist wants a world government and campaigns to remove all national boarders to allow free movement of all races all over the world to destroy unity. They use left wing socialism, communism, and liberalisms to destroy the nations and promote conservatism to stop people from building powerful organizations to fight against the globalist bankers.
The former Chairmen of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League Abe Foxman.
Today the mainstream media in Britain discriminates against everybody but mainly concentrating on hitting white Europeans. They promote hate, fake news, and interracial mixing where everybody loses their cultural. Some examples of that are in commercials, Tele-series, and movies where European women with black men and vice versa, or Asian women with European men.
The subliminal marketing of this is everywhere; created for that sole purpose for interracial marriage. The globalist goal is to reduce the white birth-rate and get rid of most whites.
Noel Ignatiev, Harvard Professor now dead was Jewish.
The majority of countries do not allow the invasion of different races, cultures, or religions into their countries and only race haters in white countries including Britain do that.
AUTHOR – Israel Cohen( Jewish- Zionist — Communist/Socialist —Globalist) “A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century” >Published in 1912 . On June 17, 1957, the above passage was read into the United States Congressional Record by Rep. Thomas G. Abernathy
“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is RACIAL TENSION. By propounding into the consciousness of the DARK races, that for centuries they have been oppressed by Whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will endeavor to instill in the Whites, a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the PROFESSIONS, and in the world of SPORTS and ENTERTAINMENT. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to INTER-MARRY with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”
Jews and the Black & White Slave Trade ?
Jewish entrepreneurs in Europe apparently were also major figures in the slave trade.
The mosque was actually built by an orientalist named Dr Gottlieb Wilhelm Leitner. He was born of Jewish parents in Pest, Hungary.
His father died young and his mother moved to Istanbul where she re-married a Jew who had converted to Christianity and was working with a Protestant Missionary Society in the Levant.
For reasons that are not clear Leitner studied at madrassah schools attached to the mosques in Istanbul, and by his own account memorised large portions of the Quran. By the age of 15 he could speak 8 languages fluently including Turkish, Persian, Arabic and most European languages. On account of this he was employed as Interpreter First Class by the British High Commission in Istanbul, a position that carried the rank of full colonel.
'Quilliams Liverpool mosque pre-dates Woking by a few months, but the Shah Jahan has the honour of being the first purpose built mosque in Europe outside of Muslim Spain.'
Dr Leitner came to England aged 17 and took a degree at Kings College London, by which time it is said he could speak 15 languages. After his degree he was appointed lecturer aged 19 and by the age of 21 was professor at the same college, in Arabic and Muhammadan Law. At the age of 24 he took up the post of Principle of the Government College Lahore, later the University of the Punjab. He spent most of his working life there, published journals and established libraries and educational institutes. He also befriended many notables.
He returned to England with the express purpose of establishing here an Oriental Institute. His search for suitable premises brought him to Woking, at that time a very under developed commuter town 30 miles from London. He purchased what had been the Royal Dramatic College, a large Victorian building in extensive grounds that had been built as a retirement home for retired actors. This project had not been successful but the building was ideal for Leitner's purposes. Here in 1883 he established his Oriental Institute and with a donation from the Begum Shah Jahan, the Nawab Begum of the princely state of Bhopal, built England's first mosque in 1889.
The purpose of the Institute was to enable visiting dignitaries from India to stay and study in culturally sympathetic surroundings. It also enabled Europeans being posted to India to learn the language and culture.
By the time of Leitner's death in 1899 the Institute was awarding degrees through its affiliation to the University of the Punjab. After his death the Institute closed down and was sold and the mosque fell into disuse. Although there is no clearly documented evidence that he himself accepted Islam he was none the less an active sympathiser and supporter.
Trevor Phillips, the man at the heart of 30 years of effort to reduce discrimination and improve equality across the UK, makes the argument that whilst much of the work of those in the “equality movement” has changed Britain for the better, it may also have led to serious and unwanted consequences that could undermine what’s been achieved. In the process, he confronts some uncomfortable truths about racial stereotypes.
The last message was very powerful. One small problem though... it's illegal. Hate Speech Laws has absolutely decimated honest public discourse by making it illegal to say things that may offend people. Race wasn't a particularly sensitive subject when I was in school (a very multicultural - by both race and class - school in SE London) and that was just over 10 years ago. We seem to have felt that it's more important to uphold a polite society rather than an honest one.
Many of the issues touched upon here have got 10-fold worse since this documentary was made...In 2020 the Police chief in Bristol called his men off, allowed BLM/Antifa to rip down a statue, throw it in the canal and was awarded a medal.
The teacher admits her racism. As she said we ignored the white students because the wchool had all these new students. The new students are explicitly more important than the old students! Only once the white students have fallen behind does she pay them any attention.
The push for so called tolerance and multiculturalism has resulted in one thing.Everyone now understands that all cultures are to be protected except for white, western culture and values. That must make way for all others, and the results are pretty clear.
Multiculturalism doesn't work in the UK go outside of London and see real racism in other UK cities like Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool and towns are highly segregated and racist people don't want to mix or integrate everyone only for their own ,clearly society is not going to change in the elderly or young as everyone has thier own views.
At 1:04:01 Trevor almost seems to get it, the very group that resents the ethnic approach are about to start benefitting it.Yes, after 2 decades of the white working class being ignored by education and allowed to fall behind because the priority has been for BAMES to make more progress and get past the white working class so that we can go 'yay! No more racism'. And when white working class have been pointing out that they are at the back of the queue for 20 odd years then they are called racists and bigots!What does it say when the white working class now do worst in schools? It says that they have been neglected because people have worried that by focusing on them they will be called racist.What a shit show of a mess.
Tony Blair certainly played his part in destroying Britain.
Thanks Trevor for the sanity check. The BBC would have me think that I have only believed all this for many years now simply because i am white and therefore must be inherrently racist, not because I am old and actually SAW it with my own eyes, experienced it or researched it. Thank you Trevor for your honesty.
Note that all admit they are 'trying to make multiculturalism work' - which means it doesn't. That is, it is an introduced problem no one needed, nor asked for; and the result is prejudice, violence, social upheaval and distrust and even death. Even Trevor admits that by trying to stop prejudice, they simply alienated multiple groups ever more - the road to hell, truly is paved with 'good' but arrogant intentions E.g When Trevor says "the public didn't understand" it because he thinks knows better. Its this high-handed and high-minded arrogance that created the mass migration problems and failure of white working class boys is in the first place. Notice also they only gave it 20 seconds...
The head teacher at the end admitted putting extra resources into every ethnic minority group while admitting it’s the white indigenous minority at that school are at the bottom of the pile, and she had a smile on her face while telling us this ?
Go and listen to Powell's speech. I was really shocked by it. By how conservative it was in its predictions, compared to the reality that is unfolding. Property prices in London double every seven years. Workers' wages are the same as they were twenty years ago.The real reason immigration has been encouraged, I believe, is for 3 reasons, none of which benefit the working class:1. Middle class white guilt and virtue signalling.2. To drive down wages.3. To drive up rents and property prices.All three of these are of huge benefit only to the property owning, middle and upper classes, and they use their virtue signalling as a way of feeling all warm and cosy about it as they live in their wealthy white enclaves like Surrey, Kensington and Richmond.Thanks Trevor for an amazing and courageous report.
We have the same problems in Sweden. The mainstream media and political parties bent on creating the utopian multicultural society while they willingly ignore all the negative consequences and accuse everybody who disagrees with them as being racist.
Britain like many European countries is riddled with racism and its 98% aimed at the native populations, racism towards white people is openly accepted now, minority groups are ‘protected’ and get all sorts of freebies and quotas to employ and promote people purely because they are not white. Look at Dianne Abbott for proof of positive discrimination. Heaven forbid we put native people first in their own country.
Social experiment using a factual statement.White northern european people (Including Americans) make up less than 12% of the world's population, that number is estimated to fall under 10% in the next decade. At what point is this a matter of concern and why is it never talked about, should protecting white culture that globally is dying out?
Enoch Powell Against Non White Invasion Into Britain
Powell was a bona fide intellectual and a renegade; you don't see many men as esteemed, refined and principled as that anymore, most especially not in politics. Boy oh boy was he right...
On August 13th, 1977, the National Front Party had two and a half thousand people march through Lewisham, London and had police protection in consideration of this being a planned and legal protest. They were attacked by Left-Wing, Socialist /Communists and the incident has since been referred to as the Lewisham Riots. This is a historical example of the 'dialectical reversal' scenario described in the ANTIFA paragraph.
Silent footage of the Lewisham Riots of 1977. This was a clash between the Anti-Nazi League, the National Front and the Police. For those not aware: the National Front was a racist organisation that was a sort of precursor to the current bigots operating under the banner of the BNP. The NF had decided to march through Lewisham (than as now an ethnically diverse area of London) in an attempt to highlight the plight of the white British (jobs, housing et al). It is curious to note that Britain in 1977 was plagued by recession, unemployment and immigration scare stories - looking at today's papers it is easy to conlude that what goes round comes round. (
Pity I missed this one; I joined the National Front about a month later. Interesting footage though, with poor old Mrs Esther Sizer ending up on her backside on the pavement. The media widely circulated the image of Esther saying that she was "an old lady caught in the mayhem" when she was actually a paid up member of the National Front. A brave lady, long since gone.
"The NF had decided to march through Lewisham (than as now an ethnically diverse area of London)" - Ethnically diverse, yes, I was stabbed in Catford just down the road in the 70s. The police told me crowds of blacks had been all carrying knives because they were fighting among themselves as to which gang had the right to rob people outside the Catford cinema. There was practically zero white knife crime then. A wonderful ethnic import.
@fackitWhynot The NF failed in their objective to march from New Cross to Catford Town Hall. The locals stopped their march at Lewisham hill and the cops allowed the NF to have their speeches there and then bundled them onto trains and away from Lewisham.
I found this article from left-wing newspaper, The Guardian to be extremely interesting on the topic, "non-white British population currently in Britain."
"Figures released by the Official for National Statistics reveal the non-white British population grew from 6.6 million in 2001 to 9.1 million in 2009"
There are several factors following, which contribute toward bringing down the worldwide European Caucasian population, which we have listed below as major factors:
Abortion: 47 million plus babies have been aborted in the United States alone.
Low European birth rate
European suicide rate
Late age marriage
Same-sex marriages
Financial restraints
Raising children is becoming a very difficult task, due to conditioning through the media and laws changing what is means to be a parent. Destruction of the traditional family unit is the overall result.
The white European birth rate does not replace itself, and now it represents under half the total births in the United States. For the first time in history, European Caucasians in London represent under half of London's population. This gradual shift in demographics will change the fundamental character of traditionally white countries, including the USA, the UK, and Australia. For more information, have a look at our article on the diversity explosion
UNCOVERED: The Lies They're teaching British Schoolchildren
Racial diversity is a constant source of tension and conflict and it destroys trust and fractures communities. Take a look back at history and the Roman Empire, French Empire and our own British Empire diversity brings division.
Yep, multi-cultural societies are weak, 'they' know this. It is divide and conquer.
It's clown world. CiS-Het White males are never right, unless they're left ;)
it's ok to be a White Nationalist and have your own Ethnostate. without an Ethnostate, a unique ethnicity cannot survive.
Globalists Are Against Whites Building Organizations To Represent Themselves
Many cultural groups are proud of their organizations; however, people of European heritage are now labeled as 'racist' if they display similar pride. Below is a list of organizations in Britain that represent different colored races, but do not represent British native Europeans. When Europeans have created organizations to represent them, the Equality and Human Rights Commission in Britain has claimed it is practicing discrimination according to race and skin color. For some reason, however, the organizations in Britain listed below are given a free pass as being perfectly acceptable!
The Black Police Association
Black and Asian Therapists Online
BBC Asian Network
Asian Radio
Federation of Black Housing Organizations
Asian Modelling Service UK
Society of Black and Asian Lawyers
Black Lawyers
Asian job UK
Barnardos Chinese Lay Health Project
Black UK
Sussex Black Police Association
Black Students Association
UK Black Teachers Association
Operations Black Vote
UK Asian Business Directory
Asian People Disability Alliance
Asian Arts Agency
Black Enterprise Awards
Black Engineer
AIM Magazine
Natwest Bank (AsianEntrepreneurs Unit)
Asian Voice
Africa Asian Arts Venue
Black Training Enterprise Group
UK Black Pride
Ethnic Minority Foundation
Black And Minority Ethnic Elders
Britain has become one huge Indian Reservation.
Alex Jones Infowars interviews American Indian Russell Means who talks how American has become one huge Indian Reservation. Russel Mean passed away in 2012.
The article on right. The B'nai B'rith Jewish Community Based service organization operates nationally, internationally and represents Jews only. Many Jews are nationalist behind the scenes; and in public they promote conservative, liberal, socialist, communist ideas.
Jewish organizations are collective community based organizations, bringing together many groups under national and international congresses all over the world.
Many Jews are united national, international and are a nation within a nation with their own government.
White gentile organizations in the United States, Australia, Britain, and Europe are not community based organizations, they are conservative structured. Conservative organizations are not collectives and do not build Anti-Defamation organizations to fight for people rights and do not promote community services to their people. They do not have national or international congresses to unite them.
Alex Jones (Infowars) said conservative will not defeat the globalist, only nationalist will do that. Alex was talking about national ideas and organizations.
Stormfront is the biggest European community forum site and attracts people from all over the world....
Citizen Initiated Referenda (CIR) in Switzerland
Support CIR as a way of allowing all electors to have a direct say in government decision-making. Our present system of government only allows political parties the right to decide for the rest of us.
"This article concerns the subject of Indigenous People, and in particular, the Indigenous People of Britain. If you happen to be British, white, and have a family tree born and bred in Britain, would you consider yourself to be an indigenous British person?"
InfoWars is in contact with Millie Weaver. We are closely monitoring the situation as it develops. To support her, please visit Ezra Levant’s Go Fund Me:
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Slavery in America, typically associated with blacks from Africa, was an enterprise that began with the shipping of more than 300,000 white Britons to the colonies. This little known history is fascinatingly recounted in White Cargo (New York University Press, 2007). Drawing on letters, diaries, ship manifests, court documents, and government archives, authors Don Jordan and Michael Walsh detail how thousands of whites endured the hardships of tobacco farming and lived and died in bondage in the New World.
Following the cultivation in 1613 of an acceptable tobacco crop in Virginia, the need for labor accelerated. Slavery was viewed as the cheapest and most expedient way of providing the necessary work force. Due to harsh working conditions, beatings, starvation, and disease, survival rates for slaves rarely exceeded two years. Thus, the high level of demand was sustained by a continuous flow of white slaves from England, Ireland, and Scotland from 1618 to 1775, who were imported to serve America’s colonial masters.
These white slaves in the New World consisted of street children plucked from London’s back alleys, prostitutes, and impoverished migrants searching for a brighter future and willing to sign up for indentured servitude. Convicts were also persuaded to avoid lengthy sentences and executions on their home soil by enslavement in the British colonies. The much maligned Irish, viewed as savages worthy of ethnic cleansing and despised for their rejection of Protestantism, also made up a portion of America’s first slave population, as did Quakers, Cavaliers, Puritans, Jesuits, and others.
Around 1618 at the start of their colonial slave trade, the English began by seizing and shipping to Virginia impoverished children, even toddlers, from London slums. Some impoverished parents sought a better life for their offspring and agreed to send them, but most often, the children were sent despite their own protests and those of their families. At the time, the London authorities represented their actions as an act of charity, a chance for a poor youth to apprentice in America, learn a trade, and avoid starvation at home. Tragically, once these unfortunate youngsters arrived, 50% of them were dead within a year after being sold to farmers to work the fields.
A few months after the first shipment of children, the first African slaves were shipped to Virginia. Interestingly, no American market existed for African slaves until late in the 17th century. Until then, black slave traders typically took their cargo to Bermuda. England’s poor were the colonies’ preferred source of slave labor, even though Europeans were more likely than Africans to die an early death in the fields. Slave owners had a greater interest in keeping African slaves alive because they represented a more significant investment. Black slaves received better treatment than Europeans on plantations, as they were viewed as valuable, lifelong property rather than indentured servants with a specific term of service.
These indentured servants represented the next wave of laborers. They were promised land after a period of servitude, but most worked unpaid for up to15 years with few ever owning any land. Mortality rates were high. Of the 1,200 who arrived in 1619, more than two thirds perished in the first year from disease, working to death, or Indian raid killings. In Maryland, out of 5,000 indentured servants who entered the colony between 1670 and 1680, 1,250 died in bondage, 1,300 gained their right to freedom, and only 241 ever became landowners.
Early in the 17th century, the headright system, a land allocation program to attract new colonists, began in Jamestown, Virginia as an attempt to solve labor shortages. The program provided acreage to heads of households that funded travel to the colony for destitute individuals to work the land. It led to the sharp growth of indentured servitude and slavery because the more slaves imported by a colonist, the larger the tracts of land received. Promises of prosperity and land were used to lure the poor, who were typically enslaved for three to 15 years. All the while, agents profited handsomely by augmenting their land holdings. Corruption was rampant in the headright system and included double-counting of individual slaves, land allocations for servants who were dead upon arrival, and per head fees given for those kidnapped off English streets.
Purveyors of slaves often worked in teams of spirits, captains, and office-keepers to kidnap people from English ports for sale in the American labor market. Spirits lured or kidnapped potential servants and arranged for their transport with ship captains. Office-keepers maintained a base to run the operation. They would entertain their prey and get them to sign papers until an awaiting ship became available. Spirits and their accomplices were occasionally put on trial, but court records show that they got off easily and that the practice was tolerated because it was so profitable.
The indentured servant system of people who voluntarily mortgaged their freedom evolved into slavery. England essentially dumped its unwanted in the American colonies, where they were treated no better than livestock. Servants were regularly battered, whipped, and humiliated. Disease was rampant, food was in short supply, and working and living conditions were grim. War with local native Indian tribes was common. Severe punishment made escape unrealistic. Initially, running away was considered a capital crime, with clemency granted in exchange for an agreement to increase the period of servitude.
In the 1640s, the transportation of the Irish began. Britain's goal was to obliterate Ireland's Catholics to make room for English planters. Catholics who refused to attend a Protestant church could be fined. If they were unable to pay, they could be sold as slaves. Following the end of the English Civil Wars in 1651, English military and political leader Oliver Cromwell focused his attention on Ireland, where the people had allied with the defeated royalists during the conflict. Famine was created by the intentional destruction of food stocks. Those implicated in the rebellion had their land confiscated and were sold into slavery. Anyone refusing to relocate was threatened with death, including children.
Scots were also subjected to transportation to the British colonies for religious differences, as England imposed Anglican disciplines on the Church of Scotland as well. The English army was deployed to break up illegal church assemblies and imprison or deport religious protesters.
Cruelty to servants was rampant. Beatings were common, and the perpetrators, buttressed by juries made up of fellow landowners, were rarely punished for abuse or even murder. In time, efforts were made to improve the lot of servants. Legislation in 1662 provided for a "competent diet, clothing and lodging" and disciplinary measures not to "exceed the bounds of moderation." Servants were granted the right to complain, but the cruelty continued.
Infanticide by unmarried women was common, as they could be severely punished for "fornication." The mother faced a whipping, fines, and extra years added to her servitude. Her offspring faced time in bondage as well. If the mother was the victim of a rape by the master, he faced a fine and the loss of a servant but wasn't subjected to whipping.
Several uprisings in the American colonies awakened slave owners to problems, exposing their vulnerability within the caste-like master-servant social system they had created. In 1676, Nathaniel Bacon, an aristocrat from England who became a Virginia colonist, instigated an insurrection, referred to as Bacon's Rebellion, that changed the course of white slavery.
Prior to Bacon's Rebellion, much discontentment existed among servants over seemingly empty promises of land following their periods of indenture. When they were finally freed of their obligations, many found that they couldn't afford the required land surveying fees and the exorbitant poll taxes.
In 1675, when war broke out with some of the native tribes, Bacon joined the side of the warring settlers and offered freedom to every slave and servant who deserted his master and joined Bacon in battle. Hundreds enthusiastically joined him in the insurgency. When Bacon died suddenly, his supporters fled or surrendered; some were recaptured, put in chains, and beaten or hanged. However, because of the revolt, whites gained rights. Whippings were forbidden without a formal judicial order.
By the early 1770s, the convict trade was big business, more profitable than the black slave trade because criminals were cheap. They could be sold for one third the price of indentured servants. England's jails were being emptied into America on a significant scale. Additionally, merchants who traded in convicts from England and Ireland received a subsidy for every miscreant transported to America. Up to a third of incoming convicts died from dysentery, smallpox, typhoid, and freezing temperatures. Upon arrival, they were advertised for sale, inspected, and taken away in chains by new masters.
Following the Revolutionary War, the British continued to ship convict labor as "indentured servants" to America. During that time, seven ships filled with prisoners made the journey, and two successfully landed. In 1789, convict importation was legally banned across the U.S. America would no longer be the dumping ground for British criminals. It took another 30 years before the indentured servant trade ended completely.
A well written and well researched historical narrative, White Cargo does an excellent job of elucidating a forgotten part of our colonial past by telling the story of thousands of Britons who lived and died in bondage before African slaves were transported to the New World.
Leo Frank managed a pencil factory in Atlanta, Georgia, and he was also the president of the southern regional chapter of B’nai B’rith, the most prominent Jewish secret society. Thirteen-year-old Mary Phagan was one of about 120 child laborers working in the factory. She operated a machine that attached the metal band that holds the rubber eraser to the wooden pencil.
On Saturday April 26, 1913, when the factory was deserted, the little girl came to the office of Leo Frank to get her pay of $1.20. In very much the same way as Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein is accused of doing, Frank used his power as the factory boss to lure her to a back area and attempt to sexually assault her. Mary resisted and in the struggle Frank struck her and knocked her unconscious, and then strangled her to death. He left a trail of clues leading to himself, so within a few days of the murder he was arrested. He was later tried, convicted, and ultimately sentenced to death. After two years of legal appeals Frank was kidnapped from his Georgia prison cell and lynched. He is claimed to be the only Jew ever lynched in America.
Jews also claimed that somebody else committed the crime and that Frank was unfairly tried and that he was the victim of “anti-Semitism.” The case became an international cause célèbre for Jews—as infamous as the O.J. Simpson case. And just as with the O.J. case the story of Leo Frank has immense racial overtones.
You mentioned Harvey Weinstein—his method of targeting young girls seems chillingly similar to the Leo Frank scenario.
Very much so. Frank found himself in the identical predicament that Weinstein is in. According to testimony at his 1913 murder trial, many of Leo Frank’s own female employees testified about how he had tried to corner them and about how he had proposed sexual acts to them. One by one these teenagers took the witness stand and spoke of his lewd behavior. One employee said he had looked through a keyhole to find Frank performing oral sex on a woman—right in the factory! Another said Frank had offered her money for sex. The testimony was so explicit that the judge had to clear the courtroom of women. What’s worse, after this barrage of salacious stories, Frank’s lawyers argued that his behavior was not wrong—that it was a sign of more liberal times! One even said, “Deliver me from one of these prudish fellows that never looks at a girl and never puts his hands on her…” Another telling similarity between Harvey Weinstein and Leo Frank is that all the girls that Frank hunted down were all Gentiles, and that caused much resentment among the white men of Georgia. Weinstein, at least so far, seems to have adopted that familiar M.O. in his targeting of young women.
What does the case have to do with Black people?
The Leo Frank case is much like the Plessy-Ferguson or Dred Scott case is to Black people—it is a pillar of Jewish identity. And from the very beginning of this landmark Jewish case, Blacks were intimately involved. At first, Jews said a Black night watchman at the factory named Newt Lee was the real murderer. He was arrested and almost lynched, until he was found to have an iron-clad alibi. Then the Jews said that the real murderer was another employee, a Black man named James Conley, who was a sweeper at the factory.
The night watchman you mentioned, Newt Lee—how was he implicated in the case? 223w" sizes="(max-width: 199px) 100vw, 199px" style="margin:0.3125rem 1.25rem 1.25rem 0px;padding:0px;font:inherit;vertical-align:bottom;max-width:100%;height:auto;display:inline;float:left">
Newt Lee was working that night and in the early morning, during his rounds, it was Lee who found the body in the basement. He alerted the police and they—seeing a Black man near a dead white body—immediately arrested him. Incredibly, Frank’s own legal team actually planted a bloody shirt at Newt Lee’s home to make him look guilty. At the same time Lee’s factory time card, which gave him a strong alibi, was mysteriously altered to show that he had had the time to commit the crime. Only Frank and his crew of lawyers and hired detectives had the ability to frame Newt Lee like that. When the newspaper reported that a bloody shirt was found at Lee’s home, it almost got an innocent man lynched. Luckily for Lee, Frank’s legal eagles and private eyes did such a sloppy job at planting the shirt that the police were not fooled at all and suspected Frank even more. This is the point in the case where the people of Atlanta came to believe—and rightly so—that Leo Frank was the murderer.
Tell us more about James Conley. What is his involvement in the Leo Frank case?
James Conley was the most pivotal individual in the whole case. He was a 29-year-old Black man and a janitor at the pencil factory, and the Jews say he essentially teamed up with Atlanta, Georgia’s white police and white prosecutors to falsely charge and condemn his employer, Leo Frank. For a century Conley has been portrayed as an enemy of the Jewish people—maybe the first “Black anti-Semite.”
James Conley, falsely charged with the murder of a white gentile girl.
And because there is a Black man in the midst of such a historical Jewish tragedy, it was incumbent upon us to ferret out the truth of the matter. Was Conley a murderer, or was he being set up to take the fall for Leo Frank’s crime? Black scholars—up until now—have left Conley hanging, as it were. He is owed a fair analysis. Is he the first “Black Anti-Semite” or an innocent victim of a Jewish smear campaign?
How did James Conley go from factory janitor to “black anti-Semite”?
Conley says that on the day of the murder Frank ordered him to be a lookout stationed on the first floor as Frank—a married man—“Weinsteined” young females in his second-floor office. Conley said that he had performed that lookout service for Frank several times before, so he was well familiar with the assignment. When an unsuspecting Mary Phagan came in that day to get her pay, she went upstairs to her boss’s office not knowing she was walking into Frank’s trap.
Moments later Frank called Conley upstairs in a panic, explaining that he had accidently struck and killed the girl. Frank then ordered him to help him conceal the body in the basement and swore him to secrecy. As a Black man in 1913 lynch-mob Georgia, Conley did as he was told. But as the case became a front-page sensation, Conley came to believe that Leo Frank was about to scrap their agreement and pin the murder on him. So Conley confessed to the police about his role in helping Frank conceal the body.
His statement was so detailed and the details matched the physical evidence that the police and prosecutors believed him. And thus Conley became one of the strongest witnesses against Leo Frank. It must be noted that a grand jury with five Jewish members (including at least two from Frank’s own synagogue) indicted Leo Frank before Conley came forward. So the evidence clearly pointed to Frank’s guilt before Conley said a word. But once Conley spoke up, Frank and his legal team—and Jewish leaders and scholars for the last 100 years—have used every bit of their wealth, power, and clout to pin the murder of Mary Phagan on the Black man James Conley.
Why is the Nation of Islam interested in this case, a Jewish case?
Leo Frank, the only Jew ever lynched in American history. He murdered a 13-year-old white gentile girl and tried to blame his crime on two Black men.
When studying the historical relationship between Blacks and Jews, we find that the 1913-1915 Leo Frank case is a turning point—a watershed moment. It is claimed that Leo Frank’s lynching caused Jews to feel more sympathy for the oppressed condition of Blacks in America. They say it compelled Jews to join the Civil Rights Movement and caused them to form the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL). They say it led to the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan as an “anti-Jewish” organization.
In fact, none of that is true. But what IS true is that the Leo Frank case is the first use of “Black anti-Semitism” as a Jewish battle cry, and it marks the beginning of a hundred-year campaign by Jewish leaders to aggressively control and curtail Black progress. Jews insist that Blacks ignore the lengthy history of Blacks and Jews prior to the case and begin our relationship with them at the moment of Frank’s lynching in 1915—when we presumably were “united” in this tragedy. And if you examine the literature on the Black–Jewish relationship, it most often begins right at the very point of the Leo Frank case—as if nothing of historical significance preceded it.
Also, Leo Frank was not of the rank-and-file Jewish citizenry. As the B’nai B’rith president he was arguably the most important Jew in the South. Jews considered him as having, in effect, diplomatic immunity within the white rulership of the Jim Crow South, so his arrest, trial, and conviction shocked, offended, and activated Jews at the highest level. And they have sought to exonerate Frank ever since, but at Black people’s expense.
How did all the propaganda affect your approach to this case?
Our first view of the Leo Frank case accepted the prevailing opinion of Jewish scholars that Frank was innocent and wrongly convicted of murder, but there were red flags about how the case was being presented. We had to wade through reams of propaganda in order to get to the raw data, the primary documents. But once we did, it became clear that not only was Frank guilty of the rape and murder of Mary Phagan, but he and his Jewish defenders had taken anti-Black racism to an entirely new level.
There is no real doubt that Frank murdered Mary Phagan. Four separate investigative agencies—including the two detective firms hired by Leo Frank himself—concluded that Frank was guilty of the murder. A grand jury with five Jewish members indicted him. At least two of those Jewish men were members of Frank’s synagogue and one of them was a B’nai B’rith official! A 12-man jury of his fellow white men needed only a couple of hours to reach a unanimous guilty verdict. Once Blacks and whites decide to examine the ample evidence in the case, the conclusion that Frank was guilty is unavoidable.
What makes the Leo Frank trial problematic for Blacks?
Jews worked hard to pin the murder on two separate Black men. And then the Jewish leaders argued publicly and openly that (1) testimony from witnesses was invalid if they were Black, and that (2) Frank was innocent because murder and rape were “negro crimes.” Had the Jews succeeded in establishing those profoundly racist legal doctrines, crimes in America from then on would have been color-coded, and Blacks would be considered legally incapable of telling the truth! The fact that it was the Jewish community that advanced this wickedness makes the Leo Frank case a landmark case and irreversibly alters our understanding of the Black–Jewish relationship.
Atlanta Constitution newspaper headline. Frank declared murder a “negro crime” and thus pronounced himself innocent.
Plus, the conduct of the trial by Frank’s defense was appalling. During jury selection Frank’s attorneys eliminated all the Blacks because they wanted to have an all-white jury; they attacked Blacks in open court, calling them “niggers” and “smelly” and “liars.” Frank’s attorney said that if you “hang a nigger in a hopper he’ll drip lies.” He asked one witness if he “ever smelled a nigger.” He told the court that they had “never known of a nigger” to leave sausage on a plate. Frank’s attorneys said that unlike the Jews Blacks were “a law-breaking race.”
Their defense appealed almost entirely to the “racial responsibility” of the all-white jury to exonerate a fellow white man. It is a testament to the sheer power of Jews that they were able to take a trial that may have been the most atrocious example of anti-Black race hate in the American judicial system and turn it into their most egregious example of anti-Semitism. Now Leo Frank is even being promoted as a Jewish civil rights icon, even though pure white supremacy was his courtroom defense! Yes, the Leo Frank trial was and is problematic for Blacks.
Was there a cover-up in this case?
A whole lot is being covered up in this case. Most people who have heard of the case have been told that Frank was in effect dragged out of a synagogue and tried at a Klan rally. But that was not the case at all. Frank, after all, was a prominent white man and a respected community leader in Atlanta—and he was treated as such by the police, prosecutors, and press. Jews in the South were honored members of the white community. They helped create the court system that enforced the legal inferiority of all Blacks. They never, ever had to face the racism that Blacks suffered.
Most people are not being told that there was blood and hair evidence, that Frank changed his alibi several times and lied constantly to police, that he was a womanizer who sexually harassed his girl employees, and that he claimed he couldn’t remember simple things. He hired private detectives that went around planting evidence and bribing witnesses to change their testimony. At his own trial Frank refused to be sworn on the Bible. Yes, there is a LOT that Jewish writers have covered up about the case, including Frank playing the race card to play to the white jurors’ prejudices about Black men. Most damning of all are the racist extremes that Frank and his B’nai B’rith associates were willing to go to free Leo Frank. 300w" sizes="(max-width: 417px) 100vw, 417px" style="margin:0.3125rem 0px 1.25rem 1.25rem;padding:0px;font:inherit;vertical-align:bottom;max-width:100%;height:auto;display:inline;float:right">
How did the Nation of Islam Research Group become aware of the Leo Frank Case?
Since at least 1959, Jewish leaders have targeted the Nation of Islam for destruction. And since 1983, Jews in America have ill-advisedly attacked The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, labeling him an “anti-Semite,” and they have unleashed a barrage of hatred and slander against The Minister and ALL Blacks who love and respect him. Minister Farrakhan’s response was to send his scholars into the libraries to examine the actual history of Jews and their historical behavior with respect to Black people, and it is an ugly picture indeed. Their extensive involvement in the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the marketing of the products of slavery was documented for the first time, as was their deep involvement in the Jim Crow South. When The Minister published this secret history in 1991 and again in 2010, it shocked most Blacks and Jews.
The reaction of Jewish leaders was to deny, deny, deny—but ironically most of the scholarship used by the NOI had come from Jewish historians, rabbis, and Jewish leaders themselves. We only quoted high-ranking and well-respected scholars like Korn, Wiznitzer, Marcus, Raphael, Brackman and others who had documented horrible truths about Jewish slave-trading, but had only shared that knowledge among themselves.
Even with that damning historical evidence, Jewish leaders insisted that the Nation of Islam was misleading the world. Blacks, they said, ought to look at the Leo Frank case as the BEST example of the plight of Jews in America. And it is they who demand that Blacks view Jewish history through the prism of Leo Frank.
And so we respected that Jewish request and performed the most extensive analysis of the case ever done. But the result is an even more devastating a blow to the propaganda that passes for Jewish history. In 536 pages, we show that most of what is believed about the case is a carefully crafted lie.
What makes the Leo Frank case relevant today? Why should anyone care about this case, this history?
The Leo Frank case marks the spot in Jewish history where they in effect weaponized the charge “anti-Semitism” to punish and destroy their enemies. It is the point when Jews moved to commandeer Black leadership to make Blacks serve Jews’ political purposes. The Messenger of Allah, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, says that in effect the civil rights movement was foisted upon us and is really a “hypocritical trick,” used to deceive us and defer our movement toward a full and complete freedom. The Leo Frank case is one of those tricks.
For example, Leo Frank’s crime happened at a very significant time for American Jews. The Federal Reserve was being established, as was the ADL. Both the Ku Klux Klan and the civil rights movement developed with the great assistance of Jews. So the Leo Frank case offered a chance to generate a victim-of-“anti-Semitism” storyline as cover for these other moves they were making at the time.
Was anti-Semitism involved in the Leo Frank Case? If so, how so?
Incredibly, this case is seen as the most egregious case of anti-Semitism in the history of America. Yet the records prove that anti-Semitism was almost entirely absent from the trial and its aftermath. The first time religion was introduced into the trial was through the bigotry of Frank’s own mother. She made a nuisance of herself at the trial, even standing up and cussing out the prosecutor, calling him a “Christian dog.”
We document at least three cases where Leo Frank hired people to incite “anti-Semitism” in his trial so that he could “play the anti-Semitism card” in his effort to free himself. So flagrant is this deception that we must ask how and why it has been allowed to stand for so long. It only proves that Blacks must examine history for themselves, no matter how strongly held the prevailing opinion and dogma may be. How the case has long been spun proves that some of the greatest liars in world history are historians—promoters of the Western world’s fairy tales.
When we Googled Leo Frank we found that he is being constantly referenced in articles and commentaries on today’s issues. Why are today’s Jews so passionate about the Leo Frank Case?
The Leo Frank case allowed Jews to reinvent and redefine themselves in America. Before the Frank case Jews were firmly a part of the slave-trading class of racial oppressors in a society that scapegoated Blacks and accepted the Jewish people as fellow Caucasians. Leo Frank gave them a chance to wipe that slate clean and start over in a biblical role as an American victim—the “despised and rejected” (Isaiah 53:3) for 400 years in a land not their own (Genesis 15:13).
You can’t be a slave-trading white supremacist people and maintain your image as God’s “Chosen.” So Leo Frank as a victim of a brutal lynching allows Jews to claim that the Jewish people as a whole were victims, rather than the victimizers that history proves they actually were. That is why most popular histories ignore the Jewish role in America between Columbus’s voyage in 1492 and the Civil War and Reconstruction of the mid- and late 1800s. They have hidden that history and demanded that we begin noticing the Jewish presence in America in the 1910s. In very much the same way that Jesus started time over again, Leo Frank the martyred hero allows Jews to claim that their American birth certificate reads August 17, 1915—the day Frank was lynched.
The case has been made into a play titled Parade, which seems to be performed all over the world.
Alfred Uhry, playwright and promoter of the Leo Frank hoax.
A society’s founding fables must be constantly reinforced if its citizens are going to react according to the wishes of its rulers. The Parade script provides that reinforcement for Jews. It is written by Alfred Uhry, the same Jewish man who wrote that unwatchable slavery nostalgia movie Driving Miss Daisy. Even in the three-word title, Uhry gives you the Black man’s job and function—a driver—without a reference to his humanity or even to his name. He is a servant to the more important Jewish woman, “Miss Daisy,” who has both a name and a respectful title. This is how Hollywood has misrepresented us, and, again, reinforced racial relationships. Uhry won a Tony for Parade because it tells Jews that they are the primary victims of America, and that Blacks are among their oppressors. He falsely represents James Conley as the murderer of Mary Phagan and he portrays Blacks as having aligned with whites specifically to persecute “the Jew.” Absurd.
Alfred Uhry’s claim to fame: Driving Miss Daisy. Considered to be a prime example of Hollywood’s demeaning racist roles.
Plays have to be examined, just like the Confederate statues. The ADL started out looking at plays, movies, books to ferret out and eliminate the defamation of Jews—it is in their founding charter. So those old movies have to go. Hamilton has to be reassessed. Over time, Black actors—much like the NFL’s Black athletes—will refuse these demeaning negro roles and “take a knee,” as it were. This would force Jews to play those demeaning roles in burnt-cork blackface—just like they used to. Parade defames Black people and cannot be allowed to stand.
Parade play is the main source of false Leo Frank propaganda.
Parade is a Jewish fairy tale—no more truthful than the story of Santa Claus or Washington’s cherry tree. In a sense Alfred Uhry does us a service, because Blacks must know how the theater and movies have been manipulated by Jews to effectively scapegoat our people. Parade demonstrates just how far they will go to make Blacks the villains. Leo Frank pointed his crooked finger at two Black men, which almost led to their lynching. He also accused a white Gentile man of the crime, and Frank’s team of thugs tried to hire a Black woman to poison the main Black witness. The lengths they went to free Leo Frank were beyond belief. None of Frank’s criminal acts make it into the Parade fairy tale.
In fact, Parade uses precisely the same formula as the 1915 film The Birth of a Nation, which told the world that Blacks were a lethal threat to American civilization. It should come as no surprise that Jews were the financiers, promoters, and distributors of that movie, which is so racist that it is still used by the Ku Klux Klan as a recruitment film.
How many other books written about this case? Any movies? The NOI’s book would make a fantastic movie!
There are about a dozen books and hundreds of articles on the Leo Frank case—nearly all of them following the racist Jewish storyline of an innocent Leo Frank who paid the ultimate price for a rape and murder committed by a Black man. A TV movie with Jack Lemon and Charles Dutton was produced in 1988, and a PBS “docudrama,” The People v. Leo Frank, was made in 2009. A movie that corrects the history and that tells the story of those who purposely twisted the case would make a very powerful feature film.
We’ve always understood that the Jewish people were the “best friends” of Blacks throughout our history. How did we get it so wrong?
If we examine the origin of Black people’s belief that Jews were our friends and allies in our freedom struggles, we find they use the Myth of Leo Frank as their “proof.” Until the Nation of Islam’s books on the Black–Jewish relationship, Black scholars have not dared to look carefully into that claim. Unfortunately, they have allowed Jewish scholars to simply invent a false history and bum rush it into all our history books.
For instance, in many books on lynching Leo Frank is the only person named as a victim, even though more than 4,000 Blacks were brutally lynched in America! And just like that, Leo Frank—a white man—is made the symbol of American racial terrorism. In some books the KKK is made into an anti-Jewish phenomenon and racism is merely an afterthought to the Klan—even though no other Jews were ever lynched. Through the Leo Frank case, Jews have simply stolen our history—like Jacob stole the birthright of his brother Esau in the Bible. They’ve swapped their photo for ours and used our I.D.s, to the point that we, Blacks, have been duped into believing a false history. As Malcolm X once famously said, “we’ve been took, hoodwinked, bamboozled.”
What is most striking about the case is how every aspect of the Jewish community rallied around Leo Frank—from the rank and file with their letter-writing campaigns to the upper echelon of Jewish leadership. Their persistence is to be admired, even though the hard evidence clearly shows Leo Frank to be as guilty as sin.
Yes. For them it was not about his guilt or innocence but in pushing a “cover” narrative that Jews can use to advance their own political and economic agenda. It is a narrative that helps them stick together as a people and—even more important—it runs interference as they pursue their political and economic agendas. It is now clear that most Jewish leaders and supporters may have known that Frank was the murderer of Mary Phagan. But their mangling of BLACK history is unacceptable. For Frank to be innocent a Black man must be guilty—and that is unacceptable.
It is also fascinating how Jews and white Gentiles seem to have split over this case.
Yes. This case marks the point where Jews turned most viciously against white Gentiles. The Jewish people had been so well accepted in the South by the Gentiles that some Jews actually believed that Dixie was the Jewish Promised Land. It was in the South where Jews had made an incredible fortune in cotton and slavery. So white Gentiles were completely blind-sided by this Jewish scorched-earth effort to free Leo Frank at all costs. Jews even slandered the whole state of Georgia with the charge of “anti-Semitism,” which, we found, was non-existent; indeed, our research shows just the opposite: Southern whites have always been philo-Semitic.
For instance, nearly all the previous writings on the case claim that a white mob stormed the trial chanting, “Hang the Jew or we’ll hang you!” In many books and articles these are the only words quoted in the whole case. Yet, there was no mob! There was no chanting! Frank partisans simply made it all up. We have a section in the book that lists all the authors that published some version of that lie, including the ADL, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the lawyer Alan Dershowitz, and newspapers like the New York Times, Los Angeles Times and many, many others.
That ONE SINGLE LIE is what Jews have pointed to for over a century to prove that they faced violent oppression in America. Yet it has no basis in fact at all. Quite remarkable.
Your use of primary documents makes this book groundbreaking—was it difficult in your research to access the original sources?
The original documents of the Leo Frank case are really an unexplored treasure trove that unlock the most confidential operations of the Jews’ highest leadership circles. As the Jewish leaders fought to free Leo Frank, a considerable amount of data about their private activities poured into the public record—information that is so extensive and so revealing that its very existence is unique in the annals of Jewish history. In much the same way as the slave-sale advertisements in our book Jews Selling Blacks unmask Jewish slave-dealing in the harshest way, so too does the Leo Frank case offer a unique window into the thinking and strategizing of the leaders of the Jewish people.
We examined the newspaper accounts, court records and filings, interviews, private investigators’ reports, and Jewish leaders’ private correspondence. Plus, we accessed a significant amount of information held in private archives and libraries, material that previous authors and researchers missed or purposely ignored. All of that is uncovered in the book.
The Nation of Islam goes against the scholarly grain in its revelations about the case—any backlash?
We expect that there will be much Jewish objection, but there is not much that can be disputed, given that the book’s thesis is supported so strongly by official documents and legal records. It is unlikely Jewish leaders will like seeing this history exposed. The Jewish newspaper Forward published an article this summer in which it interviewed Boston University professor Dr. Jeffrey Melnick. He is author of a book about the Leo Frank case, Black–Jewish Relations on Trial. He begins his interview with a surprising admission: “I’m clearly in a strange position of agreeing with a lot of what the Nation of Islam has to say…” In fact, Dr. Melnick was asked directly whether he felt Frank was really guilty. He answered, “I studied all I could and I can’t figure it out still.” Dr. Melnick still has his job, and yet we are still “anti-Semites”! Ironically, Jews falsely throwing around the “anti-Semitism” charge all started with the Leo Frank case.
Our book is so detailed and our range of source material is so extensive that Jews have “chosen” to sit this one out, and they cannot find a negro to push out front to repudiate it. Just as with the two previous volumes of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews series, Jewish historians have shown that they are not equipped to deal with scholarship at this level. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan demands intelligence and accuracy and, above all, TRUTH. While Jewish leaders were viciously slandering him, The Minister sent his scholars into the libraries—not into the gutter. Had we responded from the gutter, it would have been how traditional academia trained us. Min. Farrakhan gave us the intellectual weaponry to prevail in our research.
For those who are already students of the case, what does the Nation of Islam say in the book that is new?
We really bring an entirely new approach to the case. For instance:
We show how Frank’s lawyers maneuvered to force “anti-Semitism” into the courtroom where none existed.
There were two mysterious notes left next to the body that were written by the murderer. We hired a handwriting expert to analyze the notes and we found many clues that lead right to Leo Frank.
We chronicle how the national Jewish leaders took over the case, concocted a public relations campaign filled with racist lies and slander—with the Jewish-owned New York Times at the helm—and foisted it onto the public.
We analyzed Frank’s trial defense, which was explicitly racist and openly anti-Black.
We look deeply into the shady motives behind Governor John Slaton’s commutation of Frank’s death sentence.
We examined in detail not only the dubious pardon that the state of Georgia gave Leo Frank in 1986 but also the dubious claims of Alonzo Mann, who came forward after 70 years of silence to say he saw Conley with the body of Mary Phagan. It turns out that his new statements hurt Leo Frank far more than they help him.
We look at the illegal actions of Frank’s hired private eyes, who intimidated witnesses, planted evidence, and even hatched a murder plot against James Conley.
We look into the Jewish leaders who came to Frank’s defense and their real motives for taking on this case and a man they knew was guilty.
We looked into the group who is claimed to have lynched Leo Frank—The Knights of Mary Phagan—and uncovered some very strange and suspicious details that raise questions about who actually lynched the man.
We found that Frank’s stay in prison was almost luxurious—not the “anti-Semitic” nightmare that has been claimed.
Our goal was to introduce the case to a new generation who are more and more interested in this so-called Black–Jewish relationship and how it has affected Black progress. And to do that effectively we had to get to the bottom of who killed Mary Phagan. Was the murderer a Black man or a Jew?
It is only a matter of time before the falsehoods and lies that we have uncovered change the history of the Leo Frank case—and thus the Black–Jewish relationship—forever.
You seem to be saying that Leo Frank may not have been lynched by white gentiles at all…?
We believe that it is still a mystery who actually lynched Leo Frank. Nearly every account of Frank’s lynching says that a vigilante group called the Knights of Mary Phagan committed the act. But beyond a single mention of this group in the New York Times two months before the lynching, no record exists of this group anywhere. The Times was owned by a Jewish southerner named Adolph Ochs, who had actually joined the Leo Frank propaganda campaign. So the so-called Knights of Mary Phagan may have been planted to make a Gentile group take the fall for a lynching that was very likely committed by Jews themselves.
That may seem outrageous, but by the time of his lynching many people—including his Jewish supporters—came to believe Leo Frank was better dead than alive. Frank had such an offensive personality that his main Jewish supporter said that when he first met Frank, he impressed him as “a sexual pervert.” Think about that: Leo Frank was that repellant to his friends and advocates at his very first meeting with them! The man was Albert Lasker and he paid millions (in today’s money) for Frank’s defense, but he privately admitted that he was not even convinced that Frank was innocent. Frank’s repulsive personality just did not jibe with the angelic international image Frank’s public relations team had created for him—that of a humble, innocent, and suffering Jesus figure. That whitewashed image of the man conflicted with the actual character of the man and so, by the time of his lynching in August of 1915, the man himself had outlived his usefulness.
A measure of how expendable Leo Frank was to the Jewish community might be gleaned from his gravesite in New York. It is a remarkably tiny and non-descript headstone for someone who is considered a beloved Jewish martyr. Aside from that, Frank was a president of the B’nai B’rith. One would think that someone who had reached his level of significance would be honored by a grave as magisterial as those surrounding his. We think that it is a sign of Jewish contempt for the man himself. But Frank’s image—as manufactured as it is—lives on.
Are there any surviving members of the Frank family? How do they feel about the NOI’s recent book on the case?
Aside from his wife, Lucille Frank, and mother, there were no other immediate family members involved in the trial. Frank was buried in Brooklyn, where he grew up, and nothing more was heard from his family since.
His victim, Mary Phagan, has relatives who have taken up her cause. They have always believed that Frank was guilty. Interestingly, Mary’s grand niece was named after her—Mary Phagan Kean. As a young girl herself, she learned of the tragedy and began her own quest for the truth. Ms. Kean wrote a book published in 1987 titled The Murder of Little Mary Phagan and she, like us, examined the official records of the case. She concluded that Leo Frank was her great aunt’s murderer. We would venture that the Phagan family might appreciate the detail we have brought to our case analysis. At least we hope they would.
I agree with you Brother. Rittenhouse acted in self-defense to save his own life. It's pretty clear cut from the videos. If Rittenhouse was a Jew and the shot/killed Gentiles, I'd come to the same conclusion. No way any fair court can call it anything else but self-defense.
Kyle is a rare person these days. Kids are so brainwashed and ruined by our immoral trashy pop culture that it takes them way longer to grow up but Kyle has all the qualities a man should try to emulate. Kyle is an American role model. Those pedos deserved to get shot.
Jews supposedly less than 2% of the Population but literally 80% of ANTIFA Members
Lucky Larry 9/11
They act like there the friends of blacks when the family was most likely slave owners.
It was a terrible thing that the 3 felon communist revolutionaries were also of what they call Jewish blood. I don't believe for one second they were actual Jews (religious), but we do know they all three were "ethnic Jews" (which I think is a deplorable term, but they seem to want it). If you look at the documentation on their names and family, this is completely self evident and for some reasonhese kinds of atheistic Jews are drawn to communism like moths to the flame.
Zionism, Communism and Fascism all stem from Labor Socialism—the brainchild of Moses Hess. Labor Socialism split into two factions: Communism and Fascism. Communism advanced by Marx and Engels used class struggle as the dialectic to advance its cause. Fascism championed by Moses Hess is otherwise known as National Socialism and it's adherents exploit racial differences as its dialectic. Zionism
Night 3 of the Kenosha Riots turned deadly as armed citizens defended private property from vandals and looters. Thank the brave reporters who gathered this footage. VIDEOS FROM @Julio_Rosas11 @ElijahSchaffer @livesmattershow @louriealex (Insta) @BGOnTheScene @FromKalen
What you are about to see is part of a two year undercover investigation into the leftist radicalization imbedded within the climate justice movement that contributed to the riots in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In this first video, we are going to show how the Sunrise Movement played a preemptive role in carrying out the mayhem, taking advantage of George Floyd's death and using it as a trigger point, to further push their Green New Deal agenda and promoting the abolition of the police.
"The Communists may express their theory in one statement: destruction of private property." Very short and very precise. This is the true essence of communism. What is property? Property is a set of RIGHTS to own, use, and dispose of property. In other words, the destruction of private property is the destruction of an individual's economic rights to independent activity. After that, the person automatically becomes completely dependent on the state, and all other rights cease to exist. What does destroying human rights mean? Enslavement. After all, how can we tell a slave from a citizen? Only in one way: the citizen has rights, the slave does not.
Watching wignats attack @realnickjfuentes, it's clear many of them are Jews posing as wignats. But others are simply wignats, unaware of how destructive they are for the white race. They promote impossible, leaderless agendas or organizations with provably ineffective leaders who'll never accomplish anything except neutralize our resistance to Jewish hegemony. Wignats spead their influence online without gaining political traction. They get inside right wing spaces and do the Jews' work for them. Sure, sometimes they're funny, but they deeply harm us. And neo-nazis with autism have an unbearable writing style, faux-educated sounding and oblique, eluding to philosophers they've never actually read. Fuck wignats, their shitty writing, and their undigested ideas. Buncha gay retards
White Gentile Organizations & Jewish Community Based Organizations
We have written before about the success of the Jews due to their community-based organizations; They are a nation within a nation with many whose loyalty lies first and foremost with Israel and the Jewish community. The Jews' community organizations generally have little or no loyalty to their host country and as we showed in our previous article. Each of these community groups is linked to hundreds of other umbrella groups around the world. Many Jews are nationalist and Internationals nationalist, working united with most Jewish organizations all over the world as nationalist and one nation. They have World and regional Congresses to keep them united.
The core Jewish population from 2014 was estimated to be 14.2 million and is roughly 0.2% of the world's population. It is astounding how many societies, groups, organizations, committees and associations they have actively run across the globe. Even with all these successful, established groups, the Jewish community is still crying poor about their Jewish identity being in turmoil and they are throwing, even more, money into establishing a sense of Jewish pride and ancestry in the younger generations.
Total Population
Jewish Population
United States
318.9 million (2014)
Between 5.7 and 6.8 million
143.5 million (2013)
66.03 million
64.1 million (2013)
80 million
35.16 million
24 million
Many argue that there are plenty of organizations in the countries listed in the table above who are representing gentile Europeans such as RSL, Rotary, Scouts etc, but it is important to realize that these organizations are not fully representative of gentile Europeans and simply cover interests within specific fields. People need to get active from within these organizations and start to enact change. At the same time, we need a solid international organization to represent the European people.
Europeans are afraid of their cultural identity, for fear of being labeled 'racist.' We discussed the idea of European white guilt and this shame and political correctness have ensured that Europeans (whites and true Jews) are unable to establish the organizations we need to build strong communities and fight for our people. We suggest that you read these articles and the information on the Jewish organizations linked below, and start to build your own organization with a similar structure which is connected to all other relevant groups.
Cultural and Racial Organizations in Britain
Many cultural groups are proud of their organizations; however, people of European heritage are now labeled as 'racist' if they display similar pride. Below is a list of organizations in Britain that represent different colored races, but do not represent British native Europeans. When Europeans have created organizations to represent them, the Equality and Human Rights Commission in Britain has claimed it is practicing discrimination according to race and skin color. For some reason, however, the organizations in Britain listed below are given a free pass as being perfectly acceptable!
The Black Police Association
Black and Asian Therapists Online
BBC Asian Network
Asian Radio
Federation of Black Housing Organizations
Asian Modelling Service UK
Society of Black and Asian Lawyers
Black Lawyers
Asian job UK
Barnardos Chinese Lay Health Project
Black UK
Sussex Black Police Association
Black Students Association
UK Black Teachers Association
Operations Black Vote
UK Asian Business Directory
Asian People Disability Alliance
Asian Arts Agency
Black Enterprise Awards
Black Engineer
AIM Magazine
Natwest Bank (AsianEntrepreneurs Unit)
Asian Voice
Africa Asian Arts Venue
Black Training Enterprise Group
UK Black Pride
Ethnic Minority Foundation
Black And Minority Ethnic Elders
Europeans need to build National & International Community Based Organizations & copy the Jewish B'nai B'rith & Anti-Defamation League Organization Structure
Jewish Community Based Organization, B'nai B'rith International and its Jewish Anti-Defamation League
B'nai B'rith in Hebrew means the = Sons of the covenant B'nai B'rith Moto = Benevolence, sisterly & brotherly love and harmony.
The Menorah or candlestick has seven branches which stand for Light, Justice, Peace, Truth, Benevolence, Brotherly Love and Harmony.
The Menorah is the symbol of the B'nai B'rith. The Menorah which is the ancient universal Jewish symbol of Judaism.
B'nai B'rith is rightwing Jewish Nationalist first and using leftwing socialism ( no free speech) to control its members, and is a left-wing advocacy group.
The B’nai B’rith is one of the largest and the oldest Jewish service organization in the world. Founded by Henry Jones and 11 others on 13 October 1843 in New York City, United States. Jews founded this organization to provide service to their people and it now has men's lodges, women’s chapters and youth organizations all over the world. Its aims are aiding Jewish college students mainly through the Hillel foundation, sponsoring education programs for the youth and adults and promoting welfare in Israel. It has training programs for adults and youth groups who help people during national disasters and gives support to hospitals. In the United States, the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has 28 office domestically as well as offices abroad.
Only Jews are allowed to join the B'nai B'rith. They are committed to helping Jews and the State of Israel and promotes the idea it is fighting so-called anti-Semitism and bigotry, when in fact, it has been accused by Jews and others as anti-Semitic towards Europeans (whites and Jews) and blacks, in that it promotes anti-Semitism and bigotry by promoting open borders and allowing millions of non-Europeans into America and other European countries except Israel .
Education and Publications: Since 1886 the organization has published the oldest Jewish periodical B'nai B'rith magazine in the United States. B'nai B'rith have activities and programs, adult education, career guidance and vocational counselling, youth activities, group relationships, and philosophy.
B’nai B’rith and the Jewish Anti-Defamation League
In 1913 the B’nai B’rith established the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL) to combat so-called anti-Semitism and racism and to fight for Israel.
The opposition has a different opinion on what this organization stands for. For example, they say this organization is the longest running most powerful racist hate group against Europeans (whites & Jews), Africans and Arabs in the world. The ADL have nearly 60 million dollars a year to combat free speech, fight to control race minorities and to help refugees and foreigners come into the United States and other countries.
Europeans who want to teach Europeans their culture need to build a Community Based Organization
The article on right. The B'nai B'rith Jewish Community Based service organization operates nationally and internationally and represents Jews only. Many Jews are nationalist behind the scenes; and in public they promote conservative, liberal, socialist, communist ideas.
Jewish organizations are collective community based organizations, bringing together many groups under national and international congresses all over the world.
Jews are united nationally, internationally and are a nation within a nation with their own government.
White gentile organizations in the United States, Australia, Britain, and Europe are not community based organizations, they are conservative structured. Conservative organizations are not collectives and do not build Anti-Defamation organizations to fight for people rights and do not promote community services to their people. They do not have national or international congresses to unite them.
Alex Jones (Infowars) said conservative will not defeat the globalist only nationalist will do that. Alex was talking about national ideas and organizations.
As well as presiding as President of the World Jewish Congress, Lauder is also President of the Jewish National Fund, which openly promotes Israeli occupation on Palestinian land. This is currently illegal under international law.
Below is a map of all the different affiliates and branches that the World Jewish Congress have established back in 1953 before there were internet and ease of global communication. They built an international community organizations to promote and ensure the Jewish Diaspora were catered for around the globe.
The Jewish community have built powerful organizations from literally nothing, which operates as independent nations within all host countries. Many Jews promote patriotism, loyalty to the Jewish community, Israel first and foremost. There are Jews of course, who are very loyal to western countries and some work with the Jewish community even though they have a great love for America, Australia, and Europe.
We have outlined a few of the biggest Jewish organizations to give you an idea of how good community groups breed success .
World Jewish Congress
The World Jewish Congress (WJC) was founded in Geneva, Switzerland of August 1936, and promotes the idea that it represents the international federation of Jewish organizations and communities. Membership is open to Jews only, irrespective of the social, political or economic ideology of the community's host country.
A growing number of people argue that this organization has too much power over western countries, especially considering the small percentage of Jews world population. Jews actually represent. In the United Nations Economic and Social Council it has special consultative status and they also have a Research Institute based in Jerusalem, Israel, which does research on a variety of issues concerning Jews.
Jews World Regional Congresses
WJC presents five regional congresses and are also in charge of the Israel Council of Foreign Relations and the European Jewish Parliament. From May 2013, French Banker Baron David Rene de Rothschild was elected as chairman of the WJC Governing Board.
During the 1960s the World Jewish Congress was involved in the United States civil rights movement and were behind opening American borders to non-European immigration. In more recent times they have been pushing the flood of immigrants into Europe which led to the 2015 Immigration Crisis. These immigrants are attacking the Jewish community and forcing Jews out of many European countries. When the European indigenous population campaigned against this invasion, they were publicly labeled by Jewish organizations as "racist, bigots, extremists, anti-Semitic and islamophobic", just for trying to defend their lands and culture. Jewish organizations ensures that Israel has closed borders to third world immigration and carry out everything in their power to keep Israel pure for Jews while ensuring the media gives it very little attention in order to keep most of the world in the dark about their hypocritical policies.
European Jewish Congress Zionist Globalist Run
Dr. MOSHE KANTOR Pres. European Jewish Congress
European Jewish Congress
The European Jewish Congress or EJC (formerly known as European Jewish Union or EJU) is a non-govenrment organization based in Brussels, Belgium, Europe. The aim of the EJC is a unit structure for all Jewish communities and organizations throughout Western, Eastern and Central Europe. The European Jewish Congress was the brainchild of Ukrainian billionaire Vadim Rabinovich and officially established in 1986. The European Jewish Congress is the most influential European organization in Europe, representing around 42 national Jewish communities comprising more than 2.5 million Jews in Europe. Jewish community base organizations are so well developed that 2.5 million Jews have more power then the total European population of about 743.1 million (2015) people living in Europe and have more power then all the European Governments in Europe.
World Jewish Congress
The European Jewish Congress is affiliated with the World Jewish Congress, and their headquaters are in New York City, United States and the organization maintains office in Paris, France. Before the establishment of EJC, European Jewish issues were dealt with by the European branch of the World Jewish Congress (WJC). Today the EJC is the regional affiliate of the WJC as the sole political organizational representative of European Jewry in Europe.
The Former European Jewish Union
The European Jewish Congress formally known as the European Jewish Union is a non-Government organization based in Brussels, Belgium, Europe and was founded in the spring of 2011. Its stated aim is to be a uniting structure for all Jewish communities and organizations throughout Western, Eastern and Central Europe. The European Jewish Union established a European Jewish Parliament comprising of 120 members from 50 countries and is modelled on the Israeli parliament called Knesset. This parliament says that its aim is to represent the concerns of the Jewish Diaspora in the European Union and other European Countries.
The EJC protects the interests of its affiliated communities, working daily with European Union institutions and officials, the Council of Europe (where the EJC has participatory status) and national governments and parliaments. According to Wikipedia: "The EJCintends to protect human rights, fight xenophobia and anti-Semitism, promote interfaith dialogue, implement cultural and educational programmes, and remember the Holocaust and other events that killed millions of people. To meet these goals, the EJC has initiated and organized several large international projects, in particular the Let My People Live! international forums.....Another important issue on the EJC's agenda is preventing nuclear terrorism."
The International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians (ICJP) is a project supported by the Knesset, the World Jewish Congress, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israel Forum. Its goal is to bring together Jewish legislators and parliamentarians from around the world to engage in a dialogue of cooperation to achieve the goals of the ICJP's Mission.
International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians
The International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians (ICJP) was founded in 2002 to involve Jewish parliamentarians and lawmakers from all over the world to representing the Jewish voice. Their members come from all over the globe including the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Tunisia and Canada though many Jews say it is not representative of their needs.
The Parliamentarians are sponsored by the World Jewish Congress. A newly elected Steering committee representing Jewish lawmakers from all the worlds’ continents. At a meeting in the City of Jerusalem, Israel unanimously elected Fiamma Nirenstein, 65years, a member of the Italian Chambers of Deputies, as its head.
ICJP MISSION AND STRUCTUREMembers of the Steering Committee
Rep. Eliot Engel (U.S.A., Chairman)
Rep. Gary L. Ackerman (U.S.A., Chairman Emeritus)
Mr. Mark Adler, MP (Canada)
Ms. Luciana Berger, MP (UK)
Prof. Irwin Cotler, MP (Canada)
Mr. Michael Danby, MP (Australia)
M.K. Yuli-Yoel Edelstein (Israel)
Mr. Luis Fishman, MP (Costa Rica)
Dr. János Fánagy, MP, Secretary of State, (Hungary)
M.K. Shai Hermesh (Israel)
Lord Janner of Braunstone, QC (UK, Founding Chairman)
Rep. Nita Lowey (U.S.A.)
Councilman Floriano Pesaro (Brazil)
Mrs. Viviane Teitelbaum, MP (Belgium)
Zionism takes power in Europe. Ukrainian money backing a Jewish Parliament that will ensure Israeli policies are expanded into Europe.
“On Thursday 16th February, in the European Parliament, Brussels, 120 members of the elected Jewish European Parliament held their inaugural session to discuss the fears of European jews. Why is a jewish European parliament a good idea?